path: root/926/CH8/EX8.5
diff options
authorprashantsinalkar2017-10-10 12:27:19 +0530
committerprashantsinalkar2017-10-10 12:27:19 +0530
commit7f60ea012dd2524dae921a2a35adbf7ef21f2bb6 (patch)
treedbb9e3ddb5fc829e7c5c7e6be99b2c4ba356132c /926/CH8/EX8.5
parentb1f5c3f8d6671b4331cef1dcebdf63b7a43a3a2b (diff)
initial commit / add all books
Diffstat (limited to '926/CH8/EX8.5')
2 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/926/CH8/EX8.5/Chapter8_Example5.sce b/926/CH8/EX8.5/Chapter8_Example5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a105fc42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/926/CH8/EX8.5/Chapter8_Example5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+//Hougen O.A., Watson K.M., Ragatz R.A., 2004. Chemical process principles Part-1: Material and Energy Balances(II Edition). CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, pp 504
+//Chapter-8, Illustration 5, Page 281
+//Title: Calculation of enthalpy of steam
+T = [350 32]; //Given and liquid state temperature of steam in degree F
+P = 50; //Given pressure in psi
+TS = 281; //Saturation temperature of steam at 50 psi in degree F obtained from Table 5 Page 83
+CP1 = 1.006; //Mean specific heat of water between 32-281 degree F in BTU per lb degree F
+CP2 = 9.2; //Mean heat capacity of water vapor between 32-281 degree F in BTU per lb-mole degree F
+lamda1 = 924; //Latent heat of vaporization of water at 281 degree F in BTU per lb
+MW = 18; //Molecular weight of water in lb/lb-mole
+lamda2 = (TS-T(2))*CP1; //Enthalpy of liquid water at 281 degree F in BTU per lb
+lamda3 = (T(1)-TS)*CP2/MW; //Superheat of vapor in BTU per lb
+lamda = lamda1+lamda2+lamda3; //Total enyhalpy in BTU per lb
+// Console Output
+mprintf('\n Total enthalpy of 1 lb steam = %5.1f BTU per lb',lamda);
+// File Output
+fd= mopen('.\Chapter8_Example5_Output.txt','w');
+mfprintf(fd,'\n Total enthalpy of 1 lb steam = %5.1f BTU per lb',lamda);
+//=============================END OF PROGRMAM=================================
+// Remark
+// Difference between the solution computed by scilab and that given in book is due to round off error. For instance, enthalpy computed by (281-32)*1.006 should be 250.494 and not 2501. as printed in the textbook.
diff --git a/926/CH8/EX8.5/Chapter8_Example5_Output.txt b/926/CH8/EX8.5/Chapter8_Example5_Output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bc70dc7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/926/CH8/EX8.5/Chapter8_Example5_Output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ Total enthalpy of 1 lb steam = 1209.8 BTU per lb \ No newline at end of file