path: root/767/CH7
diff options
authorpriyanka2015-06-24 15:03:17 +0530
committerpriyanka2015-06-24 15:03:17 +0530
commitb1f5c3f8d6671b4331cef1dcebdf63b7a43a3a2b (patch)
treeab291cffc65280e58ac82470ba63fbcca7805165 /767/CH7
initial commit / add all books
Diffstat (limited to '767/CH7')
14 files changed, 1109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.2.1/Ch07Exa7_2_1.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.2.1/Ch07Exa7_2_1.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..24b4b84a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.2.1/Ch07Exa7_2_1.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.2.1: To calculate the energy of alpha particle 308 (2011)
+ E_p = 30; // Energy required for one pair, eV
+ n = 150000; // Number of pairs
+ E_a = n*E_p/10^6; // Energy of alpha particle, Mev
+ printf("\n The energy of alpha particle : %3.1f Mev", E_a)
+// Result
+// The energy of alpha particle : 4.5 Mev
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.3.1/Ch07Exa7_3_1.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.3.1/Ch07Exa7_3_1.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..597e59cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.3.1/Ch07Exa7_3_1.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.3.1: To calculate the pulse height of ionising particle 308 (2011)
+ E = 5.48e+06; // Energy of alpha particle, eV
+ C = 50e-012; // Capacitance of the chamber, F
+ R = 10^6; // Resistance, ohm
+ E_p = 35; // Energy required to produced an ion pair, eV
+ n = E/E_p; // Number of ion pair produced
+ e = 1.6e-019; // Charge of an electron, C
+ V =( n*e)/C; // Pulse height, V
+ I = V/R; // current produced, A
+ printf("\n The pulse height = %4.3e V \n Current produced = %5.3e A", V,I)
+// Result
+// The pulse height = 5.010e-004 V
+ //Current produced = 5.010e-010 A
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.3.2/Ch07Exa7_3_2.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.3.2/Ch07Exa7_3_2.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4760ce954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.3.2/Ch07Exa7_3_2.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.3.2: To calculate the kinetic energy and amount of charge collected on plate 309 (2011)
+ E_p = 35; // Energy required to produced an ion pair, eV
+ n = 10^5; // Number of ion pair produced
+ e = 1.6e-019; // Charge of an electron, C
+ E_k = E_p*n/10^6; // Kinetic energy of the proton, MeV
+ A = n*e; // The amount of charge collected on each plate, C
+ printf("\n The kinetic energy of the proton = %3.1f MeV \n The amount of charge collected on each plate = %3.1e C ", E_k, A)
+// Result
+ // The kinetic energy of the proton = 3.5 MeV
+// The amount of charge collected on each plate = 1.6e-014 C
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.4.1/Ch07Exa7_4_1.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.4.1/Ch07Exa7_4_1.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5048568c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.4.1/Ch07Exa7_4_1.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.4.1: To calculate the charge flow in a counter and height of voltage pulses 310 (2011)
+ E_p = 30; // Energy required to produced an ion pair, eV
+ M = 1000; // Multiplication factor
+ e = 1.6e-019; // Charge of an electron, C
+ t = 10^-3; // Time, s
+ R = 10^5; // Resistance, ohm
+ E_k = 20*10^6; // Kinetic energy of the proton, eV
+ n = E_k/E_p; // Number of ion pairs produced
+ n_a = n*M; // Number of ion-pair after multiplication
+ Q = n_a*e; // Charge carried by these ion, C
+ I = Q/t; // The current through 100-ohm resistance, A
+ A = I*R; // ,The amplitude of voltage pulse, V
+ printf("\n The current through 100-ohm resistance = %6.4e A \n The amplitude of voltage pulse = %6.4e V ", I, A)
+// Result
+// The current through 100-ohm resistance = 1.0667e-007 A
+// The amplitude of voltage pulse = 1.0667e-002 V
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.4.2/Ch07Exa7_4_2.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.4.2/Ch07Exa7_4_2.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d9f94945e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.4.2/Ch07Exa7_4_2.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.4.2: To calculate the electric field at the surface of wire 310 (2011)
+ V = 1500; // Potential difference, V
+ a = 0.0001; // Radius of the wire, m
+ b = 0.02; // Radius of the cylinderical tube, m
+ r = 0.0001; // Distance of electric field from the surface, m
+ E_r = V/(r*log(b/a)); // the electric field at the surface, V/m
+ printf("\n The electric field at the surface : %4.2e V/m", E_r)
+// Result
+// The electric field at the surface : 2.83e+006 V/m
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.5.1/Ch07Exa7_5_1.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.5.1/Ch07Exa7_5_1.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7dc2c7392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.5.1/Ch07Exa7_5_1.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.5.1: To calculate the electric field at the surface of wire of G.M. counter 311 (2011)
+ V = 2000; // Potential difference, V
+ a = 0.01; // Radius of the wire, cm
+ b = 2; // Radius of the cylinderical tube, cm
+ r = 0.01; // Radius of the wire, m
+ E_r = V/(r*log(b/a)); // the electric field at the surface, V/m
+ printf("\n The electric field at the surface : %d V/cm", E_r)
+// Result
+// The electric field at the surface : 37747 V/cm
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.5.2/Ch07Exa7_5_2.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.5.2/Ch07Exa7_5_2.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bb8a02c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.5.2/Ch07Exa7_5_2.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.5.2: To calculate the life of G.M. counter 312 (2011)
+ n_t = 10^9; // Total number of counts
+ n_d = 2000*3*60; // Count recorded per day
+ n_y = n_d*365; // Counts recorded in 365-days
+ t = n_t/n_y; // The life of G.M. counter, year
+printf("\nThe life of G.M. counter : %4.2f year", t)
+// Result
+// The life of G.M. counter : 7.61 year
+ //
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.5.3/Ch07Exa7_5_3.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.5.3/Ch07Exa7_5_3.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a1323e5bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.5.3/Ch07Exa7_5_3.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.5.3: To calculate the voltage pulse of G.M. counter 312 (2011)
+ E_p = 30; // Energy required for one electron pair, eV
+ E = 10e+06 ; // Energy lost by alpha particle, eV
+ n = E/E_p; // Number of ion-pairs produced
+ M = 5000; // Multiplication factor
+ C = 50e-012; // Capacitance, F
+ n_M = n*M; // Number of ion-pairs after multiplication
+ e = 1.6e-019; // Charge of an electron, C
+ Q = n_M*e; // Charge present in each ion
+ A = Q/C; // Amplitude of voltage pulse, V
+ printf("\n Amplitude of voltage pulse : %3.1f V", A)
+// Result
+ // Amplitude of voltage pulse : 5.3 V
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.5.4/Ch07Exa7_5_4.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.5.4/Ch07Exa7_5_4.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fac8b727f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.5.4/Ch07Exa7_5_4.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.5.4: To estimate the true count rate of G.M. counter 312 (2011)
+ n = 30000; // Count per minute
+ n_o = n/60; // Observed count rate, count/s
+ t = 2e-04; // Dead time, s
+ n_t = round(n_o/(1-n_o*t)); // The true count rate, count/s
+ printf("\n The true count rate : %d counts/s", n_t)
+// Result
+ // The true count rate : 556 counts/s
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.6.1/Ch07Exa7_6_1.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.6.1/Ch07Exa7_6_1.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..15c3e1731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.6.1/Ch07Exa7_6_1.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.6.1: To calculate the energy resolution of gamma rays emitted by Na-22 for channel first and second 313 (2011)
+// For 511 KeV gamma rays (for channel first)
+F_W_H_M_1 = 97; // Frequency width at half maximum for channel first
+P_pos_1 = 1202; // Peak position for channel first
+Res_KeV_1 = F_W_H_M_1/P_pos_1*511; // Resolution in KeV for channel first
+// For 1275 KeV gamma rays (for channel second)
+F_W_H_M_2 = 82; // Frequency width at half maximum for channel second
+P_pos_2 = 1202; // Peak position for channel second
+Res_KeV_2 = round(F_W_H_M_2/P_pos_2*1275); // Resolution in KeV for channel second
+ printf("\n Resolution for channel first = %d KeV \n Resolution for channel second = %d KeV ",Res_KeV_1, Res_KeV_2)
+ // Result
+// Resolution for channel first = 41 KeV
+// Resolution for channel second = 87 KeV
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.6.2/Ch07Exa7_6_2.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.6.2/Ch07Exa7_6_2.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..44c5b8bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.6.2/Ch07Exa7_6_2.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.6.2 : To calculate the amplitude of output voltage pulse for NaI(Tl) 314 (2011)
+e = 1.6e-019; // Charge of an electron, C
+n = 4.2e+08; // Number of photoelectrons
+C = 200e-012; // Capacitance, F
+A = n*e/C; // Amplitude of output voltage pulse, V
+printf("\n Amplitude of output voltage pulse : %4.2f V ",A)
+// Result
+// Amplitude of output voltage pulse : 0.34 V
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.6.3/Ch07Exa7_6_3.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.6.3/Ch07Exa7_6_3.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b156ee63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.6.3/Ch07Exa7_6_3.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.6.3 : To calculate the %-resolution and resolution in KeV for scintillation detector for Cs-137 315 (2011)
+F_W_H_M = 0.72; // Full width at half maximum, V
+P_p = 6.0; // Peak position, V
+E = 662; // Energy of photopeak, KeV
+%_resolution = F_W_H_M/P_p*100; // Percentage resolution in percent
+Res_KeV = %_resolution/100*E; // Resolution in KeV for Cs-137
+printf("\n The percentage resolution = %d percent \n Resolution in KeV = %4.1f KeV ", %_resolution, Res_KeV)
+// Result
+// The percentage resolution = 12 percent
+// Resolution in KeV = 79.4 KeV
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.7.1/Ch07Exa7_7_1.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.7.1/Ch07Exa7_7_1.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..559082e5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.7.1/Ch07Exa7_7_1.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.7.1 : To calculate the thickness of depletion layer of silicon detector and amplitude of voltage pulse 316 (2011)
+E_r = 12; // Relative permittivity
+E_o = 8.85e-012; // Permittivity of free space
+E = E_r*E_o; // Absolute dielectric constant
+C = 100e-012; // Capacitance of the dielectric, F
+A = 1.6e-04; // Area of the detector, m^2
+e = 1.602e-019; // Charge of an electrin, C
+E_p = 3.2; // Energy required to create an ion pair, eV
+E_s = 12e+06; // Energy required to stopped ion pair, eV
+n = E_s/E_p; // Number of ion-pair produced
+Q = n*e; // Charge of these ion pair, C
+d = A*E/(C*10^-6); // The thickness of the depletion layer, micron
+A = Q/C*1000; // The amplitude of voltage pulse, mV
+printf("\n The thickness of the depletion layer = %d micron \n The amplitude of voltage pulse: = %6.4f mV ", d, A)
+// Result
+// The thickness of the depletion layer = 169 micron
+// The amplitude of voltage pulse: = 6.0075 mV
diff --git a/767/CH7/EX7.7.2/Ch07Exa7_7_2.sci b/767/CH7/EX7.7.2/Ch07Exa7_7_2.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f4e0e2203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/767/CH7/EX7.7.2/Ch07Exa7_7_2.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Scilab code Exa7.7.2 : To calculate the capacitance and the amplitude of voltage pulse across the detector :Page 316 (2011)
+E_r = 12; // Relative permittivity
+E_o = 8.85e-012; // Permittivity of free space
+E = E_r*E_o; // Absolute dielectric constant
+A = 2e-04; // Area of the detector, m^2
+e = 1.602e-019; // Charge of an electron, C
+d = 100e-06; // The thickness of the depletion layer, m
+C = E*A/d; // The capacitance of the dielectric, F
+E_p = 3.0; // Energy required to create an ion pair, eV
+E_s = 5.48e+06; // Energy required to stopped ion pair, eV
+n = E_s/E_p; // Number of ion-pair produced
+Q = n*e; // Charge of these ion pair, C
+A = Q/C*1000; // The amplitude of voltage pulse, mV
+printf("\n The capacitance of dielectric = %5.3e F \n The amplitude of voltage pulse = %5.3f mV ", C, A)
+// Result
+// The capacitance of dielectric = 2.124e-010 F
+// The amplitude of voltage pulse = 1.378 mV