path: root/3830/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce
diff options
authorprashantsinalkar2018-02-03 11:01:52 +0530
committerprashantsinalkar2018-02-03 11:01:52 +0530
commit7bc77cb1ed33745c720952c92b3b2747c5cbf2df (patch)
tree449d555969bfd7befe906877abab098c6e63a0e8 /3830/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce
parentd1e070fe2d77c8e7f6ba4b0c57b1b42e26349059 (diff)
Added new codeHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to '3830/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3830/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce b/3830/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fada4fe29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3830/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Exa 7.1
+// Given
+NonLinearity = 1 ; // in percentage
+P = 5; //Power rating in Watts
+StepSize = 50; // in Ohms
+Rmin = 10 ; // in Ohms
+Rmax = 10000 ; // in Ohms
+// Solution
+printf('Max Error in linearity - Non-linearity = 1 percent \n');
+printf(' Therefore, Rp/Rm should be less than 0.1 \n');
+// If Rp/Rm < 0.1
+// per_Error = 15 * (Rp/Rm)
+// Therefore
+Rp = (1/15)*Rmax;
+printf(' If Rp/Rm < 0.1 \n Therefore we can choose a potentiometer with a total resistance Rp = %.2f Ohms at the maximum. Any value of Rp less than %.2f Ohms would be all right as far as the non-linearity is concerned \n',Rp,Rp);
+printf(' However, lower the value of Rp lower will be the sensitivity. Therefore we choose 650 Ohms potentiometer from the family, which will have maximum sensitivity and at the same time have non-linearity less than 10 percent \n');
+Rp_selected = 650; // Ohms
+Max_Ecx = sqrt(P*Rp_selected);
+s = Max_Ecx/360; //Sensitivity
+printf(' The senstivity of potentiometer = %.2f V/degree \n',s);