path: root/3830/CH1/EX1.16/Ex1_16.sce
diff options
authorprashantsinalkar2018-02-03 11:01:52 +0530
committerprashantsinalkar2018-02-03 11:01:52 +0530
commit7bc77cb1ed33745c720952c92b3b2747c5cbf2df (patch)
tree449d555969bfd7befe906877abab098c6e63a0e8 /3830/CH1/EX1.16/Ex1_16.sce
parentd1e070fe2d77c8e7f6ba4b0c57b1b42e26349059 (diff)
Added new codeHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to '3830/CH1/EX1.16/Ex1_16.sce')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3830/CH1/EX1.16/Ex1_16.sce b/3830/CH1/EX1.16/Ex1_16.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e11e5ebcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3830/CH1/EX1.16/Ex1_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Exa 1.16
+// Given
+// Refer Fig.1.74
+Rmv = 200; // Voltmeter resistance in Ohms
+Vt = 3; // Terminal voltage(V)
+S = 1; // Sensitivity in mm/microV
+Rmi = 100; // Galvanometer resistance in Ohms
+Deflection = 250; // in mm
+S1 = 5; // sesitivity of second galvanometer in mm/micro Amp
+Ri = 1000; // Internal resistance of 2nd galvanometer
+// Solution
+Ig = Deflection/S;
+printf(' Current through the galvanometer = %d micro Amp \n',Ig);
+Rtotal = Rmv+Rmi;
+Vrtotal = Rtotal*Ig*10^-6; // in Volts
+Ek = Vt - Vrtotal;
+printf('The emf of the unknown source = %.3f V \n',Ek);
+printf('1 mm correspponds to 1 micro Amp. Therefore, Resolution = %d micro V/mm \n',Rtotal);
+printf('For galvanometer A, 1 mm deflection for 300 mV. So, Sa = 1/300 mm/microV \n');
+Sa = 1/300; // Sensitivity of galvanometer A in mm/micro V
+printf('For galvanometer B, - \n');
+Rbtotal = Ri+Rmv;
+// A 5mm deflcetion is caused by 1200 micro V
+printf('Sb = 5/1200 mm/microV \n'); // mm/microV
+printf('Galvanometer B provides the amplified sensitivity i.e, Since, Sb>Sa \n');