path: root/3773/CH21
diff options
authorprashantsinalkar2017-10-10 12:27:19 +0530
committerprashantsinalkar2017-10-10 12:27:19 +0530
commit7f60ea012dd2524dae921a2a35adbf7ef21f2bb6 (patch)
treedbb9e3ddb5fc829e7c5c7e6be99b2c4ba356132c /3773/CH21
parentb1f5c3f8d6671b4331cef1dcebdf63b7a43a3a2b (diff)
initial commit / add all books
Diffstat (limited to '3773/CH21')
7 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3773/CH21/EX21.1/Ex21_1.sce b/3773/CH21/EX21.1/Ex21_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae615938d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH21/EX21.1/Ex21_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Chapter 21: Antenna Measurements
+//Example 21-2.1
+//Variable Initialization
+f = 900e6 //Frequency (Hz)
+len = 25e-3 //Length of antenna (m)
+len_cell = 110e-3 //Length of handset chassis (m)
+c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s)
+del_L = 0.5 //Peak to Peak measurement uncertainty (dB)
+Dm = len + len_cell //Maximum Dimension of antenna (m)
+wave_lt = c/f //Wavelength (m)
+r_rnf = (wave_lt/(2*%pi)) //Outer boundary of reactive near field (m)
+r_ff = 2*(Dm**2)/wave_lt //Fraunhofer region (m)
+r2_ff = r_rnf/(10**(del_L/40)-1) //Minimum distance where effect of near field is small (m)
+r3_ff = 2*Dm/(10**(del_L/10)-1) //Minimum distance where effect of rotation of AUT is small (m)
+mprintf( "The Outer boundary of reactive near field is at a distance %.3f m",r_rnf)
+mprintf( "\nThe Fraunhofer region starts at a distance %.3f m",r_ff)
+mprintf( "\nThe Minimum distance where effect of near field is small enough is %.1f m",r2_ff)
+mprintf( "\nThe Minimum distance where effect of rotation of AUT is small enough is %.1f m",r3_ff)
diff --git a/3773/CH21/EX21.2/Ex21_2.sce b/3773/CH21/EX21.2/Ex21_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6021e28f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH21/EX21.2/Ex21_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Chapter 21: Antenna Measurements
+//Example 21-2.2
+//Variable Initialization
+horn_len = 350e-3 //Length of horn (m)
+ap_wid = 200e-3 //Aperture width (m)
+ap_hei = 150e-3 //Aperture height (m)
+del_L = 0.2 //Peak to peak uncertainty (dB)
+f = 10e9 //Frequency (Hz)
+c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s)
+wave_lt = c/f //Wavelength (m)
+r_rnf = wave_lt/(2*%pi) ////Outer boundary of reactive near field (m)
+r_ff = 2*(ap_wid**2)/wave_lt //Fraunhofer region (m)
+r2_ff = r_rnf/(10**(del_L/40)-1) //Minimum distance where effect of near field is small (m)
+r3_ff = 2*horn_len/(10**(del_L/10)-1) //Minimum distance where effect of rotation of AUT is small (m)
+mprintf( "The Outer boundary of reactive near field is at a distance %.4f m",r_rnf)
+mprintf( "\nThe Fraunhofer region starts at a distance %.1f m",r_ff)
+mprintf( "\nThe Minimum distance where effect of near field is small enough is %.2f m",r2_ff)
+mprintf( "\nThe Minimum distance where effect of rotation of AUT is small enough is %.1f m", r3_ff)
diff --git a/3773/CH21/EX21.3/Ex21_3.sce b/3773/CH21/EX21.3/Ex21_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c70e4c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH21/EX21.3/Ex21_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Chapter 21: Antenna Measurements
+//Example 21-2.3
+//Variable Initialization
+D = 0.5 //Antenna diameter (m)
+f = 300e9 //Frequency (Hz)
+c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s)
+wave_lt = c/f //Wavelength (m)
+r_ff = 2*(D**2)/wave_lt //Fraunhofer region (m)
+mprintf("The Fraunhofer region starts at a distance %d m", r_ff)
+mprintf("\nAt 300 GHz the attenuation of the atmosphere is around 10dB/km making the measurement difficult in full-size ranges")
diff --git a/3773/CH21/EX21.4/Ex21_4.sce b/3773/CH21/EX21.4/Ex21_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..284f31487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH21/EX21.4/Ex21_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//Chapter 21: Antenna Measurements
+//Example 21-4.1
+//Variable Initialization
+D = 1 //Diameter of antenna (m)
+f = 10e9 //Frequency (Hz)
+c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s)
+wave_lt = c/f //Wavelength (m)
+hpbw = 70*wave_lt/D //Half power beamwidth (degrees)
+mea_dist = 2*(D**2)/wave_lt //Measurement distance (m)
+trav_dist = hpbw*%pi*mea_dist/180 //Traverse distance (m)
+taper = ((0.5/(trav_dist/2))**2)*(-3) //Amplitude taper (dB)
+mprintf("The amplitude taper is %.1f dB", taper)
diff --git a/3773/CH21/EX21.5/Ex21_5.sce b/3773/CH21/EX21.5/Ex21_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89bc80c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH21/EX21.5/Ex21_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Chapter 21: Antenna Measurements
+//Example 21-4.2
+//Variable Initialization
+pat_lev1 = -22.3 //Pattern level maximum (dB)
+pat_lev2 = -23.7 //Pattern level minimum (dB)
+S = abs(pat_lev2-pat_lev1) //Amplitude ripple (dB)
+a = (pat_lev1+pat_lev2)/2 //Pattern level (dB)
+R = a + 20*log10((10**(S/20) - 1)/(10**(S/20) + 1)) //Reflectivity (dB)
+mprintf("The reflectivity is %.1f dB", R)
diff --git a/3773/CH21/EX21.6/Ex21_6.sce b/3773/CH21/EX21.6/Ex21_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b8463507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH21/EX21.6/Ex21_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Chapter 21: Antenna Measurements
+//Example 21-5.1
+//Variable Initialization
+En = 1 //Field illuminating the AUT (unitless)
+tilt_diff = 88 //Difference in tilt angles (degrees)
+En_pol = En*sin(tilt_diff*%pi/180) //Co-polar component of field (unitless)
+En_crosspol = En*cos(tilt_diff*%pi/180) //Cross-polar component of field (unitless)
+meas_cross = 20*log10(En_crosspol)
+mprintf("The measure cross-polar level is %d dB relative to the co-polar field",meas_cross)
diff --git a/3773/CH21/EX21.7/Ex21_7.sce b/3773/CH21/EX21.7/Ex21_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c1a93ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH21/EX21.7/Ex21_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 21: Antenna Measurements
+//Example 21-5.2
+//Variable Initialization
+f = 1.4e9 //Frequency (Hz)
+Tant = 687 //Increase in antenna temperature (K)
+phy_ap = 2210 //Physical aperture (m^2)
+S = 1590 //Flux density of Cygnus A (Jy)
+k = 1.38e-23 //Boltzmann's constant (J/k)
+c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s)
+wave_lt = c/f //Wavelength (m)
+gain = (8*%pi*k*Tant)/(S*(10**-26)*wave_lt**2) //Gain(unitless)
+gain_db = 10*log10(gain) //Gain (dBi)
+Ae = gain*wave_lt**2/(4*%pi) //Effective area (m^2)
+eff_ap = Ae/phy_ap //Aperture efficiency (unitless)
+mprintf("The gain of the antenna is %d dBi", gain_db)
+mprintf("\nThe aperture efficiency is %.2f or %.1f percent",eff_ap,eff_ap*100)