path: root/122/CH2
diff options
authorpriyanka2015-06-24 15:03:17 +0530
committerpriyanka2015-06-24 15:03:17 +0530
commitb1f5c3f8d6671b4331cef1dcebdf63b7a43a3a2b (patch)
treeab291cffc65280e58ac82470ba63fbcca7805165 /122/CH2
initial commit / add all books
Diffstat (limited to '122/CH2')
-rwxr-xr-x122/CH2/EX2.b.14/figB2_14_a.jpgbin0 -> 24937 bytes
-rwxr-xr-x122/CH2/EX2.b.14/figB2_14_b.jpgbin0 -> 19630 bytes
-rwxr-xr-x122/CH2/EX2.b.4/figB2_4.jpgbin0 -> 54004 bytes
11 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.4/exa2_4.sce b/122/CH2/EX2.4/exa2_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0d4205cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.4/exa2_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Example2-4
+// Conversion from state space to transfer function model
+// Please edit the path below
+// cd "/your code directory/";
+// exec("transferf.sci");
+A = [0 1 0; 0 0 1;-5 -25 -5];
+B = [0; 25; -120];
+C = [1 0 0];
+D = [0];
+G = transferf(A,B,C,D);
+disp(G,'transfer function = ');
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.a.11/exaA_2_11.sce b/122/CH2/EX2.a.11/exaA_2_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7a9edcec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.a.11/exaA_2_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Example A-2-11
+// Conversion from state space model to transfer function model
+// for a Single Input Single Output System
+clear; clc; close;
+// Please edit the path below
+// cd "/your code directory/";
+// exec("transferf.sci");
+A = [-1 1 0; 0 -1 1; 0 0 -2];
+B = [0; 0; 1];
+C = [1 0 0];
+D = [0];
+Htf = transferf(A,B,C,D); // Htf is the tranfer function
+disp(Htf,'Htf ='); // polynomial. ie. Htf = num / den
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.a.12/exaA_2_12.sce b/122/CH2/EX2.a.12/exaA_2_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8000082a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.a.12/exaA_2_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Example A-2-12
+// Conversion from state space model to transfer function model
+// for a multiple input multiple output system
+clear; clc; close;
+// Please edit the path below
+// cd "/your code directory/";
+// exec("transferf.sci");
+A = [0 1; -25 -4];
+B = [1 1; 0 1];
+C = [1 0; 0 1];
+D = [0 0; 0 0];
+Htf = transferf(A,B,C,D) // Htf is the tranfer function matrix,
+disp(Htf,'Htf ='); // with four transfer functions -
+ // Htf(1,1),Htf(1,2),Htf(2,1),Htf(2,2);
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.a.7/exaA_2_7.sce b/122/CH2/EX2.a.7/exaA_2_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..392d82378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.a.7/exaA_2_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Example A-2-7
+// Transfer function to controllable form (state space)
+clear; clc;close;mode(0);
+s = %s;
+Num = 2*s^3 + s^2 + s + 2; n = coeff(Num);
+Den = s^3 + 4*s^2 + 5*s + 2; d = coeff(Den);
+for i = 1:4 ; b(i) = n(5 - i); a(i) = d(5 - i); end
+// Method 1
+_beta(1) = b(1);
+_beta(2) = b(2) - a(2)*_beta(1);
+_beta(3) = b(3) - a(2)*_beta(2) - a(3)*_beta(1);
+_beta(4) = b(4) - a(2)*_beta(3) - a(3)*_beta(2) - a(4)*_beta(1);
+A = [0 1 0; 0 0 1; -d(1:3)]
+B = _beta(2:4)
+C = [1 0 0 ]
+D = b(1)
+// method 2
+H2 = cont_frm(Num,Den)
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.b.14/excB_2_14.sce b/122/CH2/EX2.b.14/excB_2_14.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1fb9b25d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.b.14/excB_2_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Exercise B-2-14
+// An illustration on Linearization
+// Linearize the function y = f(x) = 0.2*x^3 at x=2
+// SOLUTION : y = 2.4*x - 3.2
+// Let us observe graphically the linear approximation
+// and the error, and percentage error
+clear; clc; xdel(winsid());
+x = 0.05:0.05:5;
+y = 0.2 * x .^ 3;
+yl = 2.4 * x - 3.2 ; // this is not a linear system!
+err = abs(y - yl); //Error in approximation
+errpc = err ./ y * 100; //Percentage error
+plot2d(x,yl,style=3,leg="linearized system");
+xtitle('Original and linearized system','x','y');
+plot2d(x,errpc,style=5,rect=[1 0 3 100]);
+plot2d(x, 10 * ones(1,length(x)) ,style=2,leg="10% error margin" );
+xtitle('Percentage Error','x','% error');
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.b.14/figB2_14_a.jpg b/122/CH2/EX2.b.14/figB2_14_a.jpg
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e75c17462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.b.14/figB2_14_a.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.b.14/figB2_14_b.jpg b/122/CH2/EX2.b.14/figB2_14_b.jpg
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..624e85ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.b.14/figB2_14_b.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.b.4/excB_2_4.sce b/122/CH2/EX2.b.4/excB_2_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f43fca5e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.b.4/excB_2_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Exercise B-2-4
+// Plotting the response of different types of controllers
+// to unit step and unit ramp input.
+clear; clc; xdel(winsid());
+Kp = 4; //proportional gain
+Ki1 = 2; //integral gain
+Td = 0.8; //differential time
+Ti = 2; //integral time
+Ki2 = Kp / Ti;
+s = %s;
+Gi = syslin('c',Ki1/s);
+t = 0:0.05:3;
+ramp = t;
+p1 = Kp * ones(1,length(t));
+p2 = Kp * t;
+plot2d(t ,p1 , style=2);
+plot2d(t ,p2 , style=3);
+xtitle('Proportional control','t','y');
+legend('step input','ramp input');
+i1 = csim("step",t,Gi);
+i2 = csim(ramp,t,Gi);
+plot2d(t ,i1, style=2);
+plot2d(t ,i2, style=3) ;
+xtitle('Integral control','t','y');
+i1 = i1 * Ki2 / Ki1; //change of gain
+i2 = i2 * Ki2 / Ki1;
+plot2d(t ,p1 + i1, style=2);
+plot2d(t ,p2 + i2, style=3);
+xtitle('Proportional integral control','t','y');
+pd1 = p1;
+pd2 = p2 + Kp*Td*ones(1,length(t)); //derivative term
+plot2d(t ,pd1, style=2);
+plot2d(t ,pd2, style=3);
+xtitle('Proportional plus derivative control','t','y');
+plot2d(t ,pd1 + i1, style=2);
+plot2d(t ,pd2 + i2, style=3,leg='ramp input') ;
+xtitle('P.I.D. control','t','y');
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.b.4/figB2_4.jpg b/122/CH2/EX2.b.4/figB2_4.jpg
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2bc5dc63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.b.4/figB2_4.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.i.1/ils2_1.sce b/122/CH2/EX2.i.1/ils2_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4aa3a8330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.i.1/ils2_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Illustration 2.1
+// Section 2-3 in the book
+// Demonstrating Series,Parallel and feedback connection of Linear Systems
+clear; clc; close;
+// Define Polynomials in variable 's'
+// Please NOTE : The list of coeficients has to be given in
+// INCREASING powers of 's',
+n1 = poly( [10] ,'s','c');
+d1 = poly( [10 2 1] ,'s','c'); // 10 + 2*s + s^2
+// Alternate method to define transfer functions in scilab
+// using '%s'
+s = %s;
+n2 = 5;
+d2 = 5 + s;
+G1 = syslin('c',n1,d1); //define continuous LTI systems systems
+G2 = syslin('c',n2,d2);
+disp(G1,'G1 =');disp(G2,'G2 ='); //display variables on the screen
+series = G1 * G2;
+parallel = G1 + G2;
+feedback = G1 /. G2 ; // feedback is via G2.
+disp(series,'series =');
+disp(parallel,'parallel =');
+disp(feedback,'feedback =');
diff --git a/122/CH2/EX2.i.2/ils2_2.sce b/122/CH2/EX2.i.2/ils2_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f300860e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/122/CH2/EX2.i.2/ils2_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Illustration 2.2
+// Conversion from transfer function model to state space model
+// Section 2-6 of the Book
+// This example demonstrates that there is no unique
+// state space reperesentation of a transfer function.
+clear; clc; close; mode(0);
+s = %s;
+num = s;
+den = 160 + 56*s + 14*s^2 + s^3;
+Htf = syslin('c',num,den)
+// There are infinite state space models for the same transfer
+// function. The tf2ss() function will return one of them,
+Hss = tf2ss(Htf);
+ssprint(Hss); //Print the state space model
+//Alternatively: you can directly get the A,B,C,D
+[A,B,C,D] = abcd(Htf)
+//To cross check, let us find the transfer function
+Htf2 = clean(ss2tf(Hss)) //which matches with Htf
+Hssc = cont_frm(Htf.num,Htf.den)
+Htfc = clean(ss2tf(Hssc))
+// The same transfer function again \ No newline at end of file