path: root/1202/CH13/EX13.8/13_8.sce
diff options
authorpriyanka2015-06-24 15:03:17 +0530
committerpriyanka2015-06-24 15:03:17 +0530
commitb1f5c3f8d6671b4331cef1dcebdf63b7a43a3a2b (patch)
treeab291cffc65280e58ac82470ba63fbcca7805165 /1202/CH13/EX13.8/13_8.sce
initial commit / add all books
Diffstat (limited to '1202/CH13/EX13.8/13_8.sce')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1202/CH13/EX13.8/13_8.sce b/1202/CH13/EX13.8/13_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9d4fd4b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1202/CH13/EX13.8/13_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+//Example 13.8
+disp('Example 13.8')
+s = %s;
+num = 4;
+den = (5*s+1);
+w = 0.001:0.002:10*%pi;
+LF = "loglog" // Warning: Change this as necessary
+//Ziegler Nichols
+//Tyreus Luyben
+mprintf(' Kc tauI tauD')
+mprintf('\nZN %f %f %f',Kc1,taui1,tauD1)
+mprintf('\nTL %f %f %f',Kc2,taui2,tauD2)
+Gc_TL=Kc2*(1+1/taui2/s+s*tauD2/(0.1*s*tauD2+1)); //Filtered Controllers with filter constant as 0.1
+G1 = num/den*Gc_ZN*Gm*Gv;
+G1m = horner(G1,%i*w); //G1m denotes magnitude
+G1p = phasemag(G1m)-delay*w*180/%pi; //G1p denotes phase
+G2 = num/den*Gc_TL*Gm*Gv;
+G2m = horner(G2,%i*w); //G1m denotes magnitude
+G2p = phasemag(G2m)-delay*w*180/%pi; //G1p denotes phase
+ xset('window',0);
+ subplot(2,1,1)
+ plot2d(w,Abs_G1m,logflag="ll",style = 1,rect=[0.01,0.1,10,1000]);
+ plot2d(w,Abs_G2m,logflag="ll",style = 2,rect=[0.01,0.1,10,1000]);
+ legend("Ziegler-Nichols","Tyreus Luyben")
+ xgrid();
+ xtitle('Loglog','','Magnitude');
+ subplot(2,1,2)
+ plot2d1(w,G1p,logflag="ln",style = 1,rect=[0.01,-300,10,-50]);
+ plot2d1(w,G2p,logflag="ln",style = 2,rect=[0.01,-300,10,-50]);
+// legend("Ziegler-Nichols","Tyreus Luyben")
+ xgrid();
+ xtitle('w(rad/sec)','','Phase(deg)');
+//g_maring and p_margin do not support iodelay toolbox, hence we
+//cannot use these so we try a workaround
+//We can find w for which magnitude(AR) is 1 and
+//and calculate phase corresponding to it which gives us phase margin
+//Also we can find crossover frequency and thus find Gain Margin
+ indices1=find(abs(Abs_G1m-1)<0.01) //We find those values of indices of Abs_G1m for which it is almost 1
+ indices2=find(abs(Abs_G2m-1)<0.01)
+ //size(indices)
+ PM1=mean(G1p(indices1))+180
+ PM2=mean(G2p(indices2))+180
+ indices1_p=find(abs(G1p+180)<0.05) //We find those values of indices of G1p for which it is almost -180
+ indices2_p=find(abs(G2p+180)<0.05)
+ //size(indices)
+ GM1=1/mean(Abs_G1m(indices1_p))
+ GM2=1/mean(Abs_G2m(indices2_p))
+ wc1=mean(w(indices1_p));
+ wc2=mean(w(indices2_p));
+mprintf('\n\n\n GM PM wc')
+mprintf('\nZN %f %f %f',GM1,PM1,wc1)
+mprintf('\nTL %f %f %f\n',GM2,PM2,wc2)