path: root/templates/admin
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-30Change alert messagecoderick14
2017-06-25Change BASE_URL and fix logging format in admin panelcoderick14
2017-06-13Rectify error which displays "midnight" for all booked slots in admin panel.sriyasainath
2017-06-09Fix bug related to context in toggleStatecoderick14
2017-06-09Add Ajax call to toggle board statecoderick14
2017-06-08Add autocomplete featurecoderick14
2017-06-08Fix logging bugcoderick14
2017-05-31Add js to update MID in admin paneldk-15
2017-05-31Add button updateMID in admin sub_navcoderick14
2017-05-31Add template for updating MIDsriyasainath
2017-05-26Add download logs feature for admincoderick14
2017-05-26Add admin monitoring featurecoderick14
2017-05-26Add features and fix bugsdk-15
2017-05-23Update max limit for fan and heater on client sidecoderick14
2017-05-22Admin testing platform in working conditiondk-15
2017-05-22Add ajax calls for admin/testingcoderick14
2017-05-22Create template for admin testingcoderick14
2017-05-22Admin experiment HTML pagesriyasainath
2017-05-17Upgrade to Django 1.11coderick14
2017-05-13added all server filesttt