path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 464 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/
deleted file mode 100644
index 13e493d..0000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/
+++ /dev/null
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-Like the old south.modelsparser, but using introspection where possible
-rather than direct inspection of
-from __future__ import print_function
-import datetime
-import re
-import decimal
-from south.utils import get_attribute, auto_through
-from south.utils.py3 import text_type
-from django.db import models
-from django.db.models.base import ModelBase, Model
-from django.db.models.fields import NOT_PROVIDED
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.utils.functional import Promise
-from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
-from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
-from django.utils import datetime_safe
-NOISY = False
- from django.utils import timezone
-except ImportError:
- timezone = False
-# Define any converter functions first to prevent NameErrors
-def convert_on_delete_handler(value):
- django_db_models_module = 'models' # relative to standard import 'django.db'
- if hasattr(models, "PROTECT"):
- if value in (models.CASCADE, models.PROTECT, models.DO_NOTHING, models.SET_DEFAULT):
- # straightforward functions
- return '%s.%s' % (django_db_models_module, value.__name__)
- else:
- # This is totally dependent on the implementation of django.db.models.deletion.SET
- func_name = getattr(value, '__name__', None)
- if func_name == 'set_on_delete':
- # we must inspect the function closure to see what parameters were passed in
- closure_contents = value.__closure__[0].cell_contents
- if closure_contents is None:
- return "%s.SET_NULL" % (django_db_models_module)
- # simple function we can perhaps cope with:
- elif hasattr(closure_contents, '__call__'):
- raise ValueError("South does not support on_delete with SET(function) as values.")
- else:
- # Attempt to serialise the value
- return "%s.SET(%s)" % (django_db_models_module, value_clean(closure_contents))
- raise ValueError("%s was not recognized as a valid model deletion handler. Possible values: %s." % (value, ', '.join(f.__name__ for f in (models.CASCADE, models.PROTECT, models.SET, models.SET_NULL, models.SET_DEFAULT, models.DO_NOTHING))))
- else:
- raise ValueError("on_delete argument encountered in Django version that does not support it")
-# Gives information about how to introspect certain fields.
-# This is a list of triples; the first item is a list of fields it applies to,
-# (note that isinstance is used, so superclasses are perfectly valid here)
-# the second is a list of positional argument descriptors, and the third
-# is a list of keyword argument descriptors.
-# Descriptors are of the form:
-# [attrname, options]
-# Where attrname is the attribute on the field to get the value from, and options
-# is an optional dict.
-# The introspector uses the combination of all matching entries, in order.
-introspection_details = [
- (
- (models.Field, ),
- [],
- {
- "null": ["null", {"default": False}],
- "blank": ["blank", {"default": False, "ignore_if":"primary_key"}],
- "primary_key": ["primary_key", {"default": False}],
- "max_length": ["max_length", {"default": None}],
- "unique": ["_unique", {"default": False}],
- "db_index": ["db_index", {"default": False}],
- "default": ["default", {"default": NOT_PROVIDED, "ignore_dynamics": True}],
- "db_column": ["db_column", {"default": None}],
- "db_tablespace": ["db_tablespace", {"default": settings.DEFAULT_INDEX_TABLESPACE}],
- },
- ),
- (
- (models.ForeignKey, models.OneToOneField),
- [],
- dict([
- ("to", ["", {}]),
- ("to_field", ["rel.field_name", {"default_attr": ""}]),
- ("related_name", ["rel.related_name", {"default": None}]),
- ("db_index", ["db_index", {"default": True}]),
- ("on_delete", ["rel.on_delete", {"default": getattr(models, "CASCADE", None), "is_django_function": True, "converter": convert_on_delete_handler, "ignore_missing": True}])
- ])
- ),
- (
- (models.ManyToManyField,),
- [],
- {
- "to": ["", {}],
- "symmetrical": ["rel.symmetrical", {"default": True}],
- "related_name": ["rel.related_name", {"default": None}],
- "db_table": ["db_table", {"default": None}],
- # TODO: Kind of ugly to add this one-time-only option
- "through": ["rel.through", {"ignore_if_auto_through": True}],
- },
- ),
- (
- (models.DateField, models.TimeField),
- [],
- {
- "auto_now": ["auto_now", {"default": False}],
- "auto_now_add": ["auto_now_add", {"default": False}],
- },
- ),
- (
- (models.DecimalField, ),
- [],
- {
- "max_digits": ["max_digits", {"default": None}],
- "decimal_places": ["decimal_places", {"default": None}],
- },
- ),
- (
- (models.SlugField, ),
- [],
- {
- "db_index": ["db_index", {"default": True}],
- },
- ),
- (
- (models.BooleanField, ),
- [],
- {
- "default": ["default", {"default": NOT_PROVIDED, "converter": bool}],
- "blank": ["blank", {"default": True, "ignore_if":"primary_key"}],
- },
- ),
- (
- (models.FilePathField, ),
- [],
- {
- "path": ["path", {"default": ''}],
- "match": ["match", {"default": None}],
- "recursive": ["recursive", {"default": False}],
- },
- ),
- (
- (generic.GenericRelation, ),
- [],
- {
- "to": ["", {}],
- "symmetrical": ["rel.symmetrical", {"default": True}],
- "object_id_field": ["object_id_field_name", {"default": "object_id"}],
- "content_type_field": ["content_type_field_name", {"default": "content_type"}],
- "blank": ["blank", {"default": True}],
- },
- ),
-# Regexes of allowed field full paths
-allowed_fields = [
- "^django\.db",
- "^django\.contrib\.contenttypes\.generic",
- "^django\.contrib\.localflavor",
- "^django_localflavor_\w\w",
-# Regexes of ignored fields (custom fields which look like fields, but have no column behind them)
-ignored_fields = [
- "^django\.contrib\.contenttypes\.generic\.GenericRelation",
- "^django\.contrib\.contenttypes\.generic\.GenericForeignKey",
-# Similar, but for Meta, so just the inner level (kwds).
-meta_details = {
- "db_table": ["db_table", {"default_attr_concat": ["%s_%s", "app_label", "module_name"]}],
- "db_tablespace": ["db_tablespace", {"default": settings.DEFAULT_TABLESPACE}],
- "unique_together": ["unique_together", {"default": []}],
- "index_together": ["index_together", {"default": [], "ignore_missing": True}],
- "ordering": ["ordering", {"default": []}],
- "proxy": ["proxy", {"default": False, "ignore_missing": True}],
-def add_introspection_rules(rules=[], patterns=[]):
- "Allows you to add some introspection rules at runtime, e.g. for 3rd party apps."
- assert isinstance(rules, (list, tuple))
- assert isinstance(patterns, (list, tuple))
- allowed_fields.extend(patterns)
- introspection_details.extend(rules)
-def add_ignored_fields(patterns):
- "Allows you to add some ignore field patterns."
- assert isinstance(patterns, (list, tuple))
- ignored_fields.extend(patterns)
-def can_ignore(field):
- """
- Returns True if we know for certain that we can ignore this field, False
- otherwise.
- """
- full_name = "%s.%s" % (field.__class__.__module__, field.__class__.__name__)
- for regex in ignored_fields:
- if re.match(regex, full_name):
- return True
- return False
-def can_introspect(field):
- """
- Returns True if we are allowed to introspect this field, False otherwise.
- ('allowed' means 'in core'. Custom fields can declare they are introspectable
- by the default South rules by adding the attribute _south_introspects = True.)
- """
- # Check for special attribute
- if hasattr(field, "_south_introspects") and field._south_introspects:
- return True
- # Check it's an introspectable field
- full_name = "%s.%s" % (field.__class__.__module__, field.__class__.__name__)
- for regex in allowed_fields:
- if re.match(regex, full_name):
- return True
- return False
-def matching_details(field):
- """
- Returns the union of all matching entries in introspection_details for the field.
- """
- our_args = []
- our_kwargs = {}
- for classes, args, kwargs in introspection_details:
- if any([isinstance(field, x) for x in classes]):
- our_args.extend(args)
- our_kwargs.update(kwargs)
- return our_args, our_kwargs
-class IsDefault(Exception):
- """
- Exception for when a field contains its default value.
- """
-def get_value(field, descriptor):
- """
- Gets an attribute value from a Field instance and formats it.
- """
- attrname, options = descriptor
- # If the options say it's not a attribute name but a real value, use that.
- if options.get('is_value', False):
- value = attrname
- else:
- try:
- value = get_attribute(field, attrname)
- except AttributeError:
- if options.get("ignore_missing", False):
- raise IsDefault
- else:
- raise
- # Lazy-eval functions get eval'd.
- if isinstance(value, Promise):
- value = text_type(value)
- # If the value is the same as the default, omit it for clarity
- if "default" in options and value == options['default']:
- raise IsDefault
- # If there's an ignore_if, use it
- if "ignore_if" in options:
- if get_attribute(field, options['ignore_if']):
- raise IsDefault
- # If there's an ignore_if_auto_through which is True, use it
- if options.get("ignore_if_auto_through", False):
- if auto_through(field):
- raise IsDefault
- # Some default values need to be gotten from an attribute too.
- if "default_attr" in options:
- default_value = get_attribute(field, options['default_attr'])
- if value == default_value:
- raise IsDefault
- # Some are made from a formatting string and several attrs (e.g. db_table)
- if "default_attr_concat" in options:
- format, attrs = options['default_attr_concat'][0], options['default_attr_concat'][1:]
- default_value = format % tuple(map(lambda x: get_attribute(field, x), attrs))
- if value == default_value:
- raise IsDefault
- # Clean and return the value
- return value_clean(value, options)
-def value_clean(value, options={}):
- "Takes a value and cleans it up (so e.g. it has timezone working right)"
- # Lazy-eval functions get eval'd.
- if isinstance(value, Promise):
- value = text_type(value)
- # Callables get called.
- if not options.get('is_django_function', False) and callable(value) and not isinstance(value, ModelBase):
- # is special, as we can access it from the eval
- # context (and because it changes all the time; people will file bugs otherwise).
- if value ==
- return ""
- elif value == datetime.datetime.utcnow:
- return "datetime.datetime.utcnow"
- elif value ==
- return ""
- # In case we use Django's own now function, revert to datetime's
- # original one since we'll deal with timezones on our own.
- elif timezone and value ==
- return ""
- # All other callables get called.
- value = value()
- # Models get their own special repr()
- if isinstance(value, ModelBase):
- # If it's a proxy model, follow it back to its non-proxy parent
- if getattr(value._meta, "proxy", False):
- value = value._meta.proxy_for_model
- return "orm['%s.%s']" % (value._meta.app_label, value._meta.object_name)
- # As do model instances
- if isinstance(value, Model):
- if options.get("ignore_dynamics", False):
- raise IsDefault
- return "orm['%s.%s'].objects.get(pk=%r)" % (value.__class__._meta.app_label, value.__class__._meta.object_name,
- # Make sure Decimal is converted down into a string
- if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
- value = str(value)
- # in case the value is timezone aware
- datetime_types = (
- datetime.datetime,
- datetime.time,
- datetime_safe.datetime,
- )
- if (timezone and isinstance(value, datetime_types) and
- getattr(settings, 'USE_TZ', False) and
- value is not None and timezone.is_aware(value)):
- default_timezone = timezone.get_default_timezone()
- value = timezone.make_naive(value, default_timezone)
- # datetime_safe has an improper repr value
- if isinstance(value, datetime_safe.datetime):
- value = datetime.datetime(*value.utctimetuple()[:7])
- # converting a date value to a datetime to be able to handle
- # timezones later gracefully
- elif isinstance(value, (,
- value = datetime.datetime(*value.timetuple()[:3])
- # Now, apply the converter func if there is one
- if "converter" in options:
- value = options['converter'](value)
- # Return the final value
- if options.get('is_django_function', False):
- return value
- else:
- return repr(value)
-def introspector(field):
- """
- Given a field, introspects its definition triple.
- """
- arg_defs, kwarg_defs = matching_details(field)
- args = []
- kwargs = {}
- # For each argument, use the descriptor to get the real value.
- for defn in arg_defs:
- try:
- args.append(get_value(field, defn))
- except IsDefault:
- pass
- for kwd, defn in kwarg_defs.items():
- try:
- kwargs[kwd] = get_value(field, defn)
- except IsDefault:
- pass
- return args, kwargs
-def get_model_fields(model, m2m=False):
- """
- Given a model class, returns a dict of {field_name: field_triple} defs.
- """
- field_defs = SortedDict()
- inherited_fields = {}
- # Go through all bases (that are themselves models, but not Model)
- for base in model.__bases__:
- if hasattr(base, '_meta') and issubclass(base, models.Model):
- if not base._meta.abstract:
- # Looks like we need their fields, Ma.
- inherited_fields.update(get_model_fields(base))
- # Now, go through all the fields and try to get their definition
- source = model._meta.local_fields[:]
- if m2m:
- source += model._meta.local_many_to_many
- for field in source:
- # Can we ignore it completely?
- if can_ignore(field):
- continue
- # Does it define a south_field_triple method?
- if hasattr(field, "south_field_triple"):
- if NOISY:
- print(" ( Nativing field: %s" %
- field_defs[] = field.south_field_triple()
- # Can we introspect it?
- elif can_introspect(field):
- # Get the full field class path.
- field_class = field.__class__.__module__ + "." + field.__class__.__name__
- # Run this field through the introspector
- args, kwargs = introspector(field)
- # Workaround for Django bug #13987
- if == field.column and 'primary_key' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['primary_key'] = True
- # That's our definition!
- field_defs[] = (field_class, args, kwargs)
- # Shucks, no definition!
- else:
- if NOISY:
- print(" ( Nodefing field: %s" %
- field_defs[] = None
- # If they've used the horrific hack that is order_with_respect_to, deal with
- # it.
- if model._meta.order_with_respect_to:
- field_defs['_order'] = ("django.db.models.fields.IntegerField", [], {"default": "0"})
- return field_defs
-def get_model_meta(model):
- """
- Given a model class, will return the dict representing the Meta class.
- """
- # Get the introspected attributes
- meta_def = {}
- for kwd, defn in meta_details.items():
- try:
- meta_def[kwd] = get_value(model._meta, defn)
- except IsDefault:
- pass
- # Also, add on any non-abstract model base classes.
- # This is called _ormbases as the _bases variable was previously used
- # for a list of full class paths to bases, so we can't conflict.
- for base in model.__bases__:
- if hasattr(base, '_meta') and issubclass(base, models.Model):
- if not base._meta.abstract:
- # OK, that matches our terms.
- if "_ormbases" not in meta_def:
- meta_def['_ormbases'] = []
- meta_def['_ormbases'].append("%s.%s" % (
- base._meta.app_label,
- base._meta.object_name,
- ))
- return meta_def
-# Now, load the built-in South introspection plugins
-import south.introspection_plugins