path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d91ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+Main migration logic.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+import south.db
+from south import exceptions
+from south.models import MigrationHistory
+from south.db import db, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
+from south.migration.migrators import (Backwards, Forwards,
+ DryRunMigrator, FakeMigrator,
+ LoadInitialDataMigrator)
+from south.migration.base import Migration, Migrations
+from south.migration.utils import SortedSet
+from south.migration.base import all_migrations
+from south.signals import pre_migrate, post_migrate
+def to_apply(forwards, done):
+ return [m for m in forwards if m not in done]
+def to_unapply(backwards, done):
+ return [m for m in backwards if m in done]
+def problems(pending, done):
+ last = None
+ if not pending:
+ raise StopIteration()
+ for migration in pending:
+ if migration in done:
+ last = migration
+ continue
+ if last and migration not in done:
+ yield last, migration
+def forwards_problems(pending, done, verbosity):
+ """
+ Takes the list of linearised pending migrations, and the set of done ones,
+ and returns the list of problems, if any.
+ """
+ return inner_problem_check(problems(reversed(pending), done), done, verbosity)
+def backwards_problems(pending, done, verbosity):
+ return inner_problem_check(problems(pending, done), done, verbosity)
+def inner_problem_check(problems, done, verbosity):
+ "Takes a set of possible problems and gets the actual issues out of it."
+ result = []
+ for last, migration in problems:
+ checked = set([])
+ # 'Last' is the last applied migration. Step back from it until we
+ # either find nothing wrong, or we find something.
+ to_check = list(last.dependencies)
+ while to_check:
+ checking = to_check.pop()
+ if checking in checked:
+ continue
+ checked.add(checking)
+ if checking not in done:
+ # That's bad. Error.
+ if verbosity:
+ print((" ! Migration %s should not have been applied "
+ "before %s but was." % (last, checking)))
+ result.append((last, checking))
+ else:
+ to_check.extend(checking.dependencies)
+ return result
+def check_migration_histories(histories, delete_ghosts=False, ignore_ghosts=False):
+ "Checks that there's no 'ghost' migrations in the database."
+ exists = SortedSet()
+ ghosts = []
+ for h in histories:
+ try:
+ m = h.get_migration()
+ m.migration()
+ except exceptions.UnknownMigration:
+ ghosts.append(h)
+ except ImproperlyConfigured:
+ pass # Ignore missing applications
+ else:
+ exists.add(m)
+ if ghosts:
+ # They may want us to delete ghosts.
+ if delete_ghosts:
+ for h in ghosts:
+ h.delete()
+ elif not ignore_ghosts:
+ raise exceptions.GhostMigrations(ghosts)
+ return exists
+def get_dependencies(target, migrations):
+ forwards = list
+ backwards = list
+ if target is None:
+ backwards = migrations[0].backwards_plan
+ else:
+ forwards = target.forwards_plan
+ # When migrating backwards we want to remove up to and
+ # including the next migration up in this app (not the next
+ # one, that includes other apps)
+ migration_before_here =
+ if migration_before_here:
+ backwards = migration_before_here.backwards_plan
+ return forwards, backwards
+def get_direction(target, applied, migrations, verbosity, interactive):
+ # Get the forwards and reverse dependencies for this target
+ forwards, backwards = get_dependencies(target, migrations)
+ # Is the whole forward branch applied?
+ problems = None
+ forwards = forwards()
+ workplan = to_apply(forwards, applied)
+ if not workplan:
+ # If they're all applied, we only know it's not backwards
+ direction = None
+ else:
+ # If the remaining migrations are strictly a right segment of
+ # the forwards trace, we just need to go forwards to our
+ # target (and check for badness)
+ problems = forwards_problems(forwards, applied, verbosity)
+ direction = Forwards(verbosity=verbosity, interactive=interactive)
+ if not problems:
+ # What about the whole backward trace then?
+ backwards = backwards()
+ missing_backwards = to_apply(backwards, applied)
+ if missing_backwards != backwards:
+ # If what's missing is a strict left segment of backwards (i.e.
+ # all the higher migrations) then we need to go backwards
+ workplan = to_unapply(backwards, applied)
+ problems = backwards_problems(backwards, applied, verbosity)
+ direction = Backwards(verbosity=verbosity, interactive=interactive)
+ return direction, problems, workplan
+def get_migrator(direction, db_dry_run, fake, load_initial_data):
+ if not direction:
+ return direction
+ if db_dry_run:
+ direction = DryRunMigrator(migrator=direction, ignore_fail=False)
+ elif fake:
+ direction = FakeMigrator(migrator=direction)
+ elif load_initial_data:
+ direction = LoadInitialDataMigrator(migrator=direction)
+ return direction
+def get_unapplied_migrations(migrations, applied_migrations):
+ applied_migration_names = ['%s.%s' % (mi.app_name,mi.migration) for mi in applied_migrations]
+ for migration in migrations:
+ is_applied = '%s.%s' % (migration.app_label(), in applied_migration_names
+ if not is_applied:
+ yield migration
+def migrate_app(migrations, target_name=None, merge=False, fake=False, db_dry_run=False, yes=False, verbosity=0, load_initial_data=False, skip=False, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, delete_ghosts=False, ignore_ghosts=False, interactive=False):
+ app_label = migrations.app_label()
+ verbosity = int(verbosity)
+ # Fire off the pre-migrate signal
+ pre_migrate.send(None, app=app_label, verbosity=verbosity, interactive=verbosity, db=database)
+ # If there aren't any, quit quizically
+ if not migrations:
+ print("? You have no migrations for the '%s' app. You might want some." % app_label)
+ return
+ # Load the entire dependency graph
+ Migrations.calculate_dependencies()
+ # Check there's no strange ones in the database
+ applied_all = MigrationHistory.objects.filter(applied__isnull=False).order_by('applied').using(database)
+ applied = applied_all.filter(app_name=app_label).using(database)
+ south.db.db = south.db.dbs[database]
+ Migrations.invalidate_all_modules()
+ south.db.db.debug = (verbosity > 1)
+ if target_name == 'current-1':
+ if applied.count() > 1:
+ previous_migration = applied[applied.count() - 2]
+ if verbosity:
+ print('previous_migration: %s (applied: %s)' % (previous_migration.migration, previous_migration.applied))
+ target_name = previous_migration.migration
+ else:
+ if verbosity:
+ print('previous_migration: zero')
+ target_name = 'zero'
+ elif target_name == 'current+1':
+ try:
+ first_unapplied_migration = get_unapplied_migrations(migrations, applied).next()
+ target_name =
+ except StopIteration:
+ target_name = None
+ applied_all = check_migration_histories(applied_all, delete_ghosts, ignore_ghosts)
+ # Guess the target_name
+ target = migrations.guess_migration(target_name)
+ if verbosity:
+ if target_name not in ('zero', None) and != target_name:
+ print(" - Soft matched migration %s to %s." % (target_name,
+ print("Running migrations for %s:" % app_label)
+ # Get the forwards and reverse dependencies for this target
+ direction, problems, workplan = get_direction(target, applied_all, migrations,
+ verbosity, interactive)
+ if problems and not (merge or skip):
+ raise exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory(problems)
+ # Perform the migration
+ migrator = get_migrator(direction, db_dry_run, fake, load_initial_data)
+ if migrator:
+ migrator.print_title(target)
+ success = migrator.migrate_many(target, workplan, database)
+ # Finally, fire off the post-migrate signal
+ if success:
+ post_migrate.send(None, app=app_label, verbosity=verbosity, interactive=verbosity, db=database)
+ else:
+ if verbosity:
+ # Say there's nothing.
+ print('- Nothing to migrate.')
+ # If we have initial data enabled, and we're at the most recent
+ # migration, do initial data.
+ # Note: We use a fake Forwards() migrator here. It's never used really.
+ if load_initial_data:
+ migrator = LoadInitialDataMigrator(migrator=Forwards(verbosity=verbosity))
+ migrator.load_initial_data(target, db=database)
+ # Send signal.
+ post_migrate.send(None, app=app_label, verbosity=verbosity, interactive=verbosity, db=database)