path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template')
15 files changed, 5010 insertions, 0 deletions
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+This is the Django template system.
+How it works:
+The Lexer.tokenize() function converts a template string (i.e., a string containing
+markup with custom template tags) to tokens, which can be either plain text
+(TOKEN_TEXT), variables (TOKEN_VAR) or block statements (TOKEN_BLOCK).
+The Parser() class takes a list of tokens in its constructor, and its parse()
+method returns a compiled template -- which is, under the hood, a list of
+Node objects.
+Each Node is responsible for creating some sort of output -- e.g. simple text
+(TextNode), variable values in a given context (VariableNode), results of basic
+logic (IfNode), results of looping (ForNode), or anything else. The core Node
+types are TextNode, VariableNode, IfNode and ForNode, but plugin modules can
+define their own custom node types.
+Each Node has a render() method, which takes a Context and returns a string of
+the rendered node. For example, the render() method of a Variable Node returns
+the variable's value as a string. The render() method of an IfNode returns the
+rendered output of whatever was inside the loop, recursively.
+The Template class is a convenient wrapper that takes care of template
+compilation and rendering.
+The only thing you should ever use directly in this file is the Template class.
+Create a compiled template object with a template_string, then call render()
+with a context. In the compilation stage, the TemplateSyntaxError exception
+will be raised if the template doesn't have proper syntax.
+Sample code:
+>>> from django import template
+>>> s = u'<html>{% if test %}<h1>{{ varvalue }}</h1>{% endif %}</html>'
+>>> t = template.Template(s)
+(t is now a compiled template, and its render() method can be called multiple
+times with multiple contexts)
+>>> c = template.Context({'test':True, 'varvalue': 'Hello'})
+>>> t.render(c)
+>>> c = template.Context({'test':False, 'varvalue': 'Hello'})
+>>> t.render(c)
+# Template lexing symbols
+from django.template.base import (ALLOWED_VARIABLE_CHARS, BLOCK_TAG_END,
+# Exceptions
+from django.template.base import (ContextPopException, InvalidTemplateLibrary,
+ TemplateDoesNotExist, TemplateEncodingError, TemplateSyntaxError,
+ VariableDoesNotExist)
+# Template parts
+from django.template.base import (Context, FilterExpression, Lexer, Node,
+ NodeList, Parser, RequestContext, Origin, StringOrigin, Template,
+ TextNode, Token, TokenParser, Variable, VariableNode, constant_string,
+ filter_raw_string)
+# Compiling templates
+from django.template.base import (compile_string, resolve_variable,
+ unescape_string_literal, generic_tag_compiler)
+# Library management
+from django.template.base import (Library, add_to_builtins, builtins,
+ get_library, get_templatetags_modules, get_text_list, import_library,
+ libraries)
+__all__ = ('Template', 'Context', 'RequestContext', 'compile_string')
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+from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
+import re
+from functools import partial
+from inspect import getargspec
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.template.context import (BaseContext, Context, RequestContext,
+ ContextPopException)
+from django.utils.importlib import import_module
+from django.utils.itercompat import is_iterable
+from django.utils.text import (smart_split, unescape_string_literal,
+ get_text_list)
+from django.utils.encoding import force_str, force_text
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy, pgettext_lazy
+from django.utils.safestring import (SafeData, EscapeData, mark_safe,
+ mark_for_escaping)
+from django.utils.formats import localize
+from django.utils.html import escape
+from django.utils.module_loading import module_has_submodule
+from django.utils import six
+from django.utils.timezone import template_localtime
+from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible
+ TOKEN_TEXT: 'Text',
+ TOKEN_VAR: 'Var',
+ TOKEN_BLOCK: 'Block',
+ TOKEN_COMMENT: 'Comment',
+# template syntax constants
+ALLOWED_VARIABLE_CHARS = ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+# what to report as the origin for templates that come from non-loader sources
+# (e.g. strings)
+UNKNOWN_SOURCE = '<unknown source>'
+# match a variable or block tag and capture the entire tag, including start/end
+# delimiters
+tag_re = (re.compile('(%s.*?%s|%s.*?%s|%s.*?%s)' %
+ (re.escape(BLOCK_TAG_START), re.escape(BLOCK_TAG_END),
+ re.escape(VARIABLE_TAG_START), re.escape(VARIABLE_TAG_END),
+ re.escape(COMMENT_TAG_START), re.escape(COMMENT_TAG_END))))
+# global dictionary of libraries that have been loaded using get_library
+libraries = {}
+# global list of libraries to load by default for a new parser
+builtins = []
+# True if TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID contains a format string (%s). None means
+# uninitialised.
+invalid_var_format_string = None
+class TemplateSyntaxError(Exception):
+ pass
+class TemplateDoesNotExist(Exception):
+ pass
+class TemplateEncodingError(Exception):
+ pass
+class VariableDoesNotExist(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg, params=()):
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.params = params
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.msg % tuple([force_text(p, errors='replace')
+ for p in self.params])
+class InvalidTemplateLibrary(Exception):
+ pass
+class Origin(object):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+ def reload(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+class StringOrigin(Origin):
+ def __init__(self, source):
+ super(StringOrigin, self).__init__(UNKNOWN_SOURCE)
+ self.source = source
+ def reload(self):
+ return self.source
+class Template(object):
+ def __init__(self, template_string, origin=None,
+ name='<Unknown Template>'):
+ try:
+ template_string = force_text(template_string)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ raise TemplateEncodingError("Templates can only be constructed "
+ "from unicode or UTF-8 strings.")
+ if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG and origin is None:
+ origin = StringOrigin(template_string)
+ self.nodelist = compile_string(template_string, origin)
+ = name
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for node in self.nodelist:
+ for subnode in node:
+ yield subnode
+ def _render(self, context):
+ return self.nodelist.render(context)
+ def render(self, context):
+ "Display stage -- can be called many times"
+ context.render_context.push()
+ try:
+ return self._render(context)
+ finally:
+ context.render_context.pop()
+def compile_string(template_string, origin):
+ "Compiles template_string into NodeList ready for rendering"
+ if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG:
+ from django.template.debug import DebugLexer, DebugParser
+ lexer_class, parser_class = DebugLexer, DebugParser
+ else:
+ lexer_class, parser_class = Lexer, Parser
+ lexer = lexer_class(template_string, origin)
+ parser = parser_class(lexer.tokenize())
+ return parser.parse()
+class Token(object):
+ def __init__(self, token_type, contents):
+ # token_type must be TOKEN_TEXT, TOKEN_VAR, TOKEN_BLOCK or
+ self.token_type, self.contents = token_type, contents
+ self.lineno = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ token_name = TOKEN_MAPPING[self.token_type]
+ return ('<%s token: "%s...">' %
+ (token_name, self.contents[:20].replace('\n', '')))
+ def split_contents(self):
+ split = []
+ bits = iter(smart_split(self.contents))
+ for bit in bits:
+ # Handle translation-marked template pieces
+ if bit.startswith('_("') or bit.startswith("_('"):
+ sentinal = bit[2] + ')'
+ trans_bit = [bit]
+ while not bit.endswith(sentinal):
+ bit = next(bits)
+ trans_bit.append(bit)
+ bit = ' '.join(trans_bit)
+ split.append(bit)
+ return split
+class Lexer(object):
+ def __init__(self, template_string, origin):
+ self.template_string = template_string
+ self.origin = origin
+ self.lineno = 1
+ self.verbatim = False
+ def tokenize(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of tokens from a given template_string.
+ """
+ in_tag = False
+ result = []
+ for bit in tag_re.split(self.template_string):
+ if bit:
+ result.append(self.create_token(bit, in_tag))
+ in_tag = not in_tag
+ return result
+ def create_token(self, token_string, in_tag):
+ """
+ Convert the given token string into a new Token object and return it.
+ If in_tag is True, we are processing something that matched a tag,
+ otherwise it should be treated as a literal string.
+ """
+ if in_tag and token_string.startswith(BLOCK_TAG_START):
+ # The [2:-2] ranges below strip off *_TAG_START and *_TAG_END.
+ # We could do len(BLOCK_TAG_START) to be more "correct", but we've
+ # hard-coded the 2s here for performance. And it's not like
+ # the TAG_START values are going to change anytime, anyway.
+ block_content = token_string[2:-2].strip()
+ if self.verbatim and block_content == self.verbatim:
+ self.verbatim = False
+ if in_tag and not self.verbatim:
+ if token_string.startswith(VARIABLE_TAG_START):
+ token = Token(TOKEN_VAR, token_string[2:-2].strip())
+ elif token_string.startswith(BLOCK_TAG_START):
+ if block_content[:9] in ('verbatim', 'verbatim '):
+ self.verbatim = 'end%s' % block_content
+ token = Token(TOKEN_BLOCK, block_content)
+ elif token_string.startswith(COMMENT_TAG_START):
+ content = ''
+ if token_string.find(TRANSLATOR_COMMENT_MARK):
+ content = token_string[2:-2].strip()
+ token = Token(TOKEN_COMMENT, content)
+ else:
+ token = Token(TOKEN_TEXT, token_string)
+ token.lineno = self.lineno
+ self.lineno += token_string.count('\n')
+ return token
+class Parser(object):
+ def __init__(self, tokens):
+ self.tokens = tokens
+ self.tags = {}
+ self.filters = {}
+ for lib in builtins:
+ self.add_library(lib)
+ def parse(self, parse_until=None):
+ if parse_until is None:
+ parse_until = []
+ nodelist = self.create_nodelist()
+ while self.tokens:
+ token = self.next_token()
+ # Use the raw values here for TOKEN_* for a tiny performance boost.
+ if token.token_type == 0: # TOKEN_TEXT
+ self.extend_nodelist(nodelist, TextNode(token.contents), token)
+ elif token.token_type == 1: # TOKEN_VAR
+ if not token.contents:
+ self.empty_variable(token)
+ try:
+ filter_expression = self.compile_filter(token.contents)
+ except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
+ if not self.compile_filter_error(token, e):
+ raise
+ var_node = self.create_variable_node(filter_expression)
+ self.extend_nodelist(nodelist, var_node, token)
+ elif token.token_type == 2: # TOKEN_BLOCK
+ try:
+ command = token.contents.split()[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ self.empty_block_tag(token)
+ if command in parse_until:
+ # put token back on token list so calling
+ # code knows why it terminated
+ self.prepend_token(token)
+ return nodelist
+ # execute callback function for this tag and append
+ # resulting node
+ self.enter_command(command, token)
+ try:
+ compile_func = self.tags[command]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.invalid_block_tag(token, command, parse_until)
+ try:
+ compiled_result = compile_func(self, token)
+ except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
+ if not self.compile_function_error(token, e):
+ raise
+ self.extend_nodelist(nodelist, compiled_result, token)
+ self.exit_command()
+ if parse_until:
+ self.unclosed_block_tag(parse_until)
+ return nodelist
+ def skip_past(self, endtag):
+ while self.tokens:
+ token = self.next_token()
+ if token.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK and token.contents == endtag:
+ return
+ self.unclosed_block_tag([endtag])
+ def create_variable_node(self, filter_expression):
+ return VariableNode(filter_expression)
+ def create_nodelist(self):
+ return NodeList()
+ def extend_nodelist(self, nodelist, node, token):
+ if node.must_be_first and nodelist:
+ try:
+ if nodelist.contains_nontext:
+ raise AttributeError
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r must be the first tag "
+ "in the template." % node)
+ if isinstance(nodelist, NodeList) and not isinstance(node, TextNode):
+ nodelist.contains_nontext = True
+ nodelist.append(node)
+ def enter_command(self, command, token):
+ pass
+ def exit_command(self):
+ pass
+ def error(self, token, msg):
+ return TemplateSyntaxError(msg)
+ def empty_variable(self, token):
+ raise self.error(token, "Empty variable tag")
+ def empty_block_tag(self, token):
+ raise self.error(token, "Empty block tag")
+ def invalid_block_tag(self, token, command, parse_until=None):
+ if parse_until:
+ raise self.error(token, "Invalid block tag: '%s', expected %s" %
+ (command, get_text_list(["'%s'" % p for p in parse_until])))
+ raise self.error(token, "Invalid block tag: '%s'" % command)
+ def unclosed_block_tag(self, parse_until):
+ raise self.error(None, "Unclosed tags: %s " % ', '.join(parse_until))
+ def compile_filter_error(self, token, e):
+ pass
+ def compile_function_error(self, token, e):
+ pass
+ def next_token(self):
+ return self.tokens.pop(0)
+ def prepend_token(self, token):
+ self.tokens.insert(0, token)
+ def delete_first_token(self):
+ del self.tokens[0]
+ def add_library(self, lib):
+ self.tags.update(lib.tags)
+ self.filters.update(lib.filters)
+ def compile_filter(self, token):
+ """
+ Convenient wrapper for FilterExpression
+ """
+ return FilterExpression(token, self)
+ def find_filter(self, filter_name):
+ if filter_name in self.filters:
+ return self.filters[filter_name]
+ else:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Invalid filter: '%s'" % filter_name)
+class TokenParser(object):
+ """
+ Subclass this and implement the top() method to parse a template line.
+ When instantiating the parser, pass in the line from the Django template
+ parser.
+ The parser's "tagname" instance-variable stores the name of the tag that
+ the filter was called with.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, subject):
+ self.subject = subject
+ self.pointer = 0
+ self.backout = []
+ self.tagname = self.tag()
+ def top(self):
+ """
+ Overload this method to do the actual parsing and return the result.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def more(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if there is more stuff in the tag.
+ """
+ return self.pointer < len(self.subject)
+ def back(self):
+ """
+ Undoes the last microparser. Use this for lookahead and backtracking.
+ """
+ if not len(self.backout):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("back called without some previous "
+ "parsing")
+ self.pointer = self.backout.pop()
+ def tag(self):
+ """
+ A microparser that just returns the next tag from the line.
+ """
+ subject = self.subject
+ i = self.pointer
+ if i >= len(subject):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("expected another tag, found "
+ "end of string: %s" % subject)
+ p = i
+ while i < len(subject) and subject[i] not in (' ', '\t'):
+ i += 1
+ s = subject[p:i]
+ while i < len(subject) and subject[i] in (' ', '\t'):
+ i += 1
+ self.backout.append(self.pointer)
+ self.pointer = i
+ return s
+ def value(self):
+ """
+ A microparser that parses for a value: some string constant or
+ variable name.
+ """
+ subject = self.subject
+ i = self.pointer
+ def next_space_index(subject, i):
+ """
+ Increment pointer until a real space (i.e. a space not within
+ quotes) is encountered
+ """
+ while i < len(subject) and subject[i] not in (' ', '\t'):
+ if subject[i] in ('"', "'"):
+ c = subject[i]
+ i += 1
+ while i < len(subject) and subject[i] != c:
+ i += 1
+ if i >= len(subject):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Searching for value. "
+ "Unexpected end of string in column %d: %s" %
+ (i, subject))
+ i += 1
+ return i
+ if i >= len(subject):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Searching for value. Expected another "
+ "value but found end of string: %s" %
+ subject)
+ if subject[i] in ('"', "'"):
+ p = i
+ i += 1
+ while i < len(subject) and subject[i] != subject[p]:
+ i += 1
+ if i >= len(subject):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Searching for value. Unexpected "
+ "end of string in column %d: %s" %
+ (i, subject))
+ i += 1
+ # Continue parsing until next "real" space,
+ # so that filters are also included
+ i = next_space_index(subject, i)
+ res = subject[p:i]
+ while i < len(subject) and subject[i] in (' ', '\t'):
+ i += 1
+ self.backout.append(self.pointer)
+ self.pointer = i
+ return res
+ else:
+ p = i
+ i = next_space_index(subject, i)
+ s = subject[p:i]
+ while i < len(subject) and subject[i] in (' ', '\t'):
+ i += 1
+ self.backout.append(self.pointer)
+ self.pointer = i
+ return s
+# This only matches constant *strings* (things in quotes or marked for
+# translation). Numbers are treated as variables for implementation reasons
+# (so that they retain their type when passed to filters).
+constant_string = r"""
+""" % {
+ 'strdq': r'"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"', # double-quoted string
+ 'strsq': r"'[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'", # single-quoted string
+ 'i18n_open': re.escape("_("),
+ 'i18n_close': re.escape(")"),
+ }
+constant_string = constant_string.replace("\n", "")
+filter_raw_string = r"""
+ (?:\s*%(filter_sep)s\s*
+ (?P<filter_name>\w+)
+ (?:%(arg_sep)s
+ (?:
+ (?P<constant_arg>%(constant)s)|
+ (?P<var_arg>[%(var_chars)s]+|%(num)s)
+ )
+ )?
+ )""" % {
+ 'constant': constant_string,
+ 'num': r'[-+\.]?\d[\d\.e]*',
+ 'var_chars': "\w\.",
+ 'filter_sep': re.escape(FILTER_SEPARATOR),
+ 'arg_sep': re.escape(FILTER_ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR),
+ }
+filter_re = re.compile(filter_raw_string, re.UNICODE | re.VERBOSE)
+class FilterExpression(object):
+ """
+ Parses a variable token and its optional filters (all as a single string),
+ and return a list of tuples of the filter name and arguments.
+ Sample::
+ >>> token = 'variable|default:"Default value"|date:"Y-m-d"'
+ >>> p = Parser('')
+ >>> fe = FilterExpression(token, p)
+ >>> len(fe.filters)
+ 2
+ >>> fe.var
+ <Variable: 'variable'>
+ This class should never be instantiated outside of the
+ get_filters_from_token helper function.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, token, parser):
+ self.token = token
+ matches = filter_re.finditer(token)
+ var_obj = None
+ filters = []
+ upto = 0
+ for match in matches:
+ start = match.start()
+ if upto != start:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Could not parse some characters: "
+ "%s|%s|%s" %
+ (token[:upto], token[upto:start],
+ token[start:]))
+ if var_obj is None:
+ var, constant ="var", "constant")
+ if constant:
+ try:
+ var_obj = Variable(constant).resolve({})
+ except VariableDoesNotExist:
+ var_obj = None
+ elif var is None:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Could not find variable at "
+ "start of %s." % token)
+ else:
+ var_obj = Variable(var)
+ else:
+ filter_name ="filter_name")
+ args = []
+ constant_arg, var_arg ="constant_arg", "var_arg")
+ if constant_arg:
+ args.append((False, Variable(constant_arg).resolve({})))
+ elif var_arg:
+ args.append((True, Variable(var_arg)))
+ filter_func = parser.find_filter(filter_name)
+ self.args_check(filter_name, filter_func, args)
+ filters.append((filter_func, args))
+ upto = match.end()
+ if upto != len(token):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Could not parse the remainder: '%s' "
+ "from '%s'" % (token[upto:], token))
+ self.filters = filters
+ self.var = var_obj
+ def resolve(self, context, ignore_failures=False):
+ if isinstance(self.var, Variable):
+ try:
+ obj = self.var.resolve(context)
+ except VariableDoesNotExist:
+ if ignore_failures:
+ obj = None
+ else:
+ global invalid_var_format_string
+ if invalid_var_format_string is None:
+ invalid_var_format_string = '%s' in settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID
+ if invalid_var_format_string:
+ return settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID % self.var
+ else:
+ else:
+ obj = self.var
+ for func, args in self.filters:
+ arg_vals = []
+ for lookup, arg in args:
+ if not lookup:
+ arg_vals.append(mark_safe(arg))
+ else:
+ arg_vals.append(arg.resolve(context))
+ if getattr(func, 'expects_localtime', False):
+ obj = template_localtime(obj, context.use_tz)
+ if getattr(func, 'needs_autoescape', False):
+ new_obj = func(obj, autoescape=context.autoescape, *arg_vals)
+ else:
+ new_obj = func(obj, *arg_vals)
+ if getattr(func, 'is_safe', False) and isinstance(obj, SafeData):
+ obj = mark_safe(new_obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, EscapeData):
+ obj = mark_for_escaping(new_obj)
+ else:
+ obj = new_obj
+ return obj
+ def args_check(name, func, provided):
+ provided = list(provided)
+ plen = len(provided)
+ # Check to see if a decorator is providing the real function.
+ func = getattr(func, '_decorated_function', func)
+ args, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec(func)
+ # First argument is filter input.
+ args.pop(0)
+ if defaults:
+ nondefs = args[:-len(defaults)]
+ else:
+ nondefs = args
+ # Args without defaults must be provided.
+ try:
+ for arg in nondefs:
+ provided.pop(0)
+ except IndexError:
+ # Not enough
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("%s requires %d arguments, %d provided" %
+ (name, len(nondefs), plen))
+ # Defaults can be overridden.
+ defaults = list(defaults) if defaults else []
+ try:
+ for parg in provided:
+ defaults.pop(0)
+ except IndexError:
+ # Too many.
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("%s requires %d arguments, %d provided" %
+ (name, len(nondefs), plen))
+ return True
+ args_check = staticmethod(args_check)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.token
+def resolve_variable(path, context):
+ """
+ Returns the resolved variable, which may contain attribute syntax, within
+ the given context.
+ Deprecated; use the Variable class instead.
+ """
+ return Variable(path).resolve(context)
+class Variable(object):
+ """
+ A template variable, resolvable against a given context. The variable may
+ be a hard-coded string (if it begins and ends with single or double quote
+ marks)::
+ >>> c = {'article': {'section':u'News'}}
+ >>> Variable('article.section').resolve(c)
+ u'News'
+ >>> Variable('article').resolve(c)
+ {'section': u'News'}
+ >>> class AClass: pass
+ >>> c = AClass()
+ >>> c.article = AClass()
+ >>> c.article.section = u'News'
+ (The example assumes VARIABLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR is '.')
+ """
+ def __init__(self, var):
+ self.var = var
+ self.literal = None
+ self.lookups = None
+ self.translate = False
+ self.message_context = None
+ try:
+ # First try to treat this variable as a number.
+ #
+ # Note that this could cause an OverflowError here that we're not
+ # catching. Since this should only happen at compile time, that's
+ # probably OK.
+ self.literal = float(var)
+ # So it's a float... is it an int? If the original value contained a
+ # dot or an "e" then it was a float, not an int.
+ if '.' not in var and 'e' not in var.lower():
+ self.literal = int(self.literal)
+ # "2." is invalid
+ if var.endswith('.'):
+ raise ValueError
+ except ValueError:
+ # A ValueError means that the variable isn't a number.
+ if var.startswith('_(') and var.endswith(')'):
+ # The result of the lookup should be translated at rendering
+ # time.
+ self.translate = True
+ var = var[2:-1]
+ # If it's wrapped with quotes (single or double), then
+ # we're also dealing with a literal.
+ try:
+ self.literal = mark_safe(unescape_string_literal(var))
+ except ValueError:
+ # Otherwise we'll set self.lookups so that resolve() knows we're
+ # dealing with a bonafide variable
+ if var.find(VARIABLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR + '_') > -1 or var[0] == '_':
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Variables and attributes may "
+ "not begin with underscores: '%s'" %
+ var)
+ self.lookups = tuple(var.split(VARIABLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR))
+ def resolve(self, context):
+ """Resolve this variable against a given context."""
+ if self.lookups is not None:
+ # We're dealing with a variable that needs to be resolved
+ value = self._resolve_lookup(context)
+ else:
+ # We're dealing with a literal, so it's already been "resolved"
+ value = self.literal
+ if self.translate:
+ if self.message_context:
+ return pgettext_lazy(self.message_context, value)
+ else:
+ return ugettext_lazy(value)
+ return value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s: %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.var)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.var
+ def _resolve_lookup(self, context):
+ """
+ Performs resolution of a real variable (i.e. not a literal) against the
+ given context.
+ As indicated by the method's name, this method is an implementation
+ detail and shouldn't be called by external code. Use Variable.resolve()
+ instead.
+ """
+ current = context
+ try: # catch-all for silent variable failures
+ for bit in self.lookups:
+ try: # dictionary lookup
+ current = current[bit]
+ except (TypeError, AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError):
+ try: # attribute lookup
+ # Don't return class attributes if the class is the context:
+ if isinstance(current, BaseContext) and getattr(type(current), bit):
+ raise AttributeError
+ current = getattr(current, bit)
+ except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+ try: # list-index lookup
+ current = current[int(bit)]
+ except (IndexError, # list index out of range
+ ValueError, # invalid literal for int()
+ KeyError, # current is a dict without `int(bit)` key
+ TypeError): # unsubscriptable object
+ raise VariableDoesNotExist("Failed lookup for key "
+ "[%s] in %r",
+ (bit, current)) # missing attribute
+ if callable(current):
+ if getattr(current, 'do_not_call_in_templates', False):
+ pass
+ elif getattr(current, 'alters_data', False):
+ current = settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID
+ else:
+ try: # method call (assuming no args required)
+ current = current()
+ except TypeError: # arguments *were* required
+ # GOTCHA: This will also catch any TypeError
+ # raised in the function itself.
+ current = settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID # invalid method call
+ except Exception as e:
+ if getattr(e, 'silent_variable_failure', False):
+ current = settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID
+ else:
+ raise
+ return current
+class Node(object):
+ # Set this to True for nodes that must be first in the template (although
+ # they can be preceded by text nodes.
+ must_be_first = False
+ child_nodelists = ('nodelist',)
+ def render(self, context):
+ """
+ Return the node rendered as a string.
+ """
+ pass
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield self
+ def get_nodes_by_type(self, nodetype):
+ """
+ Return a list of all nodes (within this node and its nodelist)
+ of the given type
+ """
+ nodes = []
+ if isinstance(self, nodetype):
+ nodes.append(self)
+ for attr in self.child_nodelists:
+ nodelist = getattr(self, attr, None)
+ if nodelist:
+ nodes.extend(nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(nodetype))
+ return nodes
+class NodeList(list):
+ # Set to True the first time a non-TextNode is inserted by
+ # extend_nodelist().
+ contains_nontext = False
+ def render(self, context):
+ bits = []
+ for node in self:
+ if isinstance(node, Node):
+ bit = self.render_node(node, context)
+ else:
+ bit = node
+ bits.append(force_text(bit))
+ return mark_safe(''.join(bits))
+ def get_nodes_by_type(self, nodetype):
+ "Return a list of all nodes of the given type"
+ nodes = []
+ for node in self:
+ nodes.extend(node.get_nodes_by_type(nodetype))
+ return nodes
+ def render_node(self, node, context):
+ return node.render(context)
+class TextNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, s):
+ self.s = s
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return force_str("<Text Node: '%s'>" % self.s[:25], 'ascii',
+ errors='replace')
+ def render(self, context):
+ return self.s
+def render_value_in_context(value, context):
+ """
+ Converts any value to a string to become part of a rendered template. This
+ means escaping, if required, and conversion to a unicode object. If value
+ is a string, it is expected to have already been translated.
+ """
+ value = template_localtime(value, use_tz=context.use_tz)
+ value = localize(value, use_l10n=context.use_l10n)
+ value = force_text(value)
+ if ((context.autoescape and not isinstance(value, SafeData)) or
+ isinstance(value, EscapeData)):
+ return escape(value)
+ else:
+ return value
+class VariableNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, filter_expression):
+ self.filter_expression = filter_expression
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Variable Node: %s>" % self.filter_expression
+ def render(self, context):
+ try:
+ output = self.filter_expression.resolve(context)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ # Unicode conversion can fail sometimes for reasons out of our
+ # control (e.g. exception rendering). In that case, we fail
+ # quietly.
+ return ''
+ return render_value_in_context(output, context)
+# Regex for token keyword arguments
+kwarg_re = re.compile(r"(?:(\w+)=)?(.+)")
+def token_kwargs(bits, parser, support_legacy=False):
+ """
+ A utility method for parsing token keyword arguments.
+ :param bits: A list containing remainder of the token (split by spaces)
+ that is to be checked for arguments. Valid arguments will be removed
+ from this list.
+ :param support_legacy: If set to true ``True``, the legacy format
+ ``1 as foo`` will be accepted. Otherwise, only the standard ``foo=1``
+ format is allowed.
+ :returns: A dictionary of the arguments retrieved from the ``bits`` token
+ list.
+ There is no requirement for all remaining token ``bits`` to be keyword
+ arguments, so the dictionary will be returned as soon as an invalid
+ argument format is reached.
+ """
+ if not bits:
+ return {}
+ match = kwarg_re.match(bits[0])
+ kwarg_format = match and
+ if not kwarg_format:
+ if not support_legacy:
+ return {}
+ if len(bits) < 3 or bits[1] != 'as':
+ return {}
+ kwargs = {}
+ while bits:
+ if kwarg_format:
+ match = kwarg_re.match(bits[0])
+ if not match or not
+ return kwargs
+ key, value = match.groups()
+ del bits[:1]
+ else:
+ if len(bits) < 3 or bits[1] != 'as':
+ return kwargs
+ key, value = bits[2], bits[0]
+ del bits[:3]
+ kwargs[key] = parser.compile_filter(value)
+ if bits and not kwarg_format:
+ if bits[0] != 'and':
+ return kwargs
+ del bits[:1]
+ return kwargs
+def parse_bits(parser, bits, params, varargs, varkw, defaults,
+ takes_context, name):
+ """
+ Parses bits for template tag helpers (simple_tag, include_tag and
+ assignment_tag), in particular by detecting syntax errors and by
+ extracting positional and keyword arguments.
+ """
+ if takes_context:
+ if params[0] == 'context':
+ params = params[1:]
+ else:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError(
+ "'%s' is decorated with takes_context=True so it must "
+ "have a first argument of 'context'" % name)
+ args = []
+ kwargs = {}
+ unhandled_params = list(params)
+ for bit in bits:
+ # First we try to extract a potential kwarg from the bit
+ kwarg = token_kwargs([bit], parser)
+ if kwarg:
+ # The kwarg was successfully extracted
+ param, value = list(six.iteritems(kwarg))[0]
+ if param not in params and varkw is None:
+ # An unexpected keyword argument was supplied
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError(
+ "'%s' received unexpected keyword argument '%s'" %
+ (name, param))
+ elif param in kwargs:
+ # The keyword argument has already been supplied once
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError(
+ "'%s' received multiple values for keyword argument '%s'" %
+ (name, param))
+ else:
+ # All good, record the keyword argument
+ kwargs[str(param)] = value
+ if param in unhandled_params:
+ # If using the keyword syntax for a positional arg, then
+ # consume it.
+ unhandled_params.remove(param)
+ else:
+ if kwargs:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError(
+ "'%s' received some positional argument(s) after some "
+ "keyword argument(s)" % name)
+ else:
+ # Record the positional argument
+ args.append(parser.compile_filter(bit))
+ try:
+ # Consume from the list of expected positional arguments
+ unhandled_params.pop(0)
+ except IndexError:
+ if varargs is None:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError(
+ "'%s' received too many positional arguments" %
+ name)
+ if defaults is not None:
+ # Consider the last n params handled, where n is the
+ # number of defaults.
+ unhandled_params = unhandled_params[:-len(defaults)]
+ if unhandled_params:
+ # Some positional arguments were not supplied
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError(
+ "'%s' did not receive value(s) for the argument(s): %s" %
+ (name, ", ".join(["'%s'" % p for p in unhandled_params])))
+ return args, kwargs
+def generic_tag_compiler(parser, token, params, varargs, varkw, defaults,
+ name, takes_context, node_class):
+ """
+ Returns a template.Node subclass.
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()[1:]
+ args, kwargs = parse_bits(parser, bits, params, varargs, varkw,
+ defaults, takes_context, name)
+ return node_class(takes_context, args, kwargs)
+class TagHelperNode(Node):
+ """
+ Base class for tag helper nodes such as SimpleNode, InclusionNode and
+ AssignmentNode. Manages the positional and keyword arguments to be passed
+ to the decorated function.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, takes_context, args, kwargs):
+ self.takes_context = takes_context
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ def get_resolved_arguments(self, context):
+ resolved_args = [var.resolve(context) for var in self.args]
+ if self.takes_context:
+ resolved_args = [context] + resolved_args
+ resolved_kwargs = dict((k, v.resolve(context))
+ for k, v in self.kwargs.items())
+ return resolved_args, resolved_kwargs
+class Library(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.filters = {}
+ self.tags = {}
+ def tag(self, name=None, compile_function=None):
+ if name is None and compile_function is None:
+ # @register.tag()
+ return self.tag_function
+ elif name is not None and compile_function is None:
+ if callable(name):
+ # @register.tag
+ return self.tag_function(name)
+ else:
+ # @register.tag('somename') or @register.tag(name='somename')
+ def dec(func):
+ return self.tag(name, func)
+ return dec
+ elif name is not None and compile_function is not None:
+ # register.tag('somename', somefunc)
+ self.tags[name] = compile_function
+ return compile_function
+ else:
+ raise InvalidTemplateLibrary("Unsupported arguments to "
+ "Library.tag: (%r, %r)", (name, compile_function))
+ def tag_function(self, func):
+ self.tags[getattr(func, "_decorated_function", func).__name__] = func
+ return func
+ def filter(self, name=None, filter_func=None, **flags):
+ if name is None and filter_func is None:
+ # @register.filter()
+ def dec(func):
+ return self.filter_function(func, **flags)
+ return dec
+ elif name is not None and filter_func is None:
+ if callable(name):
+ # @register.filter
+ return self.filter_function(name, **flags)
+ else:
+ # @register.filter('somename') or @register.filter(name='somename')
+ def dec(func):
+ return self.filter(name, func, **flags)
+ return dec
+ elif name is not None and filter_func is not None:
+ # register.filter('somename', somefunc)
+ self.filters[name] = filter_func
+ for attr in ('expects_localtime', 'is_safe', 'needs_autoescape'):
+ if attr in flags:
+ value = flags[attr]
+ # set the flag on the filter for FilterExpression.resolve
+ setattr(filter_func, attr, value)
+ # set the flag on the innermost decorated function
+ # for decorators that need it e.g. stringfilter
+ if hasattr(filter_func, "_decorated_function"):
+ setattr(filter_func._decorated_function, attr, value)
+ filter_func._filter_name = name
+ return filter_func
+ else:
+ raise InvalidTemplateLibrary("Unsupported arguments to "
+ "Library.filter: (%r, %r)", (name, filter_func))
+ def filter_function(self, func, **flags):
+ name = getattr(func, "_decorated_function", func).__name__
+ return self.filter(name, func, **flags)
+ def simple_tag(self, func=None, takes_context=None, name=None):
+ def dec(func):
+ params, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec(func)
+ class SimpleNode(TagHelperNode):
+ def render(self, context):
+ resolved_args, resolved_kwargs = self.get_resolved_arguments(context)
+ return func(*resolved_args, **resolved_kwargs)
+ function_name = (name or
+ getattr(func, '_decorated_function', func).__name__)
+ compile_func = partial(generic_tag_compiler,
+ params=params, varargs=varargs, varkw=varkw,
+ defaults=defaults, name=function_name,
+ takes_context=takes_context, node_class=SimpleNode)
+ compile_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__
+ self.tag(function_name, compile_func)
+ return func
+ if func is None:
+ # @register.simple_tag(...)
+ return dec
+ elif callable(func):
+ # @register.simple_tag
+ return dec(func)
+ else:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Invalid arguments provided to simple_tag")
+ def assignment_tag(self, func=None, takes_context=None, name=None):
+ def dec(func):
+ params, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec(func)
+ class AssignmentNode(TagHelperNode):
+ def __init__(self, takes_context, args, kwargs, target_var):
+ super(AssignmentNode, self).__init__(takes_context, args, kwargs)
+ self.target_var = target_var
+ def render(self, context):
+ resolved_args, resolved_kwargs = self.get_resolved_arguments(context)
+ context[self.target_var] = func(*resolved_args, **resolved_kwargs)
+ return ''
+ function_name = (name or
+ getattr(func, '_decorated_function', func).__name__)
+ def compile_func(parser, token):
+ bits = token.split_contents()[1:]
+ if len(bits) < 2 or bits[-2] != 'as':
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError(
+ "'%s' tag takes at least 2 arguments and the "
+ "second last argument must be 'as'" % function_name)
+ target_var = bits[-1]
+ bits = bits[:-2]
+ args, kwargs = parse_bits(parser, bits, params,
+ varargs, varkw, defaults, takes_context, function_name)
+ return AssignmentNode(takes_context, args, kwargs, target_var)
+ compile_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__
+ self.tag(function_name, compile_func)
+ return func
+ if func is None:
+ # @register.assignment_tag(...)
+ return dec
+ elif callable(func):
+ # @register.assignment_tag
+ return dec(func)
+ else:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Invalid arguments provided to assignment_tag")
+ def inclusion_tag(self, file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False, name=None):
+ def dec(func):
+ params, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec(func)
+ class InclusionNode(TagHelperNode):
+ def render(self, context):
+ resolved_args, resolved_kwargs = self.get_resolved_arguments(context)
+ _dict = func(*resolved_args, **resolved_kwargs)
+ if not getattr(self, 'nodelist', False):
+ from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
+ if isinstance(file_name, Template):
+ t = file_name
+ elif not isinstance(file_name, six.string_types) and is_iterable(file_name):
+ t = select_template(file_name)
+ else:
+ t = get_template(file_name)
+ self.nodelist = t.nodelist
+ new_context = context_class(_dict, **{
+ 'autoescape': context.autoescape,
+ 'current_app': context.current_app,
+ 'use_l10n': context.use_l10n,
+ 'use_tz': context.use_tz,
+ })
+ # Copy across the CSRF token, if present, because
+ # inclusion tags are often used for forms, and we need
+ # instructions for using CSRF protection to be as simple
+ # as possible.
+ csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
+ if csrf_token is not None:
+ new_context['csrf_token'] = csrf_token
+ return self.nodelist.render(new_context)
+ function_name = (name or
+ getattr(func, '_decorated_function', func).__name__)
+ compile_func = partial(generic_tag_compiler,
+ params=params, varargs=varargs, varkw=varkw,
+ defaults=defaults, name=function_name,
+ takes_context=takes_context, node_class=InclusionNode)
+ compile_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__
+ self.tag(function_name, compile_func)
+ return func
+ return dec
+def is_library_missing(name):
+ """Check if library that failed to load cannot be found under any
+ templatetags directory or does exist but fails to import.
+ Non-existing condition is checked recursively for each subpackage in cases
+ like <appdir>/templatetags/subpackage/package/
+ """
+ # Don't bother to check if '.' is in name since any name will be prefixed
+ # with some template root.
+ path, module = name.rsplit('.', 1)
+ try:
+ package = import_module(path)
+ return not module_has_submodule(package, module)
+ except ImportError:
+ return is_library_missing(path)
+def import_library(taglib_module):
+ """
+ Load a template tag library module.
+ Verifies that the library contains a 'register' attribute, and
+ returns that attribute as the representation of the library
+ """
+ try:
+ mod = import_module(taglib_module)
+ except ImportError as e:
+ # If the ImportError is because the taglib submodule does not exist,
+ # that's not an error that should be raised. If the submodule exists
+ # and raised an ImportError on the attempt to load it, that we want
+ # to raise.
+ if is_library_missing(taglib_module):
+ return None
+ else:
+ raise InvalidTemplateLibrary("ImportError raised loading %s: %s" %
+ (taglib_module, e))
+ try:
+ return mod.register
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise InvalidTemplateLibrary("Template library %s does not have "
+ "a variable named 'register'" %
+ taglib_module)
+templatetags_modules = []
+def get_templatetags_modules():
+ """
+ Return the list of all available template tag modules.
+ Caches the result for faster access.
+ """
+ global templatetags_modules
+ if not templatetags_modules:
+ _templatetags_modules = []
+ # Populate list once per process. Mutate the local list first, and
+ # then assign it to the global name to ensure there are no cases where
+ # two threads try to populate it simultaneously.
+ for app_module in ['django'] + list(settings.INSTALLED_APPS):
+ try:
+ templatetag_module = '%s.templatetags' % app_module
+ import_module(templatetag_module)
+ _templatetags_modules.append(templatetag_module)
+ except ImportError:
+ continue
+ templatetags_modules = _templatetags_modules
+ return templatetags_modules
+def get_library(library_name):
+ """
+ Load the template library module with the given name.
+ If library is not already loaded loop over all templatetags modules
+ to locate it.
+ {% load somelib %} and {% load someotherlib %} loops twice.
+ Subsequent loads eg. {% load somelib %} in the same process will grab
+ the cached module from libraries.
+ """
+ lib = libraries.get(library_name, None)
+ if not lib:
+ templatetags_modules = get_templatetags_modules()
+ tried_modules = []
+ for module in templatetags_modules:
+ taglib_module = '%s.%s' % (module, library_name)
+ tried_modules.append(taglib_module)
+ lib = import_library(taglib_module)
+ if lib:
+ libraries[library_name] = lib
+ break
+ if not lib:
+ raise InvalidTemplateLibrary("Template library %s not found, "
+ "tried %s" %
+ (library_name,
+ ','.join(tried_modules)))
+ return lib
+def add_to_builtins(module):
+ builtins.append(import_library(module))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ef7e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+from copy import copy
+from django.utils.module_loading import import_by_path
+# Cache of actual callables.
+_standard_context_processors = None
+# We need the CSRF processor no matter what the user has in their settings,
+# because otherwise it is a security vulnerability, and we can't afford to leave
+# this to human error or failure to read migration instructions.
+_builtin_context_processors = ('django.core.context_processors.csrf',)
+class ContextPopException(Exception):
+ "pop() has been called more times than push()"
+ pass
+class BaseContext(object):
+ def __init__(self, dict_=None):
+ self._reset_dicts(dict_)
+ def _reset_dicts(self, value=None):
+ builtins = {'True': True, 'False': False, 'None': None}
+ self.dicts = [builtins]
+ if value is not None:
+ self.dicts.append(value)
+ def __copy__(self):
+ duplicate = copy(super(BaseContext, self))
+ duplicate.dicts = self.dicts[:]
+ return duplicate
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr(self.dicts)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for d in reversed(self.dicts):
+ yield d
+ def push(self):
+ d = {}
+ self.dicts.append(d)
+ return d
+ def pop(self):
+ if len(self.dicts) == 1:
+ raise ContextPopException
+ return self.dicts.pop()
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ "Set a variable in the current context"
+ self.dicts[-1][key] = value
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ "Get a variable's value, starting at the current context and going upward"
+ for d in reversed(self.dicts):
+ if key in d:
+ return d[key]
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ "Delete a variable from the current context"
+ del self.dicts[-1][key]
+ def has_key(self, key):
+ for d in self.dicts:
+ if key in d:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return self.has_key(key)
+ def get(self, key, otherwise=None):
+ for d in reversed(self.dicts):
+ if key in d:
+ return d[key]
+ return otherwise
+ def new(self, values=None):
+ """
+ Returns a new context with the same properties, but with only the
+ values given in 'values' stored.
+ """
+ new_context = copy(self)
+ new_context._reset_dicts(values)
+ return new_context
+class Context(BaseContext):
+ "A stack container for variable context"
+ def __init__(self, dict_=None, autoescape=True, current_app=None,
+ use_l10n=None, use_tz=None):
+ self.autoescape = autoescape
+ self.current_app = current_app
+ self.use_l10n = use_l10n
+ self.use_tz = use_tz
+ self.render_context = RenderContext()
+ super(Context, self).__init__(dict_)
+ def __copy__(self):
+ duplicate = super(Context, self).__copy__()
+ duplicate.render_context = copy(self.render_context)
+ return duplicate
+ def update(self, other_dict):
+ "Pushes other_dict to the stack of dictionaries in the Context"
+ if not hasattr(other_dict, '__getitem__'):
+ raise TypeError('other_dict must be a mapping (dictionary-like) object.')
+ self.dicts.append(other_dict)
+ return other_dict
+class RenderContext(BaseContext):
+ """
+ A stack container for storing Template state.
+ RenderContext simplifies the implementation of template Nodes by providing a
+ safe place to store state between invocations of a node's `render` method.
+ The RenderContext also provides scoping rules that are more sensible for
+ 'template local' variables. The render context stack is pushed before each
+ template is rendered, creating a fresh scope with nothing in it. Name
+ resolution fails if a variable is not found at the top of the RequestContext
+ stack. Thus, variables are local to a specific template and don't affect the
+ rendering of other templates as they would if they were stored in the normal
+ template context.
+ """
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for d in self.dicts[-1]:
+ yield d
+ def has_key(self, key):
+ return key in self.dicts[-1]
+ def get(self, key, otherwise=None):
+ d = self.dicts[-1]
+ if key in d:
+ return d[key]
+ return otherwise
+# This is a function rather than module-level procedural code because we only
+# want it to execute if somebody uses RequestContext.
+def get_standard_processors():
+ from django.conf import settings
+ global _standard_context_processors
+ if _standard_context_processors is None:
+ processors = []
+ collect = []
+ collect.extend(_builtin_context_processors)
+ collect.extend(settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS)
+ for path in collect:
+ func = import_by_path(path)
+ processors.append(func)
+ _standard_context_processors = tuple(processors)
+ return _standard_context_processors
+class RequestContext(Context):
+ """
+ This subclass of template.Context automatically populates itself using
+ the processors defined in TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS.
+ Additional processors can be specified as a list of callables
+ using the "processors" keyword argument.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, request, dict_=None, processors=None, current_app=None,
+ use_l10n=None, use_tz=None):
+ Context.__init__(self, dict_, current_app=current_app,
+ use_l10n=use_l10n, use_tz=use_tz)
+ if processors is None:
+ processors = ()
+ else:
+ processors = tuple(processors)
+ for processor in get_standard_processors() + processors:
+ self.update(processor(request))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..043dd91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+from django.template.base import Lexer, Parser, tag_re, NodeList, VariableNode, TemplateSyntaxError
+from django.utils.encoding import force_text
+from django.utils.html import escape
+from django.utils.safestring import SafeData, EscapeData
+from django.utils.formats import localize
+from django.utils.timezone import template_localtime
+class DebugLexer(Lexer):
+ def __init__(self, template_string, origin):
+ super(DebugLexer, self).__init__(template_string, origin)
+ def tokenize(self):
+ "Return a list of tokens from a given template_string"
+ result, upto = [], 0
+ for match in tag_re.finditer(self.template_string):
+ start, end = match.span()
+ if start > upto:
+ result.append(self.create_token(self.template_string[upto:start], (upto, start), False))
+ upto = start
+ result.append(self.create_token(self.template_string[start:end], (start, end), True))
+ upto = end
+ last_bit = self.template_string[upto:]
+ if last_bit:
+ result.append(self.create_token(last_bit, (upto, upto + len(last_bit)), False))
+ return result
+ def create_token(self, token_string, source, in_tag):
+ token = super(DebugLexer, self).create_token(token_string, in_tag)
+ token.source = self.origin, source
+ return token
+class DebugParser(Parser):
+ def __init__(self, lexer):
+ super(DebugParser, self).__init__(lexer)
+ self.command_stack = []
+ def enter_command(self, command, token):
+ self.command_stack.append( (command, token.source) )
+ def exit_command(self):
+ self.command_stack.pop()
+ def error(self, token, msg):
+ return self.source_error(token.source, msg)
+ def source_error(self, source, msg):
+ e = TemplateSyntaxError(msg)
+ e.django_template_source = source
+ return e
+ def create_nodelist(self):
+ return DebugNodeList()
+ def create_variable_node(self, contents):
+ return DebugVariableNode(contents)
+ def extend_nodelist(self, nodelist, node, token):
+ node.source = token.source
+ super(DebugParser, self).extend_nodelist(nodelist, node, token)
+ def unclosed_block_tag(self, parse_until):
+ command, source = self.command_stack.pop()
+ msg = "Unclosed tag '%s'. Looking for one of: %s " % (command, ', '.join(parse_until))
+ raise self.source_error(source, msg)
+ def compile_filter_error(self, token, e):
+ if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'):
+ e.django_template_source = token.source
+ def compile_function_error(self, token, e):
+ if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'):
+ e.django_template_source = token.source
+class DebugNodeList(NodeList):
+ def render_node(self, node, context):
+ try:
+ return node.render(context)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'):
+ e.django_template_source = node.source
+ raise
+class DebugVariableNode(VariableNode):
+ def render(self, context):
+ try:
+ output = self.filter_expression.resolve(context)
+ output = template_localtime(output, use_tz=context.use_tz)
+ output = localize(output, use_l10n=context.use_l10n)
+ output = force_text(output)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ return ''
+ except Exception as e:
+ if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'):
+ e.django_template_source = self.source
+ raise
+ if (context.autoescape and not isinstance(output, SafeData)) or isinstance(output, EscapeData):
+ return escape(output)
+ else:
+ return output
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+"""Default variable filters."""
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import re
+import random as random_module
+from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation, Context, ROUND_HALF_UP
+from functools import wraps
+from pprint import pformat
+from django.template.base import Variable, Library, VariableDoesNotExist
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.utils import formats
+from django.utils.dateformat import format, time_format
+from django.utils.encoding import force_text, iri_to_uri
+from django.utils.html import (conditional_escape, escapejs, fix_ampersands,
+ escape, urlize as urlize_impl, linebreaks, strip_tags, avoid_wrapping)
+from django.utils.http import urlquote
+from django.utils.text import Truncator, wrap, phone2numeric
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe, SafeData, mark_for_escaping
+from django.utils import six
+from django.utils.timesince import timesince, timeuntil
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext, ungettext
+from django.utils.text import normalize_newlines
+register = Library()
+def stringfilter(func):
+ """
+ Decorator for filters which should only receive unicode objects. The object
+ passed as the first positional argument will be converted to a unicode
+ object.
+ """
+ def _dec(*args, **kwargs):
+ if args:
+ args = list(args)
+ args[0] = force_text(args[0])
+ if (isinstance(args[0], SafeData) and
+ getattr(_dec._decorated_function, 'is_safe', False)):
+ return mark_safe(func(*args, **kwargs))
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Include a reference to the real function (used to check original
+ # arguments by the template parser, and to bear the 'is_safe' attribute
+ # when multiple decorators are applied).
+ _dec._decorated_function = getattr(func, '_decorated_function', func)
+ return wraps(func)(_dec)
+def addslashes(value):
+ """
+ Adds slashes before quotes. Useful for escaping strings in CSV, for
+ example. Less useful for escaping JavaScript; use the ``escapejs``
+ filter instead.
+ """
+ return value.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"').replace("'", "\\'")
+def capfirst(value):
+ """Capitalizes the first character of the value."""
+ return value and value[0].upper() + value[1:]
+def escapejs_filter(value):
+ """Hex encodes characters for use in JavaScript strings."""
+ return escapejs(value)
+@register.filter("fix_ampersands", is_safe=True)
+def fix_ampersands_filter(value):
+ """Replaces ampersands with ``&amp;`` entities."""
+ return fix_ampersands(value)
+# Values for testing floatformat input against infinity and NaN representations,
+# which differ across platforms and Python versions. Some (i.e. old Windows
+# ones) are not recognized by Decimal but we want to return them unchanged vs.
+# returning an empty string as we do for completely invalid input. Note these
+# need to be built up from values that are not inf/nan, since inf/nan values do
+# not reload properly from .pyc files on Windows prior to some level of Python 2.5
+# (see Python Issue757815 and Issue1080440).
+pos_inf = 1e200 * 1e200
+neg_inf = -1e200 * 1e200
+nan = (1e200 * 1e200) // (1e200 * 1e200)
+special_floats = [str(pos_inf), str(neg_inf), str(nan)]
+def floatformat(text, arg=-1):
+ """
+ Displays a float to a specified number of decimal places.
+ If called without an argument, it displays the floating point number with
+ one decimal place -- but only if there's a decimal place to be displayed:
+ * num1 = 34.23234
+ * num2 = 34.00000
+ * num3 = 34.26000
+ * {{ num1|floatformat }} displays "34.2"
+ * {{ num2|floatformat }} displays "34"
+ * {{ num3|floatformat }} displays "34.3"
+ If arg is positive, it will always display exactly arg number of decimal
+ places:
+ * {{ num1|floatformat:3 }} displays "34.232"
+ * {{ num2|floatformat:3 }} displays "34.000"
+ * {{ num3|floatformat:3 }} displays "34.260"
+ If arg is negative, it will display arg number of decimal places -- but
+ only if there are places to be displayed:
+ * {{ num1|floatformat:"-3" }} displays "34.232"
+ * {{ num2|floatformat:"-3" }} displays "34"
+ * {{ num3|floatformat:"-3" }} displays "34.260"
+ If the input float is infinity or NaN, the (platform-dependent) string
+ representation of that value will be displayed.
+ """
+ try:
+ input_val = force_text(text)
+ d = Decimal(input_val)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ return ''
+ except InvalidOperation:
+ if input_val in special_floats:
+ return input_val
+ try:
+ d = Decimal(force_text(float(text)))
+ except (ValueError, InvalidOperation, TypeError, UnicodeEncodeError):
+ return ''
+ try:
+ p = int(arg)
+ except ValueError:
+ return input_val
+ try:
+ m = int(d) - d
+ except (ValueError, OverflowError, InvalidOperation):
+ return input_val
+ if not m and p < 0:
+ return mark_safe(formats.number_format('%d' % (int(d)), 0))
+ if p == 0:
+ exp = Decimal(1)
+ else:
+ exp = Decimal('1.0') / (Decimal(10) ** abs(p))
+ try:
+ # Set the precision high enough to avoid an exception, see #15789.
+ tupl = d.as_tuple()
+ units = len(tupl[1]) - tupl[2]
+ prec = abs(p) + units + 1
+ # Avoid conversion to scientific notation by accessing `sign`, `digits`
+ # and `exponent` from `Decimal.as_tuple()` directly.
+ sign, digits, exponent = d.quantize(exp, ROUND_HALF_UP,
+ Context(prec=prec)).as_tuple()
+ digits = [six.text_type(digit) for digit in reversed(digits)]
+ while len(digits) <= abs(exponent):
+ digits.append('0')
+ digits.insert(-exponent, '.')
+ if sign:
+ digits.append('-')
+ number = ''.join(reversed(digits))
+ return mark_safe(formats.number_format(number, abs(p)))
+ except InvalidOperation:
+ return input_val
+def iriencode(value):
+ """Escapes an IRI value for use in a URL."""
+ return force_text(iri_to_uri(value))
+@register.filter(is_safe=True, needs_autoescape=True)
+def linenumbers(value, autoescape=None):
+ """Displays text with line numbers."""
+ lines = value.split('\n')
+ # Find the maximum width of the line count, for use with zero padding
+ # string format command
+ width = six.text_type(len(six.text_type(len(lines))))
+ if not autoescape or isinstance(value, SafeData):
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ lines[i] = ("%0" + width + "d. %s") % (i + 1, line)
+ else:
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ lines[i] = ("%0" + width + "d. %s") % (i + 1, escape(line))
+ return mark_safe('\n'.join(lines))
+def lower(value):
+ """Converts a string into all lowercase."""
+ return value.lower()
+def make_list(value):
+ """
+ Returns the value turned into a list.
+ For an integer, it's a list of digits.
+ For a string, it's a list of characters.
+ """
+ return list(value)
+def slugify(value):
+ """
+ Converts to lowercase, removes non-word characters (alphanumerics and
+ underscores) and converts spaces to hyphens. Also strips leading and
+ trailing whitespace.
+ """
+ from django.utils.text import slugify
+ return slugify(value)
+def stringformat(value, arg):
+ """
+ Formats the variable according to the arg, a string formatting specifier.
+ This specifier uses Python string formating syntax, with the exception that
+ the leading "%" is dropped.
+ See for documentation
+ of Python string formatting
+ """
+ try:
+ return ("%" + six.text_type(arg)) % value
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ return ""
+def title(value):
+ """Converts a string into titlecase."""
+ t = re.sub("([a-z])'([A-Z])", lambda m:, value.title())
+ return re.sub("\d([A-Z])", lambda m:, t)
+def truncatechars(value, arg):
+ """
+ Truncates a string after a certain number of characters.
+ Argument: Number of characters to truncate after.
+ """
+ try:
+ length = int(arg)
+ except ValueError: # Invalid literal for int().
+ return value # Fail silently.
+ return Truncator(value).chars(length)
+def truncatewords(value, arg):
+ """
+ Truncates a string after a certain number of words.
+ Argument: Number of words to truncate after.
+ Newlines within the string are removed.
+ """
+ try:
+ length = int(arg)
+ except ValueError: # Invalid literal for int().
+ return value # Fail silently.
+ return Truncator(value).words(length, truncate=' ...')
+def truncatewords_html(value, arg):
+ """
+ Truncates HTML after a certain number of words.
+ Argument: Number of words to truncate after.
+ Newlines in the HTML are preserved.
+ """
+ try:
+ length = int(arg)
+ except ValueError: # invalid literal for int()
+ return value # Fail silently.
+ return Truncator(value).words(length, html=True, truncate=' ...')
+def upper(value):
+ """Converts a string into all uppercase."""
+ return value.upper()
+def urlencode(value, safe=None):
+ """
+ Escapes a value for use in a URL.
+ Takes an optional ``safe`` parameter used to determine the characters which
+ should not be escaped by Django's ``urlquote`` method. If not provided, the
+ default safe characters will be used (but an empty string can be provided
+ when *all* characters should be escaped).
+ """
+ kwargs = {}
+ if safe is not None:
+ kwargs['safe'] = safe
+ return urlquote(value, **kwargs)
+@register.filter(is_safe=True, needs_autoescape=True)
+def urlize(value, autoescape=None):
+ """Converts URLs in plain text into clickable links."""
+ return mark_safe(urlize_impl(value, nofollow=True, autoescape=autoescape))
+@register.filter(is_safe=True, needs_autoescape=True)
+def urlizetrunc(value, limit, autoescape=None):
+ """
+ Converts URLs into clickable links, truncating URLs to the given character
+ limit, and adding 'rel=nofollow' attribute to discourage spamming.
+ Argument: Length to truncate URLs to.
+ """
+ return mark_safe(urlize_impl(value, trim_url_limit=int(limit), nofollow=True,
+ autoescape=autoescape))
+def wordcount(value):
+ """Returns the number of words."""
+ return len(value.split())
+def wordwrap(value, arg):
+ """
+ Wraps words at specified line length.
+ Argument: number of characters to wrap the text at.
+ """
+ return wrap(value, int(arg))
+def ljust(value, arg):
+ """
+ Left-aligns the value in a field of a given width.
+ Argument: field size.
+ """
+ return value.ljust(int(arg))
+def rjust(value, arg):
+ """
+ Right-aligns the value in a field of a given width.
+ Argument: field size.
+ """
+ return value.rjust(int(arg))
+def center(value, arg):
+ """Centers the value in a field of a given width."""
+ return
+def cut(value, arg):
+ """
+ Removes all values of arg from the given string.
+ """
+ safe = isinstance(value, SafeData)
+ value = value.replace(arg, '')
+ if safe and arg != ';':
+ return mark_safe(value)
+ return value
+@register.filter("escape", is_safe=True)
+def escape_filter(value):
+ """
+ Marks the value as a string that should not be auto-escaped.
+ """
+ return mark_for_escaping(value)
+def force_escape(value):
+ """
+ Escapes a string's HTML. This returns a new string containing the escaped
+ characters (as opposed to "escape", which marks the content for later
+ possible escaping).
+ """
+ return escape(value)
+@register.filter("linebreaks", is_safe=True, needs_autoescape=True)
+def linebreaks_filter(value, autoescape=None):
+ """
+ Replaces line breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML; a single
+ newline becomes an HTML line break (``<br />``) and a new line
+ followed by a blank line becomes a paragraph break (``</p>``).
+ """
+ autoescape = autoescape and not isinstance(value, SafeData)
+ return mark_safe(linebreaks(value, autoescape))
+@register.filter(is_safe=True, needs_autoescape=True)
+def linebreaksbr(value, autoescape=None):
+ """
+ Converts all newlines in a piece of plain text to HTML line breaks
+ (``<br />``).
+ """
+ autoescape = autoescape and not isinstance(value, SafeData)
+ value = normalize_newlines(value)
+ if autoescape:
+ value = escape(value)
+ return mark_safe(value.replace('\n', '<br />'))
+def safe(value):
+ """
+ Marks the value as a string that should not be auto-escaped.
+ """
+ return mark_safe(value)
+def safeseq(value):
+ """
+ A "safe" filter for sequences. Marks each element in the sequence,
+ individually, as safe, after converting them to unicode. Returns a list
+ with the results.
+ """
+ return [mark_safe(force_text(obj)) for obj in value]
+def removetags(value, tags):
+ """Removes a space separated list of [X]HTML tags from the output."""
+ from django.utils.html import remove_tags
+ return remove_tags(value, tags)
+def striptags(value):
+ """Strips all [X]HTML tags."""
+ return strip_tags(value)
+# LISTS #
+def dictsort(value, arg):
+ """
+ Takes a list of dicts, returns that list sorted by the property given in
+ the argument.
+ """
+ try:
+ return sorted(value, key=Variable(arg).resolve)
+ except (TypeError, VariableDoesNotExist):
+ return ''
+def dictsortreversed(value, arg):
+ """
+ Takes a list of dicts, returns that list sorted in reverse order by the
+ property given in the argument.
+ """
+ try:
+ return sorted(value, key=Variable(arg).resolve, reverse=True)
+ except (TypeError, VariableDoesNotExist):
+ return ''
+def first(value):
+ """Returns the first item in a list."""
+ try:
+ return value[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ return ''
+@register.filter(is_safe=True, needs_autoescape=True)
+def join(value, arg, autoescape=None):
+ """
+ Joins a list with a string, like Python's ``str.join(list)``.
+ """
+ value = map(force_text, value)
+ if autoescape:
+ value = [conditional_escape(v) for v in value]
+ try:
+ data = conditional_escape(arg).join(value)
+ except AttributeError: # fail silently but nicely
+ return value
+ return mark_safe(data)
+def last(value):
+ "Returns the last item in a list"
+ try:
+ return value[-1]
+ except IndexError:
+ return ''
+def length(value):
+ """Returns the length of the value - useful for lists."""
+ try:
+ return len(value)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ return ''
+def length_is(value, arg):
+ """Returns a boolean of whether the value's length is the argument."""
+ try:
+ return len(value) == int(arg)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ return ''
+def random(value):
+ """Returns a random item from the list."""
+ return random_module.choice(value)
+@register.filter("slice", is_safe=True)
+def slice_filter(value, arg):
+ """
+ Returns a slice of the list.
+ Uses the same syntax as Python's list slicing; see
+ for an introduction.
+ """
+ try:
+ bits = []
+ for x in arg.split(':'):
+ if len(x) == 0:
+ bits.append(None)
+ else:
+ bits.append(int(x))
+ return value[slice(*bits)]
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ return value # Fail silently.
+@register.filter(is_safe=True, needs_autoescape=True)
+def unordered_list(value, autoescape=None):
+ """
+ Recursively takes a self-nested list and returns an HTML unordered list --
+ WITHOUT opening and closing <ul> tags.
+ The list is assumed to be in the proper format. For example, if ``var``
+ contains: ``['States', ['Kansas', ['Lawrence', 'Topeka'], 'Illinois']]``,
+ then ``{{ var|unordered_list }}`` would return::
+ <li>States
+ <ul>
+ <li>Kansas
+ <ul>
+ <li>Lawrence</li>
+ <li>Topeka</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Illinois</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ """
+ if autoescape:
+ escaper = conditional_escape
+ else:
+ escaper = lambda x: x
+ def convert_old_style_list(list_):
+ """
+ Converts old style lists to the new easier to understand format.
+ The old list format looked like:
+ ['Item 1', [['Item 1.1', []], ['Item 1.2', []]]
+ And it is converted to:
+ ['Item 1', ['Item 1.1', 'Item 1.2]]
+ """
+ if not isinstance(list_, (tuple, list)) or len(list_) != 2:
+ return list_, False
+ first_item, second_item = list_
+ if second_item == []:
+ return [first_item], True
+ try:
+ # see if second item is iterable
+ iter(second_item)
+ except TypeError:
+ return list_, False
+ old_style_list = True
+ new_second_item = []
+ for sublist in second_item:
+ item, old_style_list = convert_old_style_list(sublist)
+ if not old_style_list:
+ break
+ new_second_item.extend(item)
+ if old_style_list:
+ second_item = new_second_item
+ return [first_item, second_item], old_style_list
+ def _helper(list_, tabs=1):
+ indent = '\t' * tabs
+ output = []
+ list_length = len(list_)
+ i = 0
+ while i < list_length:
+ title = list_[i]
+ sublist = ''
+ sublist_item = None
+ if isinstance(title, (list, tuple)):
+ sublist_item = title
+ title = ''
+ elif i < list_length - 1:
+ next_item = list_[i+1]
+ if next_item and isinstance(next_item, (list, tuple)):
+ # The next item is a sub-list.
+ sublist_item = next_item
+ # We've processed the next item now too.
+ i += 1
+ if sublist_item:
+ sublist = _helper(sublist_item, tabs+1)
+ sublist = '\n%s<ul>\n%s\n%s</ul>\n%s' % (indent, sublist,
+ indent, indent)
+ output.append('%s<li>%s%s</li>' % (indent,
+ escaper(force_text(title)), sublist))
+ i += 1
+ return '\n'.join(output)
+ value, converted = convert_old_style_list(value)
+ return mark_safe(_helper(value))
+def add(value, arg):
+ """Adds the arg to the value."""
+ try:
+ return int(value) + int(arg)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ try:
+ return value + arg
+ except Exception:
+ return ''
+def get_digit(value, arg):
+ """
+ Given a whole number, returns the requested digit of it, where 1 is the
+ right-most digit, 2 is the second-right-most digit, etc. Returns the
+ original value for invalid input (if input or argument is not an integer,
+ or if argument is less than 1). Otherwise, output is always an integer.
+ """
+ try:
+ arg = int(arg)
+ value = int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ return value # Fail silently for an invalid argument
+ if arg < 1:
+ return value
+ try:
+ return int(str(value)[-arg])
+ except IndexError:
+ return 0
+# DATES #
+@register.filter(expects_localtime=True, is_safe=False)
+def date(value, arg=None):
+ """Formats a date according to the given format."""
+ if value in (None, ''):
+ return ''
+ if arg is None:
+ arg = settings.DATE_FORMAT
+ try:
+ return formats.date_format(value, arg)
+ except AttributeError:
+ try:
+ return format(value, arg)
+ except AttributeError:
+ return ''
+@register.filter(expects_localtime=True, is_safe=False)
+def time(value, arg=None):
+ """Formats a time according to the given format."""
+ if value in (None, ''):
+ return ''
+ if arg is None:
+ arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
+ try:
+ return formats.time_format(value, arg)
+ except AttributeError:
+ try:
+ return time_format(value, arg)
+ except AttributeError:
+ return ''
+@register.filter("timesince", is_safe=False)
+def timesince_filter(value, arg=None):
+ """Formats a date as the time since that date (i.e. "4 days, 6 hours")."""
+ if not value:
+ return ''
+ try:
+ if arg:
+ return timesince(value, arg)
+ return timesince(value)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ return ''
+@register.filter("timeuntil", is_safe=False)
+def timeuntil_filter(value, arg=None):
+ """Formats a date as the time until that date (i.e. "4 days, 6 hours")."""
+ if not value:
+ return ''
+ try:
+ return timeuntil(value, arg)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ return ''
+# LOGIC #
+def default(value, arg):
+ """If value is unavailable, use given default."""
+ return value or arg
+def default_if_none(value, arg):
+ """If value is None, use given default."""
+ if value is None:
+ return arg
+ return value
+def divisibleby(value, arg):
+ """Returns True if the value is devisible by the argument."""
+ return int(value) % int(arg) == 0
+def yesno(value, arg=None):
+ """
+ Given a string mapping values for true, false and (optionally) None,
+ returns one of those strings according to the value:
+ ========== ====================== ==================================
+ Value Argument Outputs
+ ========== ====================== ==================================
+ ``True`` ``"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``yeah``
+ ``False`` ``"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``no``
+ ``None`` ``"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``maybe``
+ ``None`` ``"yeah,no"`` ``"no"`` (converts None to False
+ if no mapping for None is given.
+ ========== ====================== ==================================
+ """
+ if arg is None:
+ arg = ugettext('yes,no,maybe')
+ bits = arg.split(',')
+ if len(bits) < 2:
+ return value # Invalid arg.
+ try:
+ yes, no, maybe = bits
+ except ValueError:
+ # Unpack list of wrong size (no "maybe" value provided).
+ yes, no, maybe = bits[0], bits[1], bits[1]
+ if value is None:
+ return maybe
+ if value:
+ return yes
+ return no
+# MISC #
+def filesizeformat(bytes):
+ """
+ Formats the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. 13 KB, 4.1 MB,
+ 102 bytes, etc).
+ """
+ try:
+ bytes = float(bytes)
+ except (TypeError,ValueError,UnicodeDecodeError):
+ value = ungettext("%(size)d byte", "%(size)d bytes", 0) % {'size': 0}
+ return avoid_wrapping(value)
+ filesize_number_format = lambda value: formats.number_format(round(value, 1), 1)
+ KB = 1<<10
+ MB = 1<<20
+ GB = 1<<30
+ TB = 1<<40
+ PB = 1<<50
+ if bytes < KB:
+ value = ungettext("%(size)d byte", "%(size)d bytes", bytes) % {'size': bytes}
+ elif bytes < MB:
+ value = ugettext("%s KB") % filesize_number_format(bytes / KB)
+ elif bytes < GB:
+ value = ugettext("%s MB") % filesize_number_format(bytes / MB)
+ elif bytes < TB:
+ value = ugettext("%s GB") % filesize_number_format(bytes / GB)
+ elif bytes < PB:
+ value = ugettext("%s TB") % filesize_number_format(bytes / TB)
+ else:
+ value = ugettext("%s PB") % filesize_number_format(bytes / PB)
+ return avoid_wrapping(value)
+def pluralize(value, arg='s'):
+ """
+ Returns a plural suffix if the value is not 1. By default, 's' is used as
+ the suffix:
+ * If value is 0, vote{{ value|pluralize }} displays "0 votes".
+ * If value is 1, vote{{ value|pluralize }} displays "1 vote".
+ * If value is 2, vote{{ value|pluralize }} displays "2 votes".
+ If an argument is provided, that string is used instead:
+ * If value is 0, class{{ value|pluralize:"es" }} displays "0 classes".
+ * If value is 1, class{{ value|pluralize:"es" }} displays "1 class".
+ * If value is 2, class{{ value|pluralize:"es" }} displays "2 classes".
+ If the provided argument contains a comma, the text before the comma is
+ used for the singular case and the text after the comma is used for the
+ plural case:
+ * If value is 0, cand{{ value|pluralize:"y,ies" }} displays "0 candies".
+ * If value is 1, cand{{ value|pluralize:"y,ies" }} displays "1 candy".
+ * If value is 2, cand{{ value|pluralize:"y,ies" }} displays "2 candies".
+ """
+ if not ',' in arg:
+ arg = ',' + arg
+ bits = arg.split(',')
+ if len(bits) > 2:
+ return ''
+ singular_suffix, plural_suffix = bits[:2]
+ try:
+ if int(value) != 1:
+ return plural_suffix
+ except ValueError: # Invalid string that's not a number.
+ pass
+ except TypeError: # Value isn't a string or a number; maybe it's a list?
+ try:
+ if len(value) != 1:
+ return plural_suffix
+ except TypeError: # len() of unsized object.
+ pass
+ return singular_suffix
+@register.filter("phone2numeric", is_safe=True)
+def phone2numeric_filter(value):
+ """Takes a phone number and converts it in to its numerical equivalent."""
+ return phone2numeric(value)
+def pprint(value):
+ """A wrapper around pprint.pprint -- for debugging, really."""
+ try:
+ return pformat(value)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return "Error in formatting: %s" % force_text(e, errors="replace")
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..554c7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+"""Default tags used by the template system, available to all templates."""
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+from datetime import datetime
+from itertools import groupby, cycle as itertools_cycle
+import warnings
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.template.base import (Node, NodeList, Template, Context, Library,
+ TemplateSyntaxError, VariableDoesNotExist, InvalidTemplateLibrary,
+ VARIABLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR, get_library, token_kwargs, kwarg_re,
+ render_value_in_context)
+from django.template.smartif import IfParser, Literal
+from django.template.defaultfilters import date
+from django.utils.encoding import smart_text
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
+from django.utils.html import format_html
+from django.utils import six
+from django.utils import timezone
+register = Library()
+class AutoEscapeControlNode(Node):
+ """Implements the actions of the autoescape tag."""
+ def __init__(self, setting, nodelist):
+ self.setting, self.nodelist = setting, nodelist
+ def render(self, context):
+ old_setting = context.autoescape
+ context.autoescape = self.setting
+ output = self.nodelist.render(context)
+ context.autoescape = old_setting
+ if self.setting:
+ return mark_safe(output)
+ else:
+ return output
+class CommentNode(Node):
+ def render(self, context):
+ return ''
+class CsrfTokenNode(Node):
+ def render(self, context):
+ csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
+ if csrf_token:
+ if csrf_token == 'NOTPROVIDED':
+ return format_html("")
+ else:
+ return format_html("<input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='{0}' />", csrf_token)
+ else:
+ # It's very probable that the token is missing because of
+ # misconfiguration, so we raise a warning
+ from django.conf import settings
+ if settings.DEBUG:
+ warnings.warn("A {% csrf_token %} was used in a template, but the context did not provide the value. This is usually caused by not using RequestContext.")
+ return ''
+class CycleNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, cyclevars, variable_name=None, silent=False, escape=False):
+ self.cyclevars = cyclevars
+ self.variable_name = variable_name
+ self.silent = silent
+ self.escape = escape # only while the "future" version exists
+ def render(self, context):
+ if self not in context.render_context:
+ # First time the node is rendered in template
+ context.render_context[self] = itertools_cycle(self.cyclevars)
+ cycle_iter = context.render_context[self]
+ value = next(cycle_iter).resolve(context)
+ if self.variable_name:
+ context[self.variable_name] = value
+ if self.silent:
+ return ''
+ if not self.escape:
+ value = mark_safe(value)
+ return render_value_in_context(value, context)
+class DebugNode(Node):
+ def render(self, context):
+ from pprint import pformat
+ output = [pformat(val) for val in context]
+ output.append('\n\n')
+ output.append(pformat(sys.modules))
+ return ''.join(output)
+class FilterNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, filter_expr, nodelist):
+ self.filter_expr, self.nodelist = filter_expr, nodelist
+ def render(self, context):
+ output = self.nodelist.render(context)
+ # Apply filters.
+ context.update({'var': output})
+ filtered = self.filter_expr.resolve(context)
+ context.pop()
+ return filtered
+class FirstOfNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, variables, escape=False):
+ self.vars = variables
+ self.escape = escape # only while the "future" version exists
+ def render(self, context):
+ for var in self.vars:
+ value = var.resolve(context, True)
+ if value:
+ if not self.escape:
+ value = mark_safe(value)
+ return render_value_in_context(value, context)
+ return ''
+class ForNode(Node):
+ child_nodelists = ('nodelist_loop', 'nodelist_empty')
+ def __init__(self, loopvars, sequence, is_reversed, nodelist_loop, nodelist_empty=None):
+ self.loopvars, self.sequence = loopvars, sequence
+ self.is_reversed = is_reversed
+ self.nodelist_loop = nodelist_loop
+ if nodelist_empty is None:
+ self.nodelist_empty = NodeList()
+ else:
+ self.nodelist_empty = nodelist_empty
+ def __repr__(self):
+ reversed_text = ' reversed' if self.is_reversed else ''
+ return "<For Node: for %s in %s, tail_len: %d%s>" % \
+ (', '.join(self.loopvars), self.sequence, len(self.nodelist_loop),
+ reversed_text)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for node in self.nodelist_loop:
+ yield node
+ for node in self.nodelist_empty:
+ yield node
+ def render(self, context):
+ if 'forloop' in context:
+ parentloop = context['forloop']
+ else:
+ parentloop = {}
+ context.push()
+ try:
+ values = self.sequence.resolve(context, True)
+ except VariableDoesNotExist:
+ values = []
+ if values is None:
+ values = []
+ if not hasattr(values, '__len__'):
+ values = list(values)
+ len_values = len(values)
+ if len_values < 1:
+ context.pop()
+ return self.nodelist_empty.render(context)
+ nodelist = NodeList()
+ if self.is_reversed:
+ values = reversed(values)
+ unpack = len(self.loopvars) > 1
+ # Create a forloop value in the context. We'll update counters on each
+ # iteration just below.
+ loop_dict = context['forloop'] = {'parentloop': parentloop}
+ for i, item in enumerate(values):
+ # Shortcuts for current loop iteration number.
+ loop_dict['counter0'] = i
+ loop_dict['counter'] = i+1
+ # Reverse counter iteration numbers.
+ loop_dict['revcounter'] = len_values - i
+ loop_dict['revcounter0'] = len_values - i - 1
+ # Boolean values designating first and last times through loop.
+ loop_dict['first'] = (i == 0)
+ loop_dict['last'] = (i == len_values - 1)
+ pop_context = False
+ if unpack:
+ # If there are multiple loop variables, unpack the item into
+ # them.
+ try:
+ unpacked_vars = dict(zip(self.loopvars, item))
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ pop_context = True
+ context.update(unpacked_vars)
+ else:
+ context[self.loopvars[0]] = item
+ # In TEMPLATE_DEBUG mode provide source of the node which
+ # actually raised the exception
+ if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG:
+ for node in self.nodelist_loop:
+ try:
+ nodelist.append(node.render(context))
+ except Exception as e:
+ if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'):
+ e.django_template_source = node.source
+ raise
+ else:
+ for node in self.nodelist_loop:
+ nodelist.append(node.render(context))
+ if pop_context:
+ # The loop variables were pushed on to the context so pop them
+ # off again. This is necessary because the tag lets the length
+ # of loopvars differ to the length of each set of items and we
+ # don't want to leave any vars from the previous loop on the
+ # context.
+ context.pop()
+ context.pop()
+ return nodelist.render(context)
+class IfChangedNode(Node):
+ child_nodelists = ('nodelist_true', 'nodelist_false')
+ def __init__(self, nodelist_true, nodelist_false, *varlist):
+ self.nodelist_true, self.nodelist_false = nodelist_true, nodelist_false
+ self._varlist = varlist
+ def render(self, context):
+ # Init state storage
+ state_frame = self._get_context_stack_frame(context)
+ if self not in state_frame:
+ state_frame[self] = None
+ nodelist_true_output = None
+ try:
+ if self._varlist:
+ # Consider multiple parameters. This automatically behaves
+ # like an OR evaluation of the multiple variables.
+ compare_to = [var.resolve(context, True) for var in self._varlist]
+ else:
+ # The "{% ifchanged %}" syntax (without any variables) compares the rendered output.
+ compare_to = nodelist_true_output = self.nodelist_true.render(context)
+ except VariableDoesNotExist:
+ compare_to = None
+ if compare_to != state_frame[self]:
+ state_frame[self] = compare_to
+ return nodelist_true_output or self.nodelist_true.render(context) # render true block if not already rendered
+ elif self.nodelist_false:
+ return self.nodelist_false.render(context)
+ return ''
+ def _get_context_stack_frame(self, context):
+ # The Context object behaves like a stack where each template tag can create a new scope.
+ # Find the place where to store the state to detect changes.
+ if 'forloop' in context:
+ # Ifchanged is bound to the local for loop.
+ # When there is a loop-in-loop, the state is bound to the inner loop,
+ # so it resets when the outer loop continues.
+ return context['forloop']
+ else:
+ # Using ifchanged outside loops. Effectively this is a no-op because the state is associated with 'self'.
+ return context.render_context
+class IfEqualNode(Node):
+ child_nodelists = ('nodelist_true', 'nodelist_false')
+ def __init__(self, var1, var2, nodelist_true, nodelist_false, negate):
+ self.var1, self.var2 = var1, var2
+ self.nodelist_true, self.nodelist_false = nodelist_true, nodelist_false
+ self.negate = negate
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<IfEqualNode>"
+ def render(self, context):
+ val1 = self.var1.resolve(context, True)
+ val2 = self.var2.resolve(context, True)
+ if (self.negate and val1 != val2) or (not self.negate and val1 == val2):
+ return self.nodelist_true.render(context)
+ return self.nodelist_false.render(context)
+class IfNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, conditions_nodelists):
+ self.conditions_nodelists = conditions_nodelists
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<IfNode>"
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for _, nodelist in self.conditions_nodelists:
+ for node in nodelist:
+ yield node
+ @property
+ def nodelist(self):
+ return NodeList(node for _, nodelist in self.conditions_nodelists for node in nodelist)
+ def render(self, context):
+ for condition, nodelist in self.conditions_nodelists:
+ if condition is not None: # if / elif clause
+ try:
+ match = condition.eval(context)
+ except VariableDoesNotExist:
+ match = None
+ else: # else clause
+ match = True
+ if match:
+ return nodelist.render(context)
+ return ''
+class RegroupNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, target, expression, var_name):
+, self.expression = target, expression
+ self.var_name = var_name
+ def resolve_expression(self, obj, context):
+ # This method is called for each object in See regroup()
+ # for the reason why we temporarily put the object in the context.
+ context[self.var_name] = obj
+ return self.expression.resolve(context, True)
+ def render(self, context):
+ obj_list =, True)
+ if obj_list == None:
+ # target variable wasn't found in context; fail silently.
+ context[self.var_name] = []
+ return ''
+ # List of dictionaries in the format:
+ # {'grouper': 'key', 'list': [list of contents]}.
+ context[self.var_name] = [
+ {'grouper': key, 'list': list(val)}
+ for key, val in
+ groupby(obj_list, lambda obj: self.resolve_expression(obj, context))
+ ]
+ return ''
+def include_is_allowed(filepath):
+ filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
+ for root in settings.ALLOWED_INCLUDE_ROOTS:
+ if filepath.startswith(root):
+ return True
+ return False
+class SsiNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, filepath, parsed):
+ self.filepath = filepath
+ self.parsed = parsed
+ def render(self, context):
+ filepath = self.filepath.resolve(context)
+ if not include_is_allowed(filepath):
+ if settings.DEBUG:
+ return "[Didn't have permission to include file]"
+ else:
+ return '' # Fail silently for invalid includes.
+ try:
+ with open(filepath, 'r') as fp:
+ output =
+ except IOError:
+ output = ''
+ if self.parsed:
+ try:
+ t = Template(output, name=filepath)
+ return t.render(context)
+ except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
+ if settings.DEBUG:
+ return "[Included template had syntax error: %s]" % e
+ else:
+ return '' # Fail silently for invalid included templates.
+ return output
+class LoadNode(Node):
+ def render(self, context):
+ return ''
+class NowNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, format_string):
+ self.format_string = format_string
+ def render(self, context):
+ tzinfo = timezone.get_current_timezone() if settings.USE_TZ else None
+ return date(, self.format_string)
+class SpacelessNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, nodelist):
+ self.nodelist = nodelist
+ def render(self, context):
+ from django.utils.html import strip_spaces_between_tags
+ return strip_spaces_between_tags(self.nodelist.render(context).strip())
+class TemplateTagNode(Node):
+ mapping = {'openblock': BLOCK_TAG_START,
+ 'closeblock': BLOCK_TAG_END,
+ 'openvariable': VARIABLE_TAG_START,
+ 'closevariable': VARIABLE_TAG_END,
+ 'openbrace': SINGLE_BRACE_START,
+ 'closebrace': SINGLE_BRACE_END,
+ 'opencomment': COMMENT_TAG_START,
+ 'closecomment': COMMENT_TAG_END,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, tagtype):
+ self.tagtype = tagtype
+ def render(self, context):
+ return self.mapping.get(self.tagtype, '')
+class URLNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, view_name, args, kwargs, asvar):
+ self.view_name = view_name
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ self.asvar = asvar
+ def render(self, context):
+ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch
+ args = [arg.resolve(context) for arg in self.args]
+ kwargs = dict([(smart_text(k, 'ascii'), v.resolve(context))
+ for k, v in self.kwargs.items()])
+ view_name = self.view_name.resolve(context)
+ if not view_name:
+ raise NoReverseMatch("'url' requires a non-empty first argument. "
+ "The syntax changed in Django 1.5, see the docs.")
+ # Try to look up the URL twice: once given the view name, and again
+ # relative to what we guess is the "main" app. If they both fail,
+ # re-raise the NoReverseMatch unless we're using the
+ # {% url ... as var %} construct in which case return nothing.
+ url = ''
+ try:
+ url = reverse(view_name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, current_app=context.current_app)
+ except NoReverseMatch:
+ exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+ if settings.SETTINGS_MODULE:
+ project_name = settings.SETTINGS_MODULE.split('.')[0]
+ try:
+ url = reverse(project_name + '.' + view_name,
+ args=args, kwargs=kwargs,
+ current_app=context.current_app)
+ except NoReverseMatch:
+ if self.asvar is None:
+ # Re-raise the original exception, not the one with
+ # the path relative to the project. This makes a
+ # better error message.
+ six.reraise(*exc_info)
+ else:
+ if self.asvar is None:
+ raise
+ if self.asvar:
+ context[self.asvar] = url
+ return ''
+ else:
+ return url
+class VerbatimNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, content):
+ self.content = content
+ def render(self, context):
+ return self.content
+class WidthRatioNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, val_expr, max_expr, max_width):
+ self.val_expr = val_expr
+ self.max_expr = max_expr
+ self.max_width = max_width
+ def render(self, context):
+ try:
+ value = self.val_expr.resolve(context)
+ max_value = self.max_expr.resolve(context)
+ max_width = int(self.max_width.resolve(context))
+ except VariableDoesNotExist:
+ return ''
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("widthratio final argument must be a number")
+ try:
+ value = float(value)
+ max_value = float(max_value)
+ ratio = (value / max_value) * max_width
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ return '0'
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ return ''
+ return str(int(round(ratio)))
+class WithNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, var, name, nodelist, extra_context=None):
+ self.nodelist = nodelist
+ # var and name are legacy attributes, being left in case they are used
+ # by third-party subclasses of this Node.
+ self.extra_context = extra_context or {}
+ if name:
+ self.extra_context[name] = var
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<WithNode>"
+ def render(self, context):
+ values = dict([(key, val.resolve(context)) for key, val in
+ six.iteritems(self.extra_context)])
+ context.update(values)
+ output = self.nodelist.render(context)
+ context.pop()
+ return output
+def autoescape(parser, token):
+ """
+ Force autoescape behavior for this block.
+ """
+ # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
+ args = token.contents.split()
+ if len(args) != 2:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'autoescape' tag requires exactly one argument.")
+ arg = args[1]
+ if arg not in ('on', 'off'):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'autoescape' argument should be 'on' or 'off'")
+ nodelist = parser.parse(('endautoescape',))
+ parser.delete_first_token()
+ return AutoEscapeControlNode((arg == 'on'), nodelist)
+def comment(parser, token):
+ """
+ Ignores everything between ``{% comment %}`` and ``{% endcomment %}``.
+ """
+ parser.skip_past('endcomment')
+ return CommentNode()
+def cycle(parser, token, escape=False):
+ """
+ Cycles among the given strings each time this tag is encountered.
+ Within a loop, cycles among the given strings each time through
+ the loop::
+ {% for o in some_list %}
+ <tr class="{% cycle 'row1' 'row2' %}">
+ ...
+ </tr>
+ {% endfor %}
+ Outside of a loop, give the values a unique name the first time you call
+ it, then use that name each sucessive time through::
+ <tr class="{% cycle 'row1' 'row2' 'row3' as rowcolors %}">...</tr>
+ <tr class="{% cycle rowcolors %}">...</tr>
+ <tr class="{% cycle rowcolors %}">...</tr>
+ You can use any number of values, separated by spaces. Commas can also
+ be used to separate values; if a comma is used, the cycle values are
+ interpreted as literal strings.
+ The optional flag "silent" can be used to prevent the cycle declaration
+ from returning any value::
+ {% for o in some_list %}
+ {% cycle 'row1' 'row2' as rowcolors silent %}
+ <tr class="{{ rowcolors }}">{% include "subtemplate.html " %}</tr>
+ {% endfor %}
+ """
+ if not escape:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "'The `cycle` template tag is changing to escape its arguments; "
+ "the non-autoescaping version is deprecated. Load it "
+ "from the `future` tag library to start using the new behavior.",
+ PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ # Note: This returns the exact same node on each {% cycle name %} call;
+ # that is, the node object returned from {% cycle a b c as name %} and the
+ # one returned from {% cycle name %} are the exact same object. This
+ # shouldn't cause problems (heh), but if it does, now you know.
+ #
+ # Ugly hack warning: This stuffs the named template dict into parser so
+ # that names are only unique within each template (as opposed to using
+ # a global variable, which would make cycle names have to be unique across
+ # *all* templates.
+ args = token.split_contents()
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'cycle' tag requires at least two arguments")
+ if ',' in args[1]:
+ # Backwards compatibility: {% cycle a,b %} or {% cycle a,b as foo %}
+ # case.
+ args[1:2] = ['"%s"' % arg for arg in args[1].split(",")]
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ # {% cycle foo %} case.
+ name = args[1]
+ if not hasattr(parser, '_namedCycleNodes'):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("No named cycles in template. '%s' is not defined" % name)
+ if not name in parser._namedCycleNodes:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Named cycle '%s' does not exist" % name)
+ return parser._namedCycleNodes[name]
+ as_form = False
+ if len(args) > 4:
+ # {% cycle ... as foo [silent] %} case.
+ if args[-3] == "as":
+ if args[-1] != "silent":
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Only 'silent' flag is allowed after cycle's name, not '%s'." % args[-1])
+ as_form = True
+ silent = True
+ args = args[:-1]
+ elif args[-2] == "as":
+ as_form = True
+ silent = False
+ if as_form:
+ name = args[-1]
+ values = [parser.compile_filter(arg) for arg in args[1:-2]]
+ node = CycleNode(values, name, silent=silent, escape=escape)
+ if not hasattr(parser, '_namedCycleNodes'):
+ parser._namedCycleNodes = {}
+ parser._namedCycleNodes[name] = node
+ else:
+ values = [parser.compile_filter(arg) for arg in args[1:]]
+ node = CycleNode(values, escape=escape)
+ return node
+def csrf_token(parser, token):
+ return CsrfTokenNode()
+def debug(parser, token):
+ """
+ Outputs a whole load of debugging information, including the current
+ context and imported modules.
+ Sample usage::
+ <pre>
+ {% debug %}
+ </pre>
+ """
+ return DebugNode()
+def do_filter(parser, token):
+ """
+ Filters the contents of the block through variable filters.
+ Filters can also be piped through each other, and they can have
+ arguments -- just like in variable syntax.
+ Sample usage::
+ {% filter force_escape|lower %}
+ This text will be HTML-escaped, and will appear in lowercase.
+ {% endfilter %}
+ Note that the ``escape`` and ``safe`` filters are not acceptable arguments.
+ Instead, use the ``autoescape`` tag to manage autoescaping for blocks of
+ template code.
+ """
+ # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
+ _, rest = token.contents.split(None, 1)
+ filter_expr = parser.compile_filter("var|%s" % (rest))
+ for func, unused in filter_expr.filters:
+ filter_name = getattr(func, '_filter_name', None)
+ if filter_name in ('escape', 'safe'):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError('"filter %s" is not permitted. Use the "autoescape" tag instead.' % filter_name)
+ nodelist = parser.parse(('endfilter',))
+ parser.delete_first_token()
+ return FilterNode(filter_expr, nodelist)
+def firstof(parser, token, escape=False):
+ """
+ Outputs the first variable passed that is not False, without escaping.
+ Outputs nothing if all the passed variables are False.
+ Sample usage::
+ {% firstof var1 var2 var3 %}
+ This is equivalent to::
+ {% if var1 %}
+ {{ var1|safe }}
+ {% elif var2 %}
+ {{ var2|safe }}
+ {% elif var3 %}
+ {{ var3|safe }}
+ {% endif %}
+ but obviously much cleaner!
+ You can also use a literal string as a fallback value in case all
+ passed variables are False::
+ {% firstof var1 var2 var3 "fallback value" %}
+ If you want to escape the output, use a filter tag::
+ {% filter force_escape %}
+ {% firstof var1 var2 var3 "fallback value" %}
+ {% endfilter %}
+ """
+ if not escape:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "'The `firstof` template tag is changing to escape its arguments; "
+ "the non-autoescaping version is deprecated. Load it "
+ "from the `future` tag library to start using the new behavior.",
+ PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ bits = token.split_contents()[1:]
+ if len(bits) < 1:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'firstof' statement requires at least one argument")
+ return FirstOfNode([parser.compile_filter(bit) for bit in bits], escape=escape)
+def do_for(parser, token):
+ """
+ Loops over each item in an array.
+ For example, to display a list of athletes given ``athlete_list``::
+ <ul>
+ {% for athlete in athlete_list %}
+ <li>{{ }}</li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ You can loop over a list in reverse by using
+ ``{% for obj in list reversed %}``.
+ You can also unpack multiple values from a two-dimensional array::
+ {% for key,value in dict.items %}
+ {{ key }}: {{ value }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ The ``for`` tag can take an optional ``{% empty %}`` clause that will
+ be displayed if the given array is empty or could not be found::
+ <ul>
+ {% for athlete in athlete_list %}
+ <li>{{ }}</li>
+ {% empty %}
+ <li>Sorry, no athletes in this list.</li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ <ul>
+ The above is equivalent to -- but shorter, cleaner, and possibly faster
+ than -- the following::
+ <ul>
+ {% if althete_list %}
+ {% for athlete in athlete_list %}
+ <li>{{ }}</li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% else %}
+ <li>Sorry, no athletes in this list.</li>
+ {% endif %}
+ </ul>
+ The for loop sets a number of variables available within the loop:
+ ========================== ================================================
+ Variable Description
+ ========================== ================================================
+ ``forloop.counter`` The current iteration of the loop (1-indexed)
+ ``forloop.counter0`` The current iteration of the loop (0-indexed)
+ ``forloop.revcounter`` The number of iterations from the end of the
+ loop (1-indexed)
+ ``forloop.revcounter0`` The number of iterations from the end of the
+ loop (0-indexed)
+ ``forloop.first`` True if this is the first time through the loop
+ ``forloop.last`` True if this is the last time through the loop
+ ``forloop.parentloop`` For nested loops, this is the loop "above" the
+ current one
+ ========================== ================================================
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()
+ if len(bits) < 4:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'for' statements should have at least four"
+ " words: %s" % token.contents)
+ is_reversed = bits[-1] == 'reversed'
+ in_index = -3 if is_reversed else -2
+ if bits[in_index] != 'in':
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'for' statements should use the format"
+ " 'for x in y': %s" % token.contents)
+ loopvars = re.split(r' *, *', ' '.join(bits[1:in_index]))
+ for var in loopvars:
+ if not var or ' ' in var:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'for' tag received an invalid argument:"
+ " %s" % token.contents)
+ sequence = parser.compile_filter(bits[in_index+1])
+ nodelist_loop = parser.parse(('empty', 'endfor',))
+ token = parser.next_token()
+ if token.contents == 'empty':
+ nodelist_empty = parser.parse(('endfor',))
+ parser.delete_first_token()
+ else:
+ nodelist_empty = None
+ return ForNode(loopvars, sequence, is_reversed, nodelist_loop, nodelist_empty)
+def do_ifequal(parser, token, negate):
+ bits = list(token.split_contents())
+ if len(bits) != 3:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r takes two arguments" % bits[0])
+ end_tag = 'end' + bits[0]
+ nodelist_true = parser.parse(('else', end_tag))
+ token = parser.next_token()
+ if token.contents == 'else':
+ nodelist_false = parser.parse((end_tag,))
+ parser.delete_first_token()
+ else:
+ nodelist_false = NodeList()
+ val1 = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
+ val2 = parser.compile_filter(bits[2])
+ return IfEqualNode(val1, val2, nodelist_true, nodelist_false, negate)
+def ifequal(parser, token):
+ """
+ Outputs the contents of the block if the two arguments equal each other.
+ Examples::
+ {% ifequal comment.user_id %}
+ ...
+ {% endifequal %}
+ {% ifnotequal comment.user_id %}
+ ...
+ {% else %}
+ ...
+ {% endifnotequal %}
+ """
+ return do_ifequal(parser, token, False)
+def ifnotequal(parser, token):
+ """
+ Outputs the contents of the block if the two arguments are not equal.
+ See ifequal.
+ """
+ return do_ifequal(parser, token, True)
+class TemplateLiteral(Literal):
+ def __init__(self, value, text):
+ self.value = value
+ self.text = text # for better error messages
+ def display(self):
+ return self.text
+ def eval(self, context):
+ return self.value.resolve(context, ignore_failures=True)
+class TemplateIfParser(IfParser):
+ error_class = TemplateSyntaxError
+ def __init__(self, parser, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.template_parser = parser
+ super(TemplateIfParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def create_var(self, value):
+ return TemplateLiteral(self.template_parser.compile_filter(value), value)
+def do_if(parser, token):
+ """
+ The ``{% if %}`` tag evaluates a variable, and if that variable is "true"
+ (i.e., exists, is not empty, and is not a false boolean value), the
+ contents of the block are output:
+ ::
+ {% if athlete_list %}
+ Number of athletes: {{ athlete_list|count }}
+ {% elif athlete_in_locker_room_list %}
+ Athletes should be out of the locker room soon!
+ {% else %}
+ No athletes.
+ {% endif %}
+ In the above, if ``athlete_list`` is not empty, the number of athletes will
+ be displayed by the ``{{ athlete_list|count }}`` variable.
+ As you can see, the ``if`` tag may take one or several `` {% elif %}``
+ clauses, as well as an ``{% else %}`` clause that will be displayed if all
+ previous conditions fail. These clauses are optional.
+ ``if`` tags may use ``or``, ``and`` or ``not`` to test a number of
+ variables or to negate a given variable::
+ {% if not athlete_list %}
+ There are no athletes.
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if athlete_list or coach_list %}
+ There are some athletes or some coaches.
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if athlete_list and coach_list %}
+ Both atheletes and coaches are available.
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if not athlete_list or coach_list %}
+ There are no athletes, or there are some coaches.
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if athlete_list and not coach_list %}
+ There are some athletes and absolutely no coaches.
+ {% endif %}
+ Comparison operators are also available, and the use of filters is also
+ allowed, for example::
+ {% if articles|length >= 5 %}...{% endif %}
+ Arguments and operators _must_ have a space between them, so
+ ``{% if 1>2 %}`` is not a valid if tag.
+ All supported operators are: ``or``, ``and``, ``in``, ``not in``
+ ``==`` (or ``=``), ``!=``, ``>``, ``>=``, ``<`` and ``<=``.
+ Operator precedence follows Python.
+ """
+ # {% if ... %}
+ bits = token.split_contents()[1:]
+ condition = TemplateIfParser(parser, bits).parse()
+ nodelist = parser.parse(('elif', 'else', 'endif'))
+ conditions_nodelists = [(condition, nodelist)]
+ token = parser.next_token()
+ # {% elif ... %} (repeatable)
+ while token.contents.startswith('elif'):
+ bits = token.split_contents()[1:]
+ condition = TemplateIfParser(parser, bits).parse()
+ nodelist = parser.parse(('elif', 'else', 'endif'))
+ conditions_nodelists.append((condition, nodelist))
+ token = parser.next_token()
+ # {% else %} (optional)
+ if token.contents == 'else':
+ nodelist = parser.parse(('endif',))
+ conditions_nodelists.append((None, nodelist))
+ token = parser.next_token()
+ # {% endif %}
+ assert token.contents == 'endif'
+ return IfNode(conditions_nodelists)
+def ifchanged(parser, token):
+ """
+ Checks if a value has changed from the last iteration of a loop.
+ The ``{% ifchanged %}`` block tag is used within a loop. It has two
+ possible uses.
+ 1. Checks its own rendered contents against its previous state and only
+ displays the content if it has changed. For example, this displays a
+ list of days, only displaying the month if it changes::
+ <h1>Archive for {{ year }}</h1>
+ {% for date in days %}
+ {% ifchanged %}<h3>{{ date|date:"F" }}</h3>{% endifchanged %}
+ <a href="{{ date|date:"M/d"|lower }}/">{{ date|date:"j" }}</a>
+ {% endfor %}
+ 2. If given one or more variables, check whether any variable has changed.
+ For example, the following shows the date every time it changes, while
+ showing the hour if either the hour or the date has changed::
+ {% for date in days %}
+ {% ifchanged %} {{ }} {% endifchanged %}
+ {% ifchanged date.hour %}
+ {{ date.hour }}
+ {% endifchanged %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()
+ nodelist_true = parser.parse(('else', 'endifchanged'))
+ token = parser.next_token()
+ if token.contents == 'else':
+ nodelist_false = parser.parse(('endifchanged',))
+ parser.delete_first_token()
+ else:
+ nodelist_false = NodeList()
+ values = [parser.compile_filter(bit) for bit in bits[1:]]
+ return IfChangedNode(nodelist_true, nodelist_false, *values)
+def ssi(parser, token):
+ """
+ Outputs the contents of a given file into the page.
+ Like a simple "include" tag, the ``ssi`` tag includes the contents
+ of another file -- which must be specified using an absolute path --
+ in the current page::
+ {% ssi "/home/html/" %}
+ If the optional "parsed" parameter is given, the contents of the included
+ file are evaluated as template code, with the current context::
+ {% ssi "/home/html/" parsed %}
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()
+ parsed = False
+ if len(bits) not in (2, 3):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'ssi' tag takes one argument: the path to"
+ " the file to be included")
+ if len(bits) == 3:
+ if bits[2] == 'parsed':
+ parsed = True
+ else:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Second (optional) argument to %s tag"
+ " must be 'parsed'" % bits[0])
+ filepath = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
+ return SsiNode(filepath, parsed)
+def load(parser, token):
+ """
+ Loads a custom template tag set.
+ For example, to load the template tags in
+ ``django/templatetags/news/``::
+ {% load %}
+ Can also be used to load an individual tag/filter from
+ a library::
+ {% load byline from news %}
+ """
+ # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
+ bits = token.contents.split()
+ if len(bits) >= 4 and bits[-2] == "from":
+ try:
+ taglib = bits[-1]
+ lib = get_library(taglib)
+ except InvalidTemplateLibrary as e:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' is not a valid tag library: %s" %
+ (taglib, e))
+ else:
+ temp_lib = Library()
+ for name in bits[1:-2]:
+ if name in lib.tags:
+ temp_lib.tags[name] = lib.tags[name]
+ # a name could be a tag *and* a filter, so check for both
+ if name in lib.filters:
+ temp_lib.filters[name] = lib.filters[name]
+ elif name in lib.filters:
+ temp_lib.filters[name] = lib.filters[name]
+ else:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' is not a valid tag or filter in tag library '%s'" %
+ (name, taglib))
+ parser.add_library(temp_lib)
+ else:
+ for taglib in bits[1:]:
+ # add the library to the parser
+ try:
+ lib = get_library(taglib)
+ parser.add_library(lib)
+ except InvalidTemplateLibrary as e:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' is not a valid tag library: %s" %
+ (taglib, e))
+ return LoadNode()
+def now(parser, token):
+ """
+ Displays the date, formatted according to the given string.
+ Uses the same format as PHP's ``date()`` function; see
+ for all the possible values.
+ Sample usage::
+ It is {% now "jS F Y H:i" %}
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()
+ if len(bits) != 2:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'now' statement takes one argument")
+ format_string = bits[1][1:-1]
+ return NowNode(format_string)
+def regroup(parser, token):
+ """
+ Regroups a list of alike objects by a common attribute.
+ This complex tag is best illustrated by use of an example: say that
+ ``people`` is a list of ``Person`` objects that have ``first_name``,
+ ``last_name``, and ``gender`` attributes, and you'd like to display a list
+ that looks like:
+ * Male:
+ * George Bush
+ * Bill Clinton
+ * Female:
+ * Margaret Thatcher
+ * Colendeeza Rice
+ * Unknown:
+ * Pat Smith
+ The following snippet of template code would accomplish this dubious task::
+ {% regroup people by gender as grouped %}
+ <ul>
+ {% for group in grouped %}
+ <li>{{ group.grouper }}
+ <ul>
+ {% for item in group.list %}
+ <li>{{ item }}</li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ As you can see, ``{% regroup %}`` populates a variable with a list of
+ objects with ``grouper`` and ``list`` attributes. ``grouper`` contains the
+ item that was grouped by; ``list`` contains the list of objects that share
+ that ``grouper``. In this case, ``grouper`` would be ``Male``, ``Female``
+ and ``Unknown``, and ``list`` is the list of people with those genders.
+ Note that ``{% regroup %}`` does not work when the list to be grouped is not
+ sorted by the key you are grouping by! This means that if your list of
+ people was not sorted by gender, you'd need to make sure it is sorted
+ before using it, i.e.::
+ {% regroup people|dictsort:"gender" by gender as grouped %}
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()
+ if len(bits) != 6:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'regroup' tag takes five arguments")
+ target = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
+ if bits[2] != 'by':
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("second argument to 'regroup' tag must be 'by'")
+ if bits[4] != 'as':
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("next-to-last argument to 'regroup' tag must"
+ " be 'as'")
+ var_name = bits[5]
+ # RegroupNode will take each item in 'target', put it in the context under
+ # 'var_name', evaluate 'var_name'.'expression' in the current context, and
+ # group by the resulting value. After all items are processed, it will
+ # save the final result in the context under 'var_name', thus clearing the
+ # temporary values. This hack is necessary because the template engine
+ # doesn't provide a context-aware equivalent of Python's getattr.
+ expression = parser.compile_filter(var_name +
+ bits[3])
+ return RegroupNode(target, expression, var_name)
+def spaceless(parser, token):
+ """
+ Removes whitespace between HTML tags, including tab and newline characters.
+ Example usage::
+ {% spaceless %}
+ <p>
+ <a href="foo/">Foo</a>
+ </p>
+ {% endspaceless %}
+ This example would return this HTML::
+ <p><a href="foo/">Foo</a></p>
+ Only space between *tags* is normalized -- not space between tags and text.
+ In this example, the space around ``Hello`` won't be stripped::
+ {% spaceless %}
+ <strong>
+ Hello
+ </strong>
+ {% endspaceless %}
+ """
+ nodelist = parser.parse(('endspaceless',))
+ parser.delete_first_token()
+ return SpacelessNode(nodelist)
+def templatetag(parser, token):
+ """
+ Outputs one of the bits used to compose template tags.
+ Since the template system has no concept of "escaping", to display one of
+ the bits used in template tags, you must use the ``{% templatetag %}`` tag.
+ The argument tells which template bit to output:
+ ================== =======
+ Argument Outputs
+ ================== =======
+ ``openblock`` ``{%``
+ ``closeblock`` ``%}``
+ ``openvariable`` ``{{``
+ ``closevariable`` ``}}``
+ ``openbrace`` ``{``
+ ``closebrace`` ``}``
+ ``opencomment`` ``{#``
+ ``closecomment`` ``#}``
+ ================== =======
+ """
+ # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
+ bits = token.contents.split()
+ if len(bits) != 2:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'templatetag' statement takes one argument")
+ tag = bits[1]
+ if tag not in TemplateTagNode.mapping:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Invalid templatetag argument: '%s'."
+ " Must be one of: %s" %
+ (tag, list(TemplateTagNode.mapping)))
+ return TemplateTagNode(tag)
+def url(parser, token):
+ """
+ Returns an absolute URL matching given view with its parameters.
+ This is a way to define links that aren't tied to a particular URL
+ configuration::
+ {% url "" arg1 arg2 %}
+ or
+ {% url "" name1=value1 name2=value2 %}
+ The first argument is a path to a view. It can be an absolute Python path
+ or just ``app_name.view_name`` without the project name if the view is
+ located inside the project.
+ Other arguments are space-separated values that will be filled in place of
+ positional and keyword arguments in the URL. Don't mix positional and
+ keyword arguments.
+ All arguments for the URL should be present.
+ For example if you have a view ``app_name.client`` taking client's id and
+ the corresponding line in a URLconf looks like this::
+ ('^client/(\d+)/$', 'app_name.client')
+ and this app's URLconf is included into the project's URLconf under some
+ path::
+ ('^clients/', include('project_name.app_name.urls'))
+ then in a template you can create a link for a certain client like this::
+ {% url "app_name.client" %}
+ The URL will look like ``/clients/client/123/``.
+ The first argument can also be a named URL instead of the Python path to
+ the view callable. For example if the URLconf entry looks like this::
+ url('^client/(\d+)/$', name='client-detail-view')
+ then in the template you can use::
+ {% url "client-detail-view" %}
+ There is even another possible value type for the first argument. It can be
+ the name of a template variable that will be evaluated to obtain the view
+ name or the URL name, e.g.::
+ {% with view_path="app_name.client" %}
+ {% url view_path %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ or,
+ {% with url_name="client-detail-view" %}
+ {% url url_name %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()
+ if len(bits) < 2:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes at least one argument"
+ " (path to a view)" % bits[0])
+ try:
+ viewname = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
+ except TemplateSyntaxError as exc:
+ exc.args = (exc.args[0] + ". "
+ "The syntax of 'url' changed in Django 1.5, see the docs."),
+ raise
+ args = []
+ kwargs = {}
+ asvar = None
+ bits = bits[2:]
+ if len(bits) >= 2 and bits[-2] == 'as':
+ asvar = bits[-1]
+ bits = bits[:-2]
+ if len(bits):
+ for bit in bits:
+ match = kwarg_re.match(bit)
+ if not match:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("Malformed arguments to url tag")
+ name, value = match.groups()
+ if name:
+ kwargs[name] = parser.compile_filter(value)
+ else:
+ args.append(parser.compile_filter(value))
+ return URLNode(viewname, args, kwargs, asvar)
+def verbatim(parser, token):
+ """
+ Stops the template engine from rendering the contents of this block tag.
+ Usage::
+ {% verbatim %}
+ {% don't process this %}
+ {% endverbatim %}
+ You can also designate a specific closing tag block (allowing the
+ unrendered use of ``{% endverbatim %}``)::
+ {% verbatim myblock %}
+ ...
+ {% endverbatim myblock %}
+ """
+ nodelist = parser.parse(('endverbatim',))
+ parser.delete_first_token()
+ return VerbatimNode(nodelist.render(Context()))
+def widthratio(parser, token):
+ """
+ For creating bar charts and such, this tag calculates the ratio of a given
+ value to a maximum value, and then applies that ratio to a constant.
+ For example::
+ <img src='bar.gif' height='10' width='{% widthratio this_value max_value max_width %}' />
+ If ``this_value`` is 175, ``max_value`` is 200, and ``max_width`` is 100,
+ the image in the above example will be 88 pixels wide
+ (because 175/200 = .875; .875 * 100 = 87.5 which is rounded up to 88).
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()
+ if len(bits) != 4:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("widthratio takes three arguments")
+ tag, this_value_expr, max_value_expr, max_width = bits
+ return WidthRatioNode(parser.compile_filter(this_value_expr),
+ parser.compile_filter(max_value_expr),
+ parser.compile_filter(max_width))
+def do_with(parser, token):
+ """
+ Adds one or more values to the context (inside of this block) for caching
+ and easy access.
+ For example::
+ {% with total=person.some_sql_method %}
+ {{ total }} object{{ total|pluralize }}
+ {% endwith %}
+ Multiple values can be added to the context::
+ {% with foo=1 bar=2 %}
+ ...
+ {% endwith %}
+ The legacy format of ``{% with person.some_sql_method as total %}`` is
+ still accepted.
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()
+ remaining_bits = bits[1:]
+ extra_context = token_kwargs(remaining_bits, parser, support_legacy=True)
+ if not extra_context:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r expected at least one variable "
+ "assignment" % bits[0])
+ if remaining_bits:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r received an invalid token: %r" %
+ (bits[0], remaining_bits[0]))
+ nodelist = parser.parse(('endwith',))
+ parser.delete_first_token()
+ return WithNode(None, None, nodelist, extra_context=extra_context)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df4e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# Wrapper for loading templates from storage of some sort (e.g. filesystem, database).
+# This uses the TEMPLATE_LOADERS setting, which is a list of loaders to use.
+# Each loader is expected to have this interface:
+# callable(name, dirs=[])
+# name is the template name.
+# dirs is an optional list of directories to search instead of TEMPLATE_DIRS.
+# The loader should return a tuple of (template_source, path). The path returned
+# might be shown to the user for debugging purposes, so it should identify where
+# the template was loaded from.
+# A loader may return an already-compiled template instead of the actual
+# template source. In that case the path returned should be None, since the
+# path information is associated with the template during the compilation,
+# which has already been done.
+# Each loader should have an "is_usable" attribute set. This is a boolean that
+# specifies whether the loader can be used in this Python installation. Each
+# loader is responsible for setting this when it's initialized.
+# For example, the eggs loader (which is capable of loading templates from
+# Python eggs) sets is_usable to False if the "pkg_resources" module isn't
+# installed, because pkg_resources is necessary to read eggs.
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+from django.template.base import Origin, Template, Context, TemplateDoesNotExist, add_to_builtins
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.utils.module_loading import import_by_path
+from django.utils import six
+template_source_loaders = None
+class BaseLoader(object):
+ is_usable = False
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def __call__(self, template_name, template_dirs=None):
+ return self.load_template(template_name, template_dirs)
+ def load_template(self, template_name, template_dirs=None):
+ source, display_name = self.load_template_source(template_name, template_dirs)
+ origin = make_origin(display_name, self.load_template_source, template_name, template_dirs)
+ try:
+ template = get_template_from_string(source, origin, template_name)
+ return template, None
+ except TemplateDoesNotExist:
+ # If compiling the template we found raises TemplateDoesNotExist, back off to
+ # returning the source and display name for the template we were asked to load.
+ # This allows for correct identification (later) of the actual template that does
+ # not exist.
+ return source, display_name
+ def load_template_source(self, template_name, template_dirs=None):
+ """
+ Returns a tuple containing the source and origin for the given template
+ name.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def reset(self):
+ """
+ Resets any state maintained by the loader instance (e.g., cached
+ templates or cached loader modules).
+ """
+ pass
+class LoaderOrigin(Origin):
+ def __init__(self, display_name, loader, name, dirs):
+ super(LoaderOrigin, self).__init__(display_name)
+ self.loader, self.loadname, self.dirs = loader, name, dirs
+ def reload(self):
+ return self.loader(self.loadname, self.dirs)[0]
+def make_origin(display_name, loader, name, dirs):
+ if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG and display_name:
+ return LoaderOrigin(display_name, loader, name, dirs)
+ else:
+ return None
+def find_template_loader(loader):
+ if isinstance(loader, (tuple, list)):
+ loader, args = loader[0], loader[1:]
+ else:
+ args = []
+ if isinstance(loader, six.string_types):
+ TemplateLoader = import_by_path(loader)
+ if hasattr(TemplateLoader, 'load_template_source'):
+ func = TemplateLoader(*args)
+ else:
+ # Try loading module the old way - string is full path to callable
+ if args:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured("Error importing template source loader %s - can't pass arguments to function-based loader." % loader)
+ func = TemplateLoader
+ if not func.is_usable:
+ import warnings
+ warnings.warn("Your TEMPLATE_LOADERS setting includes %r, but your Python installation doesn't support that type of template loading. Consider removing that line from TEMPLATE_LOADERS." % loader)
+ return None
+ else:
+ return func
+ else:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured('Loader does not define a "load_template" callable template source loader')
+def find_template(name, dirs=None):
+ # Calculate template_source_loaders the first time the function is executed
+ # because putting this logic in the module-level namespace may cause
+ # circular import errors. See Django ticket #1292.
+ global template_source_loaders
+ if template_source_loaders is None:
+ loaders = []
+ for loader_name in settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS:
+ loader = find_template_loader(loader_name)
+ if loader is not None:
+ loaders.append(loader)
+ template_source_loaders = tuple(loaders)
+ for loader in template_source_loaders:
+ try:
+ source, display_name = loader(name, dirs)
+ return (source, make_origin(display_name, loader, name, dirs))
+ except TemplateDoesNotExist:
+ pass
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(name)
+def get_template(template_name):
+ """
+ Returns a compiled Template object for the given template name,
+ handling template inheritance recursively.
+ """
+ template, origin = find_template(template_name)
+ if not hasattr(template, 'render'):
+ # template needs to be compiled
+ template = get_template_from_string(template, origin, template_name)
+ return template
+def get_template_from_string(source, origin=None, name=None):
+ """
+ Returns a compiled Template object for the given template code,
+ handling template inheritance recursively.
+ """
+ return Template(source, origin, name)
+def render_to_string(template_name, dictionary=None, context_instance=None):
+ """
+ Loads the given template_name and renders it with the given dictionary as
+ context. The template_name may be a string to load a single template using
+ get_template, or it may be a tuple to use select_template to find one of
+ the templates in the list. Returns a string.
+ """
+ dictionary = dictionary or {}
+ if isinstance(template_name, (list, tuple)):
+ t = select_template(template_name)
+ else:
+ t = get_template(template_name)
+ if not context_instance:
+ return t.render(Context(dictionary))
+ # Add the dictionary to the context stack, ensuring it gets removed again
+ # to keep the context_instance in the same state it started in.
+ context_instance.update(dictionary)
+ try:
+ return t.render(context_instance)
+ finally:
+ context_instance.pop()
+def select_template(template_name_list):
+ "Given a list of template names, returns the first that can be loaded."
+ if not template_name_list:
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist("No template names provided")
+ not_found = []
+ for template_name in template_name_list:
+ try:
+ return get_template(template_name)
+ except TemplateDoesNotExist as e:
+ if e.args[0] not in not_found:
+ not_found.append(e.args[0])
+ continue
+ # If we get here, none of the templates could be loaded
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(', '.join(not_found))
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index 0000000..85ffcf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.template.base import TemplateSyntaxError, Library, Node, TextNode,\
+ token_kwargs, Variable
+from django.template.loader import get_template
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
+from django.utils import six
+register = Library()
+BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY = 'block_context'
+class ExtendsError(Exception):
+ pass
+class BlockContext(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Dictionary of FIFO queues.
+ self.blocks = defaultdict(list)
+ def add_blocks(self, blocks):
+ for name, block in six.iteritems(blocks):
+ self.blocks[name].insert(0, block)
+ def pop(self, name):
+ try:
+ return self.blocks[name].pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+ def push(self, name, block):
+ self.blocks[name].append(block)
+ def get_block(self, name):
+ try:
+ return self.blocks[name][-1]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+class BlockNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, nodelist, parent=None):
+, self.nodelist, self.parent = name, nodelist, parent
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Block Node: %s. Contents: %r>" % (, self.nodelist)
+ def render(self, context):
+ block_context = context.render_context.get(BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY)
+ context.push()
+ if block_context is None:
+ context['block'] = self
+ result = self.nodelist.render(context)
+ else:
+ push = block = block_context.pop(
+ if block is None:
+ block = self
+ # Create new block so we can store context without thread-safety issues.
+ block = BlockNode(, block.nodelist)
+ block.context = context
+ context['block'] = block
+ result = block.nodelist.render(context)
+ if push is not None:
+ block_context.push(, push)
+ context.pop()
+ return result
+ def super(self):
+ render_context = self.context.render_context
+ if (BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY in render_context and
+ render_context[BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY].get_block( is not None):
+ return mark_safe(self.render(self.context))
+ return ''
+class ExtendsNode(Node):
+ must_be_first = True
+ def __init__(self, nodelist, parent_name, template_dirs=None):
+ self.nodelist = nodelist
+ self.parent_name = parent_name
+ self.template_dirs = template_dirs
+ self.blocks = dict([(, n) for n in nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(BlockNode)])
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<ExtendsNode: extends %s>' % self.parent_name.token
+ def get_parent(self, context):
+ parent = self.parent_name.resolve(context)
+ if not parent:
+ error_msg = "Invalid template name in 'extends' tag: %r." % parent
+ if self.parent_name.filters or\
+ isinstance(self.parent_name.var, Variable):
+ error_msg += " Got this from the '%s' variable." %\
+ self.parent_name.token
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError(error_msg)
+ if hasattr(parent, 'render'):
+ return parent # parent is a Template object
+ return get_template(parent)
+ def render(self, context):
+ compiled_parent = self.get_parent(context)
+ if BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY not in context.render_context:
+ context.render_context[BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY] = BlockContext()
+ block_context = context.render_context[BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY]
+ # Add the block nodes from this node to the block context
+ block_context.add_blocks(self.blocks)
+ # If this block's parent doesn't have an extends node it is the root,
+ # and its block nodes also need to be added to the block context.
+ for node in compiled_parent.nodelist:
+ # The ExtendsNode has to be the first non-text node.
+ if not isinstance(node, TextNode):
+ if not isinstance(node, ExtendsNode):
+ blocks = dict([(, n) for n in
+ compiled_parent.nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(BlockNode)])
+ block_context.add_blocks(blocks)
+ break
+ # Call Template._render explicitly so the parser context stays
+ # the same.
+ return compiled_parent._render(context)
+class BaseIncludeNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.extra_context = kwargs.pop('extra_context', {})
+ self.isolated_context = kwargs.pop('isolated_context', False)
+ super(BaseIncludeNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def render_template(self, template, context):
+ values = dict([(name, var.resolve(context)) for name, var
+ in six.iteritems(self.extra_context)])
+ if self.isolated_context:
+ return template.render(
+ context.update(values)
+ output = template.render(context)
+ context.pop()
+ return output
+class ConstantIncludeNode(BaseIncludeNode):
+ def __init__(self, template_path, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(ConstantIncludeNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ try:
+ t = get_template(template_path)
+ self.template = t
+ except:
+ if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG:
+ raise
+ self.template = None
+ def render(self, context):
+ if not self.template:
+ return ''
+ return self.render_template(self.template, context)
+class IncludeNode(BaseIncludeNode):
+ def __init__(self, template_name, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(IncludeNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.template_name = template_name
+ def render(self, context):
+ try:
+ template_name = self.template_name.resolve(context)
+ template = get_template(template_name)
+ return self.render_template(template, context)
+ except:
+ if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG:
+ raise
+ return ''
+def do_block(parser, token):
+ """
+ Define a block that can be overridden by child templates.
+ """
+ # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
+ bits = token.contents.split()
+ if len(bits) != 2:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' tag takes only one argument" % bits[0])
+ block_name = bits[1]
+ # Keep track of the names of BlockNodes found in this template, so we can
+ # check for duplication.
+ try:
+ if block_name in parser.__loaded_blocks:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' tag with name '%s' appears more than once" % (bits[0], block_name))
+ parser.__loaded_blocks.append(block_name)
+ except AttributeError: # parser.__loaded_blocks isn't a list yet
+ parser.__loaded_blocks = [block_name]
+ nodelist = parser.parse(('endblock',))
+ # This check is kept for backwards-compatibility. See #3100.
+ endblock = parser.next_token()
+ acceptable_endblocks = ('endblock', 'endblock %s' % block_name)
+ if endblock.contents not in acceptable_endblocks:
+ parser.invalid_block_tag(endblock, 'endblock', acceptable_endblocks)
+ return BlockNode(block_name, nodelist)
+def do_extends(parser, token):
+ """
+ Signal that this template extends a parent template.
+ This tag may be used in two ways: ``{% extends "base" %}`` (with quotes)
+ uses the literal value "base" as the name of the parent template to extend,
+ or ``{% extends variable %}`` uses the value of ``variable`` as either the
+ name of the parent template to extend (if it evaluates to a string) or as
+ the parent template itself (if it evaluates to a Template object).
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()
+ if len(bits) != 2:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes one argument" % bits[0])
+ parent_name = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
+ nodelist = parser.parse()
+ if nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(ExtendsNode):
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' cannot appear more than once in the same template" % bits[0])
+ return ExtendsNode(nodelist, parent_name)
+def do_include(parser, token):
+ """
+ Loads a template and renders it with the current context. You can pass
+ additional context using keyword arguments.
+ Example::
+ {% include "foo/some_include" %}
+ {% include "foo/some_include" with bar="BAZZ!" baz="BING!" %}
+ Use the ``only`` argument to exclude the current context when rendering
+ the included template::
+ {% include "foo/some_include" only %}
+ {% include "foo/some_include" with bar="1" only %}
+ """
+ bits = token.split_contents()
+ if len(bits) < 2:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r tag takes at least one argument: the name of the template to be included." % bits[0])
+ options = {}
+ remaining_bits = bits[2:]
+ while remaining_bits:
+ option = remaining_bits.pop(0)
+ if option in options:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError('The %r option was specified more '
+ 'than once.' % option)
+ if option == 'with':
+ value = token_kwargs(remaining_bits, parser, support_legacy=False)
+ if not value:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError('"with" in %r tag needs at least '
+ 'one keyword argument.' % bits[0])
+ elif option == 'only':
+ value = True
+ else:
+ raise TemplateSyntaxError('Unknown argument for %r tag: %r.' %
+ (bits[0], option))
+ options[option] = value
+ isolated_context = options.get('only', False)
+ namemap = options.get('with', {})
+ path = bits[1]
+ if path[0] in ('"', "'") and path[-1] == path[0]:
+ return ConstantIncludeNode(path[1:-1], extra_context=namemap,
+ isolated_context=isolated_context)
+ return IncludeNode(parser.compile_filter(bits[1]), extra_context=namemap,
+ isolated_context=isolated_context)
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/loaders/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c82817a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/loaders/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Wrapper for loading templates from "templates" directories in INSTALLED_APPS
+import os
+import sys
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+from django.template.base import TemplateDoesNotExist
+from django.template.loader import BaseLoader
+from django.utils._os import safe_join
+from django.utils.importlib import import_module
+from django.utils import six
+# At compile time, cache the directories to search.
+if six.PY2:
+ fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()
+app_template_dirs = []
+for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
+ try:
+ mod = import_module(app)
+ except ImportError as e:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured('ImportError %s: %s' % (app, e.args[0]))
+ template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mod.__file__), 'templates')
+ if os.path.isdir(template_dir):
+ if six.PY2:
+ template_dir = template_dir.decode(fs_encoding)
+ app_template_dirs.append(template_dir)
+# It won't change, so convert it to a tuple to save memory.
+app_template_dirs = tuple(app_template_dirs)
+class Loader(BaseLoader):
+ is_usable = True
+ def get_template_sources(self, template_name, template_dirs=None):
+ """
+ Returns the absolute paths to "template_name", when appended to each
+ directory in "template_dirs". Any paths that don't lie inside one of the
+ template dirs are excluded from the result set, for security reasons.
+ """
+ if not template_dirs:
+ template_dirs = app_template_dirs
+ for template_dir in template_dirs:
+ try:
+ yield safe_join(template_dir, template_name)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ # The template dir name was a bytestring that wasn't valid UTF-8.
+ raise
+ except ValueError:
+ # The joined path was located outside of template_dir.
+ pass
+ def load_template_source(self, template_name, template_dirs=None):
+ for filepath in self.get_template_sources(template_name, template_dirs):
+ try:
+ with open(filepath, 'rb') as fp:
+ return (, filepath)
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name)
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/loaders/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Wrapper class that takes a list of template loaders as an argument and attempts
+to load templates from them in order, caching the result.
+import hashlib
+from django.template.base import TemplateDoesNotExist
+from django.template.loader import BaseLoader, get_template_from_string, find_template_loader, make_origin
+from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
+class Loader(BaseLoader):
+ is_usable = True
+ def __init__(self, loaders):
+ self.template_cache = {}
+ self._loaders = loaders
+ self._cached_loaders = []
+ @property
+ def loaders(self):
+ # Resolve loaders on demand to avoid circular imports
+ if not self._cached_loaders:
+ # Set self._cached_loaders atomically. Otherwise, another thread
+ # could see an incomplete list. See #17303.
+ cached_loaders = []
+ for loader in self._loaders:
+ cached_loaders.append(find_template_loader(loader))
+ self._cached_loaders = cached_loaders
+ return self._cached_loaders
+ def find_template(self, name, dirs=None):
+ for loader in self.loaders:
+ try:
+ template, display_name = loader(name, dirs)
+ return (template, make_origin(display_name, loader, name, dirs))
+ except TemplateDoesNotExist:
+ pass
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(name)
+ def load_template(self, template_name, template_dirs=None):
+ key = template_name
+ if template_dirs:
+ # If template directories were specified, use a hash to differentiate
+ key = '-'.join([template_name, hashlib.sha1(force_bytes('|'.join(template_dirs))).hexdigest()])
+ try:
+ template = self.template_cache[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ template, origin = self.find_template(template_name, template_dirs)
+ if not hasattr(template, 'render'):
+ try:
+ template = get_template_from_string(template, origin, template_name)
+ except TemplateDoesNotExist:
+ # If compiling the template we found raises TemplateDoesNotExist,
+ # back off to returning the source and display name for the template
+ # we were asked to load. This allows for correct identification (later)
+ # of the actual template that does not exist.
+ return template, origin
+ self.template_cache[key] = template
+ return template, None
+ def reset(self):
+ "Empty the template cache."
+ self.template_cache.clear()
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index 0000000..7da1803
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/loaders/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Wrapper for loading templates from eggs via pkg_resources.resource_string.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+ from pkg_resources import resource_string
+except ImportError:
+ resource_string = None
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.template.base import TemplateDoesNotExist
+from django.template.loader import BaseLoader
+from django.utils import six
+class Loader(BaseLoader):
+ is_usable = resource_string is not None
+ def load_template_source(self, template_name, template_dirs=None):
+ """
+ Loads templates from Python eggs via pkg_resource.resource_string.
+ For every installed app, it tries to get the resource (app, template_name).
+ """
+ if resource_string is not None:
+ pkg_name = 'templates/' + template_name
+ for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
+ try:
+ resource = resource_string(app, pkg_name)
+ except Exception:
+ continue
+ if six.PY2:
+ resource = resource.decode(settings.FILE_CHARSET)
+ return (resource, 'egg:%s:%s' % (app, pkg_name))
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name)
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index 0000000..1a7f0d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/loaders/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Wrapper for loading templates from the filesystem.
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.template.base import TemplateDoesNotExist
+from django.template.loader import BaseLoader
+from django.utils._os import safe_join
+class Loader(BaseLoader):
+ is_usable = True
+ def get_template_sources(self, template_name, template_dirs=None):
+ """
+ Returns the absolute paths to "template_name", when appended to each
+ directory in "template_dirs". Any paths that don't lie inside one of the
+ template dirs are excluded from the result set, for security reasons.
+ """
+ if not template_dirs:
+ template_dirs = settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS
+ for template_dir in template_dirs:
+ try:
+ yield safe_join(template_dir, template_name)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ # The template dir name was a bytestring that wasn't valid UTF-8.
+ raise
+ except ValueError:
+ # The joined path was located outside of this particular
+ # template_dir (it might be inside another one, so this isn't
+ # fatal).
+ pass
+ def load_template_source(self, template_name, template_dirs=None):
+ tried = []
+ for filepath in self.get_template_sources(template_name, template_dirs):
+ try:
+ with open(filepath, 'rb') as fp:
+ return (, filepath)
+ except IOError:
+ tried.append(filepath)
+ if tried:
+ error_msg = "Tried %s" % tried
+ else:
+ error_msg = "Your TEMPLATE_DIRS setting is empty. Change it to point to at least one template directory."
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(error_msg)
+ load_template_source.is_usable = True
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index 0000000..3b3b413
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from django.template import loader, Context, RequestContext
+from django.utils import six
+class ContentNotRenderedError(Exception):
+ pass
+class SimpleTemplateResponse(HttpResponse):
+ rendering_attrs = ['template_name', 'context_data', '_post_render_callbacks']
+ def __init__(self, template, context=None, content_type=None, status=None,
+ mimetype=None):
+ # It would seem obvious to call these next two members 'template' and
+ # 'context', but those names are reserved as part of the test Client
+ # API. To avoid the name collision, we use tricky-to-debug problems
+ self.template_name = template
+ self.context_data = context
+ self._post_render_callbacks = []
+ # content argument doesn't make sense here because it will be replaced
+ # with rendered template so we always pass empty string in order to
+ # prevent errors and provide shorter signature.
+ super(SimpleTemplateResponse, self).__init__('', content_type, status,
+ mimetype)
+ # _is_rendered tracks whether the template and context has been baked
+ # into a final response.
+ # Super __init__ doesn't know any better than to set self.content to
+ # the empty string we just gave it, which wrongly sets _is_rendered
+ # True, so we initialize it to False after the call to super __init__.
+ self._is_rendered = False
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ """Pickling support function.
+ Ensures that the object can't be pickled before it has been
+ rendered, and that the pickled state only includes rendered
+ data, not the data used to construct the response.
+ """
+ obj_dict = super(SimpleTemplateResponse, self).__getstate__()
+ if not self._is_rendered:
+ raise ContentNotRenderedError('The response content must be '
+ 'rendered before it can be pickled.')
+ for attr in self.rendering_attrs:
+ if attr in obj_dict:
+ del obj_dict[attr]
+ return obj_dict
+ def resolve_template(self, template):
+ "Accepts a template object, path-to-template or list of paths"
+ if isinstance(template, (list, tuple)):
+ return loader.select_template(template)
+ elif isinstance(template, six.string_types):
+ return loader.get_template(template)
+ else:
+ return template
+ def resolve_context(self, context):
+ """Converts context data into a full Context object
+ (assuming it isn't already a Context object).
+ """
+ if isinstance(context, Context):
+ return context
+ else:
+ return Context(context)
+ @property
+ def rendered_content(self):
+ """Returns the freshly rendered content for the template and context
+ described by the TemplateResponse.
+ This *does not* set the final content of the response. To set the
+ response content, you must either call render(), or set the
+ content explicitly using the value of this property.
+ """
+ template = self.resolve_template(self.template_name)
+ context = self.resolve_context(self.context_data)
+ content = template.render(context)
+ return content
+ def add_post_render_callback(self, callback):
+ """Adds a new post-rendering callback.
+ If the response has already been rendered,
+ invoke the callback immediately.
+ """
+ if self._is_rendered:
+ callback(self)
+ else:
+ self._post_render_callbacks.append(callback)
+ def render(self):
+ """Renders (thereby finalizing) the content of the response.
+ If the content has already been rendered, this is a no-op.
+ Returns the baked response instance.
+ """
+ retval = self
+ if not self._is_rendered:
+ self.content = self.rendered_content
+ for post_callback in self._post_render_callbacks:
+ newretval = post_callback(retval)
+ if newretval is not None:
+ retval = newretval
+ return retval
+ @property
+ def is_rendered(self):
+ return self._is_rendered
+ def __iter__(self):
+ if not self._is_rendered:
+ raise ContentNotRenderedError('The response content must be '
+ 'rendered before it can be iterated over.')
+ return super(SimpleTemplateResponse, self).__iter__()
+ @property
+ def content(self):
+ if not self._is_rendered:
+ raise ContentNotRenderedError('The response content must be '
+ 'rendered before it can be accessed.')
+ return super(SimpleTemplateResponse, self).content
+ @content.setter
+ def content(self, value):
+ """Sets the content for the response
+ """
+ HttpResponse.content.fset(self, value)
+ self._is_rendered = True
+class TemplateResponse(SimpleTemplateResponse):
+ rendering_attrs = SimpleTemplateResponse.rendering_attrs + \
+ ['_request', '_current_app']
+ def __init__(self, request, template, context=None, content_type=None,
+ status=None, mimetype=None, current_app=None):
+ # self.request gets over-written by django.test.client.Client - and
+ # unlike context_data and template_name the _request should not
+ # be considered part of the public API.
+ self._request = request
+ # As a convenience we'll allow callers to provide current_app without
+ # having to avoid needing to create the RequestContext directly
+ self._current_app = current_app
+ super(TemplateResponse, self).__init__(
+ template, context, content_type, status, mimetype)
+ def resolve_context(self, context):
+ """Convert context data into a full RequestContext object
+ (assuming it isn't already a Context object).
+ """
+ if isinstance(context, Context):
+ return context
+ return RequestContext(self._request, context, current_app=self._current_app)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2ca395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+Parser and utilities for the smart 'if' tag
+# Using a simple top down parser, as described here:
+# 'led' = left denotation
+# 'nud' = null denotation
+# 'bp' = binding power (left = lbp, right = rbp)
+class TokenBase(object):
+ """
+ Base class for operators and literals, mainly for debugging and for throwing
+ syntax errors.
+ """
+ id = None # node/token type name
+ value = None # used by literals
+ first = second = None # used by tree nodes
+ def nud(self, parser):
+ # Null denotation - called in prefix context
+ raise parser.error_class(
+ "Not expecting '%s' in this position in if tag." %
+ )
+ def led(self, left, parser):
+ # Left denotation - called in infix context
+ raise parser.error_class(
+ "Not expecting '%s' as infix operator in if tag." %
+ )
+ def display(self):
+ """
+ Returns what to display in error messages for this node
+ """
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ out = [str(x) for x in [, self.first, self.second] if x is not None]
+ return "(" + " ".join(out) + ")"
+def infix(bp, func):
+ """
+ Creates an infix operator, given a binding power and a function that
+ evaluates the node
+ """
+ class Operator(TokenBase):
+ lbp = bp
+ def led(self, left, parser):
+ self.first = left
+ self.second = parser.expression(bp)
+ return self
+ def eval(self, context):
+ try:
+ return func(context, self.first, self.second)
+ except Exception:
+ # Templates shouldn't throw exceptions when rendering. We are
+ # most likely to get exceptions for things like {% if foo in bar
+ # %} where 'bar' does not support 'in', so default to False
+ return False
+ return Operator
+def prefix(bp, func):
+ """
+ Creates a prefix operator, given a binding power and a function that
+ evaluates the node.
+ """
+ class Operator(TokenBase):
+ lbp = bp
+ def nud(self, parser):
+ self.first = parser.expression(bp)
+ self.second = None
+ return self
+ def eval(self, context):
+ try:
+ return func(context, self.first)
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ return Operator
+# Operator precedence follows Python.
+# NB - we can get slightly more accurate syntax error messages by not using the
+# same object for '==' and '='.
+# We defer variable evaluation to the lambda to ensure that terms are
+# lazily evaluated using Python's boolean parsing logic.
+ 'or': infix(6, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) or y.eval(context)),
+ 'and': infix(7, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) and y.eval(context)),
+ 'not': prefix(8, lambda context, x: not x.eval(context)),
+ 'in': infix(9, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) in y.eval(context)),
+ 'not in': infix(9, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) not in y.eval(context)),
+ '=': infix(10, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) == y.eval(context)),
+ '==': infix(10, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) == y.eval(context)),
+ '!=': infix(10, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) != y.eval(context)),
+ '>': infix(10, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) > y.eval(context)),
+ '>=': infix(10, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) >= y.eval(context)),
+ '<': infix(10, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) < y.eval(context)),
+ '<=': infix(10, lambda context, x, y: x.eval(context) <= y.eval(context)),
+# Assign 'id' to each:
+for key, op in OPERATORS.items():
+ = key
+class Literal(TokenBase):
+ """
+ A basic self-resolvable object similar to a Django template variable.
+ """
+ # IfParser uses Literal in create_var, but TemplateIfParser overrides
+ # create_var so that a proper implementation that actually resolves
+ # variables, filters etc is used.
+ id = "literal"
+ lbp = 0
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def display(self):
+ return repr(self.value)
+ def nud(self, parser):
+ return self
+ def eval(self, context):
+ return self.value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "(%s %r)" % (, self.value)
+class EndToken(TokenBase):
+ lbp = 0
+ def nud(self, parser):
+ raise parser.error_class("Unexpected end of expression in if tag.")
+EndToken = EndToken()
+class IfParser(object):
+ error_class = ValueError
+ def __init__(self, tokens):
+ # pre-pass necessary to turn 'not','in' into single token
+ l = len(tokens)
+ mapped_tokens = []
+ i = 0
+ while i < l:
+ token = tokens[i]
+ if token == "not" and i + 1 < l and tokens[i+1] == "in":
+ token = "not in"
+ i += 1 # skip 'in'
+ mapped_tokens.append(self.translate_token(token))
+ i += 1
+ self.tokens = mapped_tokens
+ self.pos = 0
+ self.current_token = self.next_token()
+ def translate_token(self, token):
+ try:
+ op = OPERATORS[token]
+ except (KeyError, TypeError):
+ return self.create_var(token)
+ else:
+ return op()
+ def next_token(self):
+ if self.pos >= len(self.tokens):
+ return EndToken
+ else:
+ retval = self.tokens[self.pos]
+ self.pos += 1
+ return retval
+ def parse(self):
+ retval = self.expression()
+ # Check that we have exhausted all the tokens
+ if self.current_token is not EndToken:
+ raise self.error_class("Unused '%s' at end of if expression." %
+ self.current_token.display())
+ return retval
+ def expression(self, rbp=0):
+ t = self.current_token
+ self.current_token = self.next_token()
+ left = t.nud(self)
+ while rbp < self.current_token.lbp:
+ t = self.current_token
+ self.current_token = self.next_token()
+ left = t.led(left, self)
+ return left
+ def create_var(self, value):
+ return Literal(value)