path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/
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-import datetime
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.core.exceptions import FieldError
-from django.db.backends.util import truncate_name
-from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP
-from django.db.models.query_utils import select_related_descend, QueryWrapper
-from django.db.models.sql.constants import (SINGLE, MULTI, ORDER_DIR,
-from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import EmptyResultSet
-from django.db.models.sql.expressions import SQLEvaluator
-from django.db.models.sql.query import get_order_dir, Query
-from django.db.transaction import TransactionManagementError
-from django.db.utils import DatabaseError
-from django.utils import six
-from django.utils.six.moves import zip
-from django.utils import timezone
-class SQLCompiler(object):
- def __init__(self, query, connection, using):
- self.query = query
- self.connection = connection
- self.using = using
- self.quote_cache = {}
- # When ordering a queryset with distinct on a column not part of the
- # select set, the ordering column needs to be added to the select
- # clause. This information is needed both in SQL construction and
- # masking away the ordering selects from the returned row.
- self.ordering_aliases = []
- self.ordering_params = []
- def pre_sql_setup(self):
- """
- Does any necessary class setup immediately prior to producing SQL. This
- is for things that can't necessarily be done in __init__ because we
- might not have all the pieces in place at that time.
- # TODO: after the query has been executed, the altered state should be
- # cleaned. We are not using a clone() of the query here.
- """
- if not self.query.tables:
- self.query.join((None, self.query.get_meta().db_table, None))
- if (not and self.query.default_cols and not
- self.query.included_inherited_models):
- self.query.setup_inherited_models()
- if self.query.select_related and not self.query.related_select_cols:
- self.fill_related_selections()
- def quote_name_unless_alias(self, name):
- """
- A wrapper around connection.ops.quote_name that doesn't quote aliases
- for table names. This avoids problems with some SQL dialects that treat
- quoted strings specially (e.g. PostgreSQL).
- """
- if name in self.quote_cache:
- return self.quote_cache[name]
- if ((name in self.query.alias_map and name not in self.query.table_map) or
- name in self.query.extra_select):
- self.quote_cache[name] = name
- return name
- r = self.connection.ops.quote_name(name)
- self.quote_cache[name] = r
- return r
- def as_sql(self, with_limits=True, with_col_aliases=False):
- """
- Creates the SQL for this query. Returns the SQL string and list of
- parameters.
- If 'with_limits' is False, any limit/offset information is not included
- in the query.
- """
- if with_limits and self.query.low_mark == self.query.high_mark:
- return '', ()
- self.pre_sql_setup()
- # After executing the query, we must get rid of any joins the query
- # setup created. So, take note of alias counts before the query ran.
- # However we do not want to get rid of stuff done in pre_sql_setup(),
- # as the pre_sql_setup will modify query state in a way that forbids
- # another run of it.
- self.refcounts_before = self.query.alias_refcount.copy()
- out_cols, s_params = self.get_columns(with_col_aliases)
- ordering, o_params, ordering_group_by = self.get_ordering()
- distinct_fields = self.get_distinct()
- # This must come after 'select', 'ordering' and 'distinct' -- see
- # docstring of get_from_clause() for details.
- from_, f_params = self.get_from_clause()
- qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
- where, w_params = self.query.where.as_sql(qn=qn, connection=self.connection)
- having, h_params = self.query.having.as_sql(qn=qn, connection=self.connection)
- having_group_by = self.query.having.get_cols()
- params = []
- for val in six.itervalues(self.query.extra_select):
- params.extend(val[1])
- result = ['SELECT']
- if self.query.distinct:
- result.append(self.connection.ops.distinct_sql(distinct_fields))
- params.extend(o_params)
- result.append(', '.join(out_cols + self.ordering_aliases))
- params.extend(s_params)
- params.extend(self.ordering_params)
- result.append('FROM')
- result.extend(from_)
- params.extend(f_params)
- if where:
- result.append('WHERE %s' % where)
- params.extend(w_params)
- grouping, gb_params = self.get_grouping(having_group_by, ordering_group_by)
- if grouping:
- if distinct_fields:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "annotate() + distinct(fields) not implemented.")
- if not ordering:
- ordering = self.connection.ops.force_no_ordering()
- result.append('GROUP BY %s' % ', '.join(grouping))
- params.extend(gb_params)
- if having:
- result.append('HAVING %s' % having)
- params.extend(h_params)
- if ordering:
- result.append('ORDER BY %s' % ', '.join(ordering))
- if with_limits:
- if self.query.high_mark is not None:
- result.append('LIMIT %d' % (self.query.high_mark - self.query.low_mark))
- if self.query.low_mark:
- if self.query.high_mark is None:
- val = self.connection.ops.no_limit_value()
- if val:
- result.append('LIMIT %d' % val)
- result.append('OFFSET %d' % self.query.low_mark)
- if self.query.select_for_update and self.connection.features.has_select_for_update:
- if self.connection.get_autocommit():
- raise TransactionManagementError("select_for_update cannot be used outside of a transaction.")
- # If we've been asked for a NOWAIT query but the backend does not support it,
- # raise a DatabaseError otherwise we could get an unexpected deadlock.
- nowait = self.query.select_for_update_nowait
- if nowait and not self.connection.features.has_select_for_update_nowait:
- raise DatabaseError('NOWAIT is not supported on this database backend.')
- result.append(self.connection.ops.for_update_sql(nowait=nowait))
- # Finally do cleanup - get rid of the joins we created above.
- self.query.reset_refcounts(self.refcounts_before)
- return ' '.join(result), tuple(params)
- def as_nested_sql(self):
- """
- Perform the same functionality as the as_sql() method, returning an
- SQL string and parameters. However, the alias prefixes are bumped
- beforehand (in a copy -- the current query isn't changed), and any
- ordering is removed if the query is unsliced.
- Used when nesting this query inside another.
- """
- obj = self.query.clone()
- if obj.low_mark == 0 and obj.high_mark is None:
- # If there is no slicing in use, then we can safely drop all ordering
- obj.clear_ordering(True)
- obj.bump_prefix()
- return obj.get_compiler(connection=self.connection).as_sql()
- def get_columns(self, with_aliases=False):
- """
- Returns the list of columns to use in the select statement, as well as
- a list any extra parameters that need to be included. If no columns
- have been specified, returns all columns relating to fields in the
- model.
- If 'with_aliases' is true, any column names that are duplicated
- (without the table names) are given unique aliases. This is needed in
- some cases to avoid ambiguity with nested queries.
- """
- qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
- qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
- result = ['(%s) AS %s' % (col[0], qn2(alias)) for alias, col in six.iteritems(self.query.extra_select)]
- params = []
- aliases = set(self.query.extra_select.keys())
- if with_aliases:
- col_aliases = aliases.copy()
- else:
- col_aliases = set()
- if
- only_load = self.deferred_to_columns()
- for col, _ in
- if isinstance(col, (list, tuple)):
- alias, column = col
- table = self.query.alias_map[alias].table_name
- if table in only_load and column not in only_load[table]:
- continue
- r = '%s.%s' % (qn(alias), qn(column))
- if with_aliases:
- if col[1] in col_aliases:
- c_alias = 'Col%d' % len(col_aliases)
- result.append('%s AS %s' % (r, c_alias))
- aliases.add(c_alias)
- col_aliases.add(c_alias)
- else:
- result.append('%s AS %s' % (r, qn2(col[1])))
- aliases.add(r)
- col_aliases.add(col[1])
- else:
- result.append(r)
- aliases.add(r)
- col_aliases.add(col[1])
- else:
- col_sql, col_params = col.as_sql(qn, self.connection)
- result.append(col_sql)
- params.extend(col_params)
- if hasattr(col, 'alias'):
- aliases.add(col.alias)
- col_aliases.add(col.alias)
- elif self.query.default_cols:
- cols, new_aliases = self.get_default_columns(with_aliases,
- col_aliases)
- result.extend(cols)
- aliases.update(new_aliases)
- max_name_length = self.connection.ops.max_name_length()
- for alias, aggregate in self.query.aggregate_select.items():
- agg_sql, agg_params = aggregate.as_sql(qn, self.connection)
- if alias is None:
- result.append(agg_sql)
- else:
- result.append('%s AS %s' % (agg_sql, qn(truncate_name(alias, max_name_length))))
- params.extend(agg_params)
- for (table, col), _ in self.query.related_select_cols:
- r = '%s.%s' % (qn(table), qn(col))
- if with_aliases and col in col_aliases:
- c_alias = 'Col%d' % len(col_aliases)
- result.append('%s AS %s' % (r, c_alias))
- aliases.add(c_alias)
- col_aliases.add(c_alias)
- else:
- result.append(r)
- aliases.add(r)
- col_aliases.add(col)
- self._select_aliases = aliases
- return result, params
- def get_default_columns(self, with_aliases=False, col_aliases=None,
- start_alias=None, opts=None, as_pairs=False, from_parent=None):
- """
- Computes the default columns for selecting every field in the base
- model. Will sometimes be called to pull in related models (e.g. via
- select_related), in which case "opts" and "start_alias" will be given
- to provide a starting point for the traversal.
- Returns a list of strings, quoted appropriately for use in SQL
- directly, as well as a set of aliases used in the select statement (if
- 'as_pairs' is True, returns a list of (alias, col_name) pairs instead
- of strings as the first component and None as the second component).
- """
- result = []
- if opts is None:
- opts = self.query.get_meta()
- qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
- qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
- aliases = set()
- only_load = self.deferred_to_columns()
- if not start_alias:
- start_alias = self.query.get_initial_alias()
- # The 'seen_models' is used to optimize checking the needed parent
- # alias for a given field. This also includes None -> start_alias to
- # be used by local fields.
- seen_models = {None: start_alias}
- for field, model in opts.get_concrete_fields_with_model():
- if from_parent and model is not None and issubclass(from_parent, model):
- # Avoid loading data for already loaded parents.
- continue
- alias = self.query.join_parent_model(opts, model, start_alias,
- seen_models)
- table = self.query.alias_map[alias].table_name
- if table in only_load and field.column not in only_load[table]:
- continue
- if as_pairs:
- result.append((alias, field))
- aliases.add(alias)
- continue
- if with_aliases and field.column in col_aliases:
- c_alias = 'Col%d' % len(col_aliases)
- result.append('%s.%s AS %s' % (qn(alias),
- qn2(field.column), c_alias))
- col_aliases.add(c_alias)
- aliases.add(c_alias)
- else:
- r = '%s.%s' % (qn(alias), qn2(field.column))
- result.append(r)
- aliases.add(r)
- if with_aliases:
- col_aliases.add(field.column)
- return result, aliases
- def get_distinct(self):
- """
- Returns a quoted list of fields to use in DISTINCT ON part of the query.
- Note that this method can alter the tables in the query, and thus it
- must be called before get_from_clause().
- """
- qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
- qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
- result = []
- opts = self.query.get_meta()
- for name in self.query.distinct_fields:
- parts = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
- field, cols, alias, _, _ = self._setup_joins(parts, opts, None)
- cols, alias = self._final_join_removal(cols, alias)
- for col in cols:
- result.append("%s.%s" % (qn(alias), qn2(col)))
- return result
- def get_ordering(self):
- """
- Returns a tuple containing a list representing the SQL elements in the
- "order by" clause, and the list of SQL elements that need to be added
- to the GROUP BY clause as a result of the ordering.
- Also sets the ordering_aliases attribute on this instance to a list of
- extra aliases needed in the select.
- Determining the ordering SQL can change the tables we need to include,
- so this should be run *before* get_from_clause().
- """
- if self.query.extra_order_by:
- ordering = self.query.extra_order_by
- elif not self.query.default_ordering:
- ordering = self.query.order_by
- else:
- ordering = (self.query.order_by
- or self.query.get_meta().ordering
- or [])
- qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
- qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
- distinct = self.query.distinct
- select_aliases = self._select_aliases
- result = []
- group_by = []
- ordering_aliases = []
- if self.query.standard_ordering:
- asc, desc = ORDER_DIR['ASC']
- else:
- asc, desc = ORDER_DIR['DESC']
- # It's possible, due to model inheritance, that normal usage might try
- # to include the same field more than once in the ordering. We track
- # the table/column pairs we use and discard any after the first use.
- processed_pairs = set()
- params = []
- ordering_params = []
- for pos, field in enumerate(ordering):
- if field == '?':
- result.append(self.connection.ops.random_function_sql())
- continue
- if isinstance(field, int):
- if field < 0:
- order = desc
- field = -field
- else:
- order = asc
- result.append('%s %s' % (field, order))
- group_by.append((str(field), []))
- continue
- col, order = get_order_dir(field, asc)
- if col in self.query.aggregate_select:
- result.append('%s %s' % (qn(col), order))
- continue
- if '.' in field:
- # This came in through an extra(order_by=...) addition. Pass it
- # on verbatim.
- table, col = col.split('.', 1)
- if (table, col) not in processed_pairs:
- elt = '%s.%s' % (qn(table), col)
- processed_pairs.add((table, col))
- if not distinct or elt in select_aliases:
- result.append('%s %s' % (elt, order))
- group_by.append((elt, []))
- elif get_order_dir(field)[0] not in self.query.extra:
- # 'col' is of the form 'field' or 'field1__field2' or
- # '-field1__field2__field', etc.
- for table, cols, order in self.find_ordering_name(field,
- self.query.get_meta(), default_order=asc):
- for col in cols:
- if (table, col) not in processed_pairs:
- elt = '%s.%s' % (qn(table), qn2(col))
- processed_pairs.add((table, col))
- if distinct and elt not in select_aliases:
- ordering_aliases.append(elt)
- result.append('%s %s' % (elt, order))
- group_by.append((elt, []))
- else:
- elt = qn2(col)
- if col not in self.query.extra_select:
- sql = "(%s) AS %s" % (self.query.extra[col][0], elt)
- ordering_aliases.append(sql)
- ordering_params.extend(self.query.extra[col][1])
- else:
- if distinct and col not in select_aliases:
- ordering_aliases.append(elt)
- ordering_params.extend(params)
- result.append('%s %s' % (elt, order))
- group_by.append(self.query.extra[col])
- self.ordering_aliases = ordering_aliases
- self.ordering_params = ordering_params
- return result, params, group_by
- def find_ordering_name(self, name, opts, alias=None, default_order='ASC',
- already_seen=None):
- """
- Returns the table alias (the name might be ambiguous, the alias will
- not be) and column name for ordering by the given 'name' parameter.
- The 'name' is of the form 'field1__field2__...__fieldN'.
- """
- name, order = get_order_dir(name, default_order)
- pieces = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
- field, cols, alias, joins, opts = self._setup_joins(pieces, opts, alias)
- # If we get to this point and the field is a relation to another model,
- # append the default ordering for that model.
- if field.rel and len(joins) > 1 and opts.ordering:
- # Firstly, avoid infinite loops.
- if not already_seen:
- already_seen = set()
- join_tuple = tuple([self.query.alias_map[j].table_name for j in joins])
- if join_tuple in already_seen:
- raise FieldError('Infinite loop caused by ordering.')
- already_seen.add(join_tuple)
- results = []
- for item in opts.ordering:
- results.extend(self.find_ordering_name(item, opts, alias,
- order, already_seen))
- return results
- cols, alias = self._final_join_removal(cols, alias)
- return [(alias, cols, order)]
- def _setup_joins(self, pieces, opts, alias):
- """
- A helper method for get_ordering and get_distinct. This method will
- call query.setup_joins, handle refcounts and then promote the joins.
- Note that get_ordering and get_distinct must produce same target
- columns on same input, as the prefixes of get_ordering and get_distinct
- must match. Executing SQL where this is not true is an error.
- """
- if not alias:
- alias = self.query.get_initial_alias()
- field, targets, opts, joins, _ = self.query.setup_joins(
- pieces, opts, alias)
- # We will later on need to promote those joins that were added to the
- # query afresh above.
- joins_to_promote = [j for j in joins if self.query.alias_refcount[j] < 2]
- alias = joins[-1]
- cols = [target.column for target in targets]
- if not field.rel:
- # To avoid inadvertent trimming of a necessary alias, use the
- # refcount to show that we are referencing a non-relation field on
- # the model.
- self.query.ref_alias(alias)
- # Must use left outer joins for nullable fields and their relations.
- # Ordering or distinct must not affect the returned set, and INNER
- # JOINS for nullable fields could do this.
- self.query.promote_joins(joins_to_promote)
- return field, cols, alias, joins, opts
- def _final_join_removal(self, cols, alias):
- """
- A helper method for get_distinct and get_ordering. This method will
- trim extra not-needed joins from the tail of the join chain.
- This is very similar to what is done in trim_joins, but we will
- trim LEFT JOINS here. It would be a good idea to consolidate this
- method and query.trim_joins().
- """
- if alias:
- while 1:
- join = self.query.alias_map[alias]
- lhs_cols, rhs_cols = zip(*[(lhs_col, rhs_col) for lhs_col, rhs_col in join.join_cols])
- if set(cols) != set(rhs_cols):
- break
- cols = [lhs_cols[rhs_cols.index(col)] for col in cols]
- self.query.unref_alias(alias)
- alias = join.lhs_alias
- return cols, alias
- def get_from_clause(self):
- """
- Returns a list of strings that are joined together to go after the
- "FROM" part of the query, as well as a list any extra parameters that
- need to be included. Sub-classes, can override this to create a
- from-clause via a "select".
- This should only be called after any SQL construction methods that
- might change the tables we need. This means the select columns,
- ordering and distinct must be done first.
- """
- result = []
- qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
- qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
- first = True
- from_params = []
- for alias in self.query.tables:
- if not self.query.alias_refcount[alias]:
- continue
- try:
- name, alias, join_type, lhs, join_cols, _, join_field = self.query.alias_map[alias]
- except KeyError:
- # Extra tables can end up in self.tables, but not in the
- # alias_map if they aren't in a join. That's OK. We skip them.
- continue
- alias_str = '' if alias == name else (' %s' % alias)
- if join_type and not first:
- extra_cond = join_field.get_extra_restriction(
- self.query.where_class, alias, lhs)
- if extra_cond:
- extra_sql, extra_params = extra_cond.as_sql(
- qn, self.connection)
- extra_sql = 'AND (%s)' % extra_sql
- from_params.extend(extra_params)
- else:
- extra_sql = ""
- result.append('%s %s%s ON ('
- % (join_type, qn(name), alias_str))
- for index, (lhs_col, rhs_col) in enumerate(join_cols):
- if index != 0:
- result.append(' AND ')
- result.append('%s.%s = %s.%s' %
- (qn(lhs), qn2(lhs_col), qn(alias), qn2(rhs_col)))
- result.append('%s)' % extra_sql)
- else:
- connector = '' if first else ', '
- result.append('%s%s%s' % (connector, qn(name), alias_str))
- first = False
- for t in self.query.extra_tables:
- alias, unused = self.query.table_alias(t)
- # Only add the alias if it's not already present (the table_alias()
- # calls increments the refcount, so an alias refcount of one means
- # this is the only reference.
- if alias not in self.query.alias_map or self.query.alias_refcount[alias] == 1:
- connector = '' if first else ', '
- result.append('%s%s' % (connector, qn(alias)))
- first = False
- return result, from_params
- def get_grouping(self, having_group_by, ordering_group_by):
- """
- Returns a tuple representing the SQL elements in the "group by" clause.
- """
- qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
- result, params = [], []
- if self.query.group_by is not None:
- select_cols = + self.query.related_select_cols
- # Just the column, not the fields.
- select_cols = [s[0] for s in select_cols]
- if (len(self.query.get_meta().concrete_fields) == len(
- and self.connection.features.allows_group_by_pk):
- self.query.group_by = [
- (self.query.get_meta().db_table, self.query.get_meta().pk.column)
- ]
- select_cols = []
- seen = set()
- cols = self.query.group_by + having_group_by + select_cols
- for col in cols:
- col_params = ()
- if isinstance(col, (list, tuple)):
- sql = '%s.%s' % (qn(col[0]), qn(col[1]))
- elif hasattr(col, 'as_sql'):
- sql, col_params = col.as_sql(qn, self.connection)
- else:
- sql = '(%s)' % str(col)
- if sql not in seen:
- result.append(sql)
- params.extend(col_params)
- seen.add(sql)
- # Still, we need to add all stuff in ordering (except if the backend can
- # group by just by PK).
- if ordering_group_by and not self.connection.features.allows_group_by_pk:
- for order, order_params in ordering_group_by:
- # Even if we have seen the same SQL string, it might have
- # different params, so, we add same SQL in "has params" case.
- if order not in seen or order_params:
- result.append(order)
- params.extend(order_params)
- seen.add(order)
- # Unconditionally add the extra_select items.
- for extra_select, extra_params in self.query.extra_select.values():
- sql = '(%s)' % str(extra_select)
- result.append(sql)
- params.extend(extra_params)
- return result, params
- def fill_related_selections(self, opts=None, root_alias=None, cur_depth=1,
- requested=None, restricted=None, nullable=None):
- """
- Fill in the information needed for a select_related query. The current
- depth is measured as the number of connections away from the root model
- (for example, cur_depth=1 means we are looking at models with direct
- connections to the root model).
- """
- if not restricted and self.query.max_depth and cur_depth > self.query.max_depth:
- # We've recursed far enough; bail out.
- return
- if not opts:
- opts = self.query.get_meta()
- root_alias = self.query.get_initial_alias()
- self.query.related_select_cols = []
- only_load = self.query.get_loaded_field_names()
- # Setup for the case when only particular related fields should be
- # included in the related selection.
- if requested is None:
- if isinstance(self.query.select_related, dict):
- requested = self.query.select_related
- restricted = True
- else:
- restricted = False
- for f, model in opts.get_fields_with_model():
- # The get_fields_with_model() returns None for fields that live
- # in the field's local model. So, for those fields we want to use
- # the f.model - that is the field's local model.
- field_model = model or f.model
- if not select_related_descend(f, restricted, requested,
- only_load.get(field_model)):
- continue
- promote = nullable or f.null
- _, _, _, joins, _ = self.query.setup_joins(
- [], opts, root_alias, outer_if_first=promote)
- alias = joins[-1]
- columns, _ = self.get_default_columns(start_alias=alias,
-, as_pairs=True)
- self.query.related_select_cols.extend(
- SelectInfo((col[0], col[1].column), col[1]) for col in columns)
- if restricted:
- next = requested.get(, {})
- else:
- next = False
- new_nullable = f.null or promote
- self.fill_related_selections(, alias, cur_depth + 1,
- next, restricted, new_nullable)
- if restricted:
- related_fields = [
- (o.field, o.model)
- for o in opts.get_all_related_objects()
- if o.field.unique
- ]
- for f, model in related_fields:
- if not select_related_descend(f, restricted, requested,
- only_load.get(model), reverse=True):
- continue
- _, _, _, joins, _ = self.query.setup_joins(
- [f.related_query_name()], opts, root_alias, outer_if_first=True)
- alias = joins[-1]
- from_parent = (opts.model if issubclass(model, opts.model)
- else None)
- columns, _ = self.get_default_columns(start_alias=alias,
- opts=model._meta, as_pairs=True, from_parent=from_parent)
- self.query.related_select_cols.extend(
- SelectInfo((col[0], col[1].column), col[1]) for col in columns)
- next = requested.get(f.related_query_name(), {})
- # Use True here because we are looking at the _reverse_ side of
- # the relation, which is always nullable.
- new_nullable = True
- self.fill_related_selections(model._meta, alias, cur_depth + 1,
- next, restricted, new_nullable)
- def deferred_to_columns(self):
- """
- Converts the self.deferred_loading data structure to mapping of table
- names to sets of column names which are to be loaded. Returns the
- dictionary.
- """
- columns = {}
- self.query.deferred_to_data(columns, self.query.deferred_to_columns_cb)
- return columns
- def results_iter(self):
- """
- Returns an iterator over the results from executing this query.
- """
- resolve_columns = hasattr(self, 'resolve_columns')
- fields = None
- has_aggregate_select = bool(self.query.aggregate_select)
- for rows in self.execute_sql(MULTI):
- for row in rows:
- if has_aggregate_select:
- loaded_fields = self.query.get_loaded_field_names().get(self.query.model, set()) or
- aggregate_start = len(self.query.extra_select) + len(loaded_fields)
- aggregate_end = aggregate_start + len(self.query.aggregate_select)
- if resolve_columns:
- if fields is None:
- # We only set this up here because
- # related_select_cols isn't populated until
- # execute_sql() has been called.
- # We also include types of fields of related models that
- # will be included via select_related() for the benefit
- # of MySQL/MySQLdb when boolean fields are involved
- # (#15040).
- # This code duplicates the logic for the order of fields
- # found in get_columns(). It would be nice to clean this up.
- if
- fields = [f.field for f in]
- elif self.query.default_cols:
- fields = self.query.get_meta().concrete_fields
- else:
- fields = []
- fields = fields + [f.field for f in self.query.related_select_cols]
- # If the field was deferred, exclude it from being passed
- # into `resolve_columns` because it wasn't selected.
- only_load = self.deferred_to_columns()
- if only_load:
- fields = [f for f in fields if f.model._meta.db_table not in only_load or
- f.column in only_load[f.model._meta.db_table]]
- if has_aggregate_select:
- # pad None in to fields for aggregates
- fields = fields[:aggregate_start] + [
- None for x in range(0, aggregate_end - aggregate_start)
- ] + fields[aggregate_start:]
- row = self.resolve_columns(row, fields)
- if has_aggregate_select:
- row = tuple(row[:aggregate_start]) + tuple([
- self.query.resolve_aggregate(value, aggregate, self.connection)
- for (alias, aggregate), value
- in zip(self.query.aggregate_select.items(), row[aggregate_start:aggregate_end])
- ]) + tuple(row[aggregate_end:])
- yield row
- def execute_sql(self, result_type=MULTI):
- """
- Run the query against the database and returns the result(s). The
- return value is a single data item if result_type is SINGLE, or an
- iterator over the results if the result_type is MULTI.
- result_type is either MULTI (use fetchmany() to retrieve all rows),
- SINGLE (only retrieve a single row), or None. In this last case, the
- cursor is returned if any query is executed, since it's used by
- subclasses such as InsertQuery). It's possible, however, that no query
- is needed, as the filters describe an empty set. In that case, None is
- returned, to avoid any unnecessary database interaction.
- """
- try:
- sql, params = self.as_sql()
- if not sql:
- raise EmptyResultSet
- except EmptyResultSet:
- if result_type == MULTI:
- return iter([])
- else:
- return
- cursor = self.connection.cursor()
- cursor.execute(sql, params)
- if not result_type:
- return cursor
- if result_type == SINGLE:
- if self.ordering_aliases:
- return cursor.fetchone()[:-len(self.ordering_aliases)]
- return cursor.fetchone()
- # The MULTI case.
- if self.ordering_aliases:
- result = order_modified_iter(cursor, len(self.ordering_aliases),
- self.connection.features.empty_fetchmany_value)
- else:
- result = iter((lambda: cursor.fetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)),
- self.connection.features.empty_fetchmany_value)
- if not self.connection.features.can_use_chunked_reads:
- # If we are using non-chunked reads, we return the same data
- # structure as normally, but ensure it is all read into memory
- # before going any further.
- return list(result)
- return result
- def as_subquery_condition(self, alias, columns, qn):
- qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
- if len(columns) == 1:
- sql, params = self.as_sql()
- return '%s.%s IN (%s)' % (qn(alias), qn2(columns[0]), sql), params
- for index, select_col in enumerate(
- lhs = '%s.%s' % (qn(select_col.col[0]), qn2(select_col.col[1]))
- rhs = '%s.%s' % (qn(alias), qn2(columns[index]))
- self.query.where.add(
- QueryWrapper('%s = %s' % (lhs, rhs), []), 'AND')
- sql, params = self.as_sql()
- return 'EXISTS (%s)' % sql, params
-class SQLInsertCompiler(SQLCompiler):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.return_id = False
- super(SQLInsertCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def placeholder(self, field, val):
- if field is None:
- # A field value of None means the value is raw.
- return val
- elif hasattr(field, 'get_placeholder'):
- # Some fields (e.g. geo fields) need special munging before
- # they can be inserted.
- return field.get_placeholder(val, self.connection)
- else:
- # Return the common case for the placeholder
- return '%s'
- def as_sql(self):
- # We don't need quote_name_unless_alias() here, since these are all
- # going to be column names (so we can avoid the extra overhead).
- qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
- opts = self.query.get_meta()
- result = ['INSERT INTO %s' % qn(opts.db_table)]
- has_fields = bool(self.query.fields)
- fields = self.query.fields if has_fields else []
- result.append('(%s)' % ', '.join([qn(f.column) for f in fields]))
- if has_fields:
- params = values = [
- [
- f.get_db_prep_save(getattr(obj, f.attname) if self.query.raw else f.pre_save(obj, True), connection=self.connection)
- for f in fields
- ]
- for obj in self.query.objs
- ]
- else:
- values = [[self.connection.ops.pk_default_value()] for obj in self.query.objs]
- params = [[]]
- fields = [None]
- can_bulk = (not any(hasattr(field, "get_placeholder") for field in fields) and
- not self.return_id and self.connection.features.has_bulk_insert)
- if can_bulk:
- placeholders = [["%s"] * len(fields)]
- else:
- placeholders = [
- [self.placeholder(field, v) for field, v in zip(fields, val)]
- for val in values
- ]
- # Oracle Spatial needs to remove some values due to #10888
- params = self.connection.ops.modify_insert_params(placeholders, params)
- if self.return_id and self.connection.features.can_return_id_from_insert:
- params = params[0]
- col = "%s.%s" % (qn(opts.db_table), qn(
- result.append("VALUES (%s)" % ", ".join(placeholders[0]))
- r_fmt, r_params = self.connection.ops.return_insert_id()
- # Skip empty r_fmt to allow subclasses to customize behaviour for
- # 3rd party backends. Refs #19096.
- if r_fmt:
- result.append(r_fmt % col)
- params += r_params
- return [(" ".join(result), tuple(params))]
- if can_bulk:
- result.append(self.connection.ops.bulk_insert_sql(fields, len(values)))
- return [(" ".join(result), tuple([v for val in values for v in val]))]
- else:
- return [
- (" ".join(result + ["VALUES (%s)" % ", ".join(p)]), vals)
- for p, vals in zip(placeholders, params)
- ]
- def execute_sql(self, return_id=False):
- assert not (return_id and len(self.query.objs) != 1)
- self.return_id = return_id
- cursor = self.connection.cursor()
- for sql, params in self.as_sql():
- cursor.execute(sql, params)
- if not (return_id and cursor):
- return
- if self.connection.features.can_return_id_from_insert:
- return self.connection.ops.fetch_returned_insert_id(cursor)
- return self.connection.ops.last_insert_id(cursor,
- self.query.get_meta().db_table, self.query.get_meta().pk.column)
-class SQLDeleteCompiler(SQLCompiler):
- def as_sql(self):
- """
- Creates the SQL for this query. Returns the SQL string and list of
- parameters.
- """
- assert len(self.query.tables) == 1, \
- "Can only delete from one table at a time."
- qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
- result = ['DELETE FROM %s' % qn(self.query.tables[0])]
- where, params = self.query.where.as_sql(qn=qn, connection=self.connection)
- if where:
- result.append('WHERE %s' % where)
- return ' '.join(result), tuple(params)
-class SQLUpdateCompiler(SQLCompiler):
- def as_sql(self):
- """
- Creates the SQL for this query. Returns the SQL string and list of
- parameters.
- """
- self.pre_sql_setup()
- if not self.query.values:
- return '', ()
- table = self.query.tables[0]
- qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
- result = ['UPDATE %s' % qn(table)]
- result.append('SET')
- values, update_params = [], []
- for field, model, val in self.query.values:
- if hasattr(val, 'prepare_database_save'):
- val = val.prepare_database_save(field)
- else:
- val = field.get_db_prep_save(val, connection=self.connection)
- # Getting the placeholder for the field.
- if hasattr(field, 'get_placeholder'):
- placeholder = field.get_placeholder(val, self.connection)
- else:
- placeholder = '%s'
- if hasattr(val, 'evaluate'):
- val = SQLEvaluator(val, self.query, allow_joins=False)
- name = field.column
- if hasattr(val, 'as_sql'):
- sql, params = val.as_sql(qn, self.connection)
- values.append('%s = %s' % (qn(name), sql))
- update_params.extend(params)
- elif val is not None:
- values.append('%s = %s' % (qn(name), placeholder))
- update_params.append(val)
- else:
- values.append('%s = NULL' % qn(name))
- if not values:
- return '', ()
- result.append(', '.join(values))
- where, params = self.query.where.as_sql(qn=qn, connection=self.connection)
- if where:
- result.append('WHERE %s' % where)
- return ' '.join(result), tuple(update_params + params)
- def execute_sql(self, result_type):
- """
- Execute the specified update. Returns the number of rows affected by
- the primary update query. The "primary update query" is the first
- non-empty query that is executed. Row counts for any subsequent,
- related queries are not available.
- """
- cursor = super(SQLUpdateCompiler, self).execute_sql(result_type)
- rows = cursor.rowcount if cursor else 0
- is_empty = cursor is None
- del cursor
- for query in self.query.get_related_updates():
- aux_rows = query.get_compiler(self.using).execute_sql(result_type)
- if is_empty:
- rows = aux_rows
- is_empty = False
- return rows
- def pre_sql_setup(self):
- """
- If the update depends on results from other tables, we need to do some
- munging of the "where" conditions to match the format required for
- (portable) SQL updates. That is done here.
- Further, if we are going to be running multiple updates, we pull out
- the id values to update at this point so that they don't change as a
- result of the progressive updates.
- """
- self.query.select_related = False
- self.query.clear_ordering(True)
- super(SQLUpdateCompiler, self).pre_sql_setup()
- count = self.query.count_active_tables()
- if not self.query.related_updates and count == 1:
- return
- # We need to use a sub-select in the where clause to filter on things
- # from other tables.
- query = self.query.clone(klass=Query)
- query.bump_prefix()
- query.extra = {}
- = []
- query.add_fields([query.get_meta()])
- # Recheck the count - it is possible that fiddling with the select
- # fields above removes tables from the query. Refs #18304.
- count = query.count_active_tables()
- if not self.query.related_updates and count == 1:
- return
- must_pre_select = count > 1 and not self.connection.features.update_can_self_select
- # Now we adjust the current query: reset the where clause and get rid
- # of all the tables we don't need (since they're in the sub-select).
- self.query.where = self.query.where_class()
- if self.query.related_updates or must_pre_select:
- # Either we're using the idents in multiple update queries (so
- # don't want them to change), or the db backend doesn't support
- # selecting from the updating table (e.g. MySQL).
- idents = []
- for rows in query.get_compiler(self.using).execute_sql(MULTI):
- idents.extend([r[0] for r in rows])
- self.query.add_filter(('pk__in', idents))
- self.query.related_ids = idents
- else:
- # The fast path. Filters and updates in one query.
- self.query.add_filter(('pk__in', query))
- for alias in self.query.tables[1:]:
- self.query.alias_refcount[alias] = 0
-class SQLAggregateCompiler(SQLCompiler):
- def as_sql(self, qn=None):
- """
- Creates the SQL for this query. Returns the SQL string and list of
- parameters.
- """
- if qn is None:
- qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
- sql, params = [], []
- for aggregate in self.query.aggregate_select.values():
- agg_sql, agg_params = aggregate.as_sql(qn, self.connection)
- sql.append(agg_sql)
- params.extend(agg_params)
- sql = ', '.join(sql)
- params = tuple(params)
- sql = 'SELECT %s FROM (%s) subquery' % (sql, self.query.subquery)
- params = params + self.query.sub_params
- return sql, params
-class SQLDateCompiler(SQLCompiler):
- def results_iter(self):
- """
- Returns an iterator over the results from executing this query.
- """
- resolve_columns = hasattr(self, 'resolve_columns')
- if resolve_columns:
- from django.db.models.fields import DateField
- fields = [DateField()]
- else:
- from django.db.backends.util import typecast_date
- needs_string_cast = self.connection.features.needs_datetime_string_cast
- offset = len(self.query.extra_select)
- for rows in self.execute_sql(MULTI):
- for row in rows:
- date = row[offset]
- if resolve_columns:
- date = self.resolve_columns(row, fields)[offset]
- elif needs_string_cast:
- date = typecast_date(str(date))
- if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime):
- date =
- yield date
-class SQLDateTimeCompiler(SQLCompiler):
- def results_iter(self):
- """
- Returns an iterator over the results from executing this query.
- """
- resolve_columns = hasattr(self, 'resolve_columns')
- if resolve_columns:
- from django.db.models.fields import DateTimeField
- fields = [DateTimeField()]
- else:
- from django.db.backends.util import typecast_timestamp
- needs_string_cast = self.connection.features.needs_datetime_string_cast
- offset = len(self.query.extra_select)
- for rows in self.execute_sql(MULTI):
- for row in rows:
- datetime = row[offset]
- if resolve_columns:
- datetime = self.resolve_columns(row, fields)[offset]
- elif needs_string_cast:
- datetime = typecast_timestamp(str(datetime))
- # Datetimes are artifically returned in UTC on databases that
- # don't support time zone. Restore the zone used in the query.
- if settings.USE_TZ:
- if datetime is None:
- raise ValueError("Database returned an invalid value "
- "in QuerySet.datetimes(). Are time zone "
- "definitions for your database and pytz installed?")
- datetime = datetime.replace(tzinfo=None)
- datetime = timezone.make_aware(datetime, self.query.tzinfo)
- yield datetime
-def order_modified_iter(cursor, trim, sentinel):
- """
- Yields blocks of rows from a cursor. We use this iterator in the special
- case when extra output columns have been added to support ordering
- requirements. We must trim those extra columns before anything else can use
- the results, since they're only needed to make the SQL valid.
- """
- for rows in iter((lambda: cursor.fetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)),
- sentinel):
- yield [r[:-trim] for r in rows]