path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1545 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/
+++ /dev/null
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-from operator import attrgetter
-from django.db import connection, connections, router
-from django.db.backends import util
-from django.db.models import signals, get_model
-from django.db.models.fields import (AutoField, Field, IntegerField,
- PositiveIntegerField, PositiveSmallIntegerField, FieldDoesNotExist)
-from django.db.models.related import RelatedObject, PathInfo
-from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
-from django.db.models.deletion import CASCADE
-from django.utils.encoding import smart_text
-from django.utils import six
-from django.utils.deprecation import RenameMethodsBase
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-from django.utils.functional import curry, cached_property
-from django.core import exceptions
-from django import forms
-pending_lookups = {}
-def add_lazy_relation(cls, field, relation, operation):
- """
- Adds a lookup on ``cls`` when a related field is defined using a string,
- i.e.::
- class MyModel(Model):
- fk = ForeignKey("AnotherModel")
- This string can be:
- * RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT (i.e. "self") to indicate a recursive
- relation.
- * The name of a model (i.e "AnotherModel") to indicate another model in
- the same app.
- * An app-label and model name (i.e. "someapp.AnotherModel") to indicate
- another model in a different app.
- If the other model hasn't yet been loaded -- almost a given if you're using
- lazy relationships -- then the relation won't be set up until the
- class_prepared signal fires at the end of model initialization.
- operation is the work that must be performed once the relation can be resolved.
- """
- # Check for recursive relations
- app_label = cls._meta.app_label
- model_name = cls.__name__
- else:
- # Look for an "app.Model" relation
- if isinstance(relation, six.string_types):
- try:
- app_label, model_name = relation.split(".")
- except ValueError:
- # If we can't split, assume a model in current app
- app_label = cls._meta.app_label
- model_name = relation
- else:
- # it's actually a model class
- app_label = relation._meta.app_label
- model_name = relation._meta.object_name
- # Try to look up the related model, and if it's already loaded resolve the
- # string right away. If get_model returns None, it means that the related
- # model isn't loaded yet, so we need to pend the relation until the class
- # is prepared.
- model = get_model(app_label, model_name,
- seed_cache=False, only_installed=False)
- if model:
- operation(field, model, cls)
- else:
- key = (app_label, model_name)
- value = (cls, field, operation)
- pending_lookups.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
-def do_pending_lookups(sender, **kwargs):
- """
- Handle any pending relations to the sending model. Sent from class_prepared.
- """
- key = (sender._meta.app_label, sender.__name__)
- for cls, field, operation in pending_lookups.pop(key, []):
- operation(field, sender, cls)
-class RelatedField(Field):
- def db_type(self, connection):
- '''By default related field will not have a column
- as it relates columns to another table'''
- return None
- def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name, virtual_only=False):
- sup = super(RelatedField, self)
- # Store the opts for related_query_name()
- self.opts = cls._meta
- if hasattr(sup, 'contribute_to_class'):
- sup.contribute_to_class(cls, name, virtual_only=virtual_only)
- if not cls._meta.abstract and self.rel.related_name:
- related_name = self.rel.related_name % {
- 'class': cls.__name__.lower(),
- 'app_label': cls._meta.app_label.lower()
- }
- self.rel.related_name = related_name
- other =
- if isinstance(other, six.string_types) or is None:
- def resolve_related_class(field, model, cls):
- = model
- field.do_related_class(model, cls)
- add_lazy_relation(cls, self, other, resolve_related_class)
- else:
- self.do_related_class(other, cls)
- def set_attributes_from_rel(self):
- = or ( + '_' +
- if self.verbose_name is None:
- self.verbose_name =
- self.rel.set_field_name()
- def do_related_class(self, other, cls):
- self.set_attributes_from_rel()
- self.related = RelatedObject(other, cls, self)
- if not cls._meta.abstract:
- self.contribute_to_related_class(other, self.related)
- def related_query_name(self):
- # This method defines the name that can be used to identify this
- # related object in a table-spanning query. It uses the lower-cased
- # object_name by default, but this can be overridden with the
- # "related_name" option.
- return self.rel.related_query_name or self.rel.related_name or self.opts.model_name
-class RenameRelatedObjectDescriptorMethods(RenameMethodsBase):
- renamed_methods = (
- ('get_query_set', 'get_queryset', PendingDeprecationWarning),
- ('get_prefetch_query_set', 'get_prefetch_queryset', PendingDeprecationWarning),
- )
-class SingleRelatedObjectDescriptor(six.with_metaclass(RenameRelatedObjectDescriptorMethods)):
- # This class provides the functionality that makes the related-object
- # managers available as attributes on a model class, for fields that have
- # a single "remote" value, on the class pointed to by a related field.
- # In the example "", the restaurant attribute is a
- # SingleRelatedObjectDescriptor instance.
- def __init__(self, related):
- self.related = related
- self.cache_name = related.get_cache_name()
- def is_cached(self, instance):
- return hasattr(instance, self.cache_name)
- def get_queryset(self, **db_hints):
- db = router.db_for_read(self.related.model, **db_hints)
- return self.related.model._base_manager.using(db)
- def get_prefetch_queryset(self, instances):
- rel_obj_attr = attrgetter(self.related.field.attname)
- instance_attr = lambda obj: obj._get_pk_val()
- instances_dict = dict((instance_attr(inst), inst) for inst in instances)
- query = {'%s__in' % instances}
- qs = self.get_queryset(instance=instances[0]).filter(**query)
- # Since we're going to assign directly in the cache,
- # we must manage the reverse relation cache manually.
- rel_obj_cache_name = self.related.field.get_cache_name()
- for rel_obj in qs:
- instance = instances_dict[rel_obj_attr(rel_obj)]
- setattr(rel_obj, rel_obj_cache_name, instance)
- return qs, rel_obj_attr, instance_attr, True, self.cache_name
- def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None):
- if instance is None:
- return self
- try:
- rel_obj = getattr(instance, self.cache_name)
- except AttributeError:
- related_pk = instance._get_pk_val()
- if related_pk is None:
- rel_obj = None
- else:
- params = {}
- for lh_field, rh_field in self.related.field.related_fields:
- params['%s__%s' % (,] = getattr(instance, rh_field.attname)
- try:
- rel_obj = self.get_queryset(instance=instance).get(**params)
- except self.related.model.DoesNotExist:
- rel_obj = None
- else:
- setattr(rel_obj, self.related.field.get_cache_name(), instance)
- setattr(instance, self.cache_name, rel_obj)
- if rel_obj is None:
- raise self.related.model.DoesNotExist("%s has no %s." % (
- instance.__class__.__name__,
- self.related.get_accessor_name()))
- else:
- return rel_obj
- def __set__(self, instance, value):
- # The similarity of the code below to the code in
- # ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor is annoying, but there's a bunch
- # of small differences that would make a common base class convoluted.
- # If null=True, we can assign null here, but otherwise the value needs
- # to be an instance of the related class.
- if value is None and self.related.field.null == False:
- raise ValueError('Cannot assign None: "%s.%s" does not allow null values.' %
- (instance._meta.object_name, self.related.get_accessor_name()))
- elif value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.related.model):
- raise ValueError('Cannot assign "%r": "%s.%s" must be a "%s" instance.' %
- (value, instance._meta.object_name,
- self.related.get_accessor_name(), self.related.opts.object_name))
- elif value is not None:
- if instance._state.db is None:
- instance._state.db = router.db_for_write(instance.__class__, instance=value)
- elif value._state.db is None:
- value._state.db = router.db_for_write(value.__class__, instance=instance)
- elif value._state.db is not None and instance._state.db is not None:
- if not router.allow_relation(value, instance):
- raise ValueError('Cannot assign "%r": the current database router prevents this relation.' % value)
- related_pk = tuple([getattr(instance, field.attname) for field in self.related.field.foreign_related_fields])
- if None in related_pk:
- raise ValueError('Cannot assign "%r": "%s" instance isn\'t saved in the database.' %
- (value, instance._meta.object_name))
- # Set the value of the related field to the value of the related object's related field
- for index, field in enumerate(self.related.field.local_related_fields):
- setattr(value, field.attname, related_pk[index])
- # Since we already know what the related object is, seed the related
- # object caches now, too. This avoids another db hit if you get the
- # object you just set.
- setattr(instance, self.cache_name, value)
- setattr(value, self.related.field.get_cache_name(), instance)
-class ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor(six.with_metaclass(RenameRelatedObjectDescriptorMethods)):
- # This class provides the functionality that makes the related-object
- # managers available as attributes on a model class, for fields that have
- # a single "remote" value, on the class that defines the related field.
- # In the example "choice.poll", the poll attribute is a
- # ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor instance.
- def __init__(self, field_with_rel):
- self.field = field_with_rel
- self.cache_name = self.field.get_cache_name()
- def is_cached(self, instance):
- return hasattr(instance, self.cache_name)
- def get_queryset(self, **db_hints):
- db = router.db_for_read(, **db_hints)
- rel_mgr =
- # If the related manager indicates that it should be used for
- # related fields, respect that.
- if getattr(rel_mgr, 'use_for_related_fields', False):
- return rel_mgr.using(db)
- else:
- return QuerySet(
- def get_prefetch_queryset(self, instances):
- rel_obj_attr = self.field.get_foreign_related_value
- instance_attr = self.field.get_local_related_value
- instances_dict = dict((instance_attr(inst), inst) for inst in instances)
- related_field = self.field.foreign_related_fields[0]
- # FIXME: This will need to be revisited when we introduce support for
- # composite fields. In the meantime we take this practical approach to
- # solve a regression on 1.6 when the reverse manager in hidden
- # (related_name ends with a '+'). Refs #21410.
- # The check for len(...) == 1 is a special case that allows the query
- # to be join-less and smaller. Refs #21760.
- if self.field.rel.is_hidden() or len(self.field.foreign_related_fields) == 1:
- query = {'%s__in' % set(instance_attr(inst)[0] for inst in instances)}
- else:
- query = {'%s__in' % self.field.related_query_name(): instances}
- qs = self.get_queryset(instance=instances[0]).filter(**query)
- # Since we're going to assign directly in the cache,
- # we must manage the reverse relation cache manually.
- if not self.field.rel.multiple:
- rel_obj_cache_name = self.field.related.get_cache_name()
- for rel_obj in qs:
- instance = instances_dict[rel_obj_attr(rel_obj)]
- setattr(rel_obj, rel_obj_cache_name, instance)
- return qs, rel_obj_attr, instance_attr, True, self.cache_name
- def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None):
- if instance is None:
- return self
- try:
- rel_obj = getattr(instance, self.cache_name)
- except AttributeError:
- val = self.field.get_local_related_value(instance)
- if None in val:
- rel_obj = None
- else:
- params = dict(
- (rh_field.attname, getattr(instance, lh_field.attname))
- for lh_field, rh_field in self.field.related_fields)
- qs = self.get_queryset(instance=instance)
- extra_filter = self.field.get_extra_descriptor_filter(instance)
- if isinstance(extra_filter, dict):
- params.update(extra_filter)
- qs = qs.filter(**params)
- else:
- qs = qs.filter(extra_filter, **params)
- # Assuming the database enforces foreign keys, this won't fail.
- rel_obj = qs.get()
- if not self.field.rel.multiple:
- setattr(rel_obj, self.field.related.get_cache_name(), instance)
- setattr(instance, self.cache_name, rel_obj)
- if rel_obj is None and not self.field.null:
- raise
- "%s has no %s." % (self.field.model.__name__,
- else:
- return rel_obj
- def __set__(self, instance, value):
- # If null=True, we can assign null here, but otherwise the value needs
- # to be an instance of the related class.
- if value is None and self.field.null == False:
- raise ValueError('Cannot assign None: "%s.%s" does not allow null values.' %
- (instance._meta.object_name,
- elif value is not None and not isinstance(value,
- raise ValueError('Cannot assign "%r": "%s.%s" must be a "%s" instance.' %
- (value, instance._meta.object_name,
- elif value is not None:
- if instance._state.db is None:
- instance._state.db = router.db_for_write(instance.__class__, instance=value)
- elif value._state.db is None:
- value._state.db = router.db_for_write(value.__class__, instance=instance)
- elif value._state.db is not None and instance._state.db is not None:
- if not router.allow_relation(value, instance):
- raise ValueError('Cannot assign "%r": the current database router prevents this relation.' % value)
- # If we're setting the value of a OneToOneField to None, we need to clear
- # out the cache on any old related object. Otherwise, deleting the
- # previously-related object will also cause this object to be deleted,
- # which is wrong.
- if value is None:
- # Look up the previously-related object, which may still be available
- # since we've not yet cleared out the related field.
- # Use the cache directly, instead of the accessor; if we haven't
- # populated the cache, then we don't care - we're only accessing
- # the object to invalidate the accessor cache, so there's no
- # need to populate the cache just to expire it again.
- related = getattr(instance, self.cache_name, None)
- # If we've got an old related object, we need to clear out its
- # cache. This cache also might not exist if the related object
- # hasn't been accessed yet.
- if related is not None:
- setattr(related, self.field.related.get_cache_name(), None)
- # Set the value of the related field
- for lh_field, rh_field in self.field.related_fields:
- try:
- setattr(instance, lh_field.attname, getattr(value, rh_field.attname))
- except AttributeError:
- setattr(instance, lh_field.attname, None)
- # Since we already know what the related object is, seed the related
- # object caches now, too. This avoids another db hit if you get the
- # object you just set.
- setattr(instance, self.cache_name, value)
- if value is not None and not self.field.rel.multiple:
- setattr(value, self.field.related.get_cache_name(), instance)
-class ForeignRelatedObjectsDescriptor(object):
- # This class provides the functionality that makes the related-object
- # managers available as attributes on a model class, for fields that have
- # multiple "remote" values and have a ForeignKey pointed at them by
- # some other model. In the example "poll.choice_set", the choice_set
- # attribute is a ForeignRelatedObjectsDescriptor instance.
- def __init__(self, related):
- self.related = related # RelatedObject instance
- def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None):
- if instance is None:
- return self
- return self.related_manager_cls(instance)
- def __set__(self, instance, value):
- manager = self.__get__(instance)
- # If the foreign key can support nulls, then completely clear the related set.
- # Otherwise, just move the named objects into the set.
- if self.related.field.null:
- manager.clear()
- manager.add(*value)
- @cached_property
- def related_manager_cls(self):
- # Dynamically create a class that subclasses the related model's default
- # manager.
- superclass = self.related.model._default_manager.__class__
- rel_field = self.related.field
- rel_model = self.related.model
- class RelatedManager(superclass):
- def __init__(self, instance):
- super(RelatedManager, self).__init__()
- self.instance = instance
- self.core_filters= {'%s__exact' % instance}
- self.model = rel_model
- def get_queryset(self):
- try:
- return self.instance._prefetched_objects_cache[rel_field.related_query_name()]
- except (AttributeError, KeyError):
- db = self._db or router.db_for_read(self.model, instance=self.instance)
- qs = super(RelatedManager, self).get_queryset().using(db).filter(**self.core_filters)
- empty_strings_as_null = connections[db].features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls
- for field in rel_field.foreign_related_fields:
- val = getattr(self.instance, field.attname)
- if val is None or (val == '' and empty_strings_as_null):
- return qs.none()
- qs._known_related_objects = {rel_field: { self.instance}}
- return qs
- def get_prefetch_queryset(self, instances):
- rel_obj_attr = rel_field.get_local_related_value
- instance_attr = rel_field.get_foreign_related_value
- instances_dict = dict((instance_attr(inst), inst) for inst in instances)
- db = self._db or router.db_for_read(self.model, instance=instances[0])
- query = {'%s__in' % instances}
- qs = super(RelatedManager, self).get_queryset().using(db).filter(**query)
- # Since we just bypassed this class' get_queryset(), we must manage
- # the reverse relation manually.
- for rel_obj in qs:
- instance = instances_dict[rel_obj_attr(rel_obj)]
- setattr(rel_obj,, instance)
- cache_name = rel_field.related_query_name()
- return qs, rel_obj_attr, instance_attr, False, cache_name
- def add(self, *objs):
- for obj in objs:
- if not isinstance(obj, self.model):
- raise TypeError("'%s' instance expected, got %r" % (self.model._meta.object_name, obj))
- setattr(obj,, self.instance)
- add.alters_data = True
- def create(self, **kwargs):
- kwargs[] = self.instance
- db = router.db_for_write(self.model, instance=self.instance)
- return super(RelatedManager, self.db_manager(db)).create(**kwargs)
- create.alters_data = True
- def get_or_create(self, **kwargs):
- # Update kwargs with the related object that this
- # ForeignRelatedObjectsDescriptor knows about.
- kwargs[] = self.instance
- db = router.db_for_write(self.model, instance=self.instance)
- return super(RelatedManager, self.db_manager(db)).get_or_create(**kwargs)
- get_or_create.alters_data = True
- # remove() and clear() are only provided if the ForeignKey can have a value of null.
- if rel_field.null:
- def remove(self, *objs):
- val = rel_field.get_foreign_related_value(self.instance)
- for obj in objs:
- # Is obj actually part of this descriptor set?
- if rel_field.get_local_related_value(obj) == val:
- setattr(obj,, None)
- else:
- raise"%r is not related to %r." % (obj, self.instance))
- remove.alters_data = True
- def clear(self):
- self.update(**{ None})
- clear.alters_data = True
- return RelatedManager
-def create_many_related_manager(superclass, rel):
- """Creates a manager that subclasses 'superclass' (which is a Manager)
- and adds behavior for many-to-many related objects."""
- class ManyRelatedManager(superclass):
- def __init__(self, model=None, query_field_name=None, instance=None, symmetrical=None,
- source_field_name=None, target_field_name=None, reverse=False,
- through=None, prefetch_cache_name=None):
- super(ManyRelatedManager, self).__init__()
- self.model = model
- self.query_field_name = query_field_name
- source_field = through._meta.get_field(source_field_name)
- source_related_fields = source_field.related_fields
- self.core_filters = {}
- for lh_field, rh_field in source_related_fields:
- self.core_filters['%s__%s' % (query_field_name,] = getattr(instance, rh_field.attname)
- self.instance = instance
- self.symmetrical = symmetrical
- self.source_field = source_field
- self.source_field_name = source_field_name
- self.target_field_name = target_field_name
- self.reverse = reverse
- self.through = through
- self.prefetch_cache_name = prefetch_cache_name
- self.related_val = source_field.get_foreign_related_value(instance)
- # Used for single column related auto created models
- self._fk_val = self.related_val[0]
- if None in self.related_val:
- raise ValueError('"%r" needs to have a value for field "%s" before '
- 'this many-to-many relationship can be used.' %
- (instance, source_field_name))
- # Even if this relation is not to pk, we require still pk value.
- # The wish is that the instance has been already saved to DB,
- # although having a pk value isn't a guarantee of that.
- if is None:
- raise ValueError("%r instance needs to have a primary key value before "
- "a many-to-many relationship can be used." %
- instance.__class__.__name__)
- def _get_fk_val(self, obj, field_name):
- """
- Returns the correct value for this relationship's foreign key. This
- might be something else than pk value when to_field is used.
- """
- fk = self.through._meta.get_field(field_name)
- if fk.rel.field_name and fk.rel.field_name !=
- attname = fk.rel.get_related_field().get_attname()
- return fk.get_prep_lookup('exact', getattr(obj, attname))
- else:
- return
- def get_queryset(self):
- try:
- return self.instance._prefetched_objects_cache[self.prefetch_cache_name]
- except (AttributeError, KeyError):
- db = self._db or router.db_for_read(self.instance.__class__, instance=self.instance)
- return super(ManyRelatedManager, self).get_queryset().using(db)._next_is_sticky().filter(**self.core_filters)
- def get_prefetch_queryset(self, instances):
- instance = instances[0]
- db = self._db or router.db_for_read(instance.__class__, instance=instance)
- query = {'%s__in' % self.query_field_name: instances}
- qs = super(ManyRelatedManager, self).get_queryset().using(db)._next_is_sticky().filter(**query)
- # M2M: need to annotate the query in order to get the primary model
- # that the secondary model was actually related to. We know that
- # there will already be a join on the join table, so we can just add
- # the select.
- # For non-autocreated 'through' models, can't assume we are
- # dealing with PK values.
- fk = self.through._meta.get_field(self.source_field_name)
- join_table = self.through._meta.db_table
- connection = connections[db]
- qn = connection.ops.quote_name
- qs = qs.extra(select=dict(
- ('_prefetch_related_val_%s' % f.attname,
- '%s.%s' % (qn(join_table), qn(f.column))) for f in fk.local_related_fields))
- return (qs,
- lambda result: tuple([getattr(result, '_prefetch_related_val_%s' % f.attname) for f in fk.local_related_fields]),
- lambda inst: tuple([getattr(inst, f.attname) for f in fk.foreign_related_fields]),
- False,
- self.prefetch_cache_name)
- # If the ManyToMany relation has an intermediary model,
- # the add and remove methods do not exist.
- if rel.through._meta.auto_created:
- def add(self, *objs):
- self._add_items(self.source_field_name, self.target_field_name, *objs)
- # If this is a symmetrical m2m relation to self, add the mirror entry in the m2m table
- if self.symmetrical:
- self._add_items(self.target_field_name, self.source_field_name, *objs)
- add.alters_data = True
- def remove(self, *objs):
- self._remove_items(self.source_field_name, self.target_field_name, *objs)
- # If this is a symmetrical m2m relation to self, remove the mirror entry in the m2m table
- if self.symmetrical:
- self._remove_items(self.target_field_name, self.source_field_name, *objs)
- remove.alters_data = True
- def clear(self):
- self._clear_items(self.source_field_name)
- # If this is a symmetrical m2m relation to self, clear the mirror entry in the m2m table
- if self.symmetrical:
- self._clear_items(self.target_field_name)
- clear.alters_data = True
- def create(self, **kwargs):
- # This check needs to be done here, since we can't later remove this
- # from the method lookup table, as we do with add and remove.
- if not self.through._meta.auto_created:
- opts = self.through._meta
- raise AttributeError("Cannot use create() on a ManyToManyField which specifies an intermediary model. Use %s.%s's Manager instead." % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name))
- db = router.db_for_write(self.instance.__class__, instance=self.instance)
- new_obj = super(ManyRelatedManager, self.db_manager(db)).create(**kwargs)
- self.add(new_obj)
- return new_obj
- create.alters_data = True
- def get_or_create(self, **kwargs):
- db = router.db_for_write(self.instance.__class__, instance=self.instance)
- obj, created = \
- super(ManyRelatedManager, self.db_manager(db)).get_or_create(**kwargs)
- # We only need to add() if created because if we got an object back
- # from get() then the relationship already exists.
- if created:
- self.add(obj)
- return obj, created
- get_or_create.alters_data = True
- def _add_items(self, source_field_name, target_field_name, *objs):
- # source_field_name: the PK fieldname in join table for the source object
- # target_field_name: the PK fieldname in join table for the target object
- # *objs - objects to add. Either object instances, or primary keys of object instances.
- # If there aren't any objects, there is nothing to do.
- from django.db.models import Model
- if objs:
- new_ids = set()
- for obj in objs:
- if isinstance(obj, self.model):
- if not router.allow_relation(obj, self.instance):
- raise ValueError('Cannot add "%r": instance is on database "%s", value is on database "%s"' %
- (obj, self.instance._state.db, obj._state.db))
- fk_val = self._get_fk_val(obj, target_field_name)
- if fk_val is None:
- raise ValueError('Cannot add "%r": the value for field "%s" is None' %
- (obj, target_field_name))
- new_ids.add(self._get_fk_val(obj, target_field_name))
- elif isinstance(obj, Model):
- raise TypeError("'%s' instance expected, got %r" % (self.model._meta.object_name, obj))
- else:
- new_ids.add(obj)
- db = router.db_for_write(self.through, instance=self.instance)
- vals = self.through._default_manager.using(db).values_list(target_field_name, flat=True)
- vals = vals.filter(**{
- source_field_name: self._fk_val,
- '%s__in' % target_field_name: new_ids,
- })
- new_ids = new_ids - set(vals)
- if self.reverse or source_field_name == self.source_field_name:
- # Don't send the signal when we are inserting the
- # duplicate data row for symmetrical reverse entries.
- signals.m2m_changed.send(sender=self.through, action='pre_add',
- instance=self.instance, reverse=self.reverse,
- model=self.model, pk_set=new_ids, using=db)
- # Add the ones that aren't there already
- self.through._default_manager.using(db).bulk_create([
- self.through(**{
- '%s_id' % source_field_name: self._fk_val,
- '%s_id' % target_field_name: obj_id,
- })
- for obj_id in new_ids
- ])
- if self.reverse or source_field_name == self.source_field_name:
- # Don't send the signal when we are inserting the
- # duplicate data row for symmetrical reverse entries.
- signals.m2m_changed.send(sender=self.through, action='post_add',
- instance=self.instance, reverse=self.reverse,
- model=self.model, pk_set=new_ids, using=db)
- def _remove_items(self, source_field_name, target_field_name, *objs):
- # source_field_name: the PK colname in join table for the source object
- # target_field_name: the PK colname in join table for the target object
- # *objs - objects to remove
- # If there aren't any objects, there is nothing to do.
- if objs:
- # Check that all the objects are of the right type
- old_ids = set()
- for obj in objs:
- if isinstance(obj, self.model):
- old_ids.add(self._get_fk_val(obj, target_field_name))
- else:
- old_ids.add(obj)
- # Work out what DB we're operating on
- db = router.db_for_write(self.through, instance=self.instance)
- # Send a signal to the other end if need be.
- if self.reverse or source_field_name == self.source_field_name:
- # Don't send the signal when we are deleting the
- # duplicate data row for symmetrical reverse entries.
- signals.m2m_changed.send(sender=self.through, action="pre_remove",
- instance=self.instance, reverse=self.reverse,
- model=self.model, pk_set=old_ids, using=db)
- # Remove the specified objects from the join table
- self.through._default_manager.using(db).filter(**{
- source_field_name: self._fk_val,
- '%s__in' % target_field_name: old_ids
- }).delete()
- if self.reverse or source_field_name == self.source_field_name:
- # Don't send the signal when we are deleting the
- # duplicate data row for symmetrical reverse entries.
- signals.m2m_changed.send(sender=self.through, action="post_remove",
- instance=self.instance, reverse=self.reverse,
- model=self.model, pk_set=old_ids, using=db)
- def _clear_items(self, source_field_name):
- db = router.db_for_write(self.through, instance=self.instance)
- # source_field_name: the PK colname in join table for the source object
- if self.reverse or source_field_name == self.source_field_name:
- # Don't send the signal when we are clearing the
- # duplicate data rows for symmetrical reverse entries.
- signals.m2m_changed.send(sender=self.through, action="pre_clear",
- instance=self.instance, reverse=self.reverse,
- model=self.model, pk_set=None, using=db)
- self.through._default_manager.using(db).filter(**{
- source_field_name: self.related_val
- }).delete()
- if self.reverse or source_field_name == self.source_field_name:
- # Don't send the signal when we are clearing the
- # duplicate data rows for symmetrical reverse entries.
- signals.m2m_changed.send(sender=self.through, action="post_clear",
- instance=self.instance, reverse=self.reverse,
- model=self.model, pk_set=None, using=db)
- return ManyRelatedManager
-class ManyRelatedObjectsDescriptor(object):
- # This class provides the functionality that makes the related-object
- # managers available as attributes on a model class, for fields that have
- # multiple "remote" values and have a ManyToManyField pointed at them by
- # some other model (rather than having a ManyToManyField themselves).
- # In the example "publication.article_set", the article_set attribute is a
- # ManyRelatedObjectsDescriptor instance.
- def __init__(self, related):
- self.related = related # RelatedObject instance
- @cached_property
- def related_manager_cls(self):
- # Dynamically create a class that subclasses the related
- # model's default manager.
- return create_many_related_manager(
- self.related.model._default_manager.__class__,
- self.related.field.rel
- )
- def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None):
- if instance is None:
- return self
- rel_model = self.related.model
- manager = self.related_manager_cls(
- model=rel_model,
- prefetch_cache_name=self.related.field.related_query_name(),
- instance=instance,
- symmetrical=False,
- source_field_name=self.related.field.m2m_reverse_field_name(),
- target_field_name=self.related.field.m2m_field_name(),
- reverse=True,
- through=self.related.field.rel.through,
- )
- return manager
- def __set__(self, instance, value):
- if not self.related.field.rel.through._meta.auto_created:
- opts = self.related.field.rel.through._meta
- raise AttributeError("Cannot set values on a ManyToManyField which specifies an intermediary model. Use %s.%s's Manager instead." % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name))
- manager = self.__get__(instance)
- manager.clear()
- manager.add(*value)
-class ReverseManyRelatedObjectsDescriptor(object):
- # This class provides the functionality that makes the related-object
- # managers available as attributes on a model class, for fields that have
- # multiple "remote" values and have a ManyToManyField defined in their
- # model (rather than having another model pointed *at* them).
- # In the example "article.publications", the publications attribute is a
- # ReverseManyRelatedObjectsDescriptor instance.
- def __init__(self, m2m_field):
- self.field = m2m_field
- @property
- def through(self):
- # through is provided so that you have easy access to the through
- # model (Book.authors.through) for inlines, etc. This is done as
- # a property to ensure that the fully resolved value is returned.
- return self.field.rel.through
- @cached_property
- def related_manager_cls(self):
- # Dynamically create a class that subclasses the related model's
- # default manager.
- return create_many_related_manager(
- self.field.rel
- )
- def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None):
- if instance is None:
- return self
- manager = self.related_manager_cls(
- query_field_name=self.field.related_query_name(),
- instance=instance,
- symmetrical=self.field.rel.symmetrical,
- source_field_name=self.field.m2m_field_name(),
- target_field_name=self.field.m2m_reverse_field_name(),
- reverse=False,
- through=self.field.rel.through,
- )
- return manager
- def __set__(self, instance, value):
- if not self.field.rel.through._meta.auto_created:
- opts = self.field.rel.through._meta
- raise AttributeError("Cannot set values on a ManyToManyField which specifies an intermediary model. Use %s.%s's Manager instead." % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name))
- manager = self.__get__(instance)
- # clear() can change expected output of 'value' queryset, we force evaluation
- # of queryset before clear; ticket #19816
- value = tuple(value)
- manager.clear()
- manager.add(*value)
-class ForeignObjectRel(object):
- def __init__(self, field, to, related_name=None, limit_choices_to=None,
- parent_link=False, on_delete=None, related_query_name=None):
- try:
- to._meta
- except AttributeError: # to._meta doesn't exist, so it must be RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT
- assert isinstance(to, six.string_types), "'to' must be either a model, a model name or the string %r" % RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT
- self.field = field
- = to
- self.related_name = related_name
- self.related_query_name = related_query_name
- self.limit_choices_to = {} if limit_choices_to is None else limit_choices_to
- self.multiple = True
- self.parent_link = parent_link
- self.on_delete = on_delete
- def is_hidden(self):
- "Should the related object be hidden?"
- return self.related_name and self.related_name[-1] == '+'
- def get_joining_columns(self):
- return self.field.get_reverse_joining_columns()
- def get_extra_restriction(self, where_class, alias, related_alias):
- return self.field.get_extra_restriction(where_class, related_alias, alias)
- def set_field_name(self):
- """
- Sets the related field's name, this is not available until later stages
- of app loading, so set_field_name is called from
- set_attributes_from_rel()
- """
- # By default foreign object doesn't relate to any remote field (for
- # example custom multicolumn joins currently have no remote field).
- self.field_name = None
-class ManyToOneRel(ForeignObjectRel):
- def __init__(self, field, to, field_name, related_name=None, limit_choices_to=None,
- parent_link=False, on_delete=None, related_query_name=None):
- super(ManyToOneRel, self).__init__(
- field, to, related_name=related_name, limit_choices_to=limit_choices_to,
- parent_link=parent_link, on_delete=on_delete, related_query_name=related_query_name)
- self.field_name = field_name
- def get_related_field(self):
- """
- Returns the Field in the 'to' object to which this relationship is
- tied.
- """
- data =
- if not data[2]:
- raise FieldDoesNotExist("No related field named '%s'" %
- self.field_name)
- return data[0]
- def set_field_name(self):
- self.field_name = self.field_name or
-class OneToOneRel(ManyToOneRel):
- def __init__(self, field, to, field_name, related_name=None, limit_choices_to=None,
- parent_link=False, on_delete=None, related_query_name=None):
- super(OneToOneRel, self).__init__(field, to, field_name,
- related_name=related_name, limit_choices_to=limit_choices_to,
- parent_link=parent_link, on_delete=on_delete, related_query_name=related_query_name,
- )
- self.multiple = False
-class ManyToManyRel(object):
- def __init__(self, to, related_name=None, limit_choices_to=None,
- symmetrical=True, through=None, db_constraint=True, related_query_name=None):
- if through and not db_constraint:
- raise ValueError("Can't supply a through model and db_constraint=False")
- = to
- self.related_name = related_name
- self.related_query_name = related_query_name
- if limit_choices_to is None:
- limit_choices_to = {}
- self.limit_choices_to = limit_choices_to
- self.symmetrical = symmetrical
- self.multiple = True
- self.through = through
- self.db_constraint = db_constraint
- def is_hidden(self):
- "Should the related object be hidden?"
- return self.related_name and self.related_name[-1] == '+'
- def get_related_field(self):
- """
- Returns the field in the to' object to which this relationship is tied
- (this is always the primary key on the target model). Provided for
- symmetry with ManyToOneRel.
- """
- return
-class ForeignObject(RelatedField):
- requires_unique_target = True
- generate_reverse_relation = True
- def __init__(self, to, from_fields, to_fields, **kwargs):
- self.from_fields = from_fields
- self.to_fields = to_fields
- if 'rel' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['rel'] = ForeignObjectRel(
- self, to,
- related_name=kwargs.pop('related_name', None),
- related_query_name=kwargs.pop('related_query_name', None),
- limit_choices_to=kwargs.pop('limit_choices_to', None),
- parent_link=kwargs.pop('parent_link', False),
- on_delete=kwargs.pop('on_delete', CASCADE),
- )
- kwargs['verbose_name'] = kwargs.get('verbose_name', None)
- super(ForeignObject, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- def resolve_related_fields(self):
- if len(self.from_fields) < 1 or len(self.from_fields) != len(self.to_fields):
- raise ValueError('Foreign Object from and to fields must be the same non-zero length')
- related_fields = []
- for index in range(len(self.from_fields)):
- from_field_name = self.from_fields[index]
- to_field_name = self.to_fields[index]
- from_field = (self if from_field_name == 'self'
- else self.opts.get_field_by_name(from_field_name)[0])
- to_field = ( if to_field_name is None
- else[0])
- related_fields.append((from_field, to_field))
- return related_fields
- @property
- def related_fields(self):
- if not hasattr(self, '_related_fields'):
- self._related_fields = self.resolve_related_fields()
- return self._related_fields
- @property
- def reverse_related_fields(self):
- return [(rhs_field, lhs_field) for lhs_field, rhs_field in self.related_fields]
- @property
- def local_related_fields(self):
- return tuple([lhs_field for lhs_field, rhs_field in self.related_fields])
- @property
- def foreign_related_fields(self):
- return tuple([rhs_field for lhs_field, rhs_field in self.related_fields])
- def get_local_related_value(self, instance):
- return self.get_instance_value_for_fields(instance, self.local_related_fields)
- def get_foreign_related_value(self, instance):
- return self.get_instance_value_for_fields(instance, self.foreign_related_fields)
- @staticmethod
- def get_instance_value_for_fields(instance, fields):
- ret = []
- for field in fields:
- # Gotcha: in some cases (like fixture loading) a model can have
- # different values in parent_ptr_id and parent's id. So, use
- # (that is, parent_ptr_id) when asked for
- if field.primary_key:
- ret.append(
- else:
- ret.append(getattr(instance, field.attname))
- return tuple(ret)
- def get_attname_column(self):
- attname, column = super(ForeignObject, self).get_attname_column()
- return attname, None
- def get_joining_columns(self, reverse_join=False):
- source = self.reverse_related_fields if reverse_join else self.related_fields
- return tuple([(lhs_field.column, rhs_field.column) for lhs_field, rhs_field in source])
- def get_reverse_joining_columns(self):
- return self.get_joining_columns(reverse_join=True)
- def get_extra_descriptor_filter(self, instance):
- """
- Returns an extra filter condition for related object fetching when
- user does 'instance.fieldname', that is the extra filter is used in
- the descriptor of the field.
- The filter should be either a dict usable in .filter(**kwargs) call or
- a Q-object. The condition will be ANDed together with the relation's
- joining columns.
- A parallel method is get_extra_restriction() which is used in
- JOIN and subquery conditions.
- """
- return {}
- def get_extra_restriction(self, where_class, alias, related_alias):
- """
- Returns a pair condition used for joining and subquery pushdown. The
- condition is something that responds to as_sql(qn, connection) method.
- Note that currently referring both the 'alias' and 'related_alias'
- will not work in some conditions, like subquery pushdown.
- A parallel method is get_extra_descriptor_filter() which is used in
- instance.fieldname related object fetching.
- """
- return None
- def get_path_info(self):
- """
- Get path from this field to the related model.
- """
- opts =
- from_opts = self.model._meta
- return [PathInfo(from_opts, opts, self.foreign_related_fields, self, False, True)]
- def get_reverse_path_info(self):
- """
- Get path from the related model to this field's model.
- """
- opts = self.model._meta
- from_opts =
- pathinfos = [PathInfo(from_opts, opts, (,), self.rel, not self.unique, False)]
- return pathinfos
- def get_lookup_constraint(self, constraint_class, alias, targets, sources, lookup_type,
- raw_value):
- from django.db.models.sql.where import SubqueryConstraint, Constraint, AND, OR
- root_constraint = constraint_class()
- assert len(targets) == len(sources)
- def get_normalized_value(value):
- from django.db.models import Model
- if isinstance(value, Model):
- value_list = []
- for source in sources:
- # Account for one-to-one relations when sent a different model
- while not isinstance(value, source.model) and source.rel:
- source =
- value_list.append(getattr(value, source.attname))
- return tuple(value_list)
- elif not isinstance(value, tuple):
- return (value,)
- return value
- is_multicolumn = len(self.related_fields) > 1
- if (hasattr(raw_value, '_as_sql') or
- hasattr(raw_value, 'get_compiler')):
- root_constraint.add(SubqueryConstraint(alias, [target.column for target in targets],
- [ for source in sources], raw_value),
- AND)
- elif lookup_type == 'isnull':
- root_constraint.add(
- (Constraint(alias, targets[0].column, targets[0]), lookup_type, raw_value), AND)
- elif (lookup_type == 'exact' or (lookup_type in ['gt', 'lt', 'gte', 'lte']
- and not is_multicolumn)):
- value = get_normalized_value(raw_value)
- for index, source in enumerate(sources):
- root_constraint.add(
- (Constraint(alias, targets[index].column, sources[index]), lookup_type,
- value[index]), AND)
- elif lookup_type in ['range', 'in'] and not is_multicolumn:
- values = [get_normalized_value(value) for value in raw_value]
- value = [val[0] for val in values]
- root_constraint.add(
- (Constraint(alias, targets[0].column, sources[0]), lookup_type, value), AND)
- elif lookup_type == 'in':
- values = [get_normalized_value(value) for value in raw_value]
- for value in values:
- value_constraint = constraint_class()
- for index, target in enumerate(targets):
- value_constraint.add(
- (Constraint(alias, target.column, sources[index]), 'exact', value[index]),
- AND)
- root_constraint.add(value_constraint, OR)
- else:
- raise TypeError('Related Field got invalid lookup: %s' % lookup_type)
- return root_constraint
- @property
- def attnames(self):
- return tuple([field.attname for field in self.local_related_fields])
- def get_defaults(self):
- return tuple([field.get_default() for field in self.local_related_fields])
- def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name, virtual_only=False):
- super(ForeignObject, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name, virtual_only=virtual_only)
- setattr(cls,, ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor(self))
- def contribute_to_related_class(self, cls, related):
- # Internal FK's - i.e., those with a related name ending with '+' -
- # and swapped models don't get a related descriptor.
- if not self.rel.is_hidden() and not related.model._meta.swapped:
- setattr(cls, related.get_accessor_name(), ForeignRelatedObjectsDescriptor(related))
- if self.rel.limit_choices_to:
- cls._meta.related_fkey_lookups.append(self.rel.limit_choices_to)
-class ForeignKey(ForeignObject):
- empty_strings_allowed = False
- default_error_messages = {
- 'invalid': _('%(model)s instance with pk %(pk)r does not exist.')
- }
- description = _("Foreign Key (type determined by related field)")
- def __init__(self, to, to_field=None, rel_class=ManyToOneRel,
- db_constraint=True, **kwargs):
- try:
- to_name = to._meta.object_name.lower()
- except AttributeError: # to._meta doesn't exist, so it must be RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT
- assert isinstance(to, six.string_types), "%s(%r) is invalid. First parameter to ForeignKey must be either a model, a model name, or the string %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, to, RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT)
- else:
- assert not to._meta.abstract, "%s cannot define a relation with abstract class %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, to._meta.object_name)
- # For backwards compatibility purposes, we need to *try* and set
- # the to_field during FK construction. It won't be guaranteed to
- # be correct until contribute_to_class is called. Refs #12190.
- to_field = to_field or ( and
- if 'db_index' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['db_index'] = True
- self.db_constraint = db_constraint
- kwargs['rel'] = rel_class(
- self, to, to_field,
- related_name=kwargs.pop('related_name', None),
- related_query_name=kwargs.pop('related_query_name', None),
- limit_choices_to=kwargs.pop('limit_choices_to', None),
- parent_link=kwargs.pop('parent_link', False),
- on_delete=kwargs.pop('on_delete', CASCADE),
- )
- super(ForeignKey, self).__init__(to, ['self'], [to_field], **kwargs)
- @property
- def related_field(self):
- return self.foreign_related_fields[0]
- def get_reverse_path_info(self):
- """
- Get path from the related model to this field's model.
- """
- opts = self.model._meta
- from_opts =
- pathinfos = [PathInfo(from_opts, opts, (,), self.rel, not self.unique, False)]
- return pathinfos
- def validate(self, value, model_instance):
- if self.rel.parent_link:
- return
- super(ForeignKey, self).validate(value, model_instance)
- if value is None:
- return
- using = router.db_for_read(model_instance.__class__, instance=model_instance)
- qs =
- **{self.rel.field_name: value}
- )
- qs = qs.complex_filter(self.rel.limit_choices_to)
- if not qs.exists():
- raise exceptions.ValidationError(
- self.error_messages['invalid'],
- code='invalid',
- params={'model':, 'pk': value},
- )
- def get_attname(self):
- return '%s_id' %
- def get_attname_column(self):
- attname = self.get_attname()
- column = self.db_column or attname
- return attname, column
- def get_validator_unique_lookup_type(self):
- return '%s__%s__exact' % (,
- def get_default(self):
- "Here we check if the default value is an object and return the to_field if so."
- field_default = super(ForeignKey, self).get_default()
- if isinstance(field_default,
- return getattr(field_default, self.related_field.attname)
- return field_default
- def get_db_prep_save(self, value, connection):
- if value == '' or value == None:
- return None
- else:
- return self.related_field.get_db_prep_save(value,
- connection=connection)
- def value_to_string(self, obj):
- if not obj:
- # In required many-to-one fields with only one available choice,
- # select that one available choice. Note: For SelectFields
- # we have to check that the length of choices is *2*, not 1,
- # because SelectFields always have an initial "blank" value.
- if not self.blank and self.choices:
- choice_list = self.get_choices_default()
- if len(choice_list) == 2:
- return smart_text(choice_list[1][0])
- return super(ForeignKey, self).value_to_string(obj)
- def contribute_to_related_class(self, cls, related):
- super(ForeignKey, self).contribute_to_related_class(cls, related)
- if self.rel.field_name is None:
- self.rel.field_name =
- def formfield(self, **kwargs):
- db = kwargs.pop('using', None)
- if isinstance(, six.string_types):
- raise ValueError("Cannot create form field for %r yet, because "
- "its related model %r has not been loaded yet" %
- (,
- defaults = {
- 'form_class': forms.ModelChoiceField,
- 'queryset':,
- 'to_field_name': self.rel.field_name,
- }
- defaults.update(kwargs)
- return super(ForeignKey, self).formfield(**defaults)
- def db_type(self, connection):
- # The database column type of a ForeignKey is the column type
- # of the field to which it points. An exception is if the ForeignKey
- # points to an AutoField/PositiveIntegerField/PositiveSmallIntegerField,
- # in which case the column type is simply that of an IntegerField.
- # If the database needs similar types for key fields however, the only
- # thing we can do is making AutoField an IntegerField.
- rel_field = self.related_field
- if (isinstance(rel_field, AutoField) or
- (not connection.features.related_fields_match_type and
- isinstance(rel_field, (PositiveIntegerField,
- PositiveSmallIntegerField)))):
- return IntegerField().db_type(connection=connection)
- return rel_field.db_type(connection=connection)
-class OneToOneField(ForeignKey):
- """
- A OneToOneField is essentially the same as a ForeignKey, with the exception
- that always carries a "unique" constraint with it and the reverse relation
- always returns the object pointed to (since there will only ever be one),
- rather than returning a list.
- """
- description = _("One-to-one relationship")
- def __init__(self, to, to_field=None, **kwargs):
- kwargs['unique'] = True
- super(OneToOneField, self).__init__(to, to_field, OneToOneRel, **kwargs)
- def contribute_to_related_class(self, cls, related):
- setattr(cls, related.get_accessor_name(),
- SingleRelatedObjectDescriptor(related))
- def formfield(self, **kwargs):
- if self.rel.parent_link:
- return None
- return super(OneToOneField, self).formfield(**kwargs)
- def save_form_data(self, instance, data):
- if isinstance(data,
- setattr(instance,, data)
- else:
- setattr(instance, self.attname, data)
-def create_many_to_many_intermediary_model(field, klass):
- from django.db import models
- managed = True
- if isinstance(, six.string_types) and != RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT:
- to_model =
- to = to_model.split('.')[-1]
- def set_managed(field, model, cls):
- field.rel.through._meta.managed = model._meta.managed or cls._meta.managed
- add_lazy_relation(klass, field, to_model, set_managed)
- elif isinstance(, six.string_types):
- to = klass._meta.object_name
- to_model = klass
- managed = klass._meta.managed
- else:
- to =
- to_model =
- managed = klass._meta.managed or to_model._meta.managed
- name = '%s_%s' % (klass._meta.object_name,
- if == RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT or to == klass._meta.object_name:
- from_ = 'from_%s' % to.lower()
- to = 'to_%s' % to.lower()
- else:
- from_ = klass._meta.model_name
- to = to.lower()
- meta = type('Meta', (object,), {
- 'db_table': field._get_m2m_db_table(klass._meta),
- 'managed': managed,
- 'auto_created': klass,
- 'app_label': klass._meta.app_label,
- 'db_tablespace': klass._meta.db_tablespace,
- 'unique_together': (from_, to),
- 'verbose_name': '%(from)s-%(to)s relationship' % {'from': from_, 'to': to},
- 'verbose_name_plural': '%(from)s-%(to)s relationships' % {'from': from_, 'to': to},
- })
- # Construct and return the new class.
- return type(str(name), (models.Model,), {
- 'Meta': meta,
- '__module__': klass.__module__,
- from_: models.ForeignKey(klass, related_name='%s+' % name, db_tablespace=field.db_tablespace, db_constraint=field.rel.db_constraint),
- to: models.ForeignKey(to_model, related_name='%s+' % name, db_tablespace=field.db_tablespace, db_constraint=field.rel.db_constraint)
- })
-class ManyToManyField(RelatedField):
- description = _("Many-to-many relationship")
- def __init__(self, to, db_constraint=True, **kwargs):
- try:
- assert not to._meta.abstract, "%s cannot define a relation with abstract class %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, to._meta.object_name)
- except AttributeError: # to._meta doesn't exist, so it must be RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT
- assert isinstance(to, six.string_types), "%s(%r) is invalid. First parameter to ManyToManyField must be either a model, a model name, or the string %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, to, RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT)
- # Python 2.6 and earlier require dictionary keys to be of str type,
- # not unicode and class names must be ASCII (in Python 2.x), so we
- # forcibly coerce it here (breaks early if there's a problem).
- to = str(to)
- kwargs['verbose_name'] = kwargs.get('verbose_name', None)
- kwargs['rel'] = ManyToManyRel(to,
- related_name=kwargs.pop('related_name', None),
- related_query_name=kwargs.pop('related_query_name', None),
- limit_choices_to=kwargs.pop('limit_choices_to', None),
- symmetrical=kwargs.pop('symmetrical', to == RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT),
- through=kwargs.pop('through', None),
- db_constraint=db_constraint,
- )
- self.db_table = kwargs.pop('db_table', None)
- if kwargs['rel'].through is not None:
- assert self.db_table is None, "Cannot specify a db_table if an intermediary model is used."
- super(ManyToManyField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- def _get_path_info(self, direct=False):
- """
- Called by both direct an indirect m2m traversal.
- """
- pathinfos = []
- int_model = self.rel.through
- linkfield1 = int_model._meta.get_field_by_name(self.m2m_field_name())[0]
- linkfield2 = int_model._meta.get_field_by_name(self.m2m_reverse_field_name())[0]
- if direct:
- join1infos = linkfield1.get_reverse_path_info()
- join2infos = linkfield2.get_path_info()
- else:
- join1infos = linkfield2.get_reverse_path_info()
- join2infos = linkfield1.get_path_info()
- pathinfos.extend(join1infos)
- pathinfos.extend(join2infos)
- return pathinfos
- def get_path_info(self):
- return self._get_path_info(direct=True)
- def get_reverse_path_info(self):
- return self._get_path_info(direct=False)
- def get_choices_default(self):
- return Field.get_choices(self, include_blank=False)
- def _get_m2m_db_table(self, opts):
- "Function that can be curried to provide the m2m table name for this relation"
- if self.rel.through is not None:
- return self.rel.through._meta.db_table
- elif self.db_table:
- return self.db_table
- else:
- return util.truncate_name('%s_%s' % (opts.db_table,,
- connection.ops.max_name_length())
- def _get_m2m_attr(self, related, attr):
- "Function that can be curried to provide the source accessor or DB column name for the m2m table"
- cache_attr = '_m2m_%s_cache' % attr
- if hasattr(self, cache_attr):
- return getattr(self, cache_attr)
- for f in self.rel.through._meta.fields:
- if hasattr(f, 'rel') and f.rel and == related.model:
- setattr(self, cache_attr, getattr(f, attr))
- return getattr(self, cache_attr)
- def _get_m2m_reverse_attr(self, related, attr):
- "Function that can be curried to provide the related accessor or DB column name for the m2m table"
- cache_attr = '_m2m_reverse_%s_cache' % attr
- if hasattr(self, cache_attr):
- return getattr(self, cache_attr)
- found = False
- for f in self.rel.through._meta.fields:
- if hasattr(f, 'rel') and f.rel and == related.parent_model:
- if related.model == related.parent_model:
- # If this is an m2m-intermediate to self,
- # the first foreign key you find will be
- # the source column. Keep searching for
- # the second foreign key.
- if found:
- setattr(self, cache_attr, getattr(f, attr))
- break
- else:
- found = True
- else:
- setattr(self, cache_attr, getattr(f, attr))
- break
- return getattr(self, cache_attr)
- def value_to_string(self, obj):
- data = ''
- if obj:
- qs = getattr(obj,
- data = [instance._get_pk_val() for instance in qs]
- else:
- # In required many-to-many fields with only one available choice,
- # select that one available choice.
- if not self.blank:
- choices_list = self.get_choices_default()
- if len(choices_list) == 1:
- data = [choices_list[0][0]]
- return smart_text(data)
- def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
- # To support multiple relations to self, it's useful to have a non-None
- # related name on symmetrical relations for internal reasons. The
- # concept doesn't make a lot of sense externally ("you want me to
- # specify *what* on my non-reversible relation?!"), so we set it up
- # automatically. The funky name reduces the chance of an accidental
- # clash.
- if self.rel.symmetrical and ( == "self" or == cls._meta.object_name):
- self.rel.related_name = "%s_rel_+" % name
- super(ManyToManyField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name)
- # The intermediate m2m model is not auto created if:
- # 1) There is a manually specified intermediate, or
- # 2) The class owning the m2m field is abstract.
- # 3) The class owning the m2m field has been swapped out.
- if not self.rel.through and not cls._meta.abstract and not cls._meta.swapped:
- self.rel.through = create_many_to_many_intermediary_model(self, cls)
- # Add the descriptor for the m2m relation
- setattr(cls,, ReverseManyRelatedObjectsDescriptor(self))
- # Set up the accessor for the m2m table name for the relation
- self.m2m_db_table = curry(self._get_m2m_db_table, cls._meta)
- # Populate some necessary rel arguments so that cross-app relations
- # work correctly.
- if isinstance(self.rel.through, six.string_types):
- def resolve_through_model(field, model, cls):
- field.rel.through = model
- add_lazy_relation(cls, self, self.rel.through, resolve_through_model)
- def contribute_to_related_class(self, cls, related):
- # Internal M2Ms (i.e., those with a related name ending with '+')
- # and swapped models don't get a related descriptor.
- if not self.rel.is_hidden() and not related.model._meta.swapped:
- setattr(cls, related.get_accessor_name(), ManyRelatedObjectsDescriptor(related))
- # Set up the accessors for the column names on the m2m table
- self.m2m_column_name = curry(self._get_m2m_attr, related, 'column')
- self.m2m_reverse_name = curry(self._get_m2m_reverse_attr, related, 'column')
- self.m2m_field_name = curry(self._get_m2m_attr, related, 'name')
- self.m2m_reverse_field_name = curry(self._get_m2m_reverse_attr, related, 'name')
- get_m2m_rel = curry(self._get_m2m_attr, related, 'rel')
- self.m2m_target_field_name = lambda: get_m2m_rel().field_name
- get_m2m_reverse_rel = curry(self._get_m2m_reverse_attr, related, 'rel')
- self.m2m_reverse_target_field_name = lambda: get_m2m_reverse_rel().field_name
- def set_attributes_from_rel(self):
- pass
- def value_from_object(self, obj):
- "Returns the value of this field in the given model instance."
- return getattr(obj, self.attname).all()
- def save_form_data(self, instance, data):
- setattr(instance, self.attname, data)
- def formfield(self, **kwargs):
- db = kwargs.pop('using', None)
- defaults = {
- 'form_class': forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField,
- 'queryset':
- }
- defaults.update(kwargs)
- # If initial is passed in, it's a list of related objects, but the
- # MultipleChoiceField takes a list of IDs.
- if defaults.get('initial') is not None:
- initial = defaults['initial']
- if callable(initial):
- initial = initial()
- defaults['initial'] = [i._get_pk_val() for i in initial]
- return super(ManyToManyField, self).formfield(**defaults)