path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/oracle
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-Oracle database backend for Django.
-Requires cx_Oracle:
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import decimal
-import re
-import sys
-import warnings
-def _setup_environment(environ):
- import platform
- # Cygwin requires some special voodoo to set the environment variables
- # properly so that Oracle will see them.
- if platform.system().upper().startswith('CYGWIN'):
- try:
- import ctypes
- except ImportError as e:
- from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
- raise ImproperlyConfigured("Error loading ctypes: %s; "
- "the Oracle backend requires ctypes to "
- "operate correctly under Cygwin." % e)
- kernel32 = ctypes.CDLL('kernel32')
- for name, value in environ:
- kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableA(name, value)
- else:
- import os
- os.environ.update(environ)
- # Oracle takes client-side character set encoding from the environment.
- ('NLS_LANG', '.UTF8'),
- # This prevents unicode from getting mangled by getting encoded into the
- # potentially non-unicode database character set.
- import cx_Oracle as Database
-except ImportError as e:
- from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
- raise ImproperlyConfigured("Error loading cx_Oracle module: %s" % e)
- import pytz
-except ImportError:
- pytz = None
-from django.db import utils
-from django.db.backends import *
-from import DatabaseClient
-from import DatabaseCreation
-from import DatabaseIntrospection
-from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_text
-DatabaseError = Database.DatabaseError
-IntegrityError = Database.IntegrityError
-# Check whether cx_Oracle was compiled with the WITH_UNICODE option if cx_Oracle is pre-5.1. This will
-# also be True for cx_Oracle 5.1 and in Python 3.0. See #19606
-if int(Database.version.split('.', 1)[0]) >= 5 and \
- (int(Database.version.split('.', 2)[1]) >= 1 or
- not hasattr(Database, 'UNICODE')):
- convert_unicode = force_text
- convert_unicode = force_bytes
-class DatabaseFeatures(BaseDatabaseFeatures):
- empty_fetchmany_value = ()
- needs_datetime_string_cast = False
- interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls = True
- uses_savepoints = True
- has_select_for_update = True
- has_select_for_update_nowait = True
- can_return_id_from_insert = True
- allow_sliced_subqueries = False
- supports_subqueries_in_group_by = False
- supports_transactions = True
- supports_timezones = False
- has_zoneinfo_database = pytz is not None
- supports_bitwise_or = False
- can_defer_constraint_checks = True
- ignores_nulls_in_unique_constraints = False
- has_bulk_insert = True
- supports_tablespaces = True
- supports_sequence_reset = False
- atomic_transactions = False
-class DatabaseOperations(BaseDatabaseOperations):
- compiler_module = ""
- def autoinc_sql(self, table, column):
- # To simulate auto-incrementing primary keys in Oracle, we have to
- # create a sequence and a trigger.
- sq_name = self._get_sequence_name(table)
- tr_name = self._get_trigger_name(table)
- tbl_name = self.quote_name(table)
- col_name = self.quote_name(column)
- sequence_sql = """
- IF i = 0 THEN
-/""" % locals()
- trigger_sql = """
-BEFORE INSERT ON %(tbl_name)s
-WHEN (new.%(col_name)s IS NULL)
- SELECT "%(sq_name)s".nextval
- INTO :new.%(col_name)s FROM dual;
- END;
-/""" % locals()
- return sequence_sql, trigger_sql
- def cache_key_culling_sql(self):
- return """
- SELECT cache_key
- FROM (SELECT cache_key, rank() OVER (ORDER BY cache_key) AS rank FROM %s)
- WHERE rank = %%s + 1
- """
- def date_extract_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name):
- if lookup_type == 'week_day':
- # TO_CHAR(field, 'D') returns an integer from 1-7, where 1=Sunday.
- return "TO_CHAR(%s, 'D')" % field_name
- else:
- #
- return "EXTRACT(%s FROM %s)" % (lookup_type.upper(), field_name)
- def date_interval_sql(self, sql, connector, timedelta):
- """
- Implements the interval functionality for expressions
- format for Oracle:
- (datefield + INTERVAL '3 00:03:20.000000' DAY(1) TO SECOND(6))
- """
- minutes, seconds = divmod(timedelta.seconds, 60)
- hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
- days = str(timedelta.days)
- day_precision = len(days)
- fmt = "(%s %s INTERVAL '%s %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d' DAY(%d) TO SECOND(6))"
- return fmt % (sql, connector, days, hours, minutes, seconds,
- timedelta.microseconds, day_precision)
- def date_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name):
- #
- if lookup_type in ('year', 'month'):
- return "TRUNC(%s, '%s')" % (field_name, lookup_type.upper())
- else:
- return "TRUNC(%s)" % field_name
- # Oracle crashes with "ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel"
- # if the time zone name is passed in parameter. Use interpolation instead.
- #!msg/django-developers/zwQju7hbG78/9l934yelwfsJ
- # This regexp matches all time zone names from the zoneinfo database.
- _tzname_re = re.compile(r'^[\w/:+-]+$')
- def _convert_field_to_tz(self, field_name, tzname):
- if not self._tzname_re.match(tzname):
- raise ValueError("Invalid time zone name: %s" % tzname)
- # Convert from UTC to local time, returning TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.
- result = "(FROM_TZ(%s, '0:00') AT TIME ZONE '%s')" % (field_name, tzname)
- # Extracting from a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE ignore the time zone.
- # Convert to a DATETIME, which is called DATE by Oracle. There's no
- # built-in function to do that; the easiest is to go through a string.
- result = "TO_CHAR(%s, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')" % result
- result = "TO_DATE(%s, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')" % result
- # Re-convert to a TIMESTAMP because EXTRACT only handles the date part
- # on DATE values, even though they actually store the time part.
- return "CAST(%s AS TIMESTAMP)" % result
- def datetime_extract_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name, tzname):
- if settings.USE_TZ:
- field_name = self._convert_field_to_tz(field_name, tzname)
- if lookup_type == 'week_day':
- # TO_CHAR(field, 'D') returns an integer from 1-7, where 1=Sunday.
- sql = "TO_CHAR(%s, 'D')" % field_name
- else:
- #
- sql = "EXTRACT(%s FROM %s)" % (lookup_type.upper(), field_name)
- return sql, []
- def datetime_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name, tzname):
- if settings.USE_TZ:
- field_name = self._convert_field_to_tz(field_name, tzname)
- #
- if lookup_type in ('year', 'month'):
- sql = "TRUNC(%s, '%s')" % (field_name, lookup_type.upper())
- elif lookup_type == 'day':
- sql = "TRUNC(%s)" % field_name
- elif lookup_type == 'hour':
- sql = "TRUNC(%s, 'HH24')" % field_name
- elif lookup_type == 'minute':
- sql = "TRUNC(%s, 'MI')" % field_name
- else:
- sql = field_name # Cast to DATE removes sub-second precision.
- return sql, []
- def convert_values(self, value, field):
- if isinstance(value, Database.LOB):
- value =
- if field and field.get_internal_type() == 'TextField':
- value = force_text(value)
- # Oracle stores empty strings as null. We need to undo this in
- # order to adhere to the Django convention of using the empty
- # string instead of null, but only if the field accepts the
- # empty string.
- if value is None and field and field.empty_strings_allowed:
- value = ''
- # Convert 1 or 0 to True or False
- elif value in (1, 0) and field and field.get_internal_type() in ('BooleanField', 'NullBooleanField'):
- value = bool(value)
- # Force floats to the correct type
- elif value is not None and field and field.get_internal_type() == 'FloatField':
- value = float(value)
- # Convert floats to decimals
- elif value is not None and field and field.get_internal_type() == 'DecimalField':
- value = util.typecast_decimal(field.format_number(value))
- # cx_Oracle always returns datetime.datetime objects for
- # DATE and TIMESTAMP columns, but Django wants to see a
- # python, .time, or .datetime. We use the type
- # of the Field to determine which to cast to, but it's not
- # always available.
- # As a workaround, we cast to date if all the time-related
- # values are 0, or to time if the date is 1/1/1900.
- # This could be cleaned a bit by adding a method to the Field
- # classes to normalize values from the database (the to_python
- # method is used for validation and isn't what we want here).
- elif isinstance(value, Database.Timestamp):
- if field and field.get_internal_type() == 'DateTimeField':
- pass
- elif field and field.get_internal_type() == 'DateField':
- value =
- elif field and field.get_internal_type() == 'TimeField' or (value.year == 1900 and value.month == == 1):
- value = value.time()
- elif value.hour == value.minute == value.second == value.microsecond == 0:
- value =
- return value
- def deferrable_sql(self):
- def drop_sequence_sql(self, table):
- return "DROP SEQUENCE %s;" % self.quote_name(self._get_sequence_name(table))
- def fetch_returned_insert_id(self, cursor):
- return int(cursor._insert_id_var.getvalue())
- def field_cast_sql(self, db_type, internal_type):
- if db_type and db_type.endswith('LOB'):
- return "DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(%s)"
- else:
- return "%s"
- def last_executed_query(self, cursor, sql, params):
- #
- # The DB API definition does not define this attribute.
- statement = cursor.statement
- if statement and six.PY2 and not isinstance(statement, unicode):
- statement = statement.decode('utf-8')
- # Unlike Psycopg's `query` and MySQLdb`'s `_last_executed`, CxOracle's
- # `statement` doesn't contain the query parameters. refs #20010.
- return super(DatabaseOperations, self).last_executed_query(cursor, statement, params)
- def last_insert_id(self, cursor, table_name, pk_name):
- sq_name = self._get_sequence_name(table_name)
- cursor.execute('SELECT "%s".currval FROM dual' % sq_name)
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
- def lookup_cast(self, lookup_type):
- if lookup_type in ('iexact', 'icontains', 'istartswith', 'iendswith'):
- return "UPPER(%s)"
- return "%s"
- def max_in_list_size(self):
- return 1000
- def max_name_length(self):
- return 30
- def prep_for_iexact_query(self, x):
- return x
- def process_clob(self, value):
- if value is None:
- return ''
- return force_text(
- def quote_name(self, name):
- # SQL92 requires delimited (quoted) names to be case-sensitive. When
- # not quoted, Oracle has case-insensitive behavior for identifiers, but
- # always defaults to uppercase.
- # We simplify things by making Oracle identifiers always uppercase.
- if not name.startswith('"') and not name.endswith('"'):
- name = '"%s"' % util.truncate_name(name.upper(),
- self.max_name_length())
- # Oracle puts the query text into a (query % args) construct, so % signs
- # in names need to be escaped. The '%%' will be collapsed back to '%' at
- # that stage so we aren't really making the name longer here.
- name = name.replace('%','%%')
- return name.upper()
- def random_function_sql(self):
- def regex_lookup_9(self, lookup_type):
- raise NotImplementedError("Regexes are not supported in Oracle before version 10g.")
- def regex_lookup_10(self, lookup_type):
- if lookup_type == 'regex':
- match_option = "'c'"
- else:
- match_option = "'i'"
- return 'REGEXP_LIKE(%%s, %%s, %s)' % match_option
- def regex_lookup(self, lookup_type):
- # If regex_lookup is called before it's been initialized, then create
- # a cursor to initialize it and recur.
- self.connection.cursor()
- return self.connection.ops.regex_lookup(lookup_type)
- def return_insert_id(self):
- return "RETURNING %s INTO %%s", (InsertIdVar(),)
- def savepoint_create_sql(self, sid):
- return convert_unicode("SAVEPOINT " + self.quote_name(sid))
- def savepoint_rollback_sql(self, sid):
- return convert_unicode("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT " + self.quote_name(sid))
- def sql_flush(self, style, tables, sequences, allow_cascade=False):
- # Return a list of 'TRUNCATE x;', 'TRUNCATE y;',
- # 'TRUNCATE z;'... style SQL statements
- if tables:
- # Oracle does support TRUNCATE, but it seems to get us into
- # FK referential trouble, whereas DELETE FROM table works.
- sql = ['%s %s %s;' % (
- style.SQL_KEYWORD('FROM'),
- style.SQL_FIELD(self.quote_name(table))
- ) for table in tables]
- # Since we've just deleted all the rows, running our sequence
- # ALTER code will reset the sequence to 0.
- sql.extend(self.sequence_reset_by_name_sql(style, sequences))
- return sql
- else:
- return []
- def sequence_reset_by_name_sql(self, style, sequences):
- sql = []
- for sequence_info in sequences:
- sequence_name = self._get_sequence_name(sequence_info['table'])
- table_name = self.quote_name(sequence_info['table'])
- column_name = self.quote_name(sequence_info['column'] or 'id')
- query = _get_sequence_reset_sql() % {'sequence': sequence_name,
- 'table': table_name,
- 'column': column_name}
- sql.append(query)
- return sql
- def sequence_reset_sql(self, style, model_list):
- from django.db import models
- output = []
- query = _get_sequence_reset_sql()
- for model in model_list:
- for f in model._meta.local_fields:
- if isinstance(f, models.AutoField):
- table_name = self.quote_name(model._meta.db_table)
- sequence_name = self._get_sequence_name(model._meta.db_table)
- column_name = self.quote_name(f.column)
- output.append(query % {'sequence': sequence_name,
- 'table': table_name,
- 'column': column_name})
- # Only one AutoField is allowed per model, so don't
- # continue to loop
- break
- for f in model._meta.many_to_many:
- if not f.rel.through:
- table_name = self.quote_name(f.m2m_db_table())
- sequence_name = self._get_sequence_name(f.m2m_db_table())
- column_name = self.quote_name('id')
- output.append(query % {'sequence': sequence_name,
- 'table': table_name,
- 'column': column_name})
- return output
- def start_transaction_sql(self):
- return ''
- def tablespace_sql(self, tablespace, inline=False):
- if inline:
- return "USING INDEX TABLESPACE %s" % self.quote_name(tablespace)
- else:
- return "TABLESPACE %s" % self.quote_name(tablespace)
- def value_to_db_datetime(self, value):
- if value is None:
- return None
- # Oracle doesn't support tz-aware datetimes
- if timezone.is_aware(value):
- if settings.USE_TZ:
- value = value.astimezone(timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Oracle backend does not support timezone-aware datetimes when USE_TZ is False.")
- return six.text_type(value)
- def value_to_db_time(self, value):
- if value is None:
- return None
- if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
- return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%H:%M:%S')
- # Oracle doesn't support tz-aware times
- if timezone.is_aware(value):
- raise ValueError("Oracle backend does not support timezone-aware times.")
- return datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, value.hour, value.minute,
- value.second, value.microsecond)
- def year_lookup_bounds_for_date_field(self, value):
- first = '%s-01-01'
- second = '%s-12-31'
- return [first % value, second % value]
- def year_lookup_bounds_for_datetime_field(self, value):
- # The default implementation uses datetime objects for the bounds.
- # This must be overridden here, to use a formatted date (string) as
- # 'second' instead -- cx_Oracle chops the fraction-of-second part
- # off of datetime objects, leaving almost an entire second out of
- # the year under the default implementation.
- bounds = super(DatabaseOperations, self).year_lookup_bounds_for_datetime_field(value)
- if settings.USE_TZ:
- bounds = [b.astimezone(timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None) for b in bounds]
- return [b.isoformat(b' ') for b in bounds]
- def combine_expression(self, connector, sub_expressions):
- "Oracle requires special cases for %% and & operators in query expressions"
- if connector == '%%':
- return 'MOD(%s)' % ','.join(sub_expressions)
- elif connector == '&':
- return 'BITAND(%s)' % ','.join(sub_expressions)
- elif connector == '|':
- raise NotImplementedError("Bit-wise or is not supported in Oracle.")
- return super(DatabaseOperations, self).combine_expression(connector, sub_expressions)
- def _get_sequence_name(self, table):
- name_length = self.max_name_length() - 3
- return '%s_SQ' % util.truncate_name(table, name_length).upper()
- def _get_trigger_name(self, table):
- name_length = self.max_name_length() - 3
- return '%s_TR' % util.truncate_name(table, name_length).upper()
- def bulk_insert_sql(self, fields, num_values):
- items_sql = "SELECT %s FROM DUAL" % ", ".join(["%s"] * len(fields))
- return " UNION ALL ".join([items_sql] * num_values)
-class _UninitializedOperatorsDescriptor(object):
- def __get__(self, instance, owner):
- # If connection.operators is looked up before a connection has been
- # created, transparently initialize connection.operators to avert an
- # AttributeError.
- if instance is None:
- raise AttributeError("operators not available as class attribute")
- # Creating a cursor will initialize the operators.
- instance.cursor().close()
- return instance.__dict__['operators']
-class DatabaseWrapper(BaseDatabaseWrapper):
- vendor = 'oracle'
- operators = _UninitializedOperatorsDescriptor()
- _standard_operators = {
- 'exact': '= %s',
- 'iexact': '= UPPER(%s)',
- 'gt': '> %s',
- 'gte': '>= %s',
- 'lt': '< %s',
- 'lte': '<= %s',
- }
- _likec_operators = _standard_operators.copy()
- _likec_operators.update({
- 'contains': "LIKEC %s ESCAPE '\\'",
- 'icontains': "LIKEC UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
- 'startswith': "LIKEC %s ESCAPE '\\'",
- 'endswith': "LIKEC %s ESCAPE '\\'",
- 'istartswith': "LIKEC UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
- 'iendswith': "LIKEC UPPER(%s) ESCAPE '\\'",
- })
- Database = Database
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self)
- use_returning_into = self.settings_dict["OPTIONS"].get('use_returning_into', True)
- self.features.can_return_id_from_insert = use_returning_into
- self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self)
- self.client = DatabaseClient(self)
- self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self)
- self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self)
- self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self)
- def _connect_string(self):
- settings_dict = self.settings_dict
- if not settings_dict['HOST'].strip():
- settings_dict['HOST'] = 'localhost'
- if settings_dict['PORT'].strip():
- dsn = Database.makedsn(settings_dict['HOST'],
- int(settings_dict['PORT']),
- settings_dict['NAME'])
- else:
- dsn = settings_dict['NAME']
- return "%s/%s@%s" % (settings_dict['USER'],
- settings_dict['PASSWORD'], dsn)
- def get_connection_params(self):
- conn_params = self.settings_dict['OPTIONS'].copy()
- if 'use_returning_into' in conn_params:
- del conn_params['use_returning_into']
- return conn_params
- def get_new_connection(self, conn_params):
- conn_string = convert_unicode(self._connect_string())
- return Database.connect(conn_string, **conn_params)
- def init_connection_state(self):
- cursor = self.create_cursor()
- # Set the territory first. The territory overrides NLS_DATE_FORMAT
- # and NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT to the territory default. When all of
- # these are set in single statement it isn't clear what is supposed
- # to happen.
- # Set oracle date to ansi date format. This only needs to execute
- # once when we create a new connection. We also set the Territory
- # to 'AMERICA' which forces Sunday to evaluate to a '1' in
- # TO_CHAR().
- cursor.execute(
- + (" TIME_ZONE = 'UTC'" if settings.USE_TZ else ''))
- cursor.close()
- if 'operators' not in self.__dict__:
- # Ticket #14149: Check whether our LIKE implementation will
- # work for this connection or we need to fall back on LIKEC.
- # This check is performed only once per DatabaseWrapper
- # instance per thread, since subsequent connections will use
- # the same settings.
- cursor = self.create_cursor()
- try:
- cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE DUMMY %s"
- % self._standard_operators['contains'],
- ['X'])
- except DatabaseError:
- self.operators = self._likec_operators
- else:
- self.operators = self._standard_operators
- cursor.close()
- # There's no way for the DatabaseOperations class to know the
- # currently active Oracle version, so we do some setups here.
- # TODO: Multi-db support will need a better solution (a way to
- # communicate the current version).
- if self.oracle_version is not None and self.oracle_version <= 9:
- self.ops.regex_lookup = self.ops.regex_lookup_9
- else:
- self.ops.regex_lookup = self.ops.regex_lookup_10
- try:
- self.connection.stmtcachesize = 20
- except:
- # Django docs specify cx_Oracle version 4.3.1 or higher, but
- # stmtcachesize is available only in 4.3.2 and up.
- pass
- def create_cursor(self):
- return FormatStylePlaceholderCursor(self.connection)
- def _commit(self):
- if self.connection is not None:
- try:
- return self.connection.commit()
- except Database.DatabaseError as e:
- # cx_Oracle 5.0.4 raises a cx_Oracle.DatabaseError exception
- # with the following attributes and values:
- # code = 2091
- # message = 'ORA-02091: transaction rolled back
- # 'ORA-02291: integrity constraint (TEST_DJANGOTEST.SYS
- # _C00102056) violated - parent key not found'
- # We convert that particular case to our IntegrityError exception
- x = e.args[0]
- if hasattr(x, 'code') and hasattr(x, 'message') \
- and x.code == 2091 and 'ORA-02291' in x.message:
- six.reraise(utils.IntegrityError, utils.IntegrityError(*tuple(e.args)), sys.exc_info()[2])
- raise
- # Oracle doesn't support savepoint commits. Ignore them.
- def _savepoint_commit(self, sid):
- pass
- def _set_autocommit(self, autocommit):
- with self.wrap_database_errors:
- self.connection.autocommit = autocommit
- def check_constraints(self, table_names=None):
- """
- To check constraints, we set constraints to immediate. Then, when, we're done we must ensure they
- are returned to deferred.
- """
- self.cursor().execute('SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE')
- self.cursor().execute('SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED')
- def is_usable(self):
- try:
- if hasattr(self.connection, 'ping'): # Oracle 10g R2 and higher
- else:
- # Use a cx_Oracle cursor directly, bypassing Django's utilities.
- self.connection.cursor().execute("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL")
- except Database.Error:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- @cached_property
- def oracle_version(self):
- with self.temporary_connection():
- version = self.connection.version
- try:
- return int(version.split('.')[0])
- except ValueError:
- return None
-class OracleParam(object):
- """
- Wrapper object for formatting parameters for Oracle. If the string
- representation of the value is large enough (greater than 4000 characters)
- the input size needs to be set as CLOB. Alternatively, if the parameter
- has an `input_size` attribute, then the value of the `input_size` attribute
- will be used instead. Otherwise, no input size will be set for the
- parameter when executing the query.
- """
- def __init__(self, param, cursor, strings_only=False):
- # With raw SQL queries, datetimes can reach this function
- # without being converted by DateTimeField.get_db_prep_value.
- if settings.USE_TZ and isinstance(param, datetime.datetime):
- if timezone.is_naive(param):
- warnings.warn("Oracle received a naive datetime (%s)"
- " while time zone support is active." % param,
- RuntimeWarning)
- default_timezone = timezone.get_default_timezone()
- param = timezone.make_aware(param, default_timezone)
- param = param.astimezone(timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
- # Oracle doesn't recognize True and False correctly in Python 3.
- # The conversion done below works both in 2 and 3.
- if param is True:
- param = "1"
- elif param is False:
- param = "0"
- if hasattr(param, 'bind_parameter'):
- self.force_bytes = param.bind_parameter(cursor)
- elif isinstance(param, six.memoryview):
- self.force_bytes = param
- else:
- self.force_bytes = convert_unicode(param, cursor.charset,
- strings_only)
- if hasattr(param, 'input_size'):
- # If parameter has `input_size` attribute, use that.
- self.input_size = param.input_size
- elif isinstance(param, six.string_types) and len(param) > 4000:
- # Mark any string param greater than 4000 characters as a CLOB.
- self.input_size = Database.CLOB
- else:
- self.input_size = None
-class VariableWrapper(object):
- """
- An adapter class for cursor variables that prevents the wrapped object
- from being converted into a string when used to instanciate an OracleParam.
- This can be used generally for any other object that should be passed into
- Cursor.execute as-is.
- """
- def __init__(self, var):
- self.var = var
- def bind_parameter(self, cursor):
- return self.var
- def __getattr__(self, key):
- return getattr(self.var, key)
- def __setattr__(self, key, value):
- if key == 'var':
- self.__dict__[key] = value
- else:
- setattr(self.var, key, value)
-class InsertIdVar(object):
- """
- A late-binding cursor variable that can be passed to Cursor.execute
- as a parameter, in order to receive the id of the row created by an
- insert statement.
- """
- def bind_parameter(self, cursor):
- param = cursor.cursor.var(Database.NUMBER)
- cursor._insert_id_var = param
- return param
-class FormatStylePlaceholderCursor(object):
- """
- Django uses "format" (e.g. '%s') style placeholders, but Oracle uses ":var"
- style. This fixes it -- but note that if you want to use a literal "%s" in
- a query, you'll need to use "%%s".
- We also do automatic conversion between Unicode on the Python side and
- UTF-8 -- for talking to Oracle -- in here.
- """
- charset = 'utf-8'
- def __init__(self, connection):
- self.cursor = connection.cursor()
- # Necessary to retrieve decimal values without rounding error.
- self.cursor.numbersAsStrings = True
- # Default arraysize of 1 is highly sub-optimal.
- self.cursor.arraysize = 100
- def _format_params(self, params):
- try:
- return dict((k,OracleParam(v, self, True)) for k,v in params.items())
- except AttributeError:
- return tuple([OracleParam(p, self, True) for p in params])
- def _guess_input_sizes(self, params_list):
- # Try dict handling; if that fails, treat as sequence
- if hasattr(params_list[0], 'keys'):
- sizes = {}
- for params in params_list:
- for k, value in params.items():
- if value.input_size:
- sizes[k] = value.input_size
- self.setinputsizes(**sizes)
- else:
- # It's not a list of dicts; it's a list of sequences
- sizes = [None] * len(params_list[0])
- for params in params_list:
- for i, value in enumerate(params):
- if value.input_size:
- sizes[i] = value.input_size
- self.setinputsizes(*sizes)
- def _param_generator(self, params):
- # Try dict handling; if that fails, treat as sequence
- if hasattr(params, 'items'):
- return dict((k, v.force_bytes) for k,v in params.items())
- else:
- return [p.force_bytes for p in params]
- def _fix_for_params(self, query, params):
- # cx_Oracle wants no trailing ';' for SQL statements. For PL/SQL, it
- # it does want a trailing ';' but not a trailing '/'. However, these
- # characters must be included in the original query in case the query
- # is being passed to SQL*Plus.
- if query.endswith(';') or query.endswith('/'):
- query = query[:-1]
- if params is None:
- params = []
- query = convert_unicode(query, self.charset)
- elif hasattr(params, 'keys'):
- # Handle params as dict
- args = dict((k, ":%s"%k) for k in params.keys())
- query = convert_unicode(query % args, self.charset)
- else:
- # Handle params as sequence
- args = [(':arg%d' % i) for i in range(len(params))]
- query = convert_unicode(query % tuple(args), self.charset)
- return query, self._format_params(params)
- def execute(self, query, params=None):
- query, params = self._fix_for_params(query, params)
- self._guess_input_sizes([params])
- try:
- return self.cursor.execute(query, self._param_generator(params))
- except Database.DatabaseError as e:
- # cx_Oracle <= 4.4.0 wrongly raises a DatabaseError for ORA-01400.
- if hasattr(e.args[0], 'code') and e.args[0].code == 1400 and not isinstance(e, IntegrityError):
- six.reraise(utils.IntegrityError, utils.IntegrityError(*tuple(e.args)), sys.exc_info()[2])
- raise
- def executemany(self, query, params=None):
- if not params:
- # No params given, nothing to do
- return None
- # uniform treatment for sequences and iterables
- params_iter = iter(params)
- query, firstparams = self._fix_for_params(query, next(params_iter))
- # we build a list of formatted params; as we're going to traverse it
- # more than once, we can't make it lazy by using a generator
- formatted = [firstparams]+[self._format_params(p) for p in params_iter]
- self._guess_input_sizes(formatted)
- try:
- return self.cursor.executemany(query,
- [self._param_generator(p) for p in formatted])
- except Database.DatabaseError as e:
- # cx_Oracle <= 4.4.0 wrongly raises a DatabaseError for ORA-01400.
- if hasattr(e.args[0], 'code') and e.args[0].code == 1400 and not isinstance(e, IntegrityError):
- six.reraise(utils.IntegrityError, utils.IntegrityError(*tuple(e.args)), sys.exc_info()[2])
- raise
- def fetchone(self):
- row = self.cursor.fetchone()
- if row is None:
- return row
- return _rowfactory(row, self.cursor)
- def fetchmany(self, size=None):
- if size is None:
- size = self.arraysize
- return tuple([_rowfactory(r, self.cursor)
- for r in self.cursor.fetchmany(size)])
- def fetchall(self):
- return tuple([_rowfactory(r, self.cursor)
- for r in self.cursor.fetchall()])
- def var(self, *args):
- return VariableWrapper(self.cursor.var(*args))
- def arrayvar(self, *args):
- return VariableWrapper(self.cursor.arrayvar(*args))
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- if attr in self.__dict__:
- return self.__dict__[attr]
- else:
- return getattr(self.cursor, attr)
- def __iter__(self):
- return CursorIterator(self.cursor)
-class CursorIterator(six.Iterator):
- """Cursor iterator wrapper that invokes our custom row factory."""
- def __init__(self, cursor):
- self.cursor = cursor
- self.iter = iter(cursor)
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def __next__(self):
- return _rowfactory(next(self.iter), self.cursor)
-def _rowfactory(row, cursor):
- # Cast numeric values as the appropriate Python type based upon the
- # cursor description, and convert strings to unicode.
- casted = []
- for value, desc in zip(row, cursor.description):
- if value is not None and desc[1] is Database.NUMBER:
- precision, scale = desc[4:6]
- if scale == -127:
- if precision == 0:
- # NUMBER column: decimal-precision floating point
- # This will normally be an integer from a sequence,
- # but it could be a decimal value.
- if '.' in value:
- value = decimal.Decimal(value)
- else:
- value = int(value)
- else:
- # FLOAT column: binary-precision floating point.
- # This comes from FloatField columns.
- value = float(value)
- elif precision > 0:
- # NUMBER(p,s) column: decimal-precision fixed point.
- # This comes from IntField and DecimalField columns.
- if scale == 0:
- value = int(value)
- else:
- value = decimal.Decimal(value)
- elif '.' in value:
- # No type information. This normally comes from a
- # mathematical expression in the SELECT list. Guess int
- # or Decimal based on whether it has a decimal point.
- value = decimal.Decimal(value)
- else:
- value = int(value)
- # datetimes are returned as TIMESTAMP, except the results
- # of "dates" queries, which are returned as DATETIME.
- elif desc[1] in (Database.TIMESTAMP, Database.DATETIME):
- # Confirm that dt is naive before overwriting its tzinfo.
- if settings.USE_TZ and value is not None and timezone.is_naive(value):
- value = value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
- elif desc[1] in (Database.STRING, Database.FIXED_CHAR,
- Database.LONG_STRING):
- value = to_unicode(value)
- casted.append(value)
- return tuple(casted)
-def to_unicode(s):
- """
- Convert strings to Unicode objects (and return all other data types
- unchanged).
- """
- if isinstance(s, six.string_types):
- return force_text(s)
- return s
-def _get_sequence_reset_sql():
- # TODO: colorize this SQL code with style.SQL_KEYWORD(), etc.
- return """
- table_value integer;
- seq_value integer;
- SELECT NVL(MAX(%(column)s), 0) INTO table_value FROM %(table)s;
- SELECT NVL(last_number - cache_size, 0) INTO seq_value FROM user_sequences
- WHERE sequence_name = '%(sequence)s';
- WHILE table_value > seq_value LOOP
- SELECT "%(sequence)s".nextval INTO seq_value FROM dual;
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-import os
-import sys
-from django.db.backends import BaseDatabaseClient
-class DatabaseClient(BaseDatabaseClient):
- executable_name = 'sqlplus'
- def runshell(self):
- conn_string = self.connection._connect_string()
- args = [self.executable_name, "-L", conn_string]
- if == 'nt':
- sys.exit(os.system(" ".join(args)))
- else:
- os.execvp(self.executable_name, args)
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@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-from django.db.models.sql import compiler
-from django.utils.six.moves import zip_longest
-class SQLCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler):
- def resolve_columns(self, row, fields=()):
- # If this query has limit/offset information, then we expect the
- # first column to be an extra "_RN" column that we need to throw
- # away.
- if self.query.high_mark is not None or self.query.low_mark:
- rn_offset = 1
- else:
- rn_offset = 0
- index_start = rn_offset + len(self.query.extra_select)
- values = [self.query.convert_values(v, None, connection=self.connection)
- for v in row[rn_offset:index_start]]
- for value, field in zip_longest(row[index_start:], fields):
- values.append(self.query.convert_values(value, field, connection=self.connection))
- return tuple(values)
- def as_sql(self, with_limits=True, with_col_aliases=False):
- """
- Creates the SQL for this query. Returns the SQL string and list
- of parameters. This is overriden from the original Query class
- to handle the additional SQL Oracle requires to emulate LIMIT
- and OFFSET.
- If 'with_limits' is False, any limit/offset information is not
- included in the query.
- """
- if with_limits and self.query.low_mark == self.query.high_mark:
- return '', ()
- # The `do_offset` flag indicates whether we need to construct
- # the SQL needed to use limit/offset with Oracle.
- do_offset = with_limits and (self.query.high_mark is not None
- or self.query.low_mark)
- if not do_offset:
- sql, params = super(SQLCompiler, self).as_sql(with_limits=False,
- with_col_aliases=with_col_aliases)
- else:
- sql, params = super(SQLCompiler, self).as_sql(with_limits=False,
- with_col_aliases=True)
- # Wrap the base query in an outer SELECT * with boundaries on
- # the "_RN" column. This is the canonical way to emulate LIMIT
- # and OFFSET on Oracle.
- high_where = ''
- if self.query.high_mark is not None:
- high_where = 'WHERE ROWNUM <= %d' % (self.query.high_mark,)
- sql = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROWNUM AS "_RN", "_SUB".* FROM (%s) "_SUB" %s) WHERE "_RN" > %d' % (sql, high_where, self.query.low_mark)
- return sql, params
-class SQLInsertCompiler(compiler.SQLInsertCompiler, SQLCompiler):
- pass
-class SQLDeleteCompiler(compiler.SQLDeleteCompiler, SQLCompiler):
- pass
-class SQLUpdateCompiler(compiler.SQLUpdateCompiler, SQLCompiler):
- pass
-class SQLAggregateCompiler(compiler.SQLAggregateCompiler, SQLCompiler):
- pass
-class SQLDateCompiler(compiler.SQLDateCompiler, SQLCompiler):
- pass
-class SQLDateTimeCompiler(compiler.SQLDateTimeCompiler, SQLCompiler):
- pass
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@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import time
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.db.backends.creation import BaseDatabaseCreation
-from django.utils.six.moves import input
-PASSWORD = 'Im_a_lumberjack'
-class DatabaseCreation(BaseDatabaseCreation):
- # This dictionary maps Field objects to their associated Oracle column
- # types, as strings. Column-type strings can contain format strings; they'll
- # be interpolated against the values of Field.__dict__ before being output.
- # If a column type is set to None, it won't be included in the output.
- #
- # Any format strings starting with "qn_" are quoted before being used in the
- # output (the "qn_" prefix is stripped before the lookup is performed.
- data_types = {
- 'AutoField': 'NUMBER(11)',
- 'BinaryField': 'BLOB',
- 'BooleanField': 'NUMBER(1) CHECK (%(qn_column)s IN (0,1))',
- 'CharField': 'NVARCHAR2(%(max_length)s)',
- 'CommaSeparatedIntegerField': 'VARCHAR2(%(max_length)s)',
- 'DateField': 'DATE',
- 'DateTimeField': 'TIMESTAMP',
- 'DecimalField': 'NUMBER(%(max_digits)s, %(decimal_places)s)',
- 'FileField': 'NVARCHAR2(%(max_length)s)',
- 'FilePathField': 'NVARCHAR2(%(max_length)s)',
- 'FloatField': 'DOUBLE PRECISION',
- 'IntegerField': 'NUMBER(11)',
- 'BigIntegerField': 'NUMBER(19)',
- 'IPAddressField': 'VARCHAR2(15)',
- 'GenericIPAddressField': 'VARCHAR2(39)',
- 'NullBooleanField': 'NUMBER(1) CHECK ((%(qn_column)s IN (0,1)) OR (%(qn_column)s IS NULL))',
- 'OneToOneField': 'NUMBER(11)',
- 'PositiveIntegerField': 'NUMBER(11) CHECK (%(qn_column)s >= 0)',
- 'PositiveSmallIntegerField': 'NUMBER(11) CHECK (%(qn_column)s >= 0)',
- 'SlugField': 'NVARCHAR2(%(max_length)s)',
- 'SmallIntegerField': 'NUMBER(11)',
- 'TextField': 'NCLOB',
- 'TimeField': 'TIMESTAMP',
- 'URLField': 'VARCHAR2(%(max_length)s)',
- }
- def __init__(self, connection):
- super(DatabaseCreation, self).__init__(connection)
- def _create_test_db(self, verbosity=1, autoclobber=False):
- TEST_NAME = self._test_database_name()
- TEST_USER = self._test_database_user()
- TEST_PASSWD = self._test_database_passwd()
- TEST_TBLSPACE = self._test_database_tblspace()
- TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP = self._test_database_tblspace_tmp()
- parameters = {
- 'dbname': TEST_NAME,
- 'user': TEST_USER,
- 'password': TEST_PASSWD,
- 'tblspace': TEST_TBLSPACE,
- 'tblspace_temp': TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP,
- }
- cursor = self.connection.cursor()
- if self._test_database_create():
- try:
- self._execute_test_db_creation(cursor, parameters, verbosity)
- except Exception as e:
- sys.stderr.write("Got an error creating the test database: %s\n" % e)
- if not autoclobber:
- confirm = input("It appears the test database, %s, already exists. Type 'yes' to delete it, or 'no' to cancel: " % TEST_NAME)
- if autoclobber or confirm == 'yes':
- try:
- if verbosity >= 1:
- print("Destroying old test database '%s'..." % self.connection.alias)
- self._execute_test_db_destruction(cursor, parameters, verbosity)
- self._execute_test_db_creation(cursor, parameters, verbosity)
- except Exception as e:
- sys.stderr.write("Got an error recreating the test database: %s\n" % e)
- sys.exit(2)
- else:
- print("Tests cancelled.")
- sys.exit(1)
- if self._test_user_create():
- if verbosity >= 1:
- print("Creating test user...")
- try:
- self._create_test_user(cursor, parameters, verbosity)
- except Exception as e:
- sys.stderr.write("Got an error creating the test user: %s\n" % e)
- if not autoclobber:
- confirm = input("It appears the test user, %s, already exists. Type 'yes' to delete it, or 'no' to cancel: " % TEST_USER)
- if autoclobber or confirm == 'yes':
- try:
- if verbosity >= 1:
- print("Destroying old test user...")
- self._destroy_test_user(cursor, parameters, verbosity)
- if verbosity >= 1:
- print("Creating test user...")
- self._create_test_user(cursor, parameters, verbosity)
- except Exception as e:
- sys.stderr.write("Got an error recreating the test user: %s\n" % e)
- sys.exit(2)
- else:
- print("Tests cancelled.")
- sys.exit(1)
- real_settings = settings.DATABASES[self.connection.alias]
- real_settings['SAVED_USER'] = self.connection.settings_dict['SAVED_USER'] = self.connection.settings_dict['USER']
- real_settings['SAVED_PASSWORD'] = self.connection.settings_dict['SAVED_PASSWORD'] = self.connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD']
- real_settings['TEST_USER'] = real_settings['USER'] = self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_USER'] = self.connection.settings_dict['USER'] = TEST_USER
- real_settings['PASSWORD'] = self.connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] = TEST_PASSWD
- return self.connection.settings_dict['NAME']
- def _destroy_test_db(self, test_database_name, verbosity=1):
- """
- Destroy a test database, prompting the user for confirmation if the
- database already exists. Returns the name of the test database created.
- """
- TEST_NAME = self._test_database_name()
- TEST_USER = self._test_database_user()
- TEST_PASSWD = self._test_database_passwd()
- TEST_TBLSPACE = self._test_database_tblspace()
- TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP = self._test_database_tblspace_tmp()
- self.connection.settings_dict['USER'] = self.connection.settings_dict['SAVED_USER']
- self.connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] = self.connection.settings_dict['SAVED_PASSWORD']
- parameters = {
- 'dbname': TEST_NAME,
- 'user': TEST_USER,
- 'password': TEST_PASSWD,
- 'tblspace': TEST_TBLSPACE,
- 'tblspace_temp': TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP,
- }
- cursor = self.connection.cursor()
- time.sleep(1) # To avoid "database is being accessed by other users" errors.
- if self._test_user_create():
- if verbosity >= 1:
- print('Destroying test user...')
- self._destroy_test_user(cursor, parameters, verbosity)
- if self._test_database_create():
- if verbosity >= 1:
- print('Destroying test database tables...')
- self._execute_test_db_destruction(cursor, parameters, verbosity)
- self.connection.close()
- def _execute_test_db_creation(self, cursor, parameters, verbosity):
- if verbosity >= 2:
- print("_create_test_db(): dbname = %s" % parameters['dbname'])
- statements = [
- """CREATE TABLESPACE %(tblspace)s
- DATAFILE '%(tblspace)s.dbf' SIZE 20M
- """,
- """CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE %(tblspace_temp)s
- TEMPFILE '%(tblspace_temp)s.dbf' SIZE 20M
- """,
- ]
- self._execute_statements(cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity)
- def _create_test_user(self, cursor, parameters, verbosity):
- if verbosity >= 2:
- print("_create_test_user(): username = %s" % parameters['user'])
- statements = [
- """CREATE USER %(user)s
- IDENTIFIED BY %(password)s
- TEMPORARY TABLESPACE %(tblspace_temp)s
- QUOTA UNLIMITED ON %(tblspace)s
- """,
- """GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO %(user)s""",
- ]
- self._execute_statements(cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity)
- def _execute_test_db_destruction(self, cursor, parameters, verbosity):
- if verbosity >= 2:
- print("_execute_test_db_destruction(): dbname=%s" % parameters['dbname'])
- statements = [
- ]
- self._execute_statements(cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity)
- def _destroy_test_user(self, cursor, parameters, verbosity):
- if verbosity >= 2:
- print("_destroy_test_user(): user=%s" % parameters['user'])
- print("Be patient. This can take some time...")
- statements = [
- 'DROP USER %(user)s CASCADE',
- ]
- self._execute_statements(cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity)
- def _execute_statements(self, cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity):
- for template in statements:
- stmt = template % parameters
- if verbosity >= 2:
- print(stmt)
- try:
- cursor.execute(stmt)
- except Exception as err:
- sys.stderr.write("Failed (%s)\n" % (err))
- raise
- def _test_database_name(self):
- name = TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX + self.connection.settings_dict['NAME']
- try:
- if self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_NAME']:
- name = self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_NAME']
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- return name
- def _test_database_create(self):
- return self.connection.settings_dict.get('TEST_CREATE', True)
- def _test_user_create(self):
- return self.connection.settings_dict.get('TEST_USER_CREATE', True)
- def _test_database_user(self):
- name = TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX + self.connection.settings_dict['USER']
- try:
- if self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_USER']:
- name = self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_USER']
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return name
- def _test_database_passwd(self):
- name = PASSWORD
- try:
- if self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_PASSWD']:
- name = self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_PASSWD']
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return name
- def _test_database_tblspace(self):
- name = TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX + self.connection.settings_dict['NAME']
- try:
- if self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_TBLSPACE']:
- name = self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_TBLSPACE']
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return name
- def _test_database_tblspace_tmp(self):
- name = TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX + self.connection.settings_dict['NAME'] + '_temp'
- try:
- if self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP']:
- name = self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP']
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return name
- def _get_test_db_name(self):
- """
- We need to return the 'production' DB name to get the test DB creation
- machinery to work. This isn't a great deal in this case because DB
- names as handled by Django haven't real counterparts in Oracle.
- """
- return self.connection.settings_dict['NAME']
- def test_db_signature(self):
- settings_dict = self.connection.settings_dict
- return (
- settings_dict['HOST'],
- settings_dict['PORT'],
- settings_dict['ENGINE'],
- settings_dict['NAME'],
- self._test_database_user(),
- )
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-from django.db.backends import BaseDatabaseIntrospection, FieldInfo
-from django.utils.encoding import force_text
-import cx_Oracle
-import re
-foreign_key_re = re.compile(r"\sCONSTRAINT `[^`]*` FOREIGN KEY \(`([^`]*)`\) REFERENCES `([^`]*)` \(`([^`]*)`\)")
-class DatabaseIntrospection(BaseDatabaseIntrospection):
- # Maps type objects to Django Field types.
- data_types_reverse = {
- cx_Oracle.BLOB: 'BinaryField',
- cx_Oracle.CLOB: 'TextField',
- cx_Oracle.DATETIME: 'DateField',
- cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR: 'CharField',
- cx_Oracle.NCLOB: 'TextField',
- cx_Oracle.NUMBER: 'DecimalField',
- cx_Oracle.STRING: 'CharField',
- cx_Oracle.TIMESTAMP: 'DateTimeField',
- }
- try:
- data_types_reverse[cx_Oracle.NATIVE_FLOAT] = 'FloatField'
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- try:
- data_types_reverse[cx_Oracle.UNICODE] = 'CharField'
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- def get_field_type(self, data_type, description):
- # If it's a NUMBER with scale == 0, consider it an IntegerField
- if data_type == cx_Oracle.NUMBER:
- precision, scale = description[4:6]
- if scale == 0:
- if precision > 11:
- return 'BigIntegerField'
- elif precision == 1:
- return 'BooleanField'
- else:
- return 'IntegerField'
- elif scale == -127:
- return 'FloatField'
- return super(DatabaseIntrospection, self).get_field_type(data_type, description)
- def get_table_list(self, cursor):
- "Returns a list of table names in the current database."
- return [row[0].lower() for row in cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_table_description(self, cursor, table_name):
- "Returns a description of the table, with the DB-API cursor.description interface."
- cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE ROWNUM < 2" % self.connection.ops.quote_name(table_name))
- description = []
- for desc in cursor.description:
- name = force_text(desc[0]) # cx_Oracle always returns a 'str' on both Python 2 and 3
- name = name % {} # cx_Oracle, for some reason, doubles percent signs.
- description.append(FieldInfo(*(name.lower(),) + desc[1:]))
- return description
- def table_name_converter(self, name):
- "Table name comparison is case insensitive under Oracle"
- return name.lower()
- def _name_to_index(self, cursor, table_name):
- """
- Returns a dictionary of {field_name: field_index} for the given table.
- Indexes are 0-based.
- """
- return dict([(d[0], i) for i, d in enumerate(self.get_table_description(cursor, table_name))])
- def get_relations(self, cursor, table_name):
- """
- Returns a dictionary of {field_index: (field_index_other_table, other_table)}
- representing all relationships to the given table. Indexes are 0-based.
- """
- table_name = table_name.upper()
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT ta.column_id - 1, tb.table_name, tb.column_id - 1
- FROM user_constraints, USER_CONS_COLUMNS ca, USER_CONS_COLUMNS cb,
- user_tab_cols ta, user_tab_cols tb
- WHERE user_constraints.table_name = %s AND
- ta.table_name = user_constraints.table_name AND
- ta.column_name = ca.column_name AND
- ca.table_name = ta.table_name AND
- user_constraints.constraint_name = ca.constraint_name AND
- user_constraints.r_constraint_name = cb.constraint_name AND
- cb.table_name = tb.table_name AND
- cb.column_name = tb.column_name AND
- ca.position = cb.position""", [table_name])
- relations = {}
- for row in cursor.fetchall():
- relations[row[0]] = (row[2], row[1].lower())
- return relations
- def get_key_columns(self, cursor, table_name):
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT ccol.column_name, rcol.table_name AS referenced_table, rcol.column_name AS referenced_column
- FROM user_constraints c
- JOIN user_cons_columns ccol
- ON ccol.constraint_name = c.constraint_name
- JOIN user_cons_columns rcol
- ON rcol.constraint_name = c.r_constraint_name
- WHERE c.table_name = %s AND c.constraint_type = 'R'""" , [table_name.upper()])
- return [tuple(cell.lower() for cell in row)
- for row in cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_indexes(self, cursor, table_name):
- sql = """
- SELECT LOWER(uic1.column_name) AS column_name,
- CASE user_constraints.constraint_type
- END AS is_primary_key,
- CASE user_indexes.uniqueness
- END AS is_unique
- FROM user_constraints, user_indexes, user_ind_columns uic1
- WHERE user_constraints.constraint_type (+) = 'P'
- AND user_constraints.index_name (+) = uic1.index_name
- AND user_indexes.uniqueness (+) = 'UNIQUE'
- AND user_indexes.index_name (+) = uic1.index_name
- AND uic1.table_name = UPPER(%s)
- AND uic1.column_position = 1
- FROM user_ind_columns uic2
- WHERE uic2.index_name = uic1.index_name
- AND uic2.column_position = 2
- )
- """
- cursor.execute(sql, [table_name])
- indexes = {}
- for row in cursor.fetchall():
- indexes[row[0]] = {'primary_key': bool(row[1]),
- 'unique': bool(row[2])}
- return indexes