path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/tests/')
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-from django.contrib.gis.gdal import HAS_GDAL
-from django.contrib.gis.tests.utils import (no_mysql, oracle, postgis,
- spatialite, HAS_SPATIALREFSYS, SpatialRefSys)
-from django.utils import six
-from django.utils import unittest
-test_srs = ({'srid' : 4326,
- 'auth_name' : ('EPSG', True),
- 'auth_srid' : 4326,
- # Only the beginning, because there are differences depending on installed libs
- 'srtext' : 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84"',
- # +ellps=WGS84 has been removed in the 4326 proj string in proj-4.8
- 'proj4_re' : r'\+proj=longlat (\+ellps=WGS84 )?\+datum=WGS84 \+no_defs ',
- 'spheroid' : 'WGS 84', 'name' : 'WGS 84',
- 'geographic' : True, 'projected' : False, 'spatialite' : True,
- 'ellipsoid' : (6378137.0, 6356752.3, 298.257223563), # From proj's "cs2cs -le" and Wikipedia (semi-minor only)
- 'eprec' : (1, 1, 9),
- },
- {'srid' : 32140,
- 'auth_name' : ('EPSG', False),
- 'auth_srid' : 32140,
- 'srtext' : 'PROJCS["NAD83 / Texas South Central",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHEROID["GRS 1980"',
- 'proj4_re' : r'\+proj=lcc \+lat_1=30.28333333333333 \+lat_2=28.38333333333333 \+lat_0=27.83333333333333 '
- r'\+lon_0=-99 \+x_0=600000 \+y_0=4000000 (\+ellps=GRS80 )?'
- r'(\+datum=NAD83 |\+towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 )?\+units=m \+no_defs ',
- 'spheroid' : 'GRS 1980', 'name' : 'NAD83 / Texas South Central',
- 'geographic' : False, 'projected' : True, 'spatialite' : False,
- 'ellipsoid' : (6378137.0, 6356752.31414, 298.257222101), # From proj's "cs2cs -le" and Wikipedia (semi-minor only)
- 'eprec' : (1, 5, 10),
- },
- )
-@unittest.skipUnless(HAS_GDAL and HAS_SPATIALREFSYS,
- "SpatialRefSysTest needs gdal support and a spatial database")
-class SpatialRefSysTest(unittest.TestCase):
- @no_mysql
- def test01_retrieve(self):
- "Testing retrieval of SpatialRefSys model objects."
- for sd in test_srs:
- srs = SpatialRefSys.objects.get(srid=sd['srid'])
- self.assertEqual(sd['srid'], srs.srid)
- # Some of the authority names are borked on Oracle, e.g., SRID=32140.
- # also, Oracle Spatial seems to add extraneous info to fields, hence the
- # the testing with the 'startswith' flag.
- auth_name, oracle_flag = sd['auth_name']
- if postgis or (oracle and oracle_flag):
- self.assertEqual(True, srs.auth_name.startswith(auth_name))
- self.assertEqual(sd['auth_srid'], srs.auth_srid)
- # No proj.4 and different srtext on oracle backends :(
- if postgis:
- self.assertTrue(srs.wkt.startswith(sd['srtext']))
- six.assertRegex(self, srs.proj4text, sd['proj4_re'])
- @no_mysql
- def test02_osr(self):
- "Testing getting OSR objects from SpatialRefSys model objects."
- for sd in test_srs:
- sr = SpatialRefSys.objects.get(srid=sd['srid'])
- self.assertEqual(True, sr.spheroid.startswith(sd['spheroid']))
- self.assertEqual(sd['geographic'], sr.geographic)
- self.assertEqual(sd['projected'], sr.projected)
- if not (spatialite and not sd['spatialite']):
- # Can't get 'NAD83 / Texas South Central' from PROJ.4 string
- # on SpatiaLite
- self.assertEqual(True,['name']))
- # Testing the SpatialReference object directly.
- if postgis or spatialite:
- srs = sr.srs
- six.assertRegex(self, srs.proj4, sd['proj4_re'])
- # No `srtext` field in the `spatial_ref_sys` table in SpatiaLite
- if not spatialite:
- self.assertTrue(srs.wkt.startswith(sd['srtext']))
- @no_mysql
- def test03_ellipsoid(self):
- "Testing the ellipsoid property."
- for sd in test_srs:
- # Getting the ellipsoid and precision parameters.
- ellps1 = sd['ellipsoid']
- prec = sd['eprec']
- # Getting our spatial reference and its ellipsoid
- srs = SpatialRefSys.objects.get(srid=sd['srid'])
- ellps2 = srs.ellipsoid
- for i in range(3):
- param1 = ellps1[i]
- param2 = ellps2[i]
- self.assertAlmostEqual(ellps1[i], ellps2[i], prec[i])
-def suite():
- s = unittest.TestSuite()
- s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(SpatialRefSysTest))
- return s
-def run(verbosity=2):
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity).run(suite())