path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/tests/geoapp/
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-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import re
-from django.db import connection
-from django.contrib.gis import gdal
-from django.contrib.gis.geos import HAS_GEOS
-from django.contrib.gis.tests.utils import (
- HAS_SPATIAL_DB, no_mysql, no_oracle, no_spatialite,
- mysql, oracle, postgis, spatialite)
-from django.test import TestCase
-from django.utils import six, unittest
-from django.utils.unittest import skipUnless
- from django.contrib.gis.geos import (fromstr, GEOSGeometry,
- Point, LineString, LinearRing, Polygon, GeometryCollection)
- from .models import Country, City, PennsylvaniaCity, State, Track
-if HAS_GEOS and not spatialite:
- from .models import Feature, MinusOneSRID
-def postgis_bug_version():
- spatial_version = getattr(connection.ops, "spatial_version", (0,0,0))
- return spatial_version and (2, 0, 0) <= spatial_version <= (2, 0, 1)
-@skipUnless(HAS_GEOS and HAS_SPATIAL_DB, "Geos and spatial db are required.")
-class GeoModelTest(TestCase):
- def test_fixtures(self):
- "Testing geographic model initialization from fixtures."
- # Ensuring that data was loaded from initial data fixtures.
- self.assertEqual(2, Country.objects.count())
- self.assertEqual(8, City.objects.count())
- self.assertEqual(2, State.objects.count())
- def test_proxy(self):
- "Testing Lazy-Geometry support (using the GeometryProxy)."
- ## Testing on a Point
- pnt = Point(0, 0)
- nullcity = City(name='NullCity', point=pnt)
- # Making sure TypeError is thrown when trying to set with an
- # incompatible type.
- for bad in [5, 2.0, LineString((0, 0), (1, 1))]:
- try:
- nullcity.point = bad
- except TypeError:
- pass
- else:
-'Should throw a TypeError')
- # Now setting with a compatible GEOS Geometry, saving, and ensuring
- # the save took, notice no SRID is explicitly set.
- new = Point(5, 23)
- nullcity.point = new
- # Ensuring that the SRID is automatically set to that of the
- # field after assignment, but before saving.
- self.assertEqual(4326, nullcity.point.srid)
- # Ensuring the point was saved correctly after saving
- self.assertEqual(new, City.objects.get(name='NullCity').point)
- # Setting the X and Y of the Point
- nullcity.point.x = 23
- nullcity.point.y = 5
- # Checking assignments pre & post-save.
- self.assertNotEqual(Point(23, 5), City.objects.get(name='NullCity').point)
- self.assertEqual(Point(23, 5), City.objects.get(name='NullCity').point)
- nullcity.delete()
- ## Testing on a Polygon
- shell = LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 100), (100, 100), (100, 0), (0, 0))
- inner = LinearRing((40, 40), (40, 60), (60, 60), (60, 40), (40, 40))
- # Creating a State object using a built Polygon
- ply = Polygon(shell, inner)
- nullstate = State(name='NullState', poly=ply)
- self.assertEqual(4326, nullstate.poly.srid) # SRID auto-set from None
- ns = State.objects.get(name='NullState')
- self.assertEqual(ply, ns.poly)
- # Testing the `ogr` and `srs` lazy-geometry properties.
- if gdal.HAS_GDAL:
- self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(ns.poly.ogr, gdal.OGRGeometry))
- self.assertEqual(ns.poly.wkb, ns.poly.ogr.wkb)
- self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(ns.poly.srs, gdal.SpatialReference))
- self.assertEqual('WGS 84',
- # Changing the interior ring on the poly attribute.
- new_inner = LinearRing((30, 30), (30, 70), (70, 70), (70, 30), (30, 30))
- ns.poly[1] = new_inner
- ply[1] = new_inner
- self.assertEqual(4326, ns.poly.srid)
- self.assertEqual(ply, State.objects.get(name='NullState').poly)
- ns.delete()
- @no_mysql
- def test_lookup_insert_transform(self):
- "Testing automatic transform for lookups and inserts."
- # San Antonio in 'WGS84' (SRID 4326)
- sa_4326 = 'POINT (-98.493183 29.424170)'
- wgs_pnt = fromstr(sa_4326, srid=4326) # Our reference point in WGS84
- # Oracle doesn't have SRID 3084, using 41157.
- if oracle:
- # San Antonio in 'Texas 4205, Southern Zone (1983, meters)' (SRID 41157)
- # Used the following Oracle SQL to get this value:
- nad_wkt = 'POINT (300662.034646583 5416427.45974934)'
- nad_srid = 41157
- else:
- # San Antonio in 'NAD83(HARN) / Texas Centric Lambert Conformal' (SRID 3084)
- nad_wkt = 'POINT (1645978.362408288754523 6276356.025927528738976)' # Used in gdal 1.4.1 for this transform
- nad_srid = 3084
- # Constructing & querying with a point from a different SRID. Oracle
- # `SDO_OVERLAPBDYINTERSECT` operates differently from
- # `ST_Intersects`, so contains is used instead.
- nad_pnt = fromstr(nad_wkt, srid=nad_srid)
- if oracle:
- tx = Country.objects.get(mpoly__contains=nad_pnt)
- else:
- tx = Country.objects.get(mpoly__intersects=nad_pnt)
- self.assertEqual('Texas',
- # Creating San Antonio. Remember the Alamo.
- sa = City.objects.create(name='San Antonio', point=nad_pnt)
- # Now verifying that San Antonio was transformed correctly
- sa = City.objects.get(name='San Antonio')
- self.assertAlmostEqual(wgs_pnt.x, sa.point.x, 6)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(wgs_pnt.y, sa.point.y, 6)
- # If the GeometryField SRID is -1, then we shouldn't perform any
- # transformation if the SRID of the input geometry is different.
- # SpatiaLite does not support missing SRID values.
- if not spatialite:
- m1 = MinusOneSRID(geom=Point(17, 23, srid=4326))
- self.assertEqual(-1, m1.geom.srid)
- def test_createnull(self):
- "Testing creating a model instance and the geometry being None"
- c = City()
- self.assertEqual(c.point, None)
- @no_spatialite # SpatiaLite does not support abstract geometry columns
- def test_geometryfield(self):
- "Testing the general GeometryField."
- Feature(name='Point', geom=Point(1, 1)).save()
- Feature(name='LineString', geom=LineString((0, 0), (1, 1), (5, 5))).save()
- Feature(name='Polygon', geom=Polygon(LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0), (0, 0)))).save()
- Feature(name='GeometryCollection',
- geom=GeometryCollection(Point(2, 2), LineString((0, 0), (2, 2)),
- Polygon(LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0), (0, 0))))).save()
- f_1 = Feature.objects.get(name='Point')
- self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(f_1.geom, Point))
- self.assertEqual((1.0, 1.0), f_1.geom.tuple)
- f_2 = Feature.objects.get(name='LineString')
- self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(f_2.geom, LineString))
- self.assertEqual(((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (5.0, 5.0)), f_2.geom.tuple)
- f_3 = Feature.objects.get(name='Polygon')
- self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(f_3.geom, Polygon))
- f_4 = Feature.objects.get(name='GeometryCollection')
- self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(f_4.geom, GeometryCollection))
- self.assertEqual(f_3.geom, f_4.geom[2])
- @no_mysql
- def test_inherited_geofields(self):
- "Test GeoQuerySet methods on inherited Geometry fields."
- # Creating a Pennsylvanian city.
- mansfield = PennsylvaniaCity.objects.create(name='Mansfield', county='Tioga', point='POINT(-77.071445 41.823881)')
- # All transformation SQL will need to be performed on the
- # _parent_ table.
- qs = PennsylvaniaCity.objects.transform(32128)
- self.assertEqual(1, qs.count())
- for pc in qs: self.assertEqual(32128, pc.point.srid)
- def test_raw_sql_query(self):
- "Testing raw SQL query."
- cities1 = City.objects.all()
- # Only PostGIS would support a 'select *' query because of its recognized
- # HEXEWKB format for geometry fields
- as_text = 'ST_AsText' if postgis else 'asText'
- cities2 = City.objects.raw('select id, name, %s(point) from geoapp_city' % as_text)
- self.assertEqual(len(cities1), len(list(cities2)))
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(cities2[0].point, Point))
-@skipUnless(HAS_GEOS and HAS_SPATIAL_DB, "Geos and spatial db are required.")
-class GeoLookupTest(TestCase):
- @no_mysql
- def test_disjoint_lookup(self):
- "Testing the `disjoint` lookup type."
- ptown = City.objects.get(name='Pueblo')
- qs1 = City.objects.filter(point__disjoint=ptown.point)
- self.assertEqual(7, qs1.count())
- qs2 = State.objects.filter(poly__disjoint=ptown.point)
- self.assertEqual(1, qs2.count())
- self.assertEqual('Kansas', qs2[0].name)
- def test_contains_contained_lookups(self):
- "Testing the 'contained', 'contains', and 'bbcontains' lookup types."
- # Getting Texas, yes we were a country -- once ;)
- texas = Country.objects.get(name='Texas')
- # Seeing what cities are in Texas, should get Houston and Dallas,
- # and Oklahoma City because 'contained' only checks on the
- # _bounding box_ of the Geometries.
- if not oracle:
- qs = City.objects.filter(point__contained=texas.mpoly)
- self.assertEqual(3, qs.count())
- cities = ['Houston', 'Dallas', 'Oklahoma City']
- for c in qs: self.assertEqual(True, in cities)
- # Pulling out some cities.
- houston = City.objects.get(name='Houston')
- wellington = City.objects.get(name='Wellington')
- pueblo = City.objects.get(name='Pueblo')
- okcity = City.objects.get(name='Oklahoma City')
- lawrence = City.objects.get(name='Lawrence')
- # Now testing contains on the countries using the points for
- # Houston and Wellington.
- tx = Country.objects.get(mpoly__contains=houston.point) # Query w/GEOSGeometry
- nz = Country.objects.get(mpoly__contains=wellington.point.hex) # Query w/EWKBHEX
- self.assertEqual('Texas',
- self.assertEqual('New Zealand',
- # Spatialite 2.3 thinks that Lawrence is in Puerto Rico (a NULL geometry).
- if not spatialite:
- ks = State.objects.get(poly__contains=lawrence.point)
- self.assertEqual('Kansas',
- # Pueblo and Oklahoma City (even though OK City is within the bounding box of Texas)
- # are not contained in Texas or New Zealand.
- self.assertEqual(0, len(Country.objects.filter(mpoly__contains=pueblo.point))) # Query w/GEOSGeometry object
- self.assertEqual((mysql and 1) or 0,
- len(Country.objects.filter(mpoly__contains=okcity.point.wkt))) # Qeury w/WKT
- # OK City is contained w/in bounding box of Texas.
- if not oracle:
- qs = Country.objects.filter(mpoly__bbcontains=okcity.point)
- self.assertEqual(1, len(qs))
- self.assertEqual('Texas', qs[0].name)
- # Only PostGIS has `left` and `right` lookup types.
- @no_mysql
- @no_oracle
- @no_spatialite
- def test_left_right_lookups(self):
- "Testing the 'left' and 'right' lookup types."
- # Left: A << B => true if xmax(A) < xmin(B)
- # Right: A >> B => true if xmin(A) > xmax(B)
- # See: BOX2D_left() and BOX2D_right() in lwgeom_box2dfloat4.c in PostGIS source.
- # Getting the borders for Colorado & Kansas
- co_border = State.objects.get(name='Colorado').poly
- ks_border = State.objects.get(name='Kansas').poly
- # Note: Wellington has an 'X' value of 174, so it will not be considered
- # to the left of CO.
- # These cities should be strictly to the right of the CO border.
- cities = ['Houston', 'Dallas', 'Oklahoma City',
- 'Lawrence', 'Chicago', 'Wellington']
- qs = City.objects.filter(point__right=co_border)
- self.assertEqual(6, len(qs))
- for c in qs: self.assertEqual(True, in cities)
- # These cities should be strictly to the right of the KS border.
- cities = ['Chicago', 'Wellington']
- qs = City.objects.filter(point__right=ks_border)
- self.assertEqual(2, len(qs))
- for c in qs: self.assertEqual(True, in cities)
- # Note: Wellington has an 'X' value of 174, so it will not be considered
- # to the left of CO.
- vic = City.objects.get(point__left=co_border)
- self.assertEqual('Victoria',
- cities = ['Pueblo', 'Victoria']
- qs = City.objects.filter(point__left=ks_border)
- self.assertEqual(2, len(qs))
- for c in qs: self.assertEqual(True, in cities)
- # The left/right lookup tests are known failures on PostGIS 2.0/2.0.1
- #
- if postgis_bug_version():
- test_left_right_lookups = unittest.expectedFailure(test_left_right_lookups)
- def test_equals_lookups(self):
- "Testing the 'same_as' and 'equals' lookup types."
- pnt = fromstr('POINT (-95.363151 29.763374)', srid=4326)
- c1 = City.objects.get(point=pnt)
- c2 = City.objects.get(point__same_as=pnt)
- c3 = City.objects.get(point__equals=pnt)
- for c in [c1, c2, c3]: self.assertEqual('Houston',
- @no_mysql
- def test_null_geometries(self):
- "Testing NULL geometry support, and the `isnull` lookup type."
- # Creating a state with a NULL boundary.
- State.objects.create(name='Puerto Rico')
- # Querying for both NULL and Non-NULL values.
- nullqs = State.objects.filter(poly__isnull=True)
- validqs = State.objects.filter(poly__isnull=False)
- # Puerto Rico should be NULL (it's a commonwealth unincorporated territory)
- self.assertEqual(1, len(nullqs))
- self.assertEqual('Puerto Rico', nullqs[0].name)
- # The valid states should be Colorado & Kansas
- self.assertEqual(2, len(validqs))
- state_names = [ for s in validqs]
- self.assertEqual(True, 'Colorado' in state_names)
- self.assertEqual(True, 'Kansas' in state_names)
- # Saving another commonwealth w/a NULL geometry.
- nmi = State.objects.create(name='Northern Mariana Islands', poly=None)
- self.assertEqual(nmi.poly, None)
- # Assigning a geomery and saving -- then UPDATE back to NULL.
- nmi.poly = 'POLYGON((0 0,1 0,1 1,1 0,0 0))'
- State.objects.filter(name='Northern Mariana Islands').update(poly=None)
- self.assertEqual(None, State.objects.get(name='Northern Mariana Islands').poly)
- @no_mysql
- def test_relate_lookup(self):
- "Testing the 'relate' lookup type."
- # To make things more interesting, we will have our Texas reference point in
- # different SRIDs.
- pnt1 = fromstr('POINT (649287.0363174 4177429.4494686)', srid=2847)
- pnt2 = fromstr('POINT(-98.4919715741052 29.4333344025053)', srid=4326)
- # Not passing in a geometry as first param shoud
- # raise a type error when initializing the GeoQuerySet
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, Country.objects.filter, mpoly__relate=(23, 'foo'))
- # Making sure the right exception is raised for the given
- # bad arguments.
- for bad_args, e in [((pnt1, 0), ValueError), ((pnt2, 'T*T***FF*', 0), ValueError)]:
- qs = Country.objects.filter(mpoly__relate=bad_args)
- self.assertRaises(e, qs.count)
- # Relate works differently for the different backends.
- if postgis or spatialite:
- contains_mask = 'T*T***FF*'
- within_mask = 'T*F**F***'
- intersects_mask = 'T********'
- elif oracle:
- contains_mask = 'contains'
- within_mask = 'inside'
- # TODO: This is not quite the same as the PostGIS mask above
- intersects_mask = 'overlapbdyintersect'
- # Testing contains relation mask.
- self.assertEqual('Texas', Country.objects.get(mpoly__relate=(pnt1, contains_mask)).name)
- self.assertEqual('Texas', Country.objects.get(mpoly__relate=(pnt2, contains_mask)).name)
- # Testing within relation mask.
- ks = State.objects.get(name='Kansas')
- self.assertEqual('Lawrence', City.objects.get(point__relate=(ks.poly, within_mask)).name)
- # Testing intersection relation mask.
- if not oracle:
- self.assertEqual('Texas', Country.objects.get(mpoly__relate=(pnt1, intersects_mask)).name)
- self.assertEqual('Texas', Country.objects.get(mpoly__relate=(pnt2, intersects_mask)).name)
- self.assertEqual('Lawrence', City.objects.get(point__relate=(ks.poly, intersects_mask)).name)
-@skipUnless(HAS_GEOS and HAS_SPATIAL_DB, "Geos and spatial db are required.")
-class GeoQuerySetTest(TestCase):
- # Please keep the tests in GeoQuerySet method's alphabetic order
- @no_mysql
- def test_centroid(self):
- "Testing the `centroid` GeoQuerySet method."
- qs = State.objects.exclude(poly__isnull=True).centroid()
- if oracle:
- tol = 0.1
- elif spatialite:
- tol = 0.000001
- else:
- tol = 0.000000001
- for s in qs:
- self.assertEqual(True, s.poly.centroid.equals_exact(s.centroid, tol))
- @no_mysql
- def test_diff_intersection_union(self):
- "Testing the `difference`, `intersection`, `sym_difference`, and `union` GeoQuerySet methods."
- geom = Point(5, 23)
- tol = 1
- qs = Country.objects.all().difference(geom).sym_difference(geom).union(geom)
- # XXX For some reason SpatiaLite does something screwey with the Texas geometry here. Also,
- # XXX it doesn't like the null intersection.
- if spatialite:
- qs = qs.exclude(name='Texas')
- else:
- qs = qs.intersection(geom)
- for c in qs:
- if oracle:
- # Should be able to execute the queries; however, they won't be the same
- # as GEOS (because Oracle doesn't use GEOS internally like PostGIS or
- # SpatiaLite).
- pass
- else:
- self.assertEqual(c.mpoly.difference(geom), c.difference)
- if not spatialite:
- self.assertEqual(c.mpoly.intersection(geom), c.intersection)
- self.assertEqual(c.mpoly.sym_difference(geom), c.sym_difference)
- self.assertEqual(c.mpoly.union(geom), c.union)
- @no_mysql
- @no_spatialite # SpatiaLite does not have an Extent function
- def test_extent(self):
- "Testing the `extent` GeoQuerySet method."
- # Reference query:
- # `SELECT ST_extent(point) FROM geoapp_city WHERE (name='Houston' or name='Dallas');`
- # => BOX(-96.8016128540039 29.7633724212646,-95.3631439208984 32.7820587158203)
- expected = (-96.8016128540039, 29.7633724212646, -95.3631439208984, 32.782058715820)
- qs = City.objects.filter(name__in=('Houston', 'Dallas'))
- extent = qs.extent()
- for val, exp in zip(extent, expected):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(exp, val, 4)
- @no_mysql
- @no_oracle
- @no_spatialite
- def test_force_rhr(self):
- "Testing GeoQuerySet.force_rhr()."
- rings = ( ( (0, 0), (5, 0), (0, 5), (0, 0) ),
- ( (1, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1), (1, 1) ),
- )
- rhr_rings = ( ( (0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 0), (0, 0) ),
- ( (1, 1), (3, 1), (1, 3), (1, 1) ),
- )
- State.objects.create(name='Foo', poly=Polygon(*rings))
- s = State.objects.force_rhr().get(name='Foo')
- self.assertEqual(rhr_rings, s.force_rhr.coords)
- @no_mysql
- @no_oracle
- @no_spatialite
- def test_geohash(self):
- "Testing GeoQuerySet.geohash()."
- if not connection.ops.geohash: return
- # Reference query:
- # SELECT ST_GeoHash(point) FROM geoapp_city WHERE name='Houston';
- # SELECT ST_GeoHash(point, 5) FROM geoapp_city WHERE name='Houston';
- ref_hash = '9vk1mfq8jx0c8e0386z6'
- h1 = City.objects.geohash().get(name='Houston')
- h2 = City.objects.geohash(precision=5).get(name='Houston')
- self.assertEqual(ref_hash, h1.geohash)
- self.assertEqual(ref_hash[:5], h2.geohash)
- def test_geojson(self):
- "Testing GeoJSON output from the database using GeoQuerySet.geojson()."
- # Only PostGIS 1.3.4+ and SpatiaLite 3.0+ support GeoJSON.
- if not connection.ops.geojson:
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, Country.objects.all().geojson, field_name='mpoly')
- return
- pueblo_json = '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-104.609252,38.255001]}'
- houston_json = '{"type":"Point","crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"EPSG:4326"}},"coordinates":[-95.363151,29.763374]}'
- victoria_json = '{"type":"Point","bbox":[-123.30519600,48.46261100,-123.30519600,48.46261100],"coordinates":[-123.305196,48.462611]}'
- chicago_json = '{"type":"Point","crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"EPSG:4326"}},"bbox":[-87.65018,41.85039,-87.65018,41.85039],"coordinates":[-87.65018,41.85039]}'
- if postgis and connection.ops.spatial_version < (1, 4, 0):
- pueblo_json = '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-104.60925200,38.25500100]}'
- houston_json = '{"type":"Point","crs":{"type":"EPSG","properties":{"EPSG":4326}},"coordinates":[-95.36315100,29.76337400]}'
- victoria_json = '{"type":"Point","bbox":[-123.30519600,48.46261100,-123.30519600,48.46261100],"coordinates":[-123.30519600,48.46261100]}'
- elif spatialite:
- victoria_json = '{"type":"Point","bbox":[-123.305196,48.462611,-123.305196,48.462611],"coordinates":[-123.305196,48.462611]}'
- # Precision argument should only be an integer
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, City.objects.geojson, precision='foo')
- # Reference queries and values.
- # SELECT ST_AsGeoJson("geoapp_city"."point", 8, 0) FROM "geoapp_city" WHERE "geoapp_city"."name" = 'Pueblo';
- self.assertEqual(pueblo_json, City.objects.geojson().get(name='Pueblo').geojson)
- # 1.3.x: SELECT ST_AsGeoJson("geoapp_city"."point", 8, 1) FROM "geoapp_city" WHERE "geoapp_city"."name" = 'Houston';
- # 1.4.x: SELECT ST_AsGeoJson("geoapp_city"."point", 8, 2) FROM "geoapp_city" WHERE "geoapp_city"."name" = 'Houston';
- # This time we want to include the CRS by using the `crs` keyword.
- self.assertEqual(houston_json, City.objects.geojson(crs=True, model_att='json').get(name='Houston').json)
- # 1.3.x: SELECT ST_AsGeoJson("geoapp_city"."point", 8, 2) FROM "geoapp_city" WHERE "geoapp_city"."name" = 'Victoria';
- # 1.4.x: SELECT ST_AsGeoJson("geoapp_city"."point", 8, 1) FROM "geoapp_city" WHERE "geoapp_city"."name" = 'Houston';
- # This time we include the bounding box by using the `bbox` keyword.
- self.assertEqual(victoria_json, City.objects.geojson(bbox=True).get(name='Victoria').geojson)
- # 1.(3|4).x: SELECT ST_AsGeoJson("geoapp_city"."point", 5, 3) FROM "geoapp_city" WHERE "geoapp_city"."name" = 'Chicago';
- # Finally, we set every available keyword.
- self.assertEqual(chicago_json, City.objects.geojson(bbox=True, crs=True, precision=5).get(name='Chicago').geojson)
- def test_gml(self):
- "Testing GML output from the database using GeoQuerySet.gml()."
- if mysql or (spatialite and not connection.ops.gml) :
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, Country.objects.all().gml, field_name='mpoly')
- return
- # Should throw a TypeError when tyring to obtain GML from a
- # non-geometry field.
- qs = City.objects.all()
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, qs.gml, field_name='name')
- ptown1 = City.objects.gml(field_name='point', precision=9).get(name='Pueblo')
- ptown2 = City.objects.gml(precision=9).get(name='Pueblo')
- if oracle:
- # No precision parameter for Oracle :-/
- gml_regex = re.compile(r'^<gml:Point srsName="SDO:4326" xmlns:gml=""><gml:coordinates decimal="\." cs="," ts=" ">-104.60925\d+,38.25500\d+ </gml:coordinates></gml:Point>')
- elif spatialite and connection.ops.spatial_version < (3, 0, 0):
- # Spatialite before 3.0 has extra colon in SrsName
- gml_regex = re.compile(r'^<gml:Point SrsName="EPSG::4326"><gml:coordinates decimal="\." cs="," ts=" ">-104.609251\d+,38.255001</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>')
- else:
- gml_regex = re.compile(r'^<gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:coordinates>-104\.60925\d+,38\.255001</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>')
- for ptown in [ptown1, ptown2]:
- self.assertTrue(gml_regex.match(ptown.gml))
- # PostGIS < 1.5 doesn't include dimension im GMLv3 output.
- if postgis and connection.ops.spatial_version >= (1, 5, 0):
- self.assertIn('<gml:pos srsDimension="2">',
- City.objects.gml(version=3).get(name='Pueblo').gml)
- def test_kml(self):
- "Testing KML output from the database using GeoQuerySet.kml()."
- # Only PostGIS and Spatialite (>=2.4.0-RC4) support KML serialization
- if not (postgis or (spatialite and connection.ops.kml)):
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, State.objects.all().kml, field_name='poly')
- return
- # Should throw a TypeError when trying to obtain KML from a
- # non-geometry field.
- qs = City.objects.all()
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, qs.kml, 'name')
- # The reference KML depends on the version of PostGIS used
- # (the output stopped including altitude in 1.3.3).
- if connection.ops.spatial_version >= (1, 3, 3):
- ref_kml = '<Point><coordinates>-104.609252,38.255001</coordinates></Point>'
- else:
- ref_kml = '<Point><coordinates>-104.609252,38.255001,0</coordinates></Point>'
- # Ensuring the KML is as expected.
- ptown1 = City.objects.kml(field_name='point', precision=9).get(name='Pueblo')
- ptown2 = City.objects.kml(precision=9).get(name='Pueblo')
- for ptown in [ptown1, ptown2]:
- self.assertEqual(ref_kml, ptown.kml)
- # Only PostGIS has support for the MakeLine aggregate.
- @no_mysql
- @no_oracle
- @no_spatialite
- def test_make_line(self):
- "Testing the `make_line` GeoQuerySet method."
- # Ensuring that a `TypeError` is raised on models without PointFields.
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, State.objects.make_line)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, Country.objects.make_line)
- # Reference query:
- # SELECT AsText(ST_MakeLine(geoapp_city.point)) FROM geoapp_city;
- ref_line = GEOSGeometry('LINESTRING(-95.363151 29.763374,-96.801611 32.782057,-97.521157 34.464642,174.783117 -41.315268,-104.609252 38.255001,-95.23506 38.971823,-87.650175 41.850385,-123.305196 48.462611)', srid=4326)
- self.assertEqual(ref_line, City.objects.make_line())
- @no_mysql
- def test_num_geom(self):
- "Testing the `num_geom` GeoQuerySet method."
- # Both 'countries' only have two geometries.
- for c in Country.objects.num_geom():
- self.assertEqual(2, c.num_geom)
- for c in City.objects.filter(point__isnull=False).num_geom():
- # Oracle and PostGIS 2.0+ will return 1 for the number of
- # geometries on non-collections, whereas PostGIS < 2.0.0
- # will return None.
- if postgis and connection.ops.spatial_version < (2, 0, 0):
- self.assertIsNone(c.num_geom)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(1, c.num_geom)
- @no_mysql
- @no_spatialite # SpatiaLite can only count vertices in LineStrings
- def test_num_points(self):
- "Testing the `num_points` GeoQuerySet method."
- for c in Country.objects.num_points():
- self.assertEqual(c.mpoly.num_points, c.num_points)
- if not oracle:
- # Oracle cannot count vertices in Point geometries.
- for c in City.objects.num_points(): self.assertEqual(1, c.num_points)
- @no_mysql
- def test_point_on_surface(self):
- "Testing the `point_on_surface` GeoQuerySet method."
- # Reference values.
- if oracle:
- ref = {'New Zealand' : fromstr('POINT (174.616364 -36.100861)', srid=4326),
- 'Texas' : fromstr('POINT (-103.002434 36.500397)', srid=4326),
- }
- elif postgis or spatialite:
- # Using GEOSGeometry to compute the reference point on surface values
- # -- since PostGIS also uses GEOS these should be the same.
- ref = {'New Zealand' : Country.objects.get(name='New Zealand').mpoly.point_on_surface,
- 'Texas' : Country.objects.get(name='Texas').mpoly.point_on_surface
- }
- for c in Country.objects.point_on_surface():
- if spatialite:
- # XXX This seems to be a WKT-translation-related precision issue?
- tol = 0.00001
- else:
- tol = 0.000000001
- self.assertEqual(True, ref[].equals_exact(c.point_on_surface, tol))
- @no_mysql
- @no_spatialite
- def test_reverse_geom(self):
- "Testing GeoQuerySet.reverse_geom()."
- coords = [ (-95.363151, 29.763374), (-95.448601, 29.713803) ]
- Track.objects.create(name='Foo', line=LineString(coords))
- t = Track.objects.reverse_geom().get(name='Foo')
- coords.reverse()
- self.assertEqual(tuple(coords), t.reverse_geom.coords)
- if oracle:
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, State.objects.reverse_geom)
- @no_mysql
- @no_oracle
- def test_scale(self):
- "Testing the `scale` GeoQuerySet method."
- xfac, yfac = 2, 3
- tol = 5 # XXX The low precision tolerance is for SpatiaLite
- qs = Country.objects.scale(xfac, yfac, model_att='scaled')
- for c in qs:
- for p1, p2 in zip(c.mpoly, c.scaled):
- for r1, r2 in zip(p1, p2):
- for c1, c2 in zip(r1.coords, r2.coords):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(c1[0] * xfac, c2[0], tol)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(c1[1] * yfac, c2[1], tol)
- @no_mysql
- @no_oracle
- @no_spatialite
- def test_snap_to_grid(self):
- "Testing GeoQuerySet.snap_to_grid()."
- # Let's try and break snap_to_grid() with bad combinations of arguments.
- for bad_args in ((), range(3), range(5)):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, Country.objects.snap_to_grid, *bad_args)
- for bad_args in (('1.0',), (1.0, None), tuple(map(six.text_type, range(4)))):
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, Country.objects.snap_to_grid, *bad_args)
- # Boundary for San Marino, courtesy of Bjorn Sandvik of
- # from the world borders dataset he provides.
- wkt = ('MULTIPOLYGON(((12.41580 43.95795,12.45055 43.97972,12.45389 43.98167,'
- '12.46250 43.98472,12.47167 43.98694,12.49278 43.98917,'
- '12.50555 43.98861,12.51000 43.98694,12.51028 43.98277,'
- '12.51167 43.94333,12.51056 43.93916,12.49639 43.92333,'
- '12.49500 43.91472,12.48778 43.90583,12.47444 43.89722,'
- '12.46472 43.89555,12.45917 43.89611,12.41639 43.90472,'
- '12.41222 43.90610,12.40782 43.91366,12.40389 43.92667,'
- '12.40500 43.94833,12.40889 43.95499,12.41580 43.95795)))')
- sm = Country.objects.create(name='San Marino', mpoly=fromstr(wkt))
- # Because floating-point arithmetic isn't exact, we set a tolerance
- # to pass into GEOS `equals_exact`.
- tol = 0.000000001
- # SELECT AsText(ST_SnapToGrid("geoapp_country"."mpoly", 0.1)) FROM "geoapp_country" WHERE "geoapp_country"."name" = 'San Marino';
- ref = fromstr('MULTIPOLYGON(((12.4 44,12.5 44,12.5 43.9,12.4 43.9,12.4 44)))')
- self.assertTrue(ref.equals_exact(Country.objects.snap_to_grid(0.1).get(name='San Marino').snap_to_grid, tol))
- # SELECT AsText(ST_SnapToGrid("geoapp_country"."mpoly", 0.05, 0.23)) FROM "geoapp_country" WHERE "geoapp_country"."name" = 'San Marino';
- ref = fromstr('MULTIPOLYGON(((12.4 43.93,12.45 43.93,12.5 43.93,12.45 43.93,12.4 43.93)))')
- self.assertTrue(ref.equals_exact(Country.objects.snap_to_grid(0.05, 0.23).get(name='San Marino').snap_to_grid, tol))
- # SELECT AsText(ST_SnapToGrid("geoapp_country"."mpoly", 0.5, 0.17, 0.05, 0.23)) FROM "geoapp_country" WHERE "geoapp_country"."name" = 'San Marino';
- ref = fromstr('MULTIPOLYGON(((12.4 43.87,12.45 43.87,12.45 44.1,12.5 44.1,12.5 43.87,12.45 43.87,12.4 43.87)))')
- self.assertTrue(ref.equals_exact(Country.objects.snap_to_grid(0.05, 0.23, 0.5, 0.17).get(name='San Marino').snap_to_grid, tol))
- def test_svg(self):
- "Testing SVG output using GeoQuerySet.svg()."
- if mysql or oracle:
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, City.objects.svg)
- return
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, City.objects.svg, precision='foo')
- # SELECT AsSVG(geoapp_city.point, 0, 8) FROM geoapp_city WHERE name = 'Pueblo';
- svg1 = 'cx="-104.609252" cy="-38.255001"'
- # Even though relative, only one point so it's practically the same except for
- # the 'c' letter prefix on the x,y values.
- svg2 = svg1.replace('c', '')
- self.assertEqual(svg1, City.objects.svg().get(name='Pueblo').svg)
- self.assertEqual(svg2, City.objects.svg(relative=5).get(name='Pueblo').svg)
- @no_mysql
- def test_transform(self):
- "Testing the transform() GeoQuerySet method."
- # Pre-transformed points for Houston and Pueblo.
- htown = fromstr('POINT(1947516.83115183 6322297.06040572)', srid=3084)
- ptown = fromstr('POINT(992363.390841912 481455.395105533)', srid=2774)
- prec = 3 # Precision is low due to version variations in PROJ and GDAL.
- # Asserting the result of the transform operation with the values in
- # the pre-transformed points. Oracle does not have the 3084 SRID.
- if not oracle:
- h = City.objects.transform(htown.srid).get(name='Houston')
- self.assertEqual(3084, h.point.srid)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(htown.x, h.point.x, prec)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(htown.y, h.point.y, prec)
- p1 = City.objects.transform(ptown.srid, field_name='point').get(name='Pueblo')
- p2 = City.objects.transform(srid=ptown.srid).get(name='Pueblo')
- for p in [p1, p2]:
- self.assertEqual(2774, p.point.srid)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(ptown.x, p.point.x, prec)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(ptown.y, p.point.y, prec)
- @no_mysql
- @no_oracle
- def test_translate(self):
- "Testing the `translate` GeoQuerySet method."
- xfac, yfac = 5, -23
- qs = Country.objects.translate(xfac, yfac, model_att='translated')
- for c in qs:
- for p1, p2 in zip(c.mpoly, c.translated):
- for r1, r2 in zip(p1, p2):
- for c1, c2 in zip(r1.coords, r2.coords):
- # XXX The low precision is for SpatiaLite
- self.assertAlmostEqual(c1[0] + xfac, c2[0], 5)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(c1[1] + yfac, c2[1], 5)
- @no_mysql
- def test_unionagg(self):
- "Testing the `unionagg` (aggregate union) GeoQuerySet method."
- tx = Country.objects.get(name='Texas').mpoly
- # Houston, Dallas -- Oracle has different order.
- union1 = fromstr('MULTIPOINT(-96.801611 32.782057,-95.363151 29.763374)')
- union2 = fromstr('MULTIPOINT(-96.801611 32.782057,-95.363151 29.763374)')
- qs = City.objects.filter(point__within=tx)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, qs.unionagg, 'name')
- # Using `field_name` keyword argument in one query and specifying an
- # order in the other (which should not be used because this is
- # an aggregate method on a spatial column)
- u1 = qs.unionagg(field_name='point')
- u2 = qs.order_by('name').unionagg()
- tol = 0.00001
- if oracle:
- union = union2
- else:
- union = union1
- self.assertEqual(True, union.equals_exact(u1, tol))
- self.assertEqual(True, union.equals_exact(u2, tol))
- qs = City.objects.filter(name='NotACity')
- self.assertEqual(None, qs.unionagg(field_name='point'))
- def test_non_concrete_field(self):
- pkfield = City._meta.get_field_by_name('id')[0]
- orig_pkfield_col = pkfield.column
- pkfield.column = None
- try:
- list(City.objects.all())
- finally:
- pkfield.column = orig_pkfield_col