path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/maps/google/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/maps/google/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/maps/google/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/maps/google/
deleted file mode 100644
index b82d967..0000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/maps/google/
+++ /dev/null
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-from django.contrib.gis.geos import fromstr, Point, LineString, LinearRing, Polygon
-from django.utils.functional import total_ordering
-from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
-from django.utils import six
-from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible
-class GEvent(object):
- """
- A Python wrapper for the Google GEvent object.
- Events can be attached to any object derived from GOverlayBase with the
- add_event() call.
- For more information please see the Google Maps API Reference:
- Example:
- from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
- from import GoogleMap, GEvent, GPolyline
- def sample_request(request):
- polyline = GPolyline('LINESTRING(101 26, 112 26, 102 31)')
- event = GEvent('click',
- 'function() { location.href = ""}')
- polyline.add_event(event)
- return render_to_response('mytemplate.html',
- {'google' : GoogleMap(polylines=[polyline])})
- """
- def __init__(self, event, action):
- """
- Initializes a GEvent object.
- Parameters:
- event:
- string for the event, such as 'click'. The event must be a valid
- event for the object in the Google Maps API.
- There is no validation of the event type within Django.
- action:
- string containing a Javascript function, such as
- 'function() { location.href = "newurl";}'
- The string must be a valid Javascript function. Again there is no
- validation fo the function within Django.
- """
- self.event = event
- self.action = action
- def __str__(self):
- "Returns the parameter part of a GEvent."
- return mark_safe('"%s", %s' %(self.event, self.action))
-class GOverlayBase(object):
- def __init__(self):
- = []
- def latlng_from_coords(self, coords):
- "Generates a JavaScript array of GLatLng objects for the given coordinates."
- return '[%s]' % ','.join(['new GLatLng(%s,%s)' % (y, x) for x, y in coords])
- def add_event(self, event):
- "Attaches a GEvent to the overlay object."
- def __str__(self):
- "The string representation is the JavaScript API call."
- return mark_safe('%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.js_params))
-class GPolygon(GOverlayBase):
- """
- A Python wrapper for the Google GPolygon object. For more information
- please see the Google Maps API Reference:
- """
- def __init__(self, poly,
- stroke_color='#0000ff', stroke_weight=2, stroke_opacity=1,
- fill_color='#0000ff', fill_opacity=0.4):
- """
- The GPolygon object initializes on a GEOS Polygon or a parameter that
- may be instantiated into GEOS Polygon. Please note that this will not
- depict a Polygon's internal rings.
- Keyword Options:
- stroke_color:
- The color of the polygon outline. Defaults to '#0000ff' (blue).
- stroke_weight:
- The width of the polygon outline, in pixels. Defaults to 2.
- stroke_opacity:
- The opacity of the polygon outline, between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.
- fill_color:
- The color of the polygon fill. Defaults to '#0000ff' (blue).
- fill_opacity:
- The opacity of the polygon fill. Defaults to 0.4.
- """
- if isinstance(poly, six.string_types): poly = fromstr(poly)
- if isinstance(poly, (tuple, list)): poly = Polygon(poly)
- if not isinstance(poly, Polygon):
- raise TypeError('GPolygon may only initialize on GEOS Polygons.')
- # Getting the envelope of the input polygon (used for automatically
- # determining the zoom level).
- self.envelope = poly.envelope
- # Translating the coordinates into a JavaScript array of
- # Google `GLatLng` objects.
- self.points = self.latlng_from_coords(
- # Stroke settings.
- self.stroke_color, self.stroke_opacity, self.stroke_weight = stroke_color, stroke_opacity, stroke_weight
- # Fill settings.
- self.fill_color, self.fill_opacity = fill_color, fill_opacity
- super(GPolygon, self).__init__()
- @property
- def js_params(self):
- return '%s, "%s", %s, %s, "%s", %s' % (self.points, self.stroke_color, self.stroke_weight, self.stroke_opacity,
- self.fill_color, self.fill_opacity)
-class GPolyline(GOverlayBase):
- """
- A Python wrapper for the Google GPolyline object. For more information
- please see the Google Maps API Reference:
- """
- def __init__(self, geom, color='#0000ff', weight=2, opacity=1):
- """
- The GPolyline object may be initialized on GEOS LineStirng, LinearRing,
- and Polygon objects (internal rings not supported) or a parameter that
- may instantiated into one of the above geometries.
- Keyword Options:
- color:
- The color to use for the polyline. Defaults to '#0000ff' (blue).
- weight:
- The width of the polyline, in pixels. Defaults to 2.
- opacity:
- The opacity of the polyline, between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.
- """
- # If a GEOS geometry isn't passed in, try to contsruct one.
- if isinstance(geom, six.string_types): geom = fromstr(geom)
- if isinstance(geom, (tuple, list)): geom = Polygon(geom)
- # Generating the lat/lng coordinate pairs.
- if isinstance(geom, (LineString, LinearRing)):
- self.latlngs = self.latlng_from_coords(geom.coords)
- elif isinstance(geom, Polygon):
- self.latlngs = self.latlng_from_coords(
- else:
- raise TypeError('GPolyline may only initialize on GEOS LineString, LinearRing, and/or Polygon geometries.')
- # Getting the envelope for automatic zoom determination.
- self.envelope = geom.envelope
- self.color, self.weight, self.opacity = color, weight, opacity
- super(GPolyline, self).__init__()
- @property
- def js_params(self):
- return '%s, "%s", %s, %s' % (self.latlngs, self.color, self.weight, self.opacity)
-class GIcon(object):
- """
- Creates a GIcon object to pass into a Gmarker object.
- The keyword arguments map to instance attributes of the same name. These,
- in turn, correspond to a subset of the attributes of the official GIcon
- javascript object:
- Because a Google map often uses several different icons, a name field has
- been added to the required arguments.
- Required Arguments:
- varname:
- A string which will become the basis for the js variable name of
- the marker, for this reason, your code should assign a unique
- name for each GIcon you instantiate, otherwise there will be
- name space collisions in your javascript.
- Keyword Options:
- image:
- The url of the image to be used as the icon on the map defaults
- iconsize:
- a tuple representing the pixel size of the foreground (not the
- shadow) image of the icon, in the format: (width, height) ex.:
- GIcon('fast_food',
- image="/media/icon/star.png",
- iconsize=(15,10))
- Would indicate your custom icon was 15px wide and 10px height.
- shadow:
- the url of the image of the icon's shadow
- shadowsize:
- a tuple representing the pixel size of the shadow image, format is
- the same as ``iconsize``
- iconanchor:
- a tuple representing the pixel coordinate relative to the top left
- corner of the icon image at which this icon is anchored to the map.
- In (x, y) format. x increases to the right in the Google Maps
- coordinate system and y increases downwards in the Google Maps
- coordinate system.)
- infowindowanchor:
- The pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon
- image at which the info window is anchored to this icon.
- """
- def __init__(self, varname, image=None, iconsize=None,
- shadow=None, shadowsize=None, iconanchor=None,
- infowindowanchor=None):
- self.varname = varname
- self.image = image
- self.iconsize = iconsize
- self.shadow = shadow
- self.shadowsize = shadowsize
- self.iconanchor = iconanchor
- self.infowindowanchor = infowindowanchor
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.varname == other.varname
- def __lt__(self, other):
- return self.varname < other.varname
- def __hash__(self):
- # XOR with hash of GIcon type so that hash('varname') won't
- # equal hash(GIcon('varname')).
- return hash(self.__class__) ^ hash(self.varname)
-class GMarker(GOverlayBase):
- """
- A Python wrapper for the Google GMarker object. For more information
- please see the Google Maps API Reference:
- Example:
- from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
- from import GMarker, GEvent
- def sample_request(request):
- marker = GMarker('POINT(101 26)')
- event = GEvent('click',
- 'function() { location.href = ""}')
- marker.add_event(event)
- return render_to_response('mytemplate.html',
- {'google' : GoogleMap(markers=[marker])})
- """
- def __init__(self, geom, title=None, draggable=False, icon=None):
- """
- The GMarker object may initialize on GEOS Points or a parameter
- that may be instantiated into a GEOS point. Keyword options map to
- GMarkerOptions -- so far only the title option is supported.
- Keyword Options:
- title:
- Title option for GMarker, will be displayed as a tooltip.
- draggable:
- Draggable option for GMarker, disabled by default.
- """
- # If a GEOS geometry isn't passed in, try to construct one.
- if isinstance(geom, six.string_types): geom = fromstr(geom)
- if isinstance(geom, (tuple, list)): geom = Point(geom)
- if isinstance(geom, Point):
- self.latlng = self.latlng_from_coords(geom.coords)
- else:
- raise TypeError('GMarker may only initialize on GEOS Point geometry.')
- # Getting the envelope for automatic zoom determination.
- self.envelope = geom.envelope
- # TODO: Add support for more GMarkerOptions
- self.title = title
- self.draggable = draggable
- self.icon = icon
- super(GMarker, self).__init__()
- def latlng_from_coords(self, coords):
- return 'new GLatLng(%s,%s)' %(coords[1], coords[0])
- def options(self):
- result = []
- if self.title: result.append('title: "%s"' % self.title)
- if self.icon: result.append('icon: %s' % self.icon.varname)
- if self.draggable: result.append('draggable: true')
- return '{%s}' % ','.join(result)
- @property
- def js_params(self):
- return '%s, %s' % (self.latlng, self.options())