path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/formtools/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/formtools/tests/')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/formtools/tests/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/formtools/tests/
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index 0000000..58c59f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/formtools/tests/
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import datetime
+import os
+import warnings
+from django import http
+from django.contrib.formtools import preview, utils
+from django.test import TestCase
+from django.test.utils import override_settings
+from django.utils._os import upath
+from django.utils import unittest
+from django.contrib.formtools.tests.forms import *
+success_string = "Done was called!"
+success_string_encoded = success_string.encode()
+class TestFormPreview(preview.FormPreview):
+ def get_context(self, request, form):
+ context = super(TestFormPreview, self).get_context(request, form)
+ context.update({'custom_context': True})
+ return context
+ def get_initial(self, request):
+ return {'field1': 'Works!'}
+ def done(self, request, cleaned_data):
+ return http.HttpResponse(success_string)
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(upath(__file__)), 'templates'),
+ ),
+class PreviewTests(TestCase):
+ urls = 'django.contrib.formtools.tests.urls'
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(PreviewTests, self).setUp()
+ # Create a FormPreview instance to share between tests
+ self.preview = preview.FormPreview(TestForm)
+ input_template = '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />'
+ self.input = input_template % (self.preview.unused_name('stage'), "%d")
+ self.test_data = {'field1': 'foo', 'field1_': 'asdf'}
+ def test_unused_name(self):
+ """
+ Verifies name mangling to get uniue field name.
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(self.preview.unused_name('field1'), 'field1__')
+ def test_form_get(self):
+ """
+ Test contrib.formtools.preview form retrieval.
+ Use the client library to see if we can sucessfully retrieve
+ the form (mostly testing the setup ROOT_URLCONF
+ process). Verify that an additional hidden input field
+ is created to manage the stage.
+ """
+ response = self.client.get('/preview/')
+ stage = self.input % 1
+ self.assertContains(response, stage, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(response.context['custom_context'], True)
+ self.assertEqual(response.context['form'].initial, {'field1': 'Works!'})
+ def test_form_preview(self):
+ """
+ Test contrib.formtools.preview form preview rendering.
+ Use the client library to POST to the form to see if a preview
+ is returned. If we do get a form back check that the hidden
+ value is correctly managing the state of the form.
+ """
+ # Pass strings for form submittal and add stage variable to
+ # show we previously saw first stage of the form.
+ self.test_data.update({'stage': 1, 'date1':, 10, 25)})
+ response ='/preview/', self.test_data)
+ # Check to confirm stage is set to 2 in output form.
+ stage = self.input % 2
+ self.assertContains(response, stage, 1)
+ def test_form_submit(self):
+ """
+ Test contrib.formtools.preview form submittal.
+ Use the client library to POST to the form with stage set to 3
+ to see if our forms done() method is called. Check first
+ without the security hash, verify failure, retry with security
+ hash and verify sucess.
+ """
+ # Pass strings for form submittal and add stage variable to
+ # show we previously saw first stage of the form.
+ self.test_data.update({'stage': 2, 'date1':, 10, 25)})
+ response ='/preview/', self.test_data)
+ self.assertNotEqual(response.content, success_string_encoded)
+ hash = self.preview.security_hash(None, TestForm(self.test_data))
+ self.test_data.update({'hash': hash})
+ response ='/preview/', self.test_data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.content, success_string_encoded)
+ def test_bool_submit(self):
+ """
+ Test contrib.formtools.preview form submittal when form contains:
+ BooleanField(required=False)
+ Ticket: #6209 - When an unchecked BooleanField is previewed, the preview
+ form's hash would be computed with no value for ``bool1``. However, when
+ the preview form is rendered, the unchecked hidden BooleanField would be
+ rendered with the string value 'False'. So when the preview form is
+ resubmitted, the hash would be computed with the value 'False' for
+ ``bool1``. We need to make sure the hashes are the same in both cases.
+ """
+ self.test_data.update({'stage':2})
+ hash = self.preview.security_hash(None, TestForm(self.test_data))
+ self.test_data.update({'hash': hash, 'bool1': 'False'})
+ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
+ response ='/preview/', self.test_data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.content, success_string_encoded)
+ def test_form_submit_good_hash(self):
+ """
+ Test contrib.formtools.preview form submittal, using a correct
+ hash
+ """
+ # Pass strings for form submittal and add stage variable to
+ # show we previously saw first stage of the form.
+ self.test_data.update({'stage':2})
+ response ='/preview/', self.test_data)
+ self.assertNotEqual(response.content, success_string_encoded)
+ hash = utils.form_hmac(TestForm(self.test_data))
+ self.test_data.update({'hash': hash})
+ response ='/preview/', self.test_data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.content, success_string_encoded)
+ def test_form_submit_bad_hash(self):
+ """
+ Test contrib.formtools.preview form submittal does not proceed
+ if the hash is incorrect.
+ """
+ # Pass strings for form submittal and add stage variable to
+ # show we previously saw first stage of the form.
+ self.test_data.update({'stage':2})
+ response ='/preview/', self.test_data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ self.assertNotEqual(response.content, success_string_encoded)
+ hash = utils.form_hmac(TestForm(self.test_data)) + "bad"
+ self.test_data.update({'hash': hash})
+ response ='/previewpreview/', self.test_data)
+ self.assertNotEqual(response.content, success_string_encoded)
+class FormHmacTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_textfield_hash(self):
+ """
+ Regression test for #10034: the hash generation function should ignore
+ leading/trailing whitespace so as to be friendly to broken browsers that
+ submit it (usually in textareas).
+ """
+ f1 = HashTestForm({'name': 'joe', 'bio': 'Speaking español.'})
+ f2 = HashTestForm({'name': ' joe', 'bio': 'Speaking español. '})
+ hash1 = utils.form_hmac(f1)
+ hash2 = utils.form_hmac(f2)
+ self.assertEqual(hash1, hash2)
+ def test_empty_permitted(self):
+ """
+ Regression test for #10643: the security hash should allow forms with
+ empty_permitted = True, or forms where data has not changed.
+ """
+ f1 = HashTestBlankForm({})
+ f2 = HashTestForm({}, empty_permitted=True)
+ hash1 = utils.form_hmac(f1)
+ hash2 = utils.form_hmac(f2)
+ self.assertEqual(hash1, hash2)