path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management
diff options
authorcoderick142017-05-17 15:40:18 +0530
committercoderick142017-05-17 15:41:00 +0530
commita1e0a5502f04da68b6a9ca8508dda3f9d7e1d055 (patch)
tree20181e6b1936f50ad48d8e35720d64a37566f558 /lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management
parent6f4a84c1e58ff4d54aab94cbee26e995328b05b8 (diff)
Upgrade to Django 1.11
- Database integration yet to be tested
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 1061 deletions
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index da218eb..0000000
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Common framework for syncdb actions
-import copy
-from django.core import management
-from django.conf import settings
-# Make sure the template loader cache is fixed _now_ (#448)
-import django.template.loaders.app_directories
-from south.hacks import hacks
-from import Command as SyncCommand
-class MigrateAndSyncCommand(SyncCommand):
- """Used for situations where "syncdb" is called by test frameworks."""
- option_list = copy.deepcopy(SyncCommand.option_list)
- for opt in option_list:
- if "--migrate" == opt.get_opt_string():
- opt.default = True
- break
-def patch_for_test_db_setup():
- # Load the commands cache
- management.get_commands()
- # Repoint to the correct version of syncdb
- if hasattr(settings, "SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE") and not settings.SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE:
- # point at the core syncdb command when creating tests
- # tests should always be up to date with the most recent model structure
- management._commands['syncdb'] = 'django.core'
- else:
- management._commands['syncdb'] = MigrateAndSyncCommand()
- # Avoid flushing data migrations.
- # introduced change that flushed custom
- # sql during the test database creation (thus flushing the data migrations).
- # we patch flush to be no-op during create_test_db, but still allow flushing
- # after each test for non-transactional backends.
- hacks.patch_flush_during_test_db_creation()
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index 658ed48..0000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management/commands/
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@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-Quick conversion command module.
-from __future__ import print_function
-from optparse import make_option
-import sys
-from import BaseCommand
-from import no_style
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.db import models
-from django.core import management
-from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
-from south.migration import Migrations
-from south.hacks import hacks
-from south.exceptions import NoMigrations
-class Command(BaseCommand):
- option_list = BaseCommand.option_list
- if '--verbosity' not in [opt.get_opt_string() for opt in BaseCommand.option_list]:
- option_list += (
- make_option('--verbosity', action='store', dest='verbosity', default='1',
- type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2'],
- help='Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output'),
- )
- option_list += (
- make_option('--delete-ghost-migrations', action='store_true', dest='delete_ghosts', default=False,
- help="Tells South to delete any 'ghost' migrations (ones in the database but not on disk)."),
- make_option('--ignore-ghost-migrations', action='store_true', dest='ignore_ghosts', default=False,
- help="Tells South to ignore any 'ghost' migrations (ones in the database but not on disk) and continue to apply new migrations."),
- )
- help = "Quickly converts the named application to use South if it is currently using syncdb."
- def handle(self, app=None, *args, **options):
- # Make sure we have an app
- if not app:
- print("Please specify an app to convert.")
- return
- # See if the app exists
- app = app.split(".")[-1]
- try:
- app_module = models.get_app(app)
- except ImproperlyConfigured:
- print("There is no enabled application matching '%s'." % app)
- return
- # Try to get its list of models
- model_list = models.get_models(app_module)
- if not model_list:
- print("This application has no models; this command is for applications that already have models syncdb'd.")
- print("Make some models, and then use ./ schemamigration %s --initial instead." % app)
- return
- # Ask South if it thinks it's already got migrations
- try:
- Migrations(app)
- except NoMigrations:
- pass
- else:
- print("This application is already managed by South.")
- return
- # Finally! It seems we've got a candidate, so do the two-command trick
- verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 0))
- management.call_command("schemamigration", app, initial=True, verbosity=verbosity)
- # Now, we need to re-clean and sanitise appcache
- hacks.clear_app_cache()
- hacks.repopulate_app_cache()
- # And also clear our cached Migration classes
- Migrations._clear_cache()
- # Now, migrate
- management.call_command(
- "migrate",
- app,
- "0001",
- fake=True,
- verbosity=verbosity,
- ignore_ghosts=options.get("ignore_ghosts", False),
- delete_ghosts=options.get("delete_ghosts", False),
- )
- print()
- print("App '%s' converted. Note that South assumed the application's models matched the database" % app)
- print("(i.e. you haven't changed it since last syncdb); if you have, you should delete the %s/migrations" % app)
- print("directory, revert so it matches the database, and try again.")
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management/commands/
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-Data migration creation command
-from __future__ import print_function
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-from optparse import make_option
- set
-except NameError:
- from sets import Set as set
-from import BaseCommand
-from import no_style
-from django.db import models
-from django.conf import settings
-from south.migration import Migrations
-from south.exceptions import NoMigrations
-from south.creator import freezer
-class Command(BaseCommand):
- option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
- make_option('--freeze', action='append', dest='freeze_list', type='string',
- help='Freeze the specified app(s). Provide an app name with each; use the option multiple times for multiple apps'),
- make_option('--stdout', action='store_true', dest='stdout', default=False,
- help='Print the migration to stdout instead of writing it to a file.'),
- )
- help = "Creates a new template data migration for the given app"
- usage_str = "Usage: ./ datamigration appname migrationname [--stdout] [--freeze appname]"
- def handle(self, app=None, name="", freeze_list=None, stdout=False, verbosity=1, **options):
- verbosity = int(verbosity)
- # Any supposed lists that are None become empty lists
- freeze_list = freeze_list or []
- # --stdout means name = -
- if stdout:
- name = "-"
- # Only allow valid names
- if'[^_\w]', name) and name != "-":
- self.error("Migration names should contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.")
- # If not name, there's an error
- if not name:
- self.error("You must provide a name for this migration.\n" + self.usage_str)
- if not app:
- self.error("You must provide an app to create a migration for.\n" + self.usage_str)
- # Ensure that verbosity is not a string (Python 3)
- try:
- verbosity = int(verbosity)
- except ValueError:
- self.error("Verbosity must be an number.\n" + self.usage_str)
- # Get the Migrations for this app (creating the migrations dir if needed)
- migrations = Migrations(app, force_creation=True, verbose_creation=verbosity > 0)
- # See what filename is next in line. We assume they use numbers.
- new_filename = migrations.next_filename(name)
- # Work out which apps to freeze
- apps_to_freeze = self.calc_frozen_apps(migrations, freeze_list)
- # So, what's in this file, then?
- file_contents = self.get_migration_template() % {
- "frozen_models": freezer.freeze_apps_to_string(apps_to_freeze),
- "complete_apps": apps_to_freeze and "complete_apps = [%s]" % (", ".join(map(repr, apps_to_freeze))) or ""
- }
- # - is a special name which means 'print to stdout'
- if name == "-":
- print(file_contents)
- # Write the migration file if the name isn't -
- else:
- fp = open(os.path.join(migrations.migrations_dir(), new_filename), "w")
- fp.write(file_contents)
- fp.close()
- print("Created %s." % new_filename, file=sys.stderr)
- def calc_frozen_apps(self, migrations, freeze_list):
- """
- Works out, from the current app, settings, and the command line options,
- which apps should be frozen.
- """
- apps_to_freeze = []
- for to_freeze in freeze_list:
- if "." in to_freeze:
- self.error("You cannot freeze %r; you must provide an app label, like 'auth' or 'books'." % to_freeze)
- # Make sure it's a real app
- if not models.get_app(to_freeze):
- self.error("You cannot freeze %r; it's not an installed app." % to_freeze)
- # OK, it's fine
- apps_to_freeze.append(to_freeze)
- if getattr(settings, 'SOUTH_AUTO_FREEZE_APP', True):
- apps_to_freeze.append(migrations.app_label())
- return apps_to_freeze
- def error(self, message, code=1):
- """
- Prints the error, and exits with the given code.
- """
- print(message, file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(code)
- def get_migration_template(self):
-MIGRATION_TEMPLATE = """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from south.utils import datetime_utils as datetime
-from south.db import db
-from south.v2 import DataMigration
-from django.db import models
-class Migration(DataMigration):
- def forwards(self, orm):
- "Write your forwards methods here."
- # Note: Don't use "from appname.models import ModelName".
- # Use orm.ModelName to refer to models in this application,
- # and orm['appname.ModelName'] for models in other applications.
- def backwards(self, orm):
- "Write your backwards methods here."
- models = %(frozen_models)s
- %(complete_apps)s
- symmetrical = True
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-Outputs a graphviz dot file of the dependencies.
-from __future__ import print_function
-from optparse import make_option
-import re
-import textwrap
-from import BaseCommand
-from import no_style
-from south.migration import Migrations, all_migrations
-class Command(BaseCommand):
- help = "Outputs a GraphViz dot file of all migration dependencies to stdout."
- def handle(self, **options):
- # Resolve dependencies
- Migrations.calculate_dependencies()
- colors = [ 'crimson', 'darkgreen', 'darkgoldenrod', 'navy',
- 'brown', 'darkorange', 'aquamarine' , 'blueviolet' ]
- color_index = 0
- wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=40)
- print("digraph G {")
- # Group each app in a subgraph
- for migrations in all_migrations():
- print(" subgraph %s {" % migrations.app_label())
- print(" node [color=%s];" % colors[color_index])
- for migration in migrations:
- # Munge the label - text wrap and change _ to spaces
- label = "%s - %s" % (
- migration.app_label(),
- label = re.sub(r"_+", " ", label)
- label= "\\n".join(wrapper.wrap(label))
- print(' "%s.%s" [label="%s"];' % (
- migration.app_label(),, label))
- print(" }")
- color_index = (color_index + 1) % len(colors)
- # For every migration, print its links.
- for migrations in all_migrations():
- for migration in migrations:
- for other in migration.dependencies:
- # Added weight tends to keep migrations from the same app
- # in vertical alignment
- attrs = "[weight=2.0]"
- # But the more interesting edges are those between apps
- if other.app_label() != migration.app_label():
- attrs = "[style=bold]"
- print(' "%s.%s" -> "%s.%s" %s;' % (
- other.app_label(),,
- migration.app_label(),,
- attrs
- ))
- print("}");
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deleted file mode 100644
index 693dbb7..0000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management/commands/
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@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-Migrate management command.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os.path, re, sys
-from functools import reduce
-from optparse import make_option
-from import BaseCommand
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.utils.importlib import import_module
-from south import migration
-from south.migration import Migrations
-from south.exceptions import NoMigrations
-from south.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
-class Command(BaseCommand):
- option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
- make_option('--all', action='store_true', dest='all_apps', default=False,
- help='Run the specified migration for all apps.'),
- make_option('--list', action='store_true', dest='show_list', default=False,
- help='List migrations noting those that have been applied'),
- make_option('--changes', action='store_true', dest='show_changes', default=False,
- help='List changes for migrations'),
- make_option('--skip', action='store_true', dest='skip', default=False,
- help='Will skip over out-of-order missing migrations'),
- make_option('--merge', action='store_true', dest='merge', default=False,
- help='Will run out-of-order missing migrations as they are - no rollbacks.'),
- make_option('--no-initial-data', action='store_true', dest='no_initial_data', default=False,
- help='Skips loading initial data if specified.'),
- make_option('--fake', action='store_true', dest='fake', default=False,
- help="Pretends to do the migrations, but doesn't actually execute them."),
- make_option('--db-dry-run', action='store_true', dest='db_dry_run', default=False,
- help="Doesn't execute the SQL generated by the db methods, and doesn't store a record that the migration(s) occurred. Useful to test migrations before applying them."),
- make_option('--delete-ghost-migrations', action='store_true', dest='delete_ghosts', default=False,
- help="Tells South to delete any 'ghost' migrations (ones in the database but not on disk)."),
- make_option('--ignore-ghost-migrations', action='store_true', dest='ignore_ghosts', default=False,
- help="Tells South to ignore any 'ghost' migrations (ones in the database but not on disk) and continue to apply new migrations."),
- make_option('--noinput', action='store_false', dest='interactive', default=True,
- help='Tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.'),
- make_option('--database', action='store', dest='database',
- default=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, help='Nominates a database to synchronize. '
- 'Defaults to the "default" database.'),
- )
- if '--verbosity' not in [opt.get_opt_string() for opt in BaseCommand.option_list]:
- option_list += (
- make_option('--verbosity', action='store', dest='verbosity', default='1',
- type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2'],
- help='Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output'),
- )
- help = "Runs migrations for all apps."
- args = "[appname] [migrationname|zero] [--all] [--list] [--skip] [--merge] [--no-initial-data] [--fake] [--db-dry-run] [--database=dbalias]"
- def handle(self, app=None, target=None, skip=False, merge=False, backwards=False, fake=False, db_dry_run=False, show_list=False, show_changes=False, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, delete_ghosts=False, ignore_ghosts=False, **options):
- # This code imports any module named 'management' in INSTALLED_APPS.
- # The 'management' module is the preferred way of listening to post_syncdb
- # signals, and since we're sending those out with create_table migrations,
- # we need apps to behave correctly.
- for app_name in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
- try:
- import_module('.management', app_name)
- except ImportError as exc:
- msg = exc.args[0]
- if not msg.startswith('No module named') or 'management' not in msg:
- raise
- # if all_apps flag is set, shift app over to target
- if options.get('all_apps', False):
- target = app
- app = None
- # Migrate each app
- if app:
- try:
- apps = [Migrations(app)]
- except NoMigrations:
- print("The app '%s' does not appear to use migrations." % app)
- print("./ migrate " + self.args)
- return
- else:
- apps = list(migration.all_migrations())
- # Do we need to show the list of migrations?
- if show_list and apps:
- list_migrations(apps, database, **options)
- if show_changes and apps:
- show_migration_changes(apps)
- if not (show_list or show_changes):
- for app in apps:
- result = migration.migrate_app(
- app,
- target_name = target,
- fake = fake,
- db_dry_run = db_dry_run,
- verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 0)),
- interactive = options.get('interactive', True),
- load_initial_data = not options.get('no_initial_data', False),
- merge = merge,
- skip = skip,
- database = database,
- delete_ghosts = delete_ghosts,
- ignore_ghosts = ignore_ghosts,
- )
- if result is False:
- sys.exit(1) # Migration failed, so the command fails.
-def list_migrations(apps, database = DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **options):
- """
- Prints a list of all available migrations, and which ones are currently applied.
- Accepts a list of Migrations instances.
- """
- from south.models import MigrationHistory
- applied_migrations = MigrationHistory.objects.filter(app_name__in=[app.app_label() for app in apps])
- if database != DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS:
- applied_migrations = applied_migrations.using(database)
- applied_migrations_lookup = dict(('%s.%s' % (mi.app_name, mi.migration), mi) for mi in applied_migrations)
- print()
- for app in apps:
- print(" " + app.app_label())
- # Get the migrations object
- for migration in app:
- full_name = migration.app_label() + "." +
- if full_name in applied_migrations_lookup:
- applied_migration = applied_migrations_lookup[full_name]
- print(format_migration_list_item(, applied=applied_migration.applied, **options))
- else:
- print(format_migration_list_item(, applied=False, **options))
- print()
-def show_migration_changes(apps):
- """
- Prints a list of all available migrations, and which ones are currently applied.
- Accepts a list of Migrations instances.
- Much simpler, less clear, and much less robust version:
- grep "ing " migrations/*.py
- """
- for app in apps:
- print(app.app_label())
- # Get the migrations objects
- migrations = [migration for migration in app]
- # we use reduce to compare models in pairs, not to generate a value
- reduce(diff_migrations, migrations)
-def format_migration_list_item(name, applied=True, **options):
- if applied:
- if int(options.get('verbosity')) >= 2:
- return ' (*) %-80s (applied %s)' % (name, applied)
- else:
- return ' (*) %s' % name
- else:
- return ' ( ) %s' % name
-def diff_migrations(migration1, migration2):
- def model_name(models, model):
- return models[model].get('Meta', {}).get('object_name', model)
- def field_name(models, model, field):
- return '%s.%s' % (model_name(models, model), field)
- print(" " +
- models1 = migration1.migration_class().models
- models2 = migration2.migration_class().models
- # find new models
- for model in models2.keys():
- if not model in models1.keys():
- print(' added model %s' % model_name(models2, model))
- # find removed models
- for model in models1.keys():
- if not model in models2.keys():
- print(' removed model %s' % model_name(models1, model))
- # compare models
- for model in models1:
- if model in models2:
- # find added fields
- for field in models2[model]:
- if not field in models1[model]:
- print(' added field %s' % field_name(models2, model, field))
- # find removed fields
- for field in models1[model]:
- if not field in models2[model]:
- print(' removed field %s' % field_name(models1, model, field))
- # compare fields
- for field in models1[model]:
- if field in models2[model]:
- name = field_name(models1, model, field)
- # compare field attributes
- field_value1 = models1[model][field]
- field_value2 = models2[model][field]
- # if a field has become a class, or vice versa
- if type(field_value1) != type(field_value2):
- print(' type of %s changed from %s to %s' % (
- name, field_value1, field_value2))
- # if class
- elif isinstance(field_value1, dict):
- # print ' %s is a class' % name
- pass
- # else regular field
- else:
- type1, attr_list1, field_attrs1 = models1[model][field]
- type2, attr_list2, field_attrs2 = models2[model][field]
- if type1 != type2:
- print(' %s type changed from %s to %s' % (
- name, type1, type2))
- if attr_list1 != []:
- print(' %s list %s is not []' % (
- name, attr_list1))
- if attr_list2 != []:
- print(' %s list %s is not []' % (
- name, attr_list2))
- if attr_list1 != attr_list2:
- print(' %s list changed from %s to %s' % (
- name, attr_list1, attr_list2))
- # find added field attributes
- for attr in field_attrs2:
- if not attr in field_attrs1:
- print(' added %s attribute %s=%s' % (
- name, attr, field_attrs2[attr]))
- # find removed field attributes
- for attr in field_attrs1:
- if not attr in field_attrs2:
- print(' removed attribute %s(%s=%s)' % (
- name, attr, field_attrs1[attr]))
- # compare field attributes
- for attr in field_attrs1:
- if attr in field_attrs2:
- value1 = field_attrs1[attr]
- value2 = field_attrs2[attr]
- if value1 != value2:
- print(' %s attribute %s changed from %s to %s' % (
- name, attr, value1, value2))
- return migration2
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@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
-from import call_command, CommandError
-from import BaseCommand
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.db.models import loading
-from django.test import simple
-from south.migration import Migrations
-from south.exceptions import NoMigrations
-from south.hacks import hacks
-class Command(BaseCommand):
- help = "Runs migrations for each app in turn, detecting missing depends_on values."
- usage_str = "Usage: ./ migrationcheck"
- def handle(self, check_app_name=None, **options):
- runner = simple.DjangoTestSuiteRunner(verbosity=0)
- err_msg = "Failed to migrate %s; see output for hints at missing dependencies:\n"
- hacks.patch_flush_during_test_db_creation()
- failures = 0
- if check_app_name is None:
- app_names = settings.INSTALLED_APPS
- else:
- app_names = [check_app_name]
- for app_name in app_names:
- app_label = app_name.split(".")[-1]
- if app_name == 'south':
- continue
- try:
- Migrations(app_name)
- except (NoMigrations, ImproperlyConfigured):
- continue
- app = loading.get_app(app_label)
- verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1))
- if verbosity >= 1:
- self.stderr.write("processing %s\n" % app_name)
- old_config = runner.setup_databases()
- try:
- call_command('migrate', app_label, noinput=True, verbosity=verbosity)
- for model in loading.get_models(app):
- dummy = model._default_manager.exists()
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- failures += 1
- if verbosity >= 1:
- self.stderr.write(err_msg % app_name)
- self.stderr.write("%s\n" % e)
- finally:
- runner.teardown_databases(old_config)
- if failures > 0:
- raise CommandError("Missing depends_on found in %s app(s)." % failures)
- self.stderr.write("No missing depends_on found.\n")
-#for each app:
-# start with blank db.
-# syncdb only south (and contrib?)
-# migrate a single app all the way up. any errors is missing depends_on.
-# for all models of that app, try the default manager:
-# from django.db.models import loading
-# for m in loading.get_models(loading.get_app('a')):
-# m._default_manager.exists()
-# Any error is also a missing depends on.
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deleted file mode 100644
index efd4266..0000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-Startmigration command, version 2.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-import string
-import random
-import inspect
-from optparse import make_option
- set
-except NameError:
- from sets import Set as set
-from import BaseCommand
-from import no_style
-from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
-from django.db import models
-from django.conf import settings
-from south.migration import Migrations, migrate_app
-from south.models import MigrationHistory
-from south.exceptions import NoMigrations
-from south.creator import changes, actions, freezer
-from import Command as DataCommand
-class Command(DataCommand):
- option_list = DataCommand.option_list + (
- make_option('--add-model', action='append', dest='added_model_list', type='string',
- help='Generate a Create Table migration for the specified model. Add multiple models to this migration with subsequent --add-model parameters.'),
- make_option('--add-field', action='append', dest='added_field_list', type='string',
- help='Generate an Add Column migration for the specified modelname.fieldname - you can use this multiple times to add more than one column.'),
- make_option('--add-index', action='append', dest='added_index_list', type='string',
- help='Generate an Add Index migration for the specified modelname.fieldname - you can use this multiple times to add more than one column.'),
- make_option('--initial', action='store_true', dest='initial', default=False,
- help='Generate the initial schema for the app.'),
- make_option('--auto', action='store_true', dest='auto', default=False,
- help='Attempt to automatically detect differences from the last migration.'),
- make_option('--empty', action='store_true', dest='empty', default=False,
- help='Make a blank migration.'),
- make_option('--update', action='store_true', dest='update', default=False,
- help='Update the most recent migration instead of creating a new one. Rollback this migration if it is already applied.'),
- )
- help = "Creates a new template schema migration for the given app"
- usage_str = "Usage: ./ schemamigration appname migrationname [--empty] [--initial] [--auto] [--add-model ModelName] [--add-field ModelName.field_name] [--stdout]"
- def handle(self, app=None, name="", added_model_list=None, added_field_list=None, freeze_list=None, initial=False, auto=False, stdout=False, added_index_list=None, verbosity=1, empty=False, update=False, **options):
- # Any supposed lists that are None become empty lists
- added_model_list = added_model_list or []
- added_field_list = added_field_list or []
- added_index_list = added_index_list or []
- freeze_list = freeze_list or []
- # --stdout means name = -
- if stdout:
- name = "-"
- # Only allow valid names
- if'[^_\w]', name) and name != "-":
- self.error("Migration names should contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.")
- # Make sure options are compatable
- if initial and (added_model_list or added_field_list or auto):
- self.error("You cannot use --initial and other options together\n" + self.usage_str)
- if auto and (added_model_list or added_field_list or initial):
- self.error("You cannot use --auto and other options together\n" + self.usage_str)
- if not app:
- self.error("You must provide an app to create a migration for.\n" + self.usage_str)
- # See if the app exists
- app = app.split(".")[-1]
- try:
- app_module = models.get_app(app)
- except ImproperlyConfigured:
- print("There is no enabled application matching '%s'." % app)
- return
- # Get the Migrations for this app (creating the migrations dir if needed)
- migrations = Migrations(app, force_creation=True, verbose_creation=int(verbosity) > 0)
- # What actions do we need to do?
- if auto:
- # Get the old migration
- try:
- last_migration = migrations[-2 if update else -1]
- except IndexError:
- self.error("You cannot use --auto on an app with no migrations. Try --initial.")
- # Make sure it has stored models
- if migrations.app_label() not in getattr(last_migration.migration_class(), "complete_apps", []):
- self.error("You cannot use automatic detection, since the previous migration does not have this whole app frozen.\nEither make migrations using '--freeze %s' or set 'SOUTH_AUTO_FREEZE_APP = True' in your" % migrations.app_label())
- # Alright, construct two model dicts to run the differ on.
- old_defs = dict(
- (k, v) for k, v in last_migration.migration_class().models.items()
- if k.split(".")[0] == migrations.app_label()
- )
- new_defs = dict(
- (k, v) for k, v in freezer.freeze_apps([migrations.app_label()]).items()
- if k.split(".")[0] == migrations.app_label()
- )
- change_source = changes.AutoChanges(
- migrations = migrations,
- old_defs = old_defs,
- old_orm = last_migration.orm(),
- new_defs = new_defs,
- )
- elif initial:
- # Do an initial migration
- change_source = changes.InitialChanges(migrations)
- else:
- # Read the commands manually off of the arguments
- if (added_model_list or added_field_list or added_index_list):
- change_source = changes.ManualChanges(
- migrations,
- added_model_list,
- added_field_list,
- added_index_list,
- )
- elif empty:
- change_source = None
- else:
- print("You have not passed any of --initial, --auto, --empty, --add-model, --add-field or --add-index.", file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- # Validate this so we can access the last migration without worrying
- if update and not migrations:
- self.error("You cannot use --update on an app with no migrations.")
- # if not name, there's an error
- if not name:
- if change_source:
- name = change_source.suggest_name()
- if update:
- name = re.sub(r'^\d{4}_', '', migrations[-1].name())
- if not name:
- self.error("You must provide a name for this migration\n" + self.usage_str)
- # Get the actions, and then insert them into the actions lists
- forwards_actions = []
- backwards_actions = []
- if change_source:
- for action_name, params in change_source.get_changes():
- # Run the correct Action class
- try:
- action_class = getattr(actions, action_name)
- except AttributeError:
- raise ValueError("Invalid action name from source: %s" % action_name)
- else:
- action = action_class(**params)
- action.add_forwards(forwards_actions)
- action.add_backwards(backwards_actions)
- print(action.console_line(), file=sys.stderr)
- # Nowt happen? That's not good for --auto.
- if auto and not forwards_actions:
- self.error("Nothing seems to have changed.")
- # Work out which apps to freeze
- apps_to_freeze = self.calc_frozen_apps(migrations, freeze_list)
- # So, what's in this file, then?
- file_contents = self.get_migration_template() % {
- "forwards": "\n".join(forwards_actions or [" pass"]),
- "backwards": "\n".join(backwards_actions or [" pass"]),
- "frozen_models": freezer.freeze_apps_to_string(apps_to_freeze),
- "complete_apps": apps_to_freeze and "complete_apps = [%s]" % (", ".join(map(repr, apps_to_freeze))) or ""
- }
- # Deal with update mode as late as possible, avoid a rollback as long
- # as something else can go wrong.
- if update:
- last_migration = migrations[-1]
- if MigrationHistory.objects.filter(applied__isnull=False, app_name=app,
- print("Migration to be updated, %s, is already applied, rolling it back now..." %, file=sys.stderr)
- migrate_app(migrations, 'current-1', verbosity=verbosity)
- for ext in ('py', 'pyc'):
- old_filename = "%s.%s" % (os.path.join(migrations.migrations_dir(), last_migration.filename), ext)
- if os.path.isfile(old_filename):
- os.unlink(old_filename)
- migrations.remove(last_migration)
- # See what filename is next in line. We assume they use numbers.
- new_filename = migrations.next_filename(name)
- # - is a special name which means 'print to stdout'
- if name == "-":
- print(file_contents)
- # Write the migration file if the name isn't -
- else:
- fp = open(os.path.join(migrations.migrations_dir(), new_filename), "w")
- fp.write(file_contents)
- fp.close()
- verb = 'Updated' if update else 'Created'
- if empty:
- print("%s %s. You must now edit this migration and add the code for each direction." % (verb, new_filename), file=sys.stderr)
- else:
- print("%s %s. You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate %s" % (verb, new_filename, app), file=sys.stderr)
- def get_migration_template(self):
-MIGRATION_TEMPLATE = """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from south.utils import datetime_utils as datetime
-from south.db import db
-from south.v2 import SchemaMigration
-from django.db import models
-class Migration(SchemaMigration):
- def forwards(self, orm):
- def backwards(self, orm):
- models = %(frozen_models)s
- %(complete_apps)s"""
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index e4fcf45..0000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Now-obsolete startmigration command.
-from __future__ import print_function
-from optparse import make_option
-from import BaseCommand
-from import no_style
-class Command(BaseCommand):
- option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
- make_option('--model', action='append', dest='added_model_list', type='string',
- help='Generate a Create Table migration for the specified model. Add multiple models to this migration with subsequent --add-model parameters.'),
- make_option('--add-field', action='append', dest='added_field_list', type='string',
- help='Generate an Add Column migration for the specified modelname.fieldname - you can use this multiple times to add more than one column.'),
- make_option('--add-index', action='append', dest='added_index_list', type='string',
- help='Generate an Add Index migration for the specified modelname.fieldname - you can use this multiple times to add more than one column.'),
- make_option('--initial', action='store_true', dest='initial', default=False,
- help='Generate the initial schema for the app.'),
- make_option('--auto', action='store_true', dest='auto', default=False,
- help='Attempt to automatically detect differences from the last migration.'),
- make_option('--freeze', action='append', dest='freeze_list', type='string',
- help='Freeze the specified model(s). Pass in either an app name (to freeze the whole app) or a single model, as appname.modelname.'),
- make_option('--stdout', action='store_true', dest='stdout', default=False,
- help='Print the migration to stdout instead of writing it to a file.'),
- )
- help = "Deprecated command"
- def handle(self, app=None, name="", added_model_list=None, added_field_list=None, initial=False, freeze_list=None, auto=False, stdout=False, added_index_list=None, **options):
- print("The 'startmigration' command is now deprecated; please use the new 'schemamigration' and 'datamigration' commands.")
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index 17fc22c..0000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-Overridden syncdb command
-from __future__ import print_function
-import sys
-from optparse import make_option
-from import NoArgsCommand, BaseCommand
-from import no_style
-from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
-from import syncdb
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.db import models
-from django.db.models.loading import cache
-from django.core import management
-from south.db import dbs
-from south import migration
-from south.exceptions import NoMigrations
-def get_app_label(app):
- return '.'.join( app.__name__.split('.')[0:-1] )
-class Command(NoArgsCommand):
- option_list = syncdb.Command.option_list + (
- make_option('--migrate', action='store_true', dest='migrate', default=False,
- help='Tells South to also perform migrations after the sync. Default for during testing, and other internal calls.'),
- make_option('--all', action='store_true', dest='migrate_all', default=False,
- help='Makes syncdb work on all apps, even migrated ones. Be careful!'),
- )
- if '--verbosity' not in [opt.get_opt_string() for opt in syncdb.Command.option_list]:
- option_list += (
- make_option('--verbosity', action='store', dest='verbosity', default='1',
- type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2'],
- help='Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output'),
- )
- help = "Create the database tables for all apps in INSTALLED_APPS whose tables haven't already been created, except those which use migrations."
- def handle_noargs(self, migrate_all=False, **options):
- # Import the 'management' module within each installed app, to register
- # dispatcher events.
- # This is copied from Django, to fix bug #511.
- try:
- from django.utils.importlib import import_module
- except ImportError:
- pass # TODO: Remove, only for Django1.0
- else:
- for app_name in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
- try:
- import_module('.management', app_name)
- except ImportError as exc:
- msg = exc.args[0]
- if not msg.startswith('No module named') or 'management' not in msg:
- raise
- # Work out what uses migrations and so doesn't need syncing
- apps_needing_sync = []
- apps_migrated = []
- for app in models.get_apps():
- app_label = get_app_label(app)
- if migrate_all:
- apps_needing_sync.append(app_label)
- else:
- try:
- migrations = migration.Migrations(app_label)
- except NoMigrations:
- # It needs syncing
- apps_needing_sync.append(app_label)
- else:
- # This is a migrated app, leave it
- apps_migrated.append(app_label)
- verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 0))
- # Run syncdb on only the ones needed
- if verbosity:
- print("Syncing...")
- old_installed, settings.INSTALLED_APPS = settings.INSTALLED_APPS, apps_needing_sync
- old_app_store, cache.app_store = cache.app_store, SortedDict([
- (k, v) for (k, v) in cache.app_store.items()
- if get_app_label(k) in apps_needing_sync
- ])
- # This will allow the setting of the MySQL storage engine, for example.
- for db in dbs.values():
- db.connection_init()
- # OK, run the actual syncdb
- syncdb.Command().execute(**options)
- settings.INSTALLED_APPS = old_installed
- cache.app_store = old_app_store
- # Migrate if needed
- if options.get('migrate', True):
- if verbosity:
- print("Migrating...")
- # convert from store_true to store_false
- options['no_initial_data'] = not options.get('load_initial_data', True)
- management.call_command('migrate', **options)
- # Be obvious about what we did
- if verbosity:
- print("\nSynced:\n > %s" % "\n > ".join(apps_needing_sync))
- if options.get('migrate', True):
- if verbosity:
- print("\nMigrated:\n - %s" % "\n - ".join(apps_migrated))
- else:
- if verbosity:
- print("\nNot synced (use migrations):\n - %s" % "\n - ".join(apps_migrated))
- print("(use ./ migrate to migrate these)")
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-from import test
-from import patch_for_test_db_setup
-class Command(test.Command):
- def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
- patch_for_test_db_setup()
- super(Command, self).handle(*args, **kwargs)
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index 3c3c4b5..0000000
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@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-from import testserver
-from import patch_for_test_db_setup
-class Command(testserver.Command):
- def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
- patch_for_test_db_setup()
- super(Command, self).handle(*args, **kwargs)