path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/serial/
diff options
authorttt2017-05-13 00:29:47 +0530
committerttt2017-05-13 00:29:47 +0530
commitabf599be33b383a6a5baf9493093b2126a622ac8 (patch)
tree4c5ab6e0d935d5e65fabcf0258e4a00dd20a5afa /lib/python2.7/site-packages/serial/
added all server files
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/serial/')
1 files changed, 1323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/serial/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/serial/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2012ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/serial/
@@ -0,0 +1,1323 @@
+#! python
+# Python Serial Port Extension for Win32, Linux, BSD, Jython
+# see
+# This module implements a RFC2217 compatible client. RF2217 descibes a
+# protocol to access serial ports over TCP/IP and allows setting the baud rate,
+# modem control lines etc.
+# (C) 2001-2013 Chris Liechti <>
+# this is distributed under a free software license, see license.txt
+# TODO:
+# - setting control line -> answer is not checked (had problems with one of the
+# severs). consider implementing a compatibility mode flag to make check
+# conditional
+# - write timeout not implemented at all
+# observations and issues with servers
+# sredird V2.2.1
+# - sredird-2.2.2.tar.gz
+# - does not acknowledge SET_CONTROL (RTS/DTR) correctly, always responding
+# [105 1] instead of the actual value.
+# - SET_BAUDRATE answer contains 4 extra null bytes -> probably for larger
+# numbers than 2**32?
+# - To get the signature [COM_PORT_OPTION 0] has to be sent.
+# - run a server: while true; do nc -l -p 7000 -c "sredird debug /dev/ttyUSB0 /var/lock/sredir"; done
+# telnetcpcd (untested)
+# -
+# - To get the signature [COM_PORT_OPTION] w/o data has to be sent.
+# ser2net
+# - does not negotiate BINARY or COM_PORT_OPTION for his side but at least
+# acknowledges that the client activates these options
+# - The configuration may be that the server prints a banner. As this client
+# implementation does a flushInput on connect, this banner is hidden from
+# the user application.
+# - NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE: the poll interval of the server seems to be one
+# second.
+# - To get the signature [COM_PORT_OPTION 0] has to be sent.
+# - run a server: run ser2net daemon, in /etc/ser2net.conf:
+# 2000:telnet:0:/dev/ttyS0:9600 remctl banner
+# How to identify ports? pySerial might want to support other protocols in the
+# future, so lets use an URL scheme.
+# for RFC2217 compliant servers we will use this:
+# rfc2217://<host>:<port>[/option[/option...]]
+# options:
+# - "debug" print diagnostic messages
+# - "ign_set_control": do not look at the answers to SET_CONTROL
+# - "poll_modem": issue NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE requests when CTS/DTR/RI/CD is read.
+# Without this option it expects that the server sends notifications
+# automatically on change (which most servers do and is according to the
+# RFC).
+# the order of the options is not relevant
+from serial.serialutil import *
+import time
+import struct
+import socket
+import threading
+import Queue
+import logging
+# port string is expected to be something like this:
+# rfc2217://host:port
+# host may be an IP or including domain, whatever.
+# port is 0...65535
+# map log level names to constants. used in fromURL()
+ 'debug': logging.DEBUG,
+ 'info': logging.INFO,
+ 'warning': logging.WARNING,
+ 'error': logging.ERROR,
+ }
+# telnet protocol characters
+IAC = to_bytes([255]) # Interpret As Command
+DONT = to_bytes([254])
+DO = to_bytes([253])
+WONT = to_bytes([252])
+WILL = to_bytes([251])
+IAC_DOUBLED = to_bytes([IAC, IAC])
+SE = to_bytes([240]) # Subnegotiation End
+NOP = to_bytes([241]) # No Operation
+DM = to_bytes([242]) # Data Mark
+BRK = to_bytes([243]) # Break
+IP = to_bytes([244]) # Interrupt process
+AO = to_bytes([245]) # Abort output
+AYT = to_bytes([246]) # Are You There
+EC = to_bytes([247]) # Erase Character
+EL = to_bytes([248]) # Erase Line
+GA = to_bytes([249]) # Go Ahead
+SB = to_bytes([250]) # Subnegotiation Begin
+# selected telnet options
+BINARY = to_bytes([0]) # 8-bit data path
+ECHO = to_bytes([1]) # echo
+SGA = to_bytes([3]) # suppress go ahead
+# RFC2217
+COM_PORT_OPTION = to_bytes([44])
+# Client to Access Server
+SET_BAUDRATE = to_bytes([1])
+SET_DATASIZE = to_bytes([2])
+SET_PARITY = to_bytes([3])
+SET_STOPSIZE = to_bytes([4])
+SET_CONTROL = to_bytes([5])
+NOTIFY_LINESTATE = to_bytes([6])
+NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE = to_bytes([7])
+FLOWCONTROL_SUSPEND = to_bytes([8])
+FLOWCONTROL_RESUME = to_bytes([9])
+SET_LINESTATE_MASK = to_bytes([10])
+SET_MODEMSTATE_MASK = to_bytes([11])
+PURGE_DATA = to_bytes([12])
+SERVER_SET_BAUDRATE = to_bytes([101])
+SERVER_SET_DATASIZE = to_bytes([102])
+SERVER_SET_PARITY = to_bytes([103])
+SERVER_SET_STOPSIZE = to_bytes([104])
+SERVER_SET_CONTROL = to_bytes([105])
+SERVER_NOTIFY_LINESTATE = to_bytes([106])
+SERVER_SET_LINESTATE_MASK = to_bytes([110])
+SERVER_PURGE_DATA = to_bytes([112])
+SET_CONTROL_REQ_FLOW_SETTING = to_bytes([0]) # Request Com Port Flow Control Setting (outbound/both)
+SET_CONTROL_USE_NO_FLOW_CONTROL = to_bytes([1]) # Use No Flow Control (outbound/both)
+SET_CONTROL_USE_SW_FLOW_CONTROL = to_bytes([2]) # Use XON/XOFF Flow Control (outbound/both)
+SET_CONTROL_USE_HW_FLOW_CONTROL = to_bytes([3]) # Use HARDWARE Flow Control (outbound/both)
+SET_CONTROL_REQ_BREAK_STATE = to_bytes([4]) # Request BREAK State
+SET_CONTROL_BREAK_ON = to_bytes([5]) # Set BREAK State ON
+SET_CONTROL_BREAK_OFF = to_bytes([6]) # Set BREAK State OFF
+SET_CONTROL_REQ_DTR = to_bytes([7]) # Request DTR Signal State
+SET_CONTROL_DTR_ON = to_bytes([8]) # Set DTR Signal State ON
+SET_CONTROL_DTR_OFF = to_bytes([9]) # Set DTR Signal State OFF
+SET_CONTROL_REQ_RTS = to_bytes([10]) # Request RTS Signal State
+SET_CONTROL_RTS_ON = to_bytes([11]) # Set RTS Signal State ON
+SET_CONTROL_RTS_OFF = to_bytes([12]) # Set RTS Signal State OFF
+SET_CONTROL_REQ_FLOW_SETTING_IN = to_bytes([13]) # Request Com Port Flow Control Setting (inbound)
+SET_CONTROL_USE_NO_FLOW_CONTROL_IN = to_bytes([14]) # Use No Flow Control (inbound)
+SET_CONTROL_USE_SW_FLOW_CONTOL_IN = to_bytes([15]) # Use XON/XOFF Flow Control (inbound)
+SET_CONTROL_USE_HW_FLOW_CONTOL_IN = to_bytes([16]) # Use HARDWARE Flow Control (inbound)
+SET_CONTROL_USE_DCD_FLOW_CONTROL = to_bytes([17]) # Use DCD Flow Control (outbound/both)
+SET_CONTROL_USE_DTR_FLOW_CONTROL = to_bytes([18]) # Use DTR Flow Control (inbound)
+SET_CONTROL_USE_DSR_FLOW_CONTROL = to_bytes([19]) # Use DSR Flow Control (outbound/both)
+LINESTATE_MASK_TIMEOUT = 128 # Time-out Error
+LINESTATE_MASK_SHIFTREG_EMPTY = 64 # Transfer Shift Register Empty
+LINESTATE_MASK_TRANSREG_EMPTY = 32 # Transfer Holding Register Empty
+LINESTATE_MASK_BREAK_DETECT = 16 # Break-detect Error
+MODEMSTATE_MASK_CD = 128 # Receive Line Signal Detect (also known as Carrier Detect)
+MODEMSTATE_MASK_RI = 64 # Ring Indicator
+MODEMSTATE_MASK_DSR = 32 # Data-Set-Ready Signal State
+MODEMSTATE_MASK_CTS = 16 # Clear-To-Send Signal State
+MODEMSTATE_MASK_CD_CHANGE = 8 # Delta Receive Line Signal Detect
+MODEMSTATE_MASK_RI_CHANGE = 4 # Trailing-edge Ring Detector
+MODEMSTATE_MASK_DSR_CHANGE = 2 # Delta Data-Set-Ready
+PURGE_RECEIVE_BUFFER = to_bytes([1]) # Purge access server receive data buffer
+PURGE_TRANSMIT_BUFFER = to_bytes([2]) # Purge access server transmit data buffer
+PURGE_BOTH_BUFFERS = to_bytes([3]) # Purge both the access server receive data buffer and the access server transmit data buffer
+RFC2217_REVERSE_PARITY_MAP = dict((v,k) for k,v in RFC2217_PARITY_MAP.items())
+RFC2217_REVERSE_STOPBIT_MAP = dict((v,k) for k,v in RFC2217_STOPBIT_MAP.items())
+# Telnet filter states
+# TelnetOption and TelnetSubnegotiation states
+class TelnetOption(object):
+ """Manage a single telnet option, keeps track of DO/DONT WILL/WONT."""
+ def __init__(self, connection, name, option, send_yes, send_no, ack_yes, ack_no, initial_state, activation_callback=None):
+ """\
+ Initialize option.
+ :param connection: connection used to transmit answers
+ :param name: a readable name for debug outputs
+ :param send_yes: what to send when option is to be enabled.
+ :param send_no: what to send when option is to be disabled.
+ :param ack_yes: what to expect when remote agrees on option.
+ :param ack_no: what to expect when remote disagrees on option.
+ :param initial_state: options initialized with REQUESTED are tried to
+ be enabled on startup. use INACTIVE for all others.
+ """
+ self.connection = connection
+ = name
+ self.option = option
+ self.send_yes = send_yes
+ self.send_no = send_no
+ self.ack_yes = ack_yes
+ self.ack_no = ack_no
+ self.state = initial_state
+ = False
+ self.activation_callback = activation_callback
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """String for debug outputs"""
+ return "%s:%s(%s)" % (,, self.state)
+ def process_incoming(self, command):
+ """A DO/DONT/WILL/WONT was received for this option, update state and
+ answer when needed."""
+ if command == self.ack_yes:
+ if self.state is REQUESTED:
+ self.state = ACTIVE
+ = True
+ if self.activation_callback is not None:
+ self.activation_callback()
+ elif self.state is ACTIVE:
+ pass
+ elif self.state is INACTIVE:
+ self.state = ACTIVE
+ self.connection.telnetSendOption(self.send_yes, self.option)
+ = True
+ if self.activation_callback is not None:
+ self.activation_callback()
+ elif self.state is REALLY_INACTIVE:
+ self.connection.telnetSendOption(self.send_no, self.option)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('option in illegal state %r' % self)
+ elif command == self.ack_no:
+ if self.state is REQUESTED:
+ self.state = INACTIVE
+ = False
+ elif self.state is ACTIVE:
+ self.state = INACTIVE
+ self.connection.telnetSendOption(self.send_no, self.option)
+ = False
+ elif self.state is INACTIVE:
+ pass
+ elif self.state is REALLY_INACTIVE:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('option in illegal state %r' % self)
+class TelnetSubnegotiation(object):
+ """\
+ A object to handle subnegotiation of options. In this case actually
+ sub-sub options for RFC 2217. It is used to track com port options.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, connection, name, option, ack_option=None):
+ if ack_option is None: ack_option = option
+ self.connection = connection
+ = name
+ self.option = option
+ self.value = None
+ self.ack_option = ack_option
+ self.state = INACTIVE
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """String for debug outputs."""
+ return "%s:%s" % (, self.state)
+ def set(self, value):
+ """\
+ request a change of the value. a request is sent to the server. if
+ the client needs to know if the change is performed he has to check the
+ state of this object.
+ """
+ self.value = value
+ self.state = REQUESTED
+ self.connection.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(self.option, self.value)
+ if self.connection.logger:
+ self.connection.logger.debug("SB Requesting %s -> %r" % (, self.value))
+ def isReady(self):
+ """\
+ check if answer from server has been received. when server rejects
+ the change, raise a ValueError.
+ """
+ if self.state == REALLY_INACTIVE:
+ raise ValueError("remote rejected value for option %r" % (
+ return self.state == ACTIVE
+ # add property to have a similar interface as TelnetOption
+ active = property(isReady)
+ def wait(self, timeout=3):
+ """\
+ wait until the subnegotiation has been acknowledged or timeout. It
+ can also throw a value error when the answer from the server does not
+ match the value sent.
+ """
+ timeout_time = time.time() + timeout
+ while time.time() < timeout_time:
+ time.sleep(0.05) # prevent 100% CPU load
+ if self.isReady():
+ break
+ else:
+ raise SerialException("timeout while waiting for option %r" % (
+ def checkAnswer(self, suboption):
+ """\
+ check an incoming subnegotiation block. the parameter already has
+ cut off the header like sub option number and com port option value.
+ """
+ if self.value == suboption[:len(self.value)]:
+ self.state = ACTIVE
+ else:
+ # error propagation done in isReady
+ self.state = REALLY_INACTIVE
+ if self.connection.logger:
+ self.connection.logger.debug("SB Answer %s -> %r -> %s" % (, suboption, self.state))
+class RFC2217Serial(SerialBase):
+ """Serial port implementation for RFC 2217 remote serial ports."""
+ BAUDRATES = (50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,
+ 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200)
+ def open(self):
+ """\
+ Open port with current settings. This may throw a SerialException
+ if the port cannot be opened.
+ """
+ self.logger = None
+ self._ignore_set_control_answer = False
+ self._poll_modem_state = False
+ self._network_timeout = 3
+ if self._port is None:
+ raise SerialException("Port must be configured before it can be used.")
+ if self._isOpen:
+ raise SerialException("Port is already open.")
+ try:
+ self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self._socket.connect(self.fromURL(self.portstr))
+ self._socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
+ except Exception, msg:
+ self._socket = None
+ raise SerialException("Could not open port %s: %s" % (self.portstr, msg))
+ self._socket.settimeout(5) # XXX good value?
+ # use a thread save queue as buffer. it also simplifies implementing
+ # the read timeout
+ self._read_buffer = Queue.Queue()
+ # to ensure that user writes does not interfere with internal
+ # telnet/rfc2217 options establish a lock
+ self._write_lock = threading.Lock()
+ # name the following separately so that, below, a check can be easily done
+ mandadory_options = [
+ TelnetOption(self, 'we-BINARY', BINARY, WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, INACTIVE),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'we-RFC2217', COM_PORT_OPTION, WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, REQUESTED),
+ ]
+ # all supported telnet options
+ self._telnet_options = [
+ TelnetOption(self, 'ECHO', ECHO, DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, REQUESTED),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'we-SGA', SGA, WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, REQUESTED),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'they-SGA', SGA, DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, REQUESTED),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'they-BINARY', BINARY, DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, INACTIVE),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'they-RFC2217', COM_PORT_OPTION, DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, REQUESTED),
+ ] + mandadory_options
+ # RFC 2217 specific states
+ # COM port settings
+ self._rfc2217_port_settings = {
+ 'baudrate': TelnetSubnegotiation(self, 'baudrate', SET_BAUDRATE, SERVER_SET_BAUDRATE),
+ 'datasize': TelnetSubnegotiation(self, 'datasize', SET_DATASIZE, SERVER_SET_DATASIZE),
+ 'parity': TelnetSubnegotiation(self, 'parity', SET_PARITY, SERVER_SET_PARITY),
+ 'stopsize': TelnetSubnegotiation(self, 'stopsize', SET_STOPSIZE, SERVER_SET_STOPSIZE),
+ }
+ # There are more subnegotiation objects, combine all in one dictionary
+ # for easy access
+ self._rfc2217_options = {
+ 'purge': TelnetSubnegotiation(self, 'purge', PURGE_DATA, SERVER_PURGE_DATA),
+ 'control': TelnetSubnegotiation(self, 'control', SET_CONTROL, SERVER_SET_CONTROL),
+ }
+ self._rfc2217_options.update(self._rfc2217_port_settings)
+ # cache for line and modem states that the server sends to us
+ self._linestate = 0
+ self._modemstate = None
+ self._modemstate_expires = 0
+ # RFC 2217 flow control between server and client
+ self._remote_suspend_flow = False
+ self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._telnetReadLoop)
+ self._thread.setDaemon(True)
+ self._thread.setName('pySerial RFC 2217 reader thread for %s' % (self._port,))
+ self._thread.start()
+ # negotiate Telnet/RFC 2217 -> send initial requests
+ for option in self._telnet_options:
+ if option.state is REQUESTED:
+ self.telnetSendOption(option.send_yes, option.option)
+ # now wait until important options are negotiated
+ timeout_time = time.time() + self._network_timeout
+ while time.time() < timeout_time:
+ time.sleep(0.05) # prevent 100% CPU load
+ if sum( for o in mandadory_options) == len(mandadory_options):
+ break
+ else:
+ raise SerialException("Remote does not seem to support RFC2217 or BINARY mode %r" % mandadory_options)
+ if self.logger:
+"Negotiated options: %s" % self._telnet_options)
+ # fine, go on, set RFC 2271 specific things
+ self._reconfigurePort()
+ # all things set up get, now a clean start
+ self._isOpen = True
+ if not self._rtscts:
+ self.setRTS(True)
+ self.setDTR(True)
+ self.flushInput()
+ self.flushOutput()
+ def _reconfigurePort(self):
+ """Set communication parameters on opened port."""
+ if self._socket is None:
+ raise SerialException("Can only operate on open ports")
+ # if self._timeout != 0 and self._interCharTimeout is not None:
+ # XXX
+ if self._writeTimeout is not None:
+ raise NotImplementedError('writeTimeout is currently not supported')
+ # XXX
+ # Setup the connection
+ # to get good performance, all parameter changes are sent first...
+ if not isinstance(self._baudrate, (int, long)) or not 0 < self._baudrate < 2**32:
+ raise ValueError("invalid baudrate: %r" % (self._baudrate))
+ self._rfc2217_port_settings['baudrate'].set(struct.pack('!I', self._baudrate))
+ self._rfc2217_port_settings['datasize'].set(struct.pack('!B', self._bytesize))
+ self._rfc2217_port_settings['parity'].set(struct.pack('!B', RFC2217_PARITY_MAP[self._parity]))
+ self._rfc2217_port_settings['stopsize'].set(struct.pack('!B', RFC2217_STOPBIT_MAP[self._stopbits]))
+ # and now wait until parameters are active
+ items = self._rfc2217_port_settings.values()
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.debug("Negotiating settings: %s" % (items,))
+ timeout_time = time.time() + self._network_timeout
+ while time.time() < timeout_time:
+ time.sleep(0.05) # prevent 100% CPU load
+ if sum( for o in items) == len(items):
+ break
+ else:
+ raise SerialException("Remote does not accept parameter change (RFC2217): %r" % items)
+ if self.logger:
+"Negotiated settings: %s" % (items,))
+ if self._rtscts and self._xonxoff:
+ raise ValueError('xonxoff and rtscts together are not supported')
+ elif self._rtscts:
+ self.rfc2217SetControl(SET_CONTROL_USE_HW_FLOW_CONTROL)
+ elif self._xonxoff:
+ self.rfc2217SetControl(SET_CONTROL_USE_SW_FLOW_CONTROL)
+ else:
+ self.rfc2217SetControl(SET_CONTROL_USE_NO_FLOW_CONTROL)
+ def close(self):
+ """Close port"""
+ if self._isOpen:
+ if self._socket:
+ try:
+ self._socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
+ self._socket.close()
+ except:
+ # ignore errors.
+ pass
+ self._socket = None
+ if self._thread:
+ self._thread.join()
+ self._isOpen = False
+ # in case of quick reconnects, give the server some time
+ time.sleep(0.3)
+ def makeDeviceName(self, port):
+ raise SerialException("there is no sensible way to turn numbers into URLs")
+ def fromURL(self, url):
+ """extract host and port from an URL string"""
+ if url.lower().startswith("rfc2217://"): url = url[10:]
+ try:
+ # is there a "path" (our options)?
+ if '/' in url:
+ # cut away options
+ url, options = url.split('/', 1)
+ # process options now, directly altering self
+ for option in options.split('/'):
+ if '=' in option:
+ option, value = option.split('=', 1)
+ else:
+ value = None
+ if option == 'logging':
+ logging.basicConfig() # XXX is that good to call it here?
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('pySerial.rfc2217')
+ self.logger.setLevel(LOGGER_LEVELS[value])
+ self.logger.debug('enabled logging')
+ elif option == 'ign_set_control':
+ self._ignore_set_control_answer = True
+ elif option == 'poll_modem':
+ self._poll_modem_state = True
+ elif option == 'timeout':
+ self._network_timeout = float(value)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('unknown option: %r' % (option,))
+ # get host and port
+ host, port = url.split(':', 1) # may raise ValueError because of unpacking
+ port = int(port) # and this if it's not a number
+ if not 0 <= port < 65536: raise ValueError("port not in range 0...65535")
+ except ValueError, e:
+ raise SerialException('expected a string in the form "[rfc2217://]<host>:<port>[/option[/option...]]": %s' % e)
+ return (host, port)
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ def inWaiting(self):
+ """Return the number of characters currently in the input buffer."""
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ return self._read_buffer.qsize()
+ def read(self, size=1):
+ """\
+ Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
+ return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
+ until the requested number of bytes is read.
+ """
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ data = bytearray()
+ try:
+ while len(data) < size:
+ if self._thread is None:
+ raise SerialException('connection failed (reader thread died)')
+ data.append(self._read_buffer.get(True, self._timeout))
+ except Queue.Empty: # -> timeout
+ pass
+ return bytes(data)
+ def write(self, data):
+ """\
+ Output the given string over the serial port. Can block if the
+ connection is blocked. May raise SerialException if the connection is
+ closed.
+ """
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ self._write_lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ try:
+ self._socket.sendall(to_bytes(data).replace(IAC, IAC_DOUBLED))
+ except socket.error, e:
+ raise SerialException("connection failed (socket error): %s" % e) # XXX what exception if socket connection fails
+ finally:
+ self._write_lock.release()
+ return len(data)
+ def flushInput(self):
+ """Clear input buffer, discarding all that is in the buffer."""
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ self.rfc2217SendPurge(PURGE_RECEIVE_BUFFER)
+ # empty read buffer
+ while self._read_buffer.qsize():
+ self._read_buffer.get(False)
+ def flushOutput(self):
+ """\
+ Clear output buffer, aborting the current output and
+ discarding all that is in the buffer.
+ """
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ self.rfc2217SendPurge(PURGE_TRANSMIT_BUFFER)
+ def sendBreak(self, duration=0.25):
+ """Send break condition. Timed, returns to idle state after given
+ duration."""
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ self.setBreak(True)
+ time.sleep(duration)
+ self.setBreak(False)
+ def setBreak(self, level=True):
+ """\
+ Set break: Controls TXD. When active, to transmitting is
+ possible.
+ """
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ if self.logger:
+'set BREAK to %s' % ('inactive', 'active')[bool(level)])
+ if level:
+ self.rfc2217SetControl(SET_CONTROL_BREAK_ON)
+ else:
+ self.rfc2217SetControl(SET_CONTROL_BREAK_OFF)
+ def setRTS(self, level=True):
+ """Set terminal status line: Request To Send."""
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ if self.logger:
+'set RTS to %s' % ('inactive', 'active')[bool(level)])
+ if level:
+ self.rfc2217SetControl(SET_CONTROL_RTS_ON)
+ else:
+ self.rfc2217SetControl(SET_CONTROL_RTS_OFF)
+ def setDTR(self, level=True):
+ """Set terminal status line: Data Terminal Ready."""
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ if self.logger:
+'set DTR to %s' % ('inactive', 'active')[bool(level)])
+ if level:
+ self.rfc2217SetControl(SET_CONTROL_DTR_ON)
+ else:
+ self.rfc2217SetControl(SET_CONTROL_DTR_OFF)
+ def getCTS(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Clear To Send."""
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ return bool(self.getModemState() & MODEMSTATE_MASK_CTS)
+ def getDSR(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Data Set Ready."""
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ return bool(self.getModemState() & MODEMSTATE_MASK_DSR)
+ def getRI(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Ring Indicator."""
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ return bool(self.getModemState() & MODEMSTATE_MASK_RI)
+ def getCD(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Carrier Detect."""
+ if not self._isOpen: raise portNotOpenError
+ return bool(self.getModemState() & MODEMSTATE_MASK_CD)
+ # - - - platform specific - - -
+ # None so far
+ # - - - RFC2217 specific - - -
+ def _telnetReadLoop(self):
+ """read loop for the socket."""
+ mode = M_NORMAL
+ suboption = None
+ try:
+ while self._socket is not None:
+ try:
+ data = self._socket.recv(1024)
+ except socket.timeout:
+ # just need to get out of recv form time to time to check if
+ # still alive
+ continue
+ except socket.error, e:
+ # connection fails -> terminate loop
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.debug("socket error in reader thread: %s" % (e,))
+ break
+ if not data: break # lost connection
+ for byte in data:
+ if mode == M_NORMAL:
+ # interpret as command or as data
+ if byte == IAC:
+ mode = M_IAC_SEEN
+ else:
+ # store data in read buffer or sub option buffer
+ # depending on state
+ if suboption is not None:
+ suboption.append(byte)
+ else:
+ self._read_buffer.put(byte)
+ elif mode == M_IAC_SEEN:
+ if byte == IAC:
+ # interpret as command doubled -> insert character
+ # itself
+ if suboption is not None:
+ suboption.append(IAC)
+ else:
+ self._read_buffer.put(IAC)
+ mode = M_NORMAL
+ elif byte == SB:
+ # sub option start
+ suboption = bytearray()
+ mode = M_NORMAL
+ elif byte == SE:
+ # sub option end -> process it now
+ self._telnetProcessSubnegotiation(bytes(suboption))
+ suboption = None
+ mode = M_NORMAL
+ elif byte in (DO, DONT, WILL, WONT):
+ # negotiation
+ telnet_command = byte
+ mode = M_NEGOTIATE
+ else:
+ # other telnet commands
+ self._telnetProcessCommand(byte)
+ mode = M_NORMAL
+ elif mode == M_NEGOTIATE: # DO, DONT, WILL, WONT was received, option now following
+ self._telnetNegotiateOption(telnet_command, byte)
+ mode = M_NORMAL
+ finally:
+ self._thread = None
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.debug("read thread terminated")
+ # - incoming telnet commands and options
+ def _telnetProcessCommand(self, command):
+ """Process commands other than DO, DONT, WILL, WONT."""
+ # Currently none. RFC2217 only uses negotiation and subnegotiation.
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning("ignoring Telnet command: %r" % (command,))
+ def _telnetNegotiateOption(self, command, option):
+ """Process incoming DO, DONT, WILL, WONT."""
+ # check our registered telnet options and forward command to them
+ # they know themselves if they have to answer or not
+ known = False
+ for item in self._telnet_options:
+ # can have more than one match! as some options are duplicated for
+ # 'us' and 'them'
+ if item.option == option:
+ item.process_incoming(command)
+ known = True
+ if not known:
+ # handle unknown options
+ # only answer to positive requests and deny them
+ if command == WILL or command == DO:
+ self.telnetSendOption((command == WILL and DONT or WONT), option)
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning("rejected Telnet option: %r" % (option,))
+ def _telnetProcessSubnegotiation(self, suboption):
+ """Process subnegotiation, the data between IAC SB and IAC SE."""
+ if suboption[0:1] == COM_PORT_OPTION:
+ if suboption[1:2] == SERVER_NOTIFY_LINESTATE and len(suboption) >= 3:
+ self._linestate = ord(suboption[2:3]) # ensure it is a number
+ if self.logger:
+"NOTIFY_LINESTATE: %s" % self._linestate)
+ elif suboption[1:2] == SERVER_NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE and len(suboption) >= 3:
+ self._modemstate = ord(suboption[2:3]) # ensure it is a number
+ if self.logger:
+"NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE: %s" % self._modemstate)
+ # update time when we think that a poll would make sense
+ self._modemstate_expires = time.time() + 0.3
+ elif suboption[1:2] == FLOWCONTROL_SUSPEND:
+ self._remote_suspend_flow = True
+ elif suboption[1:2] == FLOWCONTROL_RESUME:
+ self._remote_suspend_flow = False
+ else:
+ for item in self._rfc2217_options.values():
+ if item.ack_option == suboption[1:2]:
+ #~ print "processing COM_PORT_OPTION: %r" % list(suboption[1:])
+ item.checkAnswer(bytes(suboption[2:]))
+ break
+ else:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning("ignoring COM_PORT_OPTION: %r" % (suboption,))
+ else:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning("ignoring subnegotiation: %r" % (suboption,))
+ # - outgoing telnet commands and options
+ def _internal_raw_write(self, data):
+ """internal socket write with no data escaping. used to send telnet stuff."""
+ self._write_lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ self._socket.sendall(data)
+ finally:
+ self._write_lock.release()
+ def telnetSendOption(self, action, option):
+ """Send DO, DONT, WILL, WONT."""
+ self._internal_raw_write(to_bytes([IAC, action, option]))
+ def rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(self, option, value=''):
+ """Subnegotiation of RFC2217 parameters."""
+ value = value.replace(IAC, IAC_DOUBLED)
+ self._internal_raw_write(to_bytes([IAC, SB, COM_PORT_OPTION, option] + list(value) + [IAC, SE]))
+ def rfc2217SendPurge(self, value):
+ item = self._rfc2217_options['purge']
+ item.set(value) # transmit desired purge type
+ item.wait(self._network_timeout) # wait for acknowledge from the server
+ def rfc2217SetControl(self, value):
+ item = self._rfc2217_options['control']
+ item.set(value) # transmit desired control type
+ if self._ignore_set_control_answer:
+ # answers are ignored when option is set. compatibility mode for
+ # servers that answer, but not the expected one... (or no answer
+ # at all) i.e. sredird
+ time.sleep(0.1) # this helps getting the unit tests passed
+ else:
+ item.wait(self._network_timeout) # wait for acknowledge from the server
+ def rfc2217FlowServerReady(self):
+ """\
+ check if server is ready to receive data. block for some time when
+ not.
+ """
+ #~ if self._remote_suspend_flow:
+ #~ wait---
+ def getModemState(self):
+ """\
+ get last modem state (cached value. if value is "old", request a new
+ one. this cache helps that we don't issue to many requests when e.g. all
+ status lines, one after the other is queried by te user (getCTS, getDSR
+ etc.)
+ """
+ # active modem state polling enabled? is the value fresh enough?
+ if self._poll_modem_state and self._modemstate_expires < time.time():
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.debug('polling modem state')
+ # when it is older, request an update
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE)
+ timeout_time = time.time() + self._network_timeout
+ while time.time() < timeout_time:
+ time.sleep(0.05) # prevent 100% CPU load
+ # when expiration time is updated, it means that there is a new
+ # value
+ if self._modemstate_expires > time.time():
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning('poll for modem state failed')
+ break
+ # even when there is a timeout, do not generate an error just
+ # return the last known value. this way we can support buggy
+ # servers that do not respond to polls, but send automatic
+ # updates.
+ if self._modemstate is not None:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.debug('using cached modem state')
+ return self._modemstate
+ else:
+ # never received a notification from the server
+ raise SerialException("remote sends no NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE")
+# assemble Serial class with the platform specific implementation and the base
+# for file-like behavior. for Python 2.6 and newer, that provide the new I/O
+# library, derive from io.RawIOBase
+ import io
+except ImportError:
+ # classic version with our own file-like emulation
+ class Serial(RFC2217Serial, FileLike):
+ pass
+ # io library present
+ class Serial(RFC2217Serial, io.RawIOBase):
+ pass
+# The following is code that helps implementing an RFC 2217 server.
+class PortManager(object):
+ """\
+ This class manages the state of Telnet and RFC 2217. It needs a serial
+ instance and a connection to work with. Connection is expected to implement
+ a (thread safe) write function, that writes the string to the network.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, serial_port, connection, logger=None):
+ self.serial = serial_port
+ self.connection = connection
+ self.logger = logger
+ self._client_is_rfc2217 = False
+ # filter state machine
+ self.mode = M_NORMAL
+ self.suboption = None
+ self.telnet_command = None
+ # states for modem/line control events
+ self.modemstate_mask = 255
+ self.last_modemstate = None
+ self.linstate_mask = 0
+ # all supported telnet options
+ self._telnet_options = [
+ TelnetOption(self, 'ECHO', ECHO, WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, REQUESTED),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'we-SGA', SGA, WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, REQUESTED),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'they-SGA', SGA, DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, INACTIVE),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'we-BINARY', BINARY, WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, INACTIVE),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'they-BINARY', BINARY, DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, REQUESTED),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'we-RFC2217', COM_PORT_OPTION, WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, REQUESTED, self._client_ok),
+ TelnetOption(self, 'they-RFC2217', COM_PORT_OPTION, DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, INACTIVE, self._client_ok),
+ ]
+ # negotiate Telnet/RFC2217 -> send initial requests
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.debug("requesting initial Telnet/RFC 2217 options")
+ for option in self._telnet_options:
+ if option.state is REQUESTED:
+ self.telnetSendOption(option.send_yes, option.option)
+ # issue 1st modem state notification
+ def _client_ok(self):
+ """\
+ callback of telnet option. it gets called when option is activated.
+ this one here is used to detect when the client agrees on RFC 2217. a
+ flag is set so that other functions like check_modem_lines know if the
+ client is ok.
+ """
+ # The callback is used for we and they so if one party agrees, we're
+ # already happy. it seems not all servers do the negotiation correctly
+ # and i guess there are incorrect clients too.. so be happy if client
+ # answers one or the other positively.
+ self._client_is_rfc2217 = True
+ if self.logger:
+"client accepts RFC 2217")
+ # this is to ensure that the client gets a notification, even if there
+ # was no change
+ self.check_modem_lines(force_notification=True)
+ # - outgoing telnet commands and options
+ def telnetSendOption(self, action, option):
+ """Send DO, DONT, WILL, WONT."""
+ self.connection.write(to_bytes([IAC, action, option]))
+ def rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(self, option, value=''):
+ """Subnegotiation of RFC 2217 parameters."""
+ value = value.replace(IAC, IAC_DOUBLED)
+ self.connection.write(to_bytes([IAC, SB, COM_PORT_OPTION, option] + list(value) + [IAC, SE]))
+ # - check modem lines, needs to be called periodically from user to
+ # establish polling
+ def check_modem_lines(self, force_notification=False):
+ modemstate = (
+ (self.serial.getCTS() and MODEMSTATE_MASK_CTS) |
+ (self.serial.getDSR() and MODEMSTATE_MASK_DSR) |
+ (self.serial.getRI() and MODEMSTATE_MASK_RI) |
+ (self.serial.getCD() and MODEMSTATE_MASK_CD)
+ )
+ # check what has changed
+ deltas = modemstate ^ (self.last_modemstate or 0) # when last is None -> 0
+ if deltas & MODEMSTATE_MASK_CTS:
+ if deltas & MODEMSTATE_MASK_DSR:
+ if deltas & MODEMSTATE_MASK_RI:
+ if deltas & MODEMSTATE_MASK_CD:
+ # if new state is different and the mask allows this change, send
+ # notification. suppress notifications when client is not rfc2217
+ if modemstate != self.last_modemstate or force_notification:
+ if (self._client_is_rfc2217 and (modemstate & self.modemstate_mask)) or force_notification:
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(
+ to_bytes([modemstate & self.modemstate_mask])
+ )
+ if self.logger:
+"NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE: %s" % (modemstate,))
+ # save last state, but forget about deltas.
+ # otherwise it would also notify about changing deltas which is
+ # probably not very useful
+ self.last_modemstate = modemstate & 0xf0
+ # - outgoing data escaping
+ def escape(self, data):
+ """\
+ this generator function is for the user. all outgoing data has to be
+ properly escaped, so that no IAC character in the data stream messes up
+ the Telnet state machine in the server.
+ socket.sendall(escape(data))
+ """
+ for byte in data:
+ if byte == IAC:
+ yield IAC
+ yield IAC
+ else:
+ yield byte
+ # - incoming data filter
+ def filter(self, data):
+ """\
+ handle a bunch of incoming bytes. this is a generator. it will yield
+ all characters not of interest for Telnet/RFC 2217.
+ The idea is that the reader thread pushes data from the socket through
+ this filter:
+ for byte in filter(socket.recv(1024)):
+ # do things like CR/LF conversion/whatever
+ # and write data to the serial port
+ serial.write(byte)
+ (socket error handling code left as exercise for the reader)
+ """
+ for byte in data:
+ if self.mode == M_NORMAL:
+ # interpret as command or as data
+ if byte == IAC:
+ self.mode = M_IAC_SEEN
+ else:
+ # store data in sub option buffer or pass it to our
+ # consumer depending on state
+ if self.suboption is not None:
+ self.suboption.append(byte)
+ else:
+ yield byte
+ elif self.mode == M_IAC_SEEN:
+ if byte == IAC:
+ # interpret as command doubled -> insert character
+ # itself
+ if self.suboption is not None:
+ self.suboption.append(byte)
+ else:
+ yield byte
+ self.mode = M_NORMAL
+ elif byte == SB:
+ # sub option start
+ self.suboption = bytearray()
+ self.mode = M_NORMAL
+ elif byte == SE:
+ # sub option end -> process it now
+ self._telnetProcessSubnegotiation(bytes(self.suboption))
+ self.suboption = None
+ self.mode = M_NORMAL
+ elif byte in (DO, DONT, WILL, WONT):
+ # negotiation
+ self.telnet_command = byte
+ self.mode = M_NEGOTIATE
+ else:
+ # other telnet commands
+ self._telnetProcessCommand(byte)
+ self.mode = M_NORMAL
+ elif self.mode == M_NEGOTIATE: # DO, DONT, WILL, WONT was received, option now following
+ self._telnetNegotiateOption(self.telnet_command, byte)
+ self.mode = M_NORMAL
+ # - incoming telnet commands and options
+ def _telnetProcessCommand(self, command):
+ """Process commands other than DO, DONT, WILL, WONT."""
+ # Currently none. RFC2217 only uses negotiation and subnegotiation.
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning("ignoring Telnet command: %r" % (command,))
+ def _telnetNegotiateOption(self, command, option):
+ """Process incoming DO, DONT, WILL, WONT."""
+ # check our registered telnet options and forward command to them
+ # they know themselves if they have to answer or not
+ known = False
+ for item in self._telnet_options:
+ # can have more than one match! as some options are duplicated for
+ # 'us' and 'them'
+ if item.option == option:
+ item.process_incoming(command)
+ known = True
+ if not known:
+ # handle unknown options
+ # only answer to positive requests and deny them
+ if command == WILL or command == DO:
+ self.telnetSendOption((command == WILL and DONT or WONT), option)
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning("rejected Telnet option: %r" % (option,))
+ def _telnetProcessSubnegotiation(self, suboption):
+ """Process subnegotiation, the data between IAC SB and IAC SE."""
+ if suboption[0:1] == COM_PORT_OPTION:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.debug('received COM_PORT_OPTION: %r' % (suboption,))
+ if suboption[1:2] == SET_BAUDRATE:
+ backup = self.serial.baudrate
+ try:
+ (baudrate,) = struct.unpack("!I", suboption[2:6])
+ if baudrate != 0:
+ self.serial.baudrate = baudrate
+ except ValueError, e:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.error("failed to set baud rate: %s" % (e,))
+ self.serial.baudrate = backup
+ else:
+ if self.logger:
+"%s baud rate: %s" % (baudrate and 'set' or 'get', self.serial.baudrate))
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_SET_BAUDRATE, struct.pack("!I", self.serial.baudrate))
+ elif suboption[1:2] == SET_DATASIZE:
+ backup = self.serial.bytesize
+ try:
+ (datasize,) = struct.unpack("!B", suboption[2:3])
+ if datasize != 0:
+ self.serial.bytesize = datasize
+ except ValueError, e:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.error("failed to set data size: %s" % (e,))
+ self.serial.bytesize = backup
+ else:
+ if self.logger:
+"%s data size: %s" % (datasize and 'set' or 'get', self.serial.bytesize))
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_SET_DATASIZE, struct.pack("!B", self.serial.bytesize))
+ elif suboption[1:2] == SET_PARITY:
+ backup = self.serial.parity
+ try:
+ parity = struct.unpack("!B", suboption[2:3])[0]
+ if parity != 0:
+ self.serial.parity = RFC2217_REVERSE_PARITY_MAP[parity]
+ except ValueError, e:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.error("failed to set parity: %s" % (e,))
+ self.serial.parity = backup
+ else:
+ if self.logger:
+"%s parity: %s" % (parity and 'set' or 'get', self.serial.parity))
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(
+ struct.pack("!B", RFC2217_PARITY_MAP[self.serial.parity])
+ )
+ elif suboption[1:2] == SET_STOPSIZE:
+ backup = self.serial.stopbits
+ try:
+ stopbits = struct.unpack("!B", suboption[2:3])[0]
+ if stopbits != 0:
+ self.serial.stopbits = RFC2217_REVERSE_STOPBIT_MAP[stopbits]
+ except ValueError, e:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.error("failed to set stop bits: %s" % (e,))
+ self.serial.stopbits = backup
+ else:
+ if self.logger:
+"%s stop bits: %s" % (stopbits and 'set' or 'get', self.serial.stopbits))
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(
+ struct.pack("!B", RFC2217_STOPBIT_MAP[self.serial.stopbits])
+ )
+ elif suboption[1:2] == SET_CONTROL:
+ if suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_REQ_FLOW_SETTING:
+ if self.serial.xonxoff:
+ elif self.serial.rtscts:
+ else:
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_USE_NO_FLOW_CONTROL:
+ self.serial.xonxoff = False
+ self.serial.rtscts = False
+ if self.logger:
+"changed flow control to None")
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_USE_SW_FLOW_CONTROL:
+ self.serial.xonxoff = True
+ if self.logger:
+"changed flow control to XON/XOFF")
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_USE_HW_FLOW_CONTROL:
+ self.serial.rtscts = True
+ if self.logger:
+"changed flow control to RTS/CTS")
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_REQ_BREAK_STATE:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning("requested break state - not implemented")
+ pass # XXX needs cached value
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_BREAK_ON:
+ self.serial.setBreak(True)
+ if self.logger:
+"changed BREAK to active")
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_SET_CONTROL, SET_CONTROL_BREAK_ON)
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_BREAK_OFF:
+ self.serial.setBreak(False)
+ if self.logger:
+"changed BREAK to inactive")
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_SET_CONTROL, SET_CONTROL_BREAK_OFF)
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_REQ_DTR:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning("requested DTR state - not implemented")
+ pass # XXX needs cached value
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_DTR_ON:
+ self.serial.setDTR(True)
+ if self.logger:
+"changed DTR to active")
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_SET_CONTROL, SET_CONTROL_DTR_ON)
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_DTR_OFF:
+ self.serial.setDTR(False)
+ if self.logger:
+"changed DTR to inactive")
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_SET_CONTROL, SET_CONTROL_DTR_OFF)
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_REQ_RTS:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning("requested RTS state - not implemented")
+ pass # XXX needs cached value
+ #~ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_SET_CONTROL, SET_CONTROL_RTS_ON)
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_RTS_ON:
+ self.serial.setRTS(True)
+ if self.logger:
+"changed RTS to active")
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_SET_CONTROL, SET_CONTROL_RTS_ON)
+ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_RTS_OFF:
+ self.serial.setRTS(False)
+ if self.logger:
+"changed RTS to inactive")
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_SET_CONTROL, SET_CONTROL_RTS_OFF)
+ #~ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_REQ_FLOW_SETTING_IN:
+ #~ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_USE_NO_FLOW_CONTROL_IN:
+ #~ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_USE_SW_FLOW_CONTOL_IN:
+ #~ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_USE_HW_FLOW_CONTOL_IN:
+ #~ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_USE_DCD_FLOW_CONTROL:
+ #~ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_USE_DTR_FLOW_CONTROL:
+ #~ elif suboption[2:3] == SET_CONTROL_USE_DSR_FLOW_CONTROL:
+ elif suboption[1:2] == NOTIFY_LINESTATE:
+ # client polls for current state
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(
+ to_bytes([0]) # sorry, nothing like that implemented
+ )
+ elif suboption[1:2] == NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE:
+ if self.logger:
+"request for modem state")
+ # client polls for current state
+ self.check_modem_lines(force_notification=True)
+ elif suboption[1:2] == FLOWCONTROL_SUSPEND:
+ if self.logger:
+ self._remote_suspend_flow = True
+ elif suboption[1:2] == FLOWCONTROL_RESUME:
+ if self.logger:
+ self._remote_suspend_flow = False
+ elif suboption[1:2] == SET_LINESTATE_MASK:
+ self.linstate_mask = ord(suboption[2:3]) # ensure it is a number
+ if self.logger:
+"line state mask: 0x%02x" % (self.linstate_mask,))
+ elif suboption[1:2] == SET_MODEMSTATE_MASK:
+ self.modemstate_mask = ord(suboption[2:3]) # ensure it is a number
+ if self.logger:
+"modem state mask: 0x%02x" % (self.modemstate_mask,))
+ elif suboption[1:2] == PURGE_DATA:
+ if suboption[2:3] == PURGE_RECEIVE_BUFFER:
+ self.serial.flushInput()
+ if self.logger:
+"purge in")
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_PURGE_DATA, PURGE_RECEIVE_BUFFER)
+ elif suboption[2:3] == PURGE_TRANSMIT_BUFFER:
+ self.serial.flushOutput()
+ if self.logger:
+"purge out")
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_PURGE_DATA, PURGE_TRANSMIT_BUFFER)
+ elif suboption[2:3] == PURGE_BOTH_BUFFERS:
+ self.serial.flushInput()
+ self.serial.flushOutput()
+ if self.logger:
+"purge both")
+ self.rfc2217SendSubnegotiation(SERVER_PURGE_DATA, PURGE_BOTH_BUFFERS)
+ else:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.error("undefined PURGE_DATA: %r" % list(suboption[2:]))
+ else:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.error("undefined COM_PORT_OPTION: %r" % list(suboption[1:]))
+ else:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.warning("unknown subnegotiation: %r" % (suboption,))
+# simple client test
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ s = Serial('rfc2217://localhost:7000', 115200)
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % s)
+ #~ s.baudrate = 1898
+ sys.stdout.write("write...\n")
+ s.write("hello\n")
+ s.flush()
+ sys.stdout.write("read: %s\n" %
+ #~ s.baudrate = 19200
+ #~ s.databits = 7
+ s.close()