path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles
diff options
authorttt2017-05-13 00:29:47 +0530
committerttt2017-05-13 00:29:47 +0530
commit4336f5f06f61de30ae3fa54650fce63a9d5ef5be (patch)
tree23b4ee9b8e8f24bf732acf2f7ad22ed50cdd5670 /lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles
added all server files
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles')
15 files changed, 1180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dfa31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+import os
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+from import default_storage, Storage, FileSystemStorage
+from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
+from django.utils.functional import empty, memoize, LazyObject
+from django.utils.module_loading import import_by_path
+from django.utils._os import safe_join
+from django.utils import six
+from django.contrib.staticfiles import utils
+from import AppStaticStorage
+_finders = SortedDict()
+class BaseFinder(object):
+ """
+ A base file finder to be used for custom staticfiles finder classes.
+ """
+ def find(self, path, all=False):
+ """
+ Given a relative file path this ought to find an
+ absolute file path.
+ If the ``all`` parameter is ``False`` (default) only
+ the first found file path will be returned; if set
+ to ``True`` a list of all found files paths is returned.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def list(self, ignore_patterns):
+ """
+ Given an optional list of paths to ignore, this should return
+ a two item iterable consisting of the relative path and storage
+ instance.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class FileSystemFinder(BaseFinder):
+ """
+ A static files finder that uses the ``STATICFILES_DIRS`` setting
+ to locate files.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, apps=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ # List of locations with static files
+ self.locations = []
+ # Maps dir paths to an appropriate storage instance
+ self.storages = SortedDict()
+ if not isinstance(settings.STATICFILES_DIRS, (list, tuple)):
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured(
+ "Your STATICFILES_DIRS setting is not a tuple or list; "
+ "perhaps you forgot a trailing comma?")
+ for root in settings.STATICFILES_DIRS:
+ if isinstance(root, (list, tuple)):
+ prefix, root = root
+ else:
+ prefix = ''
+ if settings.STATIC_ROOT and os.path.abspath(settings.STATIC_ROOT) == os.path.abspath(root):
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured(
+ "The STATICFILES_DIRS setting should "
+ "not contain the STATIC_ROOT setting")
+ if (prefix, root) not in self.locations:
+ self.locations.append((prefix, root))
+ for prefix, root in self.locations:
+ filesystem_storage = FileSystemStorage(location=root)
+ filesystem_storage.prefix = prefix
+ self.storages[root] = filesystem_storage
+ super(FileSystemFinder, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def find(self, path, all=False):
+ """
+ Looks for files in the extra locations
+ as defined in ``STATICFILES_DIRS``.
+ """
+ matches = []
+ for prefix, root in self.locations:
+ matched_path = self.find_location(root, path, prefix)
+ if matched_path:
+ if not all:
+ return matched_path
+ matches.append(matched_path)
+ return matches
+ def find_location(self, root, path, prefix=None):
+ """
+ Finds a requested static file in a location, returning the found
+ absolute path (or ``None`` if no match).
+ """
+ if prefix:
+ prefix = '%s%s' % (prefix, os.sep)
+ if not path.startswith(prefix):
+ return None
+ path = path[len(prefix):]
+ path = safe_join(root, path)
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ return path
+ def list(self, ignore_patterns):
+ """
+ List all files in all locations.
+ """
+ for prefix, root in self.locations:
+ storage = self.storages[root]
+ for path in utils.get_files(storage, ignore_patterns):
+ yield path, storage
+class AppDirectoriesFinder(BaseFinder):
+ """
+ A static files finder that looks in the directory of each app as
+ specified in the source_dir attribute of the given storage class.
+ """
+ storage_class = AppStaticStorage
+ def __init__(self, apps=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ # The list of apps that are handled
+ self.apps = []
+ # Mapping of app module paths to storage instances
+ self.storages = SortedDict()
+ if apps is None:
+ apps = settings.INSTALLED_APPS
+ for app in apps:
+ app_storage = self.storage_class(app)
+ if os.path.isdir(app_storage.location):
+ self.storages[app] = app_storage
+ if app not in self.apps:
+ self.apps.append(app)
+ super(AppDirectoriesFinder, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def list(self, ignore_patterns):
+ """
+ List all files in all app storages.
+ """
+ for storage in six.itervalues(self.storages):
+ if storage.exists(''): # check if storage location exists
+ for path in utils.get_files(storage, ignore_patterns):
+ yield path, storage
+ def find(self, path, all=False):
+ """
+ Looks for files in the app directories.
+ """
+ matches = []
+ for app in self.apps:
+ match = self.find_in_app(app, path)
+ if match:
+ if not all:
+ return match
+ matches.append(match)
+ return matches
+ def find_in_app(self, app, path):
+ """
+ Find a requested static file in an app's static locations.
+ """
+ storage = self.storages.get(app, None)
+ if storage:
+ if storage.prefix:
+ prefix = '%s%s' % (storage.prefix, os.sep)
+ if not path.startswith(prefix):
+ return None
+ path = path[len(prefix):]
+ # only try to find a file if the source dir actually exists
+ if storage.exists(path):
+ matched_path = storage.path(path)
+ if matched_path:
+ return matched_path
+class BaseStorageFinder(BaseFinder):
+ """
+ A base static files finder to be used to extended
+ with an own storage class.
+ """
+ storage = None
+ def __init__(self, storage=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ if storage is not None:
+ = storage
+ if is None:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured("The staticfiles storage finder %r "
+ "doesn't have a storage class "
+ "assigned." % self.__class__)
+ # Make sure we have an storage instance here.
+ if not isinstance(, (Storage, LazyObject)):
+ =
+ super(BaseStorageFinder, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def find(self, path, all=False):
+ """
+ Looks for files in the default file storage, if it's local.
+ """
+ try:
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if
+ match =
+ if all:
+ match = [match]
+ return match
+ return []
+ def list(self, ignore_patterns):
+ """
+ List all files of the storage.
+ """
+ for path in utils.get_files(, ignore_patterns):
+ yield path,
+class DefaultStorageFinder(BaseStorageFinder):
+ """
+ A static files finder that uses the default storage backend.
+ """
+ storage = default_storage
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(DefaultStorageFinder, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ base_location = getattr(, 'base_location', empty)
+ if not base_location:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured("The storage backend of the "
+ "staticfiles finder %r doesn't have "
+ "a valid location." % self.__class__)
+def find(path, all=False):
+ """
+ Find a static file with the given path using all enabled finders.
+ If ``all`` is ``False`` (default), return the first matching
+ absolute path (or ``None`` if no match). Otherwise return a list.
+ """
+ matches = []
+ for finder in get_finders():
+ result = finder.find(path, all=all)
+ if not all and result:
+ return result
+ if not isinstance(result, (list, tuple)):
+ result = [result]
+ matches.extend(result)
+ if matches:
+ return matches
+ # No match.
+ return [] if all else None
+def get_finders():
+ for finder_path in settings.STATICFILES_FINDERS:
+ yield get_finder(finder_path)
+def _get_finder(import_path):
+ """
+ Imports the staticfiles finder class described by import_path, where
+ import_path is the full Python path to the class.
+ """
+ Finder = import_by_path(import_path)
+ if not issubclass(Finder, BaseFinder):
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured('Finder "%s" is not a subclass of "%s"' %
+ (Finder, BaseFinder))
+ return Finder()
+get_finder = memoize(_get_finder, _finders, 1)
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index 0000000..e6db3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.handlers.base import get_path_info
+from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler
+from django.utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
+from django.utils.six.moves.urllib.request import url2pathname
+from django.contrib.staticfiles import utils
+from django.contrib.staticfiles.views import serve
+class StaticFilesHandler(WSGIHandler):
+ """
+ WSGI middleware that intercepts calls to the static files directory, as
+ defined by the STATIC_URL setting, and serves those files.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, application, base_dir=None):
+ self.application = application
+ if base_dir:
+ self.base_dir = base_dir
+ else:
+ self.base_dir = self.get_base_dir()
+ self.base_url = urlparse(self.get_base_url())
+ super(StaticFilesHandler, self).__init__()
+ def get_base_dir(self):
+ return settings.STATIC_ROOT
+ def get_base_url(self):
+ utils.check_settings()
+ return settings.STATIC_URL
+ def _should_handle(self, path):
+ """
+ Checks if the path should be handled. Ignores the path if:
+ * the host is provided as part of the base_url
+ * the request's path isn't under the media path (or equal)
+ """
+ return path.startswith(self.base_url[2]) and not self.base_url[1]
+ def file_path(self, url):
+ """
+ Returns the relative path to the media file on disk for the given URL.
+ """
+ relative_url = url[len(self.base_url[2]):]
+ return url2pathname(relative_url)
+ def serve(self, request):
+ """
+ Actually serves the request path.
+ """
+ return serve(request, self.file_path(request.path), insecure=True)
+ def get_response(self, request):
+ from django.http import Http404
+ if self._should_handle(request.path):
+ try:
+ return self.serve(request)
+ except Http404 as e:
+ if settings.DEBUG:
+ from django.views import debug
+ return debug.technical_404_response(request, e)
+ return super(StaticFilesHandler, self).get_response(request)
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ if not self._should_handle(get_path_info(environ)):
+ return self.application(environ, start_response)
+ return super(StaticFilesHandler, self).__call__(environ, start_response)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/
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index 0000000..90552b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import os
+import sys
+from optparse import make_option
+from import FileSystemStorage
+from import CommandError, NoArgsCommand
+from django.utils.encoding import smart_text
+from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
+from django.utils.functional import LazyObject
+from django.utils.six.moves import input
+from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders, storage
+class Command(NoArgsCommand):
+ """
+ Command that allows to copy or symlink static files from different
+ locations to the settings.STATIC_ROOT.
+ """
+ option_list = NoArgsCommand.option_list + (
+ make_option('--noinput',
+ action='store_false', dest='interactive', default=True,
+ help="Do NOT prompt the user for input of any kind."),
+ make_option('--no-post-process',
+ action='store_false', dest='post_process', default=True,
+ help="Do NOT post process collected files."),
+ make_option('-i', '--ignore', action='append', default=[],
+ dest='ignore_patterns', metavar='PATTERN',
+ help="Ignore files or directories matching this glob-style "
+ "pattern. Use multiple times to ignore more."),
+ make_option('-n', '--dry-run',
+ action='store_true', dest='dry_run', default=False,
+ help="Do everything except modify the filesystem."),
+ make_option('-c', '--clear',
+ action='store_true', dest='clear', default=False,
+ help="Clear the existing files using the storage "
+ "before trying to copy or link the original file."),
+ make_option('-l', '--link',
+ action='store_true', dest='link', default=False,
+ help="Create a symbolic link to each file instead of copying."),
+ make_option('--no-default-ignore', action='store_false',
+ dest='use_default_ignore_patterns', default=True,
+ help="Don't ignore the common private glob-style patterns 'CVS', "
+ "'.*' and '*~'."),
+ )
+ help = "Collect static files in a single location."
+ requires_model_validation = False
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(NoArgsCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.copied_files = []
+ self.symlinked_files = []
+ self.unmodified_files = []
+ self.post_processed_files = []
+ = storage.staticfiles_storage
+ try:
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ self.local = False
+ else:
+ self.local = True
+ def set_options(self, **options):
+ """
+ Set instance variables based on an options dict
+ """
+ self.interactive = options['interactive']
+ self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1))
+ self.symlink = options['link']
+ self.clear = options['clear']
+ self.dry_run = options['dry_run']
+ ignore_patterns = options['ignore_patterns']
+ if options['use_default_ignore_patterns']:
+ ignore_patterns += ['CVS', '.*', '*~']
+ self.ignore_patterns = list(set(ignore_patterns))
+ self.post_process = options['post_process']
+ def collect(self):
+ """
+ Perform the bulk of the work of collectstatic.
+ Split off from handle_noargs() to facilitate testing.
+ """
+ if self.symlink:
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ raise CommandError("Symlinking is not supported by this "
+ "platform (%s)." % sys.platform)
+ if not self.local:
+ raise CommandError("Can't symlink to a remote destination.")
+ if self.clear:
+ self.clear_dir('')
+ if self.symlink:
+ handler = self.link_file
+ else:
+ handler = self.copy_file
+ found_files = SortedDict()
+ for finder in finders.get_finders():
+ for path, storage in finder.list(self.ignore_patterns):
+ # Prefix the relative path if the source storage contains it
+ if getattr(storage, 'prefix', None):
+ prefixed_path = os.path.join(storage.prefix, path)
+ else:
+ prefixed_path = path
+ if prefixed_path not in found_files:
+ found_files[prefixed_path] = (storage, path)
+ handler(path, prefixed_path, storage)
+ # Here we check if the storage backend has a post_process
+ # method and pass it the list of modified files.
+ if self.post_process and hasattr(, 'post_process'):
+ processor =,
+ dry_run=self.dry_run)
+ for original_path, processed_path, processed in processor:
+ if isinstance(processed, Exception):
+ self.stderr.write("Post-processing '%s' failed!" % original_path)
+ # Add a blank line before the traceback, otherwise it's
+ # too easy to miss the relevant part of the error message.
+ self.stderr.write("")
+ raise processed
+ if processed:
+ self.log("Post-processed '%s' as '%s'" %
+ (original_path, processed_path), level=1)
+ self.post_processed_files.append(original_path)
+ else:
+ self.log("Skipped post-processing '%s'" % original_path)
+ return {
+ 'modified': self.copied_files + self.symlinked_files,
+ 'unmodified': self.unmodified_files,
+ 'post_processed': self.post_processed_files,
+ }
+ def handle_noargs(self, **options):
+ self.set_options(**options)
+ message = ['\n']
+ if self.dry_run:
+ message.append(
+ 'You have activated the --dry-run option so no files will be modified.\n\n'
+ )
+ message.append(
+ 'You have requested to collect static files at the destination\n'
+ 'location as specified in your settings'
+ )
+ if self.is_local_storage() and
+ destination_path =
+ message.append(':\n\n %s\n\n' % destination_path)
+ else:
+ destination_path = None
+ message.append('.\n\n')
+ if self.clear:
+ message.append('This will DELETE EXISTING FILES!\n')
+ else:
+ message.append('This will overwrite existing files!\n')
+ message.append(
+ 'Are you sure you want to do this?\n\n'
+ "Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: "
+ )
+ if self.interactive and input(''.join(message)) != 'yes':
+ raise CommandError("Collecting static files cancelled.")
+ collected = self.collect()
+ modified_count = len(collected['modified'])
+ unmodified_count = len(collected['unmodified'])
+ post_processed_count = len(collected['post_processed'])
+ if self.verbosity >= 1:
+ template = ("\n%(modified_count)s %(identifier)s %(action)s"
+ "%(destination)s%(unmodified)s%(post_processed)s.\n")
+ summary = template % {
+ 'modified_count': modified_count,
+ 'identifier': 'static file' + ('' if modified_count == 1 else 's'),
+ 'action': 'symlinked' if self.symlink else 'copied',
+ 'destination': (" to '%s'" % destination_path if destination_path else ''),
+ 'unmodified': (', %s unmodified' % unmodified_count if collected['unmodified'] else ''),
+ 'post_processed': (collected['post_processed'] and
+ ', %s post-processed'
+ % post_processed_count or ''),
+ }
+ self.stdout.write(summary)
+ def log(self, msg, level=2):
+ """
+ Small log helper
+ """
+ if self.verbosity >= level:
+ self.stdout.write(msg)
+ def is_local_storage(self):
+ if issubclass(, LazyObject):
+ storage =
+ else:
+ storage =
+ return isinstance(storage, FileSystemStorage)
+ def clear_dir(self, path):
+ """
+ Deletes the given relative path using the destination storage backend.
+ """
+ dirs, files =
+ for f in files:
+ fpath = os.path.join(path, f)
+ if self.dry_run:
+ self.log("Pretending to delete '%s'" %
+ smart_text(fpath), level=1)
+ else:
+ self.log("Deleting '%s'" % smart_text(fpath), level=1)
+ for d in dirs:
+ self.clear_dir(os.path.join(path, d))
+ def delete_file(self, path, prefixed_path, source_storage):
+ """
+ Checks if the target file should be deleted if it already exists
+ """
+ if
+ try:
+ # When was the target file modified last time?
+ target_last_modified = \
+ except (OSError, NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
+ # The storage doesn't support ``modified_time`` or failed
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ # When was the source file modified last time?
+ source_last_modified = source_storage.modified_time(path)
+ except (OSError, NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
+ pass
+ else:
+ # The full path of the target file
+ if self.local:
+ full_path =
+ else:
+ full_path = None
+ # Skip the file if the source file is younger
+ # Avoid sub-second precision (see #14665, #19540)
+ if (target_last_modified.replace(microsecond=0)
+ >= source_last_modified.replace(microsecond=0)):
+ if not ((self.symlink and full_path
+ and not os.path.islink(full_path)) or
+ (not self.symlink and full_path
+ and os.path.islink(full_path))):
+ if prefixed_path not in self.unmodified_files:
+ self.unmodified_files.append(prefixed_path)
+ self.log("Skipping '%s' (not modified)" % path)
+ return False
+ # Then delete the existing file if really needed
+ if self.dry_run:
+ self.log("Pretending to delete '%s'" % path)
+ else:
+ self.log("Deleting '%s'" % path)
+ return True
+ def link_file(self, path, prefixed_path, source_storage):
+ """
+ Attempt to link ``path``
+ """
+ # Skip this file if it was already copied earlier
+ if prefixed_path in self.symlinked_files:
+ return self.log("Skipping '%s' (already linked earlier)" % path)
+ # Delete the target file if needed or break
+ if not self.delete_file(path, prefixed_path, source_storage):
+ return
+ # The full path of the source file
+ source_path = source_storage.path(path)
+ # Finally link the file
+ if self.dry_run:
+ self.log("Pretending to link '%s'" % source_path, level=1)
+ else:
+ self.log("Linking '%s'" % source_path, level=1)
+ full_path =
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_path))
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ os.symlink(source_path, full_path)
+ if prefixed_path not in self.symlinked_files:
+ self.symlinked_files.append(prefixed_path)
+ def copy_file(self, path, prefixed_path, source_storage):
+ """
+ Attempt to copy ``path`` with storage
+ """
+ # Skip this file if it was already copied earlier
+ if prefixed_path in self.copied_files:
+ return self.log("Skipping '%s' (already copied earlier)" % path)
+ # Delete the target file if needed or break
+ if not self.delete_file(path, prefixed_path, source_storage):
+ return
+ # The full path of the source file
+ source_path = source_storage.path(path)
+ # Finally start copying
+ if self.dry_run:
+ self.log("Pretending to copy '%s'" % source_path, level=1)
+ else:
+ self.log("Copying '%s'" % source_path, level=1)
+ if self.local:
+ full_path =
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_path))
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ with as source_file:
+, source_file)
+ if not prefixed_path in self.copied_files:
+ self.copied_files.append(prefixed_path)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/
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index 0000000..eaf63f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import os
+from optparse import make_option
+from import LabelCommand
+from django.utils.encoding import force_text
+from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
+class Command(LabelCommand):
+ help = "Finds the absolute paths for the given static file(s)."
+ args = "[file ...]"
+ label = 'static file'
+ option_list = LabelCommand.option_list + (
+ make_option('--first', action='store_false', dest='all', default=True,
+ help="Only return the first match for each static file."),
+ )
+ def handle_label(self, path, **options):
+ verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1))
+ result = finders.find(path, all=options['all'])
+ path = force_text(path)
+ if result:
+ if not isinstance(result, (list, tuple)):
+ result = [result]
+ result = (force_text(os.path.realpath(path)) for path in result)
+ if verbosity >= 1:
+ output = '\n '.join(result)
+ return "Found '%s' here:\n %s" % (path, output)
+ else:
+ return '\n'.join(result)
+ else:
+ if verbosity >= 1:
+ self.stderr.write("No matching file found for '%s'." % path)
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index 0000000..0f9e39f
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from optparse import make_option
+from django.conf import settings
+from import Command as RunserverCommand
+from django.contrib.staticfiles.handlers import StaticFilesHandler
+class Command(RunserverCommand):
+ option_list = RunserverCommand.option_list + (
+ make_option('--nostatic', action="store_false", dest='use_static_handler', default=True,
+ help='Tells Django to NOT automatically serve static files at STATIC_URL.'),
+ make_option('--insecure', action="store_true", dest='insecure_serving', default=False,
+ help='Allows serving static files even if DEBUG is False.'),
+ )
+ help = "Starts a lightweight Web server for development and also serves static files."
+ def get_handler(self, *args, **options):
+ """
+ Returns the static files serving handler wrapping the default handler,
+ if static files should be served. Otherwise just returns the default
+ handler.
+ """
+ handler = super(Command, self).get_handler(*args, **options)
+ use_static_handler = options.get('use_static_handler', True)
+ insecure_serving = options.get('insecure_serving', False)
+ if use_static_handler and (settings.DEBUG or insecure_serving):
+ return StaticFilesHandler(handler)
+ return handler
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+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import hashlib
+import os
+import posixpath
+import re
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.cache import (get_cache, InvalidCacheBackendError,
+ cache as default_cache)
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
+from import FileSystemStorage, get_storage_class
+from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
+from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_text
+from django.utils.functional import LazyObject
+from django.utils.importlib import import_module
+from django.utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote, urlsplit, urlunsplit, urldefrag
+from django.utils._os import upath
+from django.contrib.staticfiles.utils import check_settings, matches_patterns
+class StaticFilesStorage(FileSystemStorage):
+ """
+ Standard file system storage for static files.
+ The defaults for ``location`` and ``base_url`` are
+ """
+ def __init__(self, location=None, base_url=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ if location is None:
+ location = settings.STATIC_ROOT
+ if base_url is None:
+ base_url = settings.STATIC_URL
+ check_settings(base_url)
+ super(StaticFilesStorage, self).__init__(location, base_url,
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ # FileSystemStorage fallbacks to MEDIA_ROOT when location
+ # is empty, so we restore the empty value.
+ if not location:
+ self.base_location = None
+ self.location = None
+ def path(self, name):
+ if not self.location:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured("You're using the staticfiles app "
+ "without having set the STATIC_ROOT "
+ "setting to a filesystem path.")
+ return super(StaticFilesStorage, self).path(name)
+class CachedFilesMixin(object):
+ default_template = """url("%s")"""
+ patterns = (
+ ("*.css", (
+ r"""(url\(['"]{0,1}\s*(.*?)["']{0,1}\))""",
+ (r"""(@import\s*["']\s*(.*?)["'])""", """@import url("%s")"""),
+ )),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(CachedFilesMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ try:
+ self.cache = get_cache('staticfiles')
+ except InvalidCacheBackendError:
+ # Use the default backend
+ self.cache = default_cache
+ self._patterns = SortedDict()
+ for extension, patterns in self.patterns:
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ if isinstance(pattern, (tuple, list)):
+ pattern, template = pattern
+ else:
+ template = self.default_template
+ compiled = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
+ self._patterns.setdefault(extension, []).append((compiled, template))
+ def file_hash(self, name, content=None):
+ """
+ Retuns a hash of the file with the given name and optional content.
+ """
+ if content is None:
+ return None
+ md5 = hashlib.md5()
+ for chunk in content.chunks():
+ md5.update(chunk)
+ return md5.hexdigest()[:12]
+ def hashed_name(self, name, content=None):
+ parsed_name = urlsplit(unquote(name))
+ clean_name = parsed_name.path.strip()
+ opened = False
+ if content is None:
+ if not self.exists(clean_name):
+ raise ValueError("The file '%s' could not be found with %r." %
+ (clean_name, self))
+ try:
+ content =
+ except IOError:
+ # Handle directory paths and fragments
+ return name
+ opened = True
+ try:
+ file_hash = self.file_hash(clean_name, content)
+ finally:
+ if opened:
+ content.close()
+ path, filename = os.path.split(clean_name)
+ root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ if file_hash is not None:
+ file_hash = ".%s" % file_hash
+ hashed_name = os.path.join(path, "%s%s%s" %
+ (root, file_hash, ext))
+ unparsed_name = list(parsed_name)
+ unparsed_name[2] = hashed_name
+ # Special casing for a @font-face hack, like url(myfont.eot?#iefix")
+ #
+ if '?#' in name and not unparsed_name[3]:
+ unparsed_name[2] += '?'
+ return urlunsplit(unparsed_name)
+ def cache_key(self, name):
+ return 'staticfiles:%s' % hashlib.md5(force_bytes(name)).hexdigest()
+ def url(self, name, force=False):
+ """
+ Returns the real URL in DEBUG mode.
+ """
+ if settings.DEBUG and not force:
+ hashed_name, fragment = name, ''
+ else:
+ clean_name, fragment = urldefrag(name)
+ if urlsplit(clean_name).path.endswith('/'): # don't hash paths
+ hashed_name = name
+ else:
+ cache_key = self.cache_key(name)
+ hashed_name = self.cache.get(cache_key)
+ if hashed_name is None:
+ hashed_name = self.hashed_name(clean_name).replace('\\', '/')
+ # set the cache if there was a miss
+ # (e.g. if cache server goes down)
+ self.cache.set(cache_key, hashed_name)
+ final_url = super(CachedFilesMixin, self).url(hashed_name)
+ # Special casing for a @font-face hack, like url(myfont.eot?#iefix")
+ #
+ query_fragment = '?#' in name # [sic!]
+ if fragment or query_fragment:
+ urlparts = list(urlsplit(final_url))
+ if fragment and not urlparts[4]:
+ urlparts[4] = fragment
+ if query_fragment and not urlparts[3]:
+ urlparts[2] += '?'
+ final_url = urlunsplit(urlparts)
+ return unquote(final_url)
+ def url_converter(self, name, template=None):
+ """
+ Returns the custom URL converter for the given file name.
+ """
+ if template is None:
+ template = self.default_template
+ def converter(matchobj):
+ """
+ Converts the matched URL depending on the parent level (`..`)
+ and returns the normalized and hashed URL using the url method
+ of the storage.
+ """
+ matched, url = matchobj.groups()
+ # Completely ignore http(s) prefixed URLs,
+ # fragments and data-uri URLs
+ if url.startswith(('#', 'http:', 'https:', 'data:', '//')):
+ return matched
+ name_parts = name.split(os.sep)
+ # Using posix normpath here to remove duplicates
+ url = posixpath.normpath(url)
+ url_parts = url.split('/')
+ parent_level, sub_level = url.count('..'), url.count('/')
+ if url.startswith('/'):
+ sub_level -= 1
+ url_parts = url_parts[1:]
+ if parent_level or not url.startswith('/'):
+ start, end = parent_level + 1, parent_level
+ else:
+ if sub_level:
+ if sub_level == 1:
+ parent_level -= 1
+ start, end = parent_level, 1
+ else:
+ start, end = 1, sub_level - 1
+ joined_result = '/'.join(name_parts[:-start] + url_parts[end:])
+ hashed_url = self.url(unquote(joined_result), force=True)
+ file_name = hashed_url.split('/')[-1:]
+ relative_url = '/'.join(url.split('/')[:-1] + file_name)
+ # Return the hashed version to the file
+ return template % unquote(relative_url)
+ return converter
+ def post_process(self, paths, dry_run=False, **options):
+ """
+ Post process the given SortedDict of files (called from collectstatic).
+ Processing is actually two separate operations:
+ 1. renaming files to include a hash of their content for cache-busting,
+ and copying those files to the target storage.
+ 2. adjusting files which contain references to other files so they
+ refer to the cache-busting filenames.
+ If either of these are performed on a file, then that file is considered
+ post-processed.
+ """
+ # don't even dare to process the files if we're in dry run mode
+ if dry_run:
+ return
+ # where to store the new paths
+ hashed_paths = {}
+ # build a list of adjustable files
+ matches = lambda path: matches_patterns(path, self._patterns.keys())
+ adjustable_paths = [path for path in paths if matches(path)]
+ # then sort the files by the directory level
+ path_level = lambda name: len(name.split(os.sep))
+ for name in sorted(paths.keys(), key=path_level, reverse=True):
+ # use the original, local file, not the copied-but-unprocessed
+ # file, which might be somewhere far away, like S3
+ storage, path = paths[name]
+ with as original_file:
+ # generate the hash with the original content, even for
+ # adjustable files.
+ hashed_name = self.hashed_name(name, original_file)
+ # then get the original's file content..
+ if hasattr(original_file, 'seek'):
+ hashed_file_exists = self.exists(hashed_name)
+ processed = False
+ # apply each replacement pattern to the content
+ if name in adjustable_paths:
+ content =
+ for patterns in self._patterns.values():
+ for pattern, template in patterns:
+ converter = self.url_converter(name, template)
+ try:
+ content = pattern.sub(converter, content)
+ except ValueError as exc:
+ yield name, None, exc
+ if hashed_file_exists:
+ self.delete(hashed_name)
+ # then save the processed result
+ content_file = ContentFile(force_bytes(content))
+ saved_name = self._save(hashed_name, content_file)
+ hashed_name = force_text(saved_name.replace('\\', '/'))
+ processed = True
+ else:
+ # or handle the case in which neither processing nor
+ # a change to the original file happened
+ if not hashed_file_exists:
+ processed = True
+ saved_name = self._save(hashed_name, original_file)
+ hashed_name = force_text(saved_name.replace('\\', '/'))
+ # and then set the cache accordingly
+ hashed_paths[self.cache_key(name.replace('\\', '/'))] = hashed_name
+ yield name, hashed_name, processed
+ # Finally set the cache
+ self.cache.set_many(hashed_paths)
+class CachedStaticFilesStorage(CachedFilesMixin, StaticFilesStorage):
+ """
+ A static file system storage backend which also saves
+ hashed copies of the files it saves.
+ """
+ pass
+class AppStaticStorage(FileSystemStorage):
+ """
+ A file system storage backend that takes an app module and works
+ for the ``static`` directory of it.
+ """
+ prefix = None
+ source_dir = 'static'
+ def __init__(self, app, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Returns a static file storage if available in the given app.
+ """
+ # app is the actual app module
+ mod = import_module(app)
+ mod_path = os.path.dirname(upath(mod.__file__))
+ location = os.path.join(mod_path, self.source_dir)
+ super(AppStaticStorage, self).__init__(location, *args, **kwargs)
+class ConfiguredStorage(LazyObject):
+ def _setup(self):
+ self._wrapped = get_storage_class(settings.STATICFILES_STORAGE)()
+staticfiles_storage = ConfiguredStorage()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/templatetags/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/templatetags/
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index 0000000..ab92275
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/templatetags/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from django import template
+from django.templatetags.static import StaticNode
+from import staticfiles_storage
+register = template.Library()
+class StaticFilesNode(StaticNode):
+ def url(self, context):
+ path = self.path.resolve(context)
+ return staticfiles_storage.url(path)
+def do_static(parser, token):
+ """
+ A template tag that returns the URL to a file
+ using staticfiles' storage backend
+ Usage::
+ {% static path [as varname] %}
+ Examples::
+ {% static "myapp/css/base.css" %}
+ {% static variable_with_path %}
+ {% static "myapp/css/base.css" as admin_base_css %}
+ {% static variable_with_path as varname %}
+ """
+ return StaticFilesNode.handle_token(parser, token)
+def static(path):
+ return staticfiles_storage.url(path)
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index 0000000..04062c1
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.conf.urls.static import static
+urlpatterns = []
+def staticfiles_urlpatterns(prefix=None):
+ """
+ Helper function to return a URL pattern for serving static files.
+ """
+ if prefix is None:
+ prefix = settings.STATIC_URL
+ return static(prefix, view='django.contrib.staticfiles.views.serve')
+# Only append if urlpatterns are empty
+if settings.DEBUG and not urlpatterns:
+ urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns()
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import os
+import fnmatch
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+def matches_patterns(path, patterns=None):
+ """
+ Return True or False depending on whether the ``path`` should be
+ ignored (if it matches any pattern in ``ignore_patterns``).
+ """
+ if patterns is None:
+ patterns = []
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(path, pattern):
+ return True
+ return False
+def get_files(storage, ignore_patterns=None, location=''):
+ """
+ Recursively walk the storage directories yielding the paths
+ of all files that should be copied.
+ """
+ if ignore_patterns is None:
+ ignore_patterns = []
+ directories, files = storage.listdir(location)
+ for fn in files:
+ if matches_patterns(fn, ignore_patterns):
+ continue
+ if location:
+ fn = os.path.join(location, fn)
+ yield fn
+ for dir in directories:
+ if matches_patterns(dir, ignore_patterns):
+ continue
+ if location:
+ dir = os.path.join(location, dir)
+ for fn in get_files(storage, ignore_patterns, dir):
+ yield fn
+def check_settings(base_url=None):
+ """
+ Checks if the staticfiles settings have sane values.
+ """
+ if base_url is None:
+ base_url = settings.STATIC_URL
+ if not base_url:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured(
+ "You're using the staticfiles app "
+ "without having set the required STATIC_URL setting.")
+ if settings.MEDIA_URL == base_url:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured("The MEDIA_URL and STATIC_URL "
+ "settings must have different values")
+ if ((settings.MEDIA_ROOT and settings.STATIC_ROOT) and
+ (settings.MEDIA_ROOT == settings.STATIC_ROOT)):
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured("The MEDIA_ROOT and STATIC_ROOT "
+ "settings must have different values")
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Views and functions for serving static files. These are only to be used during
+development, and SHOULD NOT be used in a production setting.
+import os
+import posixpath
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+from django.http import Http404
+from django.utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote
+from django.views import static
+from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
+def serve(request, path, insecure=False, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Serve static files below a given point in the directory structure or
+ from locations inferred from the staticfiles finders.
+ To use, put a URL pattern such as::
+ (r'^(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.contrib.staticfiles.views.serve')
+ in your URLconf.
+ It uses the django.views.static view to serve the found files.
+ """
+ if not settings.DEBUG and not insecure:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured("The staticfiles view can only be used in "
+ "debug mode or if the --insecure "
+ "option of 'runserver' is used")
+ normalized_path = posixpath.normpath(unquote(path)).lstrip('/')
+ absolute_path = finders.find(normalized_path)
+ if not absolute_path:
+ if path.endswith('/') or path == '':
+ raise Http404("Directory indexes are not allowed here.")
+ raise Http404("'%s' could not be found" % path)
+ document_root, path = os.path.split(absolute_path)
+ return static.serve(request, path, document_root=document_root, **kwargs)