path: root/Physical_And_Chemical_Equilibrium_For_Chemical_Engineers/ch4.ipynb
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/Physical_And_Chemical_Equilibrium_For_Chemical_Engineers/ch4.ipynb b/Physical_And_Chemical_Equilibrium_For_Chemical_Engineers/ch4.ipynb
index a248aa47..9278e05d 100644
--- a/Physical_And_Chemical_Equilibrium_For_Chemical_Engineers/ch4.ipynb
+++ b/Physical_And_Chemical_Equilibrium_For_Chemical_Engineers/ch4.ipynb
@@ -27,23 +27,17 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
- "# find free energy change of the steam\n",
"import math \n",
- "# Variables\n",
"T = 671.7 #[R] Equilibrium temperature\n",
"m_steam = 1. #[lbm] Condenmath.sing amount of the steam\n",
- "# Using values from the steam table [1], we find that\n",
"delta_h_condensation = -970.3 #[Btu/lbm] Enthalpy change of the steam\n",
"delta_s_condensation = -1.4446 #[Btu/(lbm*R)] Entropy change of the steam\n",
- "# Calculations\n",
- "# Gibb's free energy change of the steam is\n",
"delta_g_condensation = delta_h_condensation - T*delta_s_condensation #[Btu/lbm]\n",
- "# Results\n",
"print \"Gibb''s free energy change of the steam is %0.1f Btu/lbm\"%(delta_g_condensation)\n"
"language": "python",
@@ -72,7 +66,6 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
- "# Gibb's free energy-pressure diagram for graphite-diamond system\n",
"from numpy import *\n",
"from matplotlib.pyplot import *\n",
@@ -80,31 +73,16 @@
"%pylab inline\n",
- "# Variables\n",
- "# let we denote graphite by 'g' and diamond by 'd' \n",
- "# Gibb's free energies of graphite and diamond are given by\n",
"g_g = 0.00 #[kJ/mol] \n",
"g_d = 2.90 #[kJ/mol]\n",
- "# Calculations\n",
- "# Specific volumes of graphite and diamond are given by\n",
"v_g = 5.31*10**(-1) #[kJ/(mol*kbar)]\n",
"v_d = 3.42*10**(-1) #[kJ/(mol*kbar)]\n",
- "# Now from the equation 4.32 ( page 74) given in the book, we have\n",
- "# (dg/dP) = v , at consmath.tant temperature\n",
- "# where 'v' is specific volume\n",
- "# let us denote (dg/dP) by 'D' ,so\n",
"D_g = v_g #[J/(mol*Pa)] For graphite\n",
"D_d = v_d #[J/(mol*Pa)] For diamond\n",
- "# Now we can take our plot from P = 0( =1 ), however, total pressure is 1 atm. \n",
- "# If we consider specific volumes of the given species to be consmath.tant with changing the pressure then g-P curve will be a straight line\n",
- "# So the equation of the line for graphite is \n",
- "# g = D_g*P + g_g\n",
- "# and that for diamond\n",
- "# g = D_d*P + g_d\n",
"P = linspace(0,30,30).T\n",
@@ -115,7 +93,6 @@
"legend(['Diamond, slope = 0.342 (kJ/mol)/kbar','Graphite, slope = 0.532 (kJ/mol)/kbar']);\n",
- "# Results\n",
"print \" Gibb's free energy-pressure diagram for graphite-diamond system at 25 degC is as shown in the graphic window. \"\n",
@@ -168,31 +145,18 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
- "# find mole fraction of isobutane isomer in equilibrium\n",
"from scipy.optimize import fsolve \n",
"import math \n",
- "# Variables\n",
- "# We have the system which consists of isobumath.tane and normal bumath.tane and isomerisaation is taking place between them \n",
- "# The equilibrium consmath.tant for this reaction is given by\n",
- "# K = (mole fraction of isobumath.tane)/(mole fraction of n-bumath.tane) = x_iso/x_normal\n",
- "# For this reaction, at 25C, \n",
"K = 4.52\n",
- "# and\n",
- "# x_iso + x_normal = 1\n",
- "# so\n",
- "# K = x_iso/(1-x_iso)\n",
- "# Calculations\n",
- "# solving for x_iso\n",
"def f(x_iso): \n",
"\t return x_iso/(1-x_iso)-K\n",
"x_iso = fsolve(f,0)\n",
- "# Results\n",
"print \" Mole fraction of isobumath.tane isomer in equilibrium is %0.2f\"%(x_iso)\n"
"language": "python",