path: root/Physical_And_Chemical_Equilibrium_For_Chemical_Engineers/ch10.ipynb
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diff --git a/Physical_And_Chemical_Equilibrium_For_Chemical_Engineers/ch10.ipynb b/Physical_And_Chemical_Equilibrium_For_Chemical_Engineers/ch10.ipynb
index 0a0c51e7..d814a959 100644
--- a/Physical_And_Chemical_Equilibrium_For_Chemical_Engineers/ch10.ipynb
+++ b/Physical_And_Chemical_Equilibrium_For_Chemical_Engineers/ch10.ipynb
@@ -36,36 +36,25 @@
"import math \n",
- "# Variables\n",
"P = 100. #[psia] Bubble point pressure\n",
"x_ethane = 0.10 # Mole fraction of ethane in liquid phase\n",
"x_hepmath_tane = (1-x_ethane)\n",
- "# a) From figure 10.7( page 260 ) given in the book\n",
- "# We read the chart to get the bubble-point temperature\n",
- "# The dew point curve for 100 psia crosses the 10 mol% ethane line at about temperature \n",
"T1 = 165. #[C]\n",
- "# Now, we horizontally from that intersection point to the dew-point curve, finding the vapor phase composition of ethane \n",
"y1_e = 0.92\n",
"y1_h = (1- y1_e)\n",
- "# b) By Raoult's law, we use a trial and error procedureon the temperature\n",
- "# Antoine equation consmath.tants for ethanol are given \n",
"A_e = 6.80267\n",
"B_e = 656.4028\n",
"C_e = 255.99\n",
- "# and that for n-hepmath_tane are\n",
"A_h = 6.9024\n",
"B_h = 1268.115\n",
"C_h = 216.9\n",
- "# Antoine equation is given by\n",
- "# (math.log10p) = (A - B/(T+C))\n",
"T = 50. #[C]\n",
"err = 1.\n",
" \n",
- "# Calculations\n",
"while err > 10**(-4):\n",
" p1_e = (10**(A_e - B_e/(C_e + T)))*(14.7/760)\n",
" p1_h = (10**(A_h - B_h/(C_h + T)))*(14.7/760)\n",
@@ -74,18 +63,11 @@
" err = abs((y2_e + y2_h) - 1)\n",
" T = T + 0.0001\n",
- "# Changing the temperature in deg F \n",
"T2 = T*9./5 + 32 #[F] Bubble-point temperature\n",
- "# c) In this method, we use L-R rule, instead of simple Raoult's law\n",
- "# So,\n",
- "# y_i = (x_i*p_i)/(v_i*P)\n",
- "# Where calculated values of v_i from EOS are given in the table 10.A and are \n",
"v_e = 0.950 # For ethane\n",
"v_h = 0.459 # For n-hepmath_tane\n",
- "# We again use trial and error on the temperature\n",
- "# Let us assume the initial temperature \n",
"Ti = 50. #[C]\n",
"err = 1\n",
" \n",
@@ -97,10 +79,8 @@
" err = abs((y3_e + y3_h) - 1)\n",
" Ti = Ti + 0.0001\n",
- "# Changing the temperature in deg F \n",
"T3 = Ti*9./5 + 32 #[F] Bubble-point temperature\n",
- "# Results\n",
"print \" The results are summarized in the following table:\"\n",
"print \" Variable \\t Values calculated from\\t Values calculated from \\t Values calculated \"\n",
"print \" \\t from figure 10.7 \\t Raoult''s law \\t\\t\\t from L-R rule\"\n",
@@ -150,39 +130,25 @@
"import math \n",
- "# Variables\n",
"P = 800. #[psia] Bubble point pressure\n",
"x_ethane = 0.60 # Mole fraction of ethane in liquid phase\n",
"x_hepmath_tane = (1-x_ethane)\n",
- "# a) From figure 10.7( page 260 ) given in the book\n",
- "# We read the chart to get the bubble-point temperature\n",
- "# The dew point curve for 800 psia crosses the 60 mol% ethane line at about temperature \n",
- "# T1 = 165\n",
- "# Now, we horizontally from that intersection point to the dew-point curve, finding the vapor phase composition of ethane \n",
- "# y1_e = 0.95\n",
- "# But, by linear interpolation in the experimental data on which Figure 10.7 is based we make a slightly more reliable estimate and get \n",
"T1 = 209. #[F]\n",
"y1_e = 0.945\n",
"y1_h = (1- y1_e)\n",
- "# b) By Raoult's law, we use a trial and error procedureon the temperature\n",
- "# Antoine equation consmath.tants for ethanol are given \n",
"A_e = 6.80267\n",
"B_e = 656.4028\n",
"C_e = 255.99\n",
- "# and that for n-hepmath_tane are\n",
"A_h = 6.9024\n",
"B_h = 1268.115\n",
"C_h = 216.9\n",
- "# Antoine equation is given by\n",
- "# (math.log10p) = (A - B/(T+C))\n",
"T = 50. #[C]\n",
"err = 1.\n",
" \n",
- "# Calculations\n",
"while err > 10**(-4):\n",
" p1_e = (10**(A_e - B_e/(C_e + T)))*(14.7/760)\n",
" p1_h = (10**(A_h - B_h/(C_h + T)))*(14.7/760)\n",
@@ -191,18 +157,11 @@
" err = abs((y2_e + y2_h) - 1)\n",
" T = T + 0.0001\n",
- "# Changing the temperature in deg F \n",
"T2 = T*9./5 + 32 #[F] Bubble-point temperature\n",
- "# c) In this method, we use L-R rule, instead of simple Raoult's law\n",
- "# So,\n",
- "# y_i = (x_i*p_i)/(v_i*P)\n",
- "# Where calculated values of v_i from EOS are given \n",
"v_e = 0.6290642 # For ethane\n",
"v_h = 0.0010113 # For n-hepmath_tane\n",
- "# We again use trial and error on the temperature\n",
- "# Let us assume the initial temperature \n",
"Ti = 10. #[C]\n",
"err = 1.\n",
" \n",
@@ -214,10 +173,8 @@
" err = abs((y3_e + y3_h) - 1)\n",
" Ti = Ti + 0.0001\n",
- "# Changing the temperature in deg F \n",
"T3 = Ti*9./5 + 32 #[F] Bubble-point temperature\n",
- "# Results\n",
"print \" The results are summarized in the following table:\"\n",
"print \" \\t Variable \\t\\t Values calculated from\\t Values calculated from Values calculated\"\n",
"print \" \\t\\t\\t\\t from figure 10.7 \\t Raoult''s law \\t\\t from L-R rule\"\n",
@@ -269,46 +226,29 @@
"from scipy.optimize import fsolve \n",
"import math \n",
- "# Variables\n",
- "# The initial data for this example is same as that of example 10.2, i.e.\n",
"P = 800. #[psia] Bubble point pressure\n",
"x_e = 0.60 # Mole fraction of ethane in liquid phase\n",
"x_h = (1-x_e) # Mole fraction of n-hepmath.tane in the liquid phase\n",
"R = 0.08314 #( L*bar/(mol*K)) Universal gas consmath.tant \n",
- "# Changing the pressure in bar\n",
"Pb = (800/14.7)*(1.01325) #[bar]\n",
- "# In this problem we will denote ethane by 'e' and that to n-hepmath.tane by 'h'\n",
- "# From table A.1 ( page 417 ) given in the book, critical temperatures of ethane and hepmath.tane are \n",
"T_c_e = 305.3 #[K]\n",
"T_c_h = 540.2 #[K]\n",
- "# and critical pressures are\n",
"P_c_e = 48.72 #[bar]\n",
"P_c_h = 27.40 #[bar]\n",
- "# also the accentric facors are \n",
"w_e = 0.1\n",
"w_h = 0.35\n",
- "# Thus we have\n",
"P_r_e = Pb/P_c_e\n",
"P_r_h = Pb/P_c_h\n",
- "# Now from equations (F.13) and (F.14) ( page 459 ) given in the book we have\n",
- "# A_e = 0.42747 + ( 1 + (0.480 + 1.574*w_e - 0.17*w_e**(2))*( 1 - T_r_e**(0.5)))**(2)*(P_r_e/T_r_e**(2))\n",
- "# A_h = 0.42747 + ( 1 + (0.480 + 1.574*w_h - 0.17*w_h**(2))*( 1 - T_r_h**(0.5)))**(2)*(P_r_h/T_r_h**(2))\n",
- "# and\n",
- "# B_e = 0.08664*(P_r_e/T_r_e)\n",
- "# B_h = 0.08664*(P_r_h/T_r_h)\n",
- "# We will take the help trial and error method both on Temperature and the vapor phase composition of ethane\n",
- "# Let us assume the starting temperature 200 deg F. Changing this temperature in K\n",
"T = (200-32)*5./9 + 273.15 #[K]\n",
"err = 1\n",
- "# Calculations\n",
"while err > 10**(-4):\n",
" T_r_e = T/T_c_e\n",
" T_r_h = T/T_c_h\n",
@@ -353,15 +293,12 @@
" T = T + 0.1\n",
- "# Changing the temperature in deg F, we have \n",
"Tf = ( T - 273.15)*9./5 + 32 #[F]\n",
- "# Results\n",
"print \" Bubble point of the given ethanol and n-hepmath.tane mixture at 800 psia is %f deg F\"%(Tf)\n",
"print \" Amount of ethanol in the vapour phase of the mixture at the given condition is %f \"%(y_e1)\n",
"print \" Amount of n-heptane in the vapour phase of the mixture at the given condition is %f \"%(y_h1)\n",
- "# Answers may vary because of rounding error."
"language": "python",
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