path: root/Fiber_Optics_Communication_by_H._Kolimbiris/chapter11_1.ipynb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Fiber_Optics_Communication_by_H._Kolimbiris/chapter11_1.ipynb')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Fiber_Optics_Communication_by_H._Kolimbiris/chapter11_1.ipynb b/Fiber_Optics_Communication_by_H._Kolimbiris/chapter11_1.ipynb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f8a54d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Fiber_Optics_Communication_by_H._Kolimbiris/chapter11_1.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ "metadata": {
+ "celltoolbar": "Raw Cell Format",
+ "name": "",
+ "signature": "sha256:21e4ae5382ea70f09382be8b52555f5fbc8f74fe04eda894a464606ba56a00a7"
+ },
+ "nbformat": 3,
+ "nbformat_minor": 0,
+ "worksheets": [
+ {
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 1,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Chapter 11: Multiplexing"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Example 11.1,Page number 386"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#given\n",
+ "\n",
+ "q=4.9*10**-18; #in m/W.GHz raman gain slope\n",
+ "f=100; #in GHz\n",
+ "A=50*10**-6; #cross sectional area in micro meter square\n",
+ "P0=3.5; #in mW\n",
+ "Le=10*10**3;\n",
+ "G=q*f*10**6/2/A;\n",
+ "N=20;\n",
+ "print\"G =\",\"{0:.3e}\".format(G);\n",
+ "CT=N*(N-1)*(P0*10**-3*G*Le)/2;\n",
+ "print\"CT(L) =\",round(CT,3);\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "G = 4.900e-06\n",
+ "CT(L) = 0.033\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Example 11.2,Page number 410"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#given\n",
+ "\n",
+ "K0=2*math.pi*625; #in MHz/V\n",
+ "Ip=0.6; #in mA\n",
+ "N=64; \n",
+ "w=2.44; #in Mhz\n",
+ "Z=5;\n",
+ "Vout=5; #in V\n",
+ "C=(4*K0*10**6*Ip*10**-3*Z)/(2*math.pi*N*w*w*10**12);\n",
+ "print\"The value of capacitance is\",round(C*10**9,4),\"nF\";\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "The value of capacitance is 19.6835 nF\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Example 11.3,Page number 410"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#given\n",
+ "\n",
+ "K0=2*math.pi*625; #in MHz/V\n",
+ "Ip=0.35; #in mA\n",
+ "N=64; \n",
+ "w=2.44; #in MHz\n",
+ "Z=5;\n",
+ "Vout=4; #in V\n",
+ "C=22; #in nF\n",
+ "Z=math.sqrt((2*math.pi*N*w**2*C)/(4*Ip*K0*0.25));\n",
+ "print\"Zeta is\",round(Z,4);\n",
+ "\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "Zeta is 6.1904\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 8
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {}
+ }
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file