path: root/tbc/templates
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tbc/templates')
4 files changed, 83 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tbc/templates/tbc/book-review-details.html b/tbc/templates/tbc/book-review-details.html
index 7e52c26..1aa888c 100644
--- a/tbc/templates/tbc/book-review-details.html
+++ b/tbc/templates/tbc/book-review-details.html
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
<input type=submit value=GO>
+ {% ifequal proposal.status 'codes disapproved' %}
+ <p>The required corrections have already been notified to the user. Kindly check the Activity Log for more details</p>
+ {% endifequal %}
{% endif %}
<tr><td>Author: &nbsp;&nbsp;<td>{{ }}
diff --git a/tbc/templates/tbc/confirm-details.html b/tbc/templates/tbc/confirm-details.html
index 26007ea..96393ac 100644
--- a/tbc/templates/tbc/confirm-details.html
+++ b/tbc/templates/tbc/confirm-details.html
@@ -1,11 +1,57 @@
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
<div id="content-wrap" style="max-width:600px;">
+ <div id="myModal" class="modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
+ <div class="modal-header">
+ <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
+ <h3 id="myModalLabel">Verify Details</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ <p>You are submitting codes for the book <br> <b>{{ book.title }} by {{ }}</b>.
+ <br>Kindly verify the book details &amp; <b>enter the number of chapters</b> you will submit the codes for.</p>
+ <p>Note: Consider only those chapters which have solved examples</p></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="modal-footer">
+ <button class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal">Ok</button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="chapterModal" class="modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
+ <div class="modal-header">
+ <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
+ <h3 id="myModalLabel">Invalid number of chapters</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ <p>No of chapters cannot be less than 0 or greater than 100</p>
+ <p>However, if the textbook has more than 100 chapters kindly contact the reviewer.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="modal-footer">
+ <button class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal">Ok</button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
<form action="/confirm-book-details/" method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.as_table }}
- <input class="btn btn-primary" type=submit value="Update Book">
+ <input class="btn btn-primary" type=submit onclick="return validateChapters();" value="Update Details">
{% endblock %}
+{% block script %}
+ <script>
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ $("#myModal").modal();
+ });
+ function validateChapters()
+ {
+ no_chapters = document.getElementById("id_no_chapters").value
+ if (no_chapters <= 0 || no_chapters > 100)
+ {
+ $("#chapterModal").modal();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ </script>
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/tbc/templates/tbc/review-proposal.html b/tbc/templates/tbc/review-proposal.html
index 9c6aca9..b660db8 100644
--- a/tbc/templates/tbc/review-proposal.html
+++ b/tbc/templates/tbc/review-proposal.html
@@ -68,7 +68,17 @@
{% endifequal %}
<h5><b>Book Accepted/Alloted:</b> {{ proposal.proposal.accepted.title }}</h5>
- {% ifequal proposal.proposal.status "samples" %}
+ {% ifequal proposal.proposal.status "sample resubmitted" %}
+ {% if proposal.sample.sample_notebook %}
+ <h5><a href="{% static 'uploads/' %}{{ proposal.sample.sample_notebook }}">sample notebook</a><br></h5>
+ <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{% url 'tbc:DisapproveProposal' %}">Disapprove Samples</a>
+ <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{% url 'tbc:AllotBook' %}">Alot Book</a>
+ <h5>This is resubmission of the sample notebook</h5>
+ {% else %}
+ <h5>Contributor has not re submitted sample notebook yet.</h5>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endifequal %}
+ {% ifequal proposal.proposal.status "sample submitted" %}
{% if proposal.sample.sample_notebook %}
<h5><a href="{% static 'uploads/' %}{{ proposal.sample.sample_notebook }}">sample notebook</a><br></h5>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="{% url 'tbc:DisapproveProposal' %}">Disapprove Samples</a>
diff --git a/tbc/templates/tbc/update-code.html b/tbc/templates/tbc/update-code.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cce2038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tbc/templates/tbc/update-code.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+{% extends 'base.html' %}
+{% block content %}
+ <div id="content-wrap" style="max-width:600px;">
+ <p>You are updating codes for the book {{ book.title }} by {{ }}</p>
+ <p>Upload the corrected IPython Notebooks & screen shots.</p>
+ <form action="/submit-code/" method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data">
+ {% csrf_token %}
+ {% for chapter in chapters %}
+ <input type=text name=chapter{{forloop.counter}} value="{{ }}">
+ <input type=file name=notebook{{forloop.counter}}>
+ {% endfor %}
+ <br>
+ <hr>
+ <p>Upload 3 screenshots from any 3 random chapters and give proper captions</p>
+ {% for screenshot in screenshots %}
+ <input type=text name=caption{{forloop.counter}} value="{{ screenshot.caption }}">
+ <input type=file name=image{{forloop.counter}}>
+ {% endfor %}
+ <center><input type=submit value=submit></center>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+{% endblock %}