path: root/tbc/static
diff options
authorhardythe12014-06-15 12:25:25 +0530
committerhardythe12014-06-15 12:25:25 +0530
commit09319a3ca0d1b814d68cb2d1e0d82bb01bc1babe (patch)
treef43745b436222c8bfe343b7742dcd5e5e5e3132e /tbc/static
parentd6d98e5edcbe809aaccc757a5b323b688e06e5e4 (diff)
adding static pages to see list of books completed & under progess
Diffstat (limited to 'tbc/static')
2 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tbc/static/templates/books_under_progress.html b/tbc/static/templates/books_under_progress.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5d60c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tbc/static/templates/books_under_progress.html
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% block content %}
+<center><h2> Books Under Progress </h2></center><br/>
+ <li>Power Electronics: Circuits, devices and applications by Muhammad H. Rashid(3rd Edition)
+ <li>Engineering Mechanics-Statistics & Dynamics by Irving H. Shames & Krishna Mohan Rao (4th Edition)
+ <li>Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox & McDonald, Philip J. Pritchard (6th Edition)
+ <li>Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by Moran & Shapiro (5th Edition)
+ <li>A Heat Transfer Textbook by Lienhard John H. 4th & Lienhard John H. 5th (3rd Edition)
+ <li>Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Borgnakke Claus & Sonntag E. Richard (7th Edition)
+ <li>Principles of Heat Transfer by Kreith & Bohn (4th Edition)
+ <li>Elements of Mechanical Engineering by K.P. Roy & S.K. Hajra Chaudhry (5th Edition)
+ <li>Miller & Freunds Probability & Statistics for Engineers by Richard J. (8th Edition)
+ <li>Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by Gopinath Halder (1st Edition)
+ <li>Chemical Engineering - Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer & Mass Transfer Vol. 1 by J. M. Coulson, J. F. Richardson (6th edition)
+ <li>Programming in ANSI C by E. Balagurusamy (6th Edition)
+ <li>C++ Program Design by James P. Cohoon, Jack W. Davidson
+ <li>Programming with C by Byron S. Gottfried (3rd Edidion)
+ <li>Numerical methods using C by E. Balagurusamy (1st Edition)
+ <li>Mass Transfer Operations by Robert Treybal (3rd Edition)
+ <li>Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koeing & Barbara Moo (1st Edition)
+ <li>Mastering C by K. R. Venugopal(1st Edition)
+ <li>Basic Electrical Engineering by Debashisha Jena(1st Edition)
+ <li>Textbook on C: Fundamentals, Data structures & problem solving by Krathikeyan A.(1st Edition)
+ <li>Teach yourself C++ by Herbert Schildt(3rd Edition)
+ <li>A textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic machines by R. K. Bansal(9th Edition)
+ <li>Radio - Frequency and Microwave communication circuits analysis and design by D. K. Mishra(2nd Edition)
+ <li>Data Structures using C++ by D. S. Malik(2nd Edition)
+ <li>Data Structures with C by Seymour Lipschutz(1st Edition)
+ <li>Computer Programming in C by V. Rajaram(EE Edition)
+ <li>Programming in C++ by P. B. Mahapatra(6th Edition)
+ <li>Fluid power with applications by Anthony Asposito(1st Edition)
+ <li>Advanced C programming by A. P. Godse & D. A. Godse(1st Edition)
+ <li>Radar Engineering and Fundamentals of Navigational Aida by G. S. N. Raju(1st Edition)
+ <li>Principles of Electronics by V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta(11th Edition)
+ <li>Antenna and Wave propagation by K. K. Sharma(1st Edition)
+ <li>Electronics Communication by Dennis Roddy and John Coolen (4th Edition)
+ <li>Programming in C by Pradip Dey and Manas Ghosh(1st Edition)
+ <li>Application of Numerical Techniques with C by Suresh Chandra
+ <li>Fluid flow for the practicing Chemical engineer by James P. Abulencia & Louis Theodore(1st Edition)
+ <li>Chemical Reactor analysis and applications for the practicing Engineer by Louis Theodore(1st Edition)
+ <li>Thermodynamics for the practicing Engineer by Loius Theodore, Francesco Ricci & Timothy Vanvliet(1st Edition)
+ <li>Priciples of Power systems by V. K. Mehta & R. Mehta(4th Edition)
+ <li>C for dummies by Dan Gookin(2nd Edition)
+ <li>The complete reference Java 2 by Herbert Schildt(5th Edition)
+ <li>Data Structures and Algorithms made easy by Narasimha Karumanchi(2nd Edition)
+ <li>Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni & Dinesh Mehta(2nd Edition)
+ <li>Stength of materials - Mechanics of solids by Er R. K. Rajput(revised Edition)
+ <li>Transport Processes and Unit Operations by C. J. Geankoplis(3rd Edition)
+ <li>Mechanics of fluids by A. C. Walshaw & D. A. Jobson
+ <li>Electronic devices and circuits by I. J. Nagrath
+ <li>Modern Physics by B. L. Theraja(16th Edition)
+ <li>Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology by John Bird(3rd Edition)
+ <li>Op-Amps and Linear Integrated circuit by S. Sharma(1st Edition)
+ <li>Stoichiometry and Process calculations by K. V. Narayanan & B. Lakshmikutty(1st Edition)
+ <li>Antenna and Wave Propagation by K. D.Prasad(3rd Edition)
+ <li>Optical Fiber Communications Principles and practice by John M. Senior(3rd Edition)
+ <li>Data structures through C in depth by S. K. Srivastava & Deepali Srivastava
+ <li>Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated circuits by R. F. Coughline & F. F. Driscoll(6th Edition)
+ <li>Surveying volume 3 by A. K. Arora(1st Edition)
+ <li>Electric Power Transmission: System engineering and Design by Turan Gonen(2nd Edition)
+ <li>Material science and engineering by Dr. K. M. Gupta(5th Edition)
+ <li>Programming in C by R. Subburaj(1st Edition)
+ <li>Concepts of modern physics by Arthur Beiser(6th Edition)
+ <li>Fundamentals of electronic drives and control by B. R. Gupta & V. Singhal(1st Edition)
+ <li>Magnifying C by Arpita Gopal(1st Edition)
+ <li>Semiconductor Physics and devices by D. A. Naemen(3rd Edition)
+ <li>Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by Y. V. C. Rao(1st Edition)
+ <li>Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by R. N. Goyal & H. Goel(1st Edition)
+ <li>Chemical reaction Engineering by O. Levenspiel(3rd Edition)
+ <li>Radar Engineering and fundamentals of Navigational Aids by G. S. N. Raju(1st Edition)
+ <li>Engineering and Chemical Thermodynamics by M. D. Koretsky(2nd Edition)
+ <li>Basic Electrical Engineering with numerical problems(Volume-1) by P. S. Dhogal(1st Edition)
+ <li>Engineering thermodynamics by P. K. Nag(4th Edition)
+ <li>Introduction to heat transfer by S. K. Som(1st Edition)
+ <li>Electronic Devices and Circuits by K. L. Kishore(1st Edition)
+ <li>Principles of Electronic Communication Systems by Louis E. Freznel(3rd Edition)
+ <li>Mechanics of Materials by R. C. Hibbeler(8th Edition)
+ <li>Elementary heat power by H. L. Solberg
+ <li>Thermodynamics: An Engineering approach by Michael A. boles & Yunus A. cengel(5th Edition)
+ <li>Thermodynamics by F. P. Durham(2nd Edition)
+ <li>Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology by S. M. Sze(2nd Edition)
+ <li>Analog Electronics by U. A. Bakshi & A. P. Godse
+ <li>Solid State Electronic Devices by Ben Streetman & sanjay Banerjee(EE Edition)
+ <li>Digital Communications by S. Sharma(6th edition)
+ <li>Engineering Physics by D. K. Bhattacharya & A. Bhaskaran(1st Edition)
+ <li> Applied Physics II by H. J. Sawant
+ <li>Fundamentals of Computing and Programming in C by V. Ramesh Babu, R. Samyuktha, M. Munirathnam
+ <li>Thermodynamics: From concepts to applications by A. Shavit & C. Gutfinger(2nd Edition)
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/tbc/static/templates/converted_textbooks.html b/tbc/static/templates/converted_textbooks.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d587ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tbc/static/templates/converted_textbooks.html
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% block content %}
+<center><h2> Converted Text Books </h2></center><br/>
+<li>Introduction to Probability Models, Sixth Edition - Sheldon M. Ross
+<li>Introduction to Flight by J.D. Anderson (6th Edition)
+<li>Electronic Communication Systems by George Kennedy, Bernard Davis & S.R.M Prasanna (5th Edition)
+<li>Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes by Richard M. Felder, Ronald W. Rosseau (3rd Edition)
+<li>Elements of Practical Aerodynamics by Bradley Jones (4th Edition)
+<li>Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective by John D. Anderson (2nd Edition)
+<li>The C Book by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady & Mark Doran (2nd Edition)
+<li>Modern Physics by Serway, Moses, Moyer (3rd Edition)
+<li>Fluid Mechanics by F.M. White (6th Edition)
+<li>Applied Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh (3rd Edition)
+<li>A Textbook of Engineering Physics by M. S. Avadhanulu (9th Edition)
+<li>Introduction to thermodynamics & Heat transfer by David A. mooney(1st Edition)
+<li>Structural and Stress analysis by Dr. T. H. G. Megson(2nd Edition)
+<li>The C programming language by Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie(2nd Edition)
+<li>An Introduction to the C Programming Language and Software design by Tim Bailey(1st Edition)
+<li>Elements of thermal Technology by John H. Seely(1st Edition)
+<li>Object Oriented Programming with C++ by E. Balagurusamy(4th Edition)
+<li>Programming in C by D. Ravichandran(1st Edition)
+<li>A first of C++ from here to there by Gary J. Bronson(3rd Edition)
+<li>Satellite Communications by Dennis Roddy(3rd Edition)
+<li>Solid State Physics: Structure and Properties of materials by M. A. Wahab(2nd Edition)
+<li>Fluid Mechanics by John F. Douglas(5th Edition)
+<li>Heat Transfer(in S.I. units) by J. P. Holman(9th Edition)
+<li>Op-Amps & Linear integrated circuits by Ramakant Gaykwad(4th Edition)
+<li>C++ for dummies by Stephen Randy Davis(5th Edition)
+<li>C by dissection: The essentials of C programming by Al Kelly & Ira Pohl(1st Edition)
+<li>Schaum's Outlines - Programming with C++ by John R. Hubbard(2nd Edition)
+<li>Engineering Physics by T. Sreekanth, K. Vijaya Kumar & S. Chandralingam(1st Edition)
+<li>Electronic devices by Thomas L. Floyd
+<li>Data Structures and Algorithms in Java by Robert Lafore(2nd Edition)
+<li>Electric Machinery by A. E. Fitzgerald, Kingsley & Umans(6th Edition)
+<li>Heat transfer applications for the Practicing Engineer by Louis Theodore(1st Edition)
+<li>Principles and modern Applications of Mass transfer Operations by J. Benitez(2nd Edition)
+<li>Practical C programming by Steve Qualline(3rd Edition)
+<li>Basic electronics and Linear Circuits by N. N. Bhargava, D. C. Kulshreshtha, S. C. Gupta(1st Edition)
+<li>Programming in C by Stephen G. Kochan(3rd Edition)
+<li>Elements of electromagnetics by Mathew N. O. Sadiku(3rd Edition)
+<li>C++ in Action - Industrial Strength Programming Techniques by Bartosz Milewski(2001)
+<li>How to think like a Computer Scinetist: C++ version by Alleb B. Downey
+<li>Beginning C++ through Game programming by Michael Dawson(3rd Edition)
+<li>C++ Demystified: A self-teaching guide by Jeff Kent(1st Edition)
+<li>Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by B. R. Munson, D. F. Young & T. H. Okishii(6th Edition)
+<li>Fluid Mechanics - Worked Examples for Engineers by C. Schaschke(1st Edition)
+<li> Fluidization Engineering by K. Daizo & O. Levenspiel(2nd Edition)
+<li>Elements of mass transfer(Part 1) by N. Anantharaman & K. M. M. S. Begum(1st Edition)
+<li>Let us C by Yashavant P. Kanetkar(5th Edition)
+<li>Industrial Instrumentation by K. Krishnaswamy & S. Vijayachitra(2nd Edition)
+<li>Basic Principles and Calculations in chemical Engineering by D. M. Himmelblau & J. B. Riggs(7th Edition)
+<li>Beginning C by Ivon Horton(5th Edition)
+<li>A Textbook of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by K. V. Narayanan
+<li>Fundamentals of Heat and Mass transfer by Incropera(3rd Edition)
+<li>Electronic Principles by Albert Malvino & David J. Bates(7th Edition)
+<li>Thermodynamics: A core course by R. C. Srivastava, S. K. Saha & A. K. Jain(2nd Edition)
+<li>C++ from the ground by Herbert Schildt(3rd Edition)
+<li>Electrical circuit theory and technology by J. O. Bird(2nd revised edition)
+<li>Engineering Thermodynamics: A Computer approach by R. K. Rajput(SI units version)
+<li>Engineering heat transfer by W. S. Janna(2nd Edition)
+<li>Basic Mechanical Engineering by G. K. Pathak & D. K. Chavan(1st Edition)
+<li>Fundamentals of Electronic devices by J. B. Gupta(1st Edition)
+<li>Engineering physics by A. Marikani(1st Edition)
+<li>Heat transfer by K. A. Gavhane(10th Edition)
+<li>Linear Integrated Circuits by S. Salivahanan, V. S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran(1stEdition)
+<li>Microwave and radar engineering by M. Kulkarni(3rd Edition)
+<li>Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by K. V. Narayanan(1st Edition)
+<li>A Comprehensive Textbook of Applied Physics by M. Kumar(1st Edition)
+<li>Ansi C Programming by Yashwant Kanetkar(1st Edition)
+<li>Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers by N. D. Nevers
+<li>Mechanics of Materials by J. M. Gere(6th Edition)
+<li>Introduction to chemical engineering by S. K. Ghoshal & S. Datta(1st Edition)
+<li>Physical and Chemical Equilibrium for chemical Engineers by N. De. Nevers(1st Edition)
+<li>Satellite Communication by Anil K. Maini & Varsha Agarwal(1st Edition)
+<li>Engineering Physics by G. Aruldhas(1st Edition)
+<li>Principles of Data Structures using C and C++ by Vinu V. Das
+<li>Solid State Physics by P. K. Palanisamy(1st Edition)
+<li>Programming with Java: A primer by E. Balagurusamy(3rd Edition)
+<li>Fluid Mechanics by Irafan A. Khan(1st Edition)
+<li>Material Science and Engineering: An introduction by William D. Callister(7th Edition)
+<li>Hydraulics by J. Lal(2nd Edition)
+<li>Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by P. Ahuja
+<li>Surveying volume 3 by B. C. Punmia
+<li>Power Electronics:Principles & Applications by J. M. Jacob
+<li>Fluid Power Theory & Applications by J. Sullivan(4th Edition)
+<li>Optical communication by S. Katiyar(3rd Edition)
+<li>Engineering Physics by Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar
+<li>Basic Electrical engineering by D. C. Kulshreshtha
+<li>Transport Phenomena by R. S. Brodkey & H. C. Hershey(1st Edition)
+<li>Electrical Power Systems: Concepts, theory and Practice by Subir Ray(EE Edition)
+<li>Problems in Fluid Flow by D. J. Brasch and D. Whyman(1st Edition)
+<li>Programming with ANSI and Turbo C by Ashok N. Kamthane(1st Edition)
+{% endblock %}