path: root/Connections/Shear/Finplate/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Connections/Shear/Finplate/')
1 files changed, 1091 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/Connections/Shear/Finplate/ b/Connections/Shear/Finplate/
index 83fb8a7..342456c 100644
--- a/Connections/Shear/Finplate/
+++ b/Connections/Shear/Finplate/
@@ -4,28 +4,45 @@ Created on 24-Aug-2015
@author: deepa
import svgwrite
-from svgwrite import mm
from PyQt4.QtCore import QString
import numpy as np
from numpy import math
-class Fin2DCreatorFront(object):
+class FinCommonData(object):
def __init__(self, inputObj,ouputObj,dictBeamdata,dictColumndata):
+ '''
+ Provide all the data related to Finplate connection
+ :param inputObj:
+ :type inputObj:dictionary(Input parameter dictionary)
+ :param outputObj:
+ :type ouputObj :dictionary (output parameter dictionary)
+ :param dictBeamdata :
+ :type dictBeamdata: dictionary (Beam sectional properties)
+ :param dictColumndata :
+ :type dictBeamdata: dictionary (Column sectional properties dictionary)
+ '''
self.beam_T = float(dictBeamdata[QString("T")])
self.col_T = float(dictColumndata[QString("T")])
self.D_beam = int (dictBeamdata[QString("D")])
self.D_col = int (dictColumndata[QString("D")])
self.col_B = int(dictColumndata[QString("B")])
+ self.beam_B = int(dictBeamdata[QString("B")])
self.col_tw = float(dictColumndata[QString("tw")])
+ self.beam_tw = float(dictBeamdata[QString("tw")])
self.col_Designation = dictColumndata[QString("Designation")]
self.beam_Designation = dictBeamdata[QString("Designation")]
- beam_R1 = float(dictBeamdata[QString("R1")])
- self.R1 = beam_R1
- plate_ht= ouputObj['Plate']['height']
- plate_width = ouputObj['Plate']['width']
- weld_len = ouputObj['Plate']['height']
- weld_thick = ouputObj['Weld']['thickness']
+ self.beam_R1 = float(dictBeamdata[QString("R1")])
+ self.col_R1 = float(dictColumndata[QString("R1")])
+ self.plate_ht= ouputObj['Plate']['height']
+ self.plate_thick = inputObj['Plate']["Thickness (mm)"]
+ self.plate_width = ouputObj['Plate']['width']
+ self.weld_len = ouputObj['Plate']['height']
+ self.weld_thick = ouputObj['Weld']['thickness']
self.bolt_dia = inputObj["Bolt"]["Diameter (mm)"]
self.connectivity = inputObj['Member']['Connectivity']
self.pitch = ouputObj['Bolt']["pitch"]
@@ -34,224 +51,467 @@ class Fin2DCreatorFront(object):
self.edge_dist = ouputObj['Bolt']["edge"]
self.no_of_rows = ouputObj['Bolt']["numofrow"]
self.no_of_col = ouputObj['Bolt']["numofcol"]
- self.plate_thick = inputObj['Plate']["Thickness (mm)"]
- self.col_L = 1000
- self.beam_L = 500
- print inputObj
+ self.col_L = 800
+ self.beam_L = 350
+ = 20 # Clear distance between Column and Beam as per subramanyam's book ,range 15-20 mm
+ def addSMarker(self, dwg):
+ '''
+ Draws start arrow to given line -------->
+ :param dwg :
+ :type dwg : svgwrite (obj) ( Container for all svg elements)
+ '''
+ smarker = dwg.marker(insert=(-8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
+ smarker.add(dwg.polyline([(-2.5,0), (0,3), (-8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
+ dwg.defs.add(smarker)
+ return smarker
+ def addEMarker(self, dwg):
+ '''
+ This routine returns end arrow <---------
+ :param dwg :
+ :type dwg : svgwrite ( Container for all svg elements)
+ '''
+ emarker = dwg.marker(insert=(8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
+ emarker.add(dwg.polyline([(2.5,0), (0,3), (8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
+ dwg.defs.add(emarker)
+ return emarker
+ def drawFaintLine(self,ptOne,ptTwo,dwg):
+ '''
+ Draw faint line to show dimensions.
+ :param dwg :
+ :type dwg : svgwrite (obj)
+ :param: ptOne :
+ :type NumPy Array
+ :param ptTwo :
+ :type NumPy Array
+ '''
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(ptOne,ptTwo).stroke('#D8D8D8',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square',opacity = 0.7))
+ def draw_dimension_outerArrow(self, dwg, pt1, pt2, text, params):
+ '''
+ :param dwg :
+ :type dwg : svgwrite (obj)
+ :param: pt1 :
+ :type NumPy Array
+ :param pt2 :
+ :type NumPy Array
+ :param text :
+ :type text : String
+ :param params["offset"] :
+ :type params["offset"] : offset of the dimension line
+ :param params["textoffset"]:
+ :type params["textoffset"]: float (offset of text from dimension line)
+ :param params["lineori"]:
+ :type params ["lineori"]: String (right/left)
+ :param params["endlinedim"]:
+ :type params'["endlindim"] : float (dimension line at the end of the outer arrow)
+ '''
+ smarker = dwg.marker(insert=(-8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
+ smarker.add(dwg.polyline([(-2.5,0), (0,3), (-8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
+ emarker = dwg.marker(insert=(8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
+ emarker.add(dwg.polyline([(2.5,0), (0,3), (8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
+ dwg.defs.add(emarker)
+ dwg.defs.add(smarker)
+ lineVec = pt2 - pt1 # [a, b]
+ normalVec = np.array([-lineVec[1], lineVec[0]]) # [-b, a]
+ normalUnitVec = self.normalize(normalVec)
+ if(params["lineori"] == "left"):
+ normalUnitVec = -normalUnitVec
+ # Q1 = pt1 + params["offset"] * normalUnitVec
+ # Q2 = pt2 + params["offset"] * normalUnitVec
+ Q1 = pt1 + params["offset"] * normalUnitVec
+ Q2 = pt2 + params["offset"] * normalUnitVec
+ line = dwg.add(dwg.line(Q1, Q2).stroke('black', width = 2.5, linecap = 'square'))
+ line['marker-start'] = smarker.get_funciri()
+ line['marker-end'] = emarker.get_funciri()
+ Q12mid = 0.5 * (Q1 + Q2)
+ txtPt = Q12mid + params["textoffset"] * normalUnitVec
+ dwg.add(dwg.text(text, insert=(txtPt), fill='black',font_family = "sans-serif",font_size = 28))
+ L1 = Q1 + params["endlinedim"] * normalUnitVec
+ L2 = Q1 + params["endlinedim"]* (-normalUnitVec)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(L1,L2).stroke('black',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square',opacity = 1.0))
+ L3 = Q2 + params["endlinedim"] * normalUnitVec
+ L4 = Q2 + params["endlinedim"]* (-normalUnitVec)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(L3,L4).stroke('black',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square',opacity = 1.0))
+ def normalize(self, vec):
+ a = vec[0]
+ b = vec[1]
+ mag = math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
+ return vec / mag
+ def draw_dimension_innerArrow(self, dwg, ptA, ptB, text, params):
+ '''
+ :param dwg :
+ :type dwg : svgwrite (obj)
+ :param: ptA :
+ :type NumPy Array
+ :param ptB :
+ :type NumPy Array
+ :param text :
+ :type text : String
+ :param params["textoffset"]:
+ :type params["textoffset"]: float (offset of text from dimension line)
+ :param params["endlinedim"]:
+ :type params'["endlindim"] : float (dimension line at the end of the outer arrow)
+ :param params["arrowlen"]:
+ :type params["arrowlen"]: float (Size of the arrow)
+ '''
+ smarker = dwg.marker(insert=(-8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
+ smarker.add(dwg.polyline([(-2.5,0), (0,3), (-8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
+ emarker = dwg.marker(insert=(8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
+ emarker.add(dwg.polyline([(2.5,0), (0,3), (8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
+ dwg.defs.add(emarker)
+ dwg.defs.add(smarker)
+ u = ptB - ptA # [a, b]
+ uUnit = self.normalize(u)
+ vUnit = np.array([-uUnit[1], uUnit[0]]) # [-b, a]
+ A1 = ptA + params["endlinedim"] * vUnit
+ A2 = ptA - params["endlinedim"]* (-vUnit)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(A1,A2).stroke('black',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ B1 = ptB + params["endlinedim"] * vUnit
+ B2 = ptB - params["endlinedim"]* (-vUnit)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(B1,B2).stroke('black',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ A3 = ptA - params["arrowlen"]* uUnit
+ B3 = ptB + params["arrowlen"]* uUnit
+ line = dwg.add(dwg.line(A3, ptA).stroke('black', width = 2.5, linecap = 'square'))
+ line['marker-end'] = emarker.get_funciri()
+ line = dwg.add(dwg.line(B3, ptB).stroke('black', width = 2.5, linecap = 'square'))
+ line['marker-end'] = emarker.get_funciri()
+ txtPt = B3 + params["textoffset"] * uUnit
+ dwg.add(dwg.text(text, insert=(txtPt), fill='black',font_family = "sans-serif",font_size = 28))
+ def drawArrow(self,line,s_arrow,e_arrow):
+ line['marker-start'] = s_arrow.get_funciri()
+ line['marker-end'] = e_arrow.get_funciri()
+ def drawStartArrow(self,line,s_arrow):
+ line['marker-start'] = s_arrow.get_funciri()
- self.A2 =(self.col_B,(self.col_L-self.D_beam)/2)
- self.B = (self.col_B,0)
+ def drawEndArrow(self,line,e_arrow):
+ line['marker-end'] = e_arrow.get_funciri()
+ def drawOrientedArrow(self, dwg, pt, theta, orientation, offset, textUp,textDown):
+ '''
+ Drawing an arrow on given direction
+ :param dwg :
+ :type dwg : svgwrite (obj)
+ :param: ptA :
+ :type NumPy Array
+ :param theta:
+ :type theta : Int
+ :param orientation :
+ :type orientation : String
+ :param offset :
+ :type offset : float
+ :param textUp :
+ :type textUp : String
+ :param textDown :
+ :type textup : String
+ '''
+ #Right Up.
+ theta = math.radians(theta)
+ charWidth = 18
+ xVec = np.array([1, 0])
+ yVec = np.array([0, 1])
+ p1 = pt
+ lengthA = offset / math.sin(theta)
+ arrowVec = None
+ if(orientation == "NE"):
+ arrowVec = np.array([-math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta)])
+ elif(orientation == "NW"):
+ arrowVec = np.array([math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta)])
+ elif(orientation == "SE"):
+ arrowVec = np.array([-math.cos(theta), -math.sin(theta)])
+ elif(orientation == "SW"):
+ arrowVec = np.array([math.cos(theta), -math.sin(theta)])
+ p2 = p1 - lengthA * arrowVec
+ text = textDown if len(textDown) > len(textUp) else textUp
+ lengthB = len(text) * charWidth
+ labelVec = None
+ if(orientation == "NE"):
+ labelVec = -xVec
+ elif(orientation == "NW"):
+ labelVec = xVec
+ elif(orientation == "SE"):
+ labelVec = -xVec
+ elif(orientation == "SW"):
+ labelVec = xVec
+ p3 = p2 + lengthB * (-labelVec)
+ txtOffset = 18
+ offsetVec = - yVec
+ txtPtUp = None
+ if(orientation == "NE"):
+ txtPtUp = p2 + 0.1 * lengthB * (-labelVec) + txtOffset * offsetVec
+ txtPtDwn = p2 - 0.1 * lengthB * (labelVec) - txtOffset * offsetVec
+ elif(orientation == "NW"):
+ txtPtUp = p3 + 0.1 * lengthB * labelVec + txtOffset * offsetVec
+ txtPtDwn = p3 - 0.1 * lengthB * labelVec - txtOffset * offsetVec
+ elif(orientation == "SE"):
+ txtPtUp = p2 + 0.1 * lengthB * (-labelVec) + txtOffset * offsetVec
+ txtPtDwn = p2 - 0.1 * lengthB * (labelVec) - txtOffset * offsetVec
+ elif(orientation == "SW"):
+ txtPtUp = p3 + 0.1 * lengthB * labelVec + txtOffset * offsetVec
+ txtPtDwn = p3 - 0.1 * lengthB * labelVec - txtOffset * offsetVec
+ line = dwg.add(dwg.polyline(points=[p1, p2, p3], fill= 'none', stroke='black', stroke_width = 2.5))
+ smarker = self.addSMarker(dwg)
+ line['marker-start'] = smarker.get_funciri()
+ dwg.add(dwg.text(textUp, insert=(txtPtUp), fill='black',font_family = "sans-serif",font_size = 28))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text(textDown, insert=(txtPtDwn), fill='black',font_family = "sans-serif",font_size = 28))
+ def saveToSvg(self):
+ ''' It returns the svg drawing depending upon connectivity
+ CFBW = Column Flange Beam Web
+ CWBW = Column Web Beam Web
+ BWBW = Beam Web Beam Web
+ '''
+ fin2DFront = Fin2DCreatorFront(self)
+ fin2DTop = Fin2DCreatorTop(self)
+ fin2DSide = Fin2DCreatorSide(self)
+ if self.connectivity == 'Column flange-Beam web':
+ fin2DFront.callCFBWfront()
+ fin2DSide.callCFBWSide()
+ fin2DTop.callCFBWTop()
+ elif self.connectivity == 'Column web-Beam web':
+ fin2DFront.callCWBWfront()
+ fin2DSide.callCWBWSide()
+ fin2DTop.callCWBWTop()
+ else:
+ self.callBWBWSide()
+class Fin2DCreatorFront(object):
+ def __init__(self,finCommonObj):
+ self.dataObj = finCommonObj
+ self.A2 =(self.dataObj.col_B,(self.dataObj.col_L-self.dataObj.D_beam)/2)
+ self.B = (self.dataObj.col_B,0)
self.A = (0,0)
- self.D = (0,self.col_L)
- self.C = (self.col_B,self.col_L)
- self.B2 = (self.col_B,(self.D_beam + self.col_L)/2)
+ self.D = (0,self.dataObj.col_L)
+ self.C = (self.dataObj.col_B,self.dataObj.col_L)
+ self.B2 = (self.dataObj.col_B,(self.dataObj.D_beam + self.dataObj.col_L)/2)
- ptEx = (self.col_B-self.col_tw)/2
+ ptEx = (self.dataObj.col_B-self.dataObj.col_tw)/2
ptEy = 0.0
self.E = (ptEx,ptEy)
- ptHx = (self.col_B-self.col_tw)/2
- ptHy = self.col_L
+ ptHx = (self.dataObj.col_B-self.dataObj.col_tw)/2
+ ptHy = self.dataObj.col_L
self.H = (ptHx,ptHy)
- ptFx = (self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2
+ ptFx = (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2
ptFy = 0
self.F = (ptFx,ptFy)
- ptGx = (self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2
- ptGy = self.col_L
- self.G = (ptGx,ptGy)
+ ptGx = (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2
+ ptGy = self.dataObj.col_L
+ self.G = np.array([ptGx,ptGy])
#Draw rectangle for finPlate PRSU
- ptPx = (self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2
- ptPy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + beam_R1 + 3)
+ ptPx = (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2
+ ptPy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
self.P = (ptPx,ptPy)
self.ptP = np.array([ptPx,ptPy])
- self.U = self.ptP + plate_ht* np.array([0,1])
+ self.U = self.ptP + (self.dataObj.plate_ht) * np.array([0,1])
- ptRx = (self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + plate_width
- ptRy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + beam_R1 + 3)
+ ptRx = (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + self.dataObj.plate_width
+ ptRy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
self.R = (ptRx,ptRy)
ptSx = ptRx
- ptSy = ptPy + plate_ht
+ ptSy = ptPy + self.dataObj.plate_ht
self.S = (ptSx,ptSy)
- self.plate_ht = plate_ht
- self.plate_width = plate_width
- self.weld_thick = weld_thick
- self.weld_len = weld_len
- # Draw Rectangle for weld
- ptC1x = ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + 20)
- ptC1y = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + beam_R1 + 3)
- self.C1 =(ptC1x,ptC1y)
+ ptC1x = ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 +
+ ptC1y = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
+ self.C1 =np.array([ptC1x,ptC1y])
- ptA1x = ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + 20)
- ptA1y = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2)
- self.A1 = (ptA1x,ptA1y)
+ ptA1x = ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 +
+ ptA1y = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2)
+ self.A1 = np.array([ptA1x,ptA1y])
- ptA3x = ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + 20) + self.beam_L
- ptA3y = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2)
+ ptA3x = ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + + self.dataObj.beam_L
+ ptA3y = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2)
self.A3 = (ptA3x,ptA3y)
- ptB3x = ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + 20) + self.beam_L
- ptB3y = ((self.col_L + self.D_beam)/2 )
+ ptB3x = ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + + self.dataObj.beam_L
+ ptB3y = ((self.dataObj.col_L + self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 )
self.B3 = (ptB3x,ptB3y)
- ptB1x = ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + 20)
- ptB1y = ((self.col_L + self.D_beam)/2 )
- self.B1 = (ptB1x,ptB1y)
+ ptB1x = ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 +
+ ptB1y = ((self.dataObj.col_L + self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 )
+ self.B1 = np.array([ptB1x,ptB1y])
+ self.ptB1 = np.array([ptB1x,ptB1y])
- ptC2x= ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + 20)
- ptC2y = ptC1y + plate_ht
+ ptC2x= ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + 20)
+ ptC2y = ptC1y + self.dataObj.plate_ht
self.C2 = (ptC2x,ptC2y)
- ptA5x = ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + 20)
- ptA5y = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + self.beam_T
+ ptA5x = ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + 20)
+ ptA5y = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + self.dataObj.beam_T
self.A5 = ptA5x,ptA5y
- ptA4x = ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + 20) + self.beam_L
- ptA4y = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + self.beam_T
+ ptA4x = ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + 20) + self.dataObj.beam_L
+ ptA4y = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + self.dataObj.beam_T
self.A4 = (ptA4x,ptA4y)
- ptB4x = ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + 20) + self.beam_L
- ptB4y = ((self.col_L + self.D_beam)/2 ) - self.beam_T
+ ptB4x = ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + 20) + self.dataObj.beam_L
+ ptB4y = ((self.dataObj.col_L + self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 ) - self.dataObj.beam_T
self.B4 = (ptB4x,ptB4y)
- ptBx5 = ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2) + 20
- ptBy5 = ((self.col_L + self.D_beam)/2 ) - self.beam_T
+ ptBx5 = ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2) + 20
+ ptBy5 = ((self.dataObj.col_L + self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 ) - self.dataObj.beam_T
self.B5 = (ptBx5,ptBy5)
- ptP1x = ((self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + self.edge_dist)
- ptP1y = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2 +(self.col_tw + self.R1 + 3)+ self.end_dist)
+ ptP1x = ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + self.dataObj.edge_dist)
+ ptP1y = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 +(self.dataObj.col_tw + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)+ self.dataObj.end_dist)
self.P1 = (ptP1x,ptP1y)
#### Column flange points for column flange beam web connectivity #####
- fromPlate_pt = self.D_col + 20 # 20 mm clear distance between colume and beam
+ fromPlate_pt = self.dataObj.D_col + # 20 mm clear distance between colume and beam
ptFAx = 0
ptFAy = 0
self.FA = (ptFAx,ptFAy)
- ptFEx = self.col_T
+ ptFEx = self.dataObj.col_T
ptFEy = 0.0
self.FE =(ptFEx,ptFEy)
- ptFFx = self.D_col - self.col_T
+ ptFFx = self.dataObj.D_col - self.dataObj.col_T
ptFFy = 0.0
self.FF =(ptFFx,ptFFy)
- ptFBx = self.D_col
+ ptFBx = self.dataObj.D_col
ptFBy = 0.0
self.FB =(ptFBx,ptFBy)
- ptFCx = self.D_col
- ptFCy = self.col_L
- self.FC = (ptFBx,ptFCy)
+ ptFCx = self.dataObj.D_col
+ ptFCy = self.dataObj.col_L
+ self.FC = np.array([ptFBx,ptFCy])
- ptFGx = self.D_col - self.col_T
- ptFGy = self.col_L
+ ptFGx = self.dataObj.D_col - self.dataObj.col_T
+ ptFGy = self.dataObj.col_L
self.FG =(ptFGx,ptFGy)
- ptFHx = self.col_T
- ptFHy = self.col_L
+ ptFHx = self.dataObj.col_T
+ ptFHy = self.dataObj.col_L
self.FH =(ptFHx,ptFHy)
ptFDx = 0.0
- ptFDy = self.col_L
+ ptFDy = self.dataObj.col_L
self.FD =(ptFDx,ptFDy)
- ptFPx = self.D_col
- ptFPy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + beam_R1 + 3)
+ ptFPx = self.dataObj.D_col
+ ptFPy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
self.FP = (ptFPx,ptFPy)
self.ptFP = np.array([ptFPx,ptFPy])
- ptFUx = self.D_col
- ptFUy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + beam_R1 + 3) + self.plate_ht
+ ptFUx = self.dataObj.D_col
+ ptFUy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + self.dataObj.plate_ht
self.FU = (ptFUx,ptFUy)
- ptFC1x = ptFPx + 20
- ptFC1y = ptFPy
- self.FC1 = (ptFC1x,ptFC1y)
ptFC1x = fromPlate_pt
- ptFC1y = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + beam_R1 + 3)
- self.FC1 = (ptFC1x, ptFC1y)
+ ptFC1y = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
+ self.FC1 = np.array([ptFC1x, ptFC1y])
ptFC2x = fromPlate_pt
- ptFC2y = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) +( self.beam_T + beam_R1 + 3) + self.plate_ht
+ ptFC2y = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) +( self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + self.dataObj.plate_ht
self.FC2 = (ptFC2x, ptFC2y)
ptFA1x = fromPlate_pt
- ptFA1y = (self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2
- self.FA1 = ptFA1x, ptFA1y
+ ptFA1y = (self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2
+ self.FA1 = np.array([ptFA1x, ptFA1y])
ptFA4x = fromPlate_pt
- ptFA4y = (self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2 + self.beam_T
+ ptFA4y = (self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 + self.dataObj.beam_T
self.FA4 = ptFA4x, ptFA4y
- ptFA2x = ptFC1x + self.beam_L
+ ptFA2x = ptFC1x + self.dataObj.beam_L
ptFA2y = ptFA1y
- self.FA2 = ptFA2x, ptFA2y
+ self.FA2 = np.array([ptFA2x, ptFA2y])
- ptFA3x = fromPlate_pt + self.beam_L
- ptFA3y = (((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2 ) + self.beam_T)
+ ptFA3x = fromPlate_pt + self.dataObj.beam_L
+ ptFA3y = (((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 ) + self.dataObj.beam_T)
self.FA3 = ptFA3x, ptFA3y
- ptFB3x = fromPlate_pt + self.beam_L
- ptFB3y = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2 + self.D_beam) - self.beam_T
+ ptFB3x = fromPlate_pt + self.dataObj.beam_L
+ ptFB3y = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 + self.dataObj.D_beam) - self.dataObj.beam_T
self.FB3 = (ptFB3x, ptFB3y)
- ptFB2x = fromPlate_pt + self.beam_L
- ptFB2y = (self.col_L -self.D_beam)/2 + self.D_beam
+ ptFB2x = fromPlate_pt + self.dataObj.beam_L
+ ptFB2y = (self.dataObj.col_L -self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 + self.dataObj.D_beam
self.FB2 = ptFB2x, ptFB2y
- ptFB1x = self.D_col + 20
- ptFB1y = (self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2 + self.D_beam
- self.FB1 = ptFB1x, ptFB1y
+ ptFB1x = self.dataObj.D_col +
+ ptFB1y = (self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 + self.dataObj.D_beam
+ self.FB1 = np.array([ptFB1x, ptFB1y])
ptFB4x = fromPlate_pt
- ptFB4y = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2 + self.D_beam) - self.beam_T
+ ptFB4y = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 + self.dataObj.D_beam) - self.dataObj.beam_T
self.FB4 = ptFB4x, ptFB4y
- # points for diamension
def callBWBWfront(self):
- def saveToSvg(self):
- ''' It returns the svg drawing depending upon connectivity
- CFBW = Column Flange Beam Web
- CWBW = Column Web Beam Web
- BWBW = Beam Web Beam Web
- '''
- if self.connectivity == 'Column flange-Beam web':
- self.callCFBWfront()
- elif self.connectivity == 'Column web-Beam web':
- self.callCWBWfront()
- else:
- self.callBWBWfront()
def callCFBWfront(self):
dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('finfront.svg', profile='full')
@@ -267,25 +527,32 @@ class Fin2DCreatorFront(object):
dwg.add(dwg.line((self.FC1),(self.FC2)).stroke('red',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square').dasharray(dasharray = ([5,5])))
dwg.add(dwg.line((self.FA4),(self.FA3)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
dwg.add(dwg.line((self.FB4),(self.FB3)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
- dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.FP), size=(self.plate_width, self.plate_ht),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
- dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.FP), size=(self.plate_width, self.plate_ht),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
- dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.FP), size=(self.weld_thick, self.plate_ht),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.0))
- nr = self.no_of_rows
- nc = self.no_of_col
- bolt_r = self.bolt_dia/2
+ # Weld hatching to represent WELD.
+ pattern = dwg.defs.add(dwg.pattern(id ="diagonalHatch",size=(4, 4), patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse",patternTransform="rotate(45 2 2)"))
+ pattern.add(dwg.path(d = "M -1,2 l 6,0", stroke='#000000',stroke_width = 0.7))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.FP), size=(self.dataObj.weld_thick, self.dataObj.plate_ht),fill= "url(#diagonalHatch)", stroke='white', stroke_width=2.0))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.FP), size=(self.dataObj.plate_width, self.dataObj.plate_ht),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.FP), size=(self.dataObj.plate_width, self.dataObj.plate_ht),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
+ nr = self.dataObj.no_of_rows
+ nc = self.dataObj.no_of_col
+ bolt_r = self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2
ptList = []
for i in range(1,(nr+1)):
colList = []
for j in range (1,(nc+1)):
- pt = self.ptFP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) + \
- (i-1) * self.pitch * np.array([0,1]) + (j-1) * self.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ pt = self.ptFP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) + \
+ (i-1) * self.dataObj.pitch * np.array([0,1]) + (j-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
dwg.add(, r = bolt_r, stroke='blue',fill = 'none',stroke_width=1.5))
ptC = pt - (bolt_r + 4) * np.array([1,0])
PtD = pt + (bolt_r + 4) * np.array([1,0])
dwg.add(dwg.line((ptC),(PtD)).stroke('red',width = 2.0,linecap = 'square'))
- ptE = self.ptFP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) +(j-1) * self.gauge * np.array([1,0])
- ptF = ptE + self.plate_ht * np.array([0,1])
+ ptE = self.ptFP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) +(j-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ ptF = ptE + self.dataObj.plate_ht * np.array([0,1])
dwg.add(dwg.line((ptE),(ptF)).stroke('blue',width = 1.5,linecap = 'square').dasharray(dasharray = ([20, 5, 1, 5])))
@@ -294,107 +561,159 @@ class Fin2DCreatorFront(object):
for row in ptList:
if len(row) > 0:
- params = {"offset": self.D_col + self.edge_dist + 50, "textoffset": 105, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
- self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[0]), np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]), str(len(pitchPts)-1)+ u' \u0040'+ str(self.pitch) + "mm c/c", params)
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.D_col + self.dataObj.edge_dist + 50, "textoffset": 235, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[0]), np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]), str(len(pitchPts)-1)+ u' \u0040'+ str(int(self.dataObj.pitch)) + " mm c/c", params)
+ # Distance between Beam Flange and Plate
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.D_col + + 50, "textoffset": 125, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, self.FA1, self.FC1, str(int(self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)) + " mm", params)
+ # Draw Faint Line To Represent Distance Between Beam Flange and Plate.
+ ptOne = self.FA1
+ ptBx = -30
+ ptBy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2)
+ ptTwo = (ptBx,ptBy)
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptOne, ptTwo, dwg)
# End Distance from the starting point of plate Information
- edgPtx = (self.D_col) + self.edge_dist
- edgPty = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3)
+ edgPtx = (self.dataObj.D_col) + self.dataObj.edge_dist
+ edgPty = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
edgPt = (edgPtx,edgPty)
- params = {"offset": self.D_col + self.edge_dist + 50, "textoffset": 75, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
- self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[0]), np.array([edgPtx,edgPty]), str(self.end_dist) + "mm", params)
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.D_col + self.dataObj.edge_dist + 50, "textoffset": 125, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[0]), np.array([edgPtx,edgPty]), str(int(self.dataObj.end_dist)) + " mm", params)
# End Distance from plate end point.
edgPt1x = edgPtx
- edgPt1y = edgPty + self.plate_ht
+ edgPt1y = edgPty + self.dataObj.plate_ht
edgPt1 = (edgPt1x,edgPt1y)
- params = {"offset": self.D_col + self.edge_dist + 50, "textoffset": 75, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
- self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]), np.array([edgPt1x,edgPt1y]), str(self.end_dist) + "mm", params)
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.D_col + self.dataObj.edge_dist + 50, "textoffset": 125, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]), np.array([edgPt1x,edgPt1y]), str(int(self.dataObj.end_dist)) + " mm", params)
# Edge Distance information
- pt1A = self.ptFP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) + \
- (self.no_of_col)* self.gauge * np.array([1,0])
- pt1B = self.ptFP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) + \
- (self.no_of_col)* self.gauge * np.array([1,0]) + self.edge_dist * np.array([0,1])
- offset = self.end_dist + self.beam_T + self.R1 +3
- params = {"offset": self.D_col + self.edge_dist + 50, "textoffset": 75, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
- self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, pt1A, pt1B, str(self.edge_dist) + "mm", params)
- # Draws faint line to show dimensions
+ pt1A = self.ptFP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + \
+ (self.dataObj.no_of_col-1)* self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.end_dist * np.array ([0,1])
+ pt1B = self.ptFP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + \
+ (self.dataObj.no_of_col-1)* self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.end_dist * np.array ([0,1])
+ offset = self.dataObj.end_dist + self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 +3
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.D_col + self.dataObj.edge_dist , "textoffset": 20, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, pt1A, pt1B, str(int(self.dataObj.edge_dist)) + " mm" , params)
+ # Faint line for Edge distance dimension
+ ptB1 = self.ptFP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + \
+ (self.dataObj.no_of_col-1)* self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0])
+ ptB2 = ptB1 + ((self.dataObj.end_dist + self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 +3) + 115)* np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptB1,ptB2,dwg)
+ # Gauge Distance
+ if self.dataObj.no_of_col > 1:
+ A = self.ptFP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.end_dist * np.array([0,1])
+ B = self.ptFP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + \
+ (self.dataObj.no_of_col-1)* self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.end_dist * np.array ([0,1])
+ offset = (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + 130
+ params = {"offset": offset, "textoffset": 20, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, A, B, str(int(self.dataObj.gauge)) + " mm" , params)
+ FA = self.FP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0])
+ FB = self.FP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + ((self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + 70) * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(FA, FB, dwg)
+ # Gap Distance
+ gapPt = self.dataObj.col_L - ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3))
+ ptG1 = self.ptFP + (gapPt + 30) * np.array([0,1])
+ ptG2 = self.FC1 + (gapPt + 30) * np.array([0,1])
+ offset = self.dataObj.col_L # 60% of the column length
+ params = {"offset": offset, "textoffset": 20, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10,"arrowlen":50}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_innerArrow(dwg, ptG1, ptG2, str( + " mm", params)
+ # Draw Faint line for Gap Distance
+ ptC1 = self.FC
+ ptC2 = ptC1 + 40 * np.array([0,1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptC1,ptC2,dwg)
+ ptD1 = self.FB1
+ ptD2 = ptD1 + 240 * np.array([0,1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptD1,ptD2,dwg)
+ ###### Draws faint line to show dimensions #########
+ # Faint lines for gauge and edge distances
+ ptA1 = self.ptFP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + \
+ (self.dataObj.no_of_col-1)* self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ ptA2 = ptA1 + ((self.dataObj.end_dist + self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 +3) + 115)* np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptA1, ptA2, dwg)
ptA = self.FP
ptBx = -30
- ptBy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3)
+ ptBy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
ptB = (ptBx,ptBy)
- self.drawFaintLine(ptA, ptB, dwg)
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptA, ptB, dwg)
- pt1 = np.array(pitchPts[0])
+ pt1 = np.array(pitchPts[0]) - 20 * np.array([1,0])
ptBx = -30
- ptBy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3) + self.end_dist
+ ptBy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + self.dataObj.end_dist
pt2 = (ptBx,ptBy)
- self.drawFaintLine(pt1, pt2, dwg)
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(pt1, pt2, dwg)
ptOne = np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1])
ptBx = -30
- ptBy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3) + (self.plate_ht -self.end_dist)
+ ptBy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + (self.dataObj.plate_ht -self.dataObj.end_dist)
ptTwo = (ptBx,ptBy)
- self.drawFaintLine(ptOne, ptTwo, dwg)
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptOne, ptTwo, dwg)
ptOne = self.FU
ptBx = -30
- ptBy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3) + self.plate_ht
+ ptBy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + self.dataObj.plate_ht
ptTwo = (ptBx,ptBy)
- self.drawFaintLine(ptOne, ptTwo, dwg)
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptOne, ptTwo, dwg)
# Beam Information
- beam_ptx = self.D_col + 20 + (self.beam_L* 3/4)
- beam_py = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + self.D_beam
- beam_pt = np.array([beam_ptx,beam_py])
- theta = 45
- offset = (self.D_beam * 3)/8
- textUp = "Beam " + self.beam_Designation
+ beam_pt = self.FA2 + self.dataObj.D_beam/2 * np.array([0,1])
+ theta = 1
+ offset = 0.0
+ textUp = "Beam " + self.dataObj.beam_Designation
textDown = ""
- self.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
# Column Designation
- ptx = self.D_col /2
+ ptx = self.dataObj.D_col /2
pty = 0
pt = np.array([ptx,pty])
theta = 30
- offset = self.col_L /10
- textUp = "Column " + self.col_Designation
+ offset = self.dataObj.col_L /10
+ textUp = "Column " + self.dataObj.col_Designation
textDown = ""
- self.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, pt, theta, "NW", offset, textUp,textDown)
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, pt, theta, "NW", offset, textUp,textDown)
# Weld Information
- weldPtx = (self.D_col)
- weldPty = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3)
+ weldPtx = (self.dataObj.D_col)
+ weldPty = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
weldPt = np.array([weldPtx,weldPty])
theta = 45
- offset = self.col_B
- textUp = " z " + str(self.weld_thick) + " mm"
+ offset = self.dataObj.col_B
+ textUp = " z " + str(int(self.dataObj.weld_thick)) + " mm"
textDown = u"\u25C1"
- self.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, weldPt, theta, "NW", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, weldPt, theta, "NW", offset, textUp, textDown)
# Bolt Information
- bltPtx = self.FP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) +(self.no_of_col-1) * self.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ bltPtx = self.FP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) +(self.dataObj.no_of_col-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
theta = 45
- offset = (self.D_beam * 3)/8
- textUp = str(self.no_of_rows) + " nos " + str(self.bolt_dia) + u'\u00d8' + " holes"
+ offset = (self.dataObj.D_beam * 3)/8
+ textUp = str(self.dataObj.no_of_rows) + " nos " + str(int(self.dataObj.bolt_dia)) + u'\u00d8' + " holes"
textDown = "for M20 bolts (grade 8.8)"
- self.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, bltPtx, theta, "NE", offset, textUp,textDown)
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, bltPtx, theta, "NE", offset, textUp,textDown)
# Plate Information
- pltPtx = self.D_col + self.plate_width /2
- pltPty = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3) + self.plate_ht
+ pltPtx = self.dataObj.D_col + self.dataObj.plate_width /2
+ pltPty = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + self.dataObj.plate_ht
pltPt = np.array([pltPtx,pltPty])
theta = 45
- offset = (self.D_beam)/2
- textUp = "PLT. " + str(self.plate_ht) +"X" + str(self.plate_width) +"X" + str(self.plate_thick)
+ offset = (self.dataObj.D_beam)/2
+ textUp = "PLT. " + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_ht)) +"X" + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_width)) +"X" + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_thick))
textDown = ""
- self.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, pltPt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, pltPt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- print"Saved CFBWfront"
+ print"########### Column Flange Beam Web Saved ############"
@@ -410,8 +729,14 @@ class Fin2DCreatorFront(object):
dwg.add(dwg.polyline(points=[(self.A2),(self.B),(self.A),(self.D),(self.C) ,(self.B2)], stroke='blue', fill='none', stroke_width=2.5))
dwg.add(dwg.line((self.E),(self.H)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
dwg.add(dwg.line((self.F),(self.G)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
- dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.P), size=(self.plate_width, self.plate_ht),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
- dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.P), size=(self.weld_thick, self.plate_ht),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.0))
+ # Diagonal Hatching to represent WELD
+ pattern = dwg.defs.add(dwg.pattern(id ="diagonalHatch",size=(4, 4), patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse",patternTransform="rotate(45 2 2)"))
+ pattern.add(dwg.path(d = "M -1,2 l 6,0", stroke='#000000',stroke_width = 0.7))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.P), size=(self.dataObj.weld_thick, self.dataObj.plate_ht),fill= "url(#diagonalHatch)", stroke='white', stroke_width=2.0))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.P), size=(self.dataObj.plate_width, self.dataObj.plate_ht),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
dwg.add(dwg.polyline(points=[(self.C1),(self.A1),(self.A3),(self.B3),(self.B1),(self.C2)],stroke = 'blue',fill= 'none',stroke_width =2.5))
@@ -420,22 +745,22 @@ class Fin2DCreatorFront(object):
dwg.add(dwg.line((self.A2),(self.B2)).stroke('red',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square').dasharray(dasharray = ([5,5])))
dwg.add(dwg.line((self.A5),(self.A4)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
dwg.add(dwg.line((self.B5),(self.B4)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
- nr = self.no_of_rows
- nc = self.no_of_col
- bolt_r = self.bolt_dia/2
+ nr = self.dataObj.no_of_rows
+ nc = self.dataObj.no_of_col
+ bolt_r = self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2
ptList = []
for i in range(1,(nr+1)):
colList = []
for j in range (1,(nc+1)):
- pt = self.ptP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) + \
- (i-1) * self.pitch * np.array([0,1]) + (j-1) * self.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ pt = self.ptP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) + \
+ (i-1) * self.dataObj.pitch * np.array([0,1]) + (j-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
dwg.add(, r = bolt_r, stroke='blue',fill = 'none',stroke_width=1.5))
ptC = pt - (bolt_r + 4) * np.array([1,0])
PtD = pt + (bolt_r + 4) * np.array([1,0])
dwg.add(dwg.line((ptC),(PtD)).stroke('red',width = 2.0,linecap = 'square'))
- ptE = self.ptP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) +(j-1) * self.gauge * np.array([1,0])
- ptF = ptE + self.plate_ht * np.array([0,1])
+ ptE = self.ptP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) +(j-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ ptF = ptE + self.dataObj.plate_ht * np.array([0,1])
dwg.add(dwg.line((ptE),(ptF)).stroke('blue',width = 1.5,linecap = 'square').dasharray(dasharray = ([20, 5, 1, 5])))
@@ -444,334 +769,667 @@ class Fin2DCreatorFront(object):
for row in ptList:
if len(row) > 0:
-# for i in range (len( pitchPts)-1):
-# params = {"offset": self.col_B + 10, "textoffset": 35, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
-# self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[i]), np.array(pitchPts[i + 1]), str(self.pitch) + "mm", params)
- params = {"offset": self.col_B + 30, "textoffset": 105, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
- self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[0]), np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]), str(len(pitchPts)-1)+ u' \u0040'+ str(self.pitch) + "mm c/c", params)
+ txtOffset = (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + self.dataObj.edge_dist + 80
+ params = {"offset": (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + self.dataObj.edge_dist + 80, "textoffset": txtOffset, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[0]), np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]), str(len(pitchPts)-1)+ u' \u0040'+ str(int(self.dataObj. pitch)) + " mm c/c", params)
# End Distance from the starting point of plate Information
- edgPtx = (self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + self.edge_dist
- edgPty = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3)
+ edgPtx = (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + self.dataObj.edge_dist
+ edgPty = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
edgPt = (edgPtx,edgPty)
- params = {"offset": self.col_B + 30, "textoffset": 75, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
- self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[0]), np.array([edgPtx,edgPty]), str(self.end_dist) + "mm", params)
+ params = {"offset": (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + self.dataObj.edge_dist + 80, "textoffset": 120, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[0]), np.array([edgPtx,edgPty]), str(int(self.dataObj.end_dist)) + " mm", params)
+ # Distance between Beam Flange and Plate
+ offset = (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + + 50
+ params = {"offset":(self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + + 80, "textoffset": 125, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, self.A1, self.C1, str(int(self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)) + " mm", params)
- # Draw Faint line for dimenssions
+ # Draw Faint line for dimensions
ptOne = self.P
- ptTwox = -45
- ptTwoy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3)
+ ptTwox = -60
+ ptTwoy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
ptTwo = (ptTwox,ptTwoy)
- self.drawFaintLine(ptOne, ptTwo, dwg)
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptOne, ptTwo, dwg)
pt1 = np.array(pitchPts[0])
- ptTwox = -45
- ptTwoy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3) + self.end_dist
+ ptTwox = -60
+ ptTwoy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + self.dataObj.end_dist
pt2 = (ptTwox,ptTwoy)
- self.drawFaintLine(pt1, pt2, dwg)
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(pt1, pt2, dwg)
ptA = np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1])
- ptBx = -45
- ptBy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3) + (self.plate_ht -self.end_dist)
+ ptBx = -60
+ ptBy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + (self.dataObj.plate_ht -self.dataObj.end_dist)
ptB = (ptBx,ptBy)
- self.drawFaintLine(ptA, ptB, dwg)
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptA, ptB, dwg)
ptOne = self.U
- ptBx = -45
- ptBy = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3) + self.plate_ht
+ ptBx = -60
+ ptBy = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + self.dataObj.plate_ht
ptTwo = (ptBx,ptBy)
- self.drawFaintLine(ptOne, ptTwo, dwg)
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptOne, ptTwo, dwg)
# End Distance from plate end point.
edgPt1x = edgPtx
- edgPt1y = edgPty + self.plate_ht
+ edgPt1y = edgPty + self.dataObj.plate_ht
edgPt1 = (edgPt1x,edgPt1y)
- params = {"offset": self.col_B + 30, "textoffset": 75, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
- self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]), np.array([edgPt1x,edgPt1y]), str(self.end_dist) + "mm", params)
+ params = {"offset": (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + self.dataObj.edge_dist + 80, "textoffset": 120, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]), np.array([edgPt1x,edgPt1y]), str(int(self.dataObj.end_dist)) + " mm" , params)
+ # Gap Distance
+ # Draw Faint Lines to representation of Gap distance #
+ dist1 = self.dataObj.col_L - ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2 + self.dataObj.D_beam)
+ ptA = self.B1
+ ptB = self.B1 + (dist1 + 100)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptA,ptB,dwg)
+ ptC = self.G
+ ptD = ptC + (100)*np.array([0,1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptC,ptD,dwg)
+ ptG1 = self.B1 + (dist1 + 50)* np.array([0,1])
+ ptG2 = self.B1 + * np.array([-1,0]) + (dist1 + 50)* np.array([0,1])
+ offset = 1
+ params = {"offset": offset, "textoffset": 120, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10,"arrowlen":50}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_innerArrow(dwg, ptG1, ptG2, str( + " mm", params)
# Gauge Distance Information
gaugePts = ptList[0]
for i in range (len( gaugePts)-1):
- offset_dist = self.D_beam + 300
+ offset_dist = -(self.dataObj.end_dist + self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3 + dist1 + 100)
params = {"offset": offset_dist, "textoffset": 35, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
- self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(gaugePts[i]), np.array(gaugePts[i + 1]), str(int(self.gauge)) + "mm", params)
+ ptP = np.array(gaugePts[i])
+ ptQ = np.array(gaugePts[i + 1])
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, ptP, ptQ, str(int(self.dataObj.gauge)) + " mm", params)
if len(ptList[(len(ptList)-1)]) > 1:
- ptA = self.ptP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.plate_ht * np.array([0,1])
- ptB = ptA + (self.D_beam + 80)* np.array([0,1])
- self.drawFaintLine(ptA, ptB, dwg)
+ ptA = self.ptP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0])
+ ptB = ptA + (self.dataObj.end_dist + self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3 + dist1 + 50)* np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptA, ptB, dwg)
- ptC = self.ptP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.plate_ht * np.array([0,1]) +self.gauge * np.array([1,0])
- ptD = ptC + (self.D_beam + 80)* np.array([0,1])
- self.drawFaintLine(ptC, ptD, dwg)
- # End Distance Information
- boltPt = self.ptFP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) + \
- (self.no_of_col-1) * self.gauge * np.array([1,0])
- endPtx = (self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + self.plate_width
- engPty = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3) + self.end_dist
- params = {"offset": 1, "textoffset": 50, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
- self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array([endPtx,engPty]),boltPt, str(int(self.edge_dist)) + "mm", params)
+ ptC = self.ptP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) +self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ ptD = ptC + (self.dataObj.end_dist + self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3 + dist1 + 50)* np.array([0,-1])
+ #self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptC, ptD, dwg)
+ # Edge Distance Information
+ ptA = self.ptP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + (self.dataObj.no_of_col-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ ptB = ptA + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0])
+ offsetDist = -(self.dataObj.end_dist + self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3 + dist1 + 120)
+ params = {"offset": offsetDist, "textoffset": 35, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg,ptA,ptB, str(int(self.dataObj.edge_dist)) + " mm", params)
+ # Draw Faint line for Edge distance
+ ptC = self.ptP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + (self.dataObj.no_of_col-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ ptD = ptC + (self.dataObj.end_dist + self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3 + dist1 + 100)* np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptC, ptD, dwg)
+ ptE = self.ptP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + (self.dataObj.no_of_col-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0])
+ ptF = ptE + (self.dataObj.end_dist + self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3 + dist1 + 100)* np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptE, ptF, dwg)
# Plate Width Information
- pltPtx = (self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2 + self.plate_width /2
- pltPty = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3) + self.plate_ht
+ pltPtx = (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 + self.dataObj.plate_width /2
+ pltPty = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) + self.dataObj.plate_ht
pltPt = np.array([pltPtx,pltPty])
theta = 45
- offset = (self.D_beam)/2
- textUp = "PLT. " + str(int(self.plate_ht)) +"X" + str(int(self.plate_width)) +"X" + str(int(self.plate_thick))
+ offset = (self.dataObj.D_beam)/2
+ textUp = "PLT. " + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_ht)) +"X" + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_width)) +"X" + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_thick))
textDown = ""
- self.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, pltPt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, pltPt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
-# params["lineori"] = "left"
-# params["offset"] = self.col_B + 80
-# params["textoffset"] = 60
-# self.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(self.S), np.array(self.R), str(self.plate_ht) + "mm", params)
- params = {"offset": 20, "textoffset": 10, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10,"arrowlen":50}
- ptA = (np.array(self.B1) + np.array(self.B3)) * 0.5
- ptB = (np.array(self.B5) + np.array(self.B4)) * 0.5
- #self.draw_dimension_innerArrow(dwg, ptA, ptB, str(self.beam_T), params)
# Column Designation
- ptx = self.col_B /2
+ ptx = self.dataObj.col_B /2
pty = 0
pt = np.array([ptx,pty])
theta = 30
- offset = self.col_L /10
- textUp = "Column " + self.col_Designation
+ offset = self.dataObj.col_L /10
+ textUp = "Column " + self.dataObj.col_Designation
textDown = ""
- self.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, pt, theta, "NW", offset, textUp,textDown)
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, pt, theta, "NW", offset, textUp,textDown)
# Bolt Information
- bltPtx = self.ptP + self.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) +(self.no_of_col-1) * self.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ bltPtx = self.ptP + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.end_dist * np.array ([0,1]) +(self.dataObj.no_of_col-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
theta = 45
- offset = (self.D_beam * 3)/8
- textUp = str(self.no_of_rows) + " nos " + str(self.bolt_dia) + u'\u00d8' + " holes"
+ offset = (self.dataObj.D_beam * 3)/8
+ textUp = str(self.dataObj.no_of_rows) + " nos " + str(self.dataObj.bolt_dia) + u'\u00d8' + " holes"
textDown = "for M20 bolts (grade 8.8)"
- self.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, bltPtx, theta, "NE", offset, textUp,textDown)
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, bltPtx, theta, "NE", offset, textUp,textDown)
# Beam Information
- beam_ptx = self.col_B + 20 + (self.beam_L/2)
- beam_py = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + self.D_beam
- beam_pt = np.array([beam_ptx,beam_py])
- theta = 45
- offset = (self.D_beam * 3)/8
- textUp = "Beam " + self.beam_Designation
+ beam_pt = self.ptB1 + (self.dataObj.beam_L) * np.array([1,0])+ self.dataObj.D_beam/2 * np.array([0,-1])
+ theta = 1
+ offset = 0.0
+ textUp = "Beam " + self.dataObj.beam_Designation
textDown = ""
- self.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
# Weld Information
- weldPtx = (self.col_B + self.col_tw)/2
- weldPty = ((self.col_L - self.D_beam)/2) + (self.beam_T + self.R1 + 3)
+ weldPtx = (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2
+ weldPty = ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) + (self.dataObj.beam_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3)
weldPt = np.array([weldPtx,weldPty])
theta = 45
- offset = self.col_B
- textUp = " z " + str(self.weld_thick) + " mm"
+ offset = self.dataObj.col_B
+ textUp = " z " + str(self.dataObj.weld_thick) + " mm"
textDown = ""
- self.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, weldPt, theta, "NW", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, weldPt, theta, "NW", offset, textUp, textDown)
- print"Saved"
+ print"########### Column Web Beam Web Saved ############"
+class Fin2DCreatorTop(object):
- #,dimelinePt1,dimelinePt2,orient,s_arrow,e_arrow
- def draw_dimension_outerArrow(self, dwg, pt1, pt2, text, params):
+ def __init__(self,finCommonObj):
+ self.dataObj = finCommonObj
+ self.A = np.array([0,0])
+ self.B = np.array([0,0]) + (self.dataObj.col_B)* np.array([1,0])
+ self.C = self.B + (self.dataObj.col_T)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.D = self.A + (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 * np.array([1,0]) + (self.dataObj.col_T) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.E = self.A + (self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 * np.array([1,0]) + (self.dataObj.D_col - self.dataObj.col_T)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.F = self.B + (self.dataObj.D_col - self.dataObj.col_T)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.G = self.B + (self.dataObj.D_col)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.H = self.A + (self.dataObj.D_col)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.I = self.A + (self.dataObj.D_col - self.dataObj.col_T)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.J = self.E - (self.dataObj.col_tw) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.K = self.D - (self.dataObj.col_tw) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.L = self.A + (self.dataObj.col_T)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.A1 = self.A + ((self.dataObj.col_B + self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 +* np.array([1,0]) + (self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.beam_R1) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A4 = self.A1 + self.dataObj.beam_B * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A7 = self.A1 + (self.dataObj.beam_B - self.dataObj.beam_tw) /2 * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A5 = self.A7 - 20 * np.array([1,0])
+ self.A8 = self.A7 + (self.dataObj.beam_L) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.P1 = self.A1 + (self.dataObj.beam_B + self.dataObj.beam_tw) /2 * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A6 = self.P1 + (self.dataObj.beam_L) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.P = self.P1 - 20 * np.array([1,0])
+ self.P2 = self.P + (self.dataObj.plate_width) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.P4 = self.P1 + (self.dataObj.plate_thick)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.P3 = self.P2 + (self.dataObj.plate_thick)* np.array([0,1])
+ # Weld Triangle
+ self.ptP = self.P + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.O = self.P + self.dataObj.weld_thick * np.array([1,0])
+ self.ptO = self.O + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.R = self.P + self.dataObj.weld_thick * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.ptR = self.R + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.X = self.P + (self.dataObj.plate_thick)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.ptX = self.X + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,1])
+ self.Y = self.X + (self.dataObj.weld_thick) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.ptY = self.Y + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,1])
+ self.Z = self.X + (self.dataObj.weld_thick) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.ptZ = self.Z + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,1])
+ #### CFBW connectivity points
+ self.FA = np.array([0,0])
+ self.FB = self.FA + self.dataObj.col_T * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FC = self.FB + (self.dataObj.col_B - self.dataObj.col_tw)/2 * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FD = self.FC + (self.dataObj.D_col - 2*(self.dataObj.col_T))* np.array([1,0])
+ self.FE = self.A + (self.dataObj.D_col - self.dataObj.col_T) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FF = self.FA + self.dataObj.D_col * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FG = self.FF + self.dataObj.col_B * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FH = self.FG + self.dataObj.col_T * np.array([-1,0])
+ self.FI = self.FD + self.dataObj.col_tw * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FJ = self.FC + self.dataObj.col_tw * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FK = self.FB + self.dataObj.col_B * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FL = self.FK + self.dataObj.col_T * np.array([-1,0])
+ self.FA7 = self.FD + (self.dataObj.col_T + * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FP1 = self.FA7 + self.dataObj.beam_tw * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FP = self.FP1 + * np.array([-1,0])
+ self.FA1 = self.FA7 + (self.dataObj.beam_B - self.dataObj.beam_tw)/2 *np.array([0,-1])
+ self.FA2 = self.FA1 + self.dataObj.beam_L * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FA3 = self.FA2 + self.dataObj.beam_B * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FA4 = self.FA1 + self.dataObj.beam_B * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FX = self.FP + self.dataObj.plate_thick * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FP2 = self.FP + self.dataObj.plate_width * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FP3 = self.FP2 + self.dataObj.plate_thick * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FP4 = self.FX + * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FA8 = self.FA7 + self.dataObj.beam_L * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FA6 = self.FP1 + self.dataObj.beam_L * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FP5 = self.FA7 + * np.array([-1,0])
+ # Weld Triangle
+ self.ptFP = self.FP + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.FQ = self.FP + self.dataObj.weld_thick * np.array([1,0])
+ self.ptFQ = self.FQ + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.FR = self.FP + self.dataObj.weld_thick * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.ptFR = self.FR + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.FX = self.FP + (self.dataObj.plate_thick)* np.array([0,1])
+ self.ptFX = self.FX + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FY = self.FX + (self.dataObj.weld_thick) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.ptFY = self.FY + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FZ = self.FX + (self.dataObj.weld_thick) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.ptFZ = self.FZ + 2.5 * np.array([1,0]) + 2.5 * np.array([0,1])
+ def callCFBWTop(self):
- :param dwg
- :type
- :param: pt1
- :type NumPy Array
- :param pt2
- :type NumPy Array
- :param text
- :type
- params["offset"] : offset of the dimension line
- params["textoffset"]: offset of text from dimension line
- params["lineori"]: "right"/"left"
- params["endlinedim"]:dimension line at the end of the outer arrow.
- #defParams = {"offset": 10, "textoffset": 10, "lineori": "right"}defParams = {}
+ dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('finTop.svg', profile = 'full')
+ dwg.add(dwg.polyline(points=[(self.FA),(self.FB),(self.FC),(self.FD),(self.FE),(self.FF),(self.FG),(self.FH),(self.FI),(self.FJ),(self.FK),(self.FL),(self.FA)], stroke='blue', fill='none', stroke_width=2.5))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.FA1), size=(self.dataObj.beam_L, self.dataObj.beam_B),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((self.FP),(self.FP1)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((self.FX),(self.FP4)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.polyline(points=[(self.FP1),(self.FP2),(self.FP3),(self.FP4)], stroke='red', fill='none', stroke_width=2.5).dasharray(dasharray = ([5,5])))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((self.FA7),(self.FA8)).stroke('red',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square').dasharray(dasharray = ([5,5])))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((self.FP1),(self.FA6)).stroke('red',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square').dasharray(dasharray = ([5,5])))
+ dwg.add(dwg.polyline([(self.ptFP), (self.ptFQ), (self.ptFR), (self.ptFP)], fill='black',stroke_width=2.5,stroke='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.polyline([(self.ptFX), (self.ptFY), (self.ptFZ), (self.ptFX)], fill='black',stroke_width=2.5,stroke='black'))
+ nc = self.dataObj.no_of_col
+ bolt_r = self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2
+ ptList = []
+ if nc >= 1:
+ for col in range (nc):
+ pt = self.FP5 + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + (col) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ pt1 = pt - bolt_r * np.array([1,0])
+ rect_width = self.dataObj.bolt_dia
+ rect_ht = self.dataObj.beam_tw + self.dataObj.plate_thick
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(pt1), size=(rect_width, rect_ht),fill = 'black', stroke='black', stroke_width=2.5))
+ B1 = pt + 10 * np.array([0,-1])
+ B2 = pt + (rect_ht + 10) * np.array([0,1])
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((B1),(B2)).stroke('black',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ ptList.append(pt)
+ dimOffset = self.dataObj.beam_B/2 + self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1 + 150
+ # Draw Faint line between edge and gauge distance
+ ptA = B1 + (dimOffset ) * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(B1,ptA,dwg)
+ if len(ptList) > 1:
+ params = {"offset": dimOffset, "textoffset": 20, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg,np.array(ptList[0]),np.array(ptList[1]), str(int(self.dataObj.gauge)) + " mm", params)
+ # Draw Faint line to represent edge distance
+ ptB = self.FP5 + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + (col) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0])
+ ptC = ptB + (self.dataObj.beam_B/2 + self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1 + 90) * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptB,ptC,dwg)
+ ptx = self.FP5 + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + (col) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ ptY = ptx + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0])
+ offset = self.dataObj.beam_B/2 + self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1 + 100
+ params = {"offset": offset, "textoffset": 20, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg,ptx,ptY, str(int(self.dataObj.edge_dist)) + " mm", params)
- smarker = dwg.marker(insert=(-8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
- smarker.add(dwg.polyline([(-2.5,0), (0,3), (-8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
- emarker = dwg.marker(insert=(8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
- emarker.add(dwg.polyline([(2.5,0), (0,3), (8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
- dwg.defs.add(emarker)
- dwg.defs.add(smarker)
- lineVec = pt2 - pt1 # [a, b]
- normalVec = np.array([-lineVec[1], lineVec[0]]) # [-b, a]
- normalUnitVec = self.normalize(normalVec)
- if(params["lineori"] == "left"):
- normalUnitVec = -normalUnitVec
- # Q1 = pt1 + params["offset"] * normalUnitVec
- # Q2 = pt2 + params["offset"] * normalUnitVec
- Q1 = pt1 + params["offset"] * normalUnitVec
- Q2 = pt2 + params["offset"] * normalUnitVec
- line = dwg.add(dwg.line(Q1, Q2).stroke('black', width = 2.5, linecap = 'square'))
- line['marker-start'] = smarker.get_funciri()
- line['marker-end'] = emarker.get_funciri()
- Q12mid = 0.5 * (Q1 + Q2)
- txtPt = Q12mid + params["textoffset"] * normalUnitVec
- dwg.add(dwg.text(text, insert=(txtPt), fill='black',))
- L1 = Q1 + params["endlinedim"] * normalUnitVec
- L2 = Q1 + params["endlinedim"]* (-normalUnitVec)
- dwg.add(dwg.line(L1,L2).stroke('black',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
- L3 = Q2 + params["endlinedim"] * normalUnitVec
- L4 = Q2 + params["endlinedim"]* (-normalUnitVec)
- dwg.add(dwg.line(L3,L4).stroke('black',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ # Beam Information
+ beam_pt = self.FA6
+ theta = 1
+ offset = 0
+ textUp = "Beam " + self.dataObj.beam_Designation
+ textDown = ""
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- def normalize(self, vec):
- a = vec[0]
- b = vec[1]
- mag = math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
- return vec / mag
- def draw_dimension_innerArrow(self, dwg, ptA, ptB, text, params):
+ # Column Information
+ col_pt = self.FL
+ theta = 45
+ offset = (self.dataObj.D_beam * 3)/8
+ textUp = "Beam " + self.dataObj.col_Designation
+ textDown = ""
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, col_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- smarker = dwg.marker(insert=(-8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
- smarker.add(dwg.polyline([(-2.5,0), (0,3), (-8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
- emarker = dwg.marker(insert=(8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
- emarker.add(dwg.polyline([(2.5,0), (0,3), (8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
- dwg.defs.add(emarker)
- dwg.defs.add(smarker)
+ # Plate Information
+ plt_pt = self.FP3
+ theta = 45
+ offset = self.dataObj.beam_B /2 + 50
+ textUp = "PLT. " + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_ht))+'x'+ str(int(self.dataObj.plate_width))+ 'x' + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_thick))
+ textDown = ""
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, plt_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- u = ptB - ptA # [a, b]
- uUnit = self.normalize(u)
+ # Weld Information
+ weldPt = self.FP
+ theta = 40
+ offset = self.dataObj.weld_thick + self.dataObj.plate_thick + self.dataObj.beam_B /2 + 80
+ textUp = " z " + str(int(self.dataObj.weld_thick)) + " mm"
+ textDown = u"\u25C1"
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, weldPt, theta, "NW", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ # Gap Informatoin
+ ptG1 = self.FG + 50 * np.array([0,1])
+ ptG2 = ptG1 + 20 * np.array([1,0])
+ offset = 1
+ params = {"offset": offset, "textoffset": 10, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10,"arrowlen":50}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_innerArrow(dwg, ptG1, ptG2, str( + " mm", params)
+ # Draw Faint Lines to representation of Gap distance #
+ ptA = self.FG
+ ptB = ptG1
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptA,ptB,dwg)
+ ptC = self.FA4
+ ptD = ptG2
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptC,ptD,dwg)
+ print"$$$$$$$$$ Saved Column Flange Beam Web Top $$$$$$$$$$$$"
+ def callCWBWTop(self):
+ '''
+ '''
+ dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('finTop.svg', profile='full')
+ dwg.add(dwg.polyline(points=[(self.A),(self.B),(self.C),(self.D),(self.E),(self.F),(self.G),(self.H),(self.I),(self.J),(self.K),(self.L),(self.A)], stroke='blue', fill='none', stroke_width=2.5))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.A1), size=(self.dataObj.beam_L, self.dataObj.beam_B),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((self.A7),(self.A8)).stroke('red',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square').dasharray(dasharray = ([5,5])))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((self.P1),(self.A6)).stroke('red',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square').dasharray(dasharray = ([5,5])))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((self.P),(self.P1)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((self.X),(self.P4)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.polyline(points=[(self.P1),(self.P2),(self.P3),(self.P4)], stroke='red', fill='none', stroke_width=2.5).dasharray(dasharray = ([5,5])))
+ dwg.add(dwg.polyline([(self.ptP), (self.ptO), (self.ptR), (self.ptP)], fill='black',stroke_width=2.5,stroke='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.polyline([(self.ptX), (self.ptY), (self.ptZ), (self.ptX)], fill='black',stroke_width=2.5,stroke='black'))
+ nc = self.dataObj.no_of_col
+ bolt_r = self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2
+ ptList = []
+ if nc >= 1:
+ for col in range (nc):
+ pt = self.A5 + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + (col) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ print self.dataObj.gauge
+ pt1 = pt - bolt_r * np.array([1,0])
+ rect_width = self.dataObj.bolt_dia
+ rect_ht = self.dataObj.beam_tw + self.dataObj.plate_thick
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(pt1), size=(rect_width, rect_ht),fill = 'black', stroke='black', stroke_width=2.5))
+ B1 = pt + 10 * np.array([0,-1])
+ B2 = pt + (rect_ht + 10) * np.array([0,1])
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((B1),(B2)).stroke('black',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ ptList.append(pt)
+ if len(ptList) > 1:
+ dimOffset = self.dataObj.beam_B/2 + self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1 + 50
+ params = {"offset": dimOffset, "textoffset": 20, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg,np.array(ptList[0]),np.array(ptList[1]), str(int(self.dataObj.gauge)) + "mm", params)
+ # Draw Faint line to represent edge distance
+ ptB = self.A5 + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + (nc -1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0]) + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0])
+ ptC = ptB + (self.dataObj.beam_B/2 + self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1 + 150) * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptB,ptC,dwg)
+ ptL = self.A5 + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + (nc-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ ptM = ptL + (self.dataObj.beam_B/2 + self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1 + 150) * np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptL,ptM,dwg)
+ # Edge Distance
+ ptx = self.A5 + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0]) + (nc-1) * self.dataObj.gauge * np.array([1,0])
+ ptY = ptx + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0])
+ offset = self.dataObj.beam_B/2 + self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1 + 150
+ params = {"offset": offset, "textoffset": 20, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg,ptx,ptY, str(int(self.dataObj.edge_dist)) + " mm", params)
+ # Draws Faint line to represent Gauge Distance
+ ptK = self.A5 + self.dataObj.edge_dist * np.array([1,0])
+ ptM = ptK + (self.dataObj.beam_B/2 + self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1 + 50)* np.array([0,-1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptK,ptM,dwg)
- vUnit = np.array([-uUnit[1], uUnit[0]]) # [-b, a]
+ # Beam Information
+ beam_pt = self.A6
+ theta = 1
+ offset = 0
+ textUp = "Beam " + self.dataObj.beam_Designation
+ textDown = ""
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "NE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- A1 = ptA + params["endlinedim"] * vUnit
- A2 = ptA - params["endlinedim"]* (-vUnit)
- dwg.add(dwg.line(A1,A2).stroke('black',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
- B1 = ptB + params["endlinedim"] * vUnit
- B2 = ptB - params["endlinedim"]* (-vUnit)
- dwg.add(dwg.line(B1,B2).stroke('black',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
- A3 = ptA - params["arrowlen"]* uUnit
- B3 = ptB + params["arrowlen"]* uUnit
+ # column Information
+ col_pt = self.H
+ theta = 45
+ offset = self.dataObj.beam_B /2 + 100
+ textUp = "Column " + self.dataObj.col_Designation
+ textDown = " "
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, col_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- line = dwg.add(dwg.line(A3, ptA).stroke('black', width = 2.5, linecap = 'square'))
- line['marker-end'] = emarker.get_funciri()
- line = dwg.add(dwg.line(B3, ptB).stroke('black', width = 2.5, linecap = 'square'))
+ # Plate Information
+ plt_pt = self.P3
+ theta = 45
+ offset = self.dataObj.beam_B /2 + 50
+ textUp = "PLT. " + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_ht))+'x'+ str(int(self.dataObj.plate_width))+ 'x' + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_thick))
+ textDown = ""
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, plt_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- line['marker-end'] = emarker.get_funciri()
- txtPt = A3 + params["textoffset"] * vUnit
- dwg.add(dwg.text(text, insert=(txtPt), fill='black',))
+ # Weld Information
+ weldPt = self.P
+ theta = 40
+ offset = self.dataObj.weld_thick + self.dataObj.plate_thick + self.dataObj.beam_B /2 + 80
+ textUp = " z " + str(int(self.dataObj.weld_thick)) + " mm"
+ textDown = u"\u25C1"
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, weldPt, theta, "NW", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ # Gap Informatoin
+ ptG1 = self.E + 50 * np.array([0,1])
+ ptG2 = ptG1 + * np.array([1,0])
+ offset = 100
+ params = {"offset": offset, "textoffset": 10, "lineori": "right", "endlinedim":10,"arrowlen":50}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_innerArrow(dwg, ptG1, ptG2, str( + " mm", params)
+ # Draw Faint Lines to representation of Gap distance #
+ ptA = self.E
+ ptB = ptA + (85) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptA,ptB,dwg)
+ ptC = self.A4
+ ptD = ptC + (100) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(ptC,ptD,dwg)
- pass
- def drawArrow(self,line,s_arrow,e_arrow):
- line['marker-start'] = s_arrow.get_funciri()
- line['marker-end'] = e_arrow.get_funciri()
+ print"$$$$$$$$$ Saved Column Web Beam Web Top $$$$$$$$$$$"
- def drawStartArrow(self,line,s_arrow):
- line['marker-start'] = s_arrow.get_funciri()
- def drawEndArrow(self,line,e_arrow):
- line['marker-end'] = e_arrow.get_funciri()
- def drawOrientedArrow(self, dwg, pt, theta, orientation, offset, textUp,textDown):
+class Fin2DCreatorSide(object):
+ def __init__(self,finCommonObj):
+ self.dataObj = finCommonObj
+ # CWBW connectivity points
+ self.A = np.array([0,0])
+ self.B = self.A + self.dataObj.col_T * np.array([1,0])
+ self.C = self.A + (self.dataObj.D_col - self.dataObj.col_T) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.D = self.A + self.dataObj.D_col * np.array([1,0])
+ self.H = self.C + self.dataObj.col_L * np.array([0,1])
+ self.G = self.B + self.dataObj.col_L * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A1 = (self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1) * np.array((1,0)) + ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A2 = self.A1 + self.dataObj.beam_B * np.array([1,0])
+ self.A3 = self.A2 + self.dataObj.beam_T * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A12 = self.A1 + self.dataObj.beam_T * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A11 = self.A12 + (self.dataObj.beam_B - self.dataObj.beam_tw)/2 * np.array([1,0])
+ self.A4 = self.A11 + self.dataObj.beam_tw * np.array([1,0])
+ self.A5 = self.A4 + (self.dataObj.D_beam - (2* self.dataObj.beam_T)) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A6 = self.A2 + (self.dataObj.D_beam - self.dataObj.beam_T) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A7 = self.A2 + self.dataObj.D_beam * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A8 = self.A1 + self.dataObj.D_beam * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A9 = self.A1 + (self.dataObj.D_beam - self.dataObj.beam_T) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.A10 = self.A11 + (self.dataObj.D_beam - (2* self.dataObj.beam_T)) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.P = self.A11 + (self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.Q = self.P + self.dataObj.plate_thick * np.array([-1,0])
+ self.X = self.Q + self.dataObj.weld_thick * np.array([-1,0])
+ self.R = self.P + self.dataObj.plate_ht * np.array([0,1])
+ #### CFBW connectivity
+ self.FA = np.array([0,0])
+ self.FB = self.FA + self.dataObj.col_B * np.array([1,0])
+ self.ptMid = self.FA + ((self.dataObj.col_B/2) + (self.dataObj.col_tw/2))* np.array([1,0])
+ self.ptMid1 = self.ptMid + ((self.dataObj.col_L - self.dataObj.D_beam)/2) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FC = self.FB + self.dataObj.col_L * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FD = self.FA + self.dataObj.col_L * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FA1 = self.ptMid1 + (self.dataObj.beam_tw/2)* np.array([-1,0])+ self.dataObj.beam_B/2 * np.array([-1,0])
+ self.FA2 = self.FA1 + self.dataObj.beam_B * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FA3 = self.FA2 + self.dataObj.beam_T * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FA12 = self.FA1 + self.dataObj.beam_T * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FA11 = self.FA12 + (self.dataObj.beam_B - self.dataObj.beam_tw)/2 * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FA4 = self.FA11 + self.dataObj.beam_tw * np.array([1,0])
+ self.FA5 = self.FA4 + (self.dataObj.D_beam - (2* self.dataObj.beam_T)) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FA6 = self.FA2 + (self.dataObj.D_beam - self.dataObj.beam_T) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FA7 = self.FA2 + self.dataObj.D_beam * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FA8 = self.FA1 + self.dataObj.D_beam * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FA9 = self.FA1 + (self.dataObj.D_beam - self.dataObj.beam_T) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FA10 = self.FA11 + (self.dataObj.D_beam - (2* self.dataObj.beam_T)) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FP = self.FA11 + (self.dataObj.beam_R1 + 3) * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FQ = self.FP + self.dataObj.plate_thick * np.array([-1,0])
+ self.FX = self.FQ + self.dataObj.weld_thick * np.array([-1,0])
+ self.FR = self.FP + self.dataObj.plate_ht * np.array([0,1])
+ self.FY = self.FX + self.dataObj.plate_ht * np.array([0,1])
+ def callCWBWSide(self):
- Drawing an arrow on given direction
- #Right Up.
- theta = math.radians(theta)
- charWidth = 10
- xVec = np.array([1, 0])
- yVec = np.array([0, 1])
+ dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('finSide.svg', profile='full')
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.A), size=(self.dataObj.D_col, self.dataObj.col_L),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((self.C),(self.H)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((self.B),(self.G)).stroke('blue',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.polyline(points=[(self.A1),(self.A2),(self.A3),(self.A4),(self.A5),(self.A6),(self.A7),(self.A8),(self.A9),(self.A10),(self.A11),(self.A12),(self.A1)], stroke='blue', fill='none', stroke_width=2.5))
+ # Diagonal Hatching for WELD
+ pattern = dwg.defs.add(dwg.pattern(id ="diagonalHatch",size=(6, 6), patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse",patternTransform="rotate(45 2 2)"))
+ pattern.add(dwg.path(d = "M -1,2 l 6,0", stroke='#000000',stroke_width = 0.7))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.X), size=(self.dataObj.weld_thick, self.dataObj.plate_ht),fill = "url(#diagonalHatch)", stroke='white', stroke_width=2.5))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.Q), size=(self.dataObj.plate_thick, self.dataObj.plate_ht),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
+ nr = self.dataObj.no_of_rows
+ pitchPts = []
+ for row in range(nr):
+ pt = self.P + self.dataObj.end_dist * np.array([0,1]) + (row) *self.dataObj.pitch * np.array([0,1])
+ ptOne = pt + 20 * np.array([1,0])
+ ptTwo = pt + 30 * np.array([-1,0])
+ dwg.add(, r = 1.5, stroke='red',fill = 'none',stroke_width=1.5))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((ptOne),(ptTwo)).stroke('red',width = 1.5,linecap = 'square').dasharray(dasharray = ([10, 5, 1, 5])))
+ bltPt1 = pt + self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2 * np.array([0,-1]) + self.dataObj.plate_thick * np.array([-1,0])
+ bltPt2 = pt + self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2 * np.array([0,-1]) + self.dataObj.beam_tw * np.array([1,0])
+ bltPt3 = pt + self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2 * np.array([0,1]) + self.dataObj.plate_thick * np.array([-1,0])
+ bltPt4 = pt + self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2 * np.array([0,1]) + self.dataObj.beam_tw * np.array([1,0])
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((bltPt1),(bltPt2)).stroke('black',width = 1.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((bltPt3),(bltPt4)).stroke('black',width = 1.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ pitchPts.append(pt)
+ # End and Pitch Distance Information
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.D_col / 2 + 30, "textoffset": 15, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[0]), np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]),str(len(pitchPts)-1)+u' \u0040'+ str(int(self.dataObj.pitch)) + " mm c/c", params)
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.D_col / 2 + 30, "textoffset": 15, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, self.P, np.array(pitchPts[0]), str(int(self.dataObj.end_dist)) + " mm ", params)
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.D_col / 2 + 30, "textoffset": 15, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]), self.R, str(int(self.dataObj.end_dist)) + " mm", params)
+ # Draw Faint Line
+ pt2 = self.P + ((self.dataObj.D_col /2) + 15) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(self.P,pt2,dwg)
+ pt1 = np.array(pitchPts[0]) + ((self.dataObj.D_col /2) + 15) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(np.array(pitchPts[0]),pt1,dwg)
+ ptA = self.R + ((self.dataObj.D_col /2) + 15) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(self.R,ptA,dwg)
+ ptB = np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]) + ((self.dataObj.D_col /2) + 15) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]),ptB,dwg)
- p1 = pt
- lengthA = offset / math.sin(theta)
+ # Beam Information
+ beam_pt = self.A2
+ theta = 45
+ offset = self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1 + 10
+ textUp = "Beam " + self.dataObj.beam_Designation
+ textDown = ""
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "NE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- arrowVec = None
- if(orientation == "NE"):
- arrowVec = np.array([-math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta)])
- elif(orientation == "NW"):
- arrowVec = np.array([math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta)])
- elif(orientation == "SE"):
- arrowVec = np.array([-math.cos(theta), -math.sin(theta)])
- elif(orientation == "SW"):
- arrowVec = np.array([math.cos(theta), -math.sin(theta)])
- p2 = p1 - lengthA * arrowVec
+ # column Information
+ col_pt = self.H
+ theta = 45
+ offset = 70
+ textUp = "Column " + self.dataObj.col_Designation
+ textDown = " "
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, col_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- text = textDown if len(textDown) > len(textUp) else textUp
- lengthB = len(text) * charWidth
+ # Plate Information
+ beam_pt = self.R + self.dataObj.plate_thick/2 * np.array([-1,0])
+ theta = 45
+ offset = self.dataObj.plate_thick + self.dataObj.beam_B /2 + 80
+ textUp = "PLT. " + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_ht))+'x'+ str(int(self.dataObj.plate_width))+ 'x' + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_thick))
+ textDown = ""
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- labelVec = None
- if(orientation == "NE"):
- labelVec = -xVec
- elif(orientation == "NW"):
- labelVec = xVec
- elif(orientation == "SE"):
- labelVec = -xVec
- elif(orientation == "SW"):
- labelVec = xVec
+ # Weld Information
+ weldPt = self.X + self.dataObj.weld_thick/2 * np.array([1,0])
+ theta = 45
+ offset = self.dataObj.weld_thick + self.dataObj.plate_thick + self.dataObj.beam_B /2 + 80
+ textUp = " z " + str(int(self.dataObj.weld_thick)) + " mm"
+ textDown = u"\u25C1"
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, weldPt, theta, "NE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- p3 = p2 + lengthB * (-labelVec)
+ print "********* Column Web Beam Web Side Saved ***********"
+ def callCFBWSide(self):
+ '''
+ '''
+ dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('finSide.svg', profile='full')
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.FA), size=(self.dataObj.col_B, self.dataObj.col_L),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))
+ dwg.add(dwg.polyline(points=[(self.FA1),(self.FA2),(self.FA3),(self.FA4),(self.FA5),(self.FA6),(self.FA7),(self.FA8),(self.FA9),(self.FA10),(self.FA11),(self.FA12),(self.FA1)], stroke='blue', fill='none', stroke_width=2.5))
-# if case == "weld":
-# pt = lengthB /2 (-labelVec)
- txtOffset = 15
- offsetVec = - yVec
+ # Diagonal Hatching for WELD
+ pattern = dwg.defs.add(dwg.pattern(id ="diagonalHatch",size=(6, 6), patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse",patternTransform="rotate(45 2 2)"))
+ pattern.add(dwg.path(d = "M -1,2 l 6,0", stroke='#000000',stroke_width = 0.7))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.FX), size=(self.dataObj.weld_thick, self.dataObj.plate_ht),fill = "url(#diagonalHatch)", stroke='white', stroke_width=2.5))
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(self.FQ), size=(self.dataObj.plate_thick, self.dataObj.plate_ht),fill = 'none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=2.5))#dwg.add(dwg.line((self.ptMid),(self.ptMid1)).stroke('green',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
- txtPtUp = None
- if(orientation == "NE"):
- txtPtUp = p2 + 0.1 * lengthB * (-labelVec) + txtOffset * offsetVec
- txtPtDwn = p2 -0.1 * lengthB * (labelVec) - txtOffset * offsetVec
- elif(orientation == "NW"):
- txtPtUp = p3 + 0.1 * lengthB * labelVec + txtOffset * offsetVec
- txtPtDwn = p3 - 0.1 * lengthB * labelVec - txtOffset * offsetVec
- elif(orientation == "SE"):
- txtPtUp = p2 + 0.1 * lengthB * (-labelVec) + txtOffset * offsetVec
- txtPtDwn = p2 - 0.1 * lengthB * (labelVec) - txtOffset * offsetVec
- elif(orientation == "SW"):
- txtPtUp = p3 + 0.1 * lengthB * labelVec + txtOffset * offsetVec
- txtPtDwn = p3 - 0.1 * lengthB * labelVec - txtOffset * offsetVec
+ nr = self.dataObj.no_of_rows
+ pitchPts = []
+ for row in range(nr):
+ pt = self.FP + self.dataObj.end_dist * np.array([0,1]) + (row) *self.dataObj.pitch * np.array([0,1])
+ ptOne = pt + 20 * np.array([1,0])
+ ptTwo = pt + 30 * np.array([-1,0])
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((ptOne),(ptTwo)).stroke('red',width = 1.5,linecap = 'square').dasharray(dasharray = ([10, 5, 1, 5])))
+ bltPt1 = pt + self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2 * np.array([0,-1]) + self.dataObj.plate_thick * np.array([-1,0])
+ bltPt2 = pt + self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2 * np.array([0,-1]) + self.dataObj.beam_tw * np.array([1,0])
+ bltPt3 = pt + self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2 * np.array([0,1]) + self.dataObj.plate_thick * np.array([-1,0])
+ bltPt4 = pt + self.dataObj.bolt_dia/2 * np.array([0,1]) + self.dataObj.beam_tw * np.array([1,0])
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((bltPt1),(bltPt2)).stroke('black',width = 1.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((bltPt3),(bltPt4)).stroke('black',width = 1.5,linecap = 'square'))
+ pitchPts.append(pt)
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.col_B / 2 + 30, "textoffset": 15, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[0]), np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]),str(len(pitchPts)-1)+u' \u0040'+ str(int(self.dataObj.pitch)) + "mm c/c", params)
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.col_B / 2 + 30, "textoffset": 15, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, self.FP, np.array(pitchPts[0]), str(int(self.dataObj.end_dist)) + " mm ", params)
+ params = {"offset": self.dataObj.col_B / 2 + 30, "textoffset": 15, "lineori": "left", "endlinedim":10}
+ self.dataObj.draw_dimension_outerArrow(dwg, np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]), self.FR, str(int(self.dataObj.end_dist)) + " mm", params)
+ # Draw Faint Line
+ pt2 = self.FP + ((self.dataObj.col_B /2) + 15) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(self.FP,pt2,dwg)
+ pt1 = np.array(pitchPts[0]) + ((self.dataObj.col_B /2) + 15) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(np.array(pitchPts[0]),pt1,dwg)
+ ptA = self.FR + ((self.dataObj.col_B /2) + 15) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(self.FR,ptA,dwg)
+ ptB = np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]) + ((self.dataObj.col_B /2) + 15) * np.array([1,0])
+ self.dataObj.drawFaintLine(np.array(pitchPts[len( pitchPts)-1]),ptB,dwg)
- #line = dwg.add(dwg.line(p1, p2, p3).stroke('black', width = 2.5, linecap = 'square'))
- line = dwg.add(dwg.polyline(points=[p1, p2, p3], fill= 'none', stroke='black', stroke_width = 2.5))
- smarker = self.addSMarker(dwg)
- line['marker-start'] = smarker.get_funciri()
+ # Beam Information
+ beam_pt = self.FA2
+ theta = 45
+ offset = self.dataObj.col_T + self.dataObj.col_R1 + 10
+ textUp = "Beam " + self.dataObj.beam_Designation
+ textDown = ""
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "NE", offset, textUp, textDown)
- dwg.add(dwg.text(textUp, insert=(txtPtUp), fill='black',font_family = "sans-serif",font_size = 12))
- dwg.add(dwg.text(textDown, insert=(txtPtDwn), fill='black',font_family = "sans-serif",font_size = 16))
+ # column Information
+ beam_pt = self.FC
+ theta = 45
+ offset = 70
+ textUp = "Column " + self.dataObj.col_Designation
+ textDown = " "
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ # Plate Information
+ beam_pt = self.FR + self.dataObj.plate_thick/2 * np.array([-1,0])
+ theta = 45
+ offset = self.dataObj.plate_thick + self.dataObj.beam_B /2 + 80
+ textUp = "PLT. " + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_ht))+'x'+ str(int(self.dataObj.plate_width))+ 'x' + str(int(self.dataObj.plate_thick))
+ textDown = ""
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, beam_pt, theta, "SE", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ # Weld Information
+ weldPt = self.FX + self.dataObj.weld_thick/2 * np.array([1,0])
+ theta = 45
+ offset = self.dataObj.weld_thick + self.dataObj.plate_thick + self.dataObj.beam_B /2 + 80
+ textUp = " z " + str(int(self.dataObj.weld_thick)) + " mm"
+ textDown = u"\u25C1"
+ self.dataObj.drawOrientedArrow(dwg, weldPt, theta, "NE", offset, textUp, textDown)
+ print "********** Column Flange Beam Web Side Saved *************"
- def addSMarker(self, dwg):
- '''
- Draws start arrow to given line
- '''
- smarker = dwg.marker(insert=(-8,0), size=(10,10), orient="auto")
- smarker.add(dwg.polyline([(-2.5,0), (0,3), (-8,0), (0,-3)], fill='black'))
- dwg.defs.add(smarker)
- return smarker
- def drawFaintLine(self,ptOne,ptTwo,dwg):
- '''
- Draw faint line to show dimensions.
- '''
- dwg.add(dwg.line(ptOne,ptTwo).stroke('#D8D8D8',width = 2.5,linecap = 'square'))
- \ No newline at end of file
+ \ No newline at end of file