path: root/Connections/Shear/Finplate/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Connections/Shear/Finplate/')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Connections/Shear/Finplate/ b/Connections/Shear/Finplate/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98d1b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Connections/Shear/Finplate/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+Created on 10-Nov-2014
+@author: deepa
+#from OCC.Display.SimpleGui import init_display
+from exampleSimpleGUI import init_display
+from OCC._Quantity import Quantity_NOC_BLACK
+from ISection import ISection
+import numpy
+from OCC.Graphic3d import Graphic3d_NOT_2D_ALUMINUM
+from weld import Weld
+from plate import Plate
+from bolt import Bolt
+from OCC.Quantity import Quantity_NOC_SADDLEBROWN, Quantity_NOC_CYAN1
+from nut import Nut
+from OCC.BRepAlgoAPI import BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse
+from OCC.AIS import AIS_Shape
+from OCC.TopAbs import TopAbs_EDGE
+from OCC.TopExp import TopExp_Explorer
+from OCC.TopoDS import topods, TopoDS_Shape
+from utilities import osdagDisplayShape
+display, start_display, add_menu, add_function_to_menu = init_display(backend_str="pyqt4")
+# ISection COLUMN
+origin1 = numpy.array([0, 0, 0])
+uDir1 = numpy.array([1.0, 0, 0])
+wDir1 = numpy.array([0.0, 0, 1.0])
+t = 8.9
+weldThick = 8
+iSection1 = ISection(B = 83, T = 14.1, D = 250, t = 11, R1 = 12, R2 = 3.2, alpha = 98, length = 1000), uDir1, wDir1)
+# ISection BEAM
+uDir2 = numpy.array([0, 1.0, 0])
+wDir2 = numpy.array([1.0, 0, 0.0])
+d = t/2.0 + weldThick
+origin2 = numpy.array([0, 0, 500]) + (d+7.55) * wDir2
+iSection2 = ISection(B = 140, T = 16,D = 400,t = 8.9, R1 = 14, R2 = 7, alpha = 98,length = 400), uDir2, wDir2)
+weld = Weld(L= 300,W =iSection2.t, T = 8)
+plateThickness = 10
+uDir3 = numpy.array([0, 1.0, 0])
+wDir3 = numpy.array([1.0, 0, 0.0])
+origin3 = (iSection1.secOrigin +
+ iSection1.t/2.0 * iSection1.uDir +
+ iSection1.length/2.0 * iSection1.wDir +
+ iSection2.t/2.0 * (-iSection2.uDir)+
+ weld.W/2.0 * (-iSection2.uDir))
+#origin3 = numpy.array([0, 0, 500]) + t/2.0 *wDir3 + plateThickness/2.0 * (-iSection2.uDir), uDir3, wDir3)
+plate = Plate(L= weld.L,W =100, T = 10)
+uDir4 = numpy.array([0, 1.0, 0])
+wDir4 = numpy.array([1.0, 0, 0.0])
+origin4 = weld.secOrigin + weld.T * weld.wDir, uDir4, wDir4)
+bolt_T = 6.0
+origin51 = (plate.secOrigin + (-
+ plate.T/2.0 - bolt_T) * plate.uDir +
+ plate.W/2.0 * plate.wDir)
+uDir5 = plate.wDir
+wDir5 = plate.uDir
+## Bolt1
+bolt1 = Bolt(R = 10.0,T = bolt_T, H = 35.0, r = 4.0 ), uDir5, wDir5)
+## Bolt2
+bolt2 = Bolt(R = 10.0,T = bolt_T, H = 30.0, r = 4.0 )
+origin52 = origin51 + 50 *plate.vDir, uDir5, wDir5)
+## Bolt3
+bolt3 = Bolt(R = 10.0,T = bolt_T, H = 30.0, r = 4.0 )
+origin53 = origin51 - 50*plate.vDir, uDir5, wDir5)
+bolt_list =[bolt1,bolt2,bolt3]
+#nutbody = Nut(R = 10.0,T = 10.0, H = 6.1, innerR1 = 6.0, outerR2 = 8.3)
+## Nut1
+nut1 = Nut(R = 10.0,T = 10.0, H = 6.1, innerR1 = 6.0, outerR2 = 8.3)
+uDir = uDir5
+wDir = wDir5
+nut_Origin1 = origin51 + (bolt1.T/2 * plate.uDir)+(plate.T *plate.uDir)+ (iSection2.T/2 * plate.uDir), uDir, wDir)
+## Nut2
+nut2 = Nut(R = 10.0,T = 10.0, H = 6.1, innerR1 = 6.0, outerR2 = 8.3)
+nut_Origin2 = origin52 + (bolt1.T/2 * plate.uDir)+(plate.T *plate.uDir)+ (iSection2.T/2 * plate.uDir), uDir, wDir)
+## Nut3
+nut3 =Nut(R = 10.0,T = 10.0, H = 6.1, innerR1 = 6.0, outerR2 = 8.3)
+nut_Origin3 = origin53 + (bolt1.T/2 * plate.uDir)+(plate.T *plate.uDir)+ (iSection2.T/2 * plate.uDir), uDir5, wDir5)
+nut_list = [nut1,nut2,nut3]
+def colorTheEdges(box, aDisplay):
+ #ais_shape = AIS.AIS_Shape(box).GetHandle()
+ Ex = TopExp_Explorer(box,TopAbs_EDGE)
+ while Ex.More():
+ aEdge = topods.Edge(Ex.Current())
+ ais_shape = AIS_Shape(aEdge).GetHandle()
+ ctx = aDisplay.Context
+ ctx.SetColor(ais_shape,Quantity_NOC_BLACK,True)
+ ctx.SetWidth(ais_shape,3.2)
+ ctx.Display(ais_shape)
+ Ex.Next()
+ ctx.Display(ais_shape)
+# Call for createModel
+iSectionModel1 = iSection1.createModel()
+iSectionModel2 = iSection2.createModel()
+weldModel = weld.createModel()
+plateModel = plate.createModel()
+boltModels = []
+colorbolts = []
+for bolt in bolt_list:
+ boltModels.append(bolt.createModel())
+ for colorbolt in boltModels:
+ colorTheEdges(colorbolt,aDisplay)
+ colorbolts.append(colorbolt)
+#color = Quantity_NOC_SADDLEBROWN,
+nutModels = []
+for nut in nut_list:
+ nutModels.append(nut.createModel())
+# def colorTheEdges(box, aDisplay):
+# #ais_shape = AIS.AIS_Shape(box).GetHandle()
+# Ex = TopExp_Explorer(box,TopAbs_EDGE)
+# while Ex.More():
+# aEdge = topods.Edge(Ex.Current())
+# ais_shape = AIS_Shape(aEdge).GetHandle()
+# ctx = aDisplay.Context
+# ctx.SetColor(ais_shape,Quantity_NOC_BLACK,True)
+# ctx.SetWidth(ais_shape,3.2)
+# ctx.Display(ais_shape)
+# Ex.Next()
+# Get Context
+ais_context = display.GetContext().GetObject()
+# Get Prs3d_drawer from previous context
+drawer_handle = ais_context.DefaultDrawer()
+drawer = drawer_handle.GetObject()
+la = drawer.LineAspect().GetObject()
+# le = drawer.SetLineAspect().GetObject()
+hla = drawer.HiddenLineAspect().GetObject()
+# le.SetLineAspect(Aspect_TOL_DASH,Quantity_NOC_YELLOW,4 )
+# increase line width in the current viewer
+# This is only viewed in the HLR mode (hit 'e' key for instance)
+line_aspect = drawer.SeenLineAspect().GetObject()
+# Displys CAD Models.
+# Complete CAD Model
+isection = BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse(iSectionModel1,iSectionModel2).Shape()
+weld_isection = BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse(isection,weldModel).Shape()
+plate_weld = BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse(weld_isection,plateModel).Shape()
+plate_weld_bolt = plate_weld
+for bolt in boltModels:
+ plate_weld_bolt = BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse(plate_weld_bolt, bolt).Shape()
+#bolt_plate = BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse(plate_weld,boltModels).Shape()
+final_model = plate_weld_bolt
+for nt in nutModels:
+ final_model = BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse(final_model,nt).Shape()
+# colorTheEdges(final_model)
+#display.DisplayShape(final_model, update = True)
+colorTheEdges(iSectionModel1, display)
+display.DisplayShape(iSectionModel1, update=True)
+# colorTheEdges(iSectionModel2)
+#display.DisplayShape(iSectionModel2,material = Graphic3d_NOT_2D_ALUMINUM, update=True)
+# colorTheEdges(weldModel)
+#display.DisplayShape(weldModel,color = 'red', update=True)
+# colorTheEdges(plateModel)
+#display.DisplayShape(plateModel,color = 'blue', update=True)
+#display.DisplayShape(colorbolts,color = Quantity_NOC_SADDLEBROWN, update=True)
+# #colorTheEdges(nutModels)
+#display.DisplayShape(nutModels,color = Quantity_NOC_SADDLEBROWN, update = True)