path: root/.gitignore
diff options
authorvishnueaswaran2019-08-22 16:22:15 +0530
committervishnueaswaran2019-08-22 16:22:15 +0530
commitcff44d3d9e76838000829c4ce78ce6f5e2121308 (patch)
treeb60b2ce1413499be2cb51a4f4dc5f2a64d4d2f2b /.gitignore
parent8fee690e428db1183e028dd8b832e06a367c89cc (diff)
Added .gitignore file.
Diffstat (limited to '.gitignore')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b2323c3..e23d575 100755
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,295 @@
+# For PCBs designed using KiCad:
+# Format documentation:
+# Temporary files
+# Netlist files (exported from Eeschema)
+# Autorouter files (exported from Pcbnew)
+# Exported BOM files
#ignore the bashscripts
+## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files:
+## Intermediate documents:
+# these rules might exclude image files for figures etc.
+# *.ps
+# *.eps
+# *.pdf
+## Generated if empty string is given at "Please type another file name for output:"
+## Bibliography auxiliary files (bibtex/biblatex/biber):
+## Build tool auxiliary files:
+## Build tool directories for auxiliary files
+# latexrun
+## Auxiliary and intermediate files from other packages:
+# algorithms
+# achemso
+# amsthm
+# beamer
+# changes
+# comment
+# cprotect
+# elsarticle (documentclass of Elsevier journals)
+# endnotes
+# fixme
+# feynmf/feynmp
+# glossaries
+# gnuplottex
+# gregoriotex
+# htlatex
+# hyperref
+# knitr
+# TODO Comment the next line if you want to keep your tikz graphics files
+# listings
+# luatexja-ruby
+# makeidx
+# minitoc
+# minted
+# morewrites
+# nomencl
+# pax
+# pdfpcnotes
+# sagetex
+# scrwfile
+# sympy
+# pdfcomment
+# pythontex
+# tcolorbox
+# thmtools
+# TikZ & PGF
+# todonotes
+# vhistory
+# easy-todo
+# xcolor
+# xmpincl
+# xindy
+# xypic precompiled matrices
+# endfloat
+# Latexian
+## Editors:
+# WinEdt
+# Texpad
+# LyX
+# Kile
+# KBibTeX
+# auto folder when using emacs and auctex
+# expex forward references with \gathertags
+# standalone packages
+# glossaries-extra