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authormanasdas172019-08-26 11:57:32 +0530
committerGitHub2019-08-26 11:57:32 +0530
commit9c349d4fb60b57d15551ef44c54436c66a061b85 (patch)
tree4b5bb8df20543fa50772dbd8be63da9f65a47120 /
parentfee1e24f60dbddd5a9bac36523d99c6494802688 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 2 deletions
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index c237adc..ba30d6c 100644
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-# OpenModelica_Arduino_With_MDD
-Embedded Experiments with OpenModelica and Arduino with facility for Embedded C code generation
+OpenModelica_Arduino_With_MDD on Windows Platform
+Embedded Experiments with OpenModelica and Arduino with facility for Embedded C code generation.
+Free & Open Source library based on OpenModelica to perform Embedded Experiments with Arduino. Also, there is a facility to generate Embedded C code by using Modelica_DeviceDriver models.
+Library description
+The library is an open source Modelica package for real-time simulation of circuit designs involving Arduino platforms based on AVR Atmega328P MCUs.
+Main features:
+Support for Windows.
+(Soft) real-time synchronization of a simulation.
+Please note that the library is known to work with
+OpenModelica (partial support starting with OpenModelica v1.11.0, e.g.serial port).
+OpenModelica (>= v1.11.0) (
+Modelica_DeviceDrivers (v1.5.1) (
+Compile and Install
+Compile: Navigate to Library directory under Resources and to compile a source file named filename.c execute the following command
+$ gcc –c –Wall –fPIC ../src/filename.c
+To make a shared object file named execute the following
+$ gcc –shared –fPIC *.o -o
+Install and Run: Launch OMEdit and load the package Modelica_DeviceDrivers. Also, load the OpenModelica-Arduino package present in file. Load the Arduino platform with the arduino_firmware.ino code.Create any model using the package and simulate.
+Running Test Firmware
+Test the package using test firmware provided.
+Load the Arduino platform with the arduino_firmware.ino code.
+Load the test model present in file along with file in OpenModelica.
+Simulate the model.If no error occurs,the package is good to go.
+Running MDD Models
+See the AVR package documentation under Modelica_DeviceDrivers -> EmbeddedTargets -> AVR in OMEdit before running the MDD examples.
+To run a Modelica_DeviceDrivers Blink example, navigate to MDD_build/Blink directory and execute the following command
+Running Manually: Executing Blink example within Modelica_DeviceDrivers EmbeddedTargets Package:- Put the runMDDAvr.mos file in a (build) directory and execute following commands on the command line:
+$ omc --simCodeTarget=ExperimentalEmbeddedC runMDDAvr.mos $ avr-gcc -Os -std=c11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000UL -Wl,--gc-sections Blink_main.c -o Blink -I /path_to_MDD/Modelica_DeviceDrivers/Resources/Include -I /usr/include/omc/c $ avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom Blink Blink.hex $ avrdude -F -V -c arduino -p ATMEGA328P -P /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 -U flash:w:Blink.hex
+For further information: Visit Development and contribution
+Main developers:
+Manas Ranjan Das, FOSSSEE, IIT-Bombay
+Contributions in shape of [Pull Requests] are always welcome.