AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-09-02Remove Stacked plot option and make it work for multiple plot in different linefahimkhan
2016-08-29Refactor code to add stack plot functionalityfahimkhan
2016-08-26Plot details can be given in separate linefahimkhan
2016-08-24Added Ngspice Netlist Examplefahimkhan
2016-08-24Plot rows increase to 3fahimkhan
2016-08-23For blank plot all voltage will be plottedfahimkhan
2016-08-23Subject: Added plots detailsfahimkhan
2016-08-22CC License Link Addedfahimkhan
2016-08-22Footer color changedfahimkhan
2016-08-18Removed unneccessary marginfahimkhan
2016-08-17Moving Repository from ...fahimkhan