path: root/ldmicro/confdialog.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'ldmicro/confdialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ldmicro/confdialog.cpp b/ldmicro/confdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..099d35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldmicro/confdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+// Copyright 2007 Jonathan Westhues
+// This file is part of LDmicro.
+// LDmicro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// LDmicro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with LDmicro. If not, see <>.
+// Dialog for setting the overall PLC parameters. Mostly this relates to
+// timing; to set up the timers we need to know the desired cycle time,
+// which is configurable, plus the MCU clock (i.e. crystal frequency).
+// Jonathan Westhues, Nov 2004
+#include <linuxUI.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+//#include <commctrl.h>
+#include "ldmicro.h"
+using namespace std;
+static HWID ConfDialog;
+static HWID CrystalTextbox;
+static HWID CycleTextbox;
+static HWID BaudTextbox;
+static HWID OkButton;
+static HWID CancelButton;
+static LONG_PTR PrevCrystalProc;
+static LONG_PTR PrevCycleProc;
+static LONG_PTR PrevBaudProc;
+HWID ConfGrid;
+HWID ConfPackingBox;
+static void MakeControls(void)
+ // Creating text labels
+ HWID textLabel = gtk_label_new ("Cycle Time (ms):");
+ HWID textLabel2 = gtk_label_new ("Crystal Frequency (MHz):");
+ HWID textLabel3 = gtk_label_new ("UART Baud Rate (bps):");
+ // Creating text boxes
+ CycleTextbox = gtk_entry_new ();
+ gtk_entry_set_max_length (GTK_ENTRY (CycleTextbox), 0);
+ // gtk_entry_set_input_purpose (GTK_ENTRY (CycleTextbox), GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_DIGITS);
+ CrystalTextbox = gtk_entry_new ();
+ gtk_entry_set_max_length (GTK_ENTRY (CrystalTextbox), 0);
+ BaudTextbox = gtk_entry_new ();
+ gtk_entry_set_max_length (GTK_ENTRY (BaudTextbox), 0);
+ if(!UartFunctionUsed()) {
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (BaudTextbox, FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (textLabel3, FALSE);
+ }
+ if(Prog.mcu && (Prog.mcu->whichIsa == ISA_ANSIC ||
+ Prog.mcu->whichIsa == ISA_INTERPRETED))
+ {
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (CrystalTextbox, FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (textLabel2, FALSE);
+ }
+ OkButton = gtk_button_new_with_label ("OK");
+ CancelButton = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Cancel");
+ char explanation[1024] = "";
+ if(UartFunctionUsed()) {
+ if(Prog.mcu && Prog.mcu->uartNeeds.rxPin != 0) {
+ sprintf(explanation,
+ _("Serial (UART) will use pins %d and %d.\r\n\r\n"),
+ Prog.mcu->uartNeeds.rxPin, Prog.mcu->uartNeeds.txPin);
+ }
+ else {
+ strcpy(explanation,
+ _("Please select a micro with a UART.\r\n\r\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ strcpy(explanation, _("\n No serial instructions (UART Send/UART Receive) \n"
+ "are in use; add one to program before \n"
+ "setting baud rate.\r\n\r\n") );
+ }
+ strcat(explanation,
+ _("The cycle time for the 'PLC' runtime generated by \n" "LDmicro is user-"
+ "configurable. Very short cycle \n" "times may not be achievable due "
+ "to processor \n" "speed constraints, and very long cycle times may \n"
+ "not be achievable due to hardware overflows. Cycle \n" "times between 10 ms \n"
+ "and 100 ms will usually be practical.\r\n\r\n"
+ "The compiler must know what speed crystal you \n" "are using with the "
+ "micro to convert between timing \n" "in clock cycles and timing in"
+ "seconds. A 4 MHz to \n" "20 MHz crystal is typical; check the speed "
+ "grade of \n" "the part you are using to determine the maximum \n" "allowable"
+ "clock speed before choosing a crystal.\n"));
+ HWID textLabel4 = gtk_label_new (explanation);
+ // Creating required containers for packing
+ ConfGrid = gtk_grid_new();
+ ConfPackingBox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
+ gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (ConfGrid), textLabel, 1, 2, 1, 1);
+ gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (ConfGrid), CycleTextbox, 3, 2, 1, 1);
+ gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (ConfGrid), OkButton, 6, 2, 2, 1);
+ gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (ConfGrid), textLabel2, 1, 4, 1, 1);
+ gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (ConfGrid), CrystalTextbox, 3, 4, 1, 1);
+ gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (ConfGrid), CancelButton, 6, 4, 2, 1);
+ gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (ConfGrid), textLabel3, 1, 6, 1, 1);
+ gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (ConfGrid), BaudTextbox, 3, 6, 1, 1);
+ gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (ConfGrid), 2);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(ConfPackingBox), ConfGrid, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(ConfPackingBox), textLabel4, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+// PrevCycleProc = SetWindowLongPtr(CycleTextbox, GWLP_WNDPROC,
+// (LONG_PTR)MyNumberProc);
+// PrevCrystalProc = SetWindowLongPtr(CrystalTextbox, GWLP_WNDPROC,
+// (LONG_PTR)MyNumberProc);
+// PrevBaudProc = SetWindowLongPtr(BaudTextbox, GWLP_WNDPROC,
+// (LONG_PTR)MyNumberProc);
+// Don't allow any characters other than 0-9. in the text boxes.
+void ConfDialogMyNumberProc (GtkEditable *editable, gchar *NewText, gint length,
+ gint *position, gpointer data){
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (MainWindow, TRUE);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
+ if (!(isdigit (NewText[i]) || NewText[i] == '.' || NewText[i] == '\b')){
+ g_signal_stop_emission_by_name (G_OBJECT (editable), "insert-text");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// Gets data from the text boxes
+void ConfDialogGetData (GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data){
+ char* buf;
+ buf = const_cast <char*> (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (CycleTextbox)));
+ Prog.cycleTime = (int)(1000*atof(buf) + 0.5);
+ if(Prog.cycleTime == 0) {
+ Error(_("Zero cycle time not valid; resetting to 10 ms."));
+ Prog.cycleTime = 10000;
+ }
+ buf = const_cast <char*> (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY(CrystalTextbox)));
+ Prog.mcuClock = (int)(1e6*atof(buf) + 0.5);
+ buf = const_cast <char*> (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY(BaudTextbox)));
+ Prog.baudRate = atoi(buf);
+ DestroyWindow (ConfDialog);
+ ProgramChanged();
+// Checks for the required key press
+gboolean ConfDialogKeyPress (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventKey* event, gpointer data){
+ if (event -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Return){
+ ConfDialogGetData(NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else if (event -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Escape){
+ DestroyWindow (ConfDialog);
+ ProgramChanged();
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (MainWindow, TRUE);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void ConfCallDestroyWindow (HWID widget, gpointer data){
+ DestroyWindow (ConfDialog);
+ ProgramChanged();
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (MainWindow, TRUE);
+// Consists of all the signal calls
+void ConfDialogSignalCall () {
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(CycleTextbox), "insert-text",
+ G_CALLBACK(ConfDialogMyNumberProc), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(CrystalTextbox), "insert-text",
+ G_CALLBACK(ConfDialogMyNumberProc), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(BaudTextbox), "insert-text",
+ G_CALLBACK(ConfDialogMyNumberProc), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (ConfDialog), "key-press-event",
+ G_CALLBACK(ConfDialogKeyPress), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (OkButton), "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK(ConfDialogGetData), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (CancelButton), "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK(ConfCallDestroyWindow), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (ConfDialog, "delete_event", G_CALLBACK (ConfCallDestroyWindow), NULL);
+void ShowConfDialog(void)
+ // The window's height will be resized later, to fit the explanation text.
+ MakeControls();
+ GdkEventKey* event;
+ ConfDialog = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
+ gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(ConfDialog), "PLC Configuration");
+ gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(ConfDialog), 200, 250);
+ gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (ConfDialog), FALSE);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(ConfDialog), ConfPackingBox);
+ gtk_widget_add_events (ConfDialog, GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK);
+ gtk_widget_add_events (ConfDialog, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK);
+ char buf[16];
+ sprintf(buf, "%.1f", (Prog.cycleTime / 1000.0));
+ gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (CycleTextbox), buf);
+ sprintf(buf, "%.6f", Prog.mcuClock / 1e6);
+ gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (CrystalTextbox), buf);
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", Prog.baudRate);
+ gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (BaudTextbox), buf);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (MainWindow, FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (OkButton);
+ gtk_widget_set_state_flags (CycleTextbox, GTK_STATE_FLAG_FOCUSED, TRUE);
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (CycleTextbox);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (ConfDialog);
+ ConfDialogSignalCall();
+ return;
+} \ No newline at end of file