path: root/ldmicro/schematic.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ldmicro/schematic.cpp')
1 files changed, 725 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ldmicro/schematic.cpp b/ldmicro/schematic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..849093e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldmicro/schematic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+// Copyright 2007 Jonathan Westhues
+// This file is part of LDmicro.
+// LDmicro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// LDmicro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with LDmicro. If not, see <>.
+// Stuff for editing the schematic, mostly tying in with the cursor somehow.
+// Actual manipulation of circuit elements happens in circuit.cpp, though.
+// Jonathan Westhues, Oct 2004
+#include "linuxUI.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "ldmicro.h"
+// Not all options all available e.g. can't delete the only relay coil in
+// a rung, can't insert two coils in series, etc. Keep track of what is
+// allowed so we don't corrupt our program.
+BOOL CanInsertEnd;
+BOOL CanInsertOther;
+BOOL CanInsertComment;
+// Ladder logic program is laid out on a grid program; this matrix tells
+// us which leaf element is in which box on the grid, which allows us
+// to determine what element has just been selected when the user clicks
+// on something, for example.
+ElemLeaf *Selected;
+int SelectedWhich;
+ElemLeaf DisplayMatrixFiller;
+// Cursor within the ladder logic program. The paint routines figure out
+// where the cursor should go and calculate the coordinates (in pixels)
+// of the rectangle that describes it; then BlinkCursor just has to XOR
+// the requested rectangle at periodic intervals.
+PlcCursor Cursor;
+// Find the address in the DisplayMatrix of the selected leaf element. Set
+// *gx and *gy if we succeed and return TRUE, else return FALSE.
+BOOL FindSelected(int *gx, int *gy)
+ if(!Selected) return FALSE;
+ int i, j;
+ for(i = 0; i < DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE; i++) {
+ for(j = 0; j < DISPLAY_MATRIX_Y_SIZE; j++) {
+ if(DisplayMatrix[i][j] == Selected) {
+ while(DisplayMatrix[i+1][j] == Selected) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ *gx = i;
+ *gy = j;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Select the item in DisplayMatrix at (gx, gy), and then update everything
+// to reflect that. In particular change the enabled state of the menus so
+// that those items that do not apply are grayed, and scroll the element in
+// to view.
+void SelectElement(int gx, int gy, int state)
+// if(gx < 0 || gy < 0) {
+// if(!FindSelected(&gx, &gy)) {
+// return;
+// }
+// }
+// if(Selected) Selected->selectedState = SELECTED_NONE;
+// Selected = DisplayMatrix[gx][gy];
+// SelectedWhich = DisplayMatrixWhich[gx][gy];
+// if(SelectedWhich == ELEM_PLACEHOLDER) {
+// state = SELECTED_LEFT;
+// }
+// if((gy - ScrollYOffset) >= ScreenRowsAvailable()) {
+// ScrollYOffset = gy - ScreenRowsAvailable() + 1;
+// RefreshScrollbars();
+// }
+// if((gy - ScrollYOffset) < 0) {
+// ScrollYOffset = gy;
+// RefreshScrollbars();
+// }
+// if((gx - ScrollXOffset*POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH) >= ScreenColsAvailable()) {
+// ScrollXOffset = gx*POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH - ScreenColsAvailable();
+// RefreshScrollbars();
+// }
+// if((gx - ScrollXOffset*POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH) < 0) {
+// ScrollXOffset = gx*POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH;
+// RefreshScrollbars();
+// }
+// ok();
+// Selected->selectedState = state;
+// ok();
+// WhatCanWeDoFromCursorAndTopology();
+// Must be called every time the cursor moves or the cursor stays the same
+// but the circuit topology changes under it. Determines what we are allowed
+// to do: where coils can be added, etc.
+void WhatCanWeDoFromCursorAndTopology(void)
+// BOOL canNegate = FALSE, canNormal = FALSE;
+// BOOL canResetOnly = FALSE, canSetOnly = FALSE;
+// BOOL canPushUp = TRUE, canPushDown = TRUE;
+// BOOL canDelete = TRUE;
+// int i = RungContainingSelected();
+// if(i >= 0) {
+// if(i == 0) canPushUp = FALSE;
+// if(i == (Prog.numRungs-1)) canPushDown = FALSE;
+// if(Prog.rungs[i]->count == 1 &&
+// Prog.rungs[i]->contents[0].which == ELEM_PLACEHOLDER)
+// {
+// canDelete = FALSE;
+// }
+// }
+// CanInsertEnd = FALSE;
+// CanInsertOther = TRUE;
+// if(Selected &&
+// (SelectedWhich == ELEM_COIL ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_RES ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_ADD ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_SUB ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_MUL ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_DIV ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_CTC ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_READ_ADC ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_SET_PWM ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_MASTER_RELAY ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_SHIFT_REGISTER ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_LOOK_UP_TABLE ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_PIECEWISE_LINEAR ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_PERSIST ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_MOVE))
+// {
+// if(SelectedWhich == ELEM_COIL) {
+// canNegate = TRUE;
+// canNormal = TRUE;
+// canResetOnly = TRUE;
+// canSetOnly = TRUE;
+// }
+// if(Selected->selectedState == SELECTED_ABOVE ||
+// Selected->selectedState == SELECTED_BELOW)
+// {
+// CanInsertEnd = TRUE;
+// CanInsertOther = FALSE;
+// } else if(Selected->selectedState == SELECTED_RIGHT) {
+// CanInsertEnd = FALSE;
+// CanInsertOther = FALSE;
+// }
+// } else if(Selected) {
+// if(Selected->selectedState == SELECTED_RIGHT ||
+// SelectedWhich == ELEM_PLACEHOLDER)
+// {
+// CanInsertEnd = ItemIsLastInCircuit(Selected);
+// }
+// }
+// if(SelectedWhich == ELEM_CONTACTS) {
+// canNegate = TRUE;
+// canNormal = TRUE;
+// }
+// if(SelectedWhich == ELEM_PLACEHOLDER) {
+// // a comment must be the only element in its rung, and it will fill
+// // the rung entirely
+// CanInsertComment = TRUE;
+// } else {
+// CanInsertComment = FALSE;
+// }
+// if(SelectedWhich == ELEM_COMMENT) {
+// // if there's a comment there already then don't let anything else
+// // into the rung
+// CanInsertEnd = FALSE;
+// CanInsertOther = FALSE;
+// }
+// SetMenusEnabled(canNegate, canNormal, canResetOnly, canSetOnly, canDelete,
+// CanInsertEnd, CanInsertOther, canPushDown, canPushUp, CanInsertComment);
+// Rub out freed element from the DisplayMatrix, just so we don't confuse
+// ourselves too much (or access freed memory)...
+void ForgetFromGrid(void *p)
+ int i, j;
+ for(i = 0; i < DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE; i++) {
+ for(j = 0; j < DISPLAY_MATRIX_Y_SIZE; j++) {
+ if(DisplayMatrix[i][j] == p) {
+ DisplayMatrix[i][j] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(Selected == p) {
+ Selected = NULL;
+ }
+// Rub out everything from DisplayMatrix. If we don't do that before freeing
+// the program (e.g. when loading a new file) then there is a race condition
+// when we repaint.
+void ForgetEverything(void)
+ memset(DisplayMatrix, 0, sizeof(DisplayMatrix));
+ memset(DisplayMatrixWhich, 0, sizeof(DisplayMatrixWhich));
+ Selected = NULL;
+ SelectedWhich = 0;
+// Select the top left element of the program. Returns TRUE if it was able
+// to do so, FALSE if not. The latter occurs given a completely empty
+// program.
+BOOL MoveCursorTopLeft(void)
+// int i, j;
+// // Let us first try to place it somewhere on-screen, so start at the
+// // vertical scroll offset, not the very top (to avoid placing the
+// // cursor in a position that would force us to scroll to put it in to
+// // view.)
+// for(i = 0; i < DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE; i++) {
+// for(j = ScrollYOffset;
+// j < DISPLAY_MATRIX_Y_SIZE && j < (ScrollYOffset+16); j++)
+// {
+// if(VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[i][j])) {
+// SelectElement(i, j, SELECTED_LEFT);
+// return TRUE;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// // If that didn't work, then try anywhere on the diagram before giving
+// // up entirely.
+// for(i = 0; i < DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE; i++) {
+// for(j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
+// if(VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[i][j])) {
+// SelectElement(i, j, SELECTED_LEFT);
+// return TRUE;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// return FALSE;
+// Move the cursor in response to a keyboard command (arrow keys). Basically
+// we move the cursor within the currently selected element until we hit
+// the edge (e.g. left edge for VK_LEFT), and then we see if we can select
+// a new item that would let us keep going.
+void MoveCursorKeyboard(int keyCode)
+// if(!Selected || Selected->selectedState == SELECTED_NONE) {
+// MoveCursorTopLeft();
+// return;
+// }
+// switch(keyCode) {
+// case VK_LEFT: {
+// if(!Selected || Selected->selectedState == SELECTED_NONE) {
+// break;
+// }
+// if(Selected->selectedState != SELECTED_LEFT) {
+// SelectElement(-1, -1, SELECTED_LEFT);
+// break;
+// }
+// if(SelectedWhich == ELEM_COMMENT) break;
+// int i, j;
+// if(FindSelected(&i, &j)) {
+// i--;
+// while(i >= 0 && (!VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[i][j]) ||
+// (DisplayMatrix[i][j] == Selected)))
+// {
+// i--;
+// }
+// if(i >= 0) {
+// SelectElement(i, j, SELECTED_RIGHT);
+// }
+// }
+// break;
+// }
+// case VK_RIGHT: {
+// if(!Selected || Selected->selectedState == SELECTED_NONE) {
+// break;
+// }
+// if(Selected->selectedState != SELECTED_RIGHT) {
+// SelectElement(-1, -1, SELECTED_RIGHT);
+// break;
+// }
+// if(SelectedWhich == ELEM_COMMENT) break;
+// int i, j;
+// if(FindSelected(&i, &j)) {
+// i++;
+// while(i < DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE &&
+// !VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[i][j]))
+// {
+// i++;
+// }
+// if(i != DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE) {
+// SelectElement(i, j, SELECTED_LEFT);
+// }
+// }
+// break;
+// }
+// case VK_UP: {
+// if(!Selected || Selected->selectedState == SELECTED_NONE) {
+// break;
+// }
+// if(Selected->selectedState != SELECTED_ABOVE &&
+// SelectedWhich != ELEM_PLACEHOLDER)
+// {
+// SelectElement(-1, -1, SELECTED_ABOVE);
+// break;
+// }
+// int i, j;
+// if(FindSelected(&i, &j)) {
+// j--;
+// while(j >= 0 && !VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[i][j]))
+// j--;
+// if(j >= 0) {
+// SelectElement(i, j, SELECTED_BELOW);
+// }
+// }
+// break;
+// }
+// case VK_DOWN: {
+// if(!Selected || Selected->selectedState == SELECTED_NONE) {
+// break;
+// }
+// if(Selected->selectedState != SELECTED_BELOW &&
+// SelectedWhich != ELEM_PLACEHOLDER)
+// {
+// SelectElement(-1, -1, SELECTED_BELOW);
+// break;
+// }
+// int i, j;
+// if(FindSelected(&i, &j)) {
+// j++;
+// while(j < DISPLAY_MATRIX_Y_SIZE &&
+// !VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[i][j]))
+// {
+// j++;
+// }
+// if(j != DISPLAY_MATRIX_Y_SIZE) {
+// SelectElement(i, j, SELECTED_ABOVE);
+// } else if(ScrollYOffsetMax - ScrollYOffset < 3) {
+// // special case: scroll the end marker into view
+// ScrollYOffset = ScrollYOffsetMax;
+// RefreshScrollbars();
+// }
+// }
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// Edit the selected element. Pop up the appropriate modal dialog box to do
+// this.
+void EditSelectedElement(void)
+// if(!Selected || Selected->selectedState == SELECTED_NONE) return;
+// switch(SelectedWhich) {
+// case ELEM_COMMENT:
+// ShowCommentDialog(Selected->d.comment.str);
+// break;
+// ShowContactsDialog(&(Selected->d.contacts.negated),
+// Selected->;
+// break;
+// case ELEM_COIL:
+// ShowCoilDialog(&(Selected->d.coil.negated),
+// &(Selected->d.coil.setOnly), &(Selected->d.coil.resetOnly),
+// Selected->;
+// break;
+// case ELEM_TON:
+// case ELEM_TOF:
+// case ELEM_RTO:
+// ShowTimerDialog(SelectedWhich, &(Selected->d.timer.delay),
+// Selected->;
+// break;
+// case ELEM_CTU:
+// case ELEM_CTD:
+// case ELEM_CTC:
+// ShowCounterDialog(SelectedWhich, &(Selected->d.counter.max),
+// Selected->;
+// break;
+// case ELEM_EQU:
+// case ELEM_NEQ:
+// case ELEM_GRT:
+// case ELEM_GEQ:
+// case ELEM_LES:
+// case ELEM_LEQ:
+// ShowCmpDialog(SelectedWhich, Selected->d.cmp.op1,
+// Selected->d.cmp.op2);
+// break;
+// case ELEM_ADD:
+// case ELEM_SUB:
+// case ELEM_MUL:
+// case ELEM_DIV:
+// ShowMathDialog(SelectedWhich, Selected->d.math.dest,
+// Selected->d.math.op1, Selected->d.math.op2);
+// break;
+// case ELEM_RES:
+// ShowResetDialog(Selected->;
+// break;
+// case ELEM_MOVE:
+// ShowMoveDialog(Selected->d.move.dest, Selected->d.move.src);
+// break;
+// case ELEM_SET_PWM:
+// ShowSetPwmDialog(Selected->,
+// &(Selected->d.setPwm.targetFreq));
+// break;
+// case ELEM_READ_ADC:
+// ShowReadAdcDialog(Selected->;
+// break;
+// case ELEM_UART_RECV:
+// case ELEM_UART_SEND:
+// ShowUartDialog(SelectedWhich, Selected->;
+// break;
+// case ELEM_PERSIST:
+// ShowPersistDialog(Selected->d.persist.var);
+// break;
+// ShowShiftRegisterDialog(Selected->,
+// &(Selected->d.shiftRegister.stages));
+// break;
+// ShowFormattedStringDialog(Selected->d.fmtdStr.var,
+// Selected->d.fmtdStr.string);
+// break;
+// ShowPiecewiseLinearDialog(Selected);
+// break;
+// ShowLookUpTableDialog(Selected);
+// break;
+// }
+// Edit the element under the mouse cursor. This will typically be the
+// selected element, since the first click would have selected it. If there
+// is no element under the mouser cursor then do nothing; do not edit the
+// selected element (which is elsewhere on screen), as that would be
+// confusing.
+void EditElementMouseDoubleclick(int x, int y)
+// x += ScrollXOffset;
+// y += FONT_HEIGHT/2;
+// int gx = (x - X_PADDING)/(POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH);
+// int gy = (y - Y_PADDING)/(POS_HEIGHT*FONT_HEIGHT);
+// gy += ScrollYOffset;
+// if(InSimulationMode) {
+// ElemLeaf *l = DisplayMatrix[gx][gy];
+// if(l && DisplayMatrixWhich[gx][gy] == ELEM_CONTACTS) {
+// char *name = l->;
+// if(name[0] == 'X') {
+// SimulationToggleContact(name);
+// }
+// } else if(l && DisplayMatrixWhich[gx][gy] == ELEM_READ_ADC) {
+// ShowAnalogSliderPopup(l->;
+// }
+// } else {
+// if(DisplayMatrix[gx][gy] == Selected) {
+// EditSelectedElement();
+// }
+// }
+// Move the cursor in response to a mouse click. If they clicked in a leaf
+// element box then figure out which edge they're closest too (with appropriate
+// fudge factors to make all edges equally easy to click on) and put the
+// cursor there.
+void MoveCursorMouseClick(int x, int y)
+// x += ScrollXOffset;
+// y += FONT_HEIGHT/2;
+// int gx0 = (x - X_PADDING)/(POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH);
+// int gy0 = (y - Y_PADDING)/(POS_HEIGHT*FONT_HEIGHT);
+// int gx = gx0;
+// int gy = gy0 + ScrollYOffset;
+// if(VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[gx][gy])) {
+// int i, j;
+// for(i = 0; i < DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE; i++) {
+// for(j = 0; j < DISPLAY_MATRIX_Y_SIZE; j++) {
+// if(DisplayMatrix[i][j])
+// DisplayMatrix[i][j]->selectedState = SELECTED_NONE;
+// }
+// }
+// int dx = x - (gx0*POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH + X_PADDING);
+// int dy = y - (gy0*POS_HEIGHT*FONT_HEIGHT + Y_PADDING);
+// int dtop = dy;
+// int dbottom = POS_HEIGHT*FONT_HEIGHT - dy;
+// int dleft = dx;
+// int dright = POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH - dx;
+// int extra = 1;
+// if(DisplayMatrixWhich[gx][gy] == ELEM_COMMENT) {
+// dleft += gx*POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH;
+// dright += (ColsAvailable - gx - 1)*POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH;
+// extra = ColsAvailable;
+// } else {
+// if((gx > 0) && (DisplayMatrix[gx-1][gy] == DisplayMatrix[gx][gy])) {
+// dleft += POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH;
+// extra = 2;
+// }
+// if((gx < (DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE-1)) &&
+// (DisplayMatrix[gx+1][gy] == DisplayMatrix[gx][gy]))
+// {
+// dright += POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH;
+// extra = 2;
+// }
+// }
+// int decideX = (dright - dleft);
+// int decideY = (dtop - dbottom);
+// decideY = decideY*3*extra;
+// int state;
+// if(abs(decideY) > abs(decideX)) {
+// if(decideY > 0) {
+// state = SELECTED_BELOW;
+// } else {
+// state = SELECTED_ABOVE;
+// }
+// } else {
+// if(decideX > 0) {
+// state = SELECTED_LEFT;
+// } else {
+// state = SELECTED_RIGHT;
+// }
+// }
+// SelectElement(gx, gy, state);
+// }
+// Place the cursor as near to the given point on the grid as possible. Used
+// after deleting an element, for example.
+void MoveCursorNear(int gx, int gy)
+// int out = 0;
+// for(out = 0; out < 8; out++) {
+// if(gx - out >= 0) {
+// if(VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[gx-out][gy])) {
+// SelectElement(gx-out, gy, SELECTED_RIGHT);
+// return;
+// }
+// }
+// if(gx + out < DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE) {
+// if(VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[gx+out][gy])) {
+// SelectElement(gx+out, gy, SELECTED_LEFT);
+// return;
+// }
+// }
+// if(gy - out >= 0) {
+// if(VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[gx][gy-out])) {
+// SelectElement(gx, gy-out, SELECTED_BELOW);
+// return;
+// }
+// }
+// if(gy + out < DISPLAY_MATRIX_Y_SIZE) {
+// if(VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[gx][gy+out])) {
+// SelectElement(gx, gy+out, SELECTED_ABOVE);
+// return;
+// }
+// }
+// if(out == 1) {
+// // Now see if we have a straight shot to the right; might be far
+// // if we have to go up to a coil or other end of line element.
+// int across;
+// for(across = 1; gx+across < DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE; across++) {
+// if(VALID_LEAF(DisplayMatrix[gx+across][gy])) {
+// SelectElement(gx+across, gy, SELECTED_LEFT);
+// return;
+// }
+// if(!DisplayMatrix[gx+across][gy]) break;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// MoveCursorTopLeft();
+// Negate the selected item, if this is meaningful.
+void NegateSelected(void)
+ switch(SelectedWhich) {
+ Selected->d.contacts.negated = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case ELEM_COIL: {
+ ElemCoil *c = &Selected->d.coil;
+ c->negated = TRUE;
+ c->resetOnly = FALSE;
+ c->setOnly = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+// Make the item selected normal: not negated, not set/reset only.
+void MakeNormalSelected(void)
+ switch(SelectedWhich) {
+ Selected->d.contacts.negated = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case ELEM_COIL: {
+ ElemCoil *c = &Selected->d.coil;
+ c->negated = FALSE;
+ c->setOnly = FALSE;
+ c->resetOnly = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+// Make the selected item set-only, if it is a coil.
+void MakeSetOnlySelected(void)
+ if(SelectedWhich != ELEM_COIL) return;
+ ElemCoil *c = &Selected->d.coil;
+ c->setOnly = TRUE;
+ c->resetOnly = FALSE;
+ c->negated = FALSE;
+// Make the selected item reset-only, if it is a coil.
+void MakeResetOnlySelected(void)
+ if(SelectedWhich != ELEM_COIL) return;
+ ElemCoil *c = &Selected->d.coil;
+ c->resetOnly = TRUE;
+ c->setOnly = FALSE;
+ c->negated = FALSE;