path: root/ldmicro/draw_outputdev.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'ldmicro/draw_outputdev.cpp')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/ldmicro/draw_outputdev.cpp b/ldmicro/draw_outputdev.cpp
index 363aef0..4c8a021 100644
--- a/ldmicro/draw_outputdev.cpp
+++ b/ldmicro/draw_outputdev.cpp
@@ -81,15 +81,51 @@ SyntaxHighlightingColours HighlightColours;
// bottom, left, right) but we don't care; just go from the coordinates
// computed when we drew the schematic in the paint procedure.
-void CALLBACK BlinkCursor(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT_PTR id, DWORD time)
+gboolean BlinkCursor(GtkWidget * window) //(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT_PTR id, DWORD time)
- // if(!isFocus(MainWindow) && !CursorDrawn) return;
- // if(Cursor.left == 0) return;
+ static int PREV_x = -100;
+ static int PREV_y = -100;
- // PlcCursor c;
- // SettingsInstance = gtk_settings_get_default();
- // gtk_settings_install_property_parser (gtk-cursor-blink ,black);
+ // if(GetFocus(MainWindow) != !CursorDrawn) return TRUE;
+ if(Cursor.left == 0) return TRUE;
+ PlcCursor c;
+ memcpy(&c, &Cursor, sizeof(c));
+ c.left -= ScrollXOffset;
+ if( >= IoListTop) return TRUE;
+ if( + c.height >= IoListTop) {
+ c.height = IoListTop - - 3;
+ }
+ HCRDC hCr = gdk_cairo_create(gtk_widget_get_window(DrawWindow));
+ if (PREV_x == -100 || PREV_y == -100)
+ {
+ PREV_x = c.left;
+ PREV_y =;
+ }
+ if (PREV_x != c.left || PREV_y !=
+ {
+ PatBlt(hCr, PREV_x, PREV_y, c.width, c.height, PATINVERT, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
+ PREV_x = c.left;
+ PREV_y =;
+ // PaintWindow();
+ }
+ if (CursorDrawn)
+ PatBlt(hCr, c.left,, c.width, c.height, PATINVERT, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));
+ else
+ PatBlt(hCr, c.left,, c.width, c.height, PATINVERT, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
+ InvalidateRect(DrawWindow, NULL, FALSE);
+ cairo_destroy(hCr);
+ CursorDrawn = !CursorDrawn;
+ return TRUE;
@@ -514,46 +550,46 @@ void ExportDrawingAsText(char *file)
void SetUpScrollbars(BOOL *horizShown, SCROLLINFO *horiz, SCROLLINFO *vert)
- // int totalHeight = 0;
- // int i;
- // for(i = 0; i < Prog.numRungs; i++) {
- // totalHeight += CountHeightOfElement(ELEM_SERIES_SUBCKT, Prog.rungs[i]);
- // totalHeight++;
- // }
- // totalHeight += 1; // for the end rung
+ int totalHeight = 0;
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < Prog.numRungs; i++) {
+ totalHeight += CountHeightOfElement(ELEM_SERIES_SUBCKT, Prog.rungs[i]);
+ totalHeight++;
+ }
+ totalHeight += 1; // for the end rung
- // int totalWidth = ProgCountWidestRow();
+ int totalWidth = ProgCountWidestRow();
- // if(totalWidth <= ScreenColsAvailable()) {
- // *horizShown = FALSE;
- // ScrollXOffset = 0;
- // ScrollXOffsetMax = 0;
- // } else {
- // *horizShown = TRUE;
- // memset(horiz, 0, sizeof(*horiz));
- // horiz->cbSize = sizeof(*horiz);
- // horiz->fMask = SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL | SIF_ALL;
- // horiz->nMin = 0;
- // horiz->nMax = X_PADDING + totalWidth*POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH;
- // RECT r;
- // GetClientRect(MainWindow, &r);
- // horiz->nPage = r.right - X_PADDING;
- // horiz->nPos = ScrollXOffset;
- // ScrollXOffsetMax = horiz->nMax - horiz->nPage + 1;
- // if(ScrollXOffset > ScrollXOffsetMax) ScrollXOffset = ScrollXOffsetMax;
- // if(ScrollXOffset < 0) ScrollXOffset = 0;
- // }
+ if(totalWidth <= ScreenColsAvailable()) {
+ *horizShown = FALSE;
+ ScrollXOffset = 0;
+ ScrollXOffsetMax = 0;
+ } else {
+ *horizShown = TRUE;
+ memset(horiz, 0, sizeof(*horiz));
+ horiz->cbSize = sizeof(*horiz);
+ // horiz->fMask = SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL | SIF_ALL;
+ horiz->nMin = 0;
+ horiz->nMax = X_PADDING + totalWidth*POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH;
+ RECT r;
+ GetClientRect(DrawWindow, &r);
+ horiz->nPage = r.right - X_PADDING;
+ horiz->nPos = ScrollXOffset;
+ ScrollXOffsetMax = horiz->nMax - horiz->nPage + 1;
+ if(ScrollXOffset > ScrollXOffsetMax) ScrollXOffset = ScrollXOffsetMax;
+ if(ScrollXOffset < 0) ScrollXOffset = 0;
+ }
- // vert->cbSize = sizeof(*vert);
+ vert->cbSize = sizeof(*vert);
- // vert->nMin = 0;
- // vert->nMax = totalHeight - 1;
- // vert->nPos = ScrollYOffset;
- // vert->nPage = ScreenRowsAvailable();
+ vert->nMin = 0;
+ vert->nMax = totalHeight - 1;
+ vert->nPos = ScrollYOffset;
+ vert->nPage = ScreenRowsAvailable();
- // ScrollYOffsetMax = vert->nMax - vert->nPage + 1;
+ ScrollYOffsetMax = vert->nMax - vert->nPage + 1;
- // if(ScrollYOffset > ScrollYOffsetMax) ScrollYOffset = ScrollYOffsetMax;
- // if(ScrollYOffset < 0) ScrollYOffset = 0;
+ if(ScrollYOffset > ScrollYOffsetMax) ScrollYOffset = ScrollYOffsetMax;
+ if(ScrollYOffset < 0) ScrollYOffset = 0;