path: root/ldmicro/includes
diff options
authorRr422018-06-06 13:25:11 +0530
committerRr422018-06-06 13:25:11 +0530
commit3333e7072ed134e381fa084f46d916c549cfc815 (patch)
tree82d48935409d85a307b95c7747001ba1e1d3abda /ldmicro/includes
parent64b7d13f3483600dc36329129f960f1918ba7c7f (diff)
Removed AdvancedSimulation files
Diffstat (limited to 'ldmicro/includes')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 450 deletions
diff --git a/ldmicro/includes/advanceddialog.h b/ldmicro/includes/advanceddialog.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5adadbc..0000000
--- a/ldmicro/includes/advanceddialog.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-// #ifndef _ADVANCED_DIALOG_H
-// #define _ADVANCED_DIALOG_H
-// #define MAX_PIN_NAME 128
-// /*Advanced Dialog Menus*/
-// #define MNU_ADV_NEW 0x01
-// #define MNU_ADV_OPEN 0x02
-// #define MNU_ADV_SAVE 0x03
-// #define MNU_ADV_SAVE_AS 0x04
-// #define MNU_ADV_EXIT 0x05
-// #define MNU_ADV_UNDO 0x10
-// #define MNU_ADV_REDO 0x11
-// #define MNU_ADV_CUT 0x12
-// #define MNU_ADV_COPY 0x13
-// #define MNU_ADV_PASTE 0x14
-// #define MNU_ADV_DEL 0x15
-// #define MNU_ADV_SIMULATION_MODE 0x20
-// #define MNU_ADV_STOP_SIMULATION 0x22
-// #define MNU_ADV_SINGLE_CYCLE 0x23
-// #define MNU_ADV_MANUAL 0x30
-// #define MNU_ADV_ABOUT 0x31
-// #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 128
-// #define MAX_SCREEN_ITEMS 512
-// #define MAX_PINS 4000
-// #define MCU_PIN_FLAG 4000
-// #define MAX_MCU_PINS 128
-// #define TIMER_ADV_SIMULATE 101
-// typedef struct ImageStructTag {
-// int selectedState;
-// HIMAGELIST Images;
-// int ComponentId;
-// } ImageStruct;
-// typedef struct ImageLocationTag{
-// int Id;
-// ImageStruct* Image;
-// int Index;
-// int x;
-// int y;
-// void* Properties;
-// void* PinId;
-// void* PinName;
-// }ImageLocation;
-// typedef struct PinInfoTag{
-// double Volt;
-// double OperatingVolt;
-// void** ImageId;
-// int* Index;
-// int* ImageType; //To compare with imagelocation array
-// int LinkCount; //No of valid entries in array
-// double ProgVolt;
-// void* ProgComponent;
-// }PinInfo;
-// typedef struct PinMcuTag{
-// UINT PinId;
-// UINT state;
-// int type;
-// BOOL InternalPullup;
-// }PinMcu;
-// typedef struct PinNameTag{
-// UINT PinId; //Need to generate unique pinid every time user saves a name
-// PinInfo PinData;
-// }PinName;
-// typedef struct PinComponentTag{
-// UINT PinId;
-// void** ComponentAddress;
-// int Count;
-// void* Next;
-// }PinComponent;
-// extern HANDLE ImageHeap;
-// extern HFONT AdvNiceFont;
-// extern HFONT AdvFixedFont;
-// extern UINT NameCount;
-// extern ImageLocation ImageStack[MAX_SCREEN_ITEMS];
-// // extern PinInfo PinData[MAX_PINS];
-// extern PinMcu McuPin[MAX_MCU_PINS];
-// extern PinName NameId[MAX_PINS];
-// extern HWND AdvancedDialog;
-// extern PinComponent ComponentPin;
-// /*Advanced Dialog Functions*/
-// void MakeAdvancedDialogControls(void);
-// void AdvancedDialogResized(void);
-// void MakeAdvancedWindowMenus(void);
-// void ProcessEvent(int x, int y, int Event);
-// void AdvancedWindowClosing(void);
-// void ToggleAdvancedSimulationMode(void);
-// void SimulateOneAdvCycle(BOOL ForceRefresh);
-// int IsMCUPin(int PinId);
-// // void CreateVoltRequest(int PinId, int Index, double VoltReq);
-// // Heap Functions
-// void* AllocImageHeap(size_t n);
-// void* ReallocImageHeap(LPVOID lpMem, size_t n);
-// void FreeImageHeap(void *p);
-// // Component Functions
-// void InitComponents(void);
-// double GetGlobalVoltage(int PinId, void* ComponentAddress);
-// double RefreshVolt(int PinId, int Index, UINT Id, void* ComponentAddress, double volt);
-// double RefreshProcessorStat(int PinId, UINT Id);
-// int RegisterPinName(LPCTSTR Name);
-// int SetPinImage(int PinId,void* ImageId,int ImageType, int Index);
-// int FlushPinNames(void); //Clear Pins which are deleted from MainWindow
-// int DeRegisterPinName(LPCTSTR Name, void* ImageId);
-// int DeletePinImage(LPCTSTR Name, void* ImageId, int Index);
-// int DeletePinName(UINT Index);
-// void SetMcu(int PinId, int Type);
-// void RefreshNamingList(void);
-// void PopulateNamingList(void);
-// double RequestVoltChange(int PinId, int Index, void *ComponentAddress, double volt);
-// int DeleteComponentPin(int PinId, void* ComponentAddress);
-// int AddComponentPin(int PinId, void* ComponentAddress);
-// // int RegisterPinState(int Index, double Volt);
-// //NamingList functions
-// void ToggleInternalPullup(int PinId);
-// extern BOOL SimulationStarted;
-// #endif
diff --git a/ldmicro/includes/componentlist.h b/ldmicro/includes/componentlist.h
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index 20c095b..0000000
--- a/ldmicro/includes/componentlist.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright 2007 Jonathan Westhues
-// This file is part of LDmicro.
-// LDmicro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// LDmicro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with LDmicro. If not, see <>.
-// Constants, structures, declarations etc. for the PIC ladder logic compiler
-// Jonathan Westhues, Oct 2004
-#define MAX_COMPONENTS 999
-#define MAX_IMAGES 10
-#define COMPONENT_WIDTH 100
-extern HDC HdcMem;
-extern HWND ComponentList;
-extern HBITMAP test;
-extern HIMAGELIST ComponentDiagrams;
-extern HWND AdvancedWorkspace;
-extern BOOL Dragging;
-extern int ImagesDrawn;
-extern int DragX;
-extern int DragY;
-extern UINT UniquePinId;
-extern UINT UniqueImgId;
-/*map<int, HIMAGELIST, int, int, int> Imagemap; //To relate image with it's drawing area(Index,Images,x,y,maptype)
-map<int, BOOL, BOOL, BOOL> Switchmap; //Add MCU pin later //(Index(same as Imagemap), Selected, Default Connected,Latch Action)
-map<int, BOOL> Relaymap; //Add MCU pin later //(Index(same as Imagemap), Selected)
-extern Imagemap test;*/
-void ComponentListProc(NMHDR *h);
-void ComponentListInitiate(void);
-void InitializeImageList(HIMAGELIST *il);
-int BeginComponentDrag(int x, int y);
-int ComponentDrag(int x, int y);
-int EndComponentDrag(int x, int y);
-// Componentimages.cpp functions
-//Function Definitions
-void InitializeComponentImage(int Component, HIMAGELIST *il);
-IStream * CreateStreamOnResource(LPCTSTR lpName, LPCTSTR lpType);
-IWICBitmapSource * LoadBitmapFromStream(IStream * ipImageStream);
-HBITMAP CreateHBITMAP(IWICBitmapSource * ipBitmap);
-HBITMAP LoadComponentImage(int resource);
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldmicro/includes/components/componentfunctions.h b/ldmicro/includes/components/componentfunctions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 916bf00..0000000
--- a/ldmicro/includes/components/componentfunctions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-//Few Prerequisites
-extern HFONT MyNiceFont;
-extern HFONT MyFixedFont;
-extern HWND OkButton;
-extern HWND CancelButton;
-extern HINSTANCE* ComponentInstance;
-extern BOOL DlgDone;
-extern BOOL DlgCancel;
-extern HWND ComponentDialog;
-// Common Functions
-void FontNice(HWND h);
-void FontFixed(HWND h);
-HWND* CreateDialogWindow(LPCTSTR title, int x, int y, int width, int height, int style);
-void ShowDialogWindow(void);
-BOOL ProcessDialogWindow(void);
-/*Initialization Functions*/
-int InitSwitch(void* ComponentAddress);
-int InitRelay(void* ComponentAddress);
-int InitSpdt(void* ComponentAddress);
-int InitDpst(void* ComponentAddress);
-int InitDpdt(void* ComponentAddress);
-/*Event Handlers*/
-void HandleSwitchEvent(void* ComponentAddress, int Event, BOOL SimulationStarted,
- void* ImageLocation, UINT ImageId, HWND* h);
-void HandleRelayEvent(void* ComponentAddress, int Event, BOOL SimulationStarted,
- void* ImageLocation, UINT ImageId, HWND* h);
-void HandleSpdtEvent(void* ComponentAddress, int Event, BOOL SimulationStarted,
- void* ImageLocation, UINT ImageId, HWND* h);
-void HandleDpstEvent(void* ComponentAddress, int Event, BOOL SimulationStarted,
- void* ImageLocation, UINT ImageId, HWND* h);
-void HandleDpdtEvent(void* ComponentAddress, int Event, BOOL SimulationStarted,
- void* ImageLocation, UINT ImageId, HWND* h);
-/*Request Handlers*/
-double SwitchVoltChanged(void* ComponentAddress, BOOL SimulationStarted, int index,
- double Volt, int Source, void* ImageLocation);
-double RelayVoltChanged(void* ComponentAddress, BOOL SimulationStarted, int index,
- double Volt, int Source, void* ImageLocation);
-double SpdtVoltChanged(void* ComponentAddress, BOOL SimulationStarted, int index,
- double Volt, int Source, void* ImageLocation);
-double DpstVoltChanged(void* ComponentAddress, BOOL SimulationStarted, int index,
- double Volt, int Source, void* ImageLocation);
-double DpdtVoltChanged(void* ComponentAddress, BOOL SimulationStarted, int index,
- double Volt, int Source, void* ImageLocation);
-/*Program Reference Functions*/
-void SetSwitchIds(int*, void*);
-void SetRelayIds(int*, void*);
-void SetSpdtIds(int*, void*);
-void SetDpstIds(int*, void*);
-void SetDpdtIds(int*, void*);
-// Relay Functions
diff --git a/ldmicro/includes/components/componentimages.h b/ldmicro/includes/components/componentimages.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 27ef6ce..0000000
--- a/ldmicro/includes/components/componentimages.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#define SWITCH_CONNECTED 8000
-#define RELAY_NC 8002
-#define RELAY_NO 8003
-#define SPDT_1 8004
-#define SPDT_2 8005
-#define DPST_1 8006
-#define DPST_2 8007
-#define DPDT_1 8008
-#define DPDT_2 8009
-#ifndef RC_INVOKED //Used to hide code from resource file(Guess)
-// Try to keep ComponentID's between 6000 - 6999
-#define COMPONENT_SWITCH 6000
-#define COMPONENT_RELAY 6001
-#define COMPONENT_SPDT 6002
-#define COMPONENT_DPST 6003
-#define COMPONENT_DPDT 6004
-#define MAX_PIN_COUNT 10
-typedef struct ComponentDataTag{
- int Index;
- int ComponentId;
- int PinCount;
- LPCTSTR PinNames[MAX_PIN_COUNT]; //Valid Number of images from below property
-void RefreshImages();
-void SetImage(int Component, void *il);
-static ComponentData rgCompData[TOTAL_COMPONENTS] = {
- {0, COMPONENT_SWITCH, TEXT("Switch"), 2, {"Input:", "Output:"}},
- {1, COMPONENT_RELAY, TEXT("Relay"), 5, {"Coil1:", "Coil2:", "NO:", "COM:", "NC:"}},
- {2, COMPONENT_SPDT, TEXT("SPDT"), 3, {"Input:", "Output1:", "Output2:"}},
- {3, COMPONENT_DPST, TEXT("DPST"), 4, {"Input1:", "Input2:", "Output1:", "Output2:"}},
- {4, COMPONENT_DPDT, TEXT("DPDT"), 6, {"Input1:", "Input2:", "Output11:", "Output12:", "Output21:", "Output22:"}}
diff --git a/ldmicro/includes/components/components.h b/ldmicro/includes/components/components.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 810c2d2..0000000
--- a/ldmicro/includes/components/components.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _COMPONENTS_H
-#define _COMPONENTS_H
-#define EVENT_MOUSE_UP 3
-#define EVENT_MOUSE_RUP 5
-/*#define EVENT_KEY_DOWN 6
-#define EVENT_KEY_PRESS 8*/
-#define V_DIALOG_WIDTH 96
-#define V_DIALOG_HEIGHT 115
-#define H_DIALOG_WIDTH 179
-#define H_DIALOG_HEIGHT 85
-//Window styles for dialog box
-#define GND 0
-#define VOLT_5 5
-#define V_OPEN 4196
-int NotifyComponent(void *ComponentAddress, void* PinName, int ComponentId, int Event,
- BOOL SimulationStarted, HWND* h, int Index, UINT ImageId, void* ImageLocation);
-int InitializeComponentProperties(void *ComponentAddress, int ComponentId);
-double VoltSet(void* ComponentAddress, BOOL SimulationStarted, int ImageType, int Index,
- double Volt, int Source, void* ImageLocation);
-double VoltRequest(int PinId, void* ComponentAddress);
-// void RequestData(void* ComponentAddress);
-// double GlobalVoltChange(int PinId, void *ComponentAddress, double volt);
-double VoltChange(int PinId, int Index, void* ComponentAddress, double Volt);
-size_t GetStructSize(int ComponentId);
-size_t GetNameSize(int ComponentId);
diff --git a/ldmicro/includes/components/componentstructs.h b/ldmicro/includes/components/componentstructs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 76dadda..0000000
--- a/ldmicro/includes/components/componentstructs.h
+++ /dev/null
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-typedef struct SwitchStructTag
- int id;
- int Image;
- BOOL Latched; //Temporary/Latched Action
- BOOL NOpen; //Initial Open/Closed position
- BOOL Open;
- char Name[15];
- double Volt[2];
- int PinId[2];
-typedef struct RelayStructTag
- int id;
- int Image;
- BOOL NC; //Whether relay is operated
- double MinOperatingVolt; //Operating voltage
- double MaxOperatingVolt;
- double CoilVolt1; //Voltage at input pin
- double CoilVolt2; //Voltage at input pin
- double COMVolt; //Voltage at COM pin
- double NOVolt; //Voltage at NO pin
- double NCVolt; //Voltage at NC pin
- int PinId[5];
-typedef struct SpdtStructTag
- int id;
- int image;
- BOOL latched; //Whether the swetch is in latch mode or not
- BOOL NO1; //Whether Output 1 is connected
- double Volt[3]; //Voltage at Input, Output1, Output2 respectively
- int PinId[3];
-typedef struct DpstStructTag
- int id;
- int image;
- BOOL latched; //Whether the swetch is in latch mode or not
- BOOL NO; //Whether the inputs and outputs are disconnected (Open)
- double Volt[4]; // Voltage at Input1, Input2, Output1, Output2 respectively
- int PinId[4];
-typedef struct DpdtStructTag
- int id;
- int image;
- BOOL latched; //Whether the swetch is in latch mode or not
- BOOL NS1; //Whether the inputs and outputs are connected in state 1
- double Volt[6]; // Voltage at Input1, Input2, Output11, Output12, Output21, Output22 respectively
- int PinId[6];
diff --git a/ldmicro/includes/simulate.h b/ldmicro/includes/simulate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b26ba3..0000000
--- a/ldmicro/includes/simulate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/*This file is created with an intention to share simulation functions
-with advanced simulation dialog window*/
-#ifndef _SIMULATE_H
-#define _SIMULATE_H
-static void SetSingleBit(char *name, BOOL state);
-static BOOL SingleBitOn(char *name);