path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/')
1 files changed, 718 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+# Name: #
+# Purpose: UI and services for checking update status and downloading updates #
+# for Editra. #
+# Author: Cody Precord <> #
+# Copyright: (c) 2008 Cody Precord <> #
+# License: wxWindows License #
+Provides controls/services that are used in checking and downloading updates
+for the editor if they are available. The main control exported by this module
+is the L{UpdateProgress} bar it displays the progress of the network action and
+provides a higher level interface into the L{UpdateService}.
+@summary: Utilities and controls for updating Editra
+@todo: This module could benefit from a bit of a re-write...
+__author__ = "Cody Precord <>"
+__svnid__ = "$Id: 66703 2011-01-17 23:07:45Z CJP $"
+__revision__ = "$Revision: 66703 $"
+# Dependencies
+import os
+import sys
+import stat
+import re
+import urllib2
+import threading
+import wx
+import wx.lib.delayedresult as delayedresult
+# Editra Libraries
+import ed_glob
+import ed_event
+from profiler import CalcVersionValue, Profile_Get
+import util
+import ebmlib
+# Globals
+RE_VERSION = re.compile('<\s*span id\="VERSION"[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*/span\s*>')
+RE_CURL = re.compile('<\s*a id\="CURRENT"\s*href=\"(.*?)\"[^>]*>.*?<\s*/a\s*>')
+DL_VERSION = ed_glob.HOME_PAGE + "/version.php"
+DL_REQUEST = ed_glob.HOME_PAGE + "/e_update.php?dist=%s"
+DL_LIN = 'SRC' # This may need to change in future
+DL_MAC = 'Macintosh'
+DL_WIN = 'Windows'
+ISBIN = hasattr(sys, 'frozen')
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+class UpdateService(object):
+ """Defines an updater service object for Editra"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initializes the Updater Object"""
+ super(UpdateService, self).__init__()
+ self._abort = False
+ self._progress = (0, 100)
+ def __GetUrlHandle(self, url):
+ """Gets a file handle for the given url. The caller is responsible for
+ closing the handle.
+ @requires: network connection
+ @param url: url to get page from
+ @return: all text from the given url
+ """
+ h_file = None
+ try:
+ if Profile_Get('USE_PROXY', default=False):
+ proxy_set = Profile_Get('PROXY_SETTINGS',
+ default=dict(uname='', url='',
+ port='80', passwd=''))
+ proxy = util.GetProxyOpener(proxy_set)
+ h_file =
+ else:
+ h_file = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ finally:
+ return h_file
+ def Abort(self):
+ """Cancel any pending or in progress actions.
+ @postcondition: any download actions will be aborted
+ """
+ self._abort = True
+ def GetCurrFileURL(self):
+ """Returns the url for the current version of the program
+ for the current operating system, by requesting the data from
+ project homepage.
+ @requires: active network connection
+ @return: url of latest available program version
+ """
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__':
+ dist = DL_LIN
+ elif wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__' and ISBIN:
+ dist = DL_MAC
+ elif wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__' and ISBIN:
+ dist = DL_WIN
+ else:
+ dist = DL_SRC
+ url = self.GetPageText(DL_REQUEST % dist)
+ url = re.findall(RE_CURL, url)
+ if len(url):
+ url = url[0]
+ else:
+ url = wx.EmptyString
+ return url.strip()
+ def GetCurrFileName(self):
+ """Returns the name of the file that is currently available for
+ download as a string.
+ @return: name of currently available file without url
+ """
+ url = self.GetCurrFileURL()
+ return url.split(u'/')[-1]
+ def GetCurrentVersionStr(self):
+ """Parses the project website front page for the most
+ recent version of the program.
+ @requires: network connection
+ @return: version number of latest available program
+ """
+ page = self.GetPageText(ed_glob.HOME_PAGE + "/version.php?check=True")
+ found = re.findall(RE_VERSION, page)
+ if len(found):
+ return found[0] # Should be the first/only match found
+ else:
+ util.Log("[updater][warn] UpdateService.GetCurrentVersionStr "
+ "Failed to get version info.")
+ # TODO: GetTranslation is not threadsafe!!!
+ return "Unable to retrieve version info"
+ def GetFileSize(self, url):
+ """Gets the size of a file by address
+ @param url: url to look up file on
+ @return: size of the file in bytes
+ """
+ size = 0
+ try:
+ dl_file = self.__GetUrlHandle(url)
+ info =
+ size = int(info['Content-Length'])
+ dl_file.close()
+ finally:
+ return size
+ def GetPageText(self, url):
+ """Gets the text of a url
+ @requires: network conection
+ @param url: url to get page from
+ @return: all text from the given url
+ """
+ text = u''
+ try:
+ h_file = self.__GetUrlHandle(url)
+ text =
+ h_file.close()
+ finally:
+ return text
+ def GetProgress(self):
+ """Returns the current progress/total tuple
+ @return: tuple of progress data
+ """
+ return self._progress
+ def GetUpdateFiles(self, dl_to=wx.GetHomeDir()):
+ """Gets the requested version of the program from the website
+ if possible. It will download the current files for the host system to
+ location (dl_to). On success it returns True, otherwise it returns
+ false.
+ @keyword dl_to: where to download the file to
+ """
+ # Check version to see if update is needed
+ # Dont allow update if files are current
+ verpat = re.compile('[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')
+ current = self.GetCurrentVersionStr()
+ if not re.match(verpat, current):
+ return False
+ if CalcVersionValue(ed_glob.VERSION) < CalcVersionValue(current):
+ dl_path = self.GetCurrFileURL()
+ dl_file = dl_path.split('/')[-1]
+ dl_to = ebmlib.GetUniqueName(dl_to, dl_file)
+ blk_sz = 4096
+ read = 0
+ try:
+ # Download the file in chunks so it can be aborted if need be
+ # inbetween reads.
+ webfile = self.__GetUrlHandle(dl_path)
+ fsize = int(['Content-Length'])
+ locfile = open(dl_to, 'wb')
+ while read < fsize and not self._abort:
+ locfile.write(
+ read += blk_sz
+ self.UpdaterHook(int(read/blk_sz), blk_sz, fsize)
+ locfile.close()
+ webfile.close()
+ finally:
+ self._abort = False
+ if os.path.exists(dl_to) and \
+ os.stat(dl_to)[stat.ST_SIZE] == fsize:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return False
+ def UpdaterHook(self, count, block_sz, total_sz):
+ """Updates the progress tuple of (amount_done, total) on
+ each iterative call during the download.
+ @param count: number of blocks fetched
+ @param block_sz: size of download blocks
+ @param total_sz: total size of file to be downloaded
+ """
+ done = count * block_sz
+ if done > total_sz:
+ done = total_sz
+ self._progress = (done, total_sz)
+class UpdateThread(threading.Thread):
+ """Thread for checking for updates"""
+ def __init__(self, parent, jobId):
+ """Create the thread object
+ @param parent: parent window to post event to after completion
+ @param jobId: job identification id will be set as event id on finish
+ """
+ super(UpdateThread, self).__init__()
+ # Attributes
+ self.parent = parent
+ = jobId
+ def run(self):
+ """Run the update check job"""
+ service = UpdateService()
+ result = service.GetCurrentVersionStr()
+ if result.replace('.', '').isdigit():
+ isupdate = CalcVersionValue(result) > CalcVersionValue(ed_glob.VERSION)
+ else:
+ isupdate = False
+ evt = ed_event.NotificationEvent(ed_event.edEVT_NOTIFY,
+, (isupdate, result))
+ wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt)
+class UpdateProgress(wx.Gauge, UpdateService):
+ """Creates a progress bar that is controlled by the UpdateService"""
+ ID_CHECKING = wx.NewId()
+ ID_TIMER = wx.NewId()
+ def __init__(self, parent, id_, range_=100,
+ """Initiliazes the bar in a disabled state."""
+ wx.Gauge.__init__(self, parent, id_, range_, style=style)
+ UpdateService.__init__(self)
+ #---- Attributes ----#
+ self.LOG = wx.GetApp().GetLog()
+ self._checking = False
+ self._downloading = False
+ self._dl_result = False
+ self._mode = 0
+ self._status = _("Status Unknown")
+ self._timer = wx.Timer(self, id=self.ID_TIMER)
+ #---- Layout ----#
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
+ self.SetWindowVariant(wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_LARGE)
+ #---- Bind Events ----#
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, self.OnDestroy, self)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnUpdate, id = self.ID_TIMER)
+ # Disable bar till caller is ready to use it
+ self.Disable()
+ def OnDestroy(self, evt):
+ """Cleans up when the control is destroyed
+ @postcondition: if timer is running it is stopped before deletion
+ """
+ if evt.GetId() == self.GetId():
+ if self._timer.IsRunning():
+ self.LOG("[updater][info]UpdateProgress: __del__, stopped timer")
+ self._timer.Stop()
+ evt.Skip()
+ def Abort(self):
+ """Overides the UpdateService abort function
+ @postcondition: any download actions in the L{UpdateService} are aborted
+ """
+ self.LOG("[updater][info] UpdateProgress: Download aborted")
+ UpdateService.Abort(self)
+ if self._timer.IsRunning():
+ self._timer.Stop()
+ self.SetValue(0)
+ def CheckForUpdates(self):
+ """Checks for updates and activates the bar. In order to keep the
+ UI from freezing while checking for updates the actual work is carried
+ out on another thread. When the thread exits it will set the _checking
+ attribute to false and set the _status attribute (See GetStatus) to the
+ return value of the check function which is either a version string or
+ an appropriate error message.
+ @see: L{_UpdatesCheckThread}
+ """
+ # Set bar to Checking mode so it knows to simulate update progress
+ self._mode = self.ID_CHECKING
+ self.SetValue(0)
+ self.Start(10)
+ self._checking = True
+ delayedresult.startWorker(self._ResultNotifier,
+ self._UpdatesCheckThread,
+ jobID=self.ID_CHECKING)
+ def DownloadUpdates(self, dl_loc=wx.EmptyString):
+ """Downloads available updates and configures the bar.
+ Returns True if the update was successfull or False if
+ it was not. The updates will be downloaded to the
+ specified location or to the Users Desktop or Home
+ Folder if no location is specified.
+ @keyword dl_loc: location to download file to
+ """
+ self.LOG("[updater][info] UpdateProgress: Download Starting...")
+ if dl_loc == wx.EmptyString:
+ dl_loc = self.GetDownloadLocation()
+ self._mode = self.ID_DOWNLOADING
+ self.SetValue(0)
+ self.Start(50) #XXX Try this for starters
+ self._downloading = True # Mark the work status as busy
+ delayedresult.startWorker(self._ResultNotifier, self._DownloadThread,
+ wargs=dl_loc, jobID=self.ID_DOWNLOADING)
+ def GetDownloadResult(self):
+ """Returns the status of the last download action. Either
+ True for success or False for failure.
+ @return: whether last download was successfull or not
+ """
+ return self._dl_result
+ def GetDownloadLocation(self):
+ """Returns the path that the file will be downloaded to.
+ Currently will either return the users Desktop path or the
+ users home directory in the case that there is no deskop directory
+ @return: path to download file
+ """
+ dl_loc = wx.GetHomeDir() + os.sep
+ if os.path.exists(dl_loc + u"Desktop"):
+ dl_loc = dl_loc + u"Desktop" + os.sep
+ return dl_loc
+ def GetMode(self):
+ """Returns the current mode of operation or 0 if the bar
+ is currently inactive.
+ @return: mode of operation for the progres bar
+ """
+ return self._mode
+ def GetStatus(self):
+ """Returns the status attribute string
+ @return: status set by any update actions
+ """
+ return self._status
+ def GetUpdatesAvailable(self):
+ """Compares the status against the version of the running
+ program to see if updates are available. It is expected
+ that CheckForUpdates has been called prior to calling this
+ function. Returns True if Available and False otherwise.
+ @return: whether udpates are available or not
+ """
+ if self._status[0].isdigit():
+ return CalcVersionValue(self._status) > CalcVersionValue(ed_glob.VERSION)
+ else:
+ return False
+ def IsDownloading(self):
+ """Returns a bool stating whether there is a download
+ in progress or not.
+ @return: whether downloading is active or not
+ """
+ return self._downloading
+ def OnUpdate(self, evt):
+ """Timer Event Handler Updates the progress bar
+ on each cycle of the timer
+ @param evt: event that called this handler
+ """
+ mode = self.GetMode()
+ if mode not in (self.ID_CHECKING, self.ID_DOWNLOADING):
+ return
+ progress = self.GetProgress()
+ prange = self.GetRange()
+ if mode == self.ID_CHECKING:
+ # Simulate updates
+ if progress[0] < prange:
+ self.UpdaterHook(progress[0] + 1, 1, 90)
+ progress = self.GetProgress()
+ if not self._checking and progress[0] >= prange:
+ self.Stop()
+ if mode == self.ID_DOWNLOADING:
+ if not self._downloading and progress[0] >= prange:
+ self.Stop()
+ # Update Range if need be
+ if prange != progress[1]:
+ self.SetRange(progress[1])
+ # Update Progress
+ if progress[0] < progress[1]:
+ self.SetValue(progress[0])
+ elif progress[0] == progress[1]:
+ self.Pulse()
+ else:
+ pass
+ def Start(self, msec=100):
+ """Starts the progress bar and timer if not already active
+ @keyword msec: pulse time for clock in milliseconds
+ """
+ if not self._timer.IsRunning():
+ self.LOG('[updater][info] UpdateProgress: Starting Timer')
+ self.Enable()
+ self.SetValue(0)
+ self._timer.Start(msec)
+ else:
+ pass
+ def Stop(self):
+ """Stops the progress bar
+ @postcondition: progress bar is stopped
+ """
+ if self._timer.IsRunning():
+ self.LOG('[updater][info] UpdateProgress: Stopping Clock')
+ self._timer.Stop()
+ self._mode = 0
+ self.SetValue(self.GetRange())
+ else:
+ pass
+ self.Enable(False)
+ def Pulse(self):
+ if self._mode == 0:
+ return
+ super(UpdateProgress, self).Pulse()
+ #--- Protected Member Functions ---#
+ def _DownloadThread(self, *args):
+ """Processes the download and checks that the file has been downloaded
+ properly. Then returns either True if the download was successful or
+ False if it failed in some way.
+ @return: success status of download
+ """
+ dl_ok = self.GetUpdateFiles(u"".join(args))
+ return dl_ok
+ def _ResultNotifier(self, delayedResult):
+ """Receives the return from the result of the worker thread and
+ notifies the interested party with the result.
+ @param delayedResult: value from worker thread
+ """
+ jid = delayedResult.getJobID()
+ try:
+ self.LOG("[updater][info] UpdateProgress: Worker thread exited. ID = %d" % jid)
+ self._checking = self._downloading = False # Work has finished
+ except wx.PyDeadObjectError:
+ return
+ try:
+ if jid == self.ID_CHECKING:
+ mevt = ed_event.UpdateTextEvent(ed_event.edEVT_UPDATE_TEXT, \
+ wx.PostEvent(self.GetParent(), mevt)
+ self.SetValue(self.GetRange())
+ elif jid == self.ID_DOWNLOADING:
+ result = delayedResult.get()
+ self._dl_result = result
+ else:
+ pass
+ except (OSError, IOError, UnicodeDecodeError), msg:
+ self.LOG("[updater][err] UpdateProgress: Error on thread exit")
+ self.LOG("[updater][err] UpdateProgress: error = %s" % str(msg))
+ def _UpdatesCheckThread(self):
+ """Sets internal status value to the return value from calling
+ GetCurrentVersionStr. This function is called on a separate thread
+ in the CheckForUpdates function to allow the ui to update properly
+ while this function waits for the result from the network. Returns
+ True to the consumer if updates are available and false if they
+ are not or status is unknown.
+ @return: whether updates are available or not
+ """
+ self.LOG("[updater][info] UpdateProgress: Checking for updates")
+ self._checking = True
+ ret = self.GetCurrentVersionStr()
+ self._status = ret
+ self.LOG("[updater][info] UpdateProgress: Check Finished: result = " + ret)
+ if ret[0].isdigit() and \
+ CalcVersionValue(ret) > CalcVersionValue(ed_glob.VERSION):
+ ret = True
+ else:
+ ret = False
+ return ret
+class DownloadDialog(wx.Frame):
+ """Creates a standalone download window
+ @todo: Status bar is sometimes not wide enough to display all data.
+ """
+ ID_PROGRESS_BAR = wx.NewId()
+ ID_TIMER = wx.NewId()
+ SB_INFO = 1
+ def __init__(self, parent, id_, title,
+ """Creates a standalone window that is used for downloading
+ updates for the editor.
+ @param parent: Parent Window of the dialog
+ @param title: Title of dialog
+ """
+ super(DownloadDialog, self).__init__(parent, id_, title, style=style)
+ util.SetWindowIcon(self)
+ #---- Attributes/Objects ----#
+ self.LOG = wx.GetApp().GetLog()
+ panel = wx.Panel(self)
+ self._progress = UpdateProgress(panel, self.ID_PROGRESS_BAR)
+ fname = self._progress.GetCurrFileName()
+ floc = self._progress.GetDownloadLocation()
+ dl_file = wx.StaticText(panel, label=_("Downloading: %s") % fname)
+ dl_loc = wx.StaticText(panel, wx.ID_ANY,
+ _("Downloading To: %s") % floc)
+ self._cancel_bt = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"))
+ self._timer = wx.Timer(self, id=self.ID_TIMER)
+ self._proghist = list()
+ #---- Layout ----#
+ self.CreateStatusBar(2)
+ self._sizer = wx.GridBagSizer()
+ bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_WEB), wx.ART_TOOLBAR)
+ mdc = wx.MemoryDC(bmp)
+ tmp_bmp = wx.Image(ed_glob.CONFIG['SYSPIX_DIR'] + u"editra.png",
+ tmp_bmp.Rescale(20, 20, wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH)
+ mdc.DrawBitmap(tmp_bmp.ConvertToBitmap(), 11, 11)
+ mdc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
+ bmp = wx.StaticBitmap(panel, wx.ID_ANY, bmp)
+ self._sizer.AddMany([(bmp, (1, 1), (3, 2)),
+ (dl_file, (1, 4), (1, 4)),
+ (dl_loc, (2, 4), (1, 4)),
+ ((15, 15), (3, 5), (1, 1))])
+ self._sizer.Add(self._progress, (4, 1), (1, 10), wx.EXPAND)
+ bsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ bsizer.AddStretchSpacer()
+ bsizer.Add(self._cancel_bt, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL)
+ bsizer.AddStretchSpacer()
+ self._sizer.Add(bsizer, (6, 1), (1, 10), wx.EXPAND)
+ self._sizer.Add((5, 5), (7, 1))
+ self._sizer.Add((5, 5), (7, 11))
+ panel.SetSizer(self._sizer)
+ mwsz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ mwsz.Add(panel, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ self.SetSizer(mwsz)
+ self.SetInitialSize()
+ self.SetStatusWidths([-1, 100])
+ self.SetStatusText(_("Downloading") + u"...", self.SB_INFO)
+ #---- Bind Events ----#
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, self.OnDestroy, self)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnUpdate, id=self.ID_TIMER)
+ def OnDestroy(self, evt):
+ """Cleans up on exit
+ @postcondition: if timer was running it is stopped
+ """
+ if evt.GetId() == self.GetId():
+ if self._timer.IsRunning():
+ self.LOG('[updater][info] DownloadDialog: __del__ Timer Stopped')
+ self._timer.Stop()
+ evt.Skip()
+ def CalcDownRate(self):
+ """Calculates and returns the approximate download rate
+ in Kb/s
+ @return: current downlaod rate in Kb/s
+ @rtype: float
+ """
+ dlist = list()
+ last = 0
+ for item in self._proghist:
+ val = item - last
+ dlist.append(val)
+ last = item
+ return round((float(sum(dlist) / len(self._proghist)) / 1024), 2)
+ def OnButton(self, evt):
+ """Handles events that are generated when buttons are pushed.
+ @param evt: event that called this handler
+ """
+ e_id = evt.GetId()
+ if e_id == wx.ID_CANCEL:
+ self.LOG("[updater][evt] DownloadDialog: Cancel pressed")
+ self._progress.Abort()
+ self._cancel_bt.Disable()
+ self.SetStatusText(_("Canceled"), self.SB_INFO)
+ else:
+ evt.Skip()
+ def OnClose(self, evt):
+ """Handles the window closer event
+ @param evt: event that called this handler
+ """
+ self.LOG("[updater][evt] DownloadDialog: Closing Download Dialog")
+ self._progress.Abort()
+ # Wait till thread has halted before exiting
+ while self._progress.IsDownloading():
+ wx.YieldIfNeeded()
+ wx.GetApp().UnRegisterWindow(repr(self))
+ evt.Skip()
+ def OnUpdate(self, evt):
+ """Updates the status text on each pulse from the timer
+ @param evt: event that called this handler
+ """
+ e_id = evt.GetId()
+ if e_id == self.ID_TIMER:
+ prog = self._progress.GetProgress()
+ self._proghist.append(prog[0])
+ speed = self.CalcDownRate()
+ if self._progress.IsDownloading():
+ self.SetStatusText(_("Rate: %.2f Kb/s") % speed,
+ else:
+ self.LOG("[updater][evt] DownloadDialog:: Download finished")
+ self.SetStatusText(u'', self.SB_DOWNLOADED)
+ if self._progress.GetDownloadResult():
+ self.LOG("[updater][info] DownloadDialog: Download Successful")
+ self.SetStatusText(_("Finished"), self.SB_INFO)
+ else:
+ self.LOG("[updater][info] DownloadDialog: Download Failed")
+ self.SetStatusText(_("Failed"), self.SB_INFO)
+ self._progress.Enable()
+ self._progress.SetValue(self._progress.GetProgress()[0])
+ self._timer.Stop()
+ self._cancel_bt.Disable()
+ else:
+ evt.Skip()
+ def Show(self):
+ """Shows the Dialog and starts downloading the updates
+ @postcondition: window is registered with mainloop and shown on screen
+ @todo: Allow setting of download location to be set when shown
+ """
+ # Tell the main loop we are busy
+ wx.GetApp().RegisterWindow(repr(self), self, True)
+ self._timer.Start(1000) # One pulse every second
+ self._progress.DownloadUpdates()
+ super(DownloadDialog, self).Show()