path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/
diff options
authorrahulp132020-03-17 14:55:41 +0530
committerrahulp132020-03-17 14:55:41 +0530
commit296443137f4288cb030e92859ccfbe3204bc1088 (patch)
treeca4798c2da1e7244edc3bc108d81b462b537aea2 /lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/
parent0db48f6533517ecebfd9f0693f89deca28408b76 (diff)
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/')
1 files changed, 1188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db648de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/tools/Editra/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1188 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Name: #
+# Purpose: Implements Editras App object and the Main method #
+# Author: Cody Precord <> #
+# Copyright: (c) 2008 Cody Precord <> #
+# License: wxWindows License #
+This module defines the Editra Application object and the Main method for
+running Editra.
+@summary: Editra's main application object and MainLoop
+__author__ = "Cody Precord <>"
+__svnid__ = "$Id: 71718 2012-06-12 13:25:48Z CJP $"
+__revision__ = "$Revision: 71718 $"
+# Dependencies
+import os
+import sys
+# Due to some methods that were added in 2.8.3 being used in a large number
+# of places Editra has become incompatible with wxPython and earlier.
+# So ensure correct version of wxPython can be loaded
+if not hasattr(sys, 'frozen') and 'wx' not in sys.modules:
+ import wxversion
+ wxversion.ensureMinimal('2.8')
+import codecs
+import base64
+import locale
+import getopt
+import shutil
+import wx
+# The event handler mixin is now part of wxPython proper, but there hasn't
+# been an official release with it yet, so try to import the official module
+# but fallback to our own copy if it fails.
+ import wx.lib.eventStack as events
+ import as events
+# Try and import a system installed version of pkg_resources else fallback to
+# the one bundled with Editra's source.
+ from pkg_resources import resource_filename
+except ImportError:
+ from extern.pkg_resources import resource_filename
+# Editra Libraries
+import ed_glob
+import ed_i18n
+import profiler
+import util
+import dev_tool
+import ed_main
+import ed_art
+import ed_txt
+import ed_event
+import updater
+import plugin
+import ed_ipc
+import ed_session
+import ebmlib
+from syntax import synglob
+# Global Variables
+_ = wx.GetTranslation
+class Editra(wx.App, events.AppEventHandlerMixin):
+ """The Editra Application Object
+ @deprecated: L{GetMainWindow}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
+ """Initialize that main app and its attributes
+ @postcondition: application is created and ready to be run in mainloop
+ """
+ wx.App.__init__(self, *args, **kargs)
+ events.AppEventHandlerMixin.__init__(self)
+ # Attributes
+ self._log = dev_tool.DEBUGP
+ self._lock = False
+ self._windows = dict()
+ self._isexiting = False
+ # Disable debug popups
+ wx.Log.EnableLogging(False)
+ # XXX: Temporary - disable assertions on OSX to work around
+ # upstream bug in drawing code "couldnt draw the rotated text"
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
+ self.SetAssertMode(wx.PYAPP_ASSERT_SUPPRESS)
+ # Purge old logs
+ logfile = dev_tool.EdLogFile()
+ logfile.PurgeOldLogs(7)
+ if ed_glob.SINGLE:
+ # Setup the instance checker
+ instance_name = u"%s-%s" % (self.GetAppName(), wx.GetUserId())
+ lockpath = wx.StandardPaths.Get().GetTempDir()
+ self._instance = wx.SingleInstanceChecker(instance_name, path=lockpath)
+ if self._instance.IsAnotherRunning():
+ try:
+ opts, args = ProcessCommandLine()
+ except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
+ self._log("[app][err] %s" % str(msg))
+ args = list()
+ opts = dict()
+ exml = ed_ipc.IPCCommand()
+ if len(args):
+ nargs = list()
+ for p in args:
+ try:
+ p = ebmlib.GetAbsPath(p)
+ except:
+ pass
+ fxml = ed_ipc.IPCFile()
+ fxml.value = p
+ nargs.append(fxml)
+ exml.filelist = nargs
+ arglist = list()
+ for arg, val in opts.items():
+ axml = ed_ipc.IPCArg()
+ = arg
+ axml.value = val
+ arglist.append(axml)
+ exml.arglist = arglist
+ # TODO: need to process other command line options as well i.e) -g
+ self._log("[app][info] Sending: %s" % exml.Xml)
+ key = profiler.Profile_Get('SESSION_KEY')
+ if ebmlib.IsUnicode(key):
+ key = key.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding(), 'replace')
+ rval = ed_ipc.SendCommands(exml, key)
+ # If sending the command failed then let the editor startup
+ # a new instance
+ if not rval:
+ self._isfirst = True
+ else:
+ self._log("[app][info] Starting Ipc server...")
+ # Set the session key and save it to the users profile so
+ # that other instances can access the server
+ key = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(8), 'zZ')
+ uname = wx.GetUserName()
+ if ebmlib.IsUnicode(uname):
+ uname = uname.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding(), 'replace')
+ key = uname + key
+ profiler.Profile_Set('SESSION_KEY', key)
+ profiler.Profile_Set('ISBINARY', hasattr(sys, 'frozen'))
+ path = profiler.Profile_Get('MYPROFILE')
+ profiler.TheProfile.Write(path)
+ try:
+ self._server = ed_ipc.EdIpcServer(self, key)
+ self._server.start()
+ except Exception, msg:
+ self._log("[app][err] Failed to start ipc server")
+ self._log("[app][err] %s" % str(msg))
+ self._server = None
+ self._isfirst = True
+ else:
+ self._isfirst = True
+ # Setup Plugins after locale as they may have resource that need to
+ # be loaded.
+ if self._isfirst:
+ self._pluginmgr = plugin.PluginManager()
+ self._log("[app][info] Registering Editra's ArtProvider")
+ wx.ArtProvider.PushProvider(ed_art.EditraArt())
+ # Check if libenchant has been loaded or need to be
+ import extern.stcspellcheck as stcspellcheck
+ checker = stcspellcheck.STCSpellCheck
+ if not checker.isEnchantOk():
+ spref = profiler.Profile_Get('SPELLCHECK', default=dict())
+ libpath = spref.get('epath', u'')
+ checker.reloadEnchant(libpath)
+ # TODO: log if load fails here
+ def AddMessageCatalog(self, name, path):
+ """Add a catalog lookup path to the app
+ @param name: name of catalog (i.e 'projects')
+ @param path: catalog lookup path
+ """
+ if self.locale is not None:
+ path = resource_filename(path, 'locale')
+ self.locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(path)
+ self.locale.AddCatalog(name)
+ def OnInit(self):
+ """Initialize the Editor
+ @note: this gets called before __init__
+ @postcondition: custom artprovider and plugins are loaded
+ """
+ self.SetAppName(ed_glob.PROG_NAME)
+ self._log = dev_tool.DEBUGP
+ self._log("[app][info] Editra is Initializing")
+ # Load user preferences
+ self.profile_updated = InitConfig()
+ self._isfirst = False # Is the first instance
+ self._instance = None
+ # Setup Locale
+ locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+ langId = ed_i18n.GetLangId(profiler.Profile_Get('LANG'))
+ if wx.Locale.IsAvailable(langId):
+ self.locale = wx.Locale(langId)
+ if self.locale.GetCanonicalName() in ed_i18n.GetAvailLocales():
+ self._log("[app][info] Loaded Locale '%s'" % self.locale.CanonicalName)
+ self.locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(ed_glob.CONFIG['LANG_DIR'])
+ self.locale.AddCatalog(ed_glob.PROG_NAME)
+ else:
+ self._log("[app][err] Unknown Locale '%s'" % self.locale.CanonicalName)
+ del self.locale
+ self.locale = None
+ else:
+ self._log("[app][err] The locale %s is not available!" % profiler.Profile_Get('LANG'))
+ self.locale = None
+ # Check and set encoding if necessary
+ d_enc = profiler.Profile_Get('ENCODING')
+ if not d_enc:
+ profiler.Profile_Set('ENCODING', ed_txt.DEFAULT_ENCODING)
+ else:
+ # Ensure the default encoding is valid
+ # Fixes up older installs on some systems that may have an
+ # invalid encoding set.
+ try:
+ codecs.lookup(d_enc)
+ except (LookupError, TypeError):
+ self._log("[app][err] Resetting bad encoding: %s" % d_enc)
+ profiler.Profile_Set('ENCODING', ed_txt.DEFAULT_ENCODING)
+ # Setup the Error Reporter
+ if profiler.Profile_Get('REPORTER', 'bool', True):
+ sys.excepthook = dev_tool.ExceptionHook
+ #---- Bind Events ----#
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE_APP, self.OnActivate)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnNewWindow, id=ed_glob.ID_NEW_WINDOW)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnCloseWindow)
+ self.Bind(ed_event.EVT_NOTIFY, self.OnNotify)
+ self.Bind(ed_ipc.EVT_COMMAND_RECV, self.OnCommandReceived)
+ # Splash a warning if version is not a final version
+ if profiler.Profile_Get('APPSPLASH'):
+ import edimage
+ splash_img = edimage.splashwarn.GetBitmap()
+ self.splash = wx.SplashScreen(splash_img, wx.SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_PARENT | \
+ wx.SPLASH_NO_TIMEOUT, 0, None, wx.ID_ANY)
+ self.splash.Show()
+ return True
+ def Destroy(self):
+ """Destroy the application"""
+ try:
+ # Cleanup the instance checker
+ del self._instance
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ wx.App.Destroy(self)
+ def DestroySplash(self):
+ """Destroy the splash screen"""
+ # If is created and not dead already
+ if getattr(self, 'splash', None) is not None and \
+ isinstance(self.splash, wx.SplashScreen):
+ self.splash.Destroy()
+ self.splash = None
+ def Exit(self, force=False):
+ """Exit the program
+ @postcondition: If no toplevel windows are present program will exit.
+ @postcondition: Program may remain open if an open window is locking.
+ """
+ self._isexiting = True
+ self._pluginmgr.WritePluginConfig()
+ profiler.TheProfile.Write(profiler.Profile_Get('MYPROFILE'))
+ if not self._lock or force:
+ if getattr(self, '_server', None):
+ self._server.Shutdown()
+ try:
+ # Cleanup the instance checker
+ del self._instance
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ # Exit the app
+ wx.App.ExitMainLoop(self)
+ def GetLocaleObject(self):
+ """Get the locale object owned by this app. Use this method to add
+ extra catalogs for lookup.
+ @return: wx.Locale or None
+ """
+ return self.locale
+ def GetLog(self):
+ """Returns the logging function used by the app
+ @return: the logging function of this program instance
+ """
+ return self._log
+ def GetMainWindow(self):
+ """Returns reference to the instance of the MainWindow
+ that is running if available, and None if not.
+ @return: the L{MainWindow} of this app if it is open
+ """
+ self._log("[app][warn] Editra::GetMainWindow is deprecated")
+ for window in self._windows:
+ if isinstance(self._windows[window][0], ed_main.MainWindow):
+ return self._windows[window][0]
+ return None
+ def GetActiveWindow(self):
+ """Returns the active main window if there is one else it will
+ just return some main window or none if there are no main windows
+ @return: frame instance or None
+ """
+ awin = None
+ for win in self.GetMainWindows():
+ if win.IsActive():
+ awin = win
+ break
+ if awin is None:
+ awin = self.GetTopWindow()
+ if not isinstance(awin, ed_main.MainWindow):
+ if len(self.GetMainWindows()):
+ awin = self.GetMainWindows()[0]
+ return awin
+ def GetCurrentBuffer(self):
+ """Get the current buffer from the active window or None
+ @return: EditraStc
+ """
+ win = self.GetTopWindow()
+ if not isinstance(win, ed_main.MainWindow):
+ win = self.GetActiveWindow()
+ if win is None:
+ return None # UI dead?
+ if isinstance(win, ed_main.MainWindow):
+ nbook = win.GetNotebook()
+ if nbook:
+ return nbook.GetCurrentCtrl()
+ return None
+ def GetMainWindows(self):
+ """Returns a list of all open main windows
+ @return: list of L{MainWindow} instances of this app (list may be empty)
+ """
+ mainw = list()
+ for window in self._windows:
+ try:
+ if isinstance(self._windows[window][0], ed_main.MainWindow):
+ mainw.append(self._windows[window][0])
+ except AttributeError:
+ continue
+ return mainw
+ def GetOpenWindows(self):
+ """Returns a list of open windows
+ @return: list of all open windows owned by app
+ """
+ return self._windows
+ def GetPluginManager(self):
+ """Returns the plugin manager used by this application
+ @return: Apps plugin manager
+ @see: L{plugin}
+ """
+ return self._pluginmgr
+ def GetProfileUpdated(self):
+ """Was the profile updated
+ @return: bool
+ """
+ return self.profile_updated
+ def GetWindowInstance(self, wintype):
+ """Get an instance of an open window if one exists
+ @param wintype: Class type of window to look for
+ @precondition: Window must have called L{RegisterWindow}
+ @return: Instance of window or None
+ """
+ for win in self._windows:
+ if isinstance(self._windows[win][0], wintype):
+ return self._windows[win][0]
+ return None
+ def IsLocked(self):
+ """Returns whether the application is locked or not
+ @return: whether a window has locked the app from closing or not
+ """
+ return self._lock
+ def IsOnlyInstance(self):
+ """Check if this app is the the first instance that is running
+ @return: bool
+ """
+ return self._isfirst
+ def Lock(self):
+ """Locks the app from exiting
+ @postcondition: program is locked from exiting
+ """
+ self._lock = True
+ def OpenFile(self, filename, line=-1):
+ """Open a file in the currently active window
+ @param filename: file path
+ @keyword line: int
+ """
+ window = self.GetTopWindow()
+ if not isinstance(window, ed_main.MainWindow):
+ window = None
+ try:
+ encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
+ fname = ed_txt.DecodeString(filename, encoding)
+ if profiler.Profile_Get('OPEN_NW', default=False):
+ self.OpenNewWindow(fname, window)
+ elif window:
+ window.DoOpen(ed_glob.ID_COMMAND_LINE_OPEN, fname, line)
+ # Make sure the window is brought to the front
+ if window.IsIconized():
+ window.Iconize(False)
+ window.Raise()
+ else:
+ # Some unlikely error condition
+ self._log("[app][err] OpenFile unknown error: %s" % filename)
+ except Exception, msg:
+ self._log("[app][err] Failed to open file: %s" % str(msg))
+ def MacNewFile(self):
+ """Stub for future use"""
+ pass
+ def MacOpenFile(self, filename):
+ """Macintosh Specific code for opening files that are associated
+ with the editor and double clicked on after the editor is already
+ running.
+ @param filename: file path string
+ @postcondition: if L{MainWindow} is open file will be opened in notebook
+ """
+ self._log("[app][info] MacOpenFile Fired")
+ self.OpenFile(filename, line=-1)
+ def MacPrintFile(self, filename):
+ """Stub for future use
+ @param filename: file to print
+ """
+ pass
+ def MacReopenApp(self):
+ """Handle kAEReopenApplication when dock icons is clicked on"""
+ frame = self.GetTopWindow()
+ if frame is not None:
+ if frame.IsIconized():
+ frame.Iconize(False)
+ frame.Raise()
+ def OnActivate(self, evt):
+ """Activation Event Handler
+ @param evt: wx.ActivateEvent
+ """
+ if evt.GetActive():
+ self._log("[app][info] I'm Awake!!")
+ # Refresh Clipboard Ring
+ ed_main.MainWindow.UpdateClipboardRing()
+# frame = self.GetTopWindow()
+# if frame is not None:
+# if frame.IsIconized():
+# frame.Iconize(False)
+# frame.Raise()
+ else:
+ self._log("[app][info] Going to sleep")
+ evt.Skip()
+ def OnExit(self, evt=None, force=False):
+ """Handle application exit request
+ @keyword evt: event that called this handler
+ @keyword force: Force an exit
+ """
+ e_id = -1
+ if evt:
+ e_id = evt.GetId()
+ if e_id == ed_glob.ID_EXIT:
+ self._isexiting = True
+ # First loop is to ensure current top window is
+ # closed first
+ for win in self.GetMainWindows():
+ if win.IsActive():
+ result = win.Close()
+ if result:
+ self._isexiting = False
+ break
+ return
+ for win in self.GetMainWindows():
+ win.Raise()
+ result = win.Close()
+ if not result:
+ self._isexiting = False
+ break
+ self.Exit(force)
+ else:
+ if evt:
+ evt.Skip()
+ def OnNewWindow(self, evt):
+ """Create a new editing window
+ @param evt: wx.EVT_MENU
+ """
+ if evt.GetId() == ed_glob.ID_NEW_WINDOW:
+ frame = evt.GetEventObject().GetMenuBar().GetFrame()
+ self.OpenNewWindow(caller=frame)
+ else:
+ evt.Skip()
+ def OnCommandReceived(self, evt):
+ """Receive commands from the IPC server
+ @todo: move command processing into own module
+ """
+ # Guard against events that come in after shutdown
+ # from server thread.
+ if not self or self._isexiting or not self.IsMainLoopRunning():
+ return
+ self._log("[app][info] IN OnCommandReceived")
+ cmds = evt.GetCommands()
+ if isinstance(cmds, ed_ipc.IPCCommand):
+ self._log("[app][info] OnCommandReceived %s" % cmds.Xml)
+ if not len(cmds.filelist):
+ self.OpenNewWindow()
+ else:
+ # TODO: change goto line handling to require one
+ # arg per file specified on the command line
+ # i.e) -g 23,44,100
+ line = -1
+ for argobj in cmds.arglist:
+ arg =
+ if arg == '-g':
+ line = int(argobj.value)
+ if line > 0:
+ line -= 1
+ break
+ for fname in cmds.filelist:
+ self.OpenFile(fname.value, line)
+ def OnCloseWindow(self, evt):
+ """Close the currently active window
+ @param evt: wx.MenuEvent
+ """
+ if evt.GetId() in [ed_glob.ID_CLOSE, ed_glob.ID_CLOSE_WINDOW]:
+ for window in wx.GetTopLevelWindows():
+ if hasattr(window, 'IsActive') and window.IsActive():
+ if hasattr(window, 'Close'):
+ window.Close()
+ break
+ else:
+ evt.Skip()
+ def OpenNewWindow(self, fname=u'', caller=None):
+ """Open a new window
+ @keyword fname: Open a file in the new window
+ @keyword caller: MainWindow that called to open this one
+ @return: the new window
+ """
+ frame = ed_main.MainWindow(None, wx.ID_ANY,
+ profiler.Profile_Get('WSIZE'),
+ ed_glob.PROG_NAME)
+ if caller:
+ pos = caller.GetPosition()
+ frame.SetPosition((pos.x + 22, pos.y + 22))
+ self.RegisterWindow(repr(frame), frame, True)
+ self.SetTopWindow(frame)
+ if isinstance(fname, basestring) and fname != u'':
+ frame.DoOpen(ed_glob.ID_COMMAND_LINE_OPEN, fname)
+ frame.Show(True)
+ # Ensure frame gets an Activate event when shown
+ # this doesn't happen automatically on windows
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ wx.PostEvent(frame, wx.ActivateEvent(wx.wxEVT_ACTIVATE, True))
+ return frame
+ def OnNotify(self, evt):
+ """Handle notification events
+ @param evt: L{ed_event.NotificationEvent}
+ """
+ e_val = evt.GetValue()
+ if evt.GetId() == ID_UPDATE_CHECK and \
+ isinstance(e_val, tuple) and e_val[0]:
+ self.DestroySplash()
+ mdlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.GetActiveWindow(),
+ _("An updated version of Editra is available\n"
+ "Would you like to download Editra %s now?") %\
+ e_val[1], _("Update Available"),
+ if mdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
+ dl_dlg = updater.DownloadDialog(None, wx.ID_ANY,
+ _("Downloading Update"))
+ dp_sz = wx.GetDisplaySize()
+ dl_dlg.SetPosition(((dp_sz[0] - (dl_dlg.GetSize()[0] + 5)), 25))
+ dl_dlg.Show()
+ mdlg.Destroy()
+ else:
+ evt.Skip()
+ def RegisterWindow(self, name, window, can_lock=False):
+ """Registers winows with the app. The name should be the
+ repr of window. The can_lock parameter is a boolean stating
+ whether the window can keep the main app running after the
+ main frame has exited.
+ @param name: name of window
+ @param window: reference to window object
+ @keyword can_lock: whether window can lock exit or not
+ """
+ self._windows[name] = (window, can_lock)
+ def ReloadArtProvider(self):
+ """Reloads the custom art provider onto the artprovider stack
+ @postcondition: artprovider is removed and reloaded
+ """
+ try:
+ wx.ArtProvider.PopProvider()
+ finally:
+ wx.ArtProvider.PushProvider(ed_art.EditraArt())
+ def UnLock(self):
+ """Unlocks the application
+ @postcondition: application is unlocked so it can exit
+ """
+ self._lock = False
+ def UnRegisterWindow(self, name):
+ """Unregisters a named window with the app if the window
+ was the top window and if other windows that can lock are
+ registered in the window stack it will promote the next one
+ it finds to be the top window. If no windows that fit this
+ criteria are found it will close the application.
+ @param name: name of window to unregister
+ """
+ if name in self._windows:
+ self._windows.pop(name)
+ if not len(self._windows):
+ self._log("[app][info] No more open windows shutting down")
+ self.Exit()
+ return
+ # TODO: WXBUG? calling GetTopWindow when there are no more top
+ # level windows causes a crash under MSW. Moving this line
+ # above the previous check can reproduce the error.
+ cur_top = self.GetTopWindow()
+ if name == repr(cur_top):
+ found = False
+ for key in self._windows:
+ if self._windows[key][1]:
+ self._log("[app][info] Promoting %s to top" % key)
+ try:
+ self.SetTopWindow(self._windows[key][0])
+ except Exception:
+ continue
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ self._log("[app][info] No more top windows exiting app")
+ self.UnLock()
+ self.Exit()
+ else:
+ self._log("[app][info] UnRegistered %s" % name)
+ else:
+ self._log("[app][warn] The window %s is not registered" % name)
+ def WindowCanLock(self, winname):
+ """Checks if a named window can lock the application or
+ not. The window must have been previously registered with
+ a call to RegisterWindow for this function to have any
+ real usefullness.
+ @param winname: name of window to query
+ """
+ if winname in self._windows:
+ return self._windows[winname][1]
+ else:
+ self._log("[app][warn] the window %s has "
+ "not been registered" % winname)
+ return False
+def InitConfig():
+ """Initializes the configuration data
+ @postcondition: all configuration data is set
+ """
+ # Check if a custom config directory was specified on the commandline
+ if ed_glob.CONFIG['CONFIG_BASE'] is not None:
+ # TODO: there is a bug when the first time the config is created
+ # where the settings will not be saved until second launching.
+ config_base = os.path.abspath(ed_glob.CONFIG['CONFIG_BASE'])
+ else:
+ # Look for a profile directory on the system level. If this directory
+ # exists Use it instead of the user one. This will allow for running
+ # Editra from a portable drive or for system administrators to enforce
+ # settings on a system installed version.
+ config_base = util.ResolvConfigDir(u'.Editra', True)
+ if os.path.exists(config_base):
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['CONFIG_BASE'] = config_base
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['PROFILE_DIR'] = os.path.join(config_base, u"profiles")
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['PROFILE_DIR'] += os.sep
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['ISLOCAL'] = True
+ else:
+ config_base = wx.StandardPaths.Get().GetUserDataDir()
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['PROFILE_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"profiles")
+ # Check for if config directory exists and if profile is from the current
+ # running version of Editra.
+ profile_updated = False
+ if util.HasConfigDir() and os.path.exists(ed_glob.CONFIG['PROFILE_DIR']):
+ if profiler.ProfileIsCurrent():
+ pstr = profiler.GetProfileStr()
+ # If using local(portable) config the profile string is stored
+ # as a relative path that just names the config file.
+ if ed_glob.CONFIG['ISLOCAL']:
+ pstr = os.path.join(ed_glob.CONFIG['PROFILE_DIR'], pstr)
+ pstr = util.RepairConfigState(pstr)
+ dev_tool.DEBUGP("[InitConfig][info] Loading profile: %s" % repr(pstr))
+ profiler.TheProfile.Load(pstr)
+ else:
+ dev_tool.DEBUGP("[InitConfig][info] Updating Profile to current version")
+ # When upgrading from an older version make sure all
+ # config directories are available.
+ for cfg in ("cache", "styles", "plugins", "profiles", "sessions"):
+ if not util.HasConfigDir(cfg):
+ util.MakeConfigDir(cfg)
+ # Load and update profile
+ pstr = profiler.GetProfileStr()
+ pstr = util.RepairConfigState(pstr)
+ profiler.TheProfile.Load(pstr)
+ profiler.TheProfile.Update()
+ #---- Temporary Profile Adaption ----#
+ # Added after 0.5.32
+ mconfig = profiler.Profile_Get('LEXERMENU', default=None)
+ if mconfig is None:
+ mconfig = [ synglob.LANG_C, synglob.LANG_CPP,
+ synglob.LANG_BASH, synglob.LANG_CSS,
+ synglob.LANG_HTML, synglob.LANG_JAVA,
+ synglob.LANG_LISP, synglob.LANG_PERL,
+ synglob.LANG_PHP, synglob.LANG_PYTHON,
+ synglob.LANG_RUBY, synglob.LANG_SQL,
+ synglob.LANG_XML]
+ mconfig.sort()
+ profiler.Profile_Set('LEXERMENU', mconfig)
+ # GUI_DEBUG mode removed in 0.2.5
+ mode = profiler.Profile_Get('MODE')
+ if mode == 'GUI_DEBUG':
+ profiler.Profile_Set('MODE', 'DEBUG')
+ # This key has been removed so clean it from old profiles
+ profiler.Profile_Del('LASTCHECK')
+ # Print modes don't use strings anymore
+ if isinstance(profiler.Profile_Get('PRINT_MODE'), basestring):
+ profiler.Profile_Set('PRINT_MODE', ed_glob.PRINT_BLACK_WHITE)
+ # Simplifications to eol mode persistence (0.4.28)
+ # Keep for now till plugins are updated
+ #profiler.Profile_Del('EOL') # changed to EOL_MODE
+ # After 0.4.65 LAST_SESSION now points a session file and not
+ # to a list of files to open.
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['SESSION_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"sessions")
+ smgr = ed_session.EdSessionMgr()
+ sess = profiler.Profile_Get('LAST_SESSION')
+ if isinstance(sess, list) or not sess:
+ profiler.Profile_Set('LAST_SESSION', smgr.DefaultSession)
+ else:
+ # After 0.6.58 session is reduced to a name instead of path
+ if sess and os.path.sep in sess:
+ name = smgr.SessionNameFromPath(sess)
+ profiler.Profile_Set('LAST_SESSION', name)
+ #---- End Temporary Profile Adaption ----#
+ # Write out updated profile
+ profiler.TheProfile.Write(pstr)
+ profile_updated = True
+ else:
+ # Fresh install
+ util.CreateConfigDir()
+ # Check and upgrade installs from old location
+ success = True
+ try:
+ success = UpgradeOldInstall()
+ except Exception, msg:
+ dev_tool.DEBUGP("[InitConfig][err] %s" % msg)
+ success = False
+ if not success:
+ old_cdir = u"%s%s.%s%s" % (wx.GetHomeDir(), os.sep,
+ ed_glob.PROG_NAME, os.sep)
+ msg = ("Failed to upgrade your old installation\n"
+ "To retain your old settings you may need to copy some files:\n"
+ "\nFrom: %s\n\nTo: %s") % (old_cdir, config_base)
+ wx.MessageBox(msg, "Upgrade Failed", style=wx.ICON_WARNING|wx.OK)
+ # Set default eol for windows
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ profiler.Profile_Set('EOL_MODE', ed_glob.EOL_MODE_CRLF)
+ profiler.Profile_Set('ICONSZ', (16, 16))
+ elif wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
+ # Default to 32x32 toolbar icons on OSX
+ profiler.Profile_Set('ICONSZ', (32, 32))
+ #---- Profile Loaded / Installed ----#
+ # Set debug mode
+ emode = profiler.Profile_Get('MODE')
+ if 'DEBUG' in emode:
+ ed_glob.DEBUG = True
+ if emode.startswith('VERBOSE'):
+ ed_glob.VDEBUG = True
+ # Resolve resource locations
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['CONFIG_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"")
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['INSTALL_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"", True)
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['KEYPROF_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"ekeys", True)
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['SYSPIX_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"pixmaps", True)
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['PLUGIN_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"plugins")
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(os.path.join(u"pixmaps", u"theme"))
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['LANG_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"locale", True)
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['STYLES_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"styles")
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['SYS_PLUGIN_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"plugins", True)
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['SYS_STYLES_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"styles", True)
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['TEST_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(os.path.join(u"tests", u"syntax"), True)
+ # Make sure all standard config directories are there
+ for cfg in ("cache", "styles", "plugins", "profiles", "sessions"):
+ if not util.HasConfigDir(cfg):
+ util.MakeConfigDir(cfg)
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['CACHE_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"cache")
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['SESSION_DIR'] = util.ResolvConfigDir(u"sessions")
+ return profile_updated
+def UpgradeOldInstall():
+ """Upgrade an old installation and transfer all files if they exist
+ @return: bool (True if success, False if failure)
+ """
+ old_cdir = u"%s%s.%s%s" % (wx.GetHomeDir(), os.sep,
+ ed_glob.PROG_NAME, os.sep)
+ base = ed_glob.CONFIG['CONFIG_BASE']
+ if base is None:
+ base = wx.StandardPaths.Get().GetUserDataDir() + os.sep
+ err = 0
+ if os.path.exists(old_cdir) and \
+ base.lower().rstrip(os.sep) != old_cdir.lower().rstrip(os.sep):
+ for item in os.listdir(old_cdir):
+ try:
+ dest = os.path.join(base, item)
+ item = os.path.join(old_cdir, item)
+ if os.path.exists(dest):
+ if os.path.isdir(dest):
+ shutil.rmtree(dest, True)
+ else:
+ os.remove(dest)
+ shutil.move(item, dest)
+ except Exception, msg:
+ util.Log("[Upgrade][err] %s" % msg)
+ err += 1
+ continue
+ os.rmdir(old_cdir)
+ # Load the copied over profile
+ pstr = profiler.GetProfileStr()
+ prof = os.path.basename(pstr)
+ pstr = os.path.join(base, u"profiles", prof)
+ if os.path.exists(pstr):
+ profiler.TheProfile.Load(pstr)
+ profiler.TheProfile.Update()
+ profiler.UpdateProfileLoader()
+ if not err:
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Your profile has been updated to the latest "
+ "version") + u"\n" + \
+ _("Please check the preferences dialog to check "
+ "your preferences"),
+ _("Profile Updated"))
+ return not err
+def PrintHelp(err=None):
+ """Print command line help
+ @postcondition: Help is printed and program exits
+ """
+ if err is not None:
+ sys.stderr.write(err + os.linesep)
+ print(("Editra - %s - Developers Text Editor\n"
+ "Cody Precord (2005-2012)\n\n"
+ "usage: Editra [arguments] [files... ]\n\n"
+ "Short Arguments:\n"
+ " -c Set custom configuration directory at runtime\n"
+ " -d Turn on console debugging (-dd for verbose debug)\n"
+ " -D Turn off console debugging (overrides preferences)\n"
+ " -g Open file to line (i.e Editra -g 10 file.txt)\n"
+ " -h Show this help message\n"
+ " -p Run Editra in the profiler (outputs to\n"
+ " -v Print version number and exit\n"
+ " -S Disable single instance checker\n"
+ "\nLong Arguments:\n"
+ " --confdir arg Set custom configuration directory at runtime\n"
+ " --debug Turn on console debugging\n"
+ " --help Show this help message\n"
+ " --auth Print the ipc server info\n"
+ " --version Print version number and exit\n"
+ " --profileOut arg Run Editra in the profiler (arg is output file)\n"
+ ) % ed_glob.VERSION)
+ if err is None:
+ os._exit(0)
+ else:
+ os._exit(1)
+def ProcessCommandLine():
+ """Process the command line switches
+ @return: tuple ({switches,}, [args,])
+ """
+ try:
+ items, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dg:hp:vDSc:",
+ ['debug', 'help', 'version', 'auth',
+ 'confdir=', 'profileOut='])
+ except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
+ # Raise error to console and exit
+ PrintHelp(str(msg))
+ # Process command line options
+ opts = dict(items)
+ for opt, value in dict(opts).items():
+ if opt in ['-h', '--help']:
+ PrintHelp()
+ elif opt in ['-v', '--version']:
+ print(ed_glob.VERSION)
+ os._exit(0)
+ elif opt in ['-d', '--debug'] and '-D' not in opts.keys():
+ # If the debug flag is set more than once go into verbose mode
+ if ed_glob.DEBUG:
+ ed_glob.VDEBUG = True
+ ed_glob.DEBUG = True
+ opts.pop(opt)
+ elif opt == '-D':
+ ed_glob.DEBUG = False
+ ed_glob.VDEBUG = False
+ opts.pop('-D')
+ elif opt == '-S':
+ # Disable single instance checker
+ ed_glob.SINGLE = False
+ opts.pop(opt)
+ elif opt in ['-c', '--confdir']:
+ ed_glob.CONFIG['CONFIG_BASE'] = value
+ opts.pop(opt)
+ elif opt == '--profileOut':
+ opts['-p'] = value
+ opts.pop('--profileOut')
+ elif opt == '-g':
+ # Validate argument passed to -g
+ if not value.isdigit():
+ PrintHelp("error: -g requires a number as an argument!")
+ else:
+ pass
+ # Return any unprocessed arguments
+ return opts, args
+def Main():
+ """Configures and Runs an instance of Editra
+ @summary: Parses command line options, loads the user profile, creates
+ an instance of Editra and starts the main loop.
+ """
+ opts, args = ProcessCommandLine()
+ if '-p' in opts:
+ p_file = opts['-p']
+ opts.pop('-p')
+ if not len(p_file):
+ # Fall back to default output file
+ p_file = ""
+ import hotshot
+ prof = hotshot.Profile(p_file)
+ prof.runcall(_Main, opts, args)
+ prof.close()
+ else:
+ _Main(opts, args)
+def _Main(opts, args):
+ """Main method
+ @param opts: Commandline options
+ @param args: Commandline arguments
+ """
+ # Put extern subpackage on path so that bundled external dependencies
+ # can be found if needed.
+ if not hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
+ epath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'extern')
+ if os.path.exists(epath):
+ sys.path.append(epath)
+ # Create Application
+ dev_tool.DEBUGP("[main][app] Initializing application...")
+ editra_app = Editra(False)
+ # Print ipc server authentication info
+ if '--auth' in opts:
+ opts.pop('--auth')
+ print "port=%d,key=%s" % (ed_ipc.EDPORT,
+ profiler.Profile_Get('SESSION_KEY'))
+ # Check if this is the only instance, if its not exit since
+ # any of the opening commands have already been passed to the
+ # master instance
+ if not editra_app.IsOnlyInstance():
+ dev_tool.DEBUGP("[main][info] Second instance exiting...")
+ editra_app.Destroy()
+ os._exit(0)
+ # Set the timeout on destroying the splash screen
+ wx.CallLater(2300, editra_app.DestroySplash)
+ if profiler.Profile_Get('SET_WSIZE'):
+ wsize = profiler.Profile_Get('WSIZE')
+ else:
+ wsize = (700, 450)
+ frame = ed_main.MainWindow(None, wx.ID_ANY, wsize, ed_glob.PROG_NAME)
+ frame.Maximize(profiler.Profile_Get('MAXIMIZED'))
+ editra_app.RegisterWindow(repr(frame), frame, True)
+ editra_app.SetTopWindow(frame)
+ frame.Show(True)
+ # Load Session Data
+ # But not if there are command line args for files to open
+ if profiler.Profile_Get('SAVE_SESSION', 'bool', False) and not len(args):
+ smgr = ed_session.EdSessionMgr()
+ session = profiler.Profile_Get('LAST_SESSION', default=u'')
+ if isinstance(session, list):
+ # Check for format conversion from previous versions
+ profiler.Profile_Set('LAST_SESSION', smgr.DefaultSession)
+ session = smgr.DefaultSession
+ frame.GetNotebook().LoadSessionFile(session)
+ del session
+ # Unlike wxMac/wxGTK Windows doesn't post an activate event when a window
+ # is first shown, so do it manually to make sure all event handlers get
+ # pushed.
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ wx.PostEvent(frame, wx.ActivateEvent(wx.wxEVT_ACTIVATE, True))
+ # Do update check if preferences say its ok to do so
+ isadmin = os.access(ed_glob.CONFIG['INSTALL_DIR'], os.R_OK|os.W_OK)
+ if isadmin and profiler.Profile_Get('CHECKUPDATE', default=True):
+ uthread = updater.UpdateThread(editra_app, ID_UPDATE_CHECK)
+ uthread.start()
+ if len(args):
+ line = -1
+ if '-g' in opts:
+ line = max(0, int(opts.pop('-g')) - 1)
+ # TODO: should line arg only be applied to the first file name or all?
+ # currently apply to all.
+ for arg in args:
+ try:
+ fname = ed_txt.DecodeString(arg, sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+ fname = ebmlib.GetAbsPath(fname)
+ frame.DoOpen(ed_glob.ID_COMMAND_LINE_OPEN, fname, line)
+ except IndexError:
+ dev_tool.DEBUGP("[main][err] IndexError on commandline args")
+ # Notify that profile was updated
+ if editra_app.GetProfileUpdated():
+ editra_app.DestroySplash()
+ # Make sure window iniliazes to default position
+ profiler.Profile_Del('WPOS')
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Your profile has been updated to the latest "
+ "version") + u"\n" + \
+ _("Please check the preferences dialog to verify "
+ "your preferences"),
+ _("Profile Updated"))
+ # 3. Start Applications Main Loop
+ dev_tool.DEBUGP("[main][info] Starting MainLoop...")
+ wx.CallAfter(frame.Raise)
+ # Install handlers to exit app if os is shutting down/restarting
+ ebmlib.InstallTermHandler(editra_app.Exit, force=True)
+ editra_app.MainLoop()
+ dev_tool.DEBUGP("[main][info] MainLoop finished exiting application")
+ os._exit(0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ Main()