path: root/include/geometry/shape_poly_set.h
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authorsaurabhb172020-02-26 16:20:48 +0530
committerGitHub2020-02-26 16:20:48 +0530
commitb77f5d9d8097c38159c6f60917995d6af13bbe1c (patch)
tree1392c90227aeea231c1d86371131e04c40382918 /include/geometry/shape_poly_set.h
parentdadc4d490966a24efe15b5cc533ef8695986048a (diff)
parent003d02608917e7a69d1a98438837e94ccf68352a (diff)
Merge pull request #4 from FOSSEE/develop
merging dev into master
Diffstat (limited to 'include/geometry/shape_poly_set.h')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/geometry/shape_poly_set.h b/include/geometry/shape_poly_set.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c4a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/geometry/shape_poly_set.h
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+ * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 CERN
+ * @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
+ *
+ * or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
+ * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#ifndef __SHAPE_POLY_SET_H
+#define __SHAPE_POLY_SET_H
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <geometry/shape.h>
+#include <geometry/shape_line_chain.h>
+#include "clipper.hpp"
+ *
+ * Represents a set of closed polygons. Polygons may be nonconvex, self-intersecting
+ * and have holes. Provides boolean operations (using Clipper library as the backend).
+ *
+ * TODO: add convex partitioning & spatial index
+ */
+class SHAPE_POLY_SET : public SHAPE
+ public:
+ ///> represents a single polygon outline with holes. The first entry is the outline,
+ ///> the remaining (if any), are the holes
+ typedef std::vector<SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN> POLYGON;
+ /**
+ *
+ * Base class for iterating over all vertices in a given SHAPE_POLY_SET
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ {
+ public:
+ bool IsEndContour() const
+ {
+ return m_currentVertex + 1 == m_poly->CPolygon( m_currentOutline )[0].PointCount();
+ }
+ bool IsLastContour() const
+ {
+ return m_currentOutline == m_lastOutline;
+ }
+ operator bool() const
+ {
+ return m_currentOutline <= m_lastOutline;
+ }
+ void Advance()
+ {
+ m_currentVertex ++;
+ if( m_currentVertex >= m_poly->CPolygon( m_currentOutline )[0].PointCount() )
+ {
+ m_currentVertex = 0;
+ m_currentOutline++;
+ }
+ }
+ void operator++( int dummy )
+ {
+ Advance();
+ }
+ void operator++()
+ {
+ Advance();
+ }
+ T& Get()
+ {
+ return m_poly->Polygon( m_currentOutline )[0].Point( m_currentVertex );
+ }
+ T& operator*()
+ {
+ return Get();
+ }
+ T* operator->()
+ {
+ return &Get();
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class SHAPE_POLY_SET;
+ SHAPE_POLY_SET* m_poly;
+ int m_currentOutline;
+ int m_lastOutline;
+ int m_currentVertex;
+ };
+ ///> Creates a new empty polygon in the set and returns its index
+ int NewOutline();
+ ///> Creates a new hole in a given outline
+ int NewHole( int aOutline = -1 );
+ ///> Adds a new outline to the set and returns its index
+ int AddOutline( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& aOutline );
+ ///> Adds a new hole to the given outline (default: last) and returns its index
+ int AddHole( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& aHole, int aOutline = -1 );
+ ///> Appends a vertex at the end of the given outline/hole (default: the last outline)
+ int Append( int x, int y, int aOutline = -1, int aHole = -1 );
+ ///> Merges polygons from two sets.
+ void Append( const SHAPE_POLY_SET& aSet );
+ ///> Appends a vertex at the end of the given outline/hole (default: the last outline)
+ void Append( const VECTOR2I& aP, int aOutline = -1, int aHole = -1 );
+ ///> Returns the index-th vertex in a given hole outline within a given outline
+ VECTOR2I& Vertex( int index, int aOutline = -1, int aHole = -1 );
+ ///> Returns the index-th vertex in a given hole outline within a given outline
+ const VECTOR2I& CVertex( int index, int aOutline = -1, int aHole = -1 ) const;
+ ///> Returns true if any of the outlines is self-intersecting
+ bool IsSelfIntersecting();
+ ///> Returns the number of outlines in the set
+ int OutlineCount() const { return m_polys.size(); }
+ ///> Returns the number of vertices in a given outline/hole
+ int VertexCount( int aOutline = -1, int aHole = -1 ) const;
+ ///> Returns the number of holes in a given outline
+ int HoleCount( int aOutline ) const
+ {
+ if( (aOutline > (int)m_polys.size()) || (m_polys[aOutline].size() < 2) )
+ return 0;
+ return m_polys[aOutline].size() - 1;
+ }
+ ///> Returns the reference to aIndex-th outline in the set
+ SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& Outline( int aIndex )
+ {
+ return m_polys[aIndex][0];
+ }
+ ///> Returns the reference to aHole-th hole in the aIndex-th outline
+ SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& Hole( int aOutline, int aHole )
+ {
+ return m_polys[aOutline][aHole + 1];
+ }
+ ///> Returns the aIndex-th subpolygon in the set
+ POLYGON& Polygon( int aIndex )
+ {
+ return m_polys[aIndex];
+ }
+ const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& COutline( int aIndex ) const
+ {
+ return m_polys[aIndex][0];
+ }
+ const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& CHole( int aOutline, int aHole ) const
+ {
+ return m_polys[aOutline][aHole + 1];
+ }
+ const POLYGON& CPolygon( int aIndex ) const
+ {
+ return m_polys[aIndex];
+ }
+ ///> Returns an iterator object, for iterating between aFirst and aLast outline.
+ ITERATOR Iterate( int aFirst, int aLast )
+ {
+ ITERATOR iter;
+ iter.m_poly = this;
+ iter.m_currentOutline = aFirst;
+ iter.m_lastOutline = aLast < 0 ? OutlineCount() - 1 : aLast;
+ iter.m_currentVertex = 0;
+ return iter;
+ }
+ ///> Returns an iterator object, for iterating aOutline-th outline
+ ITERATOR Iterate( int aOutline )
+ {
+ return Iterate( aOutline, aOutline );
+ }
+ ///> Returns an iterator object, for all outlines in the set (no holes)
+ ITERATOR Iterate()
+ {
+ return Iterate( 0, OutlineCount() - 1 );
+ }
+ CONST_ITERATOR CIterate( int aFirst, int aLast ) const
+ {
+ iter.m_poly = const_cast<SHAPE_POLY_SET*>( this );
+ iter.m_currentOutline = aFirst;
+ iter.m_lastOutline = aLast < 0 ? OutlineCount() - 1 : aLast;
+ iter.m_currentVertex = 0;
+ return iter;
+ }
+ CONST_ITERATOR CIterate( int aOutline ) const
+ {
+ return CIterate( aOutline, aOutline );
+ }
+ CONST_ITERATOR CIterate() const
+ {
+ return CIterate( 0, OutlineCount() - 1 );
+ }
+ ///> Performs boolean polyset union
+ ///> For aFastMode meaning, see function booleanOp
+ void BooleanAdd( const SHAPE_POLY_SET& b, bool aFastMode = false );
+ ///> Performs boolean polyset difference
+ ///> For aFastMode meaning, see function booleanOp
+ void BooleanSubtract( const SHAPE_POLY_SET& b, bool aFastMode = false );
+ ///> Performs boolean polyset intersection
+ ///> For aFastMode meaning, see function booleanOp
+ void BooleanIntersection( const SHAPE_POLY_SET& b, bool aFastMode = false );
+ ///> Performs boolean polyset union between a and b, store the result in it self
+ ///> For aFastMode meaning, see function booleanOp
+ void BooleanAdd( const SHAPE_POLY_SET& a, const SHAPE_POLY_SET& b, bool aFastMode = false );
+ ///> Performs boolean polyset difference between a and b, store the result in it self
+ ///> For aFastMode meaning, see function booleanOp
+ void BooleanSubtract( const SHAPE_POLY_SET& a, const SHAPE_POLY_SET& b, bool aFastMode = false );
+ ///> Performs boolean polyset intersection between a and b, store the result in it self
+ ///> For aFastMode meaning, see function booleanOp
+ void BooleanIntersection( const SHAPE_POLY_SET& a, const SHAPE_POLY_SET& b, bool aFastMode = false );
+ ///> Performs outline inflation/deflation, using round corners.
+ void Inflate( int aFactor, int aCircleSegmentsCount );
+ ///> Converts a set of polygons with holes to a singe outline with "slits"/"fractures" connecting the outer ring
+ ///> to the inner holes
+ ///> For aFastMode meaning, see function booleanOp
+ void Fracture( bool aFastMode = false );
+ ///> Converts a set of slitted polygons to a set of polygons with holes
+ void Unfracture();
+ ///> Returns true if the polygon set has any holes.
+ bool HasHoles() const;
+ ///> Simplifies the polyset (merges overlapping polys, eliminates degeneracy/self-intersections)
+ ///> For aFastMode meaning, see function booleanOp
+ void Simplify( bool aFastMode = false);
+ /// @copydoc SHAPE::Format()
+ const std::string Format() const;
+ /// @copydoc SHAPE::Parse()
+ bool Parse( std::stringstream& aStream );
+ /// @copydoc SHAPE::Move()
+ void Move( const VECTOR2I& aVector );
+ /// @copydoc SHAPE::IsSolid()
+ bool IsSolid() const
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const BOX2I BBox( int aClearance = 0 ) const;
+ // fixme: add collision support
+ bool Collide( const VECTOR2I& aP, int aClearance = 0 ) const { return false; }
+ bool Collide( const SEG& aSeg, int aClearance = 0 ) const { return false; }
+ ///> Returns true is a given subpolygon contains the point aP. If aSubpolyIndex < 0 (default value),
+ ///> checks all polygons in the set
+ bool Contains( const VECTOR2I& aP, int aSubpolyIndex = -1 ) const;
+ ///> Returns true if the set is empty (no polygons at all)
+ bool IsEmpty() const
+ {
+ return m_polys.size() == 0;
+ }
+ ///> Removes all outlines & holes (clears) the polygon set.
+ void RemoveAllContours();
+ ///> Returns total number of vertices stored in the set.
+ int TotalVertices() const;
+ ///> Deletes aIdx-th polygon from the set
+ void DeletePolygon( int aIdx );
+ private:
+ SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& getContourForCorner( int aCornerId, int& aIndexWithinContour );
+ VECTOR2I& vertex( int aCornerId );
+ const VECTOR2I& cvertex( int aCornerId ) const;
+ void fractureSingle( POLYGON& paths );
+ void importTree( ClipperLib::PolyTree* tree );
+ /** Function booleanOp
+ * this is the engine to execute all polygon boolean transforms
+ * (AND, OR, ... and polygon simplification (merging overlaping polygons)
+ * @param aType is the transform type ( see ClipperLib::ClipType )
+ * @param aOtherShape is the SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN to combine with me.
+ * @param aFastMode is an option to choos if the result is a weak polygon
+ * or a stricty simple polygon.
+ * if aFastMode is true the result can be a weak polygon
+ * if aFastMode is false (default) the result is (theorically) a strictly
+ * simple polygon, but calculations can be really significantly time consuming
+ */
+ void booleanOp( ClipperLib::ClipType aType,
+ const SHAPE_POLY_SET& aOtherShape, bool aFastMode = false );
+ void booleanOp( ClipperLib::ClipType aType,
+ const SHAPE_POLY_SET& aShape,
+ const SHAPE_POLY_SET& aOtherShape, bool aFastMode = false );
+ bool pointInPolygon( const VECTOR2I& aP, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& aPath ) const;
+ const ClipperLib::Path convertToClipper( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& aPath, bool aRequiredOrientation );
+ const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN convertFromClipper( const ClipperLib::Path& aPath );
+ typedef std::vector<POLYGON> Polyset;
+ Polyset m_polys;