path: root/OSCAD
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-09-09Subject: Changing all content and name of directory and file to FreeEDAFahim
Description: The content of file,name of directory and file has been changed in the below format. 1. Oscad to FreeEDA 2. OSCAD to FreeEDA 3. oscad to freeeda
2014-09-09Subject: Initial commit for FreeEDAFahim
Description: Remove untitled file from BJT_amplifier example folder
2014-09-02Subject: Python Plotting Changesv1.1Fahim
Description: Below changes were made for python plotting. 1. Changes in 2.Changes in 3.Added new file 4.Added matplot package in the installation script
2014-09-01Subject: Changes in newProject.pyFahim
Description: Changes calling method of kicadtongspice as well as Model Builder.
2014-09-01Subject: kicadtoNgspice GUIFahim
Description: Included kicadtoNgspice GUI developed on PyQt4. Also took the backup of previouse kicadtoNgspice file(Both Tkinter and Terminal based)
2014-08-07Subject: Changes in Oscad Installation Scriptv1.0Fahim
Description: Modified Oscad installation script to install it in one run. Also make few permission changes for desktop icon of OSCAD.
2014-06-27JFET model added in KicadtoNgspiceambikeshwar1991
2014-06-19Subject:Remove bug for srffFahim
Description: changes enable_delay with clk_delay
2014-05-19initial commitJayaram Pai