path: root/FreeEDA/LPCSim/report/figures/VCCS.eps
diff options
authorFahim2014-09-09 16:11:17 +0530
committerFahim2014-09-09 16:11:17 +0530
commitc632c1009c9e095135220c809d7c799841f160b3 (patch)
tree3be2def8313164c3bf32799714ba53a4a1326ed6 /FreeEDA/LPCSim/report/figures/VCCS.eps
parente338c2a59389c22b8cca9a78d75e626ae779c405 (diff)
Subject: Changing all content and name of directory and file to FreeEDA
Description: The content of file,name of directory and file has been changed in the below format. 1. Oscad to FreeEDA 2. OSCAD to FreeEDA 3. oscad to freeeda
Diffstat (limited to 'FreeEDA/LPCSim/report/figures/VCCS.eps')
1 files changed, 800 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FreeEDA/LPCSim/report/figures/VCCS.eps b/FreeEDA/LPCSim/report/figures/VCCS.eps
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+ 4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def
+/reencdict 12 dict def /ReEncode { reencdict begin
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+basefontdict { exch dup /FID ne { dup /Encoding eq
+{ exch dup length array copy newfont 3 1 roll put }
+{ exch newfont 3 1 roll put } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse } forall
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+128 1 255 { newfont /Encoding get exch /.notdef put } for
+newcodesandnames length 2 idiv { newfont /Encoding get 3 1 roll put } repeat
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+/isovec [
+8#055 /minus 8#200 /grave 8#201 /acute 8#202 /circumflex 8#203 /tilde
+8#204 /macron 8#205 /breve 8#206 /dotaccent 8#207 /dieresis
+8#210 /ring 8#211 /cedilla 8#212 /hungarumlaut 8#213 /ogonek 8#214 /caron
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+8#240 /space 8#241 /exclamdown 8#242 /cent 8#243 /sterling
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+8#267 /periodcentered 8#270 /cedilla 8#271 /onesuperior 8#272 /ordmasculine
+8#273 /guillemotright 8#274 /onequarter 8#275 /onehalf
+8#276 /threequarters 8#277 /questiondown 8#300 /Agrave 8#301 /Aacute
+8#302 /Acircumflex 8#303 /Atilde 8#304 /Adieresis 8#305 /Aring
+8#306 /AE 8#307 /Ccedilla 8#310 /Egrave 8#311 /Eacute
+8#312 /Ecircumflex 8#313 /Edieresis 8#314 /Igrave 8#315 /Iacute
+8#316 /Icircumflex 8#317 /Idieresis 8#320 /Eth 8#321 /Ntilde 8#322 /Ograve
+8#323 /Oacute 8#324 /Ocircumflex 8#325 /Otilde 8#326 /Odieresis 8#327 /multiply
+8#330 /Oslash 8#331 /Ugrave 8#332 /Uacute 8#333 /Ucircumflex
+8#334 /Udieresis 8#335 /Yacute 8#336 /Thorn 8#337 /germandbls 8#340 /agrave
+8#341 /aacute 8#342 /acircumflex 8#343 /atilde 8#344 /adieresis 8#345 /aring
+8#346 /ae 8#347 /ccedilla 8#350 /egrave 8#351 /eacute
+8#352 /ecircumflex 8#353 /edieresis 8#354 /igrave 8#355 /iacute
+8#356 /icircumflex 8#357 /idieresis 8#360 /eth 8#361 /ntilde 8#362 /ograve
+8#363 /oacute 8#364 /ocircumflex 8#365 /otilde 8#366 /odieresis 8#367 /divide
+8#370 /oslash 8#371 /ugrave 8#372 /uacute 8#373 /ucircumflex
+8#374 /udieresis 8#375 /yacute 8#376 /thorn 8#377 /ydieresis] def
+/Times-Roman /Times-Roman-iso isovec ReEncode
+/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def
+/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def
+/pageheader {
+newpath 0 74 moveto 0 0 lineto 146 0 lineto 146 74 lineto closepath clip newpath
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+} bind def
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+} bind def
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+% Polyline
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+% Polyline
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+% arrowhead
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+% Polyline
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+n 1575 1200 m
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+% arrowhead
+n 1555 1230 m 1705 1200 l 1555 1170 l 1585 1200 l 1555 1230 l
+ cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col0 s
+% Polyline
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+ 3600 1200 l gs col0 s gr
+% Polyline
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+% arrowhead
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+/Times-Roman-iso ff 200.00 scf sf
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+/Times-Roman-iso ff 200.00 scf sf
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+gs 1 -1 sc (-) col0 sh gr
+% here ends figure;
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+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if