path: root/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/arc-length-and-curvature/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/arc-length-and-curvature/')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/arc-length-and-curvature/ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/arc-length-and-curvature/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dc06bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/arc-length-and-curvature/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+from manimlib.imports import *
+class GR(GraphScene):
+ CONFIG = {
+ "x_axis_label": "",
+ "y_axis_label": "",
+ "x_min": -4,
+ "x_max": 6,
+ "y_min": -6,
+ "y_max": 10,
+ "graph_origin": ORIGIN,
+ 'x_tick_frequency': 20,
+ 'y_tick_frequency': 20
+ }
+ def construct(self):
+ self.setup_axes()
+ def curve(x):
+ return 3 - (3653*x**2)/5292 + (277*x**3)/31752 + (13*x**4)/784 - (17*x**5)/5292 + (170*x**6)/63504
+ graph = FunctionGraph(curve, x_min=-2, x_max=6, stroke_width = 2, color = BLUE)
+ tracker = ValueTracker(-2)
+ text = TextMobject(r'$\because R_{1} > R_{2}$, the curvature at \\ point $P_{1}$ is less than that \\ at point $P_{2}$ as $\kappa = \frac{1}{R}$').shift(3.2*LEFT+3*UP).scale(0.6)
+ dot1 = Dot((0,3,0), color = YELLOW)
+ dot1label = TextMobject(r'$P_{1}$').next_to(dot1, UP+RIGHT, buff = 0.1)
+ dot2 = Dot((2.9,-0.47, 0), color = YELLOW)
+ dot2label = TextMobject(r'$P_{2}$').next_to(dot2, DOWN, buff = 0.1)
+ dots = VGroup(*[dot1, dot2, dot1label, dot2label])
+ def get_tangent_line():
+ line = Line(
+ color=RED,
+ stroke_width=4,
+ )
+ dx = 0.0001
+ x = tracker.get_value()
+ p0 = np.array([x-dx,curve(x-dx),0])
+ p1 = np.array([x, curve(x), 0])
+ p2 = np.array([x + dx, curve(x + dx), 0])
+ angle = angle_of_vector(p2 - p1)
+ line.rotate(angle)
+ line.move_to(p0)
+ return line
+ circle1 = Circle(radius = 0.8, color = GREY, opacity = 0.2).shift(2.2*UP)
+ tgt1 = Line((-2,3,0), (2,3,0), color = GREY, opacity = 0.2).scale(0.4)
+ r1 = Line(circle1.get_center(), circle1.get_center() + np.array([0,0.8,0]), color=GREEN_SCREEN)
+ r1label = TextMobject(r'$R_{1}$',color=WHITE).next_to(r1, RIGHT, buff = 0.1).scale(0.6)
+ curvature1 = VGroup(*[circle1, tgt1, r1, r1label])
+ circle2 = Circle(radius = 0.2, color = GREY, opacity = 0.2).shift(0.3*DOWN + 2.9*RIGHT)
+ tgt2 = Line((4,-2,0), (6, -2, 0), color = GREY, opacity = 0.2).scale(0.5).shift(2.1*LEFT + 1.5*UP)
+ r2 = Line(circle2.get_center(), circle2.get_center() - np.array([0,0.2,0]), color=GREEN_SCREEN)
+ r2label = TextMobject(r'$R_{2}$', color=WHITE).next_to(r2.get_start(), np.array([0,0,0]), buff = 0).scale(0.4)
+ curvature2 = VGroup(*[circle2, tgt2, r2, r2label])
+ line = always_redraw(get_tangent_line)
+ self.add(graph, line, dots, text)
+ self.wait(1.2)
+, 4, rate_func=smooth, run_time=10)
+, FadeIn(curvature2))
+ self.wait(2)
+*[curvature1, curvature2, graph, self.axes, line, dots, text])))
+ self.wait()