path: root/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/div-curl-grad-and-all-that/Curl and Div/
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-rw-r--r--FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/div-curl-grad-and-all-that/Curl and Div/DivCurl_file7_div-formula.py225
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/div-curl-grad-and-all-that/Curl and Div/ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/div-curl-grad-and-all-that/Curl and Div/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e1eab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/div-curl-grad-and-all-that/Curl and Div/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+from manimlib.imports import *
+import numpy as np
+def div(coordinate):
+ x,y = coordinate[:2]
+ return np.array([
+ x,
+ y,
+ 0
+ ])
+class Grid(VMobject):
+ CONFIG = {
+ "height": 6.0,
+ "width": 6.0,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, rows, columns, **kwargs):
+ digest_config(self, kwargs, locals())
+ VMobject.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+ def generate_points(self):
+ x_step = self.width / self.columns
+ y_step = self.height / self.rows
+ for x in np.arange(0, self.width + x_step, x_step):
+ self.add(Line(
+ [x - self.width / 2., -self.height / 2., 0],
+ [x - self.width / 2., self.height / 2., 0],
+ ))
+ for y in np.arange(0, self.height + y_step, y_step):
+ self.add(Line(
+ [-self.width / 2., y - self.height / 2., 0],
+ [self.width / 2., y - self.height / 2., 0]
+ ))
+class ScreenGrid(VGroup):
+ CONFIG = {
+ "rows":8,
+ "columns":14,
+ "height": FRAME_Y_RADIUS*2,
+ "width": 14,
+ "grid_stroke":0.5,
+ "grid_color":WHITE,
+ "axis_color":RED,
+ "axis_stroke":2,
+ "show_points":False,
+ "point_radius":0,
+ "labels_scale":0.5,
+ "labels_buff":0,
+ "number_decimals":2
+ }
+ def __init__(self,**kwargs):
+ VGroup.__init__(self,**kwargs)
+ rows=self.rows
+ columns=self.columns
+ grilla=Grid(width=self.width,height=self.height,rows=rows,columns=columns).set_stroke(self.grid_color,self.grid_stroke)
+ vector_ii=ORIGIN+np.array((-self.width/2,-self.height/2,0))
+ vector_id=ORIGIN+np.array((self.width/2,-self.height/2,0))
+ vector_si=ORIGIN+np.array((-self.width/2,self.height/2,0))
+ vector_sd=ORIGIN+np.array((self.width/2,self.height/2,0))
+ ejes_x=Line(LEFT*self.width/2,RIGHT*self.width/2)
+ ejes_y=Line(DOWN*self.height/2,UP*self.height/2)
+ ejes=VGroup(ejes_x,ejes_y).set_stroke(self.axis_color,self.axis_stroke)
+ divisiones_x=self.width/columns
+ divisiones_y=self.height/rows
+ direcciones_buff_x=[UP,DOWN]
+ direcciones_buff_y=[RIGHT,LEFT]
+ dd_buff=[direcciones_buff_x,direcciones_buff_y]
+ vectores_inicio_x=[vector_ii,vector_si]
+ vectores_inicio_y=[vector_si,vector_sd]
+ vectores_inicio=[vectores_inicio_x,vectores_inicio_y]
+ tam_buff=[0,0]
+ divisiones=[divisiones_x,divisiones_y]
+ orientaciones=[RIGHT,DOWN]
+ puntos=VGroup()
+ leyendas=VGroup()
+ for tipo,division,orientacion,coordenada,vi_c,d_buff in zip([columns,rows],divisiones,orientaciones,[0,1],vectores_inicio,dd_buff):
+ for i in range(1,tipo):
+ for v_i,direcciones_buff in zip(vi_c,d_buff):
+ ubicacion=v_i+orientacion*division*i
+ punto=Dot(ubicacion,radius=self.point_radius)
+ coord=round(punto.get_center()[coordenada],self.number_decimals)
+ leyenda=TextMobject("%s"%coord).scale(self.labels_scale)
+ leyenda.next_to(punto,direcciones_buff,buff=self.labels_buff)
+ puntos.add(punto)
+ leyendas.add(leyenda)
+ self.add(grilla,ejes,leyendas)
+ if self.show_points==True:
+ self.add(puntos)
+class ExpDiv(Scene):
+ def construct(self):
+ #all the text
+ field_text = TexMobject(r"\vec F = P\hat i + Q\hat j").shift(3*UP+5*RIGHT)
+ field_text_2 = TexMobject(r"\vec F = 2x\hat i + 2y\hat j").shift(3*UP+5*RIGHT)
+ p = TexMobject(r"P = 2x").scale(0.8)
+ q = TexMobject(r"Q = 2y").next_to(p, RIGHT).scale(0.8)
+ pq = VGroup(p, q)
+ pq.next_to(field_text_2, DOWN, buff = SMALL_BUFF)
+ dpq = TexMobject(r"\frac{\partial P}{\partial x}", r" \frac{\partial Q}{\partial y}").scale(0.8).next_to(pq, DOWN, buff = LARGE_BUFF)
+ dp_dq = TexMobject(r"\frac{\partial P}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial Q}{\partial y}", r" = \textrm{div} \vec F").scale(0.8).next_to(pq, DOWN, buff = LARGE_BUFF)
+ #dp_dq1 = TexMobject(r" = \textrm{div} \vec F").scale(0.8)
+ #dp_dq1.next_to(dp_dq[0], DOWN, buff = SMALL_BUFF)
+ dp_text = TexMobject(r"\frac{\partial P}{\partial x}\textit{: the rate of change of the horizontal component as x increases}").shift(3*DOWN).scale(0.8)
+ dq_text = TexMobject(r"\frac{\partial Q}{\partial y}\textit{: the rate of change of the vertical component as y increases}").shift(3*DOWN).scale(0.8)
+ vector_field = VectorField(div, x_min = -4, x_max = 4, y_min = -4, y_max = 4).shift(1.5*LEFT)
+ x_comps=VGroup()
+ y_comps=VGroup()
+ for vector in vector_field:
+ x = Vector(RIGHT, color = BLUE_E)
+ y = Vector(UP, color= YELLOW_E)
+ x.put_start_and_end_on(vector.points[0], np.array([vector.get_end()[0],vector.points[0][1],0]))
+ y.put_start_and_end_on(vector.points[0], np.array([vector.points[0][0],vector.get_end()[1],0]))
+ x_comps.add(x)
+ y_comps.add(y)
+ line1 = Arrow(4*LEFT, 4*RIGHT).shift(3.5*DOWN+1.5*LEFT)
+ line2 = Arrow(4*DOWN, 4*UP).shift(3*RIGHT)
+ # f(x) = x**2
+ fx = lambda x: x.get_value()/10
+ # ValueTrackers definition
+ x_value = ValueTracker(-4)
+ fx_value = ValueTracker(fx(x_value))
+ # DecimalNumber definition
+ x_tex = DecimalNumber(x_value.get_value()).add_updater(lambda v: v.set_value(x_value.get_value()))
+ fx_tex = DecimalNumber(fx_value.get_value()).add_updater(lambda v: v.set_value(fx(x_value)))
+ # TeX labels definition
+ x_label = TexMobject("x = ")
+ fx_label = TexMobject("P = ")
+ # Grouping of labels and numbers
+ group = VGroup(x_tex,fx_tex,x_label,fx_label).scale(0.8)
+ VGroup(x_tex, fx_tex).arrange_submobjects(DOWN,buff=0.3)
+ # Align labels and numbers
+ x_label.next_to(x_tex,LEFT, buff=0.1,aligned_edge=x_label.get_bottom())
+ fx_label.next_to(fx_tex,LEFT, buff=0.1,aligned_edge=fx_label.get_bottom())
+ fy = lambda y: y.get_value()/10
+ # ValueTrackers definition
+ y_value = ValueTracker(-4)
+ fy_value = ValueTracker(fy(y_value))
+ # DecimalNumber definition
+ y_tex = DecimalNumber(y_value.get_value()).add_updater(lambda v: v.set_value(y_value.get_value()))
+ fy_tex = DecimalNumber(fy_value.get_value()).add_updater(lambda v: v.set_value(fy(y_value)))
+ # Tey labels definition
+ y_label = TexMobject("y = ")
+ fy_label = TexMobject("Q = ")
+ # Grouping of labels and numbers
+ group_2 = VGroup(y_tex,fy_tex,y_label,fy_label).scale(0.8)
+ VGroup(y_tex, fy_tex).arrange_submobjects(DOWN,buff=0.3)
+ # Align labels and numbers
+ y_label.next_to(y_tex,LEFT, buff=0.1,aligned_edge=y_label.get_bottom())
+ fy_label.next_to(fy_tex,LEFT, buff=0.1,aligned_edge=fy_label.get_bottom())
+ self.wait()
+, ReplacementTransform(field_text, field_text_2))
+ self.wait()
+, ShowCreation(q), FadeOut(vector_field))
+ self.wait()
+[0]), ShowCreation(x_comps))
+ self.wait()
+ self.wait()
+ self.add(group.move_to(5*RIGHT+3*DOWN))
+ x_value.set_value,4,
+ rate_func=linear,
+ run_time=3
+ )
+ self.wait(2)
+, FadeOut(line1), ApplyFunction(lambda a:a.fade(), x_comps))
+[1]), ShowCreation(y_comps))
+ self.wait(2)
+ self.wait()
+ self.add(group_2.move_to(5*RIGHT+3*DOWN))
+ y_value.set_value,4,
+ rate_func=linear,
+ run_time=3
+ )
+ self.wait(2)
+, dp_dq), FadeOut(line2), ReplacementTransform(x_comps, vector_field), ReplacementTransform(y_comps, vector_field), FadeOut(group_2))
+ self.wait()