path: root/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/
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authorVaishnavi2020-06-24 04:34:04 +0530
committerGitHub2020-06-24 04:34:04 +0530
commit1e9bdf332754d334c03d5486635d74cd613ce7bc (patch)
tree62baa0d776b4d7f480db5c4cf7508a7d173f80bc /FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/
parent581ad7f906e4b9a13d5fe963229d458f0abff7f2 (diff)
parented86b5f6d84efe35cea6b63b4f7d6afce8cde4b7 (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from FOSSEE/master
update fork. DONE
Diffstat (limited to 'FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/')
1 files changed, 429 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad78a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+from manimlib.imports import *
+class IterationMethods(GraphScene):
+ CONFIG = {
+ "x_min" : 0,
+ "x_max" : 1,
+ "y_min" : 0,
+ "y_max" : 1,
+ "x_tick_frequency" : 1,
+ "y_tick_frequency" : 1,
+ "x_labeled_nums": list(np.arange(0,2)),
+ "y_labeled_nums": list(np.arange(0 ,2)),
+ "x_axis_width": 6,
+ "y_axis_height": 6,
+ "graph_origin": ORIGIN+4.5*LEFT+3*DOWN,
+ "area_color": PINK ,
+ "area_opacity": .6,
+ }
+ def construct(self):
+ X = RIGHT*self.x_axis_width/(self.x_max- self.x_min)
+ Y = UP*self.y_axis_height/(self.y_max- self.y_min)
+ self.intro_scene()
+ self.setup_axes(animate=True)
+ curve1= self.get_graph(
+ lambda x : x**2 ,
+ x_min = 0,
+ x_max = 1,
+ color = ORANGE)
+ c1_eqn=self.get_graph_label(
+ curve1,
+ label="y=x^2",
+ x_val=.5,
+ direction=RIGHT,
+ color=ORANGE,
+ )
+ curve2= self.get_graph(
+ lambda x : x ,
+ x_min = 0,
+ x_max = 1,
+ color = YELLOW)
+ c2_eqn=self.get_graph_label(
+ curve2,
+ label="y=x",
+ x_val=.7,
+ direction=LEFT,
+ color=YELLOW,
+ )
+ self.curve1=curve1
+ self.curve2=curve2
+ caption_limit=TextMobject(r"Observe the limits\\ of integration").to_corner(UR)
+ int_lim=TextMobject(
+ "$$\\int_0^1$$"
+ ).next_to(
+ caption_limit,DOWN,buff=.5
+ ).align_to(
+ caption_limit,LEFT
+ )
+ self.int_lim=int_lim
+ self.get_rects()
+ self.show_integral_values_at_different_x()
+ self.wait(1)
+ self.integral_setup(int_lim,first_y=True)
+ self.another_method_scene()
+ self.remove(self.area)
+ self.wait()
+ c1_eqn_y=self.get_graph_label(
+ curve1,
+ label="x=\sqrt y",
+ x_val=.6,
+ direction=RIGHT,
+ color=ORANGE,
+ )
+ c2_eqn_y=self.get_graph_label(
+ curve2,
+ label="x=y",
+ x_val=.7,
+ direction=LEFT,
+ color=YELLOW,
+ )
+ ReplacementTransform(c1_eqn,c1_eqn_y),
+ ReplacementTransform(c2_eqn,c2_eqn_y)
+ )
+ self.get_rects(base_y=True)
+ self.show_integral_values_at_different_y()
+ self.wait(1)
+ int_lim_y=int_lim.copy()
+ int_lim_y.next_to(int_lim,DOWN)
+ self.int_lim_y=int_lim_y
+ equal=TextMobject("$$=$$").next_to(int_lim_y,LEFT)
+ self.add(equal)
+ self.integral_setup(int_lim_y,first_y=False)
+ self.wait(2)
+ ###################
+ def intro_scene(self):
+ text=TextMobject(r"How different orders of \textbf{iterated integral}\\ works over the same region ?" )
+ self.wait(2)
+ def another_method_scene(self):
+ text=TextMobject(r"The other method\\ of iteration")
+ text.next_to(self.curve1,UP,buff=-1)
+ self.wait(2)
+ def integral_setup(self,ref_object,first_y=True):
+ if first_y:
+ area=self.get_area()
+ self.area=area
+ self.y_int.next_to,
+ ref_object,RIGHT,buff=0)
+ )
+ self.dx_label.next_to,
+ self.y_int,RIGHT),
+ ShowCreation(area),
+ Write(self.int_lim),run_time=4
+ )
+ else:
+ area=self.get_area(base_y=True)
+ self.area=area
+ FadeOut(self.y_brace_group),
+ Rotate(self.x_int,PI/2)
+ )
+ self.x_int.next_to,
+ ref_object,RIGHT,buff=0)
+ )
+ self.dy_label.next_to,
+ self.x_int,RIGHT),
+ ShowCreation(area),
+ Write(self.int_lim_y),run_time=4
+ )
+ def get_area(self,base_y=False):
+ if base_y:
+ area = self.bounded_riemann_rectangles_y(
+ lambda x: x,
+ lambda x: np.sqrt(x),
+ y_min = 0,
+ y_max = 1,
+ dy =.001,
+ start_color = self.area_color,
+ end_color = self.area_color,
+ fill_opacity =self.area_opacity,
+ stroke_width = 0,
+ )
+ self.y_area = area
+ else:
+ area = self.bounded_riemann_rectangles(
+ self.curve1,
+ self.curve2,
+ x_min = 0,
+ x_max = 1,
+ dx =.001,
+ start_color = self.area_color,
+ end_color = self.area_color,
+ fill_opacity =self.area_opacity,
+ stroke_width = 0,
+ )
+ self.area = area
+ # self.transform_between_riemann_rects(self.rects,area)
+ return area
+ def get_rects(self,base_y=False):
+ if base_y:
+ rects = self.bounded_riemann_rectangles_y(
+ lambda x: x,
+ lambda x: np.sqrt(x),
+ y_min = 0,
+ y_max = 1,
+ dy =.01,
+ start_color = self.area_color,
+ end_color = self.area_color,
+ fill_opacity =self.area_opacity,
+ stroke_width = 0,
+ )
+ self.y_rects=rects
+ else:
+ rects = self.bounded_riemann_rectangles(
+ self.curve1,
+ self.curve2,
+ x_min = 0,
+ x_max = 1,
+ dx =.01,
+ start_color = self.area_color,
+ end_color = self.area_color,
+ fill_opacity =self.area_opacity,
+ stroke_width = 0,
+ )
+ self.rects=rects
+ # self.transform_between_riemann_rects(self.area,rects)
+ return rects
+ def show_integral_values_at_different_x(self):
+ rects=self.rects
+ rect = rects[len(rects)*1//10]
+ dx_brace = Brace(rect, DOWN, buff = 0)
+ dx_label = dx_brace.get_text("$dx$", buff = SMALL_BUFF)
+ dx_brace_group = VGroup(dx_brace,dx_label)
+ rp=int(len(rects)/20)
+ rects_subset = rects[6*rp:7*rp]
+ last_rect = None
+ for rect in rects_subset:
+ brace = Brace(rect, LEFT, buff =.1)
+ y_int = TexMobject("\\int_{x^2}^{x}dy")#.rotate(PI/2)
+ y_int.next_to(brace, LEFT, MED_SMALL_BUFF)
+ anims = [
+ rect.set_fill, self.area_color, 1,
+ dx_brace_group.next_to, rect, DOWN, SMALL_BUFF
+ ]
+ if last_rect is not None:
+ anims += [
+ last_rect.set_fill, None, 0,
+ # last_rect.set_fill, self.area_color, self.area_opacity,
+ ReplacementTransform(last_brace, brace),
+ ReplacementTransform(last_y_int, y_int),
+ ]
+ else:
+ anims += [
+ GrowFromCenter(brace),
+ Write(y_int)
+ ]
+ # self.wait(.2)
+ last_rect = rect
+ last_brace = brace
+ last_y_int = y_int
+ y_int = last_y_int
+ y_brace = last_brace
+ self.brace_group=VGroup(y_brace,dx_brace,rect)
+ self.y_int=y_int
+ self.dx_label=dx_label
+ def show_integral_values_at_different_y(self):
+ rects=self.y_rects
+ rect = rects[len(rects)*1//10]
+ dy_brace = Brace(rect, LEFT, buff = 0)
+ dy_label = dy_brace.get_text("$dy$", buff = SMALL_BUFF)
+ dy_brace_group = VGroup(dy_brace,dy_label)
+ rp=int(len(rects)/20)
+ rects_subset = rects[5*rp:6*rp]
+ last_rect = None
+ for rect in rects_subset:
+ brace = Brace(rect, DOWN, buff =.1)
+ x_int = TexMobject("\\int_{y}^{\sqrt y}dx").rotate(-PI/2)
+ x_int.next_to(brace, DOWN, SMALL_BUFF)
+ anims = [
+ rect.set_fill, self.area_color, 1,
+ dy_brace_group.next_to, rect, LEFT, SMALL_BUFF
+ ]
+ if last_rect is not None:
+ anims += [
+ last_rect.set_fill, None, 0,
+ # last_rect.set_fill, self.area_color, self.area_opacity,
+ ReplacementTransform(last_brace, brace),
+ ReplacementTransform(last_x_int, x_int),
+ ]
+ else:
+ anims += [
+ GrowFromCenter(brace),
+ Write(x_int)
+ ]
+ # self.wait(.2)
+ last_rect = rect
+ last_brace = brace
+ last_x_int = x_int
+ x_int = last_x_int
+ y_brace = last_brace
+ self.y_brace_group=VGroup(y_brace,dy_brace,rect)
+ self.x_int=x_int
+ self.dy_label=dy_label
+ def bounded_riemann_rectangles(
+ self,
+ graph1,
+ graph2,
+ x_min=None,
+ x_max=None,
+ dx=0.01,
+ input_sample_type="center",
+ stroke_width=1,
+ stroke_color=BLACK,
+ fill_opacity=1,
+ start_color=None,
+ end_color=None,
+ show_signed_area=True,
+ width_scale_factor=1.001
+ ):
+ x_min = x_min if x_min is not None else self.x_min
+ x_max = x_max if x_max is not None else self.x_max
+ if start_color is None:
+ start_color = self.default_riemann_start_color
+ if end_color is None:
+ end_color = self.default_riemann_end_color
+ rectangles = VGroup()
+ x_range = np.arange(x_min, x_max, dx)
+ colors = color_gradient([start_color, end_color], len(x_range))
+ for x, color in zip(x_range, colors):
+ if input_sample_type == "left":
+ sample_input = x
+ elif input_sample_type == "right":
+ sample_input = x + dx
+ elif input_sample_type == "center":
+ sample_input = x + 0.5 * dx
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Invalid input sample type")
+ graph1_point = self.input_to_graph_point(sample_input, graph1)
+ graph1_point_dx= self.input_to_graph_point(sample_input + width_scale_factor * dx, graph1)
+ graph2_point = self.input_to_graph_point(sample_input, graph2)
+ points = VGroup(*list(map(VectorizedPoint, [
+ graph1_point,
+ graph1_point_dx,
+ graph2_point
+ ])))
+ rect = Rectangle()
+ rect.replace(points, stretch=True)
+ if graph1_point[1] < self.graph_origin[1] and show_signed_area:
+ fill_color = invert_color(color)
+ else:
+ fill_color = color
+ rect.set_fill(fill_color, opacity=fill_opacity)
+ rect.set_stroke(stroke_color, width=stroke_width)
+ rectangles.add(rect)
+ return rectangles
+ def bounded_riemann_rectangles_y(
+ self,
+ graph1,
+ graph2,
+ y_min=None,
+ y_max=None,
+ dy=0.01,
+ input_sample_type="center",
+ stroke_width=1,
+ stroke_color=BLACK,
+ fill_opacity=1,
+ start_color=None,
+ end_color=None,
+ show_signed_area=True,
+ width_scale_factor=1.001
+ ):
+ y_min = y_min if y_min is not None else self.y_min
+ y_max = y_max if y_max is not None else self.y_max
+ if start_color is None:
+ start_color = self.default_riemann_start_color
+ if end_color is None:
+ end_color = self.default_riemann_end_color
+ rectangles = VGroup()
+ y_range = np.arange(y_min, y_max, dy)
+ colors = color_gradient([start_color, end_color], len(y_range))
+ for y, color in zip(y_range, colors):
+ if input_sample_type == "left":
+ sample_input = y
+ elif input_sample_type == "right":
+ sample_input = y + dy
+ elif input_sample_type == "center":
+ sample_input = y + 0.5 * dy
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Invalid input sample type")
+ graph1_point = self.coords_to_point(
+ graph1(sample_input),sample_input
+ )
+ dy_input=sample_input + width_scale_factor * dy
+ graph1_point_dy= self.coords_to_point(
+ graph1(dy_input),dy_input
+ )
+ graph2_point = self.coords_to_point(
+ graph2(sample_input),sample_input
+ )
+ points = VGroup(*list(map(VectorizedPoint, [
+ graph1_point,
+ graph1_point_dy,
+ graph2_point
+ ])))
+ rect = Rectangle()
+ rect.replace(points, stretch=True)
+ if graph1_point[1] < self.graph_origin[1] and show_signed_area:
+ fill_color = invert_color(color)
+ else:
+ fill_color = color
+ rect.set_fill(fill_color, opacity=fill_opacity)
+ rect.set_stroke(stroke_color, width=stroke_width)
+ rectangles.add(rect)
+ return rectangles
+#uploaded by Somnath Pandit.FSF2020_Fubini's_Theorem