path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/hdf
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/hdf')
1 files changed, 707 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/hdf/hdf5.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/hdf/hdf5.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c6deaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/hdf/hdf5.hpp
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+ * Software License Agreement (BSD License)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015
+ * Balint Cristian <cristian dot balint at gmail dot com>
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ * with the distribution.
+ * * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ * from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __OPENCV_HDF5_HPP__
+#define __OPENCV_HDF5_HPP__
+#include <vector>
+namespace cv
+namespace hdf
+using namespace std;
+//! @addtogroup hdf5
+//! @{
+/** @brief Hierarchical Data Format version 5 interface.
+Notice that module is compiled only when hdf5 is correctly installed.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP enum
+ {
+ H5_UNLIMITED = -1, H5_NONE = -1, H5_GETDIMS = 100, H5_GETMAXDIMS = 101, H5_GETCHUNKDIMS = 102,
+ };
+ virtual ~HDF5() {}
+ /** @brief Close and release hdf5 object.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void close( ) = 0;
+ /** @brief Create a group.
+ @param grlabel specify the hdf5 group label.
+ Create a hdf5 group.
+ @note Groups are useful for better organise multiple datasets. It is possible to create subgroups within any group.
+ Existence of a particular group can be checked using hlexists(). In case of subgroups label would be e.g: 'Group1/SubGroup1'
+ where SubGroup1 is within the root group Group1.
+ - In this example Group1 will have one subgrup labeled SubGroup1:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // create Group1 if does not exists
+ if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "Group1" ) )
+ h5io->grcreate( "Group1" );
+ else
+ printf("Group1 already created, skipping\n" );
+ // create SubGroup1 if does not exists
+ if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "Group1/SubGroup1" ) )
+ h5io->grcreate( "Group1/SubGroup1" );
+ else
+ printf("SubGroup1 already created, skipping\n" );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ @note When a dataset is created with dscreate() or kpcreate() it can be created right within a group by specifying
+ full path within the label, in our example would be: 'Group1/SubGroup1/MyDataSet'. It is not thread safe.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void grcreate( String grlabel ) = 0;
+ /** @brief Check if label exists or not.
+ @param label specify the hdf5 dataset label.
+ Returns **true** if dataset exists, and **false** if does not.
+ @note Checks if dataset, group or other object type (hdf5 link) exists under the label name. It is thread safe.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual bool hlexists( String label ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dscreate( const int rows, const int cols, const int type,
+ String dslabel ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dscreate( const int rows, const int cols, const int type,
+ String dslabel, const int compresslevel ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dscreate( const int rows, const int cols, const int type,
+ String dslabel, const int compresslevel, const vector<int>& dims_chunks ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Create and allocate storage for two dimensional single or multi channel dataset.
+ @param rows declare amount of rows
+ @param cols declare amount of cols
+ @param type type to be used
+ @param dslabel specify the hdf5 dataset label, any existing dataset with the same label will be overwritten.
+ @param compresslevel specify the compression level 0-9 to be used, H5_NONE is default and means no compression.
+ @param dims_chunks each array member specify chunking sizes to be used for block i/o,
+ by default NULL means none at all.
+ @note If the dataset already exists an exception will be thrown.
+ - Existence of the dataset can be checked using hlexists(), see in this example:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // create space for 100x50 CV_64FC2 matrix
+ if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "hilbert" ) )
+ h5io->dscreate( 100, 50, CV_64FC2, "hilbert" );
+ else
+ printf("DS already created, skipping\n" );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ @note Activating compression requires internal chunking. Chunking can significantly improve access
+ speed booth at read or write time especially for windowed access logic that shifts offset inside dataset.
+ If no custom chunking is specified default one will be invoked by the size of **whole** dataset
+ as single big chunk of data.
+ - See example of level 9 compression using internal default chunking:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // create level 9 compressed space for CV_64FC2 matrix
+ if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "hilbert", 9 ) )
+ h5io->dscreate( 100, 50, CV_64FC2, "hilbert", 9 );
+ else
+ printf("DS already created, skipping\n" );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ @note A value of H5_UNLIMITED for **rows** or **cols** or booth means **unlimited** data on the specified dimension,
+ thus is possible to expand anytime such dataset on row, col or booth directions. Presence of H5_UNLIMITED on any
+ dimension **require** to define custom chunking. No default chunking will be defined in unlimited scenario since
+ default size on that dimension will be zero, and will grow once dataset is written. Writing into dataset that have
+ H5_UNLIMITED on some of its dimension requires dsinsert() that allow growth on unlimited dimension instead of dswrite()
+ that allows to write only in predefined data space.
+ - Example below shows no compression but unlimited dimension on cols using 100x100 internal chunking:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // create level 9 compressed space for CV_64FC2 matrix
+ int chunks[2] = { 100, 100 };
+ h5io->dscreate( 100, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, CV_64FC2, "hilbert", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, chunks );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ @note It is **not** thread safe, it must be called only once at dataset creation otherwise exception will occur.
+ Multiple datasets inside single hdf5 file is allowed.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dscreate( const int rows, const int cols, const int type,
+ String dslabel, const int compresslevel, const int* dims_chunks ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dscreate( const int n_dims, const int* sizes, const int type,
+ String dslabel ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dscreate( const int n_dims, const int* sizes, const int type,
+ String dslabel, const int compresslevel ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dscreate( const vector<int>& sizes, const int type,
+ String dslabel, const int compresslevel = HDF5::H5_NONE,
+ const vector<int>& dims_chunks = vector<int>() ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Create and allocate storage for n-dimensional dataset, single or mutichannel type.
+ @param n_dims declare number of dimensions
+ @param sizes array containing sizes for each dimensions
+ @param type type to be used
+ @param dslabel specify the hdf5 dataset label, any existing dataset with the same label will be overwritten.
+ @param compresslevel specify the compression level 0-9 to be used, H5_NONE is default and means no compression.
+ @param dims_chunks each array member specify chunking sizes to be used for block i/o,
+ by default NULL means none at all.
+ @note If the dataset already exists an exception will be thrown. Existence of the dataset can be checked
+ using hlexists().
+ - See example below that creates a 6 dimensional storage space:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // create space for 6 dimensional CV_64FC2 matrix
+ if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "nddata" ) )
+ int n_dims = 5;
+ int dsdims[n_dims] = { 100, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 };
+ h5io->dscreate( n_dims, sizes, CV_64FC2, "nddata" );
+ else
+ printf("DS already created, skipping\n" );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ @note Activating compression requires internal chunking. Chunking can significantly improve access
+ speed booth at read or write time especially for windowed access logic that shifts offset inside dataset.
+ If no custom chunking is specified default one will be invoked by the size of **whole** dataset
+ as single big chunk of data.
+ - See example of level 0 compression (shallow) using chunking against first
+ dimension, thus storage will consists by 100 chunks of data:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // create space for 6 dimensional CV_64FC2 matrix
+ if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "nddata" ) )
+ int n_dims = 5;
+ int dsdims[n_dims] = { 100, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 };
+ int chunks[n_dims] = { 1, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 };
+ h5io->dscreate( n_dims, dsdims, CV_64FC2, "nddata", 0, chunks );
+ else
+ printf("DS already created, skipping\n" );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ @note A value of H5_UNLIMITED inside the **sizes** array means **unlimited** data on that dimension, thus is
+ possible to expand anytime such dataset on those unlimited directions. Presence of H5_UNLIMITED on any dimension
+ **require** to define custom chunking. No default chunking will be defined in unlimited scenario since default size
+ on that dimension will be zero, and will grow once dataset is written. Writing into dataset that have H5_UNLIMITED on
+ some of its dimension requires dsinsert() instead of dswrite() that allow growth on unlimited dimension instead of
+ dswrite() that allows to write only in predefined data space.
+ - Example below shows a 3 dimensional dataset using no compression with all unlimited sizes and one unit chunking:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ int n_dims = 3;
+ int chunks[n_dims] = { 1, 1, 1 };
+ int dsdims[n_dims] = { cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED };
+ h5io->dscreate( n_dims, dsdims, CV_64FC2, "nddata", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, chunks );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dscreate( const int n_dims, const int* sizes, const int type,
+ String dslabel, const int compresslevel, const int* dims_chunks ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Fetch dataset sizes
+ @param dslabel specify the hdf5 dataset label to be measured.
+ @param dims_flag will fetch dataset dimensions on H5_GETDIMS, and dataset maximum dimensions on H5_GETMAXDIMS.
+ Returns vector object containing sizes of dataset on each dimensions.
+ @note Resulting vector size will match the amount of dataset dimensions. By default H5_GETDIMS will return
+ actual dataset dimensions. Using H5_GETMAXDIM flag will get maximum allowed dimension which normally match
+ actual dataset dimension but can hold H5_UNLIMITED value if dataset was prepared in **unlimited** mode on
+ some of its dimension. It can be useful to check existing dataset dimensions before overwrite it as whole or subset.
+ Trying to write with oversized source data into dataset target will thrown exception. The H5_GETCHUNKDIMS will
+ return the dimension of chunk if dataset was created with chunking options otherwise returned vector size
+ will be zero.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual vector<int> dsgetsize( String dslabel, int dims_flag = HDF5::H5_GETDIMS ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Fetch dataset type
+ @param dslabel specify the hdf5 dataset label to be checked.
+ Returns the stored matrix type. This is an identifier compatible with the CvMat type system,
+ like e.g. CV_16SC5 (16-bit signed 5-channel array), and so on.
+ @note Result can be parsed with CV_MAT_CN() to obtain amount of channels and CV_MAT_DEPTH() to obtain native cvdata type.
+ It is thread safe.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual int dsgettype( String dslabel ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dswrite( InputArray Array, String dslabel ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dswrite( InputArray Array, String dslabel,
+ const int* dims_offset ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dswrite( InputArray Array, String dslabel,
+ const vector<int>& dims_offset,
+ const vector<int>& dims_counts = vector<int>() ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Write or overwrite a Mat object into specified dataset of hdf5 file.
+ @param Array specify Mat data array to be written.
+ @param dslabel specify the target hdf5 dataset label.
+ @param dims_offset each array member specify the offset location
+ over dataset's each dimensions from where InputArray will be (over)written into dataset.
+ @param dims_counts each array member specify the amount of data over dataset's
+ each dimensions from InputArray that will be written into dataset.
+ Writes Mat object into targeted dataset.
+ @note If dataset is not created and does not exist it will be created **automatically**. Only Mat is supported and
+ it must to be **continuous**. It is thread safe but it is recommended that writes to happen over separate non overlapping
+ regions. Multiple datasets can be written inside single hdf5 file.
+ - Example below writes a 100x100 CV_64FC2 matrix into a dataset. No dataset precreation required. If routine
+ is called multiple times dataset will be just overwritten:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // dual channel hilbert matrix
+ cv::Mat H(100, 100, CV_64FC2);
+ for(int i = 0; i < H.rows; i++)
+ for(int j = 0; j < H.cols; j++)
+ {
+<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[0] = 1./(i+j+1);
+<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[1] = -1./(i+j+1);
+ count++;
+ }
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // write / overwrite dataset
+ h5io->dswrite( H, "hilbert" );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ - Example below writes a smaller 50x100 matrix into 100x100 compressed space optimised by two 50x100 chunks.
+ Matrix is written twice into first half (0->50) and second half (50->100) of data space using offset.
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // dual channel hilbert matrix
+ cv::Mat H(50, 100, CV_64FC2);
+ for(int i = 0; i < H.rows; i++)
+ for(int j = 0; j < H.cols; j++)
+ {
+<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[0] = 1./(i+j+1);
+<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[1] = -1./(i+j+1);
+ count++;
+ }
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // optimise dataset by two chunks
+ int chunks[2] = { 50, 100 };
+ // create 100x100 CV_64FC2 compressed space
+ h5io->dscreate( 100, 100, CV_64FC2, "hilbert", 9, chunks );
+ // write into first half
+ int offset1[2] = { 0, 0 };
+ h5io->dswrite( H, "hilbert", offset1 );
+ // write into second half
+ int offset2[2] = { 50, 0 };
+ h5io->dswrite( H, "hilbert", offset2 );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dswrite( InputArray Array, String dslabel,
+ const int* dims_offset, const int* dims_counts ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dsinsert( InputArray Array, String dslabel ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dsinsert( InputArray Array,
+ String dslabel, const int* dims_offset ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dsinsert( InputArray Array,
+ String dslabel, const vector<int>& dims_offset,
+ const vector<int>& dims_counts = vector<int>() ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Insert or overwrite a Mat object into specified dataset and autoexpand dataset size if **unlimited** property allows.
+ @param Array specify Mat data array to be written.
+ @param dslabel specify the target hdf5 dataset label.
+ @param dims_offset each array member specify the offset location
+ over dataset's each dimensions from where InputArray will be (over)written into dataset.
+ @param dims_counts each array member specify the amount of data over dataset's
+ each dimensions from InputArray that will be written into dataset.
+ Writes Mat object into targeted dataset and **autoexpand** dataset dimension if allowed.
+ @note Unlike dswrite(), datasets are **not** created **automatically**. Only Mat is supported and it must to be **continuous**.
+ If dsinsert() happen over outer regions of dataset dimensions and on that dimension of dataset is in **unlimited** mode then
+ dataset is expanded, otherwise exception is thrown. To create datasets with **unlimited** property on specific or more
+ dimensions see dscreate() and the optional H5_UNLIMITED flag at creation time. It is not thread safe over same dataset
+ but multiple datasets can be merged inside single hdf5 file.
+ - Example below creates **unlimited** rows x 100 cols and expand rows 5 times with dsinsert() using single 100x100 CV_64FC2
+ over the dataset. Final size will have 5x100 rows and 100 cols, reflecting H matrix five times over row's span. Chunks size is
+ 100x100 just optimized against the H matrix size having compression disabled. If routine is called multiple times dataset will be
+ just overwritten:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // dual channel hilbert matrix
+ cv::Mat H(50, 100, CV_64FC2);
+ for(int i = 0; i < H.rows; i++)
+ for(int j = 0; j < H.cols; j++)
+ {
+<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[0] = 1./(i+j+1);
+<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[1] = -1./(i+j+1);
+ count++;
+ }
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // optimise dataset by chunks
+ int chunks[2] = { 100, 100 };
+ // create Unlimited x 100 CV_64FC2 space
+ h5io->dscreate( cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, 100, CV_64FC2, "hilbert", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, chunks );
+ // write into first half
+ int offset[2] = { 0, 0 };
+ for ( int t = 0; t < 5; t++ )
+ {
+ offset[0] += 100 * t;
+ h5io->dsinsert( H, "hilbert", offset );
+ }
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dsinsert( InputArray Array, String dslabel,
+ const int* dims_offset, const int* dims_counts ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dsread( OutputArray Array, String dslabel ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dsread( OutputArray Array,
+ String dslabel, const int* dims_offset ) const = 0;
+ /* @overload */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dsread( OutputArray Array, String dslabel,
+ const vector<int>& dims_offset,
+ const vector<int>& dims_counts = vector<int>() ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Read specific dataset from hdf5 file into Mat object.
+ @param Array Mat container where data reads will be returned.
+ @param dslabel specify the source hdf5 dataset label.
+ @param dims_offset each array member specify the offset location over
+ each dimensions from where dataset starts to read into OutputArray.
+ @param dims_counts each array member specify the amount over dataset's each
+ dimensions of dataset to read into OutputArray.
+ Reads out Mat object reflecting the stored dataset.
+ @note If hdf5 file does not exist an exception will be thrown. Use hlexists() to check dataset presence.
+ It is thread safe.
+ - Example below reads a dataset:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // blank Mat container
+ cv::Mat H;
+ // read hibert dataset
+ h5io->read( H, "hilbert" );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ - Example below perform read of 3x5 submatrix from second row and third element.
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // blank Mat container
+ cv::Mat H;
+ int offset[2] = { 1, 2 };
+ int counts[2] = { 3, 5 };
+ // read hibert dataset
+ h5io->read( H, "hilbert", offset, counts );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual void dsread( OutputArray Array, String dslabel,
+ const int* dims_offset, const int* dims_counts ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Fetch keypoint dataset size
+ @param kplabel specify the hdf5 dataset label to be measured.
+ @param dims_flag will fetch dataset dimensions on H5_GETDIMS, and dataset maximum dimensions on H5_GETMAXDIMS.
+ Returns size of keypoints dataset.
+ @note Resulting size will match the amount of keypoints. By default H5_GETDIMS will return actual dataset dimension.
+ Using H5_GETMAXDIM flag will get maximum allowed dimension which normally match actual dataset dimension but can hold
+ H5_UNLIMITED value if dataset was prepared in **unlimited** mode. It can be useful to check existing dataset dimension
+ before overwrite it as whole or subset. Trying to write with oversized source data into dataset target will thrown
+ exception. The H5_GETCHUNKDIMS will return the dimension of chunk if dataset was created with chunking options otherwise
+ returned vector size will be zero.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP virtual int kpgetsize( String kplabel, int dims_flag = HDF5::H5_GETDIMS ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Create and allocate special storage for cv::KeyPoint dataset.
+ @param size declare fixed number of KeyPoints
+ @param kplabel specify the hdf5 dataset label, any existing dataset with the same label will be overwritten.
+ @param compresslevel specify the compression level 0-9 to be used, H5_NONE is default and means no compression.
+ @param chunks each array member specify chunking sizes to be used for block i/o,
+ H5_NONE is default and means no compression.
+ @note If the dataset already exists an exception will be thrown. Existence of the dataset can be checked
+ using hlexists().
+ - See example below that creates space for 100 keypoints in the dataset:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "keypoints" ) )
+ h5io->kpcreate( 100, "keypoints" );
+ else
+ printf("DS already created, skipping\n" );
+ @endcode
+ @note A value of H5_UNLIMITED for **size** means **unlimited** keypoints, thus is possible to expand anytime such
+ dataset by adding or inserting. Presence of H5_UNLIMITED **require** to define custom chunking. No default chunking
+ will be defined in unlimited scenario since default size on that dimension will be zero, and will grow once dataset
+ is written. Writing into dataset that have H5_UNLIMITED on some of its dimension requires kpinsert() that allow
+ growth on unlimited dimension instead of kpwrite() that allows to write only in predefined data space.
+ - See example below that creates unlimited space for keypoints chunking size of 100 but no compression:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "keypoints" ) )
+ h5io->kpcreate( cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, "keypoints", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, 100 );
+ else
+ printf("DS already created, skipping\n" );
+ @endcode
+ */
+ virtual void kpcreate( const int size, String kplabel,
+ const int compresslevel = H5_NONE, const int chunks = H5_NONE ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Write or overwrite list of KeyPoint into specified dataset of hdf5 file.
+ @param keypoints specify keypoints data list to be written.
+ @param kplabel specify the target hdf5 dataset label.
+ @param offset specify the offset location on dataset from where keypoints will be (over)written into dataset.
+ @param counts specify the amount of keypoints that will be written into dataset.
+ Writes vector<KeyPoint> object into targeted dataset.
+ @note If dataset is not created and does not exist it will be created **automatically**. It is thread safe but
+ it is recommended that writes to happen over separate non overlapping regions. Multiple datasets can be written
+ inside single hdf5 file.
+ - Example below writes a 100 keypoints into a dataset. No dataset precreation required. If routine is called multiple
+ times dataset will be just overwritten:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // generate 100 dummy keypoints
+ std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ keypoints.push_back( cv::KeyPoint(i, -i, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1) );
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // write / overwrite dataset
+ h5io->kpwrite( keypoints, "keypoints" );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ - Example below uses smaller set of 50 keypoints and writes into compressed space of 100 keypoints optimised by 10 chunks.
+ Same keypoint set is written three times, first into first half (0->50) and at second half (50->75) then into remaining slots
+ (75->99) of data space using offset and count parameters to settle the window for write access.If routine is called multiple times
+ dataset will be just overwritten:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // generate 50 dummy keypoints
+ std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
+ keypoints.push_back( cv::KeyPoint(i, -i, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1) );
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // create maximum compressed space of size 100 with chunk size 10
+ h5io->kpcreate( 100, "keypoints", 9, 10 );
+ // write into first half
+ h5io->kpwrite( keypoints, "keypoints", 0 );
+ // write first 25 keypoints into second half
+ h5io->kpwrite( keypoints, "keypoints", 50, 25 );
+ // write first 25 keypoints into remained space of second half
+ h5io->kpwrite( keypoints, "keypoints", 75, 25 );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ */
+ virtual void kpwrite( const vector<KeyPoint> keypoints, String kplabel,
+ const int offset = H5_NONE, const int counts = H5_NONE ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Insert or overwrite list of KeyPoint into specified dataset and autoexpand dataset size if **unlimited** property allows.
+ @param keypoints specify keypoints data list to be written.
+ @param kplabel specify the target hdf5 dataset label.
+ @param offset specify the offset location on dataset from where keypoints will be (over)written into dataset.
+ @param counts specify the amount of keypoints that will be written into dataset.
+ Writes vector<KeyPoint> object into targeted dataset and **autoexpand** dataset dimension if allowed.
+ @note Unlike kpwrite(), datasets are **not** created **automatically**. If dsinsert() happen over outer region of dataset
+ and dataset has been created in **unlimited** mode then dataset is expanded, otherwise exception is thrown. To create datasets
+ with **unlimited** property see kpcreate() and the optional H5_UNLIMITED flag at creation time. It is not thread safe over same
+ dataset but multiple datasets can be merged inside single hdf5 file.
+ - Example below creates **unlimited** space for keypoints storage, and inserts a list of 10 keypoints ten times into that space.
+ Final dataset will have 100 keypoints. Chunks size is 10 just optimized against list of keypoints. If routine is called multiple
+ times dataset will be just overwritten:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // generate 10 dummy keypoints
+ std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ keypoints.push_back( cv::KeyPoint(i, -i, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1) );
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // create unlimited size space with chunk size of 10
+ h5io->kpcreate( cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, "keypoints", -1, 10 );
+ // insert 10 times same 10 keypoints
+ for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ h5io->kpinsert( keypoints, "keypoints", i * 10 );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ */
+ virtual void kpinsert( const vector<KeyPoint> keypoints, String kplabel,
+ const int offset = H5_NONE, const int counts = H5_NONE ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Read specific keypoint dataset from hdf5 file into vector<KeyPoint> object.
+ @param keypoints vector<KeyPoint> container where data reads will be returned.
+ @param kplabel specify the source hdf5 dataset label.
+ @param offset specify the offset location over dataset from where read starts.
+ @param counts specify the amount of keypoints from dataset to read.
+ Reads out vector<KeyPoint> object reflecting the stored dataset.
+ @note If hdf5 file does not exist an exception will be thrown. Use hlexists() to check dataset presence.
+ It is thread safe.
+ - Example below reads a dataset containing keypoints starting with second entry:
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // blank KeyPoint container
+ std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints;
+ // read keypoints starting second one
+ h5io->kpread( keypoints, "keypoints", 1 );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ - Example below perform read of 3 keypoints from second entry.
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // blank KeyPoint container
+ std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints;
+ // read three keypoints starting second one
+ h5io->kpread( keypoints, "keypoints", 1, 3 );
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ */
+ virtual void kpread( vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, String kplabel,
+ const int offset = H5_NONE, const int counts = H5_NONE ) const = 0;
+ /** @brief Open or create hdf5 file
+ @param HDF5Filename specify the HDF5 filename.
+ Returns pointer to the hdf5 object class
+ @note If hdf5 file does not exist it will be created. Any operations except dscreate() functions on object
+ will be thread safe. Multiple datasets can be created inside single hdf5 file, and can be accessed
+ from same hdf5 object from multiple instances as long read or write operations are done over
+ non-overlapping regions of dataset. Single hdf5 file also can be opened by multiple instances,
+ reads and writes can be instantiated at the same time as long non-overlapping regions are involved. Object
+ is released using close().
+ - Example below open and then release the file.
+ @code{.cpp}
+ // open / autocreate hdf5 file
+ cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" );
+ // ...
+ // release
+ h5io->close();
+ @endcode
+ ![Visualization of 10x10 CV_64FC2 (Hilbert matrix) using HDFView tool](pics/hdfview_demo.gif)
+ - Text dump (3x3 Hilbert matrix) of hdf5 dataset using **h5dump** tool:
+ @code{.txt}
+ $ h5dump test.h5
+ HDF5 "test.h5" {
+ GROUP "/" {
+ DATASET "hilbert" {
+ DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 3, 3 ) / ( 3, 3 ) }
+ DATA {
+ (0,0): [ 1, -1 ], [ 0.5, -0.5 ], [ 0.333333, -0.333333 ],
+ (1,0): [ 0.5, -0.5 ], [ 0.333333, -0.333333 ], [ 0.25, -0.25 ],
+ (2,0): [ 0.333333, -0.333333 ], [ 0.25, -0.25 ], [ 0.2, -0.2 ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @endcode
+ */
+ CV_EXPORTS_W Ptr<HDF5> open( String HDF5Filename );
+//! @}
+} // end namespace hdf
+} // end namespace cv
+#endif // _OPENCV_HDF5_HPP_