path: root/macros/extractFeatures.sci
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1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/extractFeatures.sci b/macros/extractFeatures.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8147891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/extractFeatures.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+function [featureVector, ValidPoints]=extractFeatures(image,points,class,varargin)
+// This function is used to extract interest point descriptors
+// Calling Sequence
+// [features, validPoints] = extractFeatures(Image, points, Class, Name, Value... )
+// Parameters
+// Image: Input Image, should be a 2-D grayscale. The Input Image should be real
+// points: M-by-2 vector containing the list of Interest Points
+// Class: The Name of the feature detecting algorithm used for interest point detection
+// Method: The desired algorithm to be used for feature vector calculation
+// Metric: M-by-1 vector containing the strength of eack interest Point
+// BlockSize: An odd integer scalar for defining a square neighbourhood centered at each interest point for Block Detection Method
+// Upright: Rotation Invariance Flag specified as a boolean 'True' or 'False'. Default Value: False(0)
+// SURFSize: Length of SURF Feature Vector. Values: [64(default)|128]
+// Orientation: M-by-1 vector containing the orientation of the detected feature in radians
+// Axes: M-by-2 vector containing the axes length values detected for MSER Object
+// Scale: M-by-1 vector containing the scale of detection of each Interest Point
+// SignOfLaplacian: M-by-1 vector containing the values of Sign of Laplacian of a SURF Object
+// features: M-by-N Feature Matrix containing M feature vectors each of length N
+// validPoints: M-by-2 Matrix containing the set of valid points whose features have been extracted
+// Description
+// The function derives the descriptors from pixels surrounding an interest point, where each interest point specifies the location of the detected region center.
+// Examples
+// image = imread('sample.jpg');
+// [corners count metric] = detectHarrisFeatures(image);
+// [features, valid_corners] = extractFeatures(image, corners, "Class", "cornerPoints", "Metric", metric);
+// Authors
+// Umang Agrawal
+// Sridhar Reddy
+ [lhs rhs]=argn(0);
+ if lhs>2
+ error(msprintf(" Too many output arguments"));
+ elseif rhs>13
+ error(msprintf(" Too many input arguments"));
+ end
+ imageList=mattolist(image);
+ //default values
+ blockSize=0;
+ upright=1;
+ surfSize=64;
+ if (class=="cornerPoints" | class=="BRISKPoints")
+ method="FREAK";
+ elseif (class=="MSERRegions" | class=="SURFPoints")
+ method="SURF";
+ elseif (class=="Matrix")
+ method="Block";
+ else
+ error(msprintf(" Invalid class type, check documentation for the list of valid types"));
+ end
+ //Count to ensure argument called only once
+ count_metric=0,count_orientation,count_scale,count_axes,count_signOfLaplacian;
+ count_method=0, count_block=0, count_surf=0, count_upright=0;
+ //Parsing input arguments
+ for i=1:rhs-3
+ if (varargin(i)=="Metric")
+ if(count_metric==0)
+ i=i+1;
+ metric=varargin(i);
+ else
+ error(msprintf(" Metric argument has been called twice"));
+ end
+ elseif (varargin(i)=="Orientation")
+ if(count_orientation==0)
+ i=i+1;
+ orientation=varargin(i);
+ else
+ error(msprintf(" Orientation argument has been called twice"));
+ end
+ elseif (varargin(i)=="Scale")
+ if(count_scale==0)
+ i=i+1;
+ scale=varargin(i);
+ else
+ error(msprintf(" Scale argument has been called twice"));
+ end
+ elseif (varargin(i)=="Axes")
+ if(count_axes==0)
+ i=i+1;
+ axes=varargin(i);
+ else
+ error(msprintf(" Axes argument has been called twice"));
+ end
+ elseif (varargin(i)=="SignOfLaplacian")
+ if(count_signOfLaplacian==0)
+ i=i+1;
+ signOfLaplacian=varargin(i);
+ else
+ error(msprintf("SignOfLaplacian argument has been called twice"));
+ end
+ elseif (varargin(i)=="Method")
+ if(count_method==0)
+ i=i+1;
+ method=varargin(i);
+ else
+ error(msprintf("Method argument has been called twice"));
+ end
+ elseif (varargin(i)=="BlockSize")
+ if(count_block==0)
+ i=i+1;
+ blockSize=varargin(i);
+ else
+ error(msprintf("BlockSize argument has been called twice"));
+ end
+ elseif (varargin(i)=="SurfSize")
+ if(count_surf==0)
+ i=i+1;
+ surfSize=varargin(i);
+ else
+ error(msprintf("SurfSize argument has been called twice"));
+ end
+ elseif (varargin(i)=="Upright")
+ if(count_upright==0)
+ i=i+1;
+ upright=varargin(i);
+ else
+ error(msprintf("Upright argument has been called twice"));
+ end
+ else
+ error(msprintf("Wrong argument, check documentation for the list of valid arguments"));
+ end
+ end
+ select class
+ case "cornerPoints" then
+ if(count_metric==0)
+ error(msprintf("For cornerPoints Class Metric argument is necessary"));
+ end
+ [featureVectors ValidPoints numBits numFeatures count metric]=extractFeatures(imageList, points, "Class", class, "Method", method, "surfSize", surfSize, "blockSize", blockSize, "upright", upright, "Metric",metric);
+ case "BRISKPoints" then
+ if(count_metric==0 | count_scale==0 | count_orientation==0)
+ error(msprintf("For BRISKPoints Class Metric, Orientation and Scale arguments are necessary"));
+ end
+ [featureVectors ValidPoints numBits numFeatures scale metrix orientation count]=extractFeatures(imageList, points, "Class", class, "Method", method, "surfSize", surfSize, "blockSize", blockSize, "upright", upright, "Metric",metric,"Orientation",orientation,"Scale",scale);
+ case "MSERRegions" then
+ if( count_orientation==0 | count_axes==0)
+ error(msprintf("For MSERRegions Class Orientation Matrix and Axes Matrix arguments are necessary."));
+ end
+ [featureVectors ValidPoints numBits numFeatures count axes orientation]=extractFeatures(imageList, points, "Class", class, "Method", method, "surfSize", surfSize, "blockSize", blockSize, "upright", upright, "Metric",metric,"Orientation",orientation,"Axes",axes);
+ case "SURFPoints" then
+ if(count_scale==0 | count_metric==0 | count_signOfLaplacian==0 | count_orientation==0)
+ error(msprintf("For SURFPoints Class Metric, Orientation, Scale and SignOfLaplacian arguments are necessary"));
+ end
+ [featureVectors ValidPoints numBits numFeatures count scale metrix signOfLaplacian orientation]=extractFeatures(imageList, points, "Class", class, "Method", method, "surfSize", surfSize, "blockSize", blockSize, "upright", upright, "Metric",metric,"Orientation",orientation,"Scale",scale,"SignOfLaplacian",signOfLaplacian);
+ case "Matrix" then
+ if(count_block==0)
+ error(msprintf("For Matrix Class BlockSize argument is necessary"));
+ end
+ [featureVectors ValidPoints numBits numFeatures]=extractFeatures(imageList, points, "Class", class, "Method", method, "surfSize", surfSize, "blockSize", blockSize, "upright", upright,"BlockSize",blockSize);
+ end
+ featureVector=struct("Type","binaryFeatures",'Features',featureVectors,'NumBits',numBits,'NumFeatures',numFeatures);