path: root/macros/cvMaximum.sci
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1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/cvMaximum.sci b/macros/cvMaximum.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ba428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/cvMaximum.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+// Author : Asmita Bhar, Kevin George
+function varargout = cvMaximum(image, varargin)
+// Finds maximum values in an input
+// Calling Sequence
+// [val ind] = cvMaximum(image);
+// val = cvMaximum(image); (only when IndexOutputPort is false)
+// ind = cvMaximum(image); (only when ValueOutputPort is false)
+// [val ind] = cvMaximum(image, name, value,...);
+// val = cvMaximum(image, name, value, ...); (only when IndexOutputPort is false)
+// ind = cvMaximum(image, name, value, ...); (only when ValueOutputPort is false)
+// [val ind] = cvMaximum(image, name, value,c,r); (only when ROI Processing is true)
+// val = cvMaximum(image, name, value,c,r); (only when ROI Processing is true and IndexOutputPort is false)
+// ind = cvMaximum(image, name, value,c,r); (only when ROI Processing is true and ValueOutputPort is false)
+// Parameters
+// image : Input image matrix
+// ValueOutputPort (Optional) : This property is set to true to output the maximum value. Default : true.
+// IndexOutputPort (Optional) : This property is set to true to output the index of the maximum value. Default : true.
+// Dimension (Output) : Dimension along which the function operates - Row, Column, All or Custom. Default : All
+// CustomDimension (Optional) : The integer dimension over which the function calculates the maximum. This value cannot exceed the number of dimensions in input. It applies only when 'Dimension' property is set to 'Custom'. Default : 1
+// ROIProcessing (Optional) : It applies only when 'Dimension' property is set to 'All'. It calculates the maximum within a particular region of the image. Default : false
+// c (Optional): vector of y-coordinates of vectices of a rectangle(ROI). Applicable only when 'ROIProcssing' is set to 'true'.
+// r (Optional): vector of x-coordinates of vectices of a rectangle(ROI). Applicable only when 'ROIProcssing' is set to 'true'.
+// val : Stores the maximum value calculated
+// ind : Stores the index at which the maximum value occurs.
+// Description
+// The function calculates the maximum value in a given image matrix.
+// Examples
+// //Load an image
+// I = imread('peppers.png');
+// //Calculate the maximum (default dimension is 'All')
+// [val ind] = cvMaximum(I);
+// //Calculate the maximum when dimension is 'Row' and IndexOutputPort is set to false
+// val = cvMaximum(I,'ValueOutputPort','false','Dimension','Row');
+// //Calculate the maximum within a given ROI
+// a = [0 100 100 0];
+// b = [0 0 100 100];
+// [val ind] = cvMaximum(I,'ROIProcessing','true',a,b);
+// Authors
+// Asmita Bhar
+// Kevin George
+ [lhs,rhs] = argn(0);
+ if rhs<1 then
+ error(msprintf("Not enough input arguments"));
+ end
+ if rhs>13 then
+ error(msprintf("Too many input arguments"));
+ end
+ if lhs>2 then
+ error(msprintf("Too many output arguments"));
+ end
+ [iRows iCols]=size(image(1))
+ iChannels = size(image)
+ valueOutputPort = 'true';
+ indexOutputPort = 'true';
+ dimension = 'All';
+ customDimension = 1;
+ roiProcessing = 'false';
+ flag1=0;
+ i=1;
+ while(i<rhs-1)
+ if strcmpi(varargin(i),'ValueOutputPort')==0 then
+ valueOutputPort = varargin(i+1)
+ if strcmpi(valueOutputPort,"true") & strcmpi(valueOutputPort,"false") then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong input argument #%d,ValidityOutputPort not matched",i))
+ end
+ i=i+2;
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'IndexOutputPort')==0 then
+ indexOutputPort = varargin(i+1)
+ if strcmpi(indexOutputPort,"true") & strcmpi(indexOutputPort,"false") then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong input argument #%d, IndexOutputPort not matched",i))
+ end
+ i=i+2;
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'Dimension')==0 then
+ dimension = varargin(i+1)
+ if strcmpi(dimension,"Column") & strcmpi(dimension,"Row") &strcmpi(dimension,"All") & strcmpi(dimension,"Custom") then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong input argument #%d, Dimension not matched",i))
+ end
+ i=i+2;
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'CustomDimension')==0 then
+ customDimension = varargin(i+1)
+ flag1=1;
+ i=i+2;
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i), 'ROIProcessing')==0 then
+ roiProcessing = varargin(i+1)
+ if(roiProcessing=='true') then
+ c = varargin(i+2);
+ r = varargin(i+3);
+ i=i+4;
+ else
+ i=i+2;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (~strcmpi(valueOutputPort,'false') & ~strcmpi(indexOutputPort,'false'))
+ error(msprintf("Both cannot be false at the same time"));
+ end
+ if (strcmpi(dimension,'Custom') & (flag1==1))
+ error(msprintf("The CustomDimension property is not relevant in this configuration"));
+ end
+ if (strcmpi(dimension,"All") & strcmpi(roiProcessing,'true'))
+ error(msprintf("ROI Property is not relevant in this configuration"));
+ end
+ if(customDimension<1)
+ error(msprintf("CustomDimension must be greater than or equal to 1"));
+ end
+ if(iChannels==1) then
+ if(customDimension>2)
+ error(msprintf("CustomDimension cannot be greater than the dimension of the input."));
+ end
+ elseif(iChannels==3) then
+ if(customDimension>3)
+ error(msprintf("CustomDimension cannot be greater than the dimension of the input."));
+ end
+ end
+ if(roiProcessing=='false') then
+ if (dimension=='All') then
+ if(iChannels==1) then
+ [val ind] = max(image(1))
+ ind(1) = 1;
+ elseif (iChannels==3) then
+ val1 = max(image(1))
+ val2 = max(image(2))
+ val3 = max(image(3))
+ if (val1>=val2) & (val1>=val3) then
+ [val ind] = max(image(1))
+ ind(3) = 1
+ elseif (val2>=val1) & (val2>=val3) then
+ [val ind] = max(image(2))
+ ind(3) = 2
+ else
+ [val ind] = max(image(3))
+ ind(3) = 3
+ end
+ end
+ t = ind(1)
+ ind(1) = ind(2)
+ ind(2) = t
+ end
+ if (dimension=='Row') then
+ if(iChannels==1) then
+ [val ind] = max(image(1),'c');
+ elseif(iChannels==3) then
+ [val1 ind1] = max(image(1),'c');
+ [val2 ind2] = max(image(2),'c');
+ [val3 ind3] = max(image(3),'c');
+ val(:,:,1) = val1;
+ val(:,:,2) = val2;
+ val(:,:,3) = val3;
+ ind(:,:,1) = ind1;
+ ind(:,:,2) = ind2;
+ ind(:,:,3) = ind3;
+ end
+ end
+ if (dimension=='Column') then
+ if(iChannels==1) then
+ [val ind] = max(image(1),'r');
+ elseif(iChannels==3) then
+ [val1 ind1] = max(image(1),'r');
+ [val2 ind2] = max(image(2),'r');
+ [val3 ind3] = max(image(3),'r');
+ val(:,:,1) = val1;
+ val(:,:,2) = val2;
+ val(:,:,3) = val3;
+ ind(:,:,1) = ind1;
+ ind(:,:,2) = ind2;
+ ind(:,:,3) = ind3;
+ end
+ end
+ if (dimension=='Custom') then
+ if(iChannels==1) then
+ if(customDimension==1) then
+ [val ind] = max(image(1),'r');
+ elseif(customDimension==2) then
+ [val ind] = max(image(1),'c');
+ end
+ elseif(iChannels==3) then
+ if(customDimension==1) then
+ [val1 ind1] = max(image(1),'r');
+ [val2 ind2] = max(image(2),'r');
+ [val3 ind3] = max(image(3),'r');
+ val(:,:,1) = val1;
+ val(:,:,2) = val2;
+ val(:,:,3) = val3;
+ ind(:,:,1) = ind1;
+ ind(:,:,2) = ind2;
+ ind(:,:,3) = ind3;
+ elseif(customDimension==2) then
+ [val1 ind1] = max(image(1),'c');
+ [val2 ind2] = max(image(2),'c');
+ [val3 ind3] = max(image(3),'c');
+ val(:,:,1) = val1;
+ val(:,:,2) = val2;
+ val(:,:,3) = val3;
+ ind(:,:,1) = ind1;
+ ind(:,:,2) = ind2;
+ ind(:,:,3) = ind3;
+ elseif(customDimension==3) then
+ a = image(1);
+ b = image(2);
+ c = image(3);
+ for i=1:iRows
+ for j=1:iCols
+ val(i,j)= max([a(i,j) b(i,j) c(i,j)]);
+ if(val(i,j)==a(i,j)) then
+ ind(i,j)=1;
+ elseif(val(i,j)==b(i,j)) then
+ ind(i,j)=2;
+ else
+ ind(i,j)=3;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if(roiProcessing=='true') then
+ I2 = roipoly(image,c,r);
+ out = I2;
+ output = find(out>0);
+ [rows cols] = size(out);
+ if(iChannels==1)
+ ROI = zeros(iRows,iCols);
+ for i=1:cols
+ ROI(output(i)) = image(1)(output(i));
+ end
+ elseif(iChannels==3)
+ ROI1 = zeros(iRows,iCols);
+ ROI2 = zeros(iRows,iCols);
+ ROI3 = zeros(iRows,iCols);
+ for i=1:cols
+ ROI1(output(i)) = image(1)(output(i));
+ ROI2(output(i)) = image(2)(output(i));
+ ROI3(output(i)) = image(3)(output(i));
+ end
+ ROI = list(ROI1,ROI2,ROI3);
+ end
+ if (dimension=='All') then
+ if(iChannels==1) then
+ a=ROI;
+ [val ind] = max(a(find(a>0)));
+ //ind(1) = 1;
+ elseif (iChannels==3) then
+ a=ROI(1);
+ b=ROI(2);
+ c=ROI(3);
+ val1 = max(a(find(a>0)));
+ val2 = max(b(find(b>0)));
+ val3 = max(c(find(c>0)));
+ if (val1>=val2) & (val1>=val3) then
+ [val ind] = max(ROI(1))
+ //ind(3) = 1
+ elseif (val2>=val1) & (val2>=val3) then
+ [val ind] = max(ROI(2))
+ //ind(3) = 2
+ else
+ [val ind] = max(ROI(3))
+ //ind(3) = 3
+ end
+ end
+ //t = ind(1)
+ //ind(1) = ind(2)
+ //ind(2) = t
+ end
+ end
+ if (~strcmpi(valueOutputPort,'true') & ~strcmpi(indexOutputPort,'true')) then
+ varargout = list(val,ind);
+ elseif (~strcmpi(valueOutputPort,'true') & ~strcmpi(indexOutputPort,'false')) then
+ varargout = val
+ elseif (~strcmpi(indexOutputPort,'true') & ~strcmpi(valueOutputPort,'false')) then
+ varargout = ind
+ end