path: root/thirdparty1/linux/include/opencv2/video/tracking_c.h
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authorshamikam2017-01-16 02:56:17 +0530
committershamikam2017-01-16 02:56:17 +0530
commita6df67e8bcd5159cde27556f4f6a315f8dc2215f (patch)
treee806e966b06a53388fb300d89534354b222c2cad /thirdparty1/linux/include/opencv2/video/tracking_c.h
First CommitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty1/linux/include/opencv2/video/tracking_c.h')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty1/linux/include/opencv2/video/tracking_c.h b/thirdparty1/linux/include/opencv2/video/tracking_c.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e32fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty1/linux/include/opencv2/video/tracking_c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
+// If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
+// copy or use the software.
+// License Agreement
+// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
+// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
+// Copyright (C) 2013, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved.
+// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+// * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
+// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
+// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
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+// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
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+#include "opencv2/imgproc/types_c.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** @addtogroup video_c
+ @{
+* Motion Analysis *
+/************************************ optical flow ***************************************/
+/* It is Lucas & Kanade method, modified to use pyramids.
+ Also it does several iterations to get optical flow for
+ every point at every pyramid level.
+ Calculates optical flow between two images for certain set of points (i.e.
+ it is a "sparse" optical flow, which is opposite to the previous 3 methods) */
+CVAPI(void) cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( const CvArr* prev, const CvArr* curr,
+ CvArr* prev_pyr, CvArr* curr_pyr,
+ const CvPoint2D32f* prev_features,
+ CvPoint2D32f* curr_features,
+ int count,
+ CvSize win_size,
+ int level,
+ char* status,
+ float* track_error,
+ CvTermCriteria criteria,
+ int flags );
+/* Modification of a previous sparse optical flow algorithm to calculate
+ affine flow */
+CVAPI(void) cvCalcAffineFlowPyrLK( const CvArr* prev, const CvArr* curr,
+ CvArr* prev_pyr, CvArr* curr_pyr,
+ const CvPoint2D32f* prev_features,
+ CvPoint2D32f* curr_features,
+ float* matrices, int count,
+ CvSize win_size, int level,
+ char* status, float* track_error,
+ CvTermCriteria criteria, int flags );
+/* Estimate rigid transformation between 2 images or 2 point sets */
+CVAPI(int) cvEstimateRigidTransform( const CvArr* A, const CvArr* B,
+ CvMat* M, int full_affine );
+/* Estimate optical flow for each pixel using the two-frame G. Farneback algorithm */
+CVAPI(void) cvCalcOpticalFlowFarneback( const CvArr* prev, const CvArr* next,
+ CvArr* flow, double pyr_scale, int levels,
+ int winsize, int iterations, int poly_n,
+ double poly_sigma, int flags );
+/********************************* motion templates *************************************/
+* All the motion template functions work only with single channel images. *
+* Silhouette image must have depth IPL_DEPTH_8U or IPL_DEPTH_8S *
+* Motion history image must have depth IPL_DEPTH_32F, *
+* Gradient mask - IPL_DEPTH_8U or IPL_DEPTH_8S, *
+* Motion orientation image - IPL_DEPTH_32F *
+* Segmentation mask - IPL_DEPTH_32F *
+* All the angles are in degrees, all the times are in milliseconds *
+/* Updates motion history image given motion silhouette */
+CVAPI(void) cvUpdateMotionHistory( const CvArr* silhouette, CvArr* mhi,
+ double timestamp, double duration );
+/* Calculates gradient of the motion history image and fills
+ a mask indicating where the gradient is valid */
+CVAPI(void) cvCalcMotionGradient( const CvArr* mhi, CvArr* mask, CvArr* orientation,
+ double delta1, double delta2,
+ int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3));
+/* Calculates average motion direction within a selected motion region
+ (region can be selected by setting ROIs and/or by composing a valid gradient mask
+ with the region mask) */
+CVAPI(double) cvCalcGlobalOrientation( const CvArr* orientation, const CvArr* mask,
+ const CvArr* mhi, double timestamp,
+ double duration );
+/* Splits a motion history image into a few parts corresponding to separate independent motions
+ (e.g. left hand, right hand) */
+CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvSegmentMotion( const CvArr* mhi, CvArr* seg_mask,
+ CvMemStorage* storage,
+ double timestamp, double seg_thresh );
+* Tracking *
+/* Implements CAMSHIFT algorithm - determines object position, size and orientation
+ from the object histogram back project (extension of meanshift) */
+CVAPI(int) cvCamShift( const CvArr* prob_image, CvRect window,
+ CvTermCriteria criteria, CvConnectedComp* comp,
+ CvBox2D* box CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
+/* Implements MeanShift algorithm - determines object position
+ from the object histogram back project */
+CVAPI(int) cvMeanShift( const CvArr* prob_image, CvRect window,
+ CvTermCriteria criteria, CvConnectedComp* comp );
+standard Kalman filter (in G. Welch' and G. Bishop's notation):
+ x(k)=A*x(k-1)+B*u(k)+w(k) p(w)~N(0,Q)
+ z(k)=H*x(k)+v(k), p(v)~N(0,R)
+typedef struct CvKalman
+ int MP; /* number of measurement vector dimensions */
+ int DP; /* number of state vector dimensions */
+ int CP; /* number of control vector dimensions */
+ /* backward compatibility fields */
+#if 1
+ float* PosterState; /* =state_pre->data.fl */
+ float* PriorState; /* =state_post->data.fl */
+ float* DynamMatr; /* =transition_matrix->data.fl */
+ float* MeasurementMatr; /* =measurement_matrix->data.fl */
+ float* MNCovariance; /* =measurement_noise_cov->data.fl */
+ float* PNCovariance; /* =process_noise_cov->data.fl */
+ float* KalmGainMatr; /* =gain->data.fl */
+ float* PriorErrorCovariance;/* =error_cov_pre->data.fl */
+ float* PosterErrorCovariance;/* =error_cov_post->data.fl */
+ float* Temp1; /* temp1->data.fl */
+ float* Temp2; /* temp2->data.fl */
+ CvMat* state_pre; /* predicted state (x'(k)):
+ x(k)=A*x(k-1)+B*u(k) */
+ CvMat* state_post; /* corrected state (x(k)):
+ x(k)=x'(k)+K(k)*(z(k)-H*x'(k)) */
+ CvMat* transition_matrix; /* state transition matrix (A) */
+ CvMat* control_matrix; /* control matrix (B)
+ (it is not used if there is no control)*/
+ CvMat* measurement_matrix; /* measurement matrix (H) */
+ CvMat* process_noise_cov; /* process noise covariance matrix (Q) */
+ CvMat* measurement_noise_cov; /* measurement noise covariance matrix (R) */
+ CvMat* error_cov_pre; /* priori error estimate covariance matrix (P'(k)):
+ P'(k)=A*P(k-1)*At + Q)*/
+ CvMat* gain; /* Kalman gain matrix (K(k)):
+ K(k)=P'(k)*Ht*inv(H*P'(k)*Ht+R)*/
+ CvMat* error_cov_post; /* posteriori error estimate covariance matrix (P(k)):
+ P(k)=(I-K(k)*H)*P'(k) */
+ CvMat* temp1; /* temporary matrices */
+ CvMat* temp2;
+ CvMat* temp3;
+ CvMat* temp4;
+ CvMat* temp5;
+} CvKalman;
+/* Creates Kalman filter and sets A, B, Q, R and state to some initial values */
+CVAPI(CvKalman*) cvCreateKalman( int dynam_params, int measure_params,
+ int control_params CV_DEFAULT(0));
+/* Releases Kalman filter state */
+CVAPI(void) cvReleaseKalman( CvKalman** kalman);
+/* Updates Kalman filter by time (predicts future state of the system) */
+CVAPI(const CvMat*) cvKalmanPredict( CvKalman* kalman,
+ const CvMat* control CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
+/* Updates Kalman filter by measurement
+ (corrects state of the system and internal matrices) */
+CVAPI(const CvMat*) cvKalmanCorrect( CvKalman* kalman, const CvMat* measurement );
+#define cvKalmanUpdateByTime cvKalmanPredict
+#define cvKalmanUpdateByMeasurement cvKalmanCorrect
+/** @} video_c */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"