path: root/macros/cameraParameters.sci
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authorshamikam2017-01-16 02:56:17 +0530
committershamikam2017-01-16 02:56:17 +0530
commita6df67e8bcd5159cde27556f4f6a315f8dc2215f (patch)
treee806e966b06a53388fb300d89534354b222c2cad /macros/cameraParameters.sci
First CommitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/cameraParameters.sci')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/cameraParameters.sci b/macros/cameraParameters.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d2d131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/cameraParameters.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+function varargout=cameraParameters(varargin)
+// It returns the cameraParameters structure
+// Calling Sequence
+// cameraParams=cameraParameters(Name,value);
+// Parameters
+// IntrinsicMatrix: 3-by-3 matrix, it specifies the principal point, skew and focal length. Default- 3-by-3 identity matrix
+// RadialDistortion: 2 or 3 element vector. Default- [0 0 0]
+// TangentialDistortion: 2 element vector. Default- [0 0]
+// RotationVectors: P-by-3 matrix. Each row of the matrix represents 3-D rotation of the camera. Default- []
+// TranslationVectors: P-by-3 matrix. Each row of the matrix represents 3-D translation of the camera. Number of rotation vectors should be equal to number of transation vectors. Default- []
+// WorldPoints: M-by-2 matrix. M indicates the number of keypoints. Default- []
+// WorldUnits: Unit of measure of world points. Default- "mm"
+// EstimateSkew: logical scalar. Default- %F
+// NumRadialDistortionCoefficients: 2 or 3. Default- 2
+// EstimateTangentialDistortion: logical scalar. Default- %F
+// ReprojectionErrors: M-by-2-p array. Number of channels must be equal to number of rotation vectors and number of rows should be equal to number of world points. Default-[]
+// Description
+// This function creates cameraParameters struct based on the arguments provided. The struct contains intrinsic, extrinsic, estimation and lens properties.
+// Examples
+// cameraParms=cameraParams("IntrinsicMatrix", [2 0 0; 0 3 0;4 5 1]);
+// Output:
+// IntrinsicMatrix: [3x3 constant]
+// PrincipalPoint: [4,5]
+// FocalLength: [2,3]
+// Skew: 0
+// RadialDistortion: [0,0,0]
+// TangentialDistortion: [0,0]
+// RotationMatrices: [0x0 constant]
+// RotationVectors: [0x0 constant]
+// TranslationVectors: [0x0 constant]
+// meanReprojectionError: 0
+// ReprojectionErrors: [0x0 constant]
+// ReprojectedPoints: [0x0 constant]
+// NumPatterns: 0
+// WorldPoints: [0x0 constant]
+// WorldUnits: "mm"
+// EstimateSkew: 0
+// NumRadialDistortionCoefficients: 2
+// EstimateTangentialDistortion: 0
+ [lhs rhs]=argn(0);
+ if lhs<1 then
+ error(msprintf(" Not enough output arguments"))
+ elseif lhs>1 then
+ error(msprintf(" Too many output arguments to the function"))
+ end
+ //default values
+ IntrinsicMatrix=[1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1];
+ RadialDistortion=[0 0 0];
+ TangentialDistortion=[0 0];
+ RotationVectors=[];
+ TranslationVectors=[];
+ WorldPoints=[];
+ WorldUnits='mm';
+ EstimateSkew=0;
+ NumRadialDistortionCoefficients=2;
+ EstimateTangentialDistortion=0;
+ ReprojectionErrors=[];
+ imRows=0,imCols=0;
+ rdRows=0,rdCols=0;
+ tdRows=0,tdCols=0;
+ rvRows=0,rvCols=0;
+ tvRows=0,tvCols=0;
+ wpRows=0,wpCols=0;
+ if modulo(rhs,2) then
+ error(msprintf(" Wrong number of input arguments"));
+ end
+ for i=1:2:rhs
+ if strcmpi(varargin(i),"IntrinsicMatrix")==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ IntrinsicMatrix=varargin(i);
+ [imRows imCols]=size(IntrinsicMatrix);
+ if ~imRows==3 | ~imCols==3 then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d, IntrinsicMatrix must be 3*3",i))
+ end
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'RadialDistortion')==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ RadialDistortion=varargin(i);
+ [rdRows rdCols]=size(RadialDistortion);
+ if ~rdRows==1 | (~rdCols==2 & ~rdCols==3) then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d, RadialDistortion must be a vector with 2 or 3 elements",i))
+ end
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'TangentialDistortion')==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ TangentialDistortion=varargin(i);
+ [tdRows tdCols]=size(TangentialDistortion);
+ if ~tdRows==1 | ~tdCols==2 then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d, TangentialDistortion must be 2-element vector",i))
+ end
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'RotationVectors')==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ RotationVectors=varargin(i);
+ [rvRows rvCols]=size(RotationVectors);
+ if ~rvCols==3 then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d, RotationVectors must be M*3",i))
+ end
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'TranslationVectors')==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ TranslationVectors=varargin(i);
+ [tvRows tvCols]=size(TranslationVectors);
+ if ~tvCols==3 then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d, TranslationVectors must be M*3",i))
+ end
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'WorldPoints')==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ WorldPoints=varargin(i);
+ [wpRows wpCols]=size(WorldPoints);
+ if ~wpCols==2 then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d, WorldPoints must be M*2",i))
+ end
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'WorldUnits')==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ WorldUnits=varargin(i);
+ if ~typeof(WorldUnits)=='string'
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d, WorldUnits must be string",i))
+ end
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'EstimateSkew')==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ EstimateSkew=varargin(i);
+ if EstimateSkew==%T
+ EstimateSkew=1;
+ elseif EstimateSkew==%F
+ EstimateSkew=0;
+ else
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d,EstimateSkew must be logical scalar",i))
+ end
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'NumRadialDistortionCoefficients')==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ NumRadialDistortionCoefficients=varargin(i);
+ if ~(NumRadialDistortionCoefficients==2 | NumRadialDistortionCoefficients==3) then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d, NumRadialDistortionCoefficients must be 2 or 3",i))
+ end
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'EstimateTangentialDistortion')==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ EstimateTangentialDistortion=varargin(i);
+ EstimateSkew=varargin(i);
+ if EstimateSkew==%T
+ EstimateSkew=1;
+ elseif EstimateSkew==%F
+ EstimateSkew=0;
+ else
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d, EstimateTangentialDistortion must be logical scalar",i))
+ end
+ elseif strcmpi(varargin(i),'ReprojectionErrors')==0 then
+ i=i+1;
+ ReprojectionErrors=varargin(i);
+ [reRows reCols reChannels]=size(ReprojectionErrors);
+ if ~reCols==2 then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input argument %d, ReprojectionErrors must be M-by-2-by-P array",i))
+ end
+ else
+ error(msprintf(" Wrong value for the input argument %d, %s is not a recognised parameter",i,varargin(i)));
+ end
+ end
+ if ~rvRows==tvRows then
+ error(msprintf(" wrong value for the input arguments, RotationalVectors and TranslationVectors must be of same size"))
+ end
+ if ~isempty(ReprojectionErrors) then
+ if ~reRows==wpRows then
+ error(msprintf("wrong value for the input arguments, World points and ReprojectctionErrors must contain same number of rows"))
+ end
+ if ~reChannels==rvRows then
+ error(msprintf("wrong value for the input arguments, Number of patterns in ReprojectionErrors and RotationVectors must be of same size"))
+ end
+ end
+ RotationMatrices=[]
+ FocalLength=[IntrinsicMatrix(1,1) IntrinsicMatrix(2,2)];
+ PrincipalPoint=[IntrinsicMatrix(3,1) IntrinsicMatrix(3,2)];
+ Skew=IntrinsicMatrix(2,1);
+ for i=1:rvRows
+ RotationVector=RotationVectors(i,:);
+ angle=norm(RotationVector);
+ if angle < %eps
+ RotationMatrices(:,:,i) = eye(3);
+ else
+ n= RotationVector ./ angle;
+ A = [n(1)^2, n(1)*n(2), n(1)*n(3);...
+ n(2)*n(1), n(2)^2, n(2)*n(3);...
+ n(3)*n(1), n(3)*n(2), n(3)^2 ];
+ B = [ 0, -n(3), n(2);...
+ n(3), 0, -n(1);...
+ -n(2), n(1), 0 ];
+ RotationMatrices(:,:,i) = eye(3) * cos(angle) + (1 - cos(angle)) * A + sin(angle) * B;
+ end
+ end
+ distCoeffs(1,1)=RadialDistortion(1,1);
+ distCoeffs(1,2)=RadialDistortion(1,2);
+ distCoeffs(1,3)=TangentialDistortion(1,1);
+ distCoeffs(1,4)=TangentialDistortion(1,2);
+ if rdCols==3
+ distCoeffs(1,5)=RadiallDistortion(1,3);
+ else
+ distCoeffs(1,5)=0;
+ end
+ ReprojectedPoints=[];
+ meanReprojectionError=0;
+ NumPatterns=rvRows;
+ if(WorldPoints <> [])
+ for i=1:NumPatterns
+ ReprojectedPoints(:,:,i)=opencv_projectPoints(WorldPoints,RotationVectors(i,:),TranslationVectors(i,:),IntrinsicMatrix,distCoeffs);
+ end
+ end
+ if ~isempty(ReprojectionErrors) then
+ ImagePoints=ReprojectedPoints-ReprojectionErrors;
+ totalErr=0;
+ for i=1:rvRows
+ err=0;
+ for j=1:wpRows
+ err=err+((ReprojectedPoints(j,1,i)-ImagePoints(j,1,i))+(ReprojectedPoints(j,2,i)-ImagePoints(j,2,i))).^2;
+ end
+ totalErr=totalErr+err;
+ end
+ totalPoints=rvRows*wpRows;
+ meanReprojectionError=sqrt(totalErr/totalPoints);
+ end
+ varargout(1)=struct('IntrinsicMatrix',IntrinsicMatrix,'PrincipalPoint',PrincipalPoint,'FocalLength',FocalLength,'Skew',Skew,'RadialDistortion',RadialDistortion,'TangentialDistortion',TangentialDistortion,'RotationMatrices',RotationMatrices,'RotationVectors',RotationVectors,'TranslationVectors',TranslationVectors,'meanReprojectionError',meanReprojectionError,'ReprojectionErrors',ReprojectionErrors,'ReprojectedPoints',ReprojectedPoints,'NumPatterns',NumPatterns,'WorldPoints',WorldPoints,'WorldUnits',WorldUnits,'EstimateSkew',EstimateSkew,'NumRadialDistortionCoefficients',NumRadialDistortionCoefficients,'EstimateTangentialDistortion',EstimateTangentialDistortion);