path: root/cpu/arm920t/wmt/pcinet.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpu/arm920t/wmt/pcinet.c')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpu/arm920t/wmt/pcinet.c b/cpu/arm920t/wmt/pcinet.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2bbe52f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/arm920t/wmt/pcinet.c
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+Copyright (c) 2010 WonderMedia Technologies, Inc.
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You
+should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
+program. If not, see>.
+WonderMedia Technologies, Inc.
+10F, 529, Chung-Cheng Road, Hsin-Tien, Taipei 231, R.O.C.
+#if !defined(__UPCI_H__)
+#include "upci.h"
+#if !defined(__MAC_H__)
+#include "mac.h"
+#if !defined(__PCINET_H__)
+#include "pcinet.h"
+#if !defined(__TBIT_H__)
+#include "tbit.h"
+/*--------------------- Static Definitions -------------------------*/
+/*--------------------- Static Classes ----------------------------*/
+/*--------------------- Static Variables --------------------------*/
+/*--------------------- Static Functions --------------------------*/
+/*--------------------- Export Variables --------------------------*/
+int g_IO_point = PCI_base_addr;
+int g_Mem_point = PCI_base_addr + PCI_io_range;
+BOOL NPCIbIsRegBitsOn(HANDLE hHandle, WORD wBusDevFunId, BYTE byRegOffset, BYTE byBits)
+ BYTE byOrgData;
+ PCIvReadConfigB(hHandle, wBusDevFunId, byRegOffset, &byOrgData);
+ return BITbIsAllBitsOn(byOrgData, byBits);
+BOOL NPCIbIsRegBitsOff(HANDLE hHandle, WORD wBusDevFunId, BYTE byRegOffset, BYTE byBits)
+ BYTE byOrgData;
+ PCIvReadConfigB(hHandle, wBusDevFunId, byRegOffset, &byOrgData);
+ return BITbIsAllBitsOff(byOrgData, byBits);
+void NPCIvRegBitsOn(HANDLE hHandle, WORD wBusDevFunId, BYTE byRegOffset, BYTE byBits)
+ BYTE byOrgData;
+ PCIvReadConfigB(hHandle, wBusDevFunId, byRegOffset, &byOrgData);
+ PCIvWriteConfigB(hHandle, wBusDevFunId, byRegOffset, (BYTE)(byOrgData | byBits));
+void NPCIvRegBitsOff(HANDLE hHandle, WORD wBusDevFunId, BYTE byRegOffset, BYTE byBits)
+ BYTE byOrgData;
+ PCIvReadConfigB(hHandle, wBusDevFunId, byRegOffset, &byOrgData);
+ PCIvWriteConfigB(hHandle, wBusDevFunId, byRegOffset, (BYTE)(byOrgData & ~byBits));
+void NPCIvReadManyConfigSpace(HANDLE hHandle, WORD wBusDevFunId, BYTE byRegOffset,
+ PBYTE pbyBuffer, WORD wCount)
+ PCIvReadConfigManyBytes(hHandle, wBusDevFunId, byRegOffset, pbyBuffer, wCount);
+void NPCIvReadRevisionId(HANDLE hHandle, WORD wBusDevFunId, PBYTE pbyRevId)
+ PCIvReadConfigB(hHandle, wBusDevFunId, PCI_REG_REV_ID, pbyRevId);
+ * Description: Read PCI information by Vendor's id and Device's id
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *
+ */
+BOOL NPCIbReadDeviceInfo(HANDLE hHandle, WORD wVendorID, WORD wDeviceID, PSPciDevice pPciDevs)
+ BYTE byBusNum;
+ BYTE bySlotNum;
+ BYTE byFuncNum;
+ BYTE byRevId;
+ DWORD dwIoBase;
+ DWORD dwIoSpaceRange;
+ BYTE byIrqNo;
+ DWORD dwDevVenID = MAKEDWORD(wVendorID, wDeviceID);
+ /* init device number to 0 */
+ pPciDevs->wDeviceNum = 0;
+ byBusNum = 0;
+ bySlotNum = 0;
+ byFuncNum = 0;
+ /* get each Bus/Device/Function no. by vendor & device id */
+ while (PCIbFindConfigDeviceInfo(dwDevVenID, &byBusNum, &bySlotNum, &byFuncNum, &byRevId,
+ &dwIoBase, &dwIoSpaceRange, &byIrqNo)) {
+ pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum] =
+ MAKE_BDF_TO_WORD(byBusNum, bySlotNum, byFuncNum);
+ (pPciDevs->wDeviceNum)++;
+ /* increase bySlotNum or byFuncNum to do the next search */
+ /* by checking PCI header type bit 7 */
+ if (NPCIbIsRegBitsOn(
+ hHandle,
+ MAKE_BDF_TO_WORD(byBusNum, bySlotNum, 0),
+ 0x80)
+ )
+ byFuncNum++;
+ else
+ bySlotNum++;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+void NPCIvInitialize(HANDLE hHandle, WORD wBusDevFunId, BYTE byRevId)
+ /* PATCH.... turn this on to avoid retry forever */
+ NPCIvRegBitsOn(hHandle, wBusDevFunId, PCI_REG_MODE2, MODE2_PCEROPT);
+ /* PATCH.... */
+ /* for some legacy BIOS and OS don't open BusM */
+ /* bit in PCI configuration space. So, turn it on. */
+ /* PATCH.... turn this on to detect MII coding error */
+ /* NPCIvRegBitsOn(hHandle, wBusDevFunId, PCI_REG_MODE3, MODE3_MIION); */
+/* add by kevin */
+/* search all pci devices matched vender & device ID */
+BOOL NPCIbPCIAlloc(HANDLE hHandle, WORD wVendorID, WORD wDeviceID, PSPciDevice pPciDevs)
+ BYTE byBusNum;
+ BYTE bySlotNum;
+ BYTE byFuncNum;
+ BYTE byRevId;
+ DWORD dwIoBase;
+ DWORD dwIoSpaceRange;
+ BYTE byIrqNo;
+ DWORD dwDevVenID = MAKEDWORD(wVendorID, wDeviceID);
+ int i;
+ WORD command;
+ DWORD space_size;
+ /* init device number to 0 */
+ pPciDevs->wDeviceNum = 0;
+ byBusNum = 0;
+ bySlotNum = 0;
+ byFuncNum = 0;
+ /* get each Bus/Device/Function no. by vendor & device id */
+ while (PCIbFindConfigDeviceInfo(dwDevVenID, &byBusNum, &bySlotNum, &byFuncNum, &byRevId,
+ &dwIoBase, &dwIoSpaceRange, &byIrqNo)) {
+ pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum] =
+ MAKE_BDF_TO_WORD(byBusNum, bySlotNum, byFuncNum);
+ /* disable IO/Mem accesss */
+ PCIXvReadW(pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum], PCI_REG_COMMAND, &command);
+ command = (~0x3)&command;
+ PCIXvWriteW(pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum], PCI_REG_COMMAND, command);
+ /* allocate IO or Memory space */
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ /* judge whether size equals to 0 */
+ PCIXvWriteD(
+ pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum],
+ PCI_REG_BAR0+i*4,
+ PCI_invalid
+ );
+ PCIXvReadD(pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum],
+ PCI_REG_BAR0+i*4,
+ &space_size
+ );
+ if (space_size != 0) {
+ if (space_size & PCI_IO_ENABLE) {
+ /* assign IO space */
+ /* assume io space doesn't exceed 256 bytes */
+ PCIXvWriteD(
+ pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum],
+ PCI_REG_BAR0+i*4,
+ g_IO_point
+ );
+ g_IO_point += PCI_io_page;
+ } else {
+ /* assign memory space */
+ /* assume mem space doesn't exceed 4k bytes */
+ PCIXvWriteD(
+ pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum],
+ PCI_REG_BAR0+i*4,
+ g_Mem_point
+ );
+ g_Mem_point += PCI_memory_page;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* 2.assign PCI slot interrupt */
+ /* slot 8-a:44 */
+ /* slot 9-a:45 */
+ /* slot 10-a:46 */
+ /* slot 11-a:47 */
+ if (bySlotNum == 8)
+ PCIXvWriteB(pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum], PCI_REG_INT_LINE, 44);
+ else if (bySlotNum == 9)
+ PCIXvWriteB(pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum], PCI_REG_INT_LINE, 45);
+ else if (bySlotNum == 0xa)
+ PCIXvWriteB(pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum], PCI_REG_INT_LINE, 46);
+ else if (bySlotNum == 0xb)
+ PCIXvWriteB(pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum], PCI_REG_INT_LINE, 47);
+ else
+ PCIXvWriteB(pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum], PCI_REG_INT_LINE, 44);
+ /* enable IO/Mem accesss and PCI master */
+ PCIXvReadW(pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum], PCI_REG_COMMAND, &command);
+ command |= (0x7);
+ PCIXvWriteW(pPciDevs->awBusDevFunID[pPciDevs->wDeviceNum], PCI_REG_COMMAND, command);
+ pPciDevs->wDeviceNum++;
+ /* increase bySlotNum or byFuncNum to do the next search */
+ /* by checking PCI header type bit 7 */
+ if (NPCIbIsRegBitsOn(
+ hHandle,
+ MAKE_BDF_TO_WORD(byBusNum, bySlotNum, 0),
+ 0x80)
+ )
+ byFuncNum++;
+ else
+ bySlotNum++;
+ }
+ /* printf("Richard DBG3\n"); */
+ return TRUE;
+void pciconfigurationdump(WORD wBusDevFunId)
+ unsigned long s_c;
+ PCIXvReadD(wBusDevFunId, 0, &s_c);
+ printf("pci ID:%8x\n", s_c);
+ PCIXvReadD(wBusDevFunId, 4, &s_c);
+ printf("pci status and command:%8x\n", s_c);
+ PCIXvReadD(wBusDevFunId, 16, &s_c);
+ printf("pci io space:%8x\n", s_c);
+ PCIXvReadD(wBusDevFunId, 20, &s_c);
+ printf("pci mem spae:%8x\n", s_c);
+ return;