path: root/cpu/arm920t/wmt/gisr.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpu/arm920t/wmt/gisr.c')
1 files changed, 779 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpu/arm920t/wmt/gisr.c b/cpu/arm920t/wmt/gisr.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1543633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/arm920t/wmt/gisr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+Copyright (c) 2010 WonderMedia Technologies, Inc.
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You
+should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
+program. If not, see>.
+WonderMedia Technologies, Inc.
+10F, 529, Chung-Cheng Road, Hsin-Tien, Taipei 231, R.O.C.
+#if !defined(__TBIT_H__)
+#include "tbit.h"
+#if !defined(__CARD_H__)
+#include "card.h"
+#if !defined(__ADAPTER_H__)
+#include "adapter.h"
+#if !defined(__ISR_H__)
+#include "gisr.h"
+/*--------------------- Static Definitions -------------------------*/
+/*--------------------- Static Classes ----------------------------*/
+/*--------------------- Static Variables --------------------------*/
+/*--------------------- Static Functions --------------------------*/
+void static s_ISRvPacketReceive(PSAdapterInfo pAdapter);
+void static s_ISRvPacketTransmit(PSAdapterInfo pAdapter, BYTE byTxQue);
+/*--------------------- Export Variables --------------------------*/
+extern SAdapterOpts sOptions;
+/*--------------------- Export Functions --------------------------*/
+void ISRvIsrForNetwork_Card0(void)
+ GISRvIsrForNetwork(&sg_aGAdapter[0]);
+void ISRvIsrForNetwork_Card1(void)
+ GISRvIsrForNetwork(&sg_aGAdapter[1]);
+void ISRvIsrForNetwork_Card2(void)
+ GISRvIsrForNetwork(&sg_aGAdapter[2]);
+void ISRvIsrForNetwork_Card3(void)
+ GISRvIsrForNetwork(&sg_aGAdapter[3]);
+ * Description: This routine is called when MAC interrupt system
+ *
+ * NOTE : when into this routine something should be aware
+ * 1) interrupt has been disabled.
+ * 2) inside a critical section (time)
+ * 3) stack owned by unknown application
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ */
+/* Note:In vpost, irq is not enanle after entering ISR ,so it is so called non-nest interrupt */
+void GISRvIsrForNetwork(PSAdapterInfo pAdapter)
+ DWORD dwIoBase;
+ BYTE byIrqLevel;
+ /* led 1 */
+ VNSvOutPortD(0xD811005C, 1);
+ /* get IoBase address and IRQ level */
+ dwIoBase = pAdapter->dwIoBase;
+ byIrqLevel = pAdapter->byIrqLevel;
+ /* preserve original IMR value */
+ VNSvInPortD(dwIoBase + MAC_REG_IMR, &dwOrgIMR);
+ /* read current ISR */
+ MACvReadISR(dwIoBase, &dwOrgISR);
+ /* read RXE_SR, TXE_SR */
+ VNSvInPortW(dwIoBase + MAC_REG_TXE_SR, &wOrgESR);
+ /*
+ * (1). if this is not our device's IRQ, then call original ISR and exit.
+ * (2). if this is our device's IRQ, then handle it and exit.
+ * we do not call original ISR. Because if another device also invoke
+ * the IRQ at the same time, then the IRQ will be invoked again after
+ * we had exited this ISR routine.
+ */
+ /* if is not our device's interrupt, */
+ if ((dwOrgISR & dwOrgIMR) == 0)
+ return;
+ /* mask off IMR, prevent MAC's other interrupt to reentry */
+ MACvIntDisable(dwIoBase);
+ /* write 1s to clear TXESR and RXESR */
+ VNSvOutPortW(dwIoBase + MAC_REG_TXE_SR, wOrgESR);
+ /* write 1s to clear ISR active interrupts */
+ MACvWriteISR(dwIoBase, dwOrgISR);
+ /* prevent All 1's ISR */
+ if (dwOrgISR == 0xFFFFFFFFUL)
+ goto IntDone;
+ /* handle rx */
+ s_ISRvPacketReceive(pAdapter);
+ /* led 2 */
+ VNSvOutPortD(0xD811005C, 2);
+ /* handle tx */
+ s_ISRvPacketTransmit(pAdapter, 0);
+ /* led 3 */
+ VNSvOutPortD(0xD811005C, 4);
+ /* Must do this after doing rx/tx, cause ISR bit is slower */
+ /* than RD/TD write back */
+ /* update ISR counter */
+ GSTAvUpdateIsrStatCounter(&pAdapter->scStatistic, dwOrgISR, wOrgESR);
+ /* Read HWMIBCounter */
+ if (BITbIsBitOn(dwOrgISR, ISR_MIBFI))
+ GSTAvUpdateHWMIBCounter(pAdapter->dwIoBase, &pAdapter->sHWMibCounter);
+ /*
+ */
+ /* if link change */
+ if (BITbIsBitOn(dwOrgISR, ISR_SRCI)) {
+ /* Enable MII Auto-Polling */
+ GMACvEnableMiiAutoPoll(dwIoBase);
+ /* check the cable link status */
+ /* link OK */
+ pAdapter->bLinkPass = GMACbIsCableLinkOk(dwIoBase);
+ if (pAdapter->bLinkPass) {
+ /* each time int invoked, this counter will plus 1 */
+ pAdapter->scStatistic.dwIntLinkUp++;
+ /* update duplex status */
+ pAdapter->bFullDuplex = GMACbIsInFullDuplexMode(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ /* update speed status */
+ pAdapter->bSpeed1G = GMACbIsIn1GMode(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId);
+ pAdapter->bSpeed100M = GMACbIsIn100MMode(dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId);
+ /* set flow control capability according to PHYSR0 register */
+ if (GMIIbIsAutoNegotiationOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId)) {
+ /* enable/disable RX flow control */
+ if (GMACbIsRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_PHYSR0, PHYSR0_RXFLC))
+ VNSvOutPortB(pAdapter->dwIoBase + MAC_REG_CR2_SET, CR2_FDXRFCEN);
+ else
+ VNSvOutPortB(pAdapter->dwIoBase + MAC_REG_CR2_CLR, CR2_FDXRFCEN);
+ /* enable/disable TX flow control */
+ if (GMACbIsRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_PHYSR0, PHYSR0_TXFLC))
+ VNSvOutPortB(pAdapter->dwIoBase + MAC_REG_CR2_SET, CR2_FDXTFCEN);
+ else
+ VNSvOutPortB(pAdapter->dwIoBase + MAC_REG_CR2_CLR, CR2_FDXTFCEN);
+ }
+ /* This is patch for VT3119A1 */
+ /* Use TCR_TB2BDIS to prevent 1c_Reset failure in helf-duplex mode */
+ /* Only use this in 10HD and 100HD */
+ if (pAdapter->byRevId < REV_ID_VT3216_A0) {
+ if (!pAdapter->bSpeed1G) {
+ if (pAdapter->bFullDuplex)
+ MACvRegBitsOff(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_TCR, TCR_TB2BDIS);
+ else
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_TCR, TCR_TB2BDIS);
+ }
+ }
+ /* This is patch for VT3119/VT3216 */
+ /* Patch HW MIB TXSQEErr Bug, this should only function in 10HD */
+ if (pAdapter->byRevId < REV_ID_VT3284_A0) {
+ if ((!pAdapter->bSpeed1G) &&
+ (!pAdapter->bSpeed100M) &&
+ (!pAdapter->bFullDuplex)) {
+ /* Enable count TXSQEErr in 10HD */
+ MACvRegBitsOff(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_TESTCFG, 0x80);
+ } else {
+ /* Disable count TXSQEErr in 10FD, 100HD, 100FD, 1G */
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_TESTCFG, 0x80);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* link fail */
+ /* each time int invoked, this counter will plus 1 */
+ pAdapter->scStatistic.dwIntLinkDown++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (BITbIsBitOn(dwOrgISR, ISR_LSTEI)) {
+ /*
+ * if Rx no buffer error, don't do software reset
+ * 1. turn on owner bit in all Rx descriptor
+ * 2. point current Rx to first descriptor
+ * 3. Rx on
+ * 4. RX WAK
+ */
+ /*
+ for (ii = 0; ii < pAdapter->cbRD; ii++)
+ pAdapter->apRD[ii]->m_rd0RD0.f1Owner = 1;
+ MACvSetRxDescBaseLo32(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->amRxDescRing.dwPAddr);
+ pAdapter->uRxDequeDescIdx = pAdapter->idxRxPktStartDesc = 0;
+ PCAvDelayByIO(200);
+ MACvRxOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ */
+ }
+ /* if Rx/Tx DMA stall */
+ if (BITbIsBitOn(dwOrgISR, ISR_RXSTLI)) {
+ /*
+ // TBD....
+ // rx off -> sw reset -> start
+ // reset the adapter
+ if (pAdapter->byRevId < REV_ID_VT3065_A)
+ MACbSafeSoftwareReset(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId);
+ // rx was shutdowned, turn on rx
+ MACvRxOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ MACvTransmit(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ */
+ }
+ if (BITbIsBitOn(dwOrgISR, ISR_TXSTLI)) {
+ /*
+ if (BITbIsBitOn(ptdCurr->m_td0TD0.byTSR1, TSR1_TBUFF)) {
+ // chip may be shutdowned, so re-start it
+ MACvTxOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ MACvTxQueueWake(pAdapter->dwIoBase,(BYTE)(0x40>>byTxQue));
+ // re-assert TDMD
+ MACvTransmit(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ /* TXESR */
+ if (BITbIsBitOn((BYTE)(wOrgESR & 0x000F), TXESR_TDSTR))
+ pAdapter->bTxOn = FALSE;
+ if (BITbIsBitOn((BYTE)(wOrgESR & 0x000F), TXESR_TDRBS))
+ pAdapter->bTxOn = FALSE;
+ if (BITbIsBitOn((BYTE)(wOrgESR & 0x000F), TXESR_TDWBS))
+ pAdapter->bTxOn = FALSE;
+ if (BITbIsBitOn((BYTE)(wOrgESR & 0x000F), TXESR_TFDBS))
+ pAdapter->bTxOn = FALSE;
+ /* RXESR */
+ if (BITbIsBitOn((BYTE)((wOrgESR & 0x00F0) >> 8), RXESR_RDSTR))
+ ;
+ if (BITbIsBitOn((BYTE)((wOrgESR & 0x00F0) >> 8), RXESR_RDRBS))
+ ;
+ if (BITbIsBitOn((BYTE)((wOrgESR & 0x00F0) >> 8), RXESR_RDWBS))
+ ;
+ if (BITbIsBitOn((BYTE)((wOrgESR & 0x00F0) >> 8), RXESR_RFDBS))
+ ;
+ /*
+ * disable CPU's int to prevent reentry: if next statement enable
+ * MAC's int, and MAC happen to invoke int will cause reentry,
+ * so disable CPU's int here, let RETI to enable CPU's int
+ */
+ /* PCAvIntDisable(); */
+ /* restore original IMR value */
+ MACvIntEnable(dwIoBase, dwOrgIMR);
+ /* led off */
+ VNSvOutPortD(0xD811005C, 0);
+void static s_ISRvPacketReceive(PSAdapterInfo pAdapter)
+ void (CALLBACK * pisrCallBack)(PSAdapterInfo, PBYTE, UINT);
+ UINT uCurrDescIdx;
+ PSRxDesc pCurrRD;
+ int ii;
+ UINT uu;
+ BYTE byRsr0, byRsr1;
+ UINT uRxFreeRD = 0;
+ UINT uRxFreeRDIdx = pAdapter->uRxDequeDescIdx;
+ UINT FrameSize;
+ DWORD dwRxFifoLength;
+ UINT FrameSizeWithCRC;
+ PBYTE pbyRxBufAddr ;
+ PBYTE pbyHwCRC32 ;
+ DWORD dwHwCRC32 ;
+ DWORD dwSwCRC32 ;
+ /* added by kevin to not upload to uper layer */
+ pisrCallBack = NULL;
+ if (pAdapter->byRevId >= REV_ID_VT3216_A0)
+ dwRxFifoLength = 48896; /* 48*1024 - 32*8 */
+ else
+ dwRxFifoLength = 32512; /* 32*1024 - 32*8 */
+ while (TRUE) {
+ uCurrDescIdx = pAdapter->uRxDequeDescIdx;
+ pCurrRD = pAdapter->apRD[uCurrDescIdx];
+ byRsr0 = pCurrRD->m_rd0RD0.byRSR0;
+ byRsr1 = pCurrRD->m_rd0RD0.byRSR1;
+ FrameSizeWithCRC = pCurrRD->m_rd0RD0.f14RMBC;
+ /* if the RD is owned by the chip, we are done. */
+ if (pCurrRD->m_rd0RD0.f1Owner == B_OWNED_BY_CHIP)
+ break;
+ /* expected both STP and EDP are zero as single RD receive case */
+ /* else it's multiple RD receive case */
+ /* [STP, EDP] = [0,0] single RD received */
+ /* [STP, EDP] = [1,0] first RD in multiple RD received */
+ /* [STP, EDP] = [1,1] middle RD in multiple RD received */
+ /* [STP, EDP] = [0,1] last RD in multiple RD received */
+ if (BITbIsBitOn(byRsr1, (RSR1_STP | RSR1_EDP))) {
+ /* Drop this RD, move to next RD */
+ uRxFreeRD++;
+ ADD_ONE_WITH_WRAP_AROUND(pAdapter->uRxDequeDescIdx, pAdapter->cbRD);
+ /* [1.14], Calculate Rx Fifo Address */
+ pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr += FrameSizeWithCRC;
+ if (pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr >= dwRxFifoLength)
+ pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr -= dwRxFifoLength;
+ /* branch code to while(TRUE) */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* increase handled rx counter */
+ pAdapter->iRxPktHandled++;
+ /* get the frame size */
+ FrameSize = pCurrRD->m_rd0RD0.f14RMBC;
+ /* DBG: Get hardware and software-generated CRC32 */
+ pbyRxBufAddr = (PBYTE)pAdapter->amRxDescBuf.dwVAddr + uCurrDescIdx*CB_MAX_BUF_SIZE;
+ pbyHwCRC32 = pbyRxBufAddr + (FrameSize-4);
+ dwHwCRC32 = *((PDWORD)pbyHwCRC32);
+ dwSwCRC32 = 0;
+ if (pAdapter->bSoftwareCheckCrc) {
+ /* TBD */
+ /* calculate crc by software */
+ PCAvIntDisable();
+ dwSwCRC32 = CRCdwGetCrc32(pbyRxBufAddr, FrameSize - 4);
+ PCAvIntEnable();
+ } /* end if (pAdapter->bSoftwareCheckCrc) */
+ /*
+ * handle this RD
+ */
+ /* update receive statistic counter */
+ GSTAvUpdateRDStatCounterEx(
+ &pAdapter->scStatistic,
+ pCurrRD,
+ pbyRxBufAddr,
+ FrameSize,
+ dwHwCRC32,
+ dwSwCRC32
+ );
+ if (pAdapter->bWhenRxDataErrOutPort0x80 && GMACbIsInLoopbackMode(pAdapter->dwIoBase)) {
+ if (dwHwCRC32 != dwSwCRC32) {
+ /* Stop TX if CRC32 inconsistent */
+ pAdapter->bTxOn = FALSE;
+ pAdapter->bShowLbPacketComp = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ */
+ if (BITbIsBitOff(byRsr1, RSR1_RXOK)) {
+ if (BITbIsBitOn(byRsr0, RSR0_CRC) && pAdapter->bWhenRxCrcErrNoBuf) {
+ /* goto IPR_NoReleaseOwner; */
+ /* Stop RX */
+ GMACbSafeRxOff(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Drop this RD, move to next RD */
+ uRxFreeRD++;
+ ADD_ONE_WITH_WRAP_AROUND(pAdapter->uRxDequeDescIdx, pAdapter->cbRD);
+ /* [1.16], Calculate Rx Fifo Address */
+ pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr += FrameSizeWithCRC;
+ /*
+ if (pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr >= pAdapter->dwRxFifoSize)
+ pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr -= pAdapter->dwRxFifoSize;
+ */
+ if (pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr >= dwRxFifoLength)
+ pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr -= dwRxFifoLength;
+ /* branch code to while(TRUE) */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * RX OK
+ */
+ /* for pingpong: copy buffer to upper layer buffer */
+ /*because we don't need,we mark the function */
+ /*
+ pisrCallBack = (void (CALLBACK *)(PSAdapterInfo, PBYTE, UINT))pAdapter->pisrPptReceiver;
+ if (pisrCallBack != NULL) {
+ (*pisrCallBack)(
+ pAdapter,
+ pbyRxBufAddr,
+ FrameSize
+ );
+ }
+ */
+ /* Release this RD */
+ uRxFreeRD++;
+ ADD_ONE_WITH_WRAP_AROUND(pAdapter->uRxDequeDescIdx, pAdapter->cbRD);
+ /* [1.16], Calculate Rx Fifo Address */
+ pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr += FrameSizeWithCRC;
+ /*
+ if (pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr >= pAdapter->dwRxFifoSize) {
+ pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr -= pAdapter->dwRxFifoSize;
+ }
+ */
+ if (pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr >= dwRxFifoLength)
+ pAdapter->dwRxFifoAddr -= dwRxFifoLength;
+ } /* end while (TRUE) */
+ /* batch append RD here (4X RDs appended each time) */
+ /* count the difference between uRxDequeDescIdx and uRxAppendDescIdx */
+ /* why we should release RD wit 4 multiple */
+ if ((pAdapter->cbToBeFreeRD + uRxFreeRD) >= 4) {
+ /* calculate the number of RD to be free, it must be 4X */
+ ii = (pAdapter->cbToBeFreeRD + uRxFreeRD) - ((pAdapter->cbToBeFreeRD + uRxFreeRD) % 4);
+ /* decrease the RD index */
+ SUB_ONE_WITH_WRAP_AROUND(uRxFreeRDIdx, pAdapter->cbRD);
+ /* calculate the end RD index to be free in this time */
+ ADD_N_WITH_WRAP_AROUND(uRxFreeRDIdx, (ii - pAdapter->cbToBeFreeRD), pAdapter->cbRD);
+ for (uu = 0; uu < ii; uu++) {
+ pAdapter->apRD[uRxFreeRDIdx]->m_rd0RD0.f1Owner = B_OWNED_BY_CHIP;
+ SUB_ONE_WITH_WRAP_AROUND(uRxFreeRDIdx, pAdapter->cbRD);
+ }
+ /* update RXRDU in FlowCR0 */
+ VNSvOutPortB(pAdapter->dwIoBase + MAC_REG_RBRDU, (BYTE)ii);
+ /* calculate to-be-free RD for next time */
+ pAdapter->cbToBeFreeRD = (pAdapter->cbToBeFreeRD + uRxFreeRD) % 4;
+ } else {
+ /* calculate to-be-free RD for next time */
+ pAdapter->cbToBeFreeRD += uRxFreeRD;
+ }
+void static s_ISRvPacketTransmit(PSAdapterInfo pAdapter, BYTE byTxQue)
+ PSTxDesc ptdCurr;
+ int ii;
+ WORD wPktSize;
+ UINT uCurrTdIdx;
+ DWORD dwTxFifoLength;
+ PBYTE pbyBuffer;
+ if (pAdapter->byRevId >= REV_ID_VT3216_A0)
+ dwTxFifoLength = 16384; /* 16*1024 */
+ else
+ dwTxFifoLength = 10240; /* 10*1024 */
+ while (TRUE) {
+ uCurrTdIdx = pAdapter->uTxDequeDescIdx[byTxQue];
+ ptdCurr = pAdapter->aapTD[byTxQue][uCurrTdIdx];
+ /* If the ring is empty or the current descriptor */
+ /* is not owned by the system, we are done. */
+ if (ptdCurr->m_td0TD0.f1Owner == B_OWNED_BY_CHIP)
+ break;
+ if (pAdapter->auTxPktPosted[byTxQue] == 0)
+ break;
+ /* it's Interrupt for Tx */
+ bIsTxISR = TRUE;
+ /* if there is a number limit to tx */
+ /* pAdapter->lTxPacketNum==0 means, tx number is un-limited */
+ if (pAdapter->lTxPacketNum != 0) {
+ /* decrease lTxPacketNumShadow */
+ pAdapter->lTxPacketNumShadow--;
+ /* if exceed the tx number */
+ if (pAdapter->lTxPacketNumShadow == 0)
+ pAdapter->bTxOn = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* calculate the total buffer size */
+ wPktSize = 0;
+ for (ii = 0; ii < ptdCurr->m_td1TD1.f4CMDZ - 1; ii++)
+ wPktSize += ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[ii].f14TxBufSize;
+ /*
+ * handle this TD
+ */
+ /* update transmit statistic counter */
+ GSTAvUpdateTDStatCounterEx(
+ &pAdapter->ascStatistic[byTxQue],
+ &pAdapter->mibCounter,
+ ptdCurr,
+ (PBYTE)(pAdapter->aapTD[byTxQue][uCurrTdIdx]->m_asTxBufs[0].dwTxBufAddrLo),
+ /* wPktSize */
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[0].f14TxBufSize + ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[1].f14TxBufSize +
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[2].f14TxBufSize + ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[3].f14TxBufSize +
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[4].f14TxBufSize + ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[5].f14TxBufSize +
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[6].f14TxBufSize
+ );
+ if (byTxQue == 0) { /* default TD queue */
+ GSTAvUpdateTDStatCounterTq0(
+ &pAdapter->scStatistic, /* for diag tool counter display */
+ ptdCurr,
+ (PBYTE)(pAdapter->aapTD[byTxQue][uCurrTdIdx]->m_asTxBufs[0].dwTxBufAddrLo),
+ /* wPktSize */
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[0].f14TxBufSize + ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[1].f14TxBufSize +
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[2].f14TxBufSize + ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[3].f14TxBufSize +
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[4].f14TxBufSize + ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[5].f14TxBufSize +
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[6].f14TxBufSize
+ );
+ }
+ /*
+ * TX OK
+ */
+ if (BITbIsBitOff(ptdCurr->m_td0TD0.byTSR1, TSR1_TERR)) {
+ /* decrease posted tx packet counter */
+ pAdapter->auTxPktPosted[byTxQue]--;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ */
+ if (pAdapter->bWhenTxErrOutPort0x80) {
+ PCBvOutPortB(0x80, 0xAA);
+ /* PCBvOutPortB(0x80, 0x00); */
+ pAdapter->bTxOn = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* (1). tx abort */
+ /* tx abort don't do retry */
+ if (BITbIsBitOn(ptdCurr->m_td0TD0.byTSR0, TSR0_ABT)) {
+ /* chip may be shutdowned, so re-start it */
+ MACvTxOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ MACvTxQueueRUN(pAdapter->dwIoBase, byTxQue);
+ MACvTxQueueWake(pAdapter->dwIoBase, byTxQue);
+ }
+ /* decrease posted tx packet counter */
+ pAdapter->auTxPktPosted[byTxQue]--;
+ } /* end Tx error handling */
+ /* clear td status */
+ ptdCurr->m_td0TD0.byTSR0 = 0;
+ ptdCurr->m_td0TD0.byTSR1 = 0;
+ /* VT3119A1 must clear Quebit, MAC doesn't write back QueBit */
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[0].f1Que = 0;
+ /* move DequeTdIdx to next */
+ pAdapter->uTxDequeDescIdx[byTxQue] = (uCurrTdIdx + 1) % pAdapter->cbTD;
+ /* [1.14], Calculate Tx Fifo Address */
+ pAdapter->dwTxFifoAddr[byTxQue] += (
+ 8 + ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[0].f14TxBufSize + ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[1].f14TxBufSize +
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[2].f14TxBufSize + ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[3].f14TxBufSize +
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[4].f14TxBufSize + ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[5].f14TxBufSize +
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[6].f14TxBufSize
+ );
+ if (pAdapter->dwTxFifoAddr[byTxQue] >= dwTxFifoLength)
+ pAdapter->dwTxFifoAddr[byTxQue] -= dwTxFifoLength;
+ /* for specific purpose we add owner bit automatically */
+ if (pAdapter->bTxContPerfTest &&
+ pAdapter->bTxOn &&
+ !pAdapter->bTxSinglePacket) {
+ /* Set this TD */
+ UINT uTxPktSize;
+ if (pAdapter->bRandomPktLength) {
+ /* TBD */
+ UINT uRandomPktSize = MAX_PACKET_LEN ; /* RANDOM(MAX_PACKET_LEN) + 1; */
+ /* ??? */
+ /* In loopback test, hardware wouldn't generate 4-byte CRC,
+ * software make the minumum TX buffer size to be 64 bytes
+ * to avoid generating runt packet
+ */
+ /*
+ if (uRandomPktSize < (MIN_PACKET_LEN + 4)) {
+ // TBD.... + CRC 4 bytes
+ uRandomPktSize = MIN_PACKET_LEN + 4;
+ }
+ */
+ if (pAdapter->bSoftwareGenCrc) {
+ if (uRandomPktSize < (MIN_PACKET_LEN + 4))
+ uRandomPktSize = MIN_PACKET_LEN + 4;
+ } else {
+ if (uRandomPktSize < MIN_PACKET_LEN)
+ uRandomPktSize = MIN_PACKET_LEN;
+ }
+ /*
+ if (uRandomPktSize > MAX_PACKET_LEN) {
+ uRandomPktSize = MAX_PACKET_LEN;
+ }
+ */
+ uTxPktSize = uRandomPktSize;
+ } else if (pAdapter->bIncPktLength) {
+ uTxPktSize = pAdapter->uTxPktSize;
+ /* increase packet length */
+ pAdapter->uTxPktSize++;
+ if (pAdapter->bSoftwareGenCrc) {
+ if (pAdapter->uTxPktSize > (MAX_PACKET_LEN + 4))
+ pAdapter->uTxPktSize = MIN_PACKET_LEN + 4;
+ } else {
+ if (pAdapter->uTxPktSize > MAX_PACKET_LEN)
+ pAdapter->uTxPktSize = MIN_PACKET_LEN;
+ }
+ } else
+ uTxPktSize = pAdapter->cbPktSize;
+ /* [1.12] */
+ pbyBuffer = (PBYTE)(ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[0].dwTxBufAddrLo);
+ if (pAdapter->bRandomPktData) {
+ UINT kk;
+ UINT uPosition;
+ /* Get random position in Random Table */
+ /* TBD */
+ uPosition = 3072 - uTxPktSize;/* RANDOM((3072 - uTxPktSize)); */
+ for (kk = 0; kk < uTxPktSize; kk++)
+ *(pbyBuffer + kk) = *((PBYTE)sg_abyRandomTable + uPosition + kk);
+ }
+ if (pAdapter->bSoftwareGenCrc) {
+ PDWORD pdwCRC = (PDWORD)(pbyBuffer + uTxPktSize - 4);
+ PCAvIntDisable();
+ dwCRC = CRCdwGetCrc32(pbyBuffer, uTxPktSize - 4);
+ *pdwCRC = dwCRC;
+ PCAvIntEnable();
+ }
+ ptdCurr->m_td0TD0.f14TxPktSize = (WORD)uTxPktSize;
+ /* Calculate each segment's buffer size */
+ UINT uSegNum;
+ UINT i;
+ if (pAdapter->bRandDatSegsPerPacket) {
+ /* TBD */
+ } else
+ uSegNum = pAdapter->uTxDataSegsPerPacket;
+ if (uSegNum > 1) {
+ WORD wTempBufSize;
+ /* The BufLen of first Buf is 14 */
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[0].f14TxBufSize = 14;
+ /* The rest */
+ /* Equal the buffer length */
+ wTempBufSize = (WORD)((uTxPktSize - 14) / (uSegNum - 1));
+ for (i = 1; i < uSegNum; i++) {
+ if (i == (uSegNum - 1)) {
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[i].f14TxBufSize =
+ (WORD)((uTxPktSize - 14) -
+ (wTempBufSize*(uSegNum - 2)));
+ } else
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[i].f14TxBufSize = wTempBufSize;
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[i].dwTxBufAddrLo =
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[i-1].dwTxBufAddrLo +
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[i-1].f14TxBufSize;
+ } /* end for */
+ for ( ; i < CB_MAX_SEG_PER_PKT; i++) {
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[i].f14TxBufSize = 0;
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[i].dwTxBufAddrLo = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* uSegNum = 1 */
+ /* only one descriptor; it occupies the whole packet size */
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[0].f14TxBufSize = (WORD)uTxPktSize;
+ for (i = 1; i < CB_MAX_SEG_PER_PKT; i++) {
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[i].f14TxBufSize = 0;
+ ptdCurr->m_asTxBufs[i].dwTxBufAddrLo = 0;
+ }
+ } /* end if (uSegNum > 1) */
+ ptdCurr->m_td1TD1.f4CMDZ = (BYTE)(uSegNum + 1);
+ ptdCurr->m_td0TD0.f1Owner = B_OWNED_BY_CHIP;
+ pAdapter->auTxPktPosted[byTxQue]++;
+ /* Get last TD Idx */
+ UINT uLastTdIdx = (uCurrTdIdx - 1 + pAdapter->cbTD) % pAdapter->cbTD;
+ if (pAdapter->aapTD[byTxQue][uLastTdIdx]->m_td0TD0.f1Owner == B_OWNED_BY_CHIP) {
+ /* VT3119A0 */
+ /* vSetBit((PDWORD)(pAdapter->aapTD[byTxQue][wLastTdIdx])); */
+ /* VT3119A1 */
+ pAdapter->aapTD[byTxQue][uLastTdIdx]->m_asTxBufs[0].f1Que = B_TD_LIST_NOT_END;
+ }
+ } /* end if */
+ } /* end while (TRUE) */
+ if (pAdapter->bTxContPerfTest &&
+ pAdapter->bTxOn &&
+ !pAdapter->bTxSinglePacket)
+ MACvTxQueueWake(pAdapter->dwIoBase, byTxQue);
+ void
+ )
+ asm volatile ("MRS r0, CPSR\n");
+ asm volatile ("BIC r0, r0, #0x80\n");
+ asm volatile ("MSR CPSR_c, r0\n");
+ void
+ )
+ asm volatile ("MRS r0, CPSR\n");
+ asm volatile ("ORR r0, r0, #0x80\n");
+ asm volatile ("MSR CPSR_c, r0\n");